1st Chapter Met

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1. What is the most likely temperature at the tropical tropopause?

A) -55° C.
B) -25° C.
C) -75° C.
D) -35° C.

2. How does the level of the tropopause vary with latitude in the Northern Hemisphere?
A) Decreases South - North.
B) Decreases North - South.
C) It varies with longitude not latitude.
D) Constant.

3. Where is the ozone layer?

A) Troposphere.
B) Stratosphere.
C) Ionosphere.
D) Tropopause.

4. The troposphere is deepest:

A) near the equator.
B) the same all over the earth.
C) near the poles.
D) over the poles in summer.

5. The pressure at sea level in the ISA is:

A) 1012.35 hPa.
B) 1025.13 hPa.
C) 29,95 in Hg.
D) 1013.25 hPa.

6. The pressure at sea level in the ISA is:

A) 1012.35 hPa.
B) 1025.13 hPa.
C) 29,95 in Hg.
D) 1013.25 hPa.

7. The thickness of the troposphere varies with:

A) latitude.
B) longitude.
C) rotation of the earth.
D) the wind.

8. What, approximately, is the average height of the tropopause over the equator?
A) 8 km.
B) 11 km.
C) 16 km.
D) 40 km.

9. The tropopause is lower:

A) over the equator than over the South Pole.
B) in summer than winter in moderate latitudes.
C) over the North Pole than over the equator.
D) south of the equator than north of it.

10. What is the average temperature of the tropical tropopause?

A) -40° C.
B) -56,5° C.
C) -75° C.
D) -65° C.

11. The average heights of the tropopause and Stratopause are:

A) 36,090m; 20km.
B) 11km; 20km.
C) 5km; 50km.
D) 11km; 50km.

12. Define the tropopause:

A) That area where the temperature change does not exceed two-thirds of one degree Celsius per
thousand foot increase in altitude over a range of 6000 feet.
B) That area where the temperature change does not exceed two-thirds of one degree Celsius per
thousand foot increase in altitude independent of latitude.
C) A relatively thick layer or boundary zone below the troposphere.
D) A relatively thin layer, or boundary zone, which separates the lower atmosphere from the tropopause.

13. What can be said about the temperature in the lower stratosphere?
A) The temperature is first increasing and then decreasing.
B) The temperature is decreasing.
C) The temperature is increasing.
D) The temperature is constant.

14. Average seasonal tropopause heights would be:

A) Latitude 25; winter :FL500; summer :FL250
B) Latitude 55; winter :FL250; summer :FL350
C) Latitude 55; winter :FL500; summer :FL250
D) Latitude 25; winter :FL250; summer :FL400

15. The international standard atmosphere (ISA)is defined for mean sea level as:
A) 1013.25 hPa, 15° C, a temperature lapse rate of 1.98° C per 1000 ft. and a humidity of 5%.
B) 1015.25 hPa, 15° C, and a density of 1.225 kg/m3.
C) 1015.25 hPa, 15° C, with a lapse rate of 1.98° C per 1000 ft.
D) 1013.25 hPa, 15° C, a temperature lapse rate of 1.98° C per 1000 ft. and a density of 1.225 kg/m3.

16. The tropopause at 50N is:

A) lower in the winter, higher in the summer.
B) higher in the summer than at the Equator.
C) higher in the winter, lower in the summer.
D) higher in the winter than at the Equator.
17. The height of the tropopause varies with the seasons and in the N Hemisphere is:
A) higher in spring and autumn.
B) lower in summer.
C) higher in winter.
D) higher in summer.

18. What is the average height of the Tropopause at the equator?

A) 11000m.
B) 3000m.
C) 5000m.
D) 16000m.

19. Which layer of the atmosphere contains more than 90 per cent of all water vapour?
A) Ionosphere.
B) Troposphere.
C) Upper stratosphere.
D) Lower stratosphere.

20. Atmospheric water can exist at temperatures between:

A) +100° C to 0° C
B) +100° C to -40° C
C) +100° C to -5° C
D) +3° C to -5° C

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