1.1 Adding Things That Matter

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1 Adding things that matter

1.1 Adding things that matter

Predictability builds trust

Regular Cadence for Inbox Management

The quickest way to build trust with your client's inbox is setting up a regular cadence
for inbox clearing and pre-drafting (we'll call the combination of these two routines an
"inbox sweep").
While each client's preferences will be slightly different, start by suggesting a twice-a-
day routine (the client's morning and mid-afternoon).

• Matthew's EA Jon knows he typically begins his work day at 7am, so his EA Jon
ensures he completes clearing his inbox and pre-drafting emails before 7am each

• Jon also knows that Matthew aims to address all new, non-urgent correspondence
each day at 3pm, so he completes another inbox sweep by this time

Silent Updates

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1/28/23, 10:37 PM 1.1 Adding things that matter

With email acting as a hub for everyday life, updates and transactional emails can often
clutter up the inbox. With the superpower of a great EA like yourself, your client can
rest assured that they won't miss anything important, so they have no need to check or
see these types of messages.
In your 1:1 with your client review each of the following categories of emails:
1. Calendar event updates (e.g. someone accepted a meeting invite)
a. Are there any companies or contacts that it is important for the client to see
updates from?
b. Can the rest be disabled or archived?

2. Purchase confirmation (e.g. thanks for your order from Miir!)

a. Can these simply be archived after an order is placed?
3. Shipping confirmation (e.g. your package from apple shipped via UPS)
a. Does the client have a preferred way to know of expected packages?
(e.g. summary in daily update email, spreadsheet, notification from you on day
of delivery)
4. Known security checks (e.g. someone accessed your account from the Philippines.
was it you?)
a. Can these simply be archived when associated with you?

Flawless Unsubscribe
Unsubscribing from emails can be complicated and auto-unsubscribe features (like the
one found in Superhuman) don't always work. Notifications often require logging into
an account to disable.
1. Instruct your client to label unwanted emails as unsubscribe and then archive them
instead of unsubscribing
2. Each day during your daily inbox sweep, view all emails labeled unsubscribe and
follow the unsubscribe process (usually via a link in the footer of the email)
3. If an email appears impossible to unsubscribe from (e.g. spam that makes it past an
email filter) add the email address to your client's blocked senders list

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1.1 Adding things that matter // Quiz

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