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4 authors, including:
Fatima Rojas-Sanchez
Central University of Venezuela
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
An Extended Concept of Dental Caries and Update of Cariology Terminology View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Ana Maria Acevedo on 24 February 2014.
S. sobrinus are well known as the group of oral 6 years, mean age 5.0±0.9 years; Group B of 17
microorganisms which have virulence factors relat- children aged 7 to 12 years, mean age 8.5±1.6 years,
ed to cariogenicity. They possess a wide range of and group C of 17 children aged 13 to 17 years,
cariogenic traits which include a high rate of acid mean age 16.7±1.6 years. Each child was examined
production, high acid tolerance, sucrose-mediated for caries status (dmft or DMFT) following the cri-
extracellular polysaccharide synthesis, and intracel- teria established by Klein and Palmer33. Dental
lular glycogen synthesis from a variety of dietary examination was carried out by the same calibrated
carbohydrates3,6,7 which are significant determinants examiner (MVR) using artificial light, probe # 5
of the cariogenicity of plaque. and dental mirror # 23. The parents of all the chil-
For several decades, investigators have agreed on the dren were asked to sign a consent form that allowed
fact that MS generally are implicated as the principal us to examine their children’s teeth and to take
infectious bacteria responsible for dental caries in microbiological samples.
humans8-12, and are classified into seven species13. Of
these, S. sobrinus and S. mutans are the most frequent- SAMPLING AND CULTURING
ly isolated from the human oral cavity3. S. sobrinus is Two-hour fasting dental plaque samples were collect-
more cariogenic than S mutans, nevertheless, it has ed from each subject after clinical examination. After
been reported that strains of S. mutans and S. sobri- removal of saliva by a short blast of air, plaque was
nus isolated from infants and adolescents with vary- removed from all available tooth sites using a Hol-
ing caries experience did not show significant lenbak probe. Dental plaque was scraped from the
differences in aciduric and acidogenic activities14. S. available surfaces of the dentition in the morning (9
mutans and S. sobrinus are associated more often with to 10 am) from each patient. The pool plaque sample
the more acidic response of caries-affected plaque and was immediately placed in a sterile capped container,
research has indicated that the coexistence of S. sobri- transported to the laboratory, weighed immediately
nus and S. mutans is an important factor in the devel- and the wet weight was calculated by difference. The
opment of dental caries15, 16. Different studies have plaque was suspended in Ringer’s solution and
reported a correlation between plaque counts of MS homogenized by hand in a glass homogenizer. The
and both caries prevalence and incidence3, 17-22. Hama- suspension was serially diluted in ice-cold Ringer’s
da and Slade23, have shown that large numbers of S. solution for microbial analysis to yield a final con-
sobrinus are found in saliva of individuals with high centration of 5 mg wet weight plaque per mL.
caries scores, as well as in plaque of caries-affected,
but not caries-free mouths. Furthermore, it is reason- BACTERIOLOGICAL MEDIA
able to identify caries-susceptible individuals from Aliquots of 100µL of each appropriately serially
the correlation between the presence of mutans strep- diluted sample were plated in duplicate on Brain-
tococci and caries development24, 25. In contrast, other Heart-Infusion (BHI) for total microorganism count,
studies have reported that caries lesions can develop as well as in ready-poured Mitis Salivarius Agar
in the absence of S. mutans and their numbers are media with tellurite (0.1%) (Difco Labs. Detroit, Ml)
often low even when caries are present6-7, 26-28. In addi- for total streptococci count and Mitis-Salivarius
tion, supporting this statement, other investigations Bacitracin (MSB) agar (0.2 units/ mL) for mutans
have found no correlation between the S. mutans streptococci. Acidogenic ratio determinations34 were
count and the presence of caries29-32. carried out on bromocresol purple agar. The media
Based on the controversial results presented in lit- contained glucose 12 g; K2HPO4 1.2 g; KH2PO4
erature, the aim of this study was to determine the 1.2 g; tryptone 5 g; yeast extract 5 g; agar 15 g;
frequency and distribution of Mutans Streptococci bromocresol purple 16 ml of a 0.2% sterile stock
in dental plaque from caries-free and caries-affect- solution. The pH was adjusted to 7.4 with KOH.
ed Venezuelan children of different age groups and After inoculation, all media were incubated anaero-
to associate their occurrence with the presence of bically in jars (Gas Pack System) at 37ºC for 48 h.
dental caries.
PATIENTS AND METHODS Each colony was counted for total Streptococci on
A total 48 children that attended the Department of MS agar and a representative colony of each dis-
Pediatric Dentistry of the Faculty of Dentistry, Cen- tinct colonial morphology from MSB was selected
tral University of Venezuela and lived in the capital and grown overnight in 5 ml of pre-sterilized Todd-
city (Caracas) were selected for the study. The Hewitt broth at 37ºC. Each colony isolated was
patients were subsequently divided into three then identified biochemically using the API Rapid
groups: Group A made up of 14 children aged 2 to Strep System (API SYSTEMS S.A.). The results
were recorded after 24 h of Table 1: Sample distribution according to caries experience expressed
isolation and tests showing as a percentage
unclear or weak results were
re-checked using biochemical Age range Nº Percentage of Percentage of
caries-free children caries-affected children
tests (fermentation of mani-
tol, sorbitol, and enzymatic 2-6 14 43 (6)* 57 (8)
tests such as catalase activi- 7-12 17 24 (4) 76 (13)
ty). Acidogenic organisms 13-19 17 47 (8) 53 (9)
were recognized by the color Total 48 38 (18) 63 (30)
change from purple to yellow
and the acidogenic ratio was *Number in parenthesis corresponds to the number of children.
Table 4: Distribution of Mutans streptococci (MS) species in dental plaque samples from caries-free and
caries-affected children.
the caries-affected children may Table 5: Mean total count values, acidogenic and non-acidogenic in
suggest that Streptococcus, in dental plaque samples from children in each group studied
addition to species such as lacto- (expressed in CFUx105/mg wet weight¹).
bacilli and bifidobacterium41, Group Acidogenic Non-acidogenic Total
could be involved in the devel- N N Count Count Count
opment of dental caries.
On the other hand, all the caries-
Caries-affected 8 10.3 ± 3.4 * 8.3 ± 4.9 18.6 ± 5.2
free and caries-prone subjects in
Caries-free 6 10.2 ± 2.6 5.2 ± 4.1 15.4 ± 4.6
the 7 to 12 and 13 to 19-year-old
groups harbored both S. mutans 7-12
and S. sobrinus in their dental Caries-affected 13 8.6 ± 5.5 11.6 ± 7.4 20.4 ± 9.2
plaque. Moreover, the percent- Caries-free 4 15.5 ±15.1 10.6 ± 6.9 26.0 ± 22.0
age of children with S. sobrinus
in the caries-free subjects was
Caries-affected 9 8.3 ± 4.0 9.5 ± 3.5 19.0± 5.3
significantly higher than in the
Caries-free 8 10.2 ± 6.5 7.9 ± 3.8 18.2± 5.2
caries-affected group (Table 4).
However, the percentage of * Data are expressed as a mean (±SD).
children with S. mutans in the
caries-free group was lower
than in the caries-affected group. This result suggests subjects. However, the results of this investigation
that a higher number of S. mutans associated to S. indicate that the proportions of acidogenic to non-
sobrinus may be needed to increase the risk of devel- acidogenic in dental plaque from caries-affected and
opment of dental caries. In addition, Lang et al.17 sug- caries-free children were similar (Table 5). This
gested that local factors such as differences in indicates that factors other than the microbiological
exposure of saliva or variations of fluoride levels42 are determinant in the initiation of the caries process.
could be implicated in the association of mutans strep- Controversial results have been reported in relation to
tococci with healthy sites. the association between the presence of mutans strep-
The role of acid-producing bacteria in the carious tococci and dental caries45,46. In this study, no associa-
process has been reviewed by different authors6, 17,43. tion was observed to support the idea that caries could
Stephan44 was the first to show that the plaque pH occur in the absence of mutans streptococci47.
can fall below 5.0 after a sugar rinse and it is rea- The results of this investigation indicate that the
sonable to predict from the acidogenic theory of microbiological analysis of dental plaque could be
caries that plaque samples from caries-affected indi- a useful tool to identify the caries risk at individual
viduals will have a larger proportion of acidogenic or community level, as well as to improve diagno-
organisms than similar samples from caries-free sis and treatment.
We wish to thank the parents and children who took part in this Dr. Ana Maria Acevedo
investigation. This work was supported by the Faculty of Den- Instituto de Investigaciones Odontológicas “Raúl Vincentelli”
tistry, Central University of Venezuela. Facultad de Odontología
Universidad Central de Venezuela
Los Chaguaramos, Caracas, 1050.
e-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]
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