Hope and Academic Success in College
Hope and Academic Success in College
Hope and Academic Success in College
A cognitive, motivational theory is introduced to the educational research community. Hope theory
integrates the conceptualization of goals, along with the strategies to achieve those goals (pathways), and
the motivation to pursue those goals (agency). In a 6-year longitudinal study, individual differences in
hope, as measured by the Hope Scale (C. R. Snyder et al., 1991) scores of entering college freshmen,
predicted better overall grade point averages even after controlling for variance related to entrance
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
examination scores. High- relative to the low-hope students also were more likely to have graduated and
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
not to have been dismissed over this 6-year period. Hopeful thinking in college academics is discussed,
along with the contributions of hope theory for educational research and practice.
Contrary to popular belief, intelligence and ability are not the solving capabilities, perceptions of control, optimism, positive
only determinants of students’ classroom successes (Dweck, affectivity, and positive outcome expectancies (Snyder et al.,
1999). Even talented young people may fail to achieve at levels 1991). Accordingly, hope enables students to approach problems
that are consistent with their academic potentials, they may lower with a focus on success, thereby increasing the probability that
their academic expectations (Diener & Dweck, 1978, 1980), and they will attain their goals (Conti, 2000).
they may either not go to college or, if they do, drop out prior to Although the agency and pathways components of hope are
graduating (Hanson, 1994). These students come to be what Han- reciprocal, additive, and positively related, they are not synony-
son (1994) has called “lost talent,” and they are at a distinct mous (Snyder et al., 1991). Both are necessary for hopeful think-
disadvantage in today’s difficult job market. Therefore, it is im- ing. Agentic thinking reflects the cognitive momentum that trans-
portant to understand the factors that keep students on track and in lates into a “can do” attitude relating to people’s confidence in
pursuit of their educational goals. their abilities to attain valued goals. Whereas some researchers
Extensive research has been aimed at finding those factors that have found that the motivational component represented by agency
promote or inhibit academic achievement. These efforts have is more important to adjustment than is identifying specific path-
targeted motivational constructs such as self-efficacy (Bandura, ways to attain goals (Cramer & Dyrkacz, 1998), other researchers
1982), optimism (Scheier & Carver, 1985), and goal theory— argue that “in the absence of the strategies to be implemented,
along with related helpless or mastery orientations (Covington, goal-directed motivation is useless” (Irving, Snyder, & Crowson,
2000). Although these constructs have contributed significantly to 1998, p. 197). Success at challenging tasks, particularly in the
our understanding of academic performances, each elucidates only academic domain, often requires being able to generate multiple
a part of the motivation story. In this latter regard, our present pathways to goals. As will be discussed in reference to goal theory,
purpose is to introduce hope theory (Snyder et al., 1991) as a new the ability to generate multiple pathways can help students when
motivational model for use in educational research. they encounter impediments in their academic goal pursuits.
Hope is defined as “the process of thinking about one’s goals, Goal theory postulates a causal relationship between a person’s
along with the motivation to move toward those goals (agency), goal orientation and behavioral responses in academic settings
and the ways to achieve those goals (pathways)” (Snyder, 1995, p. (Elliott & Dweck, 1988). Accordingly, there are two different
355). As such, hope is not an emotion but rather a dynamic types of goals that students typically pursue: learning goals and
cognitive motivational system (Snyder et al., 1991). In this sense, performance goals. These goals, in turn, set up adaptive or mal-
emotions follow cognitions in the process of goal pursuits (Snyder, adaptive achievement patterns reflecting either a mastery or a
2000). Also, hope can be measured as a cross-situational construct helpless orientation (Dweck, 1999). Mastery-oriented qualities are
that correlates positively with self-esteem, perceived problem- proposed to result from learning goals. Learning goals reflect a
desire to learn new skills and to master new tasks. Students who
choose this type of goal are actively engaged in their own learning,
including assessing the demands of various assignments, planning
C. R. Snyder, Hal S. Shorey, Jennifer Cheavens, Kimberley Mann the strategies they will use to meet those demands, and monitoring
Pulvers, Virgil H. Adams III, and Cynthia Wiklund, Department of Psy- their progress at staying on track (Covington, 2000).
chology, University of Kansas.
In contrast to those with mastery orientations, those who exhibit
This article was presented, in part, at the American Psychological
Association Convention, Boston, August 1999.
a helpless response when confronted with challenges are interested
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to C. R. primarily in performance goals or low-effort goals that enable
Snyder, Department of Psychology, University of Kansas, 1415 Jayhawk them to look good and be assured of success (Dweck & Leggett,
Boulevard, 340 Fraser Hall, Lawrence, Kansas 66045-2462. E-mail: 1988). Those who choose performance goals are more likely to
[email protected] take easy rather than more difficult classes in which the potential
for success is greater (Mueller & Dweck, 1997, as cited in Dweck, eral anxiety and less anxiety relating specifically to test-taking
1999). These students typically do not increase their efforts fol- situations (Snyder, 1999). In contrast, low-hope people experience
lowing failures (Elliott & Dweck, 1988). When confronting ob- more anxiety and are more likely to be sidetracked by self-
stacles, they exhibit decreased problem solving and readily disen- deprecatory, goal-blocking thoughts when taking tests (Snyder,
gage from goals even if they were performing adequately 1999).
previously (Elliott & Dweck, 1988). This helpless response is Other positive psychology constructs such as self-efficacy and
fostered by perceptions that circumstances are beyond one’s con- optimism propose similar patterns of achievement motivation. The
trol, lowered expectations, negative affect, and deteriorating per- agency and pathways components of hope, however, differentiate
formance (Diener & Dweck, 1978, 1980). hope from these other constructs. Each model relates differentially
Although the pursuit of learning or performance goals may lead to the typical efficacy and outcome expectancies that are described
to mastery or helpless-oriented responses, respectively, goal theory in the motivational literature (Bandura, 1982). Although hope
leaves unanswered the question of why students choose one type involves reciprocal action between efficacy expectancies, reflect-
of goal (Covington, 2000). Because hope theory (Snyder, in press) ing personal beliefs that one can achieve goals (agency), and
also posits a motivational system in which the ways that people outcome expectancies, reflecting one or more strategies for achiev-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
appraise and pursue their goals result in helpless- or mastery- ing those goals (pathways), self-efficacy (Bandura, 1982; Sherer et
oriented responses, it may be able to answer this question. Hope al., 1982) emphasizes efficacy expectancies over outcome expec-
theory proposes that goals themselves do not produce behavior, but tancies. In addition, according to Bandura’s (1982) theory, sub-
rather, people’s views of themselves as being agents capable of jective judgments of self-efficacy are task and situation specific,
initiating (agency) and implementing (pathways) actions to pursue whereas hope characterizes a more general cognitive set that
valued personal goals (i.e., going to college) produce the helpless- applies across situations (Snyder et al., 1991). In comparison with
or mastery-oriented responses. self-efficacy (using the scale by Sherer et al., 1982), the Hope
We propose that students’ levels of hope lead them to choose Scale items are factorally distinct, and they produce unique vari-
learning or performance goals. High-hope, and specifically high- ance in predicting well-being (Magaletta & Oliver, 1999).
pathways, thinkers are able to conceive many strategies to reach Although hope and optimism, as contrasted with self-efficacy,
goals and plan contingencies in the event that they are faced with are more stable dispositional constructs, they also differ in impor-
impediments along the way. As such, goal blockages, which could tant ways. Scheier and Carver (1985) defined optimism as a
be perceived as failures, are viewed as challenges to be overcome general outcome expectancy that good things will happen and
and are bypassed by the implementation of alternative pathways developed the Life Orientation Test to reflect this definition
(Snyder, in press). Perceiving the likelihood of positive outcomes, (LOT). Although Scheier and Carver propose that outcome ex-
these students focus on success and, therefore, experience less pectancies, corresponding to hope pathways, are the best predic-
distress and greater positive affect (Snyder et al., 1991). Support- tors of behavior, other researchers have proposed that optimism is
ing our contention that hope pathways may lead to learning goals, related specifically to hope agency and that hope pathways was
goal theorists propose that learning goals favor deep-level, strate- Snyder’s unique contribution above and beyond what is offered by
gic processing, which leads to increased academic achievement optimism (Peterson, 2000). An optimist may believe that things
(Covington, 2000). The model elucidated by Covington (2000), will turn out as he or she wants but does not possess the pathways
however, suggests that goals lead to cognitions, which then lead to necessary to pursue and acquire the goals (Snyder, 1995).
achievement. In hope theory, on the other hand, cognitions come Hope has predicted problem-focused coping and mental health
first and lead to the goals that people choose, which then lead to outcomes after controlling for optimism, whereas optimism failed
achievement. to predict these same outcomes when controlling for hope (Kash-
Goal theorists further propose that performance goals trigger dan et al., 2002; Snyder et al., 1991). Likewise, hope has predicted
superficial, rote-level processing that suppresses achievement subjective well-being even after controlling for the variance due to
(Covington, 2000). Rote-level processing, however, may just be an self-efficacy and optimism (Magaletta & Oliver, 1999). In addi-
indication that people with performance goals are not able to tion, the positive relationship between agency and self-efficacy
develop workable strategies for learning and hence are low-hope suggested that both constructs share a common emphasis on per-
and low-pathways thinkers. Low-hope people may give up when sistence (Magaletta & Oliver, 1999), although agency still made an
encountering barriers to goals simply because they cannot think of independent contribution to predicting well-being beyond that
other pathways to surmount the obstacles. This often results in made by general self-efficacy. Magaletta and Oliver (1999) also
frustration, a loss of confidence, and lowered self-esteem (see used factor analysis to show that pathways and the LOT were
Snyder, 1994). This position was partially supported by goal independent constructs.
researchers who used the Hope Scale (Snyder et al., 1991) to Although optimism has been related to choosing achievement
validate a measure of learning- and performance-goal orientations goals, it either predicted very little (Pajares, 2001) or no variance
(Roedel, Schraw, & Plake, 1994). The learning-goal orientation in observed (Stewart, Lam, Betson, Wong, & Wong, 1999) or
was correlated positively with agency and pathways, indicating expected (Stoecker, 1999) college grades. In contrast, Hope Scale
that hope is related to what Roedel et al. (1994, p. 1017) termed a scores have related to higher scores on achievement tests for grade
“concern for improvement and personal mastery.” school children (McDermott & Snyder, 2000; Snyder et al., 1997),
The ability to generate multiple pathways to goals and to solve higher overall grade point averages (GPAs) for junior high (Lopez,
problems relating to academic performance may give students a Bouwkamp, Edwards, & Teramoto Pediotti, 2000) and high school
sense that they have control over their environments. This idea is (Snyder et al., 1991) students, and higher semester and overall
supported by findings that high-hope people experience less gen- GPAs for college students (Chang, 1998; Curry, Maniar, Sondag,
& Sandstedt, 1999; Curry, Snyder, Cook, Ruby, & Rehm, 1997). Coping (Folkman & Lazarus, 1985) as the criterion variable. The
In one study, Hope Scale scores significantly predicted college Hope Scale scores significantly augmented the predictions from
students’ final grades in their introductory psychology courses, and both anxiety indices (Holleran & Snyder, 1990). Finally, in pre-
they did so even when removing the variance related to the first of dicting the probability of attaining 6-month goals, Hope Scale
three exams in those courses (Snyder et al., 1991). In these scores have reliably augmented the predictions related to positive
previous studies, it also should be noted that hope’s predictive and negative affect, positive and negative life stress, optimism, and
power remained significant when controlling for intelligence (chil- locus of control (Snyder et al., 1991).
dren’s studies) and prior grades and self-esteem (high school and
college studies). Lastly, Hope Scale scores have correlated posi- Present Study
tively with perceived scholastic competence (Onwuegbuzie &
Daley, 1999) and greater academic satisfaction (Chang, 1998). To expand the literature generated by previous cross-sectional
studies relating hope to academic achievement, and to assess
hope’s ability to predict long-term academic outcomes, the present
Measuring Hope study focused on students’ performances over their college careers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
beginning of the fall semester. Only beginning college freshmen (SD ⫽ 0.71), and 2.80 (SD ⫽ 0.65), respectively, with the low and
were recruited. Hope Scale scores were separated by gender and high groups being different at .05.
arrayed from lowest to highest scores. Participants for the high- Hope Scale scores and cumulative GPA were significantly,
hope group were selected starting at the top of the distribution and positively correlated, r(211) ⫽ .21, p ⬍ .01. A partial correlation
moving downward until sufficient numbers were obtained. Simi- between Hope Scale scores and GPA remained significant after
larly, participants for the low-hope group were selected going from removing shared ACT variance, r(191) ⫽ .13, p ⫽ .04.
the bottom of the scores upward. For the medium-hope students,
those close to the overall mean (⫹/⫺ 1 to 2 points) were recruited. Graduation Status Analyses
We chose to create groups of hope as opposed to using hope as a
continuous variable for the purpose of clarity in presenting our The relationship between Hope Scale scores and graduation
results. Further, because this is a preliminary longitudinal test of status was examined using a two-way contingency table. Disposi-
hope’s predictive power, we viewed this as a more stringent test tional hope had two levels (low or high), and academic status had
than the continuous variable approach. four levels. The actual numbers in the 2 (hope level: low;
The 213 selected students were contacted by telephone and high) ⫻ 4 (academic status: dismissed because of poor grades;
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
tivation. Because hope offers unique predictive ability beyond as diagnostic feedback to search for other feasible approaches
optimism and self-efficacy in regard to several criterion relevant to (Snyder, 1996).
the academic domain, it may offer a more complete explanation of Another asset of high-hope students involves their high levels of
the underlying motivational processes. In addition, the hope con- motivation. Because of their previous successful educational goal
struct directly explains the patterns of behavior predicted by goal attainments, high-hope students are likely to be filled with a sense
theory, along with its learning and performance goals, and its of agency and the anticipation of future school successes. Further-
mastery-versus-helpless orientations. As such, hope fills a void in more, when extra effort is needed to accomplish a particular goal
the goal theory literature as to why people choose one type of goal in one of their classes, the high-hope students have reservoirs of
over another (Covington, 2000). determination. Likewise, when they encounter educational imped-
High-hope students can conceptualize their goals clearly, iments, they are facile at channeling their energies to their new
whereas low-hope students are more ambiguous and uncertain paths. All of these energy production and sustenance characteris-
about their goals (Snyder, 1994, in press). High-hope students, tics of high-hope students are reinforced by internal, agentic self-
therefore, are likely to establish goals based on their own previous talk statements such as “I will get this done!” and “Keep going!”
(Snyder, Lapointe, Crowson, & Early, 1998).
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
establish slightly more difficult study and performance standards Given that the dispositional hope relationship with GPAs was
(Snyder, Feldman, Taylor, Schroeder, & Adams, 2000). Because established by students’ very first semester, the collegiate aca-
they are attuned to their own goals and are in control of how they demic advantages of higher hope and disadvantages of lower hope
will pursue them, these students are intrinsically motivated and are immediate; moreover, they are maintained at the end of the
perform well academically (Conti, 2000). According to Snyder (in second semester and consistently thereafter. Also, the low-hope
press), this increased performance results because goals built on students graduated at an overall 40.27% rate as compared with
internal, self-standards are more energizing than those based on the 53.80% for their entire class cohort of 3,287 students. The
external standards. High-hope students also are likely to establish high-hope students, in comparison, graduated at 56.50%. Together,
concrete markers on which they can track their progress. More- these findings indicate that the low- relative to the high-hope
over, they are better than their low-hope college counterparts at students immediately do more poorly and are far less likely to
graduate. Accordingly, low-hope students are prime targets for
breaking assignments into small steps that are sequenced toward a
hope-inducing programs at the start of college.
larger or long-term goal. The low-hope student, on the other hand,
This latter suggestion leads to the next question: Can we teach
is oblivious to internal goals and is very attuned to what other
hopeful thinking to students? Whereas other interventions aimed at
people are doing academically; hence, the low-hope student adopts
teaching metacognitive skills or self-regulated learning focus spe-
performance goals. In addition, the low-hope student establishes
cifically on the academic domain, teaching hopeful thinking has
“all at once goals” that are too big, overwhelming, and anxiety
the potential to improve the students’ goal pursuits in all areas of
their lives, thereby leading to more positive emotions, greater
High-hope students also benefit by staying very focused on their
psychological adjustment, and more social support. Interventions
goals. Their thinking is “on task,” and they attend to the appro-
for successfully raising hope in clinical settings (Klausner et al.,
priate cues in specific learning and testing environments (Snyder,
1998; Snyder, Ilardi, et al., 2000; Snyder, Michael, & Cheavens,
1994, in press). The high- as compared with low-hope students, 1999; Worthington et al., 1997) already have been developed.
therefore, are far less likely to become distracted by self- Likewise, these approaches have been applied in junior high class-
deprecatory thinking and counterproductive negative emotions. In rooms (Lopez, Floyd, Ulven, & Snyder, 2000) as well as on
this regard, we have found that low-hope students have difficulty college campuses (Curry et al., 1999). Future research is warranted
with the input of information (i.e., studying) because of their on raising the hope levels of academically at-risk low-hope stu-
distracting, task-irrelevant thoughts and detrimental negative feel- dents who are entering college.
ings (Onwuegbuzie, 1998; Snyder, 1999). Compounding their One final area for the future application of hope theory involves
problems, even if low-hope students have learned the information, the “other side” of the academic dyad—the instructor. We (Mc-
they have difficulty focusing on the test questions and therefore are Dermott & Snyder, 2000; Snyder, 1999) have hypothesized that an
unable to demonstrate their knowledge. Instead, early in the ex- important part of a teacher’s role is to encourage students in the
amination process, low-hope students begin to think of how poorly pursuit of classroom goals. This can be accomplished through
they are going to do (Michael, 2000). Conversely, the high-hope modeling and direct reinforcement of students’ efforts. Related to
student sees tests, in general, and specific examinations, in partic- this hypothesis, Culver (1992) found that teachers’ Hope Scale
ular, as challenges to be conquered (Anderson, 1988). scores correlated reliably (r ⫽ .49) with their scores on a measure
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sity Press. Revision received January 4, 2002
Snyder, C. R., Sympson, S. C., Michael, S. T., & Cheavens, J. (2000). The Accepted January 17, 2002 䡲