2320 F (Y)
2320 F (Y)
2320 F (Y)
Finance Department
Audit Branch, Group T,
(File No. 293799)
No 2320- FY) Dated, 7 June, 2022
1. In supersession of all the orders published earlier in this regard, the Governor is pleased to
prescribe the following norms for acceptance of tender:
1. Tender Inviting Authority (TIA)- Up to 5% excess of the amount put to tender subject to the
overall power of tender acceptance delegated by the Administrative Department.
11. Head of the Administrative Department- Full power, provided it is not more than 10% above
the Amount 'put to tender'. Before accepting the tender, the Head of the Department, Financial
Advisor & Departmental Tender Committee should verify all norms and procedure as per
extant rules. However, tendered value, beyond 5% of amount put to tender, is to be
accepted only under exceptional circumstances where the Department is of the opinion
that there is little or no scope of getting lower bids in further calls or when there is no
time for further call even with shorter notice period.
Situation II: Where the number of qualified bidders is less than three
a. In case of 1"call
The tender is to be invited afresh. However, before inviting 2 or subsequent calls the
eligibility criteria and other terms & conditions as contained in the first 'Notice Inviting
Tender' are required to be reviewed by the 'Tender Inviting Authority' to ascertain whether:
• It was too much restrictive, say, specifications and qualifications were fixed at higher
standard than required,
• Advertisement in the widely circulated newspapers were properly published and
• Other related procedural matters were observed in its entirety.
b. In case of 2' and subsequent calls where the number of technically qualified bid is still less than
In addition to what has been stated in Situation I and II above, the following procedure should be
adopted when there is a tie among the Ll Bidders:
Keeping the discovered L 1 rate as ceiling, sealed bids may be invited from all the L 1 bidders and
out of those the lowest one may be selected.
i. If none of the L 1 bidder is ready to offer further reduction of rates, the bidder with higher
credential based on parameters, as mentioned in A(ii) above may be selected among L 1
2. However, prior to such acceptance of tenders, the Accepting Authority shall examine:
a. Whether sufficient publicity was given to the Tender in adequate number of newspapers having
appropriate territorial coverage and readership, Departmental Website (if any) and e-Tender
b. Whether EMD was received online through thee-Tender Portal;
c. Whether the minimum mandatory period for submission of bids as per Financial Rules was
available to bidders from the date of publication in newspapers, Departmental Website (if any)
and e-Tender Portal;
d. Whether the Tender Inviting Authority (TIA) has provided sufficient justifications for
acceptance of the selected bid and certified that the quoted rate is reasonable;
e. Whether the Technical Criteria were reviewed and if necessary, revised by the TIA before 2"
or subsequent calls of the Tender;
f. Whether the Eligibility Criteria like Minimum Average Annual Turnover, Net Worth,
Credentials, etc. restricted fair competition among the prospective bidders;
g. Whether in case of Non-Schedule Item (s) market rates have been suitably assessed by the TIA
to ascertain reasonability of quoted rate (s);
h. Whether the Departmental Tender Committee has examined the Tender and found the quoted
rate reasonable and recommended for acceptance where necessary;
1. Whether the Financial Advisor has recommended acceptance of bid or advised for re-tender;
J. Any other aspects and factors as required and deemed fit.
3. General Instructions:
a. The tender process is to be initiated well in advance keeping in mind that there may be a
situation for extension of last date and/ or re-tender.
b. The last date of submission may be extended (for both e-tender or off line tender process) if the
notice of extension is issued before the technical bids are opened and within the scheduled date
& time of opening the same. Such extension is to be made at least for 5 days which would be
counted from the date of publication of the corrigendum notice for such extension in at least
one widely circulated newspaper.
d. Sometimes it is seen that tenders are being rejected in pre-qualification stage due to minor
clerical / rectifiable deficiencies in the uploaded documents of the bidders. In such cases -
i.The Tender Inviting Authority may give an opportunity to the bidders whose technical bids are
found defective due to minor clerical mistakes / rectifiable deficiencies to explain their
position within seven working days through e-mail.
ii.And after receiving the clarification on deficiency, the TIA may take appropriate decision on
the admission of the bid considering the merit of the case.
4. For acceptance of tender beyond the limits as stated herein above the proposal shall have to be
referred to the Finance Department with rate analysis by TIA, comments of DTC and with specific
recommendation of FA & Head of the Administrative Department in the Annexure-I as enclosed.
5. If any revised administrative approval is necessary due to acceptance of tender beyond the
estimated amount, the Administrative Department will accord necessary approval with the
concurrence of Financial Advisor subject to availability of budget provision.
6. This order is also applicable to all Local Bodies, Development Authorities, Statutory
Organization, Corporations and Parastatals etc. under the administrative control of any department
of Government of West Bengal.
7. This order comes into operation with immediate effect.
(Manoj Pal
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Annexure-I: Checklist for Accepting tenders with less than 3 bids on 22 or subsequent calls
FD Memo No. 2320-F(Y) dated 7" June, 2022.
Estimated amount
Amount put to tender
In qe First Call
Eligibility Criteria (Technical)
(For procurement ofservices under
QCBSICQCCBS methods the details ofmarks,
weightage, etc. are to be mentioned)
Eligibility Criteria (Financial)
(For procurement ofservices under
QCBSICQCCBS methods the details ofmarks,
weightage, etc. are to be mentioned)
Details of Publications of NIT
Date of NIT:
Minimum Period for submission oftender as per 7/14/21
Minimum Period for submission actually allowed:
No. ofNewspapers where publication is to be made
as per Rules: I or 2 or 3
No. of Bidders:
1. Total no. ofBidders who responded:
2. No. oftechnically qualified Bidders:
(For procurement ofservices under
QCBS/CQCCBS methods the details of marks,
weightage, etc. are to be mentioned)
Details of Financial Bids of only the technically
qualified bidders
In case of lowest financial bid based tender,
whether and by what% the Li Bid is:
1. Below/At par with/Beyond the amount put to
2. Below/At par with/Beyond prevalent market rates
(for procurement of goods and services):
Specific comments of TIA:
I. Reasons justifying and recommending acceptance of Li bid:
2. Whether the quoted rate is reasonable:
Specific recommendation of the Departmental Tender Committee:
I. Views on the submission ofTIA:
2. Whether the quoted rate is reasonable:
Specific recommendation of the FA regarding acceptance/re-tender:
1. Principal Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal, Treasury Buildings, 2, Government Place
West, Kolkata – 700001.
2. Principal Accountant General (Audit), West Bengal, Treasury Buildings, 2, Government
Place West, Kolkata – 700001.
3. Accountant General (Receipt Works & Local Bodies Audit), West Bengal, CGO Complex, 3rd
MSO Building, 5th Floor, Block DF, Sector I, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700064.
4. Additional Chief Secretary / Principal Secretary / Secretary, ________________
_____________________________________________________ Department.
5. Special Secretary/Additional Secretary/Commissioner/Joint Secretary/Deputy Secretary,
Finance Department.
6. Financial Advisor, ________________________________ Department.
7. Director, _________________________________________________________________
8. Director of Treasuries & Accounts, West Bengal, Mitra Building, 8, Lyons Range, 3rd Floor,
Kolkata – 700001.
9. Pay & Accounts Officer, Kolkata Pay & Accounts Office-I, 81/2/2, Phears Lane, Kolkata –
10. Pay & Accounts Officer, Kolkata Pay & Accounts Office-II, P-1, Hyde Lane, Kolkata – 700073.
11. Pay & Accounts Officer, Kolkata Pay & Accounts Office-III, Suvanna, SGO Complex, Sector
I, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700064.
12. Commissioner, _______________________________ Division, _____________________
13. District Magistrate / District Judge / Superintendent of Police, ______________________
14. Sub-Divisional Officer, ______________________________________________________
15. Treasury Officer, ___________________________________________________________
16. Block Development Officer, __________________________________________________
17. Group ____ / __________________ Branch, Finance Department.
18. Sri Sumit Mitra, Network Administrator, Finance (Budget) Department. He is requested to
upload copy of this order in the website of Finance Department.