Datasheet F2-UNICON Converter
Datasheet F2-UNICON Converter
Datasheet F2-UNICON Converter
w w w. a u to m at i o n d i re c t . c o m / c o m m u n i c at i o n s
A) FA-ISONET converts the network mas-
the communications ter’s (computer) RS-232C communica-
wiring to the convenient terminal blocks, tions card signal levels to RS-422/485,
then connect the adapter to the CPU which is suitable for a multi-drop net-
port with the cable. The F2-UNICON work.
comes with several items to make the B) F2-UNICON converts the RS-422/485 sig-
nal levels back to RS-232C for a connec-
installation and connections easier:
tion to the D2-240 CPU bottom port.
• RS-232/422/485 converter circuit board C) F2-UNICON converts the RS-422/485 sig-
• Mounting assembly (including a DIN rail nal levels back to RS-232C for a connec-
bracket) for the circuit board tion to the D2-240 CPU bottom port.
• 1 ft. modular cable with two RJ12 6P6C D) F2-UNICON converts the RS-422/485 sig-
F2-UNICON nal levels back to RS-232C for a connec-
tion to the DL05 port 2
The F2-UNICON Universal Converter
is very similar to the FA-UNICON in Network master
FA-ISONET Converter
features and purpose, but it has been
specifically designed to be used with the
DL05 and D2-240 CPUs. Like the FA-
UNICON, the F2-UNICON also
converts RS-232C signal levels to RS-
422 signal levels or RS-422 signal levels D2-240
into RS-232C signal levels. Here are Bottom port
some key differences: ONLY!
• F2-UNICON offers more flexibility in
mounting due to circuit board and DIN rail
housing assembly.
• F2-UNICON does not require an external
power source. It obtains power from the GND C
5 +5V IN
+5V pin on the D2-240 CPU port (bottom RXD+
4 T XD D2-240
port) and the DL05 (port 2). RXD-- 3 RXD
• F2-UNICON has transmit and receive LEDs TXD--
to simplify troubleshooting. TXD+ Port 2 ONLY!
Installation is a “snap”
The F2-UNICON (50.8mm)
Phone jack allows you to
comes with a DIN use modular cable (includ-
rail housing for the ed) to quickly connect the
D0-05 or D2-240 to the
circuit board. Simply 2.86" F2-UNICON.
snap the board into (72.6mm)
(including DIN rail) DL05
the housing and
mount it on a DIN
Wiring terminals make it easy to connect communications
wiring, especially for multidrop configurations.
Drawing not to scale