Enrolment Regulations HU 22 23-1
Enrolment Regulations HU 22 23-1
Enrolment Regulations HU 22 23-1
Legal Affairs
01 September 2022
HU Enrolment
© HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht,
Utrecht, 2022
Reference to the source is obligatory.
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or internal use is permitted.
HU product number: OOS/JZ/22.003
HU Enrolment Regulations 2022-2023
Article 1 Definitions ........................................................................................................... 6
Article 2 Statutory basis .................................................................................................... 9
Article 3 Scope and mandate ............................................................................................ 9
Article 4 Publication and Communication .......................................................................... 9
Article 5 Enrolment for the first year of an Associate’s degree programme or for the
propaedeutic phase of a bachelor's degree programme............................................ 10
Article 6 Participation in further programme selection activities ........................................ 12
Article 7 General requirements ......................................................................................... 13
Article 7a Part-time Flexibilisation Pilot ............................................................................. 15
Article 7aa Enrolment as from 1 February ......................................................................... 15
Article 7b Conditional enrolment ....................................................................................... 16
Article 9 Enrolment in Post-initial Master’s Degree Programme ................................ 18
Article 10 Educational Admission Requirements Bachelor's Degree Programmes and
Ad Programmes......................................................................................................... 19
Article 11 Admission Test.................................................................................................. 21
Article 12 Further Educational Admission Requirements .................................................. 22
Article 13 Additional Requirements ................................................................................... 23
Article 14 Enrolment in a Main Subject or Specialisation .................................................. 23
Article 15 Educational Admission Requirements for Enrolment in the Main Phase ........... 23
Article 16 Education Admission Requirements for Master’s Degree Programmes ............ 25
Article 17 Admission Requirements for Master’s Degree Programmes............................. 25
Article 18 Scope Chapter 9 ............................................................................................... 26
Article 19 Labour-Market Related Quota and Teaching Capacity of University of Applied
Sciences. ................................................................................................................... 26
Article 20 Decentralised Selection..................................................................................... 26
Article 21 Other Proof of Admission .................................................................................. 27
Article 22 Tuition Fee Amounts ......................................................................................... 28
Article 23 Payment of Tuition Fee ..................................................................................... 28
Section 24 Exemption and Deduction of Tuition Fees....................................................... 28
Article 25 Repayment of Tuition Fees.......................................................................... 30
Article 26 Examination Fees ........................................................................................ 30
Article 27 Refusal of Enrolment ......................................................................................... 32
Article 28 Cancellation of enrolment.................................................................................. 32
Article 29 Termination on Request .............................................................................. 32
Article 30 Termination after Binding Study Recommendation ........................................... 33
Article 31 Withdrawal and Termination of Enrolment by the University of Applied Sciences
.................................................................................................................................. 33
Article 32 Termination by Operation of Law ................................................................. 34
Article 33 Payment Obligation upon Termination of Enrolment ................................... 34
Article 34 Penalty Clauses ........................................................................................... 35
Article 35 Hardship clause and Unforeseen Circumstances ........................................ 35
APPENDIX 2 Valid reasons for not participating in programme selection activities 33
Twenty-fourth amended version adopted by the Executive Board 1 March 2022 with the consent
of the University Council on 6v April 2022.
(The rules contained in these regulations therefore apply to enrolment for academic year 22-23)
Previous version:
Twenty-third amended version: BV/JZ/21.003
adopted by the Executive Board on 9 March, 25 May and 22 June with the consent of the
University Council on 31 March and 23 June 2021.
The HU Enrolment Regulations are adopted by the Executive Board and apply to the funded study
programmes of the HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht. In principle, these regulations do not
apply to unfunded study programmes, unless this has been explicitly stated (see, for instance, Article 9).
These regulations are based on the regulations contained in the ‘WHW’ (Wet op het hoger onderwijs en
wetenschappelijk onderzoek), as well as on the policies from the university of applied sciences that are
based on these regulations.
The HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht is connected to Studielink. Students should therefore
apply and enrol for a CROHO registered programme via Studielink. Studielink ensures that the student's
enrolment details are passed on to the institution and to DUO. However, the institution remains
ultimately responsible for the enrolment of the student.
Chapter 7 of the WHW contains the legal requirements for enrolment in a study programme at a
university of applied sciences. It also indicates that a university of applied sciences must adopt further
procedural rules regarding the enrolment of students and extranei. These further rules are laid down in
the HU Enrolment Regulations and form part of the HU Student Charter.
The institute director is authorised to take formal decisions on enrolment and related matters, all within
the frameworks of these regulations. This does not apply to decisions for which it is explicitly stated that
these shall be made by the Executive Board. In a number of cases, the authority mandated to the
institute director is actually exercised by the Enrolment Office, under the responsibility of the institute
The HU Enrolment Regulations state which subjects must or may be regulated further at institute level.
This concerns, for example, the determination of substantive criteria (such as admission requirements).
In all cases, the institute director remains responsible for the assessment thereof.
Where the HU Enrolment Regulations correspond to the text of the WHW, the relevant article number of
the WHW is added in brackets. With a view to readability of the HU Enrolment Regulations, only the
most relevant provisions of the WHW have been included.
The various tuition fees can be found via the tuition fee survey:
Article 1 Definitions
For the purposes of these regulations, the following definitions shall apply:
2. Abroad:
For the purposes of these regulations, ‘abroad’ means outside the borders of the European
part of the Dutch kingdom.
4. Executive Board:
The governing body of the university of applied sciences, which is also the board of the
Hogeschool Utrecht Foundation pursuant to Section 10.8 of the WHW, with duties and powers as
laid down in the Articles of the Hogeschool Utrecht Foundation.
6. Work-study(study) programme:
A study programme that is designed in such a way that education taken during one or more periods
alternates with professional practice in connection to that education. The study programme then consists of
an educational component and a professional practice component. Professional practice forms part of the
curriculum of the study programme and can therefore result in credits (7.7.2).
9. Examination board
A committee set up in accordance with Article 7.12 of the WHW for the purpose of conducting,
organising and coordinating and guaranteeing the quality of (interim) examinations of one or more
study programmes
11. Extraneus:
A person who, in accordance with Section 7.32 et seq. of the Act, is registered as an extraneus at
the university of applied sciences. An extraneus does not have the right to attend classes, but can
take tests and examinations and use certain study facilities.
17. Institute
An organisational unit entrusted with the provision of core tasks, in particular with providing for:
- one or more CROHO-registered bachelor’s degree programmes (full-time/part-time/work-
study) and/or pre-bachelor’s degree programmes and/or;
- one or more master’s degree programmes and/or;
- post initial courses; and/or
- commercial activities such as offering courses.
23. Student:
The person who, in accordance with Section 7.32 et seq. WHW or other statutory regulations, is
enrolled as an HU student (full-time, part-time or work-study).
26. Studielink:
he national digital system of all Dutch universities (of applied sciences). Anyone wishing to enrol as a
student must submit an online request for (re-)enrolment via Studielink. The student must also
use Studielink for the issue of the digital authorisation and to dis-enrol during the academic year
or to pass on a change of address.
28. WEB:
The ‘Wet Educatie en Beroepsonderwijs’ (Adult Education and Vocational Education Act), as
published in Bulletin of Acts and Decrees 1995, number 501, including subsequent amendments
and additions.
30. WHW:
The Higher Education and Scientific Research Act (WHW), as published in the Bulletin of Acts
and Decrees 1992 no. 593, including the subsequent supplements and amendments.
1. These HU Enrolment Regulations set out the statutory requirements for enrolment in an HU study
programme. (see also title 7.2 and 7.3 of the Higher Education and Scientific Research Act)
2. Wherever these HU Enrolment Regulations refer to students, this may be taken to mean full-time
students, part-time students or work-study students, unless the relevant article or chapter
expressly states otherwise.
3. The authority to take decisions on enrolment and withdrawal/termination of enrolment has been
delegated to the institute director by the Executive Board. This is only different if the specific
article in these HU Enrolment Regulations explicitly states that the Executive Board takes the
1. The HU Enrolment Regulations are published in good time, thus before the start of the academic
2. Decisions relating to the programme selection check, decentralised selection, enrolment and dis-
enrolment and other communications prior to enrolment as a student are sent digitally from the
Enrolment Office to the e-mail address provided by the (prospective) student in Studielink. From
the moment the student is enrolled, HU communicates to the student's e-mail account. The
(prospective) student is responsible for ensuring that these e-mail addresses can be reached and
are checked regularly. The (prospective) student is also expected to check the spam box
(unwanted mail) on a regular basis, because it cannot be excluded that e-mails from the HU end
up in the spam box.
Article 5 Enrolment for the first year of an Associate’s degree 1 programme or for the
propaedeutic phase of a bachelor's degree programme
1. This article applies exclusively to the first2 enrolment for the first year of an Ad programme or the
propaedeutic phase of a bachelor's degree programme. You can only be enrolled as a student for
these programmes if you have met the requirements set out in this article.
2. This Article does not apply to programmes that have a decentralised selection procedure, with the
exception of paragraph 12, which does apply. (see also Article 20 of these regulations)
3. The ‘Programme Selection Check’ of the university of applied sciences consists of a digital intake,
a programme selection activity (matching) in the form of a matching day or programme selection
consultation (physical or online) and a programme selection recommendation.
The Programme Selection Check can be offered in a (digital) form which is such that physical
presence is not necessary.
4. If you want to enrol for the full-time variant of a bachelor’s degree or Ad programme and you are
living in the Netherlands at the moment of your enrolment, you must enrol with the university of
applied sciences via Studielink no later than on 1 May prior to the relevant academic year.
You have the right to be admitted if you have completed the digital intake no later than 1 June
and you have subsequently participated in the programme selection activity (matching).
If you have not returned the digital intake on time, you will no longer be entitled to participate in a
programme selection activity (matching) or to receive a programme selection recommendation.
This also means that your right to admission will lapse and you will no longer be able to enrol for
the relevant programme. (7.31b)
5. If you want to enrol for the full-time variant of a bachelor’s degree or Ad programme and you live
abroad at the moment of enrolment, you must enrol with the university of applied sciences via
Studielink before 1 September.
You have the right to be admitted if you have completed and returned the digital intake within 1
month after it was sent to you, but no later than on 15 September. You may participate in a
programme selection activity (matching), but this is not compulsory.
6. If you want to enrol for the work-study variant of a bachelor’s degree or Ad programme and you
are living in the Netherlands at the moment of enrolment, you must enrol with the university of
applied sciences via Studielink before 1 September.
You have the right to be admitted if you have completed and returned the digital intake within 1
month after it was sent to you, but no later than on 15 September and you have participated in
An Ad programme does not have a propaedeutic phase; the first year of an Ad programme refers to the first 60 EC.
If a student dis-enrols prematurely and then re-enrols in a subsequent academic year, this is also regarded as a first
enrolment and not as a re-enrolment.
If there are still opportunities to be enrolled for a programme in case of an application after 1 May, this is stated on the website
of the study programme concerned, together with the applicable conditions.
the programme selection activity (matching) if this was still offered according to the regular
7. If you want to enrol for the work-study variant of a bachelor’s degree or Ad programme and you
live abroad at the moment of enrolment, you must enrol with the university of applied sciences via
Studielink before 1 September.
You have the right to be admitted if you have completed and returned the digital intake within 1
month after it was sent to you, but no later than on 15 September and you have participated in
the programme selection activity (matching) if this was still offered according to the regular
8. If you want to enrol for the regular part-time variant of a bachelor’s degree or Ad programme, you
must enrol with the university of applied sciences via Studielink before 1 September 4.
In order to be admitted, it is not compulsory to take part in the programme selection check.
If you have applied no later than on 1 May, you can request to take part in the study programme
selection activity (matching).
If you applied after 1 May you can also request a programme selection activity (matching), but in
that case it is up to the institute to decide whether this can still be provided.
9. If you want to enrol for a part-time variant of a bachelor’s degree or Ad programme that forms part
of the Flexibilization Pilot (see Article 7a), you must enrol with the university of applied sciences
via Studielink.
The number of starting dates may vary per programme. The starting dates for the relevant study
programmes as well as the application deadlines are set out on the website and in the study
guide of the study programme concerned.
After your application, you will receive a digital intake and an invitation for a programme selection
activity (matching).
In order to be admitted, it is not compulsory to return the digital intake or to participate in the
programme selection activity.
10. If you have applied for a part-time or work-study variant, you cannot transfer to the full-time
variant of the study programme per 1 September. However, this is possible during the academic
year (on a starting date other than 1 September). For the possibilities of an interim transfer to
another variant of the study programme, see Article 25, paragraph 2.
11. If you can demonstrate that you were enrolled in another funded higher professional education or
university programme prior to the academic year for which you want to enrol, you can enrol for a
programme with the university of applied sciences via Studielink no later than on 31 August.
If you have applied after 1 May, you have the right to be admitted if you have completed and
returned the digital intake within 1 month after it was sent to you, but no later than on 15
September and you have participated in the programme selection activity (matching) if this was
still offered according to the regular programme (i.a.. 7.31a.5).
In the case of an enrolment in a regular part-time variant of a bachelor's degree or Ad programme, the institute director may
allow enrolment until 30 September pursuant to Article 7(7).
12. If you have registered in time5 via Studielink with a university of applied sciences for the
propaedeutic phase or equivalent phase of a programme, but you want to choose another
programme, you must enrol for another programme with the university of applied sciences via
Studielink before 1 September.
You have the right to be admitted if you have completed and returned the digital intake within 1
month after it was sent to you, but no later than on 15 September and you have participated in
the programme selection activity (matching) if this was still offered according to the regular
programme. (7.31c).
2. Information on how to complete the ‘Programme Selection Check’ is provided on the website
www.studiekeuze.hu.nl under practical information of the programme concerned6.
3. After you have applied, you will be invited in good time via the e-mail address provided in
Studielink or by telephone to take part in the programme selection activity (matching).
4. You are obliged to cancel as soon as possible, and in any case before the start of the programme
selection activity (matching), if you are unable to take part in the programme selection activity
(matching). If you are unable to cancel in due time because of special circumstances, please
report this as soon as possible.
Appendix 2 of these regulations describes what constitutes a valid reason, in the form of a special
5. The institute director will assess whether a valid reason indeed exists, in the form of a special
circumstance, which prevents participation in/timely cancellation for the programme selection
activity (matching). You may be asked to provide evidence of the special circumstances you have
6. If the institute director determines that there is a valid reason, in the form of a special
circumstance due to which you were unable to cancel in time/participate in the programme
selection activity (matching), you will be invited to the next programme selection activity
(matching), and you will be obliged to participate in it.
If a programme selection activity (matching) is no longer available, the institute director will grant
you exemption from the obligation to participate in the programme selection activity (matching) as
referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article.
7. If you do not participate in the programme selection activity (matching) without a valid reason
and/or do not cancel in time, your right to admission to the study programme will lapse and your
enrolment application will be rejected.
For a programme with decentralised selection, the student must have applied before 15 January; for other programmes,
including programmes with additional admission requirements (Arts Therapy), the student must have applied before 1 May
6 It is also stipulated whether and how a prospective student can participate in a programme selection activity if this is not
1. If you want to make use of education, examination or other facilities within the framework of initial
(funded) education7, you must be enrolled as a student (7.32.1).
2. If you are enrolled as extraneus, you can take tests and exams and use certain study facilities,
but you are not allowed to attend classes.
3. You can enrol for a programme via Studielink. You will only be enrolled once you have applied
correctly via Studielink and complied with all procedural rules.
4. Enrolment is effected via Studielink, per programme and for a particular variant (full-time, part-
time and work-study). The director of the institute that provides the study programme you have
applied for will decide on your enrolment application (7.32.3)
5. When registering for a work-study programme, for the practice of the profession, a three-party
civil agreement is entered into between the institute director, you as a student and the
company/organisation where the profession is practised. With due observance of the education
and examination regulations, this agreement in any event regulates:
a. the duration of the agreement and the duration of the period or periods of professional
b. the guidance provided to you as a student;
c. the qualities in the field of knowledge, insight and skills that you must realise during the
period or periods of professional practice and the assessment thereof, and;
d. the events in which and the way in which the agreement may be terminated before term
6. Enrolment in a programme starts on 1 September and runs until 31 August of the following
calendar year, unless you are dis-enrolled during this period.
7. If you applied through Studielink after 1 September but before 1 October, the institute director
may still grant your enrolment application with effect from 1 September if the following
requirements have been met:
a. you want to enrol in a master's degree programme or a regular part-time variant
of a bachelor's degree programme or Ad programme, and,
b. no later than on 30 September, the HU can establish that you meet the enrolment
The institute director may, apart from an individual request, also decide in general to allow
enrolment in September for a (variant of a) programme. In these cases, the enrolment is
considered as an enrolment for the full academic year and therefore effective as of 1 September.
8. If you wish to enrol after 1 September but do not meet the conditions set out in paragraph 7, your
enrolment application will be considered as an application for interim enrolment. The study guide
may set out criteria for the approval of an application for interim enrolment.
An interim enrolment starts on the first day of the month following the moment on which it is
established that you meet all the enrolment conditions. Unless you indicate that you prefer to be
enrolled at a later date. Please note that any enrolment always starts on the first day of a month.
Retroactive enrolment is not possible8.
Article 9 applies to enrolment for a post-initial master's degree programme.
In the event of re-enrolment, after you were dis-enrolled in the same academic year on the grounds of a payment arrears
9. If you have successfully lodged an appeal against your negative binding study recommendation
and/or the institute director's decision to refuse your enrolment application, but the decision on
your appeal is taken on or after 30 September of the academic year in question, you may still be
enrolled at your request as of 1 September 9 of the academic year. You must then (if you have not
done so previously) submit an application for enrolment with effect from 1 September via
Studielink within one month of the date of the decision on the appeal. In addition, you must also
comply with all enrolment conditions within that period.
10. Every enrolment for a study programme takes place according to the application and enrolment
procedure as included in chapters 4 and 5 of these regulations.
11. When you apply for enrolment for a programme via Studielink for the first time 10, your identity and
your prior education will be checked centrally. If central checking is not possible, you must submit
the following documents to the university of applied sciences:
a. a copy of a valid passport or European identity card;
b. a copy of the diploma or certificate as referred to in Article 10 or 16, and, if requested, with the
accompanying list of marks11.
In principle, the aforementioned documents should be submitted before the start of the academic
year concerned. There is one exception to this, namely, for a first enrolment per 1 September. In
that event, all documents must have been received by the university of applied sciences no later
than on 30 September13.
12. If you want to re-enrol in the same programme, you must submit a request for re-enrolment via
Studielink before 1 September of the academic year in question. It is compulsory to pay the
(Article 31 paragraph 4), the institute director may allow you to be (re-)enrolled as of the first day of the month in which all
enrolment conditions are complied with.
In case of enrolment in a programme that participates in the Part-time Flexibilisation Pilot, a different starting date may
apply, see Article 30 paragraph 3
If a student dis-enrols prematurely and then re-enrols in a subsequent academic year, this is also regarded as a first enrolment
and not as a re-enrolment.
If it concerns a diploma/certificate, a regular copy suffices, unless a certified copy is explicitly requested;
A student who reaches the age of 18 after enrolling in a programme does not have to undergo a residence status check,
unless the student enrols in a different programme (so-called 'switchers').
This exception does not apply to interim enrolments or enrolments for programmes with a starting date other than 1
September, which means that all documents must have been submitted before the start date of the programme concerned .
tuition fees due or to issue a payment authorisation for this purpose before the start of the
academic year.
A re-enrolment is an uninterrupted enrolment in the same programme and the same programme
variant. All other cases of enrolment are regarded as a first enrolment as referred to in paragraph
Re-enrolment is not possible if you have received a negative binding study recommendation for
that programme or for a programme with a common propaedeutic phase (7.8b.5).
13. If your application for enrolment is successful, you will receive a student card or other proof of
enrolment issued by the institute director. This student card refers to the HU Student’s Charter
(7.33.2). The HU Student’s Charter describes the rights and obligations of students at the
university of applied sciences14.
The university of applied sciences participates in the Part-time Flexibilisation Pilot. This means
that for part-time variants of certain programmes, in addition to the regular enrolment date of 1
September, there are an additional maximum of three starting dates for enrolment in the
academic year. These starting dates and any enrolment deadlines are listed on the website and
in the study guide of the relevant programme.
If you enrol for a start date other than 1 September, you must re-enrol for the programme as from
1 September in order to continue the programme. Your re-enrolment as from 1 September must
then again be in compliance with the applicable regulations.
These officially recorded deviating starting times apply as a regular enrolment and not as an
interim enrolment as referred to in article 7 paragraph 8.
2. If you wish to enrol for the programme in question with a standard starting date of 1 February, you
must apply to the university of applied sciences via Studielink by 31 December at the latest.
3. If you enrol for the standard starting date of 1 February, your first academic year runs from 1
February through 31 August. You must then re-enrol as of 1 September in order to continue the
programme. Your re-enrolment as from 1 September must then again be in compliance with the
applicable regulations.
4. If you are enrolling for the first time16 for the first year of an Ad or the propaedeutic phase of a
bachelor’s degree programme and you are living in the Netherlands at the time of enrolment, you
The Student’s Charter and other important regulations can be found at www.reglementen.hu.nl.
This is therefore a standard starting date and does not refer to the Part-time Flexibilisation Pilot of Art. 7a.
If a student dis-enrols prematurely and then re-enrols in a subsequent academic year, this is also a first enrolment and not a
continued enrolment.
are obliged to return the digital intake no later than 15 January and also to participate in the
programme selection activity (matching).
If you live abroad at the time of application, you are obliged to return the digital intake no later
than on 15 January and you may participate in the programme selection activity (matching).
This applies regardless of which variant of the programme you wish to enrol in. If you fulfil these
obligations, you have the right to be admitted. If you have participated in the programme selection
activity (matching), you are entitled to programme selection recommendation.
If you have not fulfilled the obligations, your right to admission will lapse (7.31b)17.
5. The ‘Programme Selection Check’ of the university of applied sciences consists of a digital intake,
a programme selection activity (matching) in the form of a matching day or programme selection
consultation (physical or online) and a programme selection recommendation.
The Programme Selection Check can be offered in a (digital) form which is such that physical
presence is not necessary.
6. You must enrol for the programme concerned in accordance with the application and enrolment
procedure as described in this article, article 6 and article 7, with the exception of article 7,
paragraph 6, 7 and 8. And where these articles mention 1 and 30 September, they should instead
read 1 February and the last day of February.
8. This article does not apply to study programmes for which a selection procedure has been
1. If, as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, you have not been able to comply with:
a) the educational admission requirements and/or admission requirements for enrolment in
an Ad or bachelor's degree programme as referred to in article 1018 (the MBO (senior
secondary education) diploma19), or
b) one or more of the educational admission requirements and/or admission requirements
for master's degree programmes, as referred to in Articles 9 and 16 (a bachelor's
degree in scientific or higher professional education)
you may, in deviation from these provisions and without prejudice to the other provisions of these
regulations, still be enrolled as of 1 September 2022, subject to the condition that it can be
reasonably expected that you will meet the relevant conditions by 31 December 2022 at the
The exceptions as mentioned in article 5 paragraphs 11 and 12 do not apply to an application for an enrolment per 1 February.
Conditional enrolment for academic year 22-23 is not possible in case of absence of a secondary education diploma
(Netherlands or Dutch Caribbean).
The same educational admission requirements apply to Ad and bachelor's degree programmes.
2. Without prejudice to chapter 6 of these regulations, the institute director will terminate your
enrolment if you have not been enrolled subject to the conditions referred to in the first paragraph,
and you do not meet the requirements referred to in that section before 1 January 2023;
3. The institute director may decide not to terminate your enrolment for failure to meet the term
stipulated in the second paragraph, if such termination would result in an exceptional case of
extreme unfairness. In that event, your enrolment will be terminated if you fail to fulfil the
requirements referred to in the first paragraph before 1 September 2023 20.
4. Paragraph 1 under a of this article does not apply to foreign students as referred to in Article 10,
paragraph 2 and Article 16 paragraph 1 sub c. Students who cannot (yet) be admitted to higher
education in their country of origin due to the outbreak of COVID-19 cannot claim a conditional
enrolment as described in paragraph 1 sub a. Students from the European Union who have
access to higher education in their country of origin, despite not having completed their prior
education due to the outbreak of COVID-19, can be enrolled unconditionally on the basis of
Article 10 paragraph 2, second sentence and Article 16 paragraph 1 sub c.
It may be that an individual student, through no fault of his or her own, does not meet the admission requirements within the
time limit. This may be the case, for example, if an examination or resit is cancelled. For that reason, this provision provides a
hardship clause. If the application of the time limit of 1 January 2022 would lead to an exceptional case of extreme unfairness, this
time limit may be extended until 1 September 2022 at the latest.
1. An extraneus is an external student who is allowed to take tests and examinations, but is not
entitled to attend educational activities. You can only be enrolled as an extraneus if the Executive
Board has determined that enrolment as an extraneus for the study programme in question is
permitted. To be enrolled as an extraneus, you must meet the same requirements as for
enrolment as a regular student. (7.37.1).
2. For certain programmes, as determined by the Executive Board, you may also enrol as an
extraneus during the course of the programme. If you have already followed one (or more)
module(s) as a paid student (contract education), you can take the test of that module(s) in the
regular programme as an extraneus. In that case, your test result will be entered into Osiris. The
provisions in Article 7, paragraph 7, then apply to your enrolment. In that case, a refund of the
examination fee is applicable. See Article 26 paragraph 7.
3. The other provisions of these regulations also apply to enrolment as an extraneus, unless this is
contrary to the special nature of this enrolment or if special regulations apply to enrolment as
2. Your enrolment must also comply with the rules of procedure established by the institute director,
and available on the website of the study programme concerned.
3. If you have successfully been enrolled, you will receive a student card or other proof of enrolment
issued by the institute director.
4. If you wish to re-enrol in the post-initial master's degree programme in question for the following
academic year, your application for re-enrolment must be made via Studielink before 1
September of the academic year in question.
5. If your application for (re-)enrolment is refused, you will receive a written decision explaining why
your application has been refused and how you can appeal against that decision. The course fee
will be refunded in accordance with the provisions set out in the contract (see paragraph 1 sub b).
6. Your enrolment may be withdrawn and/or terminated by the university of applied sciences in
accordance with the regulations laid down in Article 31 of these regulations.
A post-initial master's degree programme is a master's degree programme that is not funded by the government and is offered
as contract education. However, this programme is accredited and you can also obtain a degree and title after completion.
1. You can only be enrolled as a student for the propaedeutic phase of a bachelor's degree
programme or for the first year of an Ad programme if you are in possession of:
a. a pre-university education diploma, or
b. a higher general secondary education diploma, or
c. a diploma based on the WEB for a middle management training course 22, a specialist training
course, or a vocational training course designated by ministerial regulation 23, as referred to in
Section 7.24 of the WHW.
3. If your diploma has been designated by ministerial regulation as being at least equivalent to a
certificate as referred to in paragraph 1, the institute director will grant you exemption from the
educational admission requirement stipulated in paragraph 1 (7.28.2).
4. If you have another diploma than those referred to in paragraph 2 or 3 of this Article, the institute
director may also exempt you from the educational admission requirements stated in paragraph
1. Condition for this exemption is that the examination board of the programme concerned
assesses your diploma as being at least equivalent to a diploma as referred to in paragraph 1.
5. If you have a diploma as referred to in paragraph 2, 3 or 4, that has been issued outside the
Netherlands and you want to enrol for a programme of which the language of instruction is Dutch,
the institute director can only grant exemption from the educational admission requirement stated
in paragraph 1 if the examination board has issued a positive recommendation
Condition for a positive recommendation from the examination board is that you can prove that
you have sufficient command of the Dutch language to be able to follow the programme with
successful results (7.28.2).
You cannot enrol until you have submitted proof of a sufficient command of the Dutch language
and the institute director has granted you exemption from the educational admission requirement
mentioned in paragraph 1. Therefore, you cannot take any exams or tests earlier (7.28.2).
6. In order to prove that you have sufficient command of the Dutch language, you must have passed
the Nt2 II state examination. So if you have a diploma/certificate from prior education of which the
language if instruction is not Dutch, you must submit proof that you have passed the Nt2 II state
In this respect, the university waives the right to take a deficiency test for students with a so-called unrelated mbo-4 diploma.
Former MBO certificates obtained before the WEB entered into force and providing access to higher professional education
are equated with these diplomas by virtue of a transitional provision (Section12.2.1 WEB).
VWO (pre-university)/HAVO (higher general secondary education) and MBO (senior secondary vocational education) diplomas
also include the diplomas as referred to in the laws that apply to the BES islands (Bonaire, St. Eustatius, Saba), and diplomas
obtained before 10-10-2010 in (all) the Netherlands Antilles.
If, in order to enrol in a particular programme, it is not required that you have passed all parts of
the Nt2 II state examination, the study guide and website of the programme in question will state
which parts you must have passed in any event24.
7. If you have a diploma as referred to in paragraph 2, 3 or 4, issued outside the Netherlands and
you want to enrol for a programme of which the language of instruction is English, the
examination board may advise the institute director to grant exemption from the educational
admission requirement stated in paragraph 1. Condition for a positive recommendation from the
examination board is that you can prove that you have sufficient command of the English
language to be able to follow the programme with successful results.
The HU University of Applied Sciences is bound by the Code of Conduct for International
Students. With respect to the English language test, the Code of Conduct stipulates that
universities of applied sciences must assess international students by means of one of the
following tests: IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, Cambridge ESOL. An own language test may not be
used unless it has been validated by the National Commission, at recommendation from the
Research Centre for Examination and Certification (RCEC). For the required scores see
Appendix 1.
During the period in which it is not possible to use the regular language tests as stated in Article
4.2 of the Code of Conduct, due to the measures taken to combat the Corona virus, it is
permitted to use online tests offered by the providers listed in Article 4.2 of the Code of
Conduct, if these tests are covered by sufficient quality guarantees.
Exemption will be granted to students with a diploma/certificate from prior education of which
the language of instruction is English, if and insofar as this is included in the list published for
this purpose by Nuffic or otherwise formally confirmed by Nuffic.
The Nt2 II state examination consists of the following 4 parts: Reading, listening, speaking and writing. A partial certificate can
be obtained for each part. If all 4 parts are passed, the candidate receives the State Exam Nt2 II Diploma.
The university of applied sciences offers candidates with a foreign diploma/certificate the opportunity to participate in the Nt2 II
language test before the start of the academic year. A conditional enrolment in case of the absence of an Nt2II Diploma is
therefore not possible.
The Nt2 II language test of the university of applied sciences is valid indefinitely for enrolment at the university of applied
science. Parts that have already been passed may result in an exemption if the language test has not yet been passed in its
Exemption will also be granted if a transfer track (e.g. a pre-bachelor programme) has been
completed within the HU in which the English language proficiency is tested at least at MBO 4
completion level.
You cannot enrol until you have submitted proof of your sufficient command of the English
language and the institute director has granted you exemption from the educational admission
requirement mentioned in section 1. Therefore, you cannot take any exams or tests earlier.
1. If you do not have a certificate/diploma that meets the requirements as stated in Article 10 of
these regulations and you are twenty-one years of age or older at the moment that the study
programme you wish to enrol in starts, the institute director may grant you exemption from the
educational admission requirement. This is subject to the condition that you have demonstrated
to the examination board or another committee designated by the institute director, by means of
an admission test, that you:
a. are suitable for the relevant education and
b. if you wish to enrol in a study programme of which the language of instruction is Dutch, you
have sufficient command of the Dutch language to be able to follow the study programme with
successful results27 (7.29.1); or
c. if you wish to enrol in a study programme of which the language of instruction is English, you
have sufficient command of the English language to be able to follow the study programme
with successful results28.
The age limit of twenty-one years can be deviated from, if in a special case no diploma
can be presented (7.29.3).
2. If you do not meet the educational admission requirement(s) set out in article 10, or if you have a
diploma which was issued outside the Netherlands but you cannot submit it, the institute director
may exempt you from the educational admission requirement(s) if you have successfully
completed a pre-bachelor's track offered by the university of applied sciences. This pre-bachelor
track establishes that you:
a. are suitable for the relevant education and
b. if you wish to enrol for a programme of which the language of instruction is Dutch, you have
sufficient command of the Dutch language to be able to follow the programme with successful
results30 (7.29.1); or
c. if you wish to enrol in a study programme of which the language of instruction is English, you
have sufficient command of the English language to be able to follow the programme with
successful results31.
The admission test includes an ability test and is conducted in Dutch (for admission to a programme of which the language of
instruction is Dutch), therefore sufficient command of the Dutch language is necessary. If a candidate passes the admission test,
this demonstrates that he or she has sufficient command of the Dutch language to be able to follow the study programme with
successful results.
The admission test includes an ability test and is conducted in English (for admission to a programme of which the language of
instruction is English), therefore sufficient command of the English language is necessary. If a candidate passes the admission
test, this demonstrates that he or she has sufficient command of the English language to be able to follow the study programme
with successful results
One example is refugees, who no longer have their documents.
For the requirements involved, see Article 10 paragraph 6.
For the requirements involved, see Article 10 paragraph 7.
3. If you have a diploma which was issued outside the Netherlands, and gives access to a higher
education programme in the country concerned but not in the Netherlands (and is therefore
covered by the exceptions mentioned in Article 10), the institute director may decide that you may
participate in the admission test as referred to in paragraph 1, even if you are younger than
twenty-one (7.29 subsection 3).
4. The requirements of the admission test per programme for a specific academic year are
determined by or on behalf of the institute director and are announced on the HU-wide internet
site http://www.toelatingsonderzoek.hu.nl no later than in November of the preceding academic
year. This term may be deviated from for new study programmes, in which case the requirements
of the admission test will be announced as soon as possible.
1. The ‘Regeling aanmelding en toelating hoger onderwijs’ (hereinafter: Ratho), sets out the subject
combination(s) to which the havo (general secondary education) diploma and the vwo (pre-
university education) diploma, as referred to in article 10, must relate in order to be able to enrol
in a study programme or group of study programmes (7.25.1).
The Ratho may also designate subjects and other programme components that must have been
part of the examination to obtain the havo diploma or the vwo diploma mentioned in the first full
sentence32 (7.25.2).
The Ratho may also stipulate that the university board may resolve not to make the further
educational admission requirements compulsory for a specific study programme or group of study
2. The Ratho may stipulate that requirements can be set for the desired diploma of a middle
management training course, specialist training course or of a vocational training course
designated by ministerial regulation, as referred to in Article 10, in order to be able to enrol in a
study programme or a group of study programmes (7.25.4).
3. If you have a diploma or certificate (as referred to in Article 10) that does not meet the
requirements referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, the institute director may decide to
enrol you after all, subject to the condition that you can demonstrate that you meet comparable
requirements in terms of content. You can prove this by means of an additional test conducted by
the examination board and/or admissions committee of the institute. After this, the examination
board and/or admissions committee advises the institute director who makes a decision on the
basis of this advice.
If your application for enrolment is refused, you will receive a written decision explaining why your
application has been refused and how you can appeal against that decision.
You have to fulfil the comparable requirements before the start of the programme (7.25.6). The
results of this additional test shall remain valid during a period of 6 years.
4. In the study guide and on the website of the study programme concerned, the following
information shall at least be included:
a) the subject combination or subject combinations, the subjects and other
programme components referred to in paragraph 1, and/or
b) the requirements as stated in paragraph 2 and/or
The required subject combinations, subjects and programme components are included in the ‘Regeling nadere
vooropleidingseisen hoger onderwijs 2007’ (Ratho), Bulletin of Acts and Decrees no. 109 of 11 June 2007, including later
5. Have you followed havo or mbo education and do you want to register for the primary
education teacher training programme? Then the WHW Implementation Decree stipulates
special further educational admission requirements you have to comply with before you can be
These special further educational admission requirements are tested by means of three national
tests which must have been successfully completed before enrolment. Which test(s) you have to
pass, and whether you may be eligible for exemption on the basis of your diploma if you have not
passed the national tests33 is set out in the study guide and on the website of the relevant
1. If the practice of the profession or professions for which the study programme prepares or the
organisation and set-up of the education programme sets specific requirements with respect to:
a) knowledge and skills that are not or not sufficiently part of secondary education
and vocational education as referred to in the WEB;
b) the characteristics of the student respectively,
in connection with the above, requirements can be set by ministerial regulation in addition to the
educational admission requirements mentioned in Article 1034. The additional requirements are
listed in the study guide of the relevant programme (7.26.1).
2. With a view to enrolment in part-time programmes, the study guide of the programme concerned
may set requirements with regard to the performance of work activities while following that
programme, provided that this work is designated as units of study (7.27).
If a programme of study has several main subjects or specialisations, the study guide for the relevant
institute must indicate whether intake restrictions are applicable. If you do not meet the requirements, it
is up to the examination board to decide whether you can still be admitted to the relevant main subject
or specialisation (7.9.1).
1. If you want to enrol in the main phase of a bachelor's degree programme, you must have; a
certificate of a successfully passed propaedeutic examination of that programme 35, or of a
successfully passed propaedeutic examination which that programme and one or more other
programmes have in common (7.30.1).
2. The institute director may grant you exemption from the requirement referred to in the first
paragraph if you have a certificate, whether or not issued in the Netherlands. This only happens
if, in the opinion of the examination board concerned, that certificate is at least equivalent to the
certificate mentioned in the first paragraph (7.30.2).
The university of applied sciences intends to participate in the ‘Experiment bijzondere nadere vooropleidingseisen tot leraar
basisonderwijs’, which makes it possible for candidates who do not pass the national knowledge tests to be able to enrol despite
this, for no more than 1 year. When re-enrolling for the second year, the national knowledge test must then still be passed.
See ‘Vermande Uitvoeringsvoorschriften’ WHW, C.22.
If you have completed the P. of the programme concerned at another institution, it is up to the examination board of the
university of applied sciences to decide whether this P. is regarded as equal.
3. If the certificate referred to in the previous paragraph is a certificate issued outside the
Netherlands and the language of instruction was Dutch, the institute director may only grant
exemption from the educational admission requirement set in paragraph 1 after the examination
board has been provided with proof of sufficient command of the Dutch language to be able to
follow the education successfully and the examination board has given the institute director a
positive study recommendation this respect (7.30.2)36.
It is not possible to enrol as a student in the main phase of a programme without having
submitted the aforementioned proof. And thus also not subject to the condition that examinations
or parts thereof can be taken after this proof has been provided (7.28.2).
4. If the certificate referred to in the previous paragraph is a certificate issued outside the
Netherlands and the language of instruction was English, the institute director may only grant
exemption from the educational admission requirement set in paragraph 1 after the examination
board has been provided with proof of sufficient command of the English language to be able to
follow the education successfully and the examination board has given the institute director a
positive study recommendation this respect (7.30.2)37.
It is not possible to enrol as a student for a programme without having submitted the
aforementioned proof. And thus also not subject to the condition that examinations or parts
thereof can be taken after this proof has been provided (7.28.2).
5. If, based on the previous provisions of this article, you have been granted exemption from taking
the propaedeutic exam of that study programme, the proof of this exemption for the enrolment in
the main phase of that study programme will be considered equal to the certificate as referred to
in paragraph 1. In that event, a propaedeutic certificate is not issued.
6. In anticipation of enrolment as a student in the main phase, in the second and any subsequent
years of enrolment, the examination board in principle gives (tacit) permission to students
enrolled in the propaedeutic phase to already take one or more tests of the final examination,
unless the examination board explicitly decides otherwise (7.30.3).
7. If the institute director is of the opinion that the teaching capacity for the main phase of a study
programme, involving a restriction for first enrolment, is not sufficient for unrestricted enrolment,
the institute director may deny a request for enrolment in the main phase to those who have not
already been enrolled in the study programme concerned in the preceding academic year (7.54).
See Article 10 paragraph 6.
See Article 10 paragraph 7.
1. If you want to enrol in a master's degree programme, you must comply with the following;
you have:
a. a bachelor’s degree, obtained at a university (of applied sciences) 38; or
b. knowledge, insight and skills at the level of a bachelor’s degree obtained at a university
(of applied sciences); or
c. admission to education provided by a university (of applied sciences) in the country of a
party that has ratified the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning
Higher Education in the European Region, unless the institute director demonstrates a
substantial difference between the foreign qualification and the general admission
requirements39 (7.28.1); and
d. if required, meet the qualitative admission requirements set for the programme
concerned and described in the study guide of the programme concerned (7.30b).
2. If you want to enrol in a study programme of which the language of instruction is Dutch, and you
can demonstrate with a certificate issued outside the Netherlands that you meet the educational
admission requirements, the institute director may decide that you will only be exempted from the
educational admission requirements mentioned in paragraph 1, after you have submitted proof to
the examination board that you have sufficient command of the Dutch language to be able to
follow the study programme40.
3. If you want to enrol in a study programme of which the language of instruction is English, and you
can demonstrate with a certificate issued outside the Netherlands that you meet the educational
admission requirements, the institute director may decide that you will only be exempted from the
educational admission requirements mentioned in paragraph 1, after you have submitted proof to
the examination board that you have sufficient command of the English language to be able to
follow the study programme41.
1. If you want to enrol for a master's degree programme, you must obtain a certificate of admission
for that programme. The institute director will issue a certificate of admission if:
a. you meet the established educational admission requirements and (if applicable) the
qualitative admission requirements, and;
b. the institute director has set a maximum number of enrolments, which has not yet been
2. The certificate of admission, as referred to in the first paragraph, is valid for the academic year
following the academic year in which the application for this certificate was submitted, unless the
institute director decides otherwise.42
If a foreign student has not yet obtained a BA certificate due to the COVID 19 outbreak, he cannot apply for the exception
based on Section 7b subsection 1, but if he already satisfies the knowledge, insight and skills at BA grade level, he can be
enrolled on the basis of subsection 1 sub b.
The institute director can, for example, demonstrate a significant difference in qualification on the hand of a recommendation
from Nuffic.
See Article 10 paragraph 6.
See Article 10 paragraph 7.
For information refer to Article 7: Retroactive enrolment is not possible.
3. If you do not meet the admission requirements as referred to in paragraph 1 of this article, but it is
reasonably expected that you will be able to do so within a reasonable period of time, you will be
offered the opportunity to remedy the shortcoming (7.30 e). However, you can only be enrolled
after you have fulfilled all admission requirements.
1. When the first enrolment for the propaedeutic phase of a study programme is restricted based on
the needs of the labour market by means of a ministerial regulation, or for reasons of available
teaching capacity at the university of applied sciences, you can only be enrolled if you have
received proof of admission via Studielink (on behalf of the university of applied sciences and for
the study programme in question) and you have accepted this within two weeks (7.53 et seq.).
2. A certificate of admission refers to the academic year you have applied for.
3. If you dis-enrol from a study programme with a limited capacity after a first enrolment, or if your
enrolment is terminated on other grounds, you will only be able to re-enrol for the propaedeutic
phase in the situation referred to in Article 20, paragraph 6 of these regulations.
1. For study programmes with an admission restriction as referred to above, the Executive Board
determines the number of available study places per study programme.
2. If you want to take part in the decentralised selection, you must have applied via Studielink no
later than on 15 January.
3. Students are selected on the basis of at least two qualitative selection criteria.
4. The following will be announced in good time on the website of the study programme:
a. the selection criteria;
b. the selection procedure;
c. rules of an administrative nature;
d. the number of places available as referred to in paragraph 1;
e. the number of times you may participate in the decentralised selection (in any case no more
than 3 times) and in what cases and in what way a selection attempt may be cancelled (7.53);
f. how to participate in the selection if you live abroad on the reference date of 15 January;
g. how to apply for a facility in connection with a functional impairment or chronic illness43 and
what facilities can be provided;
h. the procedure in the event that special circumstances44 prevent you from taking part in (part
of) the decentralised selection.
5. If the number of applications does not exceed the number of available study places, no
decentralised selection will take place and Articles 5 and 6 shall apply to the application
procedure. In that event, the exception in Article 5 paragraph 1 for programmes with a selection
procedure does not apply.
6. If you were enrolled for the propaedeutic phase of a study programme for which an admission
restriction applies and you dis-enrol prematurely after a first enrolment (with proof of admission),
you can only be re-enrolled for that study programme if you:
a. have a positive, suspended or urgent study recommendation, or;
The study programme may also provide other facilities, provided that these are then also offered during the study programme
and subject to the same conditions.
Special circumstances shall be assessed in accordance with Appendix 2 of these regulations.
b. you have dis-enrolled before the date of the study recommendation and thus
have not receive a study recommendation. But in that event you need the
permission of the institute director. The institute director may decide to grant
permission on the basis of a statement from the student counsellor confirming that
you have dis-enrolled prematurely on his advice due to special circumstances as
referred to in Article 5 paragraph 4 of the HU-OER.
You can only be enrolled for a master's degree programme if you have submitted a proof of admission
issued by the institute director, as referred to in Article 17 (7.30b in conjunction with 7.30a).
If you are enrolled as a student (full-time, part-time or work-study), you must pay tuition fees. The tuition
fee amount is determined annually per academic year, based on the law (statutory or reduced statutory
tuition fee or the rate for flexible studying), or by the Executive Board (institution tuition fees) (7.43,
7.45,7.45a and 7.46).
The amounts of the various tuition fees can be found via the tuition fee survey:
The tuition fees to be paid are determined on the basis of the WHW and relating laws and regulations.
You can check this via the tuition fee survey.
If you participate in flexible studying, you pay a specific rate per credit. Please refer to the Regulations
for Flexible Studying, which can be found at www.reglementen.hu.nl.
1. You must pay the tuition fees before the start of an academic year, by;
a) payment of the full amount in one instalment, or
b) by issuing a direct debit mandate for the entire amount in one payment, or
c) by issuing a guaranteed direct debit authorisation for payment in
instalments. Tuition fees are paid in equal parts in the months of
September, October, November, December, January, February, March,
April, May, June.
2. The tuition fee must be paid by or on behalf of you, the student. If someone else pays for you,
you must agree to this via Studielink or expressly in writing. If someone else pays for you,
paragraph 1 also applies, but instead of a direct debit authorisation, a written statement
guaranteeing payment of tuition fees may also be submitted.
3. You can also ask the university of applied sciences to agree to payment in at least five
instalments (7.47.1).
4. Payment, or compensation, of the student's tuition fees by the university of applied science from
the central government grant is not permitted (2.9.1 and 7.48.5).
5. As long as the tuition fees due has not been paid in full by or on behalf of you, you may be denied
participation in the education programme, the use of education facilities and/or access to the
faculty buildings. Your enrolment may also be terminated or your re-enrolment refused (see
Article 27 paragraph 3 and Article 31 paragraph 4).
1. If you:
a) are already enrolled as a student at the university of applied sciences, a university or
another university of applied sciences for an academic year at the (reduced) statutory
tuition fee45 or owe tuition or course fees as a student for that academic year; and
This means that no settlement will take place if an institution tuition fee is payable for enrolment outside the Utrecht University
of Applied Sciences.
b) you wish to be enrolled, either in addition or instead, in the same academic year at the
university of applied sciences, as a student for a second programme at (reduced)
statutory tuition fees; and
c) you owe a higher tuition fee for your second enrolment at the university of applied
sciences than the tuition, school or course fees already due and paid;
then the tuition fee you must pay for your second enrolment at the university of applied sciences
for that academic year is equal to the difference between the amount already paid, which can be
demonstrated in writing, and the higher tuition fee referred to.
If the tuition fee due for the second enrolment is equal to or less than the amount already paid (or
to be paid) for the first enrolment, you will be exempt from paying tuition fees for the second
enrolment (7.48).
This provision also applies to a simultaneous enrolment at an MBO and a conditional enrolment
pursuant to Article 7b paragraph 1 of these Regulations at the university of applied sciences.
MBO students who are enrolled in higher professional education pay school fees to the MBO
institution and are exempt from paying statutory tuition fees up to the amount of the school fees.
Students exercise their right to statutory reduced tuition fees during the time they are enrolled in
both the mbo and the hbo (Section 7.48(2) WHW). If the student dis-enrols before 1 January
2023, he/she will not be eligible for a tuition fee reduction again in the following year of higher
2. If:
a. you are already enrolled as a student at the university of applied sciences and are paying
institutional tuition fees; and
b. you wish to be enrolled, either in addition or instead, in the same academic year at the
university of applied sciences as a student for a second programme; and
c. you owe a higher tuition fee for your second enrolment at the university of applied sciences
than the institution tuition fee already due;
then the tuition fee you must pay for your second enrolment at the university of applied sciences
for that academic year is equal to the difference between the amount already paid, which can be
demonstrated in writing, and the tuition fee for the second enrolment.
If the tuition fee due for the second enrolment is equal to or less than the amount already paid (or
to be paid) for the first enrolment, you will be exempt from paying tuition fees for the second
enrolment (7.48).
3. The regulations in Articles 1 and 2 do not apply if you are allowed to pay the (reduced) statutory
tuition fee due to the exception in article 2.3 of the WHW Implementation Decree. This exception
means that you may pay the (reduced) statutory tuition fee for your second programme, because
you have not previously completed a programme in the field of education or healthcare 46.
4. If you are enrolled as a student in the course of an academic year, subject to paragraphs 1 and 2,
you must pay the same tuition fees as those who enrolled for that academic year on 1
September, but reduced by one twelfth for each month you were not enrolled (7.48.).
5. Paragraph 4 also applies if you were enrolled in a programme and you were dis-enrolled at your
own request during the academic year on the grounds of Article 29.1 and you were subsequently
re-enrolled in a programme in the course of that same academic year (7.48.).
Someone who is allowed to study whilst paying statutory tuition fees because it concerns a second programme in the field of
education or healthcare and the first degree was obtained outside this field, is not allowed to offset these statutory tuition fees
against a simultaneous (third or subsequent) programme.
6. If you are enrolled for an academic year and are paying institutional tuition fees at another
university of applied sciences that participates in the KOM project 47 and you enrol for a
programme at the university of applied sciences with the sole purpose of taking a minor for which
the first institution settles the costs with Utrecht University of Applied Sciences. In this case, the
preceding paragraphs of this Article do not apply, but you will be exempt from paying the
institutional tuition fees for your second enrolment at the university of applied sciences.
7. If you are entitled to a year of ‘kosteloos besturen’ (free board year) under the Profiling Fund
(‘kosteloos besturen’), you may be exempted from paying statutory tuition fees at the Utrecht
University of Applied Sciences once and for a maximum period of one academic year. For the
applicable requirements, see the Profiling Fund (Free Board Year) at www.reglementen.hu.nl.
2. If you request to transfer from a full-time study programme to a part-time or work-study variant of
the same study programme (or vice versa) during the course of an academic year, you will be
charged the applicable tuition fees with effect from the change of enrolment and excess amounts
paid will be settled insofar as required48. This transfer is only possible with the approval of the
institute director49 and shall take effect from the first day of the month following the month in
which the transfer request was made.
1. To enrol as an extraneus, you must pay an examination fee. The amount of the examination fee
is determined annually for the coming academic year by the Executive Board (7.44).
2. If, in the course of an academic year, you are enrolled as an extraneus, you must pay an
examination fee that is equal to the fee paid by those who enrolled for the same academic year
on 1 September, with the exception of enrolments as an extraneus for a (variant of a) programme
as referred to in Article 8, paragraph 2.
3. The regulations governing reduction, exemption, payment and refund of tuition fees do not apply
to examination fees, with the exception of enrolments as an extraneus for a (variant of a)
programme as referred to in Article 8, paragraph 2. However, payment by a third party on behalf
of the extraneus is possible, provided he/she agrees to this in writing.
5. As long as the outstanding examination fees have not been paid, no certificate of successful
completion of an examination shall be issued to the extraneus. The extraneus will also be refused
KOM means ‘Kies op Maat’ (‘Select Customised’).
A transfer from a part-time or work-study programme to a full-time programme per 1 September is not possible, see article 5
paragraph 10.
This is subject to article 7 paragraph 8.
participation in the tests of the programme, the use of the facilities of the institute and access to
the buildings.
6. Payment, or compensation, of the tuition fees of the extraneus by the university of applied
science from the central government grant is not permitted (2.9.1).
1. The institute director will refuse your enrolment if you do not meet the requirements laid down in
the WHW. You must in any case meet the requirements set out in Chapters 4 (application
procedure), 5 (enrolment procedure) and 6 (enrolment requirements) of these regulations, with
the exception of the requirements set out in Article 7b of these regulations (7.37).
2. The institute director may also refuse your enrolment in a programme if:
a. there is a well-founded fear that you will abuse your enrolment and the rights attached to it,
which will seriously harm the unique nature of the university of applied sciences (7.37.5);
b. the university of applied sciences terminated your enrolment in the past on one of the grounds
referred to in Articles 30 and 31 of these regulations. If your enrolment has previously been
terminated for a specific period, and that period has meanwhile expired, this is no longer a
reason for refusing your enrolment;
c. you demonstrate by certain behaviour or statements;
1. unfitness for the practice of one or more professions for which programme provides
training, and/or
2. unsuitability for the practical preparation for the professional practice of the programme
concerned, and/or
3. your enrolment at another institution was refused or terminated for this reason (7.42a).
See Article 32 of the HU Student’s Charter.
3. If you have any outstanding payment obligations with the university, your enrolment in
subsequent years will be denied50.
4. If your application is rejected, you will receive a written decision explaining why your enrolment
application has been rejected. This decision shall also include how and within what time limit you
may lodge an appeal against this decision. If you have already paid tuition fees but your
enrolment is refused, the tuition fees already paid will be refunded to you.
1. You can cancel your enrolment as a student or extraneus for a programme with a starting date of
1 September free of charge until 1 September of the relevant academic year51.
2. If you have cancelled your enrolment in time and have already paid tuition fees for that enrolment,
these tuition fees will be refunded to you.
1. You can request to terminate your enrolment via Studielink. The institute director will then
terminate your enrolment with effect from the month following the date of your request (7.42.1) 52.
Unless you request a later dis-enrolment, in which case the enrolment will end with effect from
the month you have specified.
2. If your enrolment is terminated, any tuition fees already paid will be refunded as follows:
From 1 September 2010, dis-enrolment is possible in the event of non-payment. In the event of subsequent re-enrolment, the
arrears must have been paid.
For enrolments in the framework of the Part-time Flexibilisation Pilot, enrolment as from a fixed start date can
be cancelled up to the fixed starting date.
Students themselves are responsible for their dis-enrolment via Studielink, as well as for discontinuing their student finance
and terminating their student travel products with DUO.
a. If your enrolment is terminated in the course of the academic year, but not with effect from 1
July or 1 August of that year, you will be refunded one twelfth of the tuition fees paid for each
month of the academic year during which you are no longer enrolled (7.48.4);
b. If your enrolment is terminated with effect from 1 July or 1 August of the academic year, no
tuition fees will be refunded. An exception to this is when an enrolment is terminated in the
event of the death of the student. In that event, the remaining part of the tuition fee for the
entire year will be refunded.
3. If, in the academic year in question, you are also enrolled in a second programme at the
university of applied sciences or another funded university (of applied sciences) and are exempt
from paying tuition fees for the second enrolment, no tuition fees will be refunded if you are dis-
enrolled from your first programme at the university of applied sciences (7.48.1).
1. If you have received a negative binding study recommendation 53 that includes a rejection, you will
not be able to re-enrol in that programme, or in a programme that has the same propaedeutic
exam54 as the programme in question.
2. If you are enrolled for a study programme on 1 February or later and have received a negative
binding study recommendation with a rejection before 1 February of the following academic year,
you will be dis-enrolled as from 31 January of that year. A follow-up enrolment for that
programme, or for a programme that has the propaedeutic examination in common with the
relevant programme, is not possible.
3. If you are enrolled in the framework of the Part-time Flexibilisation Pilot as from a different
enrolment date (see art. 7a) and you have received a negative binding study recommendation
with a rejection, you will be dis-enrolled at the end of that academic year (in this case, an
academic year comprises 12 months). A follow-up enrolment for that programme, or for a
programme that has the propaedeutic examination in common with the relevant programme, is
not possible.
1. Your enrolment may be withdrawn if you do not respect the objectives of the university of applied
sciences. The decision to withdraw your enrolment is taken by the Executive Board, at the
recommendation of the institute director. This decision shall be substantiated in writing. This
decision shall also include how and within what time limit you may lodge an appeal against this
decision. Your enrolment cannot be withdrawn if the programme you are enrolled in is only
offered by the university of applied sciences. And because of the withdrawal of your enrolment,
you will no longer be able to follow the relevant study programme at another university of applied
sciences (7.37.6).
2. Your enrolment can be withdrawn if there is a well-founded fear that you will abuse your
enrolment and the rights attached to it, which will seriously harm the unique nature of the
university of applied sciences. Your enrolment may also be withdrawn if it is established that you
have abused your enrolment and associated rights. The decision to withdraw your enrolment is
taken by the Executive Board, at the recommendation of the institute director. This decision shall
be substantiated in writing. This decision shall also include how and within what time limit you
may lodge an appeal against this decision. (7.37.5).
No rejection is attached to an urgent negative study recommendation and the student can therefore still enrol again for the
study programme concerned. Whether the institute of your programme issues an urgent or a binding study recommendation is
recorded in the study guide of the programme concerned.
For an Ad program, this should read: the first period of 60 EC of the program.
3. If you are a non-EEA student, your enrolment will be terminated immediately if it becomes
apparent after enrolment, on whatever grounds, that your residence in The Netherlands was not
lawful on the first day on which the programme starts and to which the first enrolment pertained
4. Your enrolment may be terminated if the tuition fee is not paid despite a reminder. The enrolment
shall then be terminated with effect from the 2nd month following the first reminder (7.42.2).
5. Your enrolment may be terminated if you are guilty of irregularities in accordance with the
provisions of Article 4.12.1 HU-OER (7.12b paragraph 2). This decision is taken by the institute
director at the recommendation of the examination board. This decision shall be substantiated in
writing. This decision shall also include how and within what time limit you may lodge an appeal
against this decision.
6. Your enrolment may be terminated during the academic year on the basis of Article 30 paragraph
4 sub c HU Students' Charter, if you have not complied with the regulations as referred to in
Section 7.57h(1) WHW (internal rules and order measures). The decision to terminate your
enrolment is taken by the institute director. This decision shall be substantiated in writing. This
decision shall also include how and within what time limit you may lodge an appeal against this
7. Your enrolment may be terminated permanently on the grounds of Article 30 paragraph 4 sub d
HU Students' Charter, if despite a warning to this effect you violate the rules of order and/or
cause serious nuisance (7.57h paragraph 2). The decision to terminate your enrolment is taken
by the institute director. This decision shall be substantiated in writing. This decision shall also
include how and within what time limit you may lodge an appeal against this decision.
8. If, through your behaviour or remarks, you have demonstrated unfitness for the practice of one or
more professions for which the study programme concerned trains you, or unsuitability for the
practical preparation for the professional practice of the study programme concerned, the institute
director may advise the Executive Board to terminate your enrolment, possibly after having
obtained the advice of the examination board and carefully weighing up the interests involved.
Further rules of a procedural nature are contained in Article 33 of the HU Student Charter (7.42a).
9. Your enrolment may be terminated on the grounds of Article 7b, paragraph 2 of these regulations,
if you do not meet the educational admission requirements in time.
The obligation to pay outstanding debts to the university of applied sciences does not lapse if the
enrolment is terminated.
1. If you use the educational and/or examination facilities provided by the university of applied
sciences you may be expected to prove that you are enrolled in a programme at the university of
applied sciences and are therefore entitled to this use (15.4).
2. If you are not enrolled in a programme at the university of applied sciences and yet make use of
educational and/or examination facilities, you will owe compensation to the university of applied
sciences. The amount of the compensation shall be determined by the Executive Board. The
institutional tuition fees for full-time programmes are the guiding principle when participating in a
full-time programme, and the part-time and work-study statutory tuition fees when participating in
a part-time or work-study programme (15.2).
1. In cases not provided for in these regulations and for which an immediate decision is necessary,
or if the strict application of the regulations result in an exceptional case of extreme unfairness,
the matter shall be decided by the institute director of the programme where the student is or
wishes to be enrolled.
2. Enrolment shall be effected in accordance with the rules of procedure laid down by the Executive
Board. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, the Executive Board is entitled to set further
rules with respect to the enrolment procedure. (7.33.1)
Article 37 Evaluation
The Executive Board shall ensure regular evaluation of these regulations. This evaluation shall take
place at least once every four years.
The higher education institution determines these admission requirements prior to the recruitment of the
international student for the study programme concerned and, before admission and enrolment, checks
whether the international student meets the requirements.
4.2 The educational institution determines the minimum language requirements that international
students should meet and sees to it that the international student actually meets these requirements.
If it concerns education of which the language of instruction is Dutch, the provisions of Section 7.28(2)
WHW apply.
If it concerns education of which the language of instruction is English, at least an 'academic' IELTS test
is required with an ‘overall band score’ of 6.0 (six) for the Bachelor and Master levels.
For the preparatory year with a duration of 6 to 12 months, there is a minimum requirement of 5.0
IELTS; for a preparatory year of 6 months or less, a minimum requirement of 5.5 IELTS applies 55.
The table56 below is used for the scores of accepted language tests other than IELTS:
During the period in which it is not possible to use the regular language tests as stated in Article 4.2 of
the Code of Conduct, due to the measures taken to combat the Corona virus, it is permitted to use
online tests offered by the providers as stated in Article 4.2 of the Code of Conduct (these are the
language tests mentioned in foot note 13), if these tests are covered by sufficient quality guarantees, it
is possible to use online tests offered by the suppliers mentioned in article 4.2 of the Code of Conduct.
IELTS TOEFL TOEFL TOEIC57 TOEIC Cambridge English grades and scale
Paper Internet Listening Speaking and
and Reading Writing
7.5 625 113 790 400 Advanced (CAE) - Grade B (scale 194 - 199)
Advanced (CAE) - Grade C (scale 191 - 193)
7.0 600 100 780 350 First (FCE) - Grade A (scale 185 and above)
First (CAE) - Grade C (scale 185 and above)
6.5 575 90 720 310 Advanced (CAE) - Grade C (scale 180 - 184)
During the period in which it is not possible to use the regular language tests as stated in Article 4.2 of the Code of Conduct,
due to the measures taken to combat the Corona virus, it is permitted to use online tests offered by the providers as stated in
Article 4.2 of the Code of Conduct (these are the language tests mentioned in foot note 13), if these tests are covered by sufficient
quality guarantees, it is possible to use online tests offered by the suppliers mentioned in article 4.2 of the Code of Conduct.
For example, the TOELF iBT Special Home Edition test (covered by TOEFL internet).
The table is not intended to mutually compare the language tests and/or scores mentioned. The aim is only to formulate the
minimum scores for the accepted language tests listed for the admission of international students. There has been no referencing
to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) because the CEFR is a framework with level
designations and not an English language test. A CEFR-level covers several scores of the language tests mentioned in the
language tests mentioned in the table. Therefore, no level indication has been included, but a minimum score of a language test.
The threshold values must be met for both parts of the TEOIC.
If the institute has reasonable doubts about the certificate issued and, as a result, about the international
student's command of English, the institute may set further requirements in addition to the prevailing language
requirement relating to the language proficiency.
4.3 By way of derogation from the provisions of Article 4.2, an education institution may exempt international
students whose previous education was in English from the obligation to take a language test. This also applies to
the holder of the International Baccalaureate certificate for English A Language and Literature. The National
Committee may request that the education institution submits a statement from Nuffic confirming that the prior
education was provided in English. Furthermore, an education institution may exempt an international student
from the obligation to take a language test if he/she holds a secondary education diploma from a country that is
included in the list of diplomas drawn up by order of the associations of higher education institutions, as
published on the website of the Code of Conduct.
In case of an exchange programme for a study programme of which the language of instruction is Dutch as well
as a joint, double or multiple degree programme of which the language of instruction is Dutch, the agreement
between the sending and receiving educational institution contains arrangements regarding the command of the
minimum language level of English. The agreements must be in accordance with the standards set out in Article
4.2, whereby the language test referred to only has to be taken once. The educational institution provides access
to the agreement with the sending educational institution upon request of the National Committee.
The educational institution for higher professional education in the field of art can set adjusted requirements
concerning the level of English language skills. These are programmes which are registered in the Arts subsection
of the Language and Culture section of the CROHO. These study programmes are subject to statutory additional
requirements (Section 7.26a WHW), primarily in connection with the required artistic quality.
These study programmes test English language proficiency within the framework of the selection procedure and
are exempted from the obligation to take a language test as described in Article 4.2. Given the special nature of
these programmes, the management of the institution management establishes the desired language level and
lays this down in the Education and Examination Regulations.
4.4 The educational institution will refuse the international student admission and/or enrolment in
writing, stating reasons, if he/she does not meet the requirements set by the education institutional
and/or the study programme. The educational institution specifies the legal remedies that the
international student can use in connection with the refusal.
4.5 The educational institution that makes the admission and/or registration to the study programme
dependent on the successful completion of a preparatory year, will ensure beforehand that the
international student can be expected to successfully complete the preparatory year.
4.6 Upon enrolment, the higher education institution will request the student who must have a residence
permit to agree in writing with the procedure by which the educational institution will report the student
who must have residence permit - with or without prior notice - to the IND, in case the enrolment is
terminated or it is determined that the student has not made sufficient progress as referred to in Articles
5.5 and 5.6.
Article 5 of these regulations lays down the requirements you have to meet. If you do not comply with
the obligations, your application will be rejected.
The timely return of the digital intake is a formal obligation. If you fail to do so, your application will be
rejected. Any appeal against the refusal of your enrolment because you did not submit the digital
intake on time will be assessed on the same criteria as the other obligations for enrolment laid down in
the HU Enrolment Regulations58.
These criteria do not apply to absences during the programme selection activity (matching). An appeal
to special circumstances is, in principle, insufficient reason for not complying with the enrolment
obligations, but can be sufficient reason for absence during the programme selection activity
(matching). The main thing is that you always cancel if you cannot participate (unless the specific
circumstance makes this impossible). If you cancel with a valid reason, you will be given a new
opportunity to participate in the programme selection activity (matching). If there is no further
opportunity to participate, the programme will offer you an (online) individual-study interview or you will
be granted an exemption from participation.
A. Legal
In connection with valid reasons, the Explanatory Memorandum to the ‘Wet kwaliteit
verscheidenheid’ sets out:
“special or personal circumstances of the prospective student that prevented him/her from
participating in the activities. Examples are: special family circumstances or illness, but also
the situation that two institutions have organised interviews at two very different locations in
the Netherlands on the same day, the prospective student's educational obligations or a public
transport strike.” (WP 10140 K-2 page 69)
Extensive case law has been developed within HU, see site complaints guide, opinions GAC on enrolment.
B General criteria
The following criteria apply to the question of whether the special circumstance was also sufficient
reason for absence:
⃣ was the reason mentioned unforeseen?
⃣ was it force majeure?
⃣ was there no freedom of choice?
⃣ were there no possible solutions to get to the matching?
⃣ can it be proved with objective evidence?
C Additional guidelines
Based on the general special circumstances and the general criteria, the special
circumstances can be completed as follows:
Valid reasons:
⃣ Supplement to Sub C, Illness or Childbirth and Sub E, Functional Impairment:
- an accident
- surgery
- chronic medical conditions intensifying at the time of matching (epileptic fit, migraine
attack, for example)
- temporary unexpected acute illness (hospitalisation, first aid, crisis service)
- in all cases to be supported by objective evidence
- Severe weather and traffic conditions of a national character, for which an alert has been
issued in the respective region(s) (orange or red alert)
- Scheduled appointments that cannot be cancelled, cannot be rescheduled or have
disproportionately large negative consequences in the event of cancellation/rescheduling.
- obligatory appointment with a municipal authority whereby the authority has indicated
that if the appointment is not complied with, eviction / cessation of benefits / etc. will
be effected;
- medical appointments with a doctor or care provider which, if cancelled, will
lead to discontinuation of treatment or increased waiting time for treatment.
- in all cases to be supported by objective evidence
Non-Valid Reasons:
⃣ If you do not cancel and/or do not contact and/or do not respond to attempts to contact you
from the HU
⃣ Temporary illness without proof (fever, flu, headache)
⃣ Events and reports of events that are part of everyday life (birthdays, failing a driving test,
being turned down for a job application, etc.)
⃣ Regular weather and traffic conditions: participants should anticipate possible obstacles
⃣ Cultural/religious commandments/prohibitions. In principle, this does not constitute a valid
⃣ Holidays: not valid, unless they were booked before the dates of the matching were known,
i.e. before 1 January, and they cannot be rescheduled or cancelled without disproportionate
⃣ Course/study abroad: not valid, unless the course/study had already started before the
matching dates were known, i.e. before 1 February of the year of intended enrolment, and the
study is taking place outside the border regions of the Netherlands
⃣ Travel expenses for matching