Hilti GoodToKnow Rebar en
Hilti GoodToKnow Rebar en
Hilti GoodToKnow Rebar en
Design of Post-Installed Rebar
Connections with PROFIS Engineering
GOOD TO KNOW Anchor theory covers both single anchor fixed points and anchor
groups in steel anchor plate fixtures while rebar theory is the
discipline used for concrete member connections through post-
PROFIS Engineering Suite –
installed reinforcement bars and adhesive.
Design of post-installed rebar connections
THE NECESSITY OF Today, most construction projects require the installation of concrete-to-concrete or steel-to-
concrete fixtures, which are often secured by post-installed injection mortars. These are
POST-INSTALLED specified during the design stage or are needed during the execution phase to improve jobsite
CONNECTORS efficiency or to correct installation errors.
Abb. 1: Connection with post- Abb. 2: Connection with post- Abb. 3: Strut and tie model
installed anchors installed rebar
The regulatory framework covering anchor and rebar is based on different theoretical principles,
design approaches and qualification processes. For anchors you can follow the EN 1992-4
whereas for post-installed rebar you either have the option of designing acc. to EN 1992-1 or TR
Just calculating the embedment depth of the rebar as an anchor (possible to a certain extent,
since rebars can be qualified as a steel element for anchoring applications) might not be in line
with the code utilized in the concrete design.
Using anchor theory, the load from a steel member is According to the rebar theory the load is transferred to the concrete in
transferred to the concrete structure – through an anchor the same way as with a cast-in reinforcement bar. Connections are
plate that is fixed to the concrete – using an anchor bolt designed through strut-and-tie modeling. In the case of a splice (or
fixing. The steel elements of the fixing transfer the load to overlap) connection, the load is transferred through a local strut-tie
the existing concrete element through either tensile load mechanism in the same way as with a cast-in non-contact
or shear load, or a combination of both. Leveraging the reinforcement bar splice. The brittle concrete failure mode is prevented
concrete’s inherent tensile strength is essential for the by means of global or local compressive struts; therefore, international
fixing to resist the load. It means that the brittle concrete reinforced concrete code design rules do not consider the concrete’s
cone failure is accepted and accounted for in the design. tensile capacity and expect all tensile forces to be resisted by rebars.
The main differences of anchor and rebar theory can be differentiated in the qualification process and the design approach
▪ Qualification procedure
Whether you design a post-installed steel-to-concrete or concrete-to-concrete connection, in both cases you should rely on qualified
systems that are consistent with the regulatory framework adopted for the project (i.e. ETA document). Both design theories are supported
by different qualification procedures in line with the application conditions covered in the approval (e.g. static, seismic).
What is EOTA TR 069 and Post-installed rebar is used both in new and in existing buildings. Typical connections are new to
why do we talk about a existing concrete walls, anchoring stair landings, connecting of stair landings, connections of ceilings
to wall panels or wall panels or anchoring columns in existing foundations. The basic prerequisite for
Rebar Revolution?
the transmission of planned tensile forces or to design a moment bearing connection was till recently
constructed as an overlapping joint. This means in accordance to EAD 330087 and EN 1992-1-1 with
concreted-in, straight concrete steels.
Rebar Revolution refers to the technical Report EOTA TR069 launched in 2019 «Design method for
anchorages of post-installed reinforcing bars (rebars) with improved bond-splitting behaviour as
compared to EN 1992-1-1» that allows the design of post-installed moment resisting reinforced
concrete connections on a European framework, which do not have to be executed as overlap joints.
EOTA TR 069 aims to determine and verify the anchorage length of the post-installed reinforcement in the existing component. The
transfer of the forces into the concrete component or the entire construction must be verified separately according to EN 1992-1-1 (e.g.,
shear transfer in the connection joint as well as bending and shear force resistance)
. Start your post-installed rebar design by selecting the right connection and
INPUTS IN application type . The list of options will change whether you select lap splices or end
The possible design
method is depending on
the connection type and
load type.
Lap spliced can be designed as an extension at support if the post-installed rebars are
overlapping in the region of the support.
If a support is defined, the tension on the rebars resulting from shear load ΔFtd is
considered to act only in the bottom layer of slabs and beams.
If a support is not defined, the tension on the rebars resulting from shear load ΔFtd is
considered to act in both layers of reinforcement of slabs and beams.
GOOD TO KNOW easily define and check loads from different directions.
You can either enter your loads in the 3D-Model or in the table below the 3D Model. Based on the
Enter your acting Loads application and connection selection you can enter different loads.
Vx Vy N Mx My Vx Vy N Mx My
Slab to slab x x x x Wall to slab x x x x
Beam to beam x x x Column to slab x x x x x
Wall to wall x x x x
Slab to wall x x x x
Column to column x x x x x
Beam to wall x x x
Beam to slab x x x
Column to wall x x x x x Beam to column x x x
Single rebar x Single rebar x
Continue by defining the Continue your design by entering the base material parameters for the existing and the new concrete
base material member.
For Rebar design cracked concrete is a selected default. In case cracked concrete does not apply to
your application please deselect the check mark. This has an effect on the resistance.
In the dropdowns existing concrete material and new concrete material the user can select the
concrete strength in a range from C12/15 till C50/60 including the B15 till B55.
You can define the roughness between the new and the old concrete member. The grade of chosen
and executed roughness effect the shear verification and the transfer of loads via the interface.
GOOD TO KNOW deviation in drilling by 4-6%? Other wise you might need to increase
your concrete cover to ensure a safe anchorage.
PROFIS Engineering Suite –
Design of post-installed rebar connections
Without drilling aid, an inaccuracy is taken into account in the drilling process according to ETA.
Test show that for hammer drilling you can assume a 6% deviation whereas for compressed air drilling you even need to take into account a
8% difference. By using a drilling aid, this deviation from the theoretical borehole angle can be limited to 2%.
In certain cases e.g. overlap joints in thin slabs, this reduction leads to impracticable results because of the borehole tolerances. In such
cases, additional measures must be taken to guarantee the drilling direction.
Chemical mortars for post-installed rebars are impacted by temperature during their:
▪ installation/ curing time as well as
▪ in the short and
▪ long term behavior
By entering these temperatures, the software will pre-select possible mortars. For example, slow
curing mortars for high installation temperatures etc.
GOOD TO KNOW reinforcement the better it can use to transfer the loads from the
post-installed rebar to the existing one.
PROFIS Engineering Suite –
Design of post-installed rebar connections
Continue your design by entering your information on the existing reinforcement in the existing
Continue by defining the
concrete. The information needed varies by connection type.
existing reinforcement
To start go to the tab “existing reinforcement”
For Splices you can define longitudinal and transverse For End Anchorages you only need to define the material
reinforcement and the width of the surface reinforcment
GOOD TO KNOW stirrups, reinforcement layers as well as the actual number of layers.
You can choose from 1 to 4 Layers to reflect the situation on the
PROFIS Engineering Suite – jobsite.
Design of post-installed rebar connections
Transverse reinforcement
After activating the transverse reinforcement, define whether your application has reinforcement
layers or stirrups.
After activating the transverse reinforcement, define whether your application has reinforcement layers
or stirrups.
By activating this box PROFIS Engineering assumes the most unfavourable position for the rebar in
relation to each other. This automatically also increases the anchorage length .
Rebar Layers is only possible if
that area is in the compression
GOOD TO KNOW applications with 2 different mortars. HY 200-R V3 the beyond cast-in
mortar with fast curing time, RE 500 V4 is the solution for everything
PROFIS Engineering Suite – based on epoxy properties.
Design of post-installed rebar connections
There are two design modes – User defined and Automatic mode
GOOD TO KNOW the Rebar module you can check and calculate user defined existing
or post-installed rebar layouts. You don´t have enough space to use
PROFIS Engineering Suite – typical layouts to transfer the loads? No Problem, the 2D Editor
Design of post-installed rebar connections
mirrors your needs.
Excurse 2D Editors
In user defined mode you have the option to define your cast-in and
post-installed rebar layout completely.
Define the loads and design In this tab you can define the Load type, load definition and shear design methods.
You can distinguish between static, seismic and fire design. Please keep in mind that for fire relevant
application you need to do a cold and a “hot” design.
You can select “design for yield” also under static and seismic applications.
Define the design working life of your rebar application – 50 or 100 years.
If the checkbox min. reinforcement is activated, PROFIS designs the area of reinforcement by
the table below.
Min. Reinforcement
Beam Slab Column Wall Single
fctm 0,1∗𝑁𝐸𝑑
As,min= 0,26(
bt*d)≥0,0013btd As,min= max( ; 0,002 *Ac) no minimum is
𝑓𝑦𝑑 As,min= 0,002 Ac
Smax,slab = min{3h;400mm} and at least 4 bars considered
The additional effect of shear in tension zone is considered by default in case of beams and
slabs. This can be de-activated by the user. The design formular changes whether it is a direct or
an indirect support (with or without shear-reinforcement). Please see the details below.
ΔFtd = VEdal / z
There are 3 shear design check formulas that can be applied for the shear design check for post-installed rebar
The shear check design is optional and can be activated via checkboc in the «loads tab»
When does what check apply? – Guidance to choose the correct shear check
ed - is the eccentricity of the bending moment to the center of the cross section and h - is the height of the concrete element
if ed/h>=3.5 if ed/h<3.5
VRd,c = [CR,dck(100*ρ|fck)1/3 + k1 σcp]bwd VRd,s = (Asw/s) z fywd cotθ VRd,i =c fctd +μσn + ρ fyd (μ sinα + cosα) ≤ 0,5 ѵ fcd
No requirements on bars
Members not requiring design Members requiring design shear If VRd,c ≥ VEd
crossing the interface
shear reinforcement reinforcement
L0,min / lbd,min in calculated in tension