Call For Applications For Assignment of Financial Aid Benefits
Call For Applications For Assignment of Financial Aid Benefits
Call For Applications For Assignment of Financial Aid Benefits
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
NOTA BENE – The application for DSU benefits follows an independent process and has an
independent deadline, which is different from the one for enrolment or registration.
Therefore, it can be submitted even by those who are not yet enroled or registered.
Obviously, the inclusion in the ranking for the actual assignment of the benefits is subject to
enrolment or registration by the deadlines specifically envisaged by the academic calendar.
For students on PhD or specialisation courses, the procedures and deadlines set out in the
relevant Calls for admission and/or the relevant regulations apply.
If they wish to maintain the DSU benefits for the a.y. 2022/2023, those who were DSU
beneficiaries in the previous academic year must also submit an application.
In fact, the benefits are granted only for the academic year, which the Call they took part in
refers to. Additionally, they are not automatically confirmed for subsequent years: each Call
is autonomous and independent from the previous and the upcoming one.
Regardless of the semester of enrolment on the Master of Science degree, the deadlines and procedures for
applying are the same.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
The financial status refers to the student, if independent, or their family unit 2, if still
In order to obtain the University ISEE 3, the Single Substitute Declaration 4 must be submitted
to INPS through the appropriate procedure on the institution’s website. Alternatively, it is
possible to contact a Tax Assistance Centre (CAF) in Italy.
The ISPE will be calculated by the University basing on the information provided by INPS, by
dividing the ISP value (Indicatore della Situazione Patrimoniale [Assets Status Indicator]) by
the equivalency scale.
The elaboration of the ISEE by INPS is not immediate. As such, for the purposes of this Call for
applications, the date of signature of the Single Substitute Declaration, which appears on the
relevant submission receipt, is taken into consideration and it is, therefore, fundamental.
In particular, in order for the application to be admissible, the Single Substitute Declaration
must be signed by:
Wednesday 20th July 2022 for students who enrol in SUBSEQUENT YEARS of all study
programs, including students who enrol in subsequent years of PhD and specialisation
Wednesday 10th August 2022 for students who enrol in FIRST YEARS of all degree programs,
including students who enrol in the first year of Master of Science courses starting from the
second semester, as well as those who enrol in the first year of PhD and specialisation
The University will acquire the ISEE data, starting from the date of signature of the Single
Substitute Declaration, directly from the INPS database.
It is, therefore, essential for the student to enter the date of signature of the Declaration in
their Online Services before the deadline of this Call for applications, in case they have not
done so yet for whichever reason.
The family unit is defined in accordance with DPCM December 5th 2013, no. 159.
The University ISEE must contain the wording “applying for BENEFITS FOR THE RIGHT TO HIGHER EDUCATION in
favor of [student’s tax code]”.
See Glossary.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
Application forms > Enter ISEE data for enrolment
If the student has requested a current ISEE 5, this must be valid on the date of the application’s
If the ISEE is found to be non-compliant 6, the University reserves the right to request suitable
documentation to demonstrate the completeness and truthfulness of the data provided in the
NOTA BENE – The abovementioned indications apply only to those who must submit the
ISEE, namely those owning incomes and properties in Italy.
They do not apply for those who must submit the Equivalent ISEEU, who therefore do NOT
have to enter any date of signature.
For those who must submit the Equivalent ISEEU, the indications below apply.
Art. 3.2 Students with income and assets only abroad or both abroad and in Italy
Any student - Italian or foreign - with income and assets abroad, or both abroad and in Italy,
may not request the ISEE certification. Rather, they need to obtain a substitute document
known as the “ISEEU Parificato” [“Equivalent ISEEU”], which needs to be issued for the sake
of the "benefits for the right to higher education ".
NOTA BENE - In order to obtain the Equivalent ISEEU, students must exclusively contact the
CAF approved by Politecnico di Milano. No other means is accepted for this purpose.
The addresses of the Approved CAF and all relevant information are available on the
University’s website at the following path:
Information for > Current students > Tuition fees, scholarships and financial aid > Student
contribution > Students with income and assets (movable and immovable) declared and or
owned abroad or in Italy and abroad
The University acquires the equivalent ISEEU and ISPEU data of international students directly
from the CAF in a virtual way.
Thus, students do NOT need to input any subscription date on their online profile but rather,
under penalty of inadmissibility of the application, they must deliver the necessary
documentation to the University’s Approved CAF by:
5 See Glossary. The current ISEE is valid for 6 months, unless changes apply.
See Glossary.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
Wednesday 20th July 2022 for students who enrol in SUBSEQUENT YEARS of all study
programs, including students who enrol in subsequent years of PhD and specialisation
Wednesday 10th August 2022 for students who enrol in FIRST YEARS of all degree programs,
including students who enrol in the first year of Master of Science programs starting from
the second semester, as well as those who enrol in the first year of PhD and specialisation
- The student has had a different and separate residence from their family for at least
two years starting from the application date, and such a residence is NOT located in a
property owned by their family, therefore demonstrating that they have taken up a
paid accommodation;
- The student has owned a fiscally declared income for at least two years, which derives
from an employment relationship or assimilation 7. Such activities must not be carried
out under an individual who is bonded to the student through kinship. If the
independent student, basing on their civil status certificate, is cohabiting with another
person, the incomes of both people must be considered mandatorily, even if they are
not relatives.
In order to prove to have taken up a paid accommodation, the student declaring themselves
as independent must submit to the Financial Aid Unit the following:
Copy of the lease agreement of paid accommodation, which must be headed to the
student’s name.
The lease agreement needed to prove the independent status of the student also
needs to comply to the timeframe set by Art. 14.1 related to the away from home
student: thus, it must necessarily cover the entire timeframe between October 1st
2022 and July 31st 2023;
For independent students, their income is not considered along with their family unit’s one.
Emails are managed with the 'trouble ticket' system: they therefore require authentication.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
Art. 3.4 Foreign students coming from particularly poor countries
For the calculation of the Equivalent ISEEU-ISPEU, students coming from particularly poor
countries 9 may submit to the approved CAF:
• For students who enrol in the first year of Bachelor of Science, single-cycle Master of
Science or Master of Science degrees, the certification may also be issued by Italian
Authorities authorised to issue economic guarantees. In this case, the Authority which
issues the certification provides the guarantee for reimbursing the scholarship and all
benefits received by the student, should the benefits be revoked;
For all other aspects (such as procedures, deadlines, etc.) the provisions of Art. 3.2 apply.
The certificate may be sent to the email address 11 indicated on the webpage: > (select: DSU scholarship).
Nonetheless, in case students own income and/or assets in Italy, they must request their
University ISEE Certification and follow the instructions indicated in Art.3.1.
Art. 3.6 Limits regarding ISEE/ISPEE, ISEEU/ISPEEU, and minimum annual income
for an independent student
The ISEE/ISPE limits, the ISEEU/ISPEU limits, and the minimum annual income for an
independent student are defined annually by the Regional Government of Lombardy through
its own resolution which, at the date of publication of this notice, has not yet been issued.
Thus, such values will be specified with an addition to this Call for applications, which will be
published on the University website at the following page: allo studio >
The list of particularly poor countries for the academic year 2022/2023 has been defined by the MUR Decree
n. 344 of April 8th 2022.
Art. 13 DPCM April 9th 2001.
Emails are managed with the 'trouble ticket' system: they therefore require authentication.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
ART. 4 MERIT-BASED REQUIREMENTS: students enroled in the FIRST
Art. 4.1 Entry requirements for students enroled in the FIRST YEAR of Bachelor of
Science or single-cycle Master of Science programs
Students who enrol in the FIRST YEAR of Bachelor of Science or single-cycle Master of Science
courses must enrol without total OFA (Additional Educational Obligations). The presence or
absence of OFA will be assessed exclusively 12 upon enrolment of the student.
Enrolment with solely OFA in English does not constitute cause for exclusion.
Art. 4.2 Academic merit requirements for students enroled on the FIRST YEAR of
Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, and single-cycle Master of Science courses
For the sake of the ranking, for students enroled on the first year of Bachelor of Science,
Master of Science, and single-cycle Master of Science courses, the consideration of the
financial requirement is prioritised. On the other hand, the merit-based requirements will be
taken into consideration later and will determine the confirmation or revocation of the
awarded benefits.
In order to get the DSU Scholarship confirmed, along with the consequent payment of the
second instalment, students who receive the scholarship and are enroled in the first year
must achieve a specific number of ECTS by August 10th 2023.
In particular:
for students enroling in the first semester, it is necessary to achieve:
• a minimum of 35 ECTS, if enroled in the study programs of the Schools of Engineering
and Architecture;
• a minimum of 40 ECTS, if enroled in the study programs of the School of Design;
for students enroling in the second semester of Master of Science programs, it is necessary
to achieve:
• 17 ECTS. If, basing on the Degree Program, it is impossible to achieve 17 ECTS, it is
sufficient to earn a number of credits corresponding to the one (inferior in amount)
required for the same Degree Program by August 10th 2023.
For the purpose of granting DSU benefits, passing OFA is irrelevant after the enrolment date, which must
have occurred by the prescribed deadline.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
NOTA BENE – For the very reason why the scholarship is yet to be confirmed, students
enroled in any course on their first year MUST pay the second instalment of their tuition
fees by the deadlines established by the Student Affairs Office.
In order to get their instalment calculated in proportion to their income and to avoid paying
the amount corresponding to the highest income bracket, it is advisable for them to present
their ISEE/Equivalent ISEEU.
In case the scholarship gets confirmed, both the first and the second instalments of tuition
fees will be reimbursed (except for the administrative fee, which is not refundable).
In order to meet the merit-based requirements, students enroled in first years 13 of all study
programs are NOT eligible for any credit bonus.
NOTA BENE - The number of necessary European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System
Credits (ECTS) is ALWAYS calculated basing on the absolute first year of enrolment, in
reference to the first year when the student enroled in any Italian or foreign university for
the same level of studies, which the benefit is requested for. The principle of absolute first
enrolment is applied, for example, to all cases of enrolment at Politecnico di Milano after
study withdrawals, or in case of enrolment in Politecnico di Milano after transferring from
another School or Program. In such cases, the number of ECTS recognised by the respective
Program Board will be considered before the payment date of the second instalment of the
Art. 4.4 Non-confirmation and revocation of benefits for students enroled in the
FIRST YEAR of Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, and single-cycle Master of
Science courses
Beneficiaries who do not achieve the required ECTS by August 10th 2023 lose the right to the
second instalment of the scholarship. Furthermore, commencing from September 1st 2023,
they will no longer have access to the canteen service.
For subsequent years, see Art 5.1.
ECTS related to Passion in Action Courses and similar are not considered.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
However, if they achieve the minimum ECTS required by November 30th 2023, they may retain
the first instalment of the scholarship and they will be entitled to the reimbursement of the
tuition fees.
However, they will be obliged to pay for the preferential rate residence service, which they
might have utilised from February 2023 and to refund the monetary value of the canteen
service used from May 2nd 2023.
Alternatively, any failure to obtain the required ECTS by November 30th 2023 will result in the
total revocation of the scholarship.
Total revocation of the scholarship entails the obligation to return all sums already received.
Specifically, the student must return any amount obtained through the first instalment, as well
as the one corresponding to the value of any services (such as canteen, residence, etc.), which
they have actually used.
To sum up:
• the right to canteen • the canteen service stops
service remains; from September 1st 2023;
• the DSU second • you are not entitled to
Minimal ECTS by instalment will be DSU second instalment.
August 10th 2023 regularly issued by the
end of October; The potential revocation is
• you are eligible for suspended up until November
tuition fees’ refund 15. 30th 2023
The refund is carried out by the Student Affairs Office.
The Student Affairs Office might require further compensation fees.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
Art. 4.2. The merit requirements are established by the professor assigned to integrate
students with disabilities.
In any case, this category of students is not subject to the provisions on the revocation of
benefits and minimum merit limits for the payment of the second instalment.
Design 40 90 150
Single-cycle Master of 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year (11th and
Science (3 -4
rd th
(5 -6
th th
(7 -8
th th
(9 -10
th th final
semester) semester) semester) semester) semester)
2nd year
Master of Science (3rd-4th semester) (5th and final semester)
Architecture/Engineering 35 90
Design 40 90
Architecture/Design/Engineering 29 84
Those represented by the table above, namely students enroled in the first year of Master of
Science programs starting from the second semester, who are unable to achieve 29 or 84 ECTS
due to their Degree Program, can earn a number of credits corresponding to the one (inferior
in amount) required by the latter by August 10th 2023.
For students enroled in subsequent years, merit is recorded for the purposes of inclusion in a useful position
in the ranking. However, it is not required a posteriori for confirmation of the benefits.
See Glossary.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
For students with disabilities, this applies in relation to the provisions of Article 4.5.
NOTA BENE - The bonus accrues exclusively during Bachelor of Science and single-cycle
Master of Science programs (up to the third year). The bonus can only be used once and it is
NOT cumulative.
The bonus cannot be used to achieve the merit requirements at the end of the first year.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
Art. 6 MERIT-BASED REQUIREMENTS: Students enroled on PhD and
specialisation courses
For students enroled on specialisation and PhD courses, the merit requirements are met
through admission to courses without repeat, according to the methods stated in the Calls for
application, without prejudice to the contents of Art 15.
Wednesday 20th July 2022, for students who enrol in subsequent years of ALL study
programs, including those who enrol in PhD and specialisation courses;
Wednesday 10th August 2022, for students who enrol in the first years of ALL study
programs, including those who enrol in the first year of Master of Science programs
starting from the second semester, as well as those who enrol in the first year of PhD
and specialisation courses.
The aforementioned deadlines are MANDATORY and must be respected by all students (both
competing for the first time and competing to maintain the benefit), including those who may enrol
for the a.y. 2022/2023 even after the dates indicated above, namely after having passed
admission tests, exams, or having obtained the first level degree.
The Online Services electronic system certifies the exact date and time of submitting the online
The deadlines refer to ALL available benefits, the only exception being the application for the
degree award 19, namely for the integration of the DSU scholarship offered to graduated
students who conclude their studies by the legal duration of their course.
Therefore, in the application process for the DSU Scholarship, students must also specify
whether they are requesting the integration for international mobility and/or if they are
competing for accommodation at reduced rate.
The deadlines for applying for the degree award are indicated in Art. 22.1.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
Once all parts have been completed, the application must be finalised and sent.
To do so, click on “Close and send the Application form - Save the Receipt”
As a confirmation that the application has been properly submitted by the deadline, the
student receives a summary sheet on their institutional email address - if they have already
been assigned one 20 - or on the email address provided during the registration phase.
When transferring TO Politecnico di Milano FROM another University, the student must ask
the Financial Aid Service of the University which they are transferring from to send the
application, as long as it was submitted by the deadlines indicated in the Call for applications
of the University of origin. The transfer must be completed prior to publication of the final
rankings relating to the requested benefits.
The outcome in the ranking will be subject to possession of the requirements in this Call for
applications and the availability of resources.
NOTA BENE - With reference to the minimum ECTS required for the purposes of this Call,
only and exclusively validated ECTS will be considered. Such validation will have to be in line
with the requirements applied for the validation of the transfer’s application, without
considering the amount of ECTS totally achieved in the previous academic career.
Likewise, partial validations will not count either.
Art. 8.2 Case of a student attending a Bachelor of Science program who is receiving
a DSU Scholarship and is enroling in a Master of Science program starting from the
second semester
Students who, in the a.y. 2022/2023, applied with the profile ‘Subsequent years’ as they are
enroled in the last semester of Bachelor of Science programs and, having obtained the degree,
enrol in a Master of Science program commencing from the second semester, may ask the
Upon activating the enrolment, Politecnico di Milano assigns the student a PoliMi email address. The PoliMi
email address replaces the one provided during registration for all official communications.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
Financial Aid Service to modify the profile of the application submitted to be considered as
students enroled in Master of Science programs starting in the second semester, without
prejudice to the benefits obtained up to that point.
The request to change the ‘profile’ of the applicant - from “Subsequent years: all levels” to
“First year second level” - must be sent to the Financial Aid Service through the email channel
indicated on the web page; > (select: DSU scholarship)
by the deadlines established by the University’s academic calendar for enrolment in Master
of Science programs from the second semester.
Art. 8.3 Case of a student waiting to obtain a first-level degree and enroling in the
first year of a Master of Science course
Those who applied as students enroled in a Master of Science program commencing in the
first semester and who, nevertheless, need to delay their enrolment, can request a change in
the profile of the application submitted, so to be considered students enroled in an additional
semester of the degree programs.
The request to change the ‘profile’ of the applicant - from “First year - Master of Science (LM
– 2nd level)” to “Subsequent years: Bachelor, Master of Science and PhD (L, LM cu; LM, PhD,
Spec)” – must be sent via email to the following web page: >
(select: DSU Scholarship) by the deadlines envisaged by this Call for submitting a review
request 21.
The change request can only be granted if the application with the profile ““First year - Master
of Science (LM – 2nd level)” has been submitted by the deadline for submitting the application
with the profile “Subsequent years: Bachelor, Master of Science and PhD (L, LM cu; LM, PhD,
Spec)”, namely by July 20th 2022 at 12 pm.
• students who do not “close and send” the application or who submit an incomplete
• students who do not submit the documentation required by the Call, or submit it after
the deadline, or provide false and/or irregular documents;
• students who do not complete the enrolment in programs at Politecnico di Milano for
the academic year 2022/2023 by the deadlines indicated in the academic calendar 22;
• students who do not hold an ISEE-ISPEE - or Equivalent ISEEU-ISPEU – issued for the
sake of benefits for the right to higher education;
• students who have pending payments related to DSU revocation of previous years
when the provisional ranking of this Call is released;
• students who have any debt with Politecnico di Milano;
• students who have been subject to measures of revocation of benefits as a result of
See Art. 17.
In order to be considered regularly enroled the student will have to pay the first instalment of the tuition
fees, as well as the regional tax fee, duty stamps, and insurance prize by the preestablished deadlines.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
false declarations, fraud, or for other reasons in previous years;
• students who were unable to apply 23.
If it is ascertained that there has been cause for forfeiture, the student must refund all benefits
received up to that point, including the actual cost of meals consumed and the cost of
accommodation at reduced rate.
If a student forfeits their benefits, they will lose the right to fees and contributions’ exemption.
They will, therefore, have to rectify their administrative position with the Registrar’s Office
with regard to the payment of any fee and contribution remained unpaid up until that
moment (if not exempt for another reason).
For this purpose, Politecnico di Milano will perform checks on a sample of at least 20% of
students deemed eligible for Financial Aid benefits.
In case of untruthful declarations, the assigned benefits will be revoked and the sanctions
pursuant to articles 75 and 76 of Presidential Decree no. 445/2000 and Art. 10 Legislative
Decree no. 68/2012 cit. will be applied.
This is without prejudice to disciplinary sanctions and criminal regulations, should the act be
considered a crime.
See Art. 2.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
The Financial Aid benefits are exempt from income taxes, pursuant to Circular no. 109/E of
April 6th 1995 of the Ministry of Finance 24.
However, beneficiaries will be issued with the Single Certification of the amounts paid in cash
and the free canteen services which must be produced when completing the new ISEE
The Single Certification will be available on the beneficiary’s personal Online Services page,
usually in the month of March.
If a student is assigned the DSU Scholarship whilst also be awarded with another non-
cumulable scholarship simultaneously, they will have to choose which one to accept, by
exercising the right of option.
In particular, if the student opts for the other scholarship - i.e. not the DSU Scholarship - they
must notify, by 10 days from accepting the non-DSU Scholarship, the Financial Aid Service via
the email channel indicated on the webpage: > (select: DSU
If the incompatibility is spotted automatically, this constitutes grounds for forfeiture of the
DSU benefit and will subsequently preclude the student from exercising the right of option 26.
The DSU Scholarship does not preclude participation in Calls for paid student collaborations
(150 hours and tutoring).
The amount of the residence service which may have been deducted from the gross amount of the
scholarship of “away from home” student may also be subject to IRPEF deduction at 19%.
Some examples of non-cumulable funding is the Thesis Abroad Call, Merit-based Scholarships, MAECI, etc.
See Art. 10.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
Study programs scholarships
Students enroled in the first year of Bachelor of Science 250
programs or single-cycle Master of Science programs
Students enroled on the first year of Master of Science 290
Students enroled on the first year of PhD and specialisation 10
Students enroled on subsequent years of all study programs 1,140
Students enroled on subsequent years of PhD and 10
specialisation courses
The scholarship is made up of a part paid in cash and a part provided in services, typically
canteen services and, for students away from home who have applied for it, the
accommodation at reduced rate. As such, the part of the scholarship paid in cash will be net
of deductions for services.
The amount of the scholarship depends on both the student’s income bracket and their
geographic origin.
There are three income brackets taken into consideration for DSU purposes, and these are
autonomous and independent from the income brackets assessed by the University for the
purposes of demonstrating the amount owed for tuition fees and contributions.
For students receiving the scholarship for the year following the last one of regular studies
and for students enroled in the first year of Master of Science programs starting in the second
semester, the scholarship amounts and deductions for services are reduced by 50%.
Students with certified disability of 66% or higher have the right to be assigned the
scholarship, even if this exceeds the number of available scholarships and to get the annual
amount increased.
The exact amount of the DSU Scholarship, as well as the deductions, are defined annually by
the Regional Government of Lombardy by its own resolution which, at the date of publication
of this Call, has not yet been issued.
For residence slots see Art. 23.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
These values, as well as any increase in the number of scholarships available as a result of any
raise in resources, will therefore be specified with a supplement to this Call for Applications,
which will be released on the University’s website on the following webpage: allo studio >
In order to be considered “away from home”, as well as to obtain the benefits in the amount
stated by this Call for that status, the student must make an explicit request, demonstrating
that they have taken up a paid accommodation in the Municipality where their course is held,
or in a Municipality classified as its urban area, for a period of at least 10 continuous months,
starting from October 1st 2022.
Politecnico di Milano currently only offers the degree program in Engineering of Computing Systems online.
The time needed to reach at the course from the residence will be calculated from the first departure
station/stop to the final arrival station/stop at the course location.
The two conditions must be present jointly; hence, be resident is not sufficient per se. Therefore, if the student
resides in a location which is far from where the program takes place and they decide to live free of charge in a
residence close to this location, they are considered a “commuter” student.
Including those who were recipients of DSU Scholarship as “away from home” students under the Call for
the a.y. 2021/2022.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
Specifically, the lease agreement must necessarily cover the timeframe between October 1st
2022 and July 31st 2023.
Lease agreements starting after October 1st 2022 will not be considered suitable for the sake
of the recognition of the away from home status32.
In case of a scholarship covering merely the first semester, the period must be at least of 5
continuous months.
Specifically, the lease agreement must necessarily cover the timeframe between October 1st
2022 and February 28th 2023.
For students enroling in a Master of Science from the II semester and who, therefore, gain
access to their scholarship from then, the period must be at least of 5 continuous months,
starting from March 1st 2023.
Specifically, the lease agreement must necessarily cover the timeframe between March 1st
2023 and July 31st 2023.
In order to request a change of status from ‘commuter’ to ‘away from home’, the student
who rented a private accommodation must send the following documents to the Financial Aid
• A copy of the paid accommodation lease agreement signed and headed to the student’s
name, as well as the corresponding receipt of registration from “Agenzia delle Entrate”,
which must be valid for the year which the benefit is requested for.
If the name of a parent is mentioned on the lease agreement, the former must result as
a mere guarantor and, therefore, not be a tenant at the same time.
Should the student have taken over the lease agreement, they will need to submit the
take-over agreement and its registration, along with the copy of the original lease
agreement and its registration from “Agenzia delle Entrate”.
Differently, if living in a dormitory, residence, lodgings or similar residences which are NOT
managed by Politecnico di Milano, the student must submit:
• A copy of the contract stipulated with the dormitory, residence, lodgings or similar, as
well as a valid tax certificate serving as proof of payment of the fee or of the rent for at
least its first instalment.
For residences managed directly by Politecnico di Milano, the details (fees, duration, etc.) will
be acquired by the Financial Aid Service autonomously.
Regardless of the type of paid lease, all contracts must be finalised and, therefore, already
signed by both parties when the application is submitted.
Any request for a change of status from ‘commuter’ to ‘away from home’, with the relevant
documentation in PDF format, must be submitted by:
The sole exemption to this can be represented by a contract which guarantees continuation to a contract
previously sent by the preestablished deadline. In this scenario, the two contracts must have immediate continuity
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
Monday 10th October 2022 for students enroling in Bachelor of Science programs, single-
cycle Master of Science programs and Master of Science programs and for students enroled
in PhD and specialisation courses;
Wednesday 15th March 2023 for students enroling in Master of Science programs
commencing from the second semester.
Under penalty of inadmissibility, the application, with the attached documentation, should be
sent only in PDF format exclusively by email 33 indicated on the following web page: > (select: Recognition of Away from Home status).
NOTA BENE - The student will continue to be considered a “commuter” if they do not submit
the required documentation, or if they submit it in a procedure other than the ‘trouble
ticket’ system or after the deadlines established by this Call.
Students who are granted with the away from home status must promptly notify the Financial
Aid Unit - through the same channel utilised to request the abovementioned status – about
any event, switch, or change which might occur to their accommodation throughout the
academic year.
Should there be a discrepancy between the income value declared – ISEE and/or ISEEU
Parificato – and the rental fees of the lease agreement used to request the away from home
status, necessary checks shall be carried out, according to Art. 11, even before the payment
of the first instalment of the scholarship.
NOTA BENE – In the lease agreements’ payment receipts – required during the random
checks carried out to verify the persistence of the away from home status – the purpose of
the money transfer (e.g. “rent payment for March”), the name of the DSU student, and the
landlord must always be clearly indicated.
ART. 14.2 Case of the ‘away from home’ student who withdraws from the original
lease agreement and signs a new one
It is not considered suitable with this Call withdrawing from the lease agreement through
which the away from home status was obtained for the sake of signing a new contract. Such
an event causes the revocation of the away from home status with retroactive effect.
Nonetheless, should the student notify the Financial Aid Unit Office about this change
promptly, they will be entitled to maintain the scholarship as a “commuter”. This can be done
exclusively by email 34 indicated on the following web page: > (select: Recognition of Away from Home status).
On the contrary, should the Financial Aid Unit find out about the abovementioned withdrawal
through random checks carried out throughout the academic year, this will cause the
Emails are managed with the 'trouble ticket' system: they therefore require authentication.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
complete and retroactive revocation of the scholarship and its benefits for the entire duration
of the academic year.
Should the withdrawal from the lease agreement used to obtain the away from home status
be justified by exceptional circumstances for which the student would be forced to sign a new
contract, they will be able to avoid the revocation of their status insofar as they guarantee the
validity of the original contract for at least 5 months out of the 10 required 35.
For the sake of keeping the away from home status, the following documentation will need to
be sent to the Financial Aid Unit:
- The new lease agreement and its registration from “Agenzia delle Entrate”;
- The payment receipts of the last two months of rental fees of the original contract;
- The payment receipt of the first month of the new lease agreement.
Such a documentation needs to be submitted in PDF format exclusively by email 36 indicated
on the following web page: > (select: Recognition of Away
from Home status).
Unless they have already done so, the student will have to justify the reasons behind their
withdrawal from their lease agreement, as well as to ask for confirmation of their away from
home status to the Financial Aid Unit.
ART. 14.3 Case of the ‘away from home’ student in the previous a.y. who applies
to obtain DSU benefits in the a.y. 2022/2023, too
The attribution of ‘away from home’ status applies solely and exclusively to the academic year
when the student is beneficiary of DSU Scholarship.
Truthfully, each Call is autonomous and independent from the previous one in regards to the
documentation to be provided, too.
Therefore, students who apply for the benefits for the a.y. 2022/2023 and wish to continue to
be granted with the status of ‘away from home’ must make a new request, as indicated in
Any request presented after the deadline, by methods different from the ones prescribed or
without being accompanied by the necessary documentation, involves the attribution of
‘commuter’ status.
ART. 14.4 Case of the student who participates in a ‘mobility’ in the a.y. 2022/2023
The student who participates in an international mobility program in the a.y. 2022/2023 and
who wants to be considered - or continue being considered - “away from home” must
demonstrate that they have taken up paid accommodation for a period of no less than 10
months, as per Art. 14.1, in the location where they are exchanging.
Specifically, considering both their place of residence in Italy and the location of the course
they attend at Politecnico di Milano:
These five months are to be understood within the DSU timeframe, namely from October 1st 2022 until at
least February 28th 2023.
Emails are managed with the 'trouble ticket' system: they therefore require authentication.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
• if the mobility period lasts throughout the entire academic year, the student must
provide the Financial Aid Service with a contract headed to their name (or another
equivalent document, with reference to the regulations in force in the country where
the mobility takes place), proving that they have taken up paid accommodation in
their host country for the entire duration of the mobility period or for a timeframe of
at least 10 months;
• if the mobility period covers only part of the academic year, in addition to the
overseas contract covering the relevant period they must also submit a copy of the
rental agreement for paid accommodation, properly registered in Italy, for a period,
in combination with the period spent abroad, of no less than 10 months.
For the methods and deadlines for sending this documentation, the provisions of Art. 14.1
ART. 14.5 Case of withdrawal from the paid accommodation rental agreement
Any student who - for whichever reason – withdraws from the paid accommodation rental
agreement which they used to get their status of away from home awarded or who renounces
their place at the dormitory, residence or lodgings before the end of the minimum period set
out in this Call, will lose their “away from home” status.
The change of status will have retroactive effect. The student will therefore be asked to return,
in the form of an adjustment on the first instalment, the value of the meal vouchers used as
part of the “away from home” status.
If the first instalment has already been paid, the refund - if possible in the form of an
adjustment on the second instalment - will also concern the highest sum received throughout
the scholarship.
To contact the Service, the email channel indicated on the following web page is available: > (select: Recognition of Away from Home Status).
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
On the other hand, if the loss of the paid accommodation it is highlighted following the
Financial Aid Service’s checks, the scholarship will be revoked with retroactive effect, and with
the consequent request of refunding everything which has been received and enjoyed - in
semesters of scholarship and value of services – up until the time of the revocation.
ART. 14.6 Case of the student who loses their ‘away from home’ status due to the
acquisition of residence
The student who got their status changed to “away from home” and who has successively
obtained their residence in the Municipality where they attend their study program or in a
Municipality which is classified as an urban area, from which they can reach their study
program’s site within 90 minutes 38 by public transportation, will lose their “away from home”
status and will be retroactively considered either “in site” or “commuter” for the purposes of
the DSU Scholarship.
Therefore, they will be required to reimburse the amount of the canteen services which they
have used as “away from home”, ideally by detracting such an amount from their first
instalment. In case the latter has already been issued, the detraction will be operated on the
second instalment and it will be related to the highest amount received throughout the
Students on a Master of Science program 5 semesters, commencing from the absolute first
year of enrolment
Students on a specialisation or PhD course 3 years, commencing from the absolute first year
of enrolment
For students with certified disability of 66% or higher, the benefit can be granted for a period
of 3 semesters beyond the normal duration of the attended study course.
The time needed to get to the study site from the residence will be calculated from the first station/bus stop
until the last station/bus stop of arrival.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
NOTA BENE - The DSU Scholarship is NOT automatically renewed: students who wish to
continue to receive it for the next academic year MUST submit a new application, according
to the deadlines and methods indicated in Articles 7 and 8 of this Call.
Each student who has submitted a proper and complete application is attributed a score
relating to their financial status, calculated according to the following formula:
The ranking order follows the score awarded in descending order. If the scores are the same,
the highest degree score prevails39, followed by the youngest age.
Each student enroled in subsequent years who has submitted a proper and complete
application is attributed an academic merit score. 1,000 points may be attributed and are
distributed as follows:
• 600 based on the number of ECTS earned by August 10th 2022, calculated according to
the following formula
(student ECTS - minimum ECTS) X
(max standard ECTS -
minimum ECTS)
• 400 based on the average examination marks passed by August 10th 2022, calculated
according to the following formula:
Students who have obtained their diploma in a country other than Italy will be assessed according to the
diploma grade resulting from the application of the conversion formula adopted by the MIUR (MIUR note of
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
(Student average mark - 18) X 400
(30 - 18)
Should there be equal scores, the student who did use a bonus will rank higher, followed by
the student with a higher score for their economic status. If the equity of scores persists, the
student enroled in the latest year of the program will be prioritised, followed by the youngest
Art. 16.1 Case of a student enroling in a Master of Science program starting from
the second semester
Students who submit the scholarship application as students enroling in a Master of Science
program starting from the second semester will be at the bottom of the ranking “with
The reserve will be lifted when the enrolment is completed. In any case, the student will be
entitled to the payment of the scholarship only if funds are available.
It is the responsibility of the student to inform the Financial Aid Service - via the email 40
channel indicated on the web page allo studio > (select: DSU
Scholarship) about the existence of ECTS not yet recognised by the deadline for submitting
the application established in Art. 7.
The reserve will be lifted once ECTS are validated by the payment date of the second
instalment of the scholarship. In any case, the student will be entitled to the payment of the
scholarship only if funds are available.
Emails are managed through the 'trouble ticket' system: they, therefore, require authentication.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
The student can view their position in the provisional ranking by accessing their Online Services
starting from Thursday 29th September 2022.
Any request for review may only be submitted by and no later than Monday 10th October
2022, exclusively using the dedicated “submit a review request” function available on the page
of the Online Services, where the provisional ranking is published.
The request must be accompanied by the appropriate documents (in PDF format) justifying
the reasons for the request.
Incomplete requests, requests not supported by adequate documentation, or requests
submitted in any form other than the one indicated in this Call for applications will be
considered inadmissible.
The student will only be informed of the result of their request through the publication of
the final rankings.
Once the examination of review requests has been completed, the student can view their
position in the final ranking by visiting their Online Services from Wednesday 9th November
Appeals against the final ranking must be submitted to the relevant bodies by the deadlines
and according to the procedures indicated in the regulations in force.
Any raise in the number of scholarships which may become available in the event of an
increase of funds will be communicated through a supplement to this Call for applications.
Any scholarship not assigned due to lack of eligible students in a ranking will be reallocated
and assigned to students positioned in an appropriate place in the ranking which has the
highest number of eligible candidates, until the number of scholarships established by this Call
is completed.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
This can be done through the email 41 channel mentioned on the website which can be found
through the following link: allo studio > (select: DSU Scholarship).
students enroled in the FIRST YEAR of: • 50% of the scholarship by December 31st
• Bachelor of Science programs, 2022
• Single-cycle Master of Science programs; • 50% by October 18th 2023 SOLELY for
• Master of Science programs with entry in students who have achieved the ECTS
the 1st semester.
required by the Call by August 10th 2023.
students enroled in the FIRST YEAR of: • first instalment: by June 2023;
• Master of Science programs with entry in • second instalment: by October 18th 2023
the 2nd semester SOLELY for students who have achieved
the ECTS required by the Call by August
50% of the annual scholarship, paid in two
instalments. 10th 2023.
students enroled in the FIRST YEAR of: • single instalment: by November 30th
• PhD and specialisation courses 2022;
Emails are managed through the 'trouble ticket' system: they, therefore, require authentication.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
NOTA BENE - The payment order and the actual crediting of the sum to the student’s bank
account do NOT occur simultaneously: there is a necessary technical processing period
between the two dates for the completion of the procedure. Usually, it takes at least two
weeks, but it depends on the timescales of the individual banking institutions.
Therefore, to facilitate the correct payment of the scholarship each student must enter, unless
they have already done so, their IBAN code on their Online Services. This is the path:
For students who do not have a current account, it is possible to activate the bank card
functions on the Ateneo + 43 Card. To do so, a branch of Banca Popolare di Sondrio must be
used, to request the upgrade of the card to a named prepaid card, necessarily linked to an
IBAN code.
The lack or the incorrect indication of the ‘payment methods’, along with the indication of
non-SEPA bank details, determinates the suspension of the monetary part of the scholarship
until the entry or correction of the data.
Once the impediment has been removed, the Financial Aid Service will pay the scholarships
which have been suspended up until that moment.
Any costs incurred by Politecnico di Milano due to the incorrect indication of the bank details
will be charged onto the student.
The scholarship as well as the canteen service can be suspended for those students who have
any pending payment with Politecnico di Milano. Should this be related to any DSU benefit
A prepaid card issued by Poste Italiane is also suitable.
The Ateneo + Card is the university card which is handed in after enrolment.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
which has been previously revoked, the Financial Aid Unit reserves the right to offset the
mutual credit claims.
Any failure to enter on the online profile suitable and correct bank details by December 31st
2023 prevents the payment of the economic part of the scholarship and is seen as a waiver of
the same, thus involving the forfeiture of the right to the payment of the economic part of the
scholarship. Such a forfeiture embeds the suspension.
This is without prejudice to the payment of the canteen services and to the use of preferential
rate residence service.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
Students who are assigned or eligible non-assigned recipients of a scholarship for the
2022/2023 a.y. have the right to use the canteen services.
Students who receive the scholarship will be charged a flat fee 44 to be deducted from the
scholarship amount.
If the student does not use the canteen services, they will NOT be entitled to any refund.
The only exception to this is in the case of a student taking part in an international mobility
program lasting at least 2 months.
In particular, for students in mobility the prohibition to use the canteen services 45 remains in
place, being compensated by the right to the reimbursement of canteen services withholding,
proportional to the monthly duration of the period spent abroad, thoroughly documented.
To use the canteen services the Policard - known as “Ateneo +”- must be activated, having
been issued by the University to each enroled student 46.
The activation is made through the function available on the Online Services, by following the
instructions provided along with the card itself. This is a procedure which needs to be done
only once and it is independent from the DSU Call: it will be valid for the entire validity of the
On the other hand, the access to the canteen services of active cards is carried out by the
Financial Aid Service. It will be valid up until the student will be entitled to such canteen
services, in accordance to this Call.
For students who receive the DSU scholarship for their final semester, the service may be
active until April 30th 2023, provided that the beneficiary has not graduated in the meanwhile.
Truthfully, if, before that date, the beneficiary achieves their degree, the right to the service
ceases from the day after their graduation date.
For students enroled in Master of Science programs starting in the second semester, the
canteen service is active from Monday 1st May 2023 to Sunday 12th November 2023.
The amount of the deduction is determined by a Regional Resolution annually, see Art. 13.
See Art. 21.3.
The Ateneo+ card is issued by the Registrar’s Office and it is usually available within 3 weeks from enrolment.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
For students enroled in subsequent years of PhD and specialisation courses, the canteen
service is provided from January 1st 2023 until December 31st 2023.
NOTA BENE - The canteen service will be SUSPENDED for the entire month of August 2023.
Based on the student’s profile - local, commuter, away from home - the Financial Aid Service
will activate the corresponding rules of use - both in semesters of days of accrual and value of
the meal voucher/day - as summarised below:
The canteen service may only be used by the person entitled to it, i.e. the authorised holder
of the “Ateneo +” card.
Giving up the “Ateneo +” card, QR codes, or barcodes to third parties constitutes disciplinary
The meal voucher may only be used on the day which it is assigned for: if the meal voucher is
not used on that particular day, it may NOT be used on subsequent days, neither individually
nor cumulatively with others.
In case of loss or theft of the "Ateneo +" card, within 5 days of the event, the student must
inform the Financial Aid Service through the email channel indicated on the web page: > (select: Catering Service) and promptly activate the card
re-issuance procedure on their Online Services.
During the time taken to re-issue the "Ateneo +" card, the student may use the canteen
service using the QR code, barcode, or any other available tool, which they will be informed
about by the Financial Aid Service.
On the other hand, all meals utilised through direct use of the “Ateneo +” card between the
date of loss or theft and the date of communication of the event to the Financial Aid Service
will be charged to the "Ateneo +" cardholder.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
In the event of violation of the rules regarding the use of the "Ateneo +" card in particular
and the canteen service in general, the latter is suspended for a period which corresponds to
twice the duration of the violation. In the event of reiterated violation, the suspension periods
may be further extended until the revocation of the scholarship is assessed as a whole.
In any case, the transgressor will be charged for the actual cost of all irregularly utilised meals.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
Students assigned with the scholarship for the a.y. 2022/2023 and all eligible NON-assigned
recipients (including students enroled in PhD courses) may receive an integration of the DSU
Scholarship to participate in international mobility programs and internships lasting for a
period even or superior to 2 months.
Only international mobility programs and internships regulated by a specific Call for
applications from the University and involving a selection procedure of the applicants are
For each study program attended, the contribution may be granted only once and for only
one type of program, meaning a period of mobility for either study purposes or for an
The mobility must be related to a study program abroad, certified by Politecnico di Milano’s
responsible office for international exchanges.
For this reason, the student will be asked to indicate the mobility program in question.
NOTA BENE - Periods spent abroad after October 31st 2023 will NOT be taken into consideration
as they fall under the next academic year’s timeframe.
The amounts of any other contribution assigned through European Union funds or other
public/private entities, or based on bilateral agreements, even outside the EU, are deducted
from the amount.
On top of that, students have the right to reimbursement of round-trip travel expenses to a
maximum of €100 for European countries and €500 for non-European countries.
The lump sum reimbursement of travel expenses is subject to the reception of travel
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
In particular, the interested student shall send to the Financial Aid Service - through the email
channel indicated on the web page: > (select:
Supplementation for international mobility) - the pertinent documentation to prove the travel
expenses WITHIN a mandatory period of 30 days from the return from mobility, more
specifically the travel tickets related to the departure for the start of the mobility and the
return at the end of the mobility.
The section of journey considered is only and exclusively that necessary to reach the location
in which the mobility is carried out and vice versa.
In view of the prohibition, the student has the right to reimbursement of the deduction for
the canteen services in proportion to the period of time spent abroad.
NOTA BENE - The right to reimbursement is calculated based on the flat-rate deduction made
on the scholarship and NOT on the monetary value of the meal voucher.
ART. 20.4 The free mover DSU scholarship holder and the reimbursement of the
canteen services
For the purposes of DSU, the free mover may be:
• the DSU scholarship holder who has not participated in an exchange program
organised by the University, such as Erasmus, but has autonomously chosen their host
university, organising their study period abroad independently;
• the DSU scholarship holder who has not participated in an exchange program
organised by the University, BUT HAS NOT presented the integration request for
international mobility either.
In both circumstances, the free mover DSU scholarship holder may request the reimbursement
of the canteen services unused during their mobility period.
In particular, they must contact the Financial Aid Service - through the email channel indicated
on the web page: > (select: Supplementation for
international mobility)- WITHIN the mandatory period of 30 days from their returning date
from mobility and send the pertinent documentation to prove both the mobility and its
duration (we suggest attaching the roundtrip travel documents).
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
The benefit consists of an integration of €1,000 in addition to the final scholarship amount
awarded to a student enroled in a Master of Science program or a single-cycle Master of
Science program.
For the purpose of the benefit’s assignment, the following conditions must occur jointly:
• the student must have graduated in the number of years equal to a normal duration
of the Master of Science or single-cycle Master of Science program which they are
applying the degree award for. The calculation of the normal duration is made
starting from the absolute first year of enrolment 47. As such, any student who, for
whichever reason, enrols in the third year of a Master of Science program or in the
sixth year of a single-cycle Master of Science program will be excluded from the
assignment of this benefit;
• The student must have received the DSU Scholarship for the academic year which
they are requesting the degree award for;
• The student must not have received the degree award benefit over the course of
their entire university career.
The degree award will be paid in the same way as the DSU Scholarship, within 30 days after
the application closing date.
See Glossary.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
The competition for the allocation of the preferential rate residence service is open to
students who are NOT residents in a Municipality classified as an urban area and from which
it is NOT possible to reach the location of their course within 90 minutes by public transport.
NOTA BENE – In order to be considered an ‘away from home’ student, in accordance with
Art. 14, the student must take up paid residence at the Campus where the lectures of their
study program are held.
Wednesday 20th July 2022, for students enroling in subsequent years of ALL study
programs, including students who enrol in PhD and specialisation courses;
Wednesday 10th August 2022, for students who enrol in first years of all programs,
including students who enrol in the first year of Master of Science programs starting
from the second semester and including students who enrol in the first year of PhD
and specialisation courses.
For Milan Campus, the applicant will be able to rank their favourite residences in order of
NOTA BENE - Once the application is submitted, the preferences can no longer be modified.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
The student can request preferential rate residence service for the following periods:
• for a period of 8 semesters starting from the absolute first year of enrolment for
students enroled in Bachelor of Science programs;
• for a period equal to the duration of the program plus 2 semesters, starting from
the absolute first year of enrolment for students enroled in single-cycle Master of
Science programs;
• for a period of 6 semesters starting from the absolute first year of enrolment for
those students enroled in Master of Science programs;
• for 3 years, starting from the absolute first year of enrolment, for students enroled
in specialisation programs and PhD courses.
For students with certified disabilities of 66% or higher, the periods are:
• 9 semesters for Bachelor of Science programs;
• 7 semesters for Master of Science programs;
• 15 semesters for single-cycle Master of Science programs.
NOTA BENE – Once the assignment of the preferential rate residence services is obtained, it
is not renewed automatically for the next academic year. In order to continue enjoying such
a benefit, students must submit a new application in the ways and by the deadlines
indicated in the corresponding Call.
Students who, in the a.y. 2021/2022, enroled in Master of Science programs starting from the
second semester and benefitted from the preferential rate residence service, have priority
over the assignment of residence slots if, by August 10th 2022, they earn 29 ECTS (or a lower
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
number of ECTS established by their Degree Program for the same semester) without using
any credit bonus they may have accrued.
Students with certified disabilities of 66% or higher, if eligible, have priority over other
students in the rankings.
For this category of students, any REVIEW request must be submitted by and no later than
August 2nd 2022.
Request of review may only be submitted using the dedicated “submit a review request”
function available on the Online Services page, where the provisional ranking is published.
The request must be supported by appropriate documents in PDF format, justifying the
reasons of the request.
Incomplete requests, requests not supported by adequate documentation, or requests
submitted in any form other than the one indicated in this Call for applications will be
considered inadmissible.
The student will only be informed of the outcomes of their review request through the
publication of the final rankings.
Once the examination of review requests has been completed, students can view their
position in the final ranking by accessing their Online Services page from August 25th 2022.
Requests for review against the final ranking must be submitted to the competent bodies in
line with the terms and formalities set by current regulations.
Review requests can only be submitted using the dedicated “submit a review request”
function available on Online Services’ page, where the provisional ranking is published.
Students must attach all necessary documentation to the review requests to support the
arguments of the same. Incomplete requests, requests not supported by adequate
documentation, or requests submitted in any form other than the one indicated in this Call
for applications will be considered inadmissible.
The student will only be informed of the result of their review request through the publication
of the final ranking.
Once the examination of the requests has been completed, students can view their position
in the final ranking by accessing their Online Services page from September 9th 2022. Appeals
against the final ranking must be submitted to the competent bodies in line with the terms
and formalities set by current regulations.
Students enroled in the first year of all study programs have the right to benefit from the
assigned residence services from the beginning of the programs (as indicated in the Academic
Calendar) until July 31st 2023.
The assignment of the residence slots is subjected to the verification of the correct registration
or enrolment of the student. Such an assignment will be carried out in light of the slots
available in each Residence, as well as of the student’s position within the ranking.
The potential preference expressed by the student is not binding for assignment purposes.
Second semester
Students who enrol in the first year of Master of Science programs starting from the second
semester and who are eligible for the assignment of accommodation at reduced rate can only
access their accommodation after having completed their enrolment by July 31st 2023. This
request must be submitted through the email address mentioned on the following webpage:, writing in the subject “request for residence for 2nd
semester enrolment”.
Slots will be assigned in chronological order only if there are available placements reserved to
the DSU.
If assigned a residence slot, the student must pay in advance to the Housing & Dining Unit an
amount equal to half of the residence deduction for the a.y. 2022/2023.
The residence slot assigned to the student by the Housing & Dining Unit cannot be modified
under any circumstance.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
The assignment process will continue up until the number of residence slots reserved for DSU
students will be sold out.
Students must check out from the assigned residence slots by 10 am on July 31st 2023.
Under penalty of losing the assignment of the benefit, the student must formally accept the
residence slot within 48 hours from the email’s reception, following the instructions indicated
If the student does not accept the residence offer within the aforesaid timeframe, this will be
considered a rejection.
The student must take possession of the assigned residence slot within 30 days of its
Should the student not check in within the abovementioned timeframe or should they not get
their VISA, this will be considered a rejection. Nevertheless, this does not hinder Housing &
Dining Unit from detracting accommodation costs from the student’s scholarship or charging
them directly for those. Failure paying the requested amount will lead to the suspension of
the academic profile.
1st semester
Any student participating in an international mobility program in the first semester who has
been offered a residence slot must, in any case, formally accept the offer within 48 hours of
the reception of the email as described above. Additionally, they will have to send the
documentation related to their mobility within 48 hours after accepting the residence. This
request must be submitted through the email address mentioned on the following webpage:, writing in the subject “Departure for Mobility - 1st
Semester”, as well as the date of their return.
At the end of their mobility, students who want to benefit from the accommodation during
their second semester, will have to notify the Housing & Dining Unit 30 days before their
arrival date through the same channel, namely
The student will get their accommodation assigned depending on the current availability of
If the student does not send this communication, there is no guarantee of any reimbursement
for the deduction for the period which they spend abroad, nor of the assignment of a
residence slot upon their return from the mobility.
2nd semester
Any student participating in an international mobility program in the second semester must
inform the Housing & Dining Unit about it by no later than December 31st 2022 through the
email address mentioned on the following webpage:,
specifying the period they are to spend overseas, as well as their departure and return dates.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
If the student does not send this communication, there is no guarantee of any reimbursement
for the deduction for the period which they spend abroad, nor of the assignment of a
residence slot upon their return from the mobility.
NOTA BENE – Requests submitted in any other way, will NOT be considered admissible.
Full rate residence slot for Newton, Pareto, Loos, and La Presentazione:
Single room with shared bathroom €3800 (one-off payment);
Double room with shared bathroom €3325 (one-off payment).
Ineligible students who do not wish to stay in the assigned residence slot, will need to check
out by no later than 15 days after the reception of the notification from the Housing & Dining
Unit, paying the fees for the entire period which they had used the accommodation for.
Students who have been included in the ranking with “reserve for merit assessment” as they
are awaiting recognition of ECTS by the Degree Programme Council following participation in
an international mobility program may access the residence even before official recognition
of their ECTS. If the ECTS which have been self-certified by the student are subsequently not
granted, all rules indicated in this Call for Applications related to revocation of the benefit
apply (also see Art. 31).
The deduction will be proportionally reduced in the event in which the student cancels their
contract to attend an international mobility program by the preestablished deadlines, as per
Art. 28.1. In all other cases, any student forfeiting their residence slot after having accepted it
will not be entitled to any reduction in the deduction due.
NOTA BENE - Any student who, in the a.y. 2022/2023, withdraws from their studies, must
pay to the Housing & Dining Unit the amount corresponding to the preferential rate for
the entire period in which they used the residence.
Failure accepting the assigned residence slot by the preestablished deadline will mean its
The student will need to check in the assigned residence slot within 30 days after its
Failure checking in by the preestablished deadline will mean its refusal, which does not hinder
Housing & Dining Unit from detracting accommodation costs from the student’s scholarship.
December Graduation
Students who intend to graduate in December will have to give notice by December 31st 2022.
Failure doing so will cause the student to be obliged to pay for the second semester too, whilst
not being entitled to make use of their accommodation after their graduation date.
The residence slot must be vacated by no later than February 13th 2023. The abovementioned
notice will need to be submitted through the email address mentioned on the following
webpage: writing in the subject “December Graduation”.
Students who do not achieve their degree in the first semester and who intend to cancel the
residence for the second semester, must submit the request by December 31st 2022 through
the email address mentioned on the following webpage:
writing in the subject “Accommodation Notice 2nd Semester”.
Otherwise, they must pay for the preferential rate residence services up until July 31st 2023.
The payment of the fee due for the second semester must be made in two instalments:
• the first one by February 1st 2023 (bill issuance on 16/01/2023);
• the second one by March 1st 2023 (bill issuance on 15/02/2023).
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
April Graduation
Any student who intends to graduate in the April session must cancel their residence contract
before the issuance of the bill for the second instalment (February 15th 2023).
Otherwise, they will be required to make the payment and will be able to use the service until
the end of the semester (July 31st 2023).
NOTA BENE - Failure paying by the deadline will result in a 10% delay fee being applied to
the instalment. Failure paying the instalment + the DELAY FEE will represent a ground for
the university to commence debt collection, which may result in the student’s academic
career being frozen.
Students who are awarded a preferential-rate residence slot but who are eligible non-
assigned recipients of the scholarship, must pay an instalment equal to the deduction applied
to students who are recipients of the scholarship. The payment methods will be
communicated by the Housing & Dining Unit throughout the academic year.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
• lack of payment of residence fees;
• achieving a degree without enroling in a higher-level study program at
Politecnico di Milano.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
The processing of personal data is carried out in compliance with the provisions of EU
Regulation as of April 27th 2016, no. 679 (General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR). The
“Data Controller” is Politecnico di Milano.
The full policy is available from the Data Controller or the specific webpage on the University
website through the following link:
NOTA BENE – This Call is translated in English for mere informative purposes. For the
application and resolution of any dispute and for all legal purposes, solely the Italian
version is valid.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
Milan Cinisello Balsamo, Sesto San Giovanni, Cologno Monzese, Vimodrone, Segrate,
Pioltello, Peschiera Borromeo, S. Giuliano, S. Donato, Locate Triulzi, Opera,
Pieve Emanuele, Basiglio, Rozzano, Assago, Buccinasco, Corsico, Trezzano sul
Naviglio, Cesano Boscone, Cusago, Bareggio, Settimo Milanese, Cornaredo,
Pero, Rho, Arese, Bollate, Novate, Cormano, Cusano Milanino, Bresso.
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023
Absolute first enrolment: any previous enrolment (prior to the current enrolment in Politecnico di
Milano) which the student may have finalised in a different University/Academy in Italy or abroad. The
previous enrolment must be referred to the same level of studies for which the student asks DSU
benefits for. For instance, the principle of absolute first enrolment applies to students enroling in
Politecnico di Milano after transferring from another university.
Assigned: any student who, jointly owing both merit and income requirements set by the Call, is
assigned with DSU benefits.
Credit bonus: number of ECTS which the student can use in addition to those achieved to reach the
(minimum) ECTS requested by the Call.
Current ISEE: it may be required when, despite already having a valid ordinary ISEE, there is a change
in the working situation or an interruption of social security, welfare, and benefits not included in the
total income (declared for IRPEF purposes) for one or more members of the family unit; or when there
is a decrease in the overall income capacity of the family unit exceeding 25%.
Eligible non-assigned: any student who meets all the merit and income requirements established by
the Call, but who is not assigned with DSU scholarship due to lack of funds or with a residence slot due
to unavailability.
ISEE: is a value which demonstrates the financial status of the student’s family unit, which considers
income, assets, real estates, and the characteristics of the student’s family unit.
ISPE: (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) is calculated by Politecnico di Milano dividing the ISP
value (Equivalent Assets Situation Indicator) of the student’s family unit by a coefficient (i.e. a scale of
equivalence corresponding to the members of the family unit). ISPE is determined by summing up the
value of assets and real estates of each family unit’s member.
Non-compliant ISEE: the ISEE is considered non-compliant when INPS, upon issuing this document,
detects omissions, defects, discrepancies in respect to the information provided by the student (or by
the student’s family).
Normal duration of study course: the duration of the course of study as established by the legislation
in force. It is the timeframe within which the student is supposed to graduate. The legal duration of a
Bachelor of Science course is three years, whereas the one of a Master of Science course is two years.
The normal duration of a Single-cycle Master of Science course is five years.
Single Substitute Declaration: this a document signed by a person interested in obtaining ISEE value.
Specifically, the form is used to declare an individual’s income, assets, and family unit’s situation. By
submitting this document, the applicant is held legally responsible for its statements. The Single
Substitute Declaration can be submitted directly to INPS online portal. Alternatively, it is possible to
contact a Tax Assistance Centre (CAF).
Call for Applications for DSU 2022/2023