f001 - Annual Ehs Plan

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Health, Safety & Environment Management Programme 20XX Code:

SITE : Updated by: Date:

Technical Human Financial Associated
Objectives KPI/Targets Actions Resp. Dead-Line Progress Completion date
resources resources resources documents
Improve communication: training for new employees, display board EHS

Safety onsite team EHS

Use PD tool (Skill matrix,…) PM

1.1 Improve safety Increase discipline, Management commitment PM

behavior of employees Safety culture score > 62
(59) Apply tool box meeting PM

Organise EHS day PM

Improve STTOP, EMAT programe PM


Focus some keys standard with specific action PM

Safety standards self assessment >
Assign specific leader for each standard PM
1. Safety Update and apply legal requirements EHS

Improve Risk assessment system PM

Self diagnostic > 75% Improve Operation control (apply procedures, standards) PM

1.2 Improve safety Review and correct commnents of previous audit PM

standard compliance
(63%) Apply safety standards and GPL PM
WCM safety audit > 90%
Continue follow up recommendations of previous audit PM

Reivew last audit scoring detail and correct slow score requirements PM
20 steps audit > 60%
Improve quality of procedures PM

Apply TASK audit tool PM

Quaterly review PM

1.3 Risk reduction 20% Critical risks Complete 24 PSS as schedule( attached list) PM

Review health check report EHS

2.1 Occupational Ensure 100% employees who have
diseases control potential OD get final Review legal requirements EHS
improvement Occupational health check
Re-check to be confirmend official OD EHS

Ensure 100% subtances have Update MSDS (not over 3 years) QA

2.Health 2.2 Improve safety classified (Sbase)
Review by xxxx tool QA
chemical management

Toxic risk assessment for 50% To be trained xxx tool QA

subtances (Class A) Toxic subtances survey QA

2.3 Reduce noise Reduce 10% NOS (Red zone) Noise reduction at xxx area EHS

3.1 Dust control

Zero complaint by neighbor Improve AM/PM program for dust filter system PM
3.Environ improvement
ment &
Site risk 3.2 Improve fire Compliance some comments from XL (management and physical) PM
75% XL audit
protection system Improve fire alarm system PM

Annual safety (safety, first aid, fire drill) training (attached list) EHS
Working environment survey (attached list) EHS
Machine safety inspection (attached list)
4.1 Comply to all Environmental monitoring
4. EHS
annual activities 4.1. Zero penalty from gov EHS
compliance according to inspection Health checkup
PPE provision HR
Toxic in kind allowance HR
Report as schedule

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