Adobe Scan 29-Jun-2023

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addendum (thc (b) CH.

20. The ncgative part of the
molccule to be added ) adds on to the
carhon atom () (CH)iCl > CHCH,
is known as (dy Cil:(CH);Cl>CH;CH,CHCICH,
of the double atoms. This rule
(a)Satzcfrs rulc (b) Peroxide rule 28. Arrange the following compounds in decreasing
(c) Markovnikov's (d)Hoffman ruBe. order of their boiling points.
21. Which of the following reaction follows ()CH,Br (ii) CH;CH,Br
Markovnikov's rule? (iii) CH,CH,CH,Br (iv) CH,CH,CH,CH2Br
(a)CzH4 + HBr (b) C;He + CI; (a) (i)>(i)>(ii)>(iv)
(c) CzHs+ HBr (d) CaH, + Brz (b) (iv) >(iii)>(i1)>()
CH=H-CH, (o) (i)> (iii)> (i)> (iv)
+ X in the reaction is
(d) (ii)> (iv)>()> (i)
- HBr
29. Which of the following compounds will have
OH highest melting point?
Br Br
(a)Chlorobenzene (b)0-Dichlorobenzene
CH-CH,CH, CH,-H-CH, (c) m-Dichlorobernzene (d)p- Dichlorobenzene
30. Choose the correct increasing order of
(a) (b) of the following compound.
(a) C;H,CI<C,H,l<CH2Cl,<CCl,
Br Br (b) CH,l<C,H;CI<CH,Cl;<CCl4
CH,-H-CH, (c) C;H,1< C,H,ClkCCl,<CHClh
CH-CH,CH, (d)CCl4<CH-Cl;<CaHl<CzH,ClI
(c) 31. Alkyl halides are immiscible in water
they are polar because.
(a) they react with water to given alcothols
(b) they cannot form hydrogen bonds with
23. ldentify the products Xand Y formed in the (c)C- X bondcannot be broken easily
following reaction. (d) they are stable compounds and are not
CH3-CH2-CH=CH-CH3+HCI+X+Y 32. Cyanide ion acts as an ambident nucleophile.
AX= CH,CH-CHCH,CH,CU, From which end it açts as a stronger nucleophile in
Y= CACH,- CH -CH,CE, aqueous medium?
from carbon
BX=CH,CH, CH- CH,CH, Y= CH,CH,CH, CH- CH, a) It acts as.a stronger nuclophile
CH CACH, end.
b) It acts as a stronger nucleophile from nitrogen
X=CiCH, - CH, - CH = CH CH, Y= CH,CH, CH= CH halide.
- CE;CI (c) It depends on the nature of the alkyl
(d) It has same strength form both the ends.
24. Methyl bromide reacts with AgF to give methyl 33. Indentify the products (A) and (B) in the
fluoride and silver bromide. This reaction-is called. reaction.
(a) Fitting reaction (b)Swarts reaction RX + AgCN ’ (A) +AgX
(c) Wurtz reaction (d) Finkelstein reaction. RX + KCN ’ B)_+ KX
25. Which of the following molecules has (a) (A) - RCN, (B)-RCN
dipole moment? (b) (A)-RCN, (B)-RNC
(a)CH,CI (b) CH,Cl, (c) (A)-RCN, (B)-RCN
(c) CHCls (a) cC4 (d) (A)-RNC, (B)-RNC
26. Which of the following compounds has the 34. Butane nitrile can be prepared by heating
highest boiling point?
(a) propyl alcohol with KCN
(a) CHsCHzCI (b) butyl chloroide with KCN
(c) CH;CH(CH:)CH,C! (d) (CH3)3CCI (c) butyl alcohol with KCN
27. Which one of the following is not correct order (d) propyl chloride with KCN
of boiling points of the alkyi/arey halides? chlortde
35. Ethy! alcohol is obtained when cthyl
(a)CHCl, > CHzCla boiled with

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