Chapter Test Transpiration Grade 10 ICSE

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Grade 10 BIOLOGY
UNIT- Transpiration

Total Marks : 20 Time : 30 min Marks Received:

General Instructions
Section I and II are compulsory.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]

SECTION I (10 Marks)

All questions are compulsory. (Objective)

Q No

1 Transpiration pull will be maximum under which set of the following conditions? 1
1. Open stomata, dry atmosphere and moist soil
2. Open stomata, high humid atmosphere and well irrigated soil
3. Open stomata, high humid atmosphere and dry soil
4. Closed stomata, dry atmosphere and dry soil

2 With decrease in atmospheric pressure, the rate of transpiration will 1

1. increase
2. decrease rapidly
3. decrease slowly
4. remain the same

3 One of the internal factors which affect the rate of transpiration, is 1

1. big size of the leaf
2. Colour of the leaf
3. sunken stomata
4. sunny day

4. Transpiration will be fastest when the day is 1

1. cool, humid and windy
2. hot, humid and still
3. hot, humid and windy
4. hot, dry and windy

5 Transpiration is best defined as 1

1. loss of water by the plant
2. evaporation of water from the aerial surfaces of a plant
3. loss of water, as water vapour, by a plant
4. release of water by a plant into the atmosphere.

6 Name the following: 1x3

Grade 10 BIOLOGY
UNIT- Transpiration

(a) Openings on the stem through which transpiration occurs.

(b) The process by which the intact plant loses water in the form of droplets.
(c) The apparatus to record the rate of transpiration in a cut shoot.

7 Given below is an example of a certain structure and its special functional activity: 1x2
chloroplasts and photosynthesis
In a similar way, write the functional activity against each of the following:
(a) Leaf spines and ................................
(b) Xylem and ...................................

SECTION II (10 Marks)

Attempt all questions from this Section. (Subjective)

1 a. Define Exudation 1
b. Distinguish between the following pair: Stomata and Lenticels 2
c. What is lenticular transpiration? Mention one major difference between lenticular 2
transpiration and stomatal transpiration.
d. Briefly explain how the rate of transpiration is affected by: 2
(1) Intensity of light
(2) Humidity of the atmosphere
e. Given below is the diagram of an apparatus used to study a particular phenomenon in 3

What happens to the movement of the air-bubble if the apparatus is kept:

1. In the dark
2. In sunlight
3. In front of a fan

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