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Memory Aid - Done
Memory Aid - Done
FREELY – it is an act wherein the doer acts TRES - Amoral Actions are those which
by his own initiative and choice without stand neutral or indifferent to the norm of
morality. (Drinking wine is amoral, but
excessive drinking is wrong.) Acts with Double Effect: Alfredo Panizo
cites these principles:
A person is held morally responsible
for any evil effect which flows from
Immoral Acts are either intrinsically
the action directly willed and as a natural
or extrinsically evil.
consequence of such action,
Intrinsically Evil
though such evil effect is not directly willed
An act is intrinsically evil when its
nor intended.
wrongfulness is part of the nature. (e.g, Act of
Extrinsically Evil A human act with double effect, one
An act is extrinsically evil when its good and another evil are morally
wrongfulness comes from an outside factor. permissible under four conditions. A
violation of any of these conditions
VOLUNTARINESS: DIRECT & INDIRECT makes an act unjustifiable:
Voluntariness comes from the latin - The action which produces double
word "voluntas", which means the Will. effects must be good in
itself, or at least morally indifferent.
- The good effect must not come from
the evil effect.
- The purpose of the doer is the
attainment of the good effect, with
the effect being tolerated as an
incidental result.
- The good effect must outweigh in
importance the evil result.
Emotions, however, need to be
subjugated to reason because unbridled
passions could lead a person to his
perditions. One must learn to rein his
emotion and work them to his advantage. “it
is evident”, says Bernard Haring, “that
education, through proper discipline and
cultivation of the values of emotional life (in
which we include the cultivation of the
values of the character and dispositions), is
in many ways more significant than the tense
straining of will power” many ways more
significant than the tense straining of will
power” ( The Law of Christ, I – 199)