Product Description 5V Power: Versamax Serial Communications Module

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VersaMax Serial Communications Module

February 2012 GFK-2423E

Product Description 5V Power

The VersaMax Serial Communications Module, IC200CMM020, The module supplies 5V power to external devices via the serial port.
operates as a Modbus RTU Master in a VersaMax I/O Station The amount of power available to external devices is approximately
controlled by a Genius Network Interface Unit or a PROFINET 100mA, and varies depending on how the serial device(s) are wired.
Scanner. The module itself requires 10mA, and a half-duplex line terminated with
120 Ohms at each end requires an additional 83mA. The actual
Revision IC200CMM020-EA current draw depends on serial line terminations, duplex mode, serial
Firmware upgrades: None line activity, and use of external adapters that may require additional
5V power. (This module does not use 3.3V.)
If the total load exceeds 200mA, an internal current-limit switch
Serial Communications Modules may be installed at any location in the
prevents damage and shuts down serial communication and external
I/O Station. Up to two Serial Communications modules can be used
power flow. The module’s OK LED will be amber. The user must
per I/O Station.
alleviate the overdraw condition. Communication and power flow will
Genius NIU Serial Communications
Optional booster Module resume when the condition is resolved.
power supply

Number of Serial Maximum: 8 per VersaMax Profinet
Communications Scanner (PNS)
Modules Maximum: 2 per Genius NIU
I/O Station
Number of RTU slaves 1 to 247
The module will support communication baud rates of 1200, 2400, per Serial
4800, 9600, and 19200, and half or full duplex operation. Communications Module
COMMREQ command Depends on individual COMMREQ
Serial Communications Port memory (%AQ) required content.
The RS-485 serial port is a 15-pin subminiature ‘D’ connector. For in the GENERIC_COMM Minimum: 22 words Maximum: 64
RS-232 communications, an RS-485 to RS-232 adapter such as module hardware words
IC690ACC901 can be used. Adapter IC690ACC901 can be installed configuration
with its right-angle cable hanging down.
COMMREQ response Minimum: 2 words
memory (%AI) required Maximum: 64 words
Serial Port Pin Assignments RTU Master Commands As described in Modbus RTU
Pin Signal Direction Function Communications Manual, GFK-2220.
Minor differences as described below.
1 Shield -- Shield drain wire connection
2 NC
65520, Initialize RTU Master Port
8000, Clear RTU Master Diag. Status
3 NC
8001, Read RTU Master Diag. Status
4 ATTACH Input 8002, Send RTU Read/Force/Preset Query
5 P5V Output 5V to power external adapters 8003, Send RTU Diagnostic Query
6 RTS(A) Output Request-to-Send (A) output
7 0V -- Ground reference 
The minimum of 22 words is the required amount of memory that
8 CTS(B) Input Clear-to-Send (B) input needs to be configured in the GENERIC_COMM module configuration
9 RT -- Termination for RDA to execute the Initialize RTU Master Port Command (65520). The
10 RD(A) Input Receive Data (A) input minimum for all other commands is dependent on the size of the
command and the amount data requested (if any).
11 RD(B) Input Receive Data (B) input
12 SD(A) Output Transmit Data (A) output
13 SD(B) Output Transmit Data (B) output
14 RTS(B) Output Request to Send (B) output Product Revision History
15 CTS(A) Input Clear to Send (A) input Rev Date Description
Shel Shield -- Shield for 100% (continuous) IC200CMM020-EA Feb. 2012 Label change. No changes to
l coverage
features, performance or
This port supports both 2-wire and 4-wire electrical interfaces:
IC200CMM020-DA Mar. 2011 Labeling change. No changes
▪ Two-Wire Interface (single shielded twisted pair, half-duplex mode to compatibility, functions or
only) – Connect D1 to RD(A) at pin-10, D0 to RD(B) at pin-11, and performance.
the shield to frame ground at pin-1.
IC200CMM020-CA Mar. 2010 Changed manufacturing
▪ Four-Wire Master Interface (two shielded twisted pairs, full-duplex location. No changes to
mode) – Slaves receive data from the RTU master over the compatibility, functionality or
MODBUS master pair RXD1 & RXD0. At the same time, the RTU performance.
receives data from the slaves over the MODBUS slave-pair TXD1
& TXD0. Connect RXD1 to SD(A) at pin-12, RXD0 to SD(B) at IC200CMM020-BA Oct. 2008 Updated Power Supply OK
pin 13, TXD1 to RD(A) at pin 10, TXD0 to RD(B) at pin 11, and signal circuitry.
both shields to the frame ground at pin 1. IC200CMM020-AA Jan. 2006 Initial product release

VersaMax Serial Communications Module
February 2012 GFK-2423E

Preinstallation Check
6. Power up the System, and Observe the Module LEDs. The
Carefully inspect all shipping containers for damage. If any equipment
LEDs indicate the presence of power and show the operating
is damaged, notify the delivery service immediately. Save the damaged
mode and status of the module.
shipping container for inspection by the delivery service. After
unpacking the equipment, record all serial numbers. Save the shipping
containers and packing material in case it is necessary to transport or
ship any part of the system. PORT

Quick Start Guide

1. Install the Communications Carrier on the DIN Rail by simply OK OFF when the module has not yet started its powerup
clicking it into place. sequence.
Green indicates the module has successfully completed
Note: Connecting carriers must be
powerup diagnostics.
installed on the same section of 35mm
x 7.5mm DIN rail. Amber means the module has detected overpower
condition. No powerflow or communication activity will
The DIN rail must have a conductive take place.
(unpainted) finish for proper
Blinking amber means the module has failed powerup
diagnostics. The number of blinks indicates the fault
Blinking green indicates the module is in boot mode or
its firmware is being updated.
MOD OFF when the module is not powered.
2. Install the Module on the Communications Carrier.
Green when the module is operating normally.
The latch on the module must be in the
Blinking amber indicates the module configuration is
unlocked position.
missing, incomplete, or incorrect.
PORT OFF when the module is not powered or no
Align the connectors and the latch post ACT communication activity is occurring. For example,
and press the module down until the communication activity will not occur during an
two tabs on the bottom of the module overpower condition.
click into place.
Blinking green indicates the module is online and
Turn the latch to the locked position to
secure the module to the top of the
carrier. Installation in Hazardous Locations
 This equipment is suitable for use in CLASS I, DIVISION
3. Connect the communications bus to the connector on the 2, GROUPS A, B, C, D or non-hazardous locations only.
front of the module.  WARNING - EXPLOSION HAZARD - substitution of
components may impair suitability for CLASS I, DIVISION
4. Remove the connector cover on the right-hand side of the 2;
Communications Carrier. Do not discard this cover; you will  WARNING - EXPLOSION HAZARD - when in hazardous
need to install it on the last carrier. It protects the connector pins locations, turn off power before replacing or wiring
from damage and ESD during handling and use. modules; and
 WARNING - EXPLOSION HAZARD - Do not connect or
Cover disconnect equipment unless power has been switched off
or the area is known to be non-hazardous.

5. Install additional modules by mounting modules on their

carriers and sliding them along the DIN rail to fully engage the
connectors in the sides of the carriers.

VersaMax Serial Communications Module
February 2012 GFK-2423E

Configuration Modbus RTU Communications

In VersaMax PROFINET IO device in an RX3i PROFINET network, the The VersaMax Serial Communications module supports Modbus RTU
Serial Communications module is configured by selecting it from the Master protocol. To operate as a Master, the Serial Communications
PROFINET Scanner submodule list in the programming software. For module must receive commands from a remote host. For example, the
details, see the PACSystems RX3i PROFINET Controller Manual, remote host could be an RX7i PLC that communicates with the I/O
GFK-2571. Station’s VersaMax Genius NIU via a Genius Bus Controller module.
In a VersaMax Genius network, the VersaMax Serial Communications Receiving Commands from a Remote Host
module is configured using the GENERIC_COMM configuration feature
of the programmer. The Serial Communications module exchanges commands with the
remote host via the input and output memory areas of the I/O Station’s
Initially, the module’s default Reference Addresses for %AI and %AQ Genius NIU. The commands used for these communications are
data have a length of zero. These data lengths must be changed, as referred to as “memory mapped COMMREQs” because their format is
shown in the example Proficy Machine Edition v5.50 screen illustrated similar to the existing Modbus RTU COMMREQ (Communication
below, before the module can communicate with the Ethernet NIU. The Request) commands. These commands are defined in the document
%I and %Q lengths must stay zero. The module cannot communicate Modbus RTU Communications, GFK-2220C or later, which is available
on the serial network until it receives a valid configuration. at
Enter the value 10 for the module ID when configuring the module as a Commands from the remote host to the module are sent via %AQ
“GENERIC_COMM” module in the Genius NIU system. The memory. The module returns the command response in the first two
“GENERIC_COMM“ module configuration will display the value %AI registers that have been configured for the module. The content of
“FFFF980A” for the Module ID parameter the command status response is shown below.

%AI Word Location Description

Word 1 Command Status Word
Word 2 Sequence Number of Command
Word 3-n Data (if any)

Because the status information is mapped into memory, the

COMMREQ status address segment selector (Word 3) and offset
(Word 4) in the COMMREQ command block are ignored.
The module forms the requested RTU Master command and
exchanges data with an RTU Slave device. The data is returned to the
remote host starting at the third %AI register configured for the module
(see table above).
Operational Notes and Open Issues The status values used for the Command Status Word are identical to
the values listed in the Modbus RTU Communications Manual, with
▪ Application programs should use the “Command Ready” one additional status value added to indicate that the module is ready
indication to synchronize the first command to the module upon to receive commands.
Genius NIU system power up. Minor Numeric
Major Error
▪ Do not set the serial port baud rate higher than 19200 baud. Code
Error Status Description
Code Value
▪ The Data Length parameter is ignored for function codes 5 and 6.
The Data Start and Data Length parameters are ignored for COMMAND_READY None 0002h The RTU Master
function codes 7 and 17. For function code 67, the Data Start is ready to
parameter must be set to 1 and the Data Length parameter must accept I/O
be set to 62. commands.

▪ Firmware update occurs at 19200 baud. If the module is

configured for operation at a different baud rate and you wish to
perform a firmware update, first change the Genius NIU’s serial
port configuration and select 19200 baud. Then, when running
the Winloader update utility, select 19200 baud. Then return the
GNIU’s baud rate setting to its original value.
▪ If the Genius bus scan rate is slower than the PLC CPU’s sweep
time, a command may be written into %AQ memory at the PLC
CPU, but overwritten with a newer command before the original
command is transferred to the GNIU for processing. It will appear
that the original command has been “dropped”.
▪ When executing a Communications Restart Query, a timeout
status will be returned if the Query is sent to a single RTU Slave
address and the Slave is currently in Force Listen Only Mode. No
timeout will occur if the RTU Broadcast Address is used.
▪ When incrementing the sequence number to send a new
command, a rollover of the 16-bit integer value from 65535 to 0
will not result in a new command being sent since zero is not
recognized as a valid sequence number.

VersaMax Serial Communications Module
February 2012 GFK-2423E

Flow Control and Command Sequencing Part 1: Initialize the Master Serial Port Command Program Block
The remote host’s application program initiates a COMMREQ by First, the serial port is configured with the Initialize Master Serial Port
executing a COMMREQ function block to the communication module in Command (65520)
the remote host such as a RX7i PLC. The communication module
then sends the COMMREQ block as data to the Genius NIU. At the ▪ COMMREQ status value: Zero
remote host, the COMMREQ function block causes the COMMREQ ▪ Sequence Number: set to current sequence value (%AQ0002)
command/data block to be sent to the module once each time the ▪ Protocol: Modbus RTU
COMMREQ is executed.
▪ Mode: Master
When the Genius NIU receives the incoming command/data block, it
sends the block to the Serial Communications Module during the next
▪ Data rate: 9,600 bits/Sec.
output scan. The memory-mapped command uses a sequence ▪ Parity: Even
number in the second word of the COMMREQ structure (the NOWAIT ▪ Flow control: None
mode parameter) to indicate that a new command has been sent.
After power-up, the module indicates when it is ready to receive
▪ Turnaround delay: Zero
commands by returning a Command Status Word value of ▪ Response message time-out: STANDARD (0.5 Sec.)
“COMMAND_READY”. Until the module is ready to receive ▪ Bits per Character: 8 (Not configurable)
commands, changing the sequence number has no effect. Once the ▪ Stop Bits: 1 (Not configurable)
module has issued a status value of “COMMAND_READY”, any
change to the value of the sequence number prompts the module to ▪ Port Interface: (Not configurable)
process the current command in the module’s %AQ memory. The ▪ Half-Duplex Mode: 2-Wire
application program can send the command multiple times by simply ▪ Character-gap time-out: Default
changing the sequence number.
▪ RTS Drop Delay: Zero
The sequence number value of zero has a special meaning – it is
interpreted as a request to clear the module’s input values. Upon
receipt of a 0 sequence number, the CMM020 will check if the entire
%AQ memory area is set to zero. If so, the module’s %AI memory
area will be cleared and the “COMMAND_READY” value will be
returned in the status. Note: Any time the Genius NIU is not receiving
data from the Genius Bus Controller, it sends default data (all zeroes)
to the CMM020. Therefore, the default data is interpreted as a “clear”
Note that if there is non-zero data in the PLC CPU’s %AQ memory
when the Genius NIU powers up, that data will be transferred to the
CMM020 after the Genius NIU joins the Genius Bus. Since the initial
default data sent to the CMM020 is all zeroes, the non-zero data is
interpreted as a command. This may result in behavior that the
application creator did not intend.
The Serial Communications module will only process one command at
a time. Therefore, the remote host’s application program must monitor
the sequence number location in %AI memory for the return of the
sequence number sent with the command. After the module returns the
sequence number, the program logic should check the status value
returned in %AI memory before sending a new command. The module
ignores any new commands that have been sent by incrementing the
sequence number before the command is completed. Likewise, no
new command is sent to the module until the sequence number is
changed. When the current command is complete, the module will
again process incoming commands when the sequence number is
Example To trigger the command, the sequence number, %AQ0002 must be
In this example, an application program in a host PLC initializes the incremented.
Master Serial Port Command Program Block, then sets up the Send
RTU Preset Query Command (08002).
In the host PLC, the Genius Bus Controller is configured at %AQ0001.
In the I/O Station, the VersaMax Serial Communications module is
configured in the Genius NIU to have 48 %AQ references starting at
%AQ0001 and 32 %AI references starting at %AI0001. In this
example, the AQ memory reference offsets in the PLC are the same as
those used in the Genius NIU. However, that is not necessary.
Note that no commands are sent until reference %AI0001 in the I/O
Station’s Genius NIU indicates the Command Ready Status value of 2.
When the sequence number in %AI0002 matches the value sent in
%AQ0002, it checks the command status value. If the command
status value in %AI0001 is 1, the command has been successfully
executed. The Serial Comm Module is configured as an RTU Master
and ready to accept Modbus RTU commands.

VersaMax Serial Communications Module
February 2012 GFK-2423E

Part 2: Set Up the Send RTU Preset Query Command (08002) Initialize RTU Master Port: 65520 (FFF0)

▪ COMMREQ status value: Zero %AQ

Value Description

▪ Sequence Number: set to current sequence value (%AQ0002) Location

▪ Address: RTU Slave Address 3 Word 1 16 for Modbus RTU Port Setup Command/Data Block
Master Length in words (includes Words 7 –
▪ RTU Function Code: 16 22, inclusive)
▪ RTU Data Address: 101 Word 2 0-65535 Command Sequence number that will
be incremented any time a new
▪ Number of Data Points: 1 command is being sent.
▪ Data: 0x1234 Word 3 0 (Ignored) Status Word Memory Type (for memory
mapped command, status will be
returned in the first word %AI memory.)
Word 4 0 (Ignored) Status Word Address – 1. (for memory
mapped command; status will be
returned in the first word %AI memory.)
Word 5 0 (Ignored) N/A
Word 6 0 (Ignored) WAIT Mode time-out values are unused
(N/A for memory mapped command)
Word 7 65520 Command – Port Setup
Word 8 3 Protocol – Modbus RTU
Word 9 1 Mode – Master (New for Modbus RTU)
Word 10 2 = 1200, 3 = 2400, Data Rate – Do not specify any values
4 = 4800, 5 = 9600†, other than 2,3,4,5,6.
Word 11 0 = None, 1 = Odd, Parity
2 = Even†
Word 12 0 = Hardware, Flow Control
1 = None†
Word 13 0 (Ignored) SNP Turnaround Delay
Word 14 0 = Long† (8 Seconds), Response message time-out– the
1 = Medium (2 specified value must be greater than
Seconds), the sum of the longest receive-to-
2 = Standard (500ms), transmit delay for all slaves plus the
3= Short (250ms), longest response message
4= Very Short (150ms) transmission time at the current data
Word 15 1 (Ignored) Bits per Character – Modbus RTU
requires 8 bits.
Word 16 0 (Ignored) Stop Bits – Modbus RTU forces 1 stop
As before, to trigger the command, the sequence number, %AQ0002 bit.
must be incremented. Word 17 0 (Ignored) Port Interface – not software
configurable only one port is available.
Word 18 0–1 Half-Duplex Mode – Setting the
0 = Default parameter to 0 configures the port to
operate in 2-wire mode. Setting the
parameter to 1 configures the port for 4-
wire mode.
Word 19 0 – 65,535 (0 to 6.5535 Character-gap time-out in 100-
seconds) microsecond units.
0 = Default
Word 20 (0 to 6.5535 seconds) RTS Drop Delay in 100 microsecond
0 = Default units.

When the sequence number in %AI0002 matches the value sent in Words 0 (Ignored) The required minimum Port Setup
%AQ0002, it checks the command status value. If the command 21 – 22 command/data length includes these
status value in %AI0001 is 1, the command has been successfully words. However, the Modbus RTU
Master ignores their values.
executed. The Serial Communications Module has successfully
transmitted the Modbus RTU command to RTU Slave Device 3. † Denotes serial port default settings

Modem Support: The CMM020 allows the RTS serial port signal to be used
as a modem keying signal. When 0 = HARDWARE is specified, the port asserts
RTU Master Commands Supported RTS and waits for CTS to become active before transmitting. If CTS does not
The Serial Communications module supports RTU Master command become active within 2 seconds, a time-out error code is returned to the status
numbers 65520, 8000, 8001, 8002, and 8003 as described in the location specified in the Send RTU Query COMMREQ. If CTS becomes active
Modbus RTU Communications Manual, GFK-2220, with a few and then is de-asserted while the port is transmitting, up to 5 milliseconds may
elapse before transmission stops. The maximum number of characters
differences as described below. transmitted after CTS is de-asserted is proportional to the data rate. These
Command 65520 – Initialize RTU Master Port values are in addition to the character that is being transmitted at the time CTS is
If it is necessary to change the serial port settings from the default
values, the Initialize RTU Master Port command can be sent to the
Serial Communications module by placing the values shown below into
the module’s configured %AQ memory references. The module
returns the status of the request in the first word of its configured %AI
memory references and the command’s sequence number in the
second word.
VersaMax Serial Communications Module
February 2012 GFK-2423E

RTU Master Command 8000 – Clear RTU Master Diagnostic Status RTU Master Command 8003 – Send RTU Diagnostic Query
Words As described in the Modbus RTU Communications Manual, with the
As described in the Modbus RTU Communications Manual, with the exception that the Status Word Memory Type and location are ignored.
exception that the Status Word Memory Type and location are ignored. The status is returned to the first word of %AI memory.
The status is returned to the first word of %AI memory. RTU Function Codes Supported
RTU Master Command 8001 - Read RTU Master Diagnostic Status The Serial Communications module supports the following RTU
Words Function Codes.
As described in the Modbus RTU Communications Manual, with the
exception that the Status Word Memory Type and location are ignored. Function Code Slave Valid as
The status is returned to the first word of %AI memory. Value Function RTU Master
Reference Broadcast
Name Command
RTU Master Command 8002 -Send RTU Read/Force/Preset Query Dec. Hex. Type Query?

The Send RTU Read/Force/Preset Query command is sent to the 1 01 Read Output Send RTU %Q No
Serial Communications module by placing the values shown below into Table Read/Force/Preset
the module’s configured %AQ memory references. The module
returns the status of the request in the first word of its configured %AI 2 02 Read Input Send RTU %I No
memory references and the command’s sequence number in the Table Read/Force/Preset
second word. Query
3 03 Read Send RTU %R No
Registers Read/Force/Preset
Send RTU Preset Query: 08002 (1F42)
%AQ Word Value Description 4 04 Read Analog Send RTU %AI No
Location Inputs Read/Force/Preset
Word 1 7 Command/Data Block Length Query
Word 2 0-65535 Command Sequence number that will be 5 05 Force Single Send RTU %Q Yes
incremented any time a new command is Output Read/Force/Preset
being sent. Query
Word 3 0 (Ignored) Status Word Memory Type (N/A for 6 06 Preset Single Send RTU %R Yes
memory mapped command, status will Register Read/Force/Preset
be returned in the first word %AI Query
memory.) 7 07 Read Send RTU %Q No
Word 4 0 (Ignored) Status Word Address – 1. (N/A for Exception Read/Force/Preset
memory mapped command, status will Status Query
be returned in the first word %AI 8 08 Loopback/ Send RTU Diagnostic N/A No
memory.) Maintenance Query
Word 5 0 (Ignored) WAIT Mode time-out values are unused 15 0F Force Multiple Send RTU %Q Yes
(N/A for memory mapped command) Outputs Read/Force/Preset
Word 6 0 (Ignored) WAIT Mode time-out values are unused Query
(N/A for memory mapped command) 16 10 Preset Multiple Send RTU %R Yes
Word 7 8002 Command - Send RTU Master Registers Read/Force/Preset
Read/Force/Preset Query Query
17 11 Report Device Send RTU N\A No
Word 8 0 – 247 Target RTU Device Address
Type Read/Force/Preset
Word 9 16 RTU Function Code
Word 10 0-65535 RTU Data Address/Start Address 67 43 Read Scratch Send RTU N\A No
(Application Pad Memory Read/Force/Preset
dependent) Query
Word 11 1 - 51 RTU Number of Points or 16-bit
Word 12 0 (Ignored) Data Memory Type of source (N/A for
memory mapped command.)
Word 13 0 (Ignored) Data Address of source (N/A for memory
mapped command.)
Words 14 – Data to be sent in the Preset Command.
(14 + Word
11 – 1)

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