Dot Net Complete Guide Bca

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(Compiled Notes)


Jeevan Poudel
BCA VIII, 2077
Purbanchal University, Nepal

Dot Net

(Compiled Notes)


Jeevan Poudel

श्री गोमे बहुमुखी महा व ालय

वत मोड, झापा
चैत ६, २०७७
याे पाठ्य सामग्री तयार पानर् साथ, सहयोग र हाैसला प्रदान
गनुर्हुने आदरणीय गुरु श्री मदन उप्रेती र मेरा सबै साथीहरुप्र त
हा दर्क आभार प्रकट गदर्छु।

List of Figures ix

List of Tables xi

1 Overview of VB . NET and C# . NET Language 1

1.1 Introduction to . Net Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.1 . Net Framework Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Introduction to C# and VB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2.1 C# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2.2 VB (Visual Basic) . NET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.3 Feature of Object Oriented Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.4 Scope of . Net Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2 Language Basics 13
2.1 Variables and Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.1.1 Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.1.2 Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2 String and String Builder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.2.1 String . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.2.2 String Builder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.3 Boxing and Unboxing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.3.1 Boxing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.3.2 UnBoxing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20


2.4 Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.4.1 Arithmetic Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.4.2 Relational Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.4.3 Logical Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.4.4 Compound Assignment Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.4.5 Ternary Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.5 Control statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.5.1 Conditional Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.5.2 C# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.5.3 VB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.5.4 Iteration statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.5.5 Jump statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.6 Arrays and Strings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.6.1 Array Declaration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.6.2 Array Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.7 Procedure and Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.7.1 Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.7.2 Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3 Developing Console Application 37

3.1 Entry Point Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.2 Command Line Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.3 Compiling and Building Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.4 Using control Statements in Console Application . . . . . . . 40

4 Essentials of Object–oriented Programming 43

4.1 Object and Class Definition Working . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
4.1.1 Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
4.1.2 Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.2 Understanding Identity, State and Behavior . . . . . . . . . . 47
4.3 Using Encapsulation to Combine Methods and Data in a Sin-
gle Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
4.4 Inheritance and Polymorphism With Interface . . . . . . . . . 52
4.4.1 Inheritance With Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

5 Windows Forms and Standard Components 59

5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
5.2 Basic controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
5.2.1 Label Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
5.2.2 Button Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
5.2.3 TextBox Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

5.2.4 ComboBox Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

5.2.5 PictureBox Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
5.3 Menu and Context Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5.3.1 Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5.3.2 Context Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
5.4 Menu Strip, Toolbar Strip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
5.4.1 Menu Strip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
5.4.2 ToolStrip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
5.5 Group box and Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
5.5.1 Group box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
5.5.2 Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
5.6 ListBox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
5.7 RadioButton adn CheckBox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
5.7.1 RadioButton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
5.7.2 CheckBox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
5.8 DateTimePicker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
5.9 TabControl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
5.10 RichTextBox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
5.11 ProgressBar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
5.12 ImageList . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
5.13 HelpProvider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
5.14 Error Provider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
5.15 Graphics and GDI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
5.16 Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
5.17 SDI and MDI Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
5.17.1 SDI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
5.17.2 MDI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
5.18 DialogBox ( Modal and Modeless ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
5.18.1 Modal dialog box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
5.18.2 Modeless dialog box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
5.19 Form Inheritance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
5.20 Developing Custom, Composite Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
5.21 Field Validator Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
5.22 Delegates in C# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
5.23 Events – Types and Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
5.24 Exception Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

6 Data Access with ADO (ActiveX Data Object) . NET 101

6.1 Comparison Between ADO and ADO . NET . . . . . . . . . . 101
6.2 ADO . NET Concept and Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
6.2.1 ADO . NET Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

6.3 Working with Connection, Command, DataReader . . . . . . 110

6.3.1 Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
6.3.2 Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
6.3.3 DataReader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
6.4 Working With Dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
6.5 Adding, Deleting and Modifying Records in Dataset . . . . . . 118
6.6 Using DataView . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
6.7 Working With DataGridVeiw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
6.8 Calling Stored procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

7 Web Application 127

7.1 Basic Concepts of Web Application Development . . . . . . . 127
7.2 Implementing Session and Cookies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
7.2.1 Cookies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
7.2.2 Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
7.3 Client and Server Side Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
7.3.1 Client Side Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
7.3.2 Server Side Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
7.3.3 ASP . NET Validation Server Controls . . . . . . . . . 134
7.4 Building Web Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148

Questions (2018 & 2019) 151

References 155

1.1 . NET framework architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.2 Managed Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

6.1 ADO . NET Architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104


2.1 Differences between String and StringBuilder class . . . . . . . 19

2.2 Difference between boxing and unboxing. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.3 Comparison Operators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.4 Logical Operators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.5 Compound Assignment Operators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

4.1 Comparison between class and object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

5.1 Comparison between panel and group box . . . . . . . . . . . 68

6.1 Comparison between ADO and ADO . NET . . . . . . . . . . 101

6.2 DataTable properites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
6.3 DataRow properites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

7.1 Validation Server Controls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136




1.1 Introduction to . Net Framework

In computer (and software) programming, a framework is what is known as an
abstraction where code can be altered to build application-specific software.
The framework is a collection of Application Programming Interfaces, or
APIs, that come with an enormous library of code that developers can use
to write software, so they aren’t forced to write all the code from scratch.
An abstraction is basically the act of removing elements to reduce it to
its essential form. In terms of software, it’s the process of creating a clean
slate for developers to work with.
. NET Framework is a software framework developed by Microsoft that
runs primarily on Microsoft Windows. It includes a large class library named
as Framework Class Library (FCL) and provides language interoperability
(each language can use code written in other languages) across several pro-
gramming languages. Programs written for . Net Framework execute in a
software environment (in contrast to a hardware environment) named the
Common Language Runtime (CLR). The CLR is an application virtual ma-
chine that provides services such as security, memory management, and ex-


ception handling. As such, computer code written using . NET Framework

is called “managed code”. FCL and CLR together constitute the . NET
FCL provides the user interface, data access, database connectivity, cryp-
tography, web application development, numeric algorithms, and network

1.1.1 . Net Framework Architecture

.Net Framework Architecture is a programming model for the .Net platform
that provides an execution environment and integration with various pro-
gramming languages for simple development and deployment of various Win-
dows and desktop applications. It consists of class libraries and reusable


Framework Class Library

Common Language Runtime

Figure 1.1: . NET framework architecture

The . Net Framework Architecture is the programming model for the . Net
platform. It provides a managed execution environment, simplified develop-
ment and deployment and integration with a wide variety of programming
languages. The . Net Framework class library (FCL) is a comprehensive,
object-oriented collection of reusable types that you can use to develop appli-
cations. The common language runtime (CLR) is the core runtime engine for
executing applications in the . Net Framework. The CLR is fully protected

from the outside environment and highly optimized within, taking advantage
of the services that the CLR provides such as security, performance, deploy-
ment facilities, and memory management , including garbage collection. Common Language Runtime

The “Common Language Infrastructure” or CLI is a platform in . Net archi-
tecture on which the . Net programs are executed.
The CLI has the following key features:
• Exception Handling
• Garbage Collection
• Working with Various programming languages Class Library

The .NET Framework includes a set of standard class libraries. A class
library is a collection of methods and functions that can be used for the core
For example, there is a class library with methods to handle all file-level
operations. So, there is a method which can be used to read the text from a
file. Similarly, there is a method to write text to a file.
Most of the methods are split into either the System.* or Microsoft.*
namespaces1 . (The asterisk * just means a reference to all the methods that
fall under the System or Microsoft namespace) Languages
The types of applications that can be built in the .Net framework is classified
broadly into the following categories
• ADO.Net – This technology is used to develop applications to interact
with Databases such as Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server: This is used
for developing Forms-based applications, which would run on an end
user machine. Notepad is an example of a client-based application.
• ASP.Net: This is used for developing web-based applications, which are
made to run on any browser.
• ADO.Net: This technology is used to develop applications to interact
with Databases such as Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server.
A namespace is a logical separation of methods.

Common Language Specification (CLS)

• CLS is a set of basic language features that . Net Languages needed
to develop Applications and Services, which are compatible with the .
Net Framework.

• When there is a situation to communicate Objects written in different .

Net Complaint languages, those objects must expose the features that
are common to all the languages. Common CLS ensures complete
interoperability among applications, regardless of the language used to
create the application.

Common Type System (CTS)

CTS describes a set of types that can be used in different . Net languages in
common. That is, the CTS ensure that objects written in different . Net lan-
guages can interact with each other. For Communicating between programs
written in any . Net complaint language, the types have to be compatible on
the basic level.
These types can be Value Types or Reference Types. The Value Types
are passed by values and stored in the stack. The Reference Types are passed
by references and stored in the heap. CTS provides base set of Data Types
which is responsible for cross language integration. The CLR can load and
execute the source code written in any . Net language, only if the type is
described in the CTS. Most of the members defined by types in the . Net
FCL are CLS compliant Types.

Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL)

• MSIL stands for Microsoft Intermediate Language.

• We can call it as Intermediate Language (IL) or Common Intermediate

Language (CIL).

• During the compile time, the compiler convert the source code into

• MSIL is a CPU-independent set of instructions that can be efficiently

converted to the native code.

• During the runtime the Common Language Runtime (CLR)’s Just In

Time (JIT) compiler converts the MSIL code into native code to the
Operating System.

When a compiler produces MSIL, it also produces Metadata. MSIL and

Metadata are contained in a portable executable (PE) file. MSIL includes
instructions for loading, storing, initializing, and calling methods on objects,
as well as instructions for arithmetic and logical operations, control flow,
direct memory access, exception handling, and other operations.

Just In Time Compiler (JIT)

The . Net languages, which conforms to the Common Language Specifica-
tion (CLS), uses its corresponding runtime to run the application on dif-
ferent Operating Systems. During the code execution time, the Managed
Code compiled only when it is needed, that is it converts the appropriate
instructions to the native code for execution just before when each function
is called. This process is called Just In Time (JIT) compilation, also known
as Dynamic Translation. With the help of Just In Time Compiler (JIT) the
Common Language Runtime (CLR) doing these tasks.
The Common Language Runtime CLR provides various JIT compilers
and each works on a different architecture depending on OS. That is why
the same MSIL can be executed on different OS without rewriting the source
code. JIT compilation preserves memory and save time during application

Managed Code
Managed Code in Microsoft . Net Framework, is the code that has executed
by the Common Language Runtime (CLR) environment. On the other hand
Unmanaged Code is directly executed by the computer’s CPU. Data types,
error-handling mechanisms, creation and destruction rules, and design guide-
lines vary between managed and unmanaged object models.
The benefits of Managed Code include programmers convenience and en-
hanced security. Managed code is designed to be more reliable and robust
than unmanaged code, examples are Garbage Collection, Type Safety etc.
The Managed Code running in a CLR cannot be accessed outside the run-
time environment as well as cannot call directly from outside the runtime
environment. This makes the programs more isolated and at the same time
computers are more secure. Unmanaged Code can bypass the . Net Frame-
work and make direct calls to the OS. Calling unmanaged code presents a
major security risk.

Difference between managed and unmanaged code

What is Managed Code? Managed code is the code that is written to
target the services of the managed runtime execution environment such as
Common Language Runtime in . Net Technology.

Figure 1.2: Managed Code

The Managed Code running under a CLR cannot be accessed outside the
runtime environment as well as cannot call directly from outside the runtime
environment. It refers to a contract of cooperation between natively execut-
ing code and the runtime. It offers services like garbage collection, run-time
type checking, reference checking etc. By using managed code we can avoid
many typical programming mistakes that lead to security holes and unstable
applications, also, many unproductive programming tasks are automatically
taken care of, such as type safety checking, memory management, destruction
of unused objects etc.

What is Unmanaged Code? Unmanaged code compiles straight to ma-

chine code and directly executed by the Operating System. The generated
code runs natively on the host processor and the processor directly executes
the code generated by the compiler. It is always compiled to target a specific
architecture and will only run on the intended platform. If we want to run
the same code on different architecture then we will have to recompile the
code using that particular architecture.
Unmanaged executable files are basically a binary image, x86 code, di-
rectly loaded into memory. This approach typically results in the fastest code
execution, but diagnosing and recovery from errors might difficult and time-
consuming in most cases. The memory allocation, type safety, security, etc
needs to be taken care of by the programmer and this will lead unmanaged
code prone to memory leaks like buffer overruns, pointer overrides etc.
All code compiled by traditional C/C++ compilers are Unmanaged Code.
COM components, ActiveX interfaces, and Win32 API functions are exam-
ples of unmanaged code. Managed code is code written in many high-level
programming languages that are available for use with the Microsoft . Net

Framework, including VB. Net, C#, J#, etc. Since Visual C++ can be com-
piled to either managed or unmanaged code it is possible to mix the two in
the same application.

. Net Framework Design Principle

The following design principles of the . Net framework is what makes it very
relevant to create . Net based applications.
The principal design features of Microsoft . Net Framework are:

• Interoperability • Language independence

• Portability • Type safety

• Security • Memory management

Language interoperability is the ability of code to interact with code that
is written using a different programming language. It can help maximize
code reuse and, therefore, improve the efficiency of the development process.
The . NET components can communicate with the existing COM components
without migrating to those components into . NET. That means, this feature
is a great help to reduce the migration cost and time.

Applications built on the . Net framework can be made to work on any
Windows platform. And now in recent times, Microsoft is also envisioning to
make Microsoft products work on other platforms, such as iOS and Linux.

The . NET Framework has a good security mechanism. The inbuilt security
mechanism helps in both validation and verification of applications. Every
application can explicitly define their security mechanism. Each security
mechanism is used to grant the user access to the code or to the running

Language Independence
The . Net Framework is language independent. It is possible to use . Net
from many programming languages because they have all agreed on some

standards. This means that, as a programmer, we can develop in one of the

many languages that target the . Net Framework, such as C#, C++/CLI, Eif-
fel, F#, IronPython, IronRuby, PowerBuilder, Visual Basic, Visual COBOL,
and Windows PowerShell. The . Net Framework presents a Common Type
System (CTS) that characterizes every conceivable data sorts and program-
ming builds bolstered by Common Language Runtime and how they might
communicate with each other fitting in with CLI determination. Because
of this feature, . Net Framework supports the exchange of types and object
instances between libraries and applications written using any conforming .
Net language.

Type safety
Type-Safety is enforced by the CLR and the Language Compiler — in accor-
dance to the CTS directives of the . Net Framework. Type-safe code cannot
perform an operation on an object that is invalid for that object. This pre-
vents ill-defined casts, wrong method invocations, and memory size issues
when accessing an object. For example, if you have declared a variable as an
integer, it cannot be assigned any value which is not an integer (by implicit
conversion, or explicit conversion).

Memory Management
The Common Language runtime does all the work or memory management.
The . Net framework has all the capability to see those resources, which
are not used by a running program. It would then release those resources
accordingly. This is done via a program called the “Garbage Collector”,
which runs as part of the . Net framework.
The garbage collector runs at regular intervals and keeps on checking
which system resources are not utilized, and frees them accordingly.

1.2 Introduction to C# and VB

1.2.1 C#
C# is a modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language de-
veloped by Microsoft and approved by European Computer Manufacturers
Association (ECMA) and International Standards Organization (ISO).
C# was developed by Anders Hejlsberg and his team during the develop-
ment of . Net Framework. It is based on C++ and Java, but it has many

additional extensions used to perform component oriented programming ap-

C# is designed for Common Language Infrastructure (CLI), which con-
sists of the executable code and runtime environment that allows use of var-
ious high-level languages on different computer platforms and architectures.

C# Features
• Simple
C# is a simple language in the sense that it provides structured ap-
proach (to break the problem into parts), rich set of library functions,
data types etc.

• Modern Programming Language

C# programming is based upon the current trend and it is very powerful
and simple for building scalable, interoperable and robust applications.

• Object-Oriented
C# is object-oriented programming language. OOPs makes develop-
ment and maintenance easier where as in Procedure-oriented program-
ming language it is not easy to manage if code grows as project size

• Type Safe
C# type safe code can only access the memory location that it has
permission to execute. Therefore it improves a security of the program.

• Interoperability
Interoperability process enables the C# programs to do almost anything
that a native C++ application can do.

• Scalable and Updateable

C# is automatic scalable and updateable programming language. For
updating our application we delete the old files and update them with
new ones.

• Structured Programming Language

C# is a structured programming language in the sense that we can break
the program into parts using functions. So, it is easy to understand
and modify.

• Rich Library
C# provides a lot of inbuilt functions that makes the development fast.

1.2.2 VB (Visual Basic) . NET

Visual Basic is a third-generation event-driven programming language first
released by Microsoft in 1991. It evolved from the earlier DOS version called
BASIC. BASIC means Beginners’ All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.
VB . NET is a fully object-oriented programming language implemented
in the . NET Framework. It was created to cater for the development of the
web as well as mobile applications.
VB . Net is an update to Visual Basic that targets Microsoft . Net Frame-
work. VB . Net has a lot of similarities to Visual Basic but also some differ-
ences. VB . Net is an object-oriented language, which supports the abstrac-
tion, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism features. It is the most
productive tool for rapidly creating a wide range of Windows, Web, Mobile,
and Office applications built on the . Net Framework.
The Visual Basic language is designed to be human-readable and acces-
sible to everyone from novice programmers to advanced system architects.
All of this is built on top of the . Net Framework, which guarantees that
programs written in Visual Basic run with unsurpassed scalability and relia-
bility. The . Net Framework provides VB . Net programmers with the ability
to create fully object oriented programs (OOPs), just like the ones created
using Java, C# or C++. Also programs written in VB. Net will interoperate
seamlessly with programs written in any other . Net languages such as Visual
C#, Visual J#, or Visual C++.

Featues of VB . Net
VB . NET comes loaded with numerous features that have made it a popular
programming language amongst programmers worldwide. These features
include the following

• VB.NET is not case-sensitive • Events management

• It is an object-oriented pro- • Windows Forms

gramming language
• Support for web application de-
• Garbage collection velopment

1.3 Feature of Object Oriented

Object is a collection of number of entities. Objects take up space in the
memory. Objects are instances of classes. When a program is executed, the
objects interact by sending messages to one another. Each object contain
data and code to manipulate the data. Objects can interact without having
know details of each others data or code.

Class is a collection of objects of similar type. Objects are variables of the
type class. Once a class has been defined, we can create any number of
objects belonging to that class. Classes are user define data types.

Data Abstraction and Encapsulation

Combining data and functions into a single unit called class and the process
is known as Encapsulation. Data encapsulation is important feature of a
class. Class contains both data and functions. Data is not accessible from
the outside world and only those function which are present in the class
can access the data. The insulation of the data from direct access by the
program is called data hiding or information hiding. Hiding the complexity
of program is called Abstraction and only essential features are represented.
In short, we can say that internal working is hidden.

Dynamic Binding
Refers to linking of function call with function definition is called binding
and when it is take place at run time called dynamic binding.

Message Passing
The process by which one object can interact with other object is called
message passing.

It is the process by which object of a class acquire the properties or features
of objects of another class. The concept of inheritance provide the idea of
re-usability means we can add additional features to an existing class without
modifying it. This is possible by deriving a new class from the existing one.
The new class will have the combined features of both the classes.

An operation may exhibit different behaviors in different instances. The
behavior depends upon the types of data used in the operation. Its types:

• Static / Compile Time Polymorphism.

– Method Overloading and

– Operator Overloading

• Dynamic / Runtime Polymorphism.

1.4 Scope of . Net Technology

Following are the scope of . Net Technology:

• Cross platform mobile applica- • Websites

tion development
• Games
• Desktop application
• Virtual Reality (VR) applica-
• Web application tion

• Web services • Database application, etc.



2.1 Variables and Data Types

2.1.1 Variables
A variable is a name of memory location. It is used to store data. Its value
can be changed and it can be reused many times. It is a way to represent
memory location through symbol so that it can be easily identified. The
basic variable type available in C# can be categorized as:

Variable Type Example

Decimal types decimal

Boolean types True or false value, as assigned
Integral types int, char, byte, short, long
Floating point types float and double
Nullable types Nullable data types


C# also allows defining other value types of variable such as enum and
reference types of variables such as class.

Variable Declaration in C#
Syntax for variable definition in C# is:
<data_type > <variable_list >;

Here, data_type must be a valid C# data type including char, int, float,
double, or any user-defined data type, and variable_list may consist of
one or more identifier names separated by commas.
Some valid variable definitions are shown here:
int i, j, k;
char c, ch;
float f, salary ;
double d;

Variable Declaration in VB . NET

The Dim statement is used for variable declaration and storage allocation for
one or more variables. The Dim statement is used at module, class, structure,
procedure or block level. Syntax for variable declaration in VB . Net is:
DIM <variable_name > As <data_type >

Some valid variable declarations along with their definition are shown
' VB
Dim StudentID As Integer
Dim StudentName As String
Dim Salary As Double
Dim count1 , count2 As Integer
Dim status As Boolean
Dim exitButton As New System . Windows . Forms . Button
Dim lastTime , nextTime As Date

Variable Initialization
Variables are initialized (assigned a value) with an equal sign followed by a
constant expression. The general form of initialization is:
variable_name = value ;

Variables can be initialized in their declaration. The initializer consists

of an equal sign followed by a constant expression as:
' C#
<data_type > <variable_name > = value ;

' VB
DIM <variable_name > As <data_type > = value

Variable can be initialized at the time of declaration as follows:

// C#
string studentName = " Jeevan ";

' VB
Dim semesterID As Integer = 8
Dim teacherName As String = " Madan Uprety "

Rules for defining variables

• A variable can have alphabets, digits and underscore.

• A variable name can start with alphabet and underscore only. It can’t
start with a digit.

• No white space is allowed within variable name.

• A variable name must not be any reserved word or keyword e.g. char,
float etc.

Some examples are:

// C#
int semesterId = 8, rollNo = 69;
byte x = 22;
double pi = 3.14159;
char name = `x ';

2.1.2 Data Types

Data types specify the type of data that a valid C# variable can hold. C#
is a strongly typed programming language because in C#, each type of data
(such as integer, character, float, and so forth) is predefined as part of the
programming language and all constants or variables defined for a given
program must be described.

Value Data Types

In C#, the Value Data Types will directly store the variable value in memory
and it will also accept both signed and unsigned literals. The derived class
for these data types are System.ValueType

Reference Data Type

The reference types do not contain the actual data stored in a variable, but
they contain a reference to the variables.
In other words, they refer to a memory location. Using multiple variables,
the reference types can refer to a memory location. If the data in the memory
location is changed by one of the variables, the other variable automatically
reflects this change in value. Example of built-in reference types are: object,
dynamic, and string.

Object Type In C#, all types, predefined and user-defined, reference types
and value types, inherit directly or indirectly from Object. So basically it is
the base class for all the data types. Before assigning values, it needs type
conversion. When a variable of a value type is converted to object, it’s called
boxing. When a variable of type object is converted to a value type, it’s
called unboxing. Its type name is System.Object.

String Type It represents a sequence of Unicode characters and its type

name is System.String. So, string and String are equivalent. Example:
1 // creating through string keyword
2 string s1 = " Corona ";
4 // creating through String class
5 String s2 = "COVID -19";

Dynamic Type You can store any type of value in the dynamic data type
variable. Type checking for these types of variables takes place at run-time.
1 // Syntax
2 dynamic <variable_name > = value ;
4 // Example
5 dynamic d = 69;

Dynamic types are similar to object types except that type checking for
object type variables takes place at compile time, whereas that for the dy-
namic type variables takes place at run time.

Pointer Type
Pointer type variables store the memory address of another type. To get the
pointer details we have a two symbols: ampersand (&) and asterisk (*).
• ampersand (&): It is Known as Address Operator. It is used to deter-
mine the address of a variable.
• asterisk (*): It also known as Indirection Operator. It is used to access
the value of an address.
// Syntax
type* identifier ;

// Example
int* p1 , p; // Valid syntax
int *p1 , *p; // Invalid

2.2 String and String Builder

2.2.1 String
String is a sequence of Unicode characters or array of characters. The array
of characters is also termed as the text. So the string is the representation
of the text.
A string is represented by class System.String. The string keyword is
an alias for System.String class and instead of writing System.String one
can use String which is a shorthand for System.String class. So, we can
say string and String both can be used as an alias of System.String class.
So string is an object of System.String class.
// Example :

// creating the string using string keyword

string courseName = "BCA";

// creating the string using String class

String semester = "Semester -VIII";

// creating the string using String class

System . String calenderYearNP ="2077 B.S.";

The String class is defined in the .NET base class library. In other words
a String object is a sequential collection of System.Char objects which repre-
sents a string. The maximum size of String object in memory is 2GB or about

1 billion characters. System.String class is immutable, i.e once created its

state cannot be altered.

String Class Properties

The String class has two properties as follows:

• Chars: It is used to get the Char object at a specified position in the

current String object.

• Length: It is used to get the number of characters in the current String


2.2.2 String Builder

A string instance is immutable. Immutable means once we create a string
object we cannot modify the value of the string Object in the memory. Any
operation that appears to modify the string, it will discard the old value and
it will create new instance in memory to hold the new value.
The System.Text.StringBuilder is mutable, that means once we create
StringBuilder object we can perform any operation that appears to change
the value without creating new instance for every time. It can be modified
in any way and it doesn’t require creation of new instance.
1 // String Example
3 string colors ;
4 colors += "red";
5 colors += "blue";
6 colors += " green ";

In the above code, string color will alter 3 times, each time the code
perform a string operation (+=). That mean 3 new string created in the
memory. When you perform repeated operation to a string, the overhead
associated with creating a new String object can be costly.
1 // StringBuilder Example
3 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ("");
4 sb. Append ("red");
5 sb. Append ("blue");
6 sb. Append (" green ");
7 string colors = sb. ToString ();

In the above code the StringBuilder object will alter 3 times, each time
the code attempt a StringBuilder operation without creating a new object.

That means, using the StringBuilder class can boost performance when
concatenating many strings together in a loop.
But immutable objects have some advantages also, such as they can be
used across threads without fearing synchronization problems. On the other
hand, when initializing a StringBuilder, you are going down in performance.
Also many actions that you do with string can’t be done with StringBuilder

Table 2.1: Differences between String and StringBuilder class

String StringBuilder

System.String is immutable System.StringBuilder is mu-

Concatenation is used to com- Append method is used
bine two strings
The first string is combined to Insertion is done on the exist-
the other string by creating a ing string.
new copy in the memory as a
string object, and then the old
string is deleted
String is efficient for small StringBuilder is more effi-
string manipulation cient in case large amounts of
string manipulations have to
be performed

2.3 Boxing and Unboxing

C# Type System contains three Types, they are:
• Value Types,
• Reference Types and
• Pointer Types.
C# allows us to convert a Value Type to a Reference Type, and back again
to Value Types. The operation of Converting a Value Type to a Reference
Type is called Boxing and the reverse operation is called Unboxing.

2.3.1 Boxing
1 int Val = 1;
2 Object Obj = Val; // Boxing

The first line we created a Value Type Val and assigned a value to Val.
The second line, we created an instance of Object Obj and assign the value of
Val to Obj. From the above operation Object Obj = i we saw converting a
value of a Value Type into a value of a corresponding Reference Type. These
types of operation is called Boxing.

2.3.2 UnBoxing
1 int Val = 1;
2 Object Obj = Val; // Boxing
3 int i = (int)Obj; // Unboxing

The first two line shows how to Box a Value Type. The next line int
i = (int) Obj shows extracts the Value Type from the Object. That is
converting a value of a Reference Type into a value of a Value Type. This
operation is called UnBoxing.
Boxing and UnBoxing are computationally expensive processes. When a
value type is boxed, an entirely new object must be allocated and constructed,
also the cast required for UnBoxing is also expensive computationally.

Table 2.2: Difference between boxing and unboxing.

Boxing Unboxing

It convert value type into an It convert an object type into

object type. value type.
Boxing is an implicit conver- Unboxing is the explicit con-
sion process. version process.
Here, the value stored on the Here, the object stored on the
stack copied to the object heap memory copied to the
stored on the heap memory. value stored on the stack .

2.4 Operators
An operator is a symbol that tells the compiler to perform specific mathe-
matical or logical manipulations. C# has rich set of built-in operators and
provides the following type of operators.

2.4.1 Arithmetic Operators

The arithmetic operators perform arithmetic operations on all the numeric
type operands such as sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, float,
double, and decimal.

Operator Description Example

+ Adds two operands int x = 30 +

- Subtracts second operand from int x = 70 -
the first 1;
* Multiplies both operands int x = 4 *
/ Divides numerator by denomina- int x = 138 /
tor 2;
% Modulus Operator and remainder int x = 69 %
of after an integer division 36;
++ Increment operator increases inte- x++;
ger value by one
x-- Decrement operator decreases in- x--;
teger value by one

2.4.2 Relational Operators

Relational operators are used to check the relationship between two operands.
If the relationship is true the result will be true, otherwise it will result in
false. Relational operators are used in decision-making and loops. Table
2.3 shows list of comparison operators.

Table 2.3: Comparison Operators.

Operator Name Example

== Equal to 6 == 4 evaluates to false

> Greater than 3 > -1 evaluates to true
< Less than 5 < 3 evaluates to false
>= Greater than or 4 >= 4 evaluates to true
equal to
<= Less than or equal 5 <= 3 evaluates to false
!= Not equal to 10 != 2 evaluates to true

2.4.3 Logical Operators

Logical operators are used to perform logical operation such as and, or. Log-
ical operators operates on boolean expressions (true and false) and returns
boolean values. Logical operators are used in decision-making and loops.
Table 2.4 shows list of logical operators.

Table 2.4: Logical Operators.

Operator Description Example

&& Computes the logical AND of its x && y;

bool operands. Returns true both
operands are true, otherwise re-
turns false.
|| Computes the logical OR of its x || y;
bool operands. Returns true
when any one operand is true.

2.4.4 Compound Assignment Operators

The assignment operator = assigns its right-hand value to its left-hand vari-
able, property, or indexer. It can also be used with other arithmetic, Boolean

logical, and bitwise operators. Table 2.5 shows list of compound assignment

Table 2.5: Compound Assignment Operators.

Operator Example Same As

= x=6 x=6
+= x += 4 x=x+4
-= x -= 6 x=x-6
*= x *= 9 x=x*9
/= x /= 7 x=x/7
%= x%=2 x=x%2

2.4.5 Ternary Operator

The ternary operator ? : operates on three operands. It is a shorthand for
if-then-else statement.
// Syntax : ternary operator
variable = Condition ? Expression1 : Expression2 ;

The ternary operator works as follows:

• If the expression stated by Condition is true, the result of Expression1
is assigned to variable
• If it is false, the result of Expression2 is assigned to variable

// Example
int number = 18;
string result ;

result = ( number % 2 == 0)? "Even Number " : "Odd Number ";

2.5 Control statements

Program needs a way to make decisions as it makes progress through the
execution of code. This is where control flow comes into play. The program

control flow is provided to us by the use of control statements. These are the
special keywords in the C# language that allow the programmer to set up
things like branching, looping, and even entire jumps to new points in the
program during execution. Control statements:
• Selection Statements: This consists of if, else, switch, and case

• Iteration Statements: This consists of do, for, foreach, and while


• Jump Statements: This consists of break, continue, return, and

goto statements

2.5.1 Conditional Statements

A conditional statement decides whether to execute code based on conditions.
The if statement and the switch statement are the two types of conditional
statements in C#.

2.5.2 C#
if statement
The if statement selects a branch for execution based on the value of a
Boolean expression.
// C#
// Syntax : if statement
if ( condition ) {
// Statement (s)
} else {
// Statement (s)

The if statement evaluates its condition expression to determine whether

to execute the if-body. Optionally, an else clause can immediately fol-
low the if body, providing code to execute when the condition is false.
Making the else-body another if statement creates the common cascade of
if, else if, else if, else if, else statements.

switch statement
Switch statement can be used to branch the execution of a program to a
set of statements that are inside of a case label, which is created with the

keyword case. The C# switch statement does this by matching the value
inside the switch against the values that you specify in each case label.
• Restricted to integers, characters, strings, and enums
• Case labels are constants
• Default label is optional

// Syntax : switch statement

switch ( expression ) {
case value1 :
// statements
break ;

case value2 :
// statements
break ;
case valueN :
// statements
break ;
default :
// default statement

2.5.3 VB
If ... Then Statement

' VB Syntax : if ... then statement

If ( condition ) Then
' Statement (s)
End IF If ... Then ... Else Statement

An If statement can be followed by an optional Else statement, it executes
when the Boolean expression is false.
If ( boolean_expression ) Then
'execute if Boolean expression is true
'execute if Boolean expression is false
End If
26 CHAPTER 2. LANGUAGE BASICS If ... ElseIf ... Else Statement

An If statement can be followed by an optional Else if...Else statement, which
is very useful to test various conditions using single If...Else If statement.
' Syntax for if ... else if ... else
If( boolean_expression 1) Then
' Executes when the boolean expression 1 is true
ElseIf ( boolean_expression 2) Then
' Executes when the boolean expression 2 is true
ElseIf ( boolean_expression 3) Then
' Executes when the boolean expression 3 is true
' Executes when the none of the above condition is true
End If Nested If Statement

It is always legal in VB.Net to nest If-Then-Else statements, which means
you can use one If or ElseIf statement inside another If ElseIf statement(s).
If( boolean_expression 1) Then
'Executes when the boolean expression 1 is true
If( boolean_expression 2) Then
'Executes when the boolean expression 2 is true
End If
End If Select Case Statement

A Select Case statement allows a variable to be tested for equality against a
list of values. Each value is called a case, and the variable being switched on
is checked for each select case.
' VB: Syntax : Select Case
Select ( expression )
Case case1
Case caseN
Case Else
End Select

Loops in VB
Do loop
It repeats the enclosed block of statements while a Boolean condition is True
or until the condition becomes True. It could be terminated at any time with
the Exit Do statement.
' Syntax : sDo loop
Do ( While | Until ) ( condition )
' statements
' Continue Do
' statements
' Exit Do
' statements
' -or -
' Continue Do
' statements
' Exit Do
' statements
Loop ( While | Until ) ( condition )

2.5.4 Iteration statements

An iteration statement creates a loop of code to execute a variable number
of times. Iterating is also known as looping. Looping is when you need or
want to execute a piece of code many times. The for loop, the do loop, the
while loop, and the foreach loop are the iteration statements in C#. do ... while loop

The do...while loop always runs its body once. After its first run, it eval-
uates its condition to determine whether to run its body again. If the
condition is true, the body executes. If the condition evaluates to true
again after the body has run, the body executes again. When the condition
evaluates to false, the do...while loop ends.
// Syntax : do ... while loop
do {
statement ;
} while ( condition );

For loop repeats the execution of a statement until a specified condition is
false. It proves most useful when the developer knows the exact number of
necessary iterations. Its statements initialize the iteration variable, state the
related condition, and state the iteration operation. Note that all statements
within a for statement are optional, and omissions can create infinite loops.
// Syntax : for loop
for ( initialization ; condition ; iterator ) {
statement ;
} foreach loop

The foreach statement is similar to the for statement in that both allow code
to iterate over the items of collections, but the foreach statement lacks an
iteration index, so it works even with collections that lack indices altogether.
When the collection is fully traversed, the loop will terminate.
// Syntax : foreach loop
foreach (int element in collection ) {
statement ;
} while
The while loop executes a statement(s) while a condition evaluates to true.
// Syntax : while loop
while ( statement ) {
statement ;

2.5.5 Jump statements

Jump statements are used to transfer control from one point to another point
in the program. There are five keywords in the Jump Statements: break,
continue, goto, return and throw

break statement
The break statement is used to terminate the loop or statement in which it
present. After that, the control will pass to the statements that present after

the break statement, if available. If the break statement present in the nested
loop, then it terminates only those loops which contains break statement.

continue statement
This statement is used to skip over the execution part of the loop on a
certain condition. After that, it transfers the control to the beginning of the
loop. Basically, it skips its following statements and continues with the next
iteration of the loop.

goto statement
This statement is used to transfer control to the labeled statement in the
program. The label is the valid identifier and placed just before the statement
from where the control is transferred.

return statement
This statement terminates the execution of the method and returns the con-
trol to the calling method. It returns an optional value. If the type of method
is void, then the return statement can be excluded.

throw statement
This is used to create an object of any valid exception class with the help
of new keyword manually. The valid exception must be derived from the
Exception class.

2.6 Arrays and Strings

Arrays represent a set of items all belonging to the same type. The dec-
laration itself may use a variable or a constant to define the length of the
array. However, an array has a set length and it cannot be changed after

2.6.1 Array Declaration

The syntax for declaring an array follows:
// Syntax
datatype [] arrayName ;


• datatype: defines the element type of the array

• []: defines the size of the array
• arrayName: is the Name of array

// Example
int [] totalCount ; // can store int values
string [] affectedCountries ; // can store string values
double [] economicLoss ; // can store double values
CoronaVirus [] covid19 ; // can store instances of CoronaVirus
class which is a custom class

Only Declaration of an array doesn’t allocate memory to the array. For that
array must be initialized.

2.6.2 Array Initialization

An array is a reference type so the new keyword used to create an instance of
the array. We can assign initialize individual array elements, with the help
of the index.
// Syntax :
datatype [] arrayName = new datatype [size ];

• datatype: specifies the type of data being allocated
• size: specifies the number of elements in the array
• arrayName: is the name of array variable
• new: allocates memory to an array according to its size

// different ways of array declaration and initialization

// define array without assigning value

int [] year = new int [4];

// define array and assign value at the same time

int [] year = new int [4] {2074 , 2075 , 2076 , 2077};

// defining array with elements

// that indicates the size of an array
int [] year = {2074 , 2075 , 2076 , 2077};

Arrays are categorized as one-dimensional, multi-dimensional, or jagged. In

the creation of an array, its number of dimensions and their length are set.

One Dimensional Array

This array contains only one row for storing the values. All values of this
array are stored contiguously starting from 0 to the array size.
// Syntax : 1-D array declaration
double [] xx = new double [69];

Multidimensional Arrays
The multi-dimensional array contains more than one row to store the values.
It is also known as a Rectangular Array in C# because it’s each row length
is same. It can be a 2D-array or 3D-array or more. Nested loop is required
inorder to access multidimensional array.
// creates a two - dimensional array of
// four rows and three columns .
int[, ] arrayName = new int [4, 3];

// creates an array of three dimensions , 5, 3, and 2

int[, , ] arrayName = new int [5, 3, 2];

// one comma indicates 2- dimensional

// and two commas indicate 3- dimensional .

Jagged Arrays
A jagged array is an array whose elements are themselves arrays, not all
necessarily of the same length. This is declared in the format
// jagged array declaration
datatype [][] arrayName

where, we have [][] instead of [,].

// Example
int [][] Jag = new int [3][];

Before you can use Jag, its elements must be initialized. You can
initialize the elements like this:
Jag [0] = new int [5]; // array of 5 integers
Jag [1] = new int [4]; // array of 4 integers
Jag [2] = new int [2]; // array of 2 integers

Each of the elements is a single-dimensional array of integers.

We can initialize the array when we create it:

Jag [0] = new int [] {1, 3, 5, 7, 9};
Jag [1] = new int [] {0, 2, 4, 6};
Jag [2] = new int [] {11 , 22};

Array can also be initialized upon declaration like this:

int [][] Jag = new int [][] {
new int [] {1, 3, 5, 7, 9},
new int [] {0, 2, 4, 6},
new int [] {11 , 22}

The elements of Jag are arrays and thus are reference types, so they are
initialized to null. Individual array elements can be accessed like this:
Jag [0][1] = 77;
// Assign 77 to the second element ([1]) of the first array


1 public class JaggedArrayExample

2 {
3 public static void Main ()
4 {
5 // Declare the array of two elements
6 int [][] arr = new int [2][];

8 // Initialize the elements

9 arr [0] = new int [] { 11, 21, 56, 78 };
10 arr [1] = new int [] { 42, 61, 37, 41, 59, 63 };
12 // Display the array elements
13 for (int i = 0; i < arr. Length ; i++)
14 {
15 for (int j = 0; j < arr[i]. Length ; j++)
16 {
17 System . Console . Write (arr[i][j] + " ");
18 }
19 System . Console . WriteLine ();
20 }
21 }

22 }
24 /* output :
25 11 21 56 78
26 42 61 37 41 59 63
27 */

Listing 2.1: Example of jagged array

2.7 Procedure and Functions

2.7.1 Procedure
A procedure is a block of Visual Basic statements enclosed by a declaration
statement (Function, Sub, Operator, Get, Set) and a matching End dec-
laration. All executable statements in Visual Basic must be within some
A function allows you to encapsulate a piece of code and call it from other
parts of your code. Functions are useful to improve the code reusability by
reducing the code duplication.

Types of Procedures
Visual Basic uses several types of procedures:

Sub Procedures Perform actions but do not return a value to the calling

Event-handling procedures Are Sub procedures that execute in response

to an event raised by user action or by an occurrence in a program.

Function Procedures Return a value to the calling code. They can per-
form other actions before returning.

Property Procedures Return and assign values of properties on objects

or modules.

Operator Procedures Define the behavior of a standard operator when

one or both of the operands is a newly-defined class or structure.

Generic Procedures in Visual Basic define one or more type parameters

in addition to their normal parameters, so the calling code can pass specific
data types each time it makes a call.

Sub Procedure
A Sub procedure is a series of Visual Basic statements enclosed by the Sub and
End Sub statements. The Sub procedure performs a task and then returns
control to the calling code, but it does not return a value to the calling code.
We can define a Sub procedure in modules, classes, and structures. By
default, it is Public.
The term method describes a Sub or Function procedure that is accessed
from outside its defining module, class, or structure.
A Sub procedure can take arguments, such as constants, variables, or
expressions, which are passed to it by the calling code.


' Syntax : Sub procedure

[ modifiers ] Sub SubName [( parameterList )]
' Statements of the Sub procedure .
End Sub


• Modifiers: specify the access level of the procedure; possible values are
- Public, Private, Protected, Friend, Protected Friend and information
regarding overloading, overriding, sharing, and shadowing.

• SubName: indicates the name of the Sub.

• ParameterList: specifies the list of the parameters.

Example shown in Listing 2.2 demonstrates a Sub procedure CalculatePay
that takes two parameters hours and wages and displays the total pay of an
1 Module mysub
2 Sub CalculatePay ( ByRef hours As Double , ByRef wage As Decimal
3 'local variable declaration
4 Dim pay As Double
5 pay = hours * wage

6 Console . WriteLine ("Total Pay: Rs {0}", pay)

7 End Sub
8 Sub Main ()
9 'calling the CalculatePay Sub Procedure
10 CalculatePay (25 , 10)
11 CalculatePay (40 , 20)
12 CalculatePay (30 , 27.5)
13 Console . ReadLine ()
14 End Sub
15 End Module

Listing 2.2: Example of sub procedure.

2.7.2 Function
A Function procedure is a series of Visual Basic statements enclosed by the
Function and End Function statements. The Function procedure performs
a task and then returns control to the calling code. When it returns control,
it also returns a value to the calling code.
We can define a Function procedure in a module, class, or structure. It
is Public by default.
A Function procedure can take arguments, such as constants, variables,
or expressions, which are passed to it by the calling code.


1 [ Modifiers ] Function FunctionName [( ParameterList )] As

2 [ Statements ]
3 End Function


• Modifiers: specify the access level of the function; possible values are:
Public, Private, Protected, Friend, Protected Friend and information
regarding overloading, overriding, sharing, and shadowing.

• FunctionName: indicates the name of the function.

• ParameterList:specifies the list of the parameters.

• ReturnType: specifies the data type of the variable the function re-

Example shown in Listing 2.3 demonstrates the example of function in VB.
1 Module myfunctions
2 Function FindMax ( ByVal num1 As Integer , ByVal num2 As Integer
) As Integer
3 Dim result As Integer
4 If (num1 > num2) Then
5 result = num1
6 Else
7 result = num2
8 End If
9 FindMax = result
10 End Function
11 Sub Main ()
12 Dim a As Integer = 2076
13 Dim b As Integer = 2077
14 Dim res As Integer
15 res = FindMax (a, b)
16 Console . WriteLine ("Max value is : {0}", res)
17 Console . ReadLine ()
18 End Sub
19 End Module

Listing 2.3: Use of VB function to return max number



A console application is an application that takes input and displays output

at a command line console with access to three basic data streams: standard
input, standard output and standard error.
A console application facilitates the reading and writing of characters
from a console — either individually or as an entire line. It is the simplest
form of a C# program and is typically invoked from the Windows command
prompt. A console application usually exists in the form of a standalone
executable file with minimal or no graphical user interface (GUI).
The program structure of a console application facilitates a sequential
execution flow between statements. Designed for the keyboard and display
screen, a console application is driven by keyboard and system events gener-
ated by network connections and objects.
A console application is primarily designed for the following reasons:
• To provide a simple user interface for applications requiring little or no
user interaction, such as samples for learning C# language features and
command-line utility programs.
• Automated testing, which can reduce automation implementation re-


Console applications have one main entry point (static main method) of
execution, which takes an optional array of parameters as its only argument
for command-line parameter representation.
The .NET Framework provides library classes to enable rapid console ap-
plication development with output display capability in different formats.
System.Console (a sealed class) is one of the main classes used in the devel-
opment of console applications.

3.1 Entry Point Method

The Main method is the entry point of a C# application. (Libraries and
services do not require a Main method as an entry point.) When the appli-
cation is started, the Main method is the first method that is invoked. Main
is declared inside a class or struct. Main must be static and it need not be
There can only be one entry point in a C# program. If you have more
than one class that has a Main method, you must compile your program with
the main compiler option to specify which Main method to use as the entry
// entry point method
class EntryPointMethod {
static void Main( string [] args) {
// Display the number of command line arguments .
Console . WriteLine (args. Length );


• static: It means Main Method can be called without an object.

• public: It is access modifiers which means the compiler can execute

this from anywhere.

• void: The Main method doesn’t return anything.

• Main(): It is the configured name of the Main method.

• string[] args: For accepting the zero-indexed command line argu-

ments. args is the user-defined name. So you can change it by a valid
identifier. [] must come before the args otherwise compiler will give

3.2 Command Line Parameters

In some situations, you have to send command line parameters to your appli-
cation. When you pass arguments, the command line input, read from the
standard entry point as string array. You can send arguments to the Main
method by defining the method in one of the following ways:
static int Main( string [] args)

static void Main( string [] args)

The arguments of the Main method is a String array that represents the
command-line arguments. Usually you determine whether arguments exist
by testing the Length property.
if (args. Length == 0) {
System . Console . WriteLine ("No arguments found !!");
return 1;

Listing 3.1 shows the use of command line argument.

1 using System ;
2 namespace BoCA
3 {
4 class Program
5 {
6 // Main function , execution entry point of the program
7 static void Main( string [] args) // string type
8 {
9 // Command line arguments
10 Console . WriteLine ("Arg length : " + args. Length );
11 Console . WriteLine ("Given arguments :");
12 foreach ( Object obj in args)
13 {
14 Console . WriteLine (obj);
15 }
16 }
17 }
18 }

Listing 3.1: Example of command line argument


3.3 Compiling and Building Projects

The code below will demonstrate a C# program written in a simple text
editor. Start by saving the following code to a text file called hello.cs:
1 namespace CompilingCsharpCode
2 {
3 class CompileCsharpCommandLine
4 {
5 static void Main( string [] args)
6 {
7 System . Console . WriteLine ("Hello , World !");
8 Console . ReadLine ();
9 }
10 }
11 }

Listing 3.2: Compiling Csharp program

To compile hello.cs, run the following from the command line:

• For standard Microsoft installations of . NET 4.7, run

c:\windows\\framework\v4.7.0\csc.exe hello.cs

• For Mono run mcs hello.cs

Doing so will produce hello.exe. The following command will run


• On Windows, use hello.exe using CMD/Powershell

• On Linux, use mono hello.exe using Terminal

3.4 Using control Statements in Console

1 using System ;
3 public class Functions {
4 public static long Factorial (int n) {
5 // Test for invalid input .
6 if ((n < 0) || (n > 20)) {
7 return -1;
8 }

10 // Calculate the factorial iteratively rather than
recursively .
11 long tempResult = 1;
12 for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
13 tempResult *= i;
14 }
15 return tempResult ;
16 }
17 }
19 class MainClass {
20 static int Main( string [] args) {
21 // Test if input arguments were supplied .
22 if (args. Length == 0) {
23 Console . WriteLine (" Please enter a numeric argument .");
24 Console . WriteLine ("Usage : Factorial <num >");
25 return 1;
26 }
28 /* Try to convert the input arguments to numbers . This will
throw an exception if the argument is not a number .
29 num = int.Parse (args [0]); */
30 int num;
31 bool test = int. TryParse (args [0] , out num);
32 if (! test) {
33 Console . WriteLine (" Please enter a numeric argument .");
34 Console . WriteLine ("Usage : Factorial <num >");
35 return 1;
36 }
38 // Calculate factorial .
39 long result = Functions . Factorial (num);
41 // Print result .
42 if ( result == -1)
43 Console . WriteLine ("Input must be >= 0 and <= 20.");
44 else
45 Console . WriteLine ("The Factorial of {num} is { result }."
num , result );
47 return 0;
48 }
49 }

Listing 3.3: Using control statements in console application



4.1 Object and Class Definition Working

4.1.1 Class
A class is a group of different data members or objects with the same proper-
ties, processes, events of an object, and general relationships to other member
functions. Furthermore, we can say that it is like a template or architect that
tells what data and function will appear when it is included in a class object.
For example, it represents the method and variable that will work on the
object of the class.

Class Creation

1 // Syntax of class creation in C#

2 access_modifier class class_name {

3 // fields
4 }

We can create a class using the Class keyword, followed by the class name.
And the body of the class ended with the statement End Class.
1 [ Access_Specifier ] [ Shadows ] [ MustInherit | NotInheritable ] [
Partial ] Class ClassName
2 ' Data Members
3 ' Methods
4 ' Statements
5 End Class


• Access_Specifier: It defines the access levels of the class, such as

Public, Private or Friend, Protected, Protected Friend, etc. to use the
method. (It is an optional parameter).

• Shadows: It is an optional parameter. It represents the re-declaration

of variables and hides an identical element name or set of overloaded
elements in a base class.

• MustInherit: It is an optional parameter that specifies that the class

can only be used as a base class, and the object will not directly access
the base class or the abstract class.

• NotInheritable: It is also an optional parameter that representing

the class not being used as a base class.

• Partial: As the name defines, a Partial represents the partial defini-

tion of the class (optional).

• Implements: It is used to specify interfaces from which the class inher-

its (optional).

4.1.2 Object
Objects are the basic run-time units of a class. Once a class is defined, we
can create any number of objects related to the class to access the defined
properties and methods.

1 Dim Obj_Name As Class_Name = New Class_Name () ' Declaration of

2 Obj_Name . Method_Name () 'Access a method

An object is basically a block of memory that has been allocated and

configured according to the blueprint. A program may create many objects
of the same class. Objects are also called instances, and they can be stored
in either a named variable or in an array or collection. Client code is the
code that uses these variables to call the methods and access the public
properties of the object. In an object-oriented language such as C#, a typical
program consists of multiple objects interacting dynamically. Because classes
are reference types, a variable of a class object holds a reference to the address
of the object on the managed heap. If a second object of the same type is
assigned to the first object, then both variables refer to the object at that
Instances of classes are created by using the new operator. In the follow-
ing example, Person is the type and person1 is instances, or object, of that
1 public class Person {
2 public string Name {
3 get; set;
4 }
5 public int Age {
6 get; set;
7 }
8 public Person ( string name , int age) {
9 Name = name;
10 Age = age;
11 }
12 }
14 class Program {
15 static void Main () {
16 Person person1 = new Person ("JP", 40);
17 Console . WriteLine (" person1 Name = {0} Age = {1}", person1 .
Name , person1 .Age);
18 }
19 }

Listing 4.1: Example of class using C#

1 Imports System
2 Module Class_Example
3 Sub Main ()
4 Dim rect As Rectangle = New Rectangle () 'create an

5 Dim rect2 As Rectangle = New Rectangle () 'create an

6 Dim area , para As Integer
8 rect. setLength = (60)
9 rect. setBreadth = (50)

11 rect2 . setLength = (1000)

12 rect2 . setBreadth = (600)
14 area = rect. length * rect. Breadth
16 Console . WriteLine (" Area of Rectangle is {0}", area)
18 para = 2 ( rect2 . length + rect. Breadth )
20 Console . WriteLine (" Parameter of Rectangle is {0}", para
21 Console . WriteLine (" Press any key to exit ...")
22 Console . ReadKey ()
23 End Sub
25 Public Class Rectangle
26 Public length As Integer
27 Public Breadth As Integer
29 Public Sub setLength ( ByVal len As Integer )
30 length = len
31 End Sub
33 Public Sub setBreadth ( ByVal bre As Integer )
34 Breadth = bre
35 End Sub
36 Public Function GetArea () As Integer
37 Return length * Breadth
38 End Function

40 Public Function GetParameter () As Integer

41 Return 2 * ( length + Breadth )
42 End Function
43 End Class
44 End Module

Listing 4.2: Example of class using VB


4.2 Understanding Identity, State and

All objects have three essential features:

1. State 2. Behavior 3. Identity

States are the conditions in which objects exist. An object’s state is defined
by its attributes. An object’s attributes are usually static, and the values of
the attributes are usually dynamic.

The term behavior refers to how objects interact with each other, and it is
defined by the operations an object can perform.

Identity is an uniqueness of an object from other objects. No matter what its
attributes and operations are, an object is always uniquely itself. It retains
its identity regardless of changes to its state or behavior.
Together, state and behavior define the roles that an object may play.
And an object may play many roles during its lifetime.
For example, an object in the bank’s Employee class could be involved
with the payroll system, with the customer database, or with the command
The functions you require an object to perform are its responsibilities.
And an object’s responsibilities are fulfilled by its roles — by its state and
behavior combined.
So, you can capture all the meaningful functionality of an object by spec-
ifying its state and behavior. Objects are characterized by a third feature in
addition to state and behavior — identity.

Table 4.1: Comparison between class and object

Object Class

Object is an instance of a class Class is a blueprint or template

from which objects are created
Object is a real world entity Class is a group of similar objects
Object is a physical entity Class is a logical entity
Object is created through new Class is declared using class key-
keyword mainly Student student= word class Student{}
new Student();

Object is created many times as Class is declared once

per requirement
Object allocates memory when it Class doesn’t allocated memory
is created when it is created

4.3 Using Encapsulation to Combine

Methods and Data in a Single Class
Encapsulation is the first pillar or principle of object-oriented programming.
In simple words, “Encapsulation is a process of binding data members (vari-
ables, properties) and member functions (methods) into a single unit”. And
Class is the best example of encapsulation.

Important points
• Through encapsulation a class can hide the internal details of how
an object does something. Encapsulation solves the problem at the
implementation level.

• A class or structure can specify how accessible each of its members

(variables, properties, and methods) are from outside the class or struc-
ture. Encapsulation simplifies the interaction between objects. An
object can use another object without knowing all its data or how its
data is maintained. For example, a Client object might have name,
address, company, and department properties. If a Bank object wants

to use a Client object, it can request the name and address for the bank
without needing to know the company and department details of the
Client object.

• With the help of encapsulation, a class can change the internal imple-
mentation without hurting the overall functionality of the system.

• Encapsulation protects abstraction.

Need or purpose of encapsulation

• To hide and prevent code (data) from the outside world (here the world
means other classes and assemblies).

• To prevent code (data) from accidental corruption due to programming

errors so that we can deliver expected output. Due to programming
mistakes, code may not behave properly and it has an effect on data and
then it will affect the functionality of the system. With encapsulation,
we can make variables, properties, and methods private so it is not
accessible to all but accessible through proper channels only to protect
it from accidental corruption from other classes.

• To have a class better control over its fields (validating values etc).

Ways to achieve encapsulation with code example

We can achieve encapsulation by the following ways. Take a look at the
methods to achieve encapsulation with code example:

By using the get and set methods (Accessors and Mutators)

1 public class Account {

2 private string accoutName ;
3 // get methods
4 public string GetAccount () {
5 return accoutName ;
6 }
7 // Set method
8 public void SetAccount ( string name) {
9 accoutName = name;
10 }
11 }
12 static void Main () {
13 string name = " SAVING_ACCOUNT ";

14 Account account = new Account ();

15 account . SetAccount (name);
16 name = string . Empty ;
17 name = account . GetAccount ();
18 }

Listing 4.3: Encapsulation using get and set methods

In the above example we use the get and set methods (GetAccount and
SetAccount) to return account and set account name. We use the private
variable accountName and as it is not accessible directly, to use this variable,
we use the get and set methods.

By using properties (read only properties, write only properties)

Like the above example we can also achieve encapsulation using properties
. We can use a property (which has a get and set part), or we can use a
read only property (which has only a get part) or we can also use a write
only property (which has only a set part). But in all cases we can achieve
Have a look at the following example using properties.
1 // Encapsulation using properties
2 public class Account {
3 private string accoutName = " SAVING_ACCOUNT ";
5 // property which has get and set
6 public string AccoutName {
7 get {
8 return accoutName ;
9 }
10 set {
11 accoutName = value ;
12 }
13 }
14 private string address = "NPL";
16 // readonly property
17 public string Address {
18 get {
19 return address ;
20 }
21 }
23 private string phone = " 1234567890 ";
25 // writeonly property
26 public string Phone {

27 set {
28 phone = value ;
29 }
30 }
31 }
32 static void Main () {

34 // Encapsulation using properties

35 string name = string . Empty ;
36 Account account = new Account ();
38 // call get part
39 name = account . AccoutName ;
41 // change the value
42 name = " CURRENT_ACCOUNT ";
44 // call set part
45 account . AccoutName = name;
46 string address = string . Empty ;
48 // call readonly property
49 address = account . Address ; // now address has value "NPL"
51 string phone = " 1234567890 ";
53 // call writeonly property
54 account . Phone = phone ; // now account . Phone has value
55 }

Listing 4.4: Encapsulation using properties

Here, when we create a new instance of the account class, all the pri-
vate variables in the account class (account name, address, and phone) are
assigned with values. In the main class we can skip the variables (name,
address, and phone) and directly use System.Console to write the output.

Using an interface

IAccount myAccount = new AsianAccount ();

IAccount myAccount = new EuropeanAccount ();
IAccount myAccount = new USAAccount ();

Now, based on the current location (for which we can have variables),
whenever we want to view the balance information of a specific account,
we can use the IAccount interface and we can see how AsianAccount,

EuropeanAccount, and USAAccount hide information from each other, get-

ting the balance details through the IAccount interface.

4.4 Inheritance and Polymorphism With

Inheritance is a process in which one object acquires all the properties and
behaviors of its parent object automatically.
The class which inherits the members of another class is called derived
class and the class whose members are inherited is called base class.


1 <acess -specifier > class <base_class > {

2 ...
3 }

5 class <derived_class > : <base_class > {

6 ...
7 }


1 using System ;
3 namespace InheritanceApplication {
4 class Shape {
5 public void setWidth (int w) {
6 width = w;
7 }
8 public void setHeight (int h) {
9 height = h;
10 }
11 protected int width ;
12 protected int height ;
13 }
15 // Derived class
16 class Rectangle : Shape {
17 public int getArea () {

18 return (width * height );

19 }
20 }
21 class RectangleTester {
22 static void Main( string [] args) {
23 Rectangle Rect = new Rectangle ();

25 Rect. setWidth (5);

26 Rect. setHeight (7);
28 // Print the area of the object .
29 Console . WriteLine ("Total area: {0}", Rect. getArea ());
30 Console . ReadKey ();
31 }
32 }
33 }

Listing 4.5: Example of inheritance

Interface is a blueprint of a class. It is like abstract class because all the
methods which are declared inside the interface are abstract methods. It
cannot have method body and cannot be instantiated.
It is used to achieve multiple inheritance which can’t be achieved by class.
It is used to achieve fully abstraction because it cannot have method body.
Its implementation must be provided by class or struct. The class or
struct which implements the interface, must provide the implementation of
all the methods declared inside the interface.
Following example show the use of interface which has draw() method.
Its implementation is provided by two classes: Rectangle and Circle.
1 using System ;
2 public interface Drawable {
3 void draw ();
4 }
5 public class Rectangle : Drawable {
6 public void draw () {
7 Console . WriteLine (" drawing rectangle ...");
8 }
9 }
10 public class Circle : Drawable {
11 public void draw () {
12 Console . WriteLine (" drawing circle ...");
13 }
14 }

15 public class TestInterface {

16 public static void Main () {
17 Drawable d;
18 d = new Rectangle ();
19 d.draw ();
20 d = new Circle ();
21 d.draw ();
22 }
23 }

Listing 4.6: Example of interface

There are two types of polymorphism in:

• Compile time polymorphism

Compile time polymorphism is achieved by method overloading and
operator overloading. It is also known as static binding or early bind-

• Runtime polymorphism
Runtime polymorphism in achieved by method overriding which is also
known as dynamic binding or late binding.

4.4.1 Inheritance With Interface

Polymorphism is often referred to as the third pillar of object-oriented pro-
gramming, after encapsulation and inheritance. Polymorphism is a Greek
word that means “many form” and it has two distinct aspects:

• At run time, objects of a derived class may be treated as objects of a

base class.

• Base classes may define and implement virtual methods, and derived
classes can override them, which means they provide their own def-
inition and implementation. At run-time, when client code calls the
method, the CLR looks up the run-time type of the object, and invokes
that override of the virtual method.

Virtual methods enable you to work with groups of related objects in

a uniform way. For example, suppose you have a drawing application that
enables a user to create various kinds of shapes on a drawing surface. You do

not know at compile time which specific types of shapes the user will create.
However, the application has to keep track of all the various types of shapes
that are created, and it has to update them in response to user mouse actions.
You can use polymorphism to solve this problem in two basic steps:

• Create a class hierarchy in which each specific shape class derives from
a common base class

• Use a virtual method to invoke the appropriate method on any derived

class through a single call to the base class method.

First, create a base class called Shape, and derived classes such as Rect-
angle, Circle, and Triangle. Give the Shape class a virtual method called
Draw, and override it in each derived class to draw the particular shape that
the class represents. Create a List<Shape> object and add a Circle, Triangle
and Rectangle to it. To update the drawing surface, use a foreach loop to
iterate through the list and call the Draw method on each Shape object in
the list. Even though each object in the list has a declared type of Shape, it
is the run-time type (the overridden version of the method in each derived
class) that will be invoked.
1 using System ;
2 using System . Collections . Generic ;
3 public class Shape {
4 // A few example members
5 public int X {
6 get;
7 private set;
8 }
9 public int Y {
10 get;
11 private set;
12 }
13 public int Height {
14 get;
15 set;
16 }
17 public int Width {
18 get;
19 set;
20 }
21 // Virtual method
22 public virtual void Draw () {
23 Console . WriteLine (" Performing base class drawing tasks ");
24 }
25 }

26 class Circle : Shape {

27 public override void Draw () {
28 // Code to draw a circle ...
29 Console . WriteLine (" Drawing a circle ");
30 base.Draw ();
31 }
32 }
33 class Rectangle : Shape {
34 public override void Draw () {
35 // Code to draw a rectangle ...
36 Console . WriteLine (" Drawing a rectangle ");
37 base.Draw ();
38 }
39 }
40 class Triangle : Shape {
41 public override void Draw () {
42 // Code to draw a triangle ...
43 Console . WriteLine (" Drawing a triangle ");
44 base.Draw ();
45 }
46 }
47 class Program {
48 static void Main( string [] args) {
49 /* Polymorphism at work #1: a Rectangle , Triangle and Circle can
all be used where ever a Shape is expected . No cast is
required because an implicit conversion exists from a derived
class to its base class .
50 */
51 var shapes = new List < Shape > {
52 new Rectangle () ,
53 new Triangle () ,
54 new Circle ()
55 };
56 /* Polymorphism at work #2: the virtual method Draw is
invoked on each of the derived classes , not the base class .*/
58 foreach (var shape in shapes ) {
59 shape .Draw ();
60 }
61 // Keep the console open in debug mode.
62 Console . WriteLine ("Press any key to exit.");
63 Console . ReadKey ();
64 }
65 }
66 /* Output :
67 Drawing a rectangle
68 Performing base class drawing tasks
69 Drawing a triangle
70 Performing base class drawing tasks

71 Drawing a circle
72 Performing base class drawing tasks
73 */

Listing 4.7: Example of inheritance with polymorphism

Inheritance With Interface

We can implement the interface for those classes where behavior is same
but definitions are different to achieve polymorphism. For example, We are
having 3 classes — Human, Fish and Car, Practically, these Human, Fish
and Car can move but way/ definition of moving is not identical.

• We are clearly able to group by the fact that they share common be-

• You need only single list to hold movable object, not multiple list of
each type of object.

1 Using System ;
2 using System . Collections . Generic ;
3 namespace InheritanceInterface {
4 interface IMovable {
5 void Move ();
6 }
7 class Human : IMovable {
8 public void Move () // code that defines how human moves
9 {
10 Console . WriteLine ("I am a Human , I move by Walking ");
11 }
12 }
13 class Fish: IMovable {
14 public void Move () // code that defines how fish moves
15 {
16 Console . WriteLine ("I am a Fish , I move by swimming ");
17 }
18 }
19 class Car: IMovable {
20 public void Move () // code that defines how car moves
21 {
22 Console . WriteLine ("I am Car , I move By wheel ");
23 }
24 }
25 class Program {

26 static void Main( string [] args) {

27 List < IMovable > lstMovable = new List < IMovable > {
28 new Human () ,
29 new Fish () ,
30 new Car ()
31 };
32 foreach ( IMovable movableType in lstMovable ) {
33 movableType .Move ();
34 }
35 Console . ReadLine ();
36 }
37 }
38 }

Listing 4.8: Example of inheritance with interface




5.1 Introduction
• Windows Forms is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) class library which
is bundled in . Net Framework.

• Its main purpose is to provide an easier interface to develop the appli-

cations for desktop, tablet, PCs.

• It is also termed as the WinForms.

• The applications which are developed by using Windows Forms or Win-

Forms are known as the Windows Forms Applications that runs on the
desktop computer.

• WinForms can be used only to develop the Windows Forms Applications

not web applications.

• WinForms applications can contain the different type of controls like

labels, list boxes, tooltip etc.


5.2 Basic controls

Windows Forms controls are reusable components that encapsulate user in-
terface functionality and are used in client side Windows applications.

5.2.1 Label Control

• Displays text in a set location on the page.

• Can also be used to add descriptive text to a Form to provide the user
with helpful information.

• The Label class is defined in the System.Windows.Forms namespace.

label1 .Text = "This is my first Label ";

Label control can also display an image using the Image property, or a
combination of the ImageIndex and ImageList properties.
label1 . Image = Image . FromFile ("C:\\ testimage .jpg");

The following C# source code shows how to set some properties of the
Label through coding.
1 using System ;
2 using System . Drawing ;
3 using System . Windows . Forms ;

5 namespace WindowsFormsApplication1 {
6 public partial class Form1 : Form {
7 public Form1 () {
8 InitializeComponent ();
9 }
10 private void Form1_Load ( object sender , EventArgs e) {
11 label1 .Text = "This is my first label ";
12 label1 . BorderStyle = BorderStyle . FixedSingle ;
13 label1 . TextAlign = ContentAlignment . MiddleCenter ;
14 }
15 }
16 }

Listing 5.1: Set properties of label control


5.2.2 Button Control

• A button is a control, which is an interactive component that enables
users to communicate with an application.

• The Button class inherits directly from the ButtonBase class.

• A Button can be clicked by using the mouse, ENTER key, or SPACE-

BAR if the button has focus.

When you want to change display text of the Button , you can change
the Text property of the button.
button1 .Text = " Click Here";

Similarly, to load an Image to a Button control

button1 . Image = Image . FromFile ("C:\\ testimage .jpg");

Call a Button’s Click Event

The Click event is raised when the Button control is clicked. This event
is commonly used when no command name is associated with the Button
control. Raising an event invokes the event handler through a delegate.
private void Form1_Load ( object sender , EventArgs e)

The following C# source code shows how to change the button Text prop-
erty while Form loading event and to display a message box when pressing a
Button Control.
1 using System ;
2 using System . Drawing ;
3 using System . Windows . Forms ;

5 namespace WindowsFormsApplication1 {
6 public partial class Form1 : Form {
7 public Form1 () {
8 InitializeComponent ();
9 }
10 private void Form1_Load ( object sender , EventArgs e) {
11 button1 .Text = " Click Here";
12 }
13 private void button1_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e) {
14 MessageBox .Show("BCA -VIII ::2077 ");
15 }
16 }
17 }

Listing 5.2: Button control

5.2.3 TextBox Control

• A TextBox control is used to display, or accept as input, a single line
of text.

• This control has additional functionality that is not found in the stan-
dard Windows text box control, including multi-line editing and pass-
word character masking.

For displaying a text in a TextBox control:

textBox1 .Text = "Dot net Programming ";

You can also collect the input value from a TextBox control to a variable
like this way.
string var;

From the following C# source code you can see some important property
settings to a TextBox control.
1 using System ;
2 using System . Drawing ;
3 using System . Windows . Forms ;
5 namespace WindowsFormsApplication1 {
6 public partial class Form1 : Form {
7 public Form1 () {
8 InitializeComponent ();
9 }
10 private void Form1_Load ( object sender , EventArgs e) {
11 textBox1 . Width = 250;
12 textBox1 . Height = 50;
13 textBox1 . Multiline = true;
14 textBox1 . BackColor = Color .Blue;
15 textBox1 . ForeColor = Color . White ;
16 textBox1 . BorderStyle = BorderStyle . Fixed3D ;
17 }
18 private void button1_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e) {
19 string val;
20 val = textBox1 .Text;
21 MessageBox .Show(val);
22 }
23 }

24 }

Listing 5.3: Setting some textbox control property

5.2.4 ComboBox Control

• C# controls are located in the Toolbox of the development environment,
and you use them to create objects on a form with a simple series of
mouse clicks and dragging motions.

• A ComboBox displays a text box combined with a ListBox, which en-

ables the user to select items from the list or enter a new value.

• The user can type a value in the text field or click the button to display
a drop down list. You can add individual objects with the Add method.

• You can delete items with the Remove method or clear the entire list
with the Clear method.

Add item to combobox

comboBox1 . Items .Add("Hami yahan chhaun ");

Remove item from combobox

You can remove items from a combobox in two ways. You can remove item
at the specified index or giving a specified item by name.
// removes second item from the combobox
comboBox1 . Items . RemoveAt (1);

// removes "Hami yahan chhaun " from the combobox

comboBox1 . Items . Remove ("Hami yahan chhaun ");

The DropDownStyle property specifies whether the list is always displayed or
whether the list is displayed in a drop-down. The DropDownStyle property
also specifies whether the text portion can be edited.
comboBox1 . DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle . DropDown ;

ComboBox Example
The following C# source code add four districts to a combo box while load
event of a Windows Form and int Button click event it displays the selected
text in the Combo Box.
1 using System ;
2 using System . Drawing ;
3 using System . Windows . Forms ;
5 namespace WindowsFormsApplication1 {
6 public partial class Form1 : Form {
7 public Form1 () {
8 InitializeComponent ();
9 }
10 private void Form1_Load ( object sender , EventArgs e) {
11 comboBox1 . Items .Add(" Taplejung ");
12 comboBox1 . Items .Add(" Panchthar ");
13 comboBox1 . Items .Add("Ilam");
14 comboBox1 . Items .Add(" Jhapa ");
15 comboBox1 . SelectedIndex = comboBox1 . FindStringExact ("
Taplejung ");
17 }
18 private void button1_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e) {
19 string var;
20 var = comboBox1 .Text;
21 MessageBox .Show(var);
22 }
23 }
24 }

Listing 5.4: Combobox control

5.2.5 PictureBox Control

The Windows Forms PictureBox control is used to display images in bitmap,
GIF, icon, or JPEG formats.
You can set the Image property to the Image you want to display, either
at design time or at run time. You can programmatically change the image
displayed in a picture box, which is particularly useful when you use a single
form to display different pieces of information.
pictureBox1 . Image = Image . FromFile ("c:\\ testImage .jpg");

The SizeMode property, which is set to values in the PictureBoxSizeMode

enumeration, controls the clipping and positioning of the image in the display

pictureBox1 . SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode . StretchImage ;

There are five different PictureBoxSizeMode is available to PictureBox


• AutoSize - Sizes the picture box to the image.

• CenterImage - Centers the image in the picture box.

• Normal - Places the upper-left corner of the image at upper left in the
picture box

• StretchImage - Allows you to stretch the image in code

The PictureBox is not a selectable control, which means that it cannot

receive input focus. The following C# program shows how to load a picture
from a file and display it in streach mode.

5.3 Menu and Context Menus

5.3.1 Menu
• The Menu control presents a list of items that specify commands or
options for an application.

• Typically, clicking an item on a menu opens a submenu or causes an

application to carry out a command.

• A Menu on a Windows Form is created with a MainMenu object, which

is a collection of MenuItem objects.

• MainMenu is the container for the Menu structure of the form and menus
are made of MenuItem objects that represent individual parts of a

• You can add menus to Windows Forms at design time by adding the
MainMenu component and then appending menu items to it using the
Menu Designer.

5.3.2 Context Menus

• The ContextMenu class represents the element that exposes functional-
ity by using a context specific Menu.
• Typically, a user exposes the ContextMenu in the user interface (UI)
by right clicking the mouse button.
• A ContextMenu is attached to a specific control.
• The ContextMenu element enables you to present users with a list of
items that specify commands or options that are associated with a
particular control, for example, a Button.
• Users right-click the control to make the menu appear.
• Typically, clicking a MenuItem opens a submenu or causes an applica-
tion to carry out a command.
• Context menu is dependent on context. For example, right clicking
on desktop displays different menu whereas right clicking on image in
image viewer displays different menus.

5.4 Menu Strip, Toolbar Strip

5.4.1 Menu Strip
• The MenuStrip control is the container for the menu structure of an
• MenuStrip is derived from the ToolStrip class.
• The menu system is built by adding ToolStripMenu objects to the
Use the MenuStrip control to:
• Create easily customized, commonly employed menus that support ad-
vanced user interface and layout features, such as text and image or-
dering and alignment, drag-and-drop operations, MDI, overflow, and
alternate modes of accessing menu commands.
• Support the typical appearance and behavior of the operating system.
• Handle events consistently for all containers and contained items, in
the same way you handle events for other controls.

5.4.2 ToolStrip
• ToolStrip is the base class for MenuStrip, StatusStrip, and

• The ToolStrip control is a container control used to create toolbars,

menu structures, and status bars.

• While used as a toolbar, the ToolStrip control uses a set of controls

based on the abstract Tool.StripItem class.

5.5 Group box and Panel

5.5.1 Group box
GroupBox represents a control that creates a container that has a border and
a header for user interface (UI) content.

5.5.2 Panel
• Windows Forms Panel controls are used to provide an identifiable
grouping for other controls.

• Typically, you use panels to subdivide a form by function.

• The Panel control is similar to the GroupBox control; however, only

the Panel control can have scroll bars, and only the GroupBox control
displays a caption.

• Panels do not show a border by default.

• Panel is the base class for the FlowLayoutPanel, TableLayoutPanel,

TabPage, and SplitterPanel.

Panel GroupBox

It does not have the Text prop- It has the Text property

Panel GroupBox

We can display scroll bars on We cannot display scroll bars

Panel if the height/width of on GroupBox
the child controls exceeds that
of the Panel. For that set
AutoScroll property to true
It has the click event and It does not have the click
other events like other events event that are missing include
MouseMove, MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseDown,
MouseUp MouseUp events
To display border, we have to BorderStyle property is not
use the BorderStyle property there as Border or Frame is
there by default

Table 5.1: Comparison between panel and group box

5.6 ListBox

• A Windows Forms ListBox displays items in a single col-

control displays a list from umn and a vertical scroll bar ap-
which the user can select one or pears.
more items.
• When ScrollAlwaysVisible
• If the total number of items ex- is set to true, the scroll bar ap-
ceeds the number that can be pears regardless of the number
displayed, a scroll bar is auto- of items.
matically added to the ListBox • The SelectionMode property
control. determines how many list items
• When the MultiColumn prop- can be selected at a time.
erty is set to true, the list • The SelectedIndex property
box displays items in multiple returns an integer value that
columns and a horizontal scroll corresponds to the first selected
bar appears. item in the list box.
• When the MultiColumn prop- • If no item is selected, the
erty is set to false, the list box SelectedIndex value is −1. If
5.6. LISTBOX 69

the first item in the list is number of items in the list, and
selected, the SelectedIndex the value of the Count property
value is 0. is always one more than the
largest possible SelectedIndex
• When multiple items are se- value because SelectedIndex
lected, the SelectedIndex is zero-based.
value reflects the selected item
that appears first in the list. • To add or delete items in
a ListBox control, use the
• The SelectedItem property is Add, Insert, Clear or Remove
similar to SelectedIndex, but method.
returns the item itself, usually
a string value. • Alternatively, you can add
items to the list by using the
• The Count property reflects the Items property at design time.

Add Items in a Listbox

public int Add ( object item);

listBox1 . Items .Add(" Sunday ");

If the Sorted property of the C# ListBox is set to true, the item is inserted
into the list alphabetically. Otherwise, the item is inserted at the end of the

Insert Items in a Listbox

public void Insert (int index , object item);

// inserts an item into the list box at the specified index

listBox1 . Items . Insert (0, "First ");

Listbox Column
A multicolumn ListBox places items into as many columns as are needed
to make vertical scrolling unnecessary. The user can use the keyboard to
navigate to columns that are not currently visible. First of all, you have Gets
or sets a value indicating whether the ListBox supports multiple columns

Remove item from Listbox

public void RemoveAt (int index );

Listbox Vs ListView Vs GridView

C# ListBox has many similarities with ListView or GridView (they share
the parent class ItemsControl), but each control is oriented towards different
situations. ListBox is best for general UI composition, particularly when the
elements are always intended to be selectable, whereas ListView or GridView
are best for data binding scenarios, particularly if virtualization or large
data sets are involved. One most important difference is listview uses the
extended selection mode by default.

Checked ListBox Control

The CheckedListBox control gives you all the capability of a list box and also
allows you to display a check mark next to the items in the list box.
The user can place a check mark by one or more items and the checked
items can be navigated with the CheckedListBox.CheckedItemCollection
and CheckedListBox.CheckedIndexCollection.

Add items

public int Add ( object item , bool isChecked );

You can add individual items to the list with the Add method. The
CheckedListBox object supports three states through the CheckState enu-
meration: Checked, Indeterminate, and Unchecked.
checkedListBox1 . Items .Add(" Sunday ", CheckState . Checked );

If you want to add objects to the list at run time, assign an array of
object references with the AddRange method. The list then displays the
default string value for each object.
string [] days = new [] { " Sunday ", " Monday ", " Tuesday " };

By default checkedlistbox items are unchecked .


Check all items

If you want to check an item in a Checkedlistbox, you need to call SetItem-
Checked with the relevant item.
public void SetItemChecked (int index , bool value );

• index(Int32) - The index of the item to set the check state for.

• value(Boolean) - true to set the item as checked; otherwise, false.

5.7 RadioButton adn CheckBox

5.7.1 RadioButton
• A radio button or option button enables the user to select a single
option from a group of choices when paired with other RadioButton

• When a user clicks on a radio button, it becomes checked, and all other
radio buttons with same group become unchecked.

• The RadioButton control can display text, an Image, or both.

Use the Checked property to get or set the state of a RadioButton.

radioButton1 . Checked = true;

The radio button and the check box are used for different functions. Use
a radio button when you want the user to choose only one option. When you
want the user to choose all appropriate options, use a check box. Like check
boxes, radio buttons support a Checked property that indicates whether the
radio button is selected.
1 using System ;
2 using System . Drawing ;
3 using System . Windows . Forms ;
5 namespace WindowsFormsApplication1 {
6 public partial class Form1 : Form {
7 public Form1 () {
8 InitializeComponent ();
9 }
10 private void Form1_Load ( object sender , EventArgs e) {
11 radioButton1 . Checked = true;

12 }
13 private void button1_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e) {
14 if ( radioButton1 . Checked == true) {
15 MessageBox .Show("You 've selected Taplejung !! ");
16 return ;
17 } else if ( radioButton2 . Checked == true) {
18 MessageBox .Show("You 've selected Jhapa !! ");
19 return ;
20 } else {
21 MessageBox .Show("You 've selected Sunsari !! ");
22 return ;
23 }
24 }
25 }
26 }

Listing 5.5: Radio button control

5.7.2 CheckBox
• CheckBox allow the user to make multiple selections from a number of

• CheckBox gives the user an option, such as true/false or yes/no.

• You can click a check box to select it and click it again to deselect it.

• The CheckBox control can display an image or text or both.

Usually CheckBox comes with a caption, which you can set in the Text
checkBox1 .Text = "Java";

You can use the CheckBox control ThreeState property to direct the
control to return the Checked, Unchecked, and Indeterminate values. You
need to set the check box ThreeState property to True to indicate that you
want it to support three states.
checkBox1 . ThreeState = true;

The radio button and the check box are used for different functions. Use
a radio button when you want the user to choose only one option. When
you want the user to choose all appropriate options, use a check box. The
following C# program shows how to find a checkbox is selected or not.

1 using System ;
2 using System . Drawing ;
3 using System . Windows . Forms ;

5 namespace WindowsFormsApplication1 {
6 public partial class Form1 : Form {
7 public Form1 () {
8 InitializeComponent ();
9 }
10 private void button1_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e) {
11 string msg = "";
13 if ( checkBox1 . Checked == true) {
14 msg = "Java => SpringBoot ";
15 }

17 if ( checkBox2 . Checked == true) {

18 msg = msg + "C# => .NET";
19 }
21 if ( checkBox3 . Checked == true) {
22 msg = msg + " Python => Django ";
23 }
25 if (msg. Length > 0) {
26 MessageBox .Show(msg + " selected ");
27 } else {
28 MessageBox .Show("No checkbox selected ");
29 }
31 checkBox1 . ThreeState = true;
32 }
33 }
34 }

Listing 5.6: Checkbox control

5.8 DateTimePicker
• The DateTimePicker control allows you to display and collect date
and time from the user with a specified format.

• The DateTimePicker control has two parts, a label that displays the
selected date and a popup calendar that allows users to select a new

• The most important property of the DateTimePicker is the Value

property, which holds the selected date and time.

dateTimePicker1 . Value = DateTime . Today ;

• The Value property contains the current date and time the control is
set to.

• You can use the Text property or the appropriate member of Value to
get the date and time value.

DateTime iDate ;

• The control can display one of several styles, depending on its property

• The values can be displayed in four formats, which are set by the
Format property:

– Long, – Short, – Time, or – Custom.

dateTimePicker1 . Format = DateTimePickerFormat . Short ;

The following C# program shows how to set and get the value of a Date-
TimePicker1 control.
1 using System ;
2 using System . Drawing ;
3 using System . Windows . Forms ;
5 namespace WindowsFormsApplication1 {
6 public partial class Form1 : Form {
7 public Form1 () {
8 InitializeComponent ();
9 }
10 private void Form1_Load ( object sender , EventArgs e) {
11 dateTimePicker1 . Format = DateTimePickerFormat . Short ;
12 dateTimePicker1 . Value = DateTime . Today ;
13 }
14 private void button1_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e) {
15 DateTime iDate ;
16 iDate = dateTimePicker1 . Value ;
17 MessageBox .Show(" Selected date is " + iDate );
18 }

19 }
20 }

Listing 5.7: DateTimePicker example

5.9 TabControl
• TabControl presents a tabbed layout in the user interface.

• The . NET Framework provides this versatile and easy-to-use control.

• We add the control, change its pages, manipulate it in C# code, and

change its visual settings.

• The TabControl in the . NET Framework and Windows Forms is a

powerful and easy-to-use layout control.

• The Windows Forms TabControl displays multiple tabs, like dividers

in a notebook or labels in a set of folders in a filing cabinet.

• The tabs can contain pictures and other controls.

• You can use the tab control to produce the kind of multiple-page dialog
box that appears many places in the Windows operating system, such
as the Control Panel Display Properties.

• Additionally, the TabControl can be used to create property pages,

which are used to set a group of related properties.

• The most important property of the TabControl is TabPages, which

contains the individual tabs.

• Each individual tab is a TabPage object.

• When a tab is clicked, it raises the Click event for that TabPage object.

5.10 RichTextBox

• The Windows Forms RichTextBox • The RichTextBox control does

control is used for display- everything the TextBox con-
ing, entering, and manipulating trol does, but it can also dis-
text with formatting. play fonts, colors, and links;

load text and embedded images text, Unicode plain text, and
from a file; and find specified Rich Text Format (RTF).
• The possible file formats are
• The RichTextBox control is listed in RichTextBoxStreamType.
typically used to provide text
• You can also use a
manipulation and display fea-
RichTextBox control for Web-
tures similar to word processing
style links by setting the
applications such as Microsoft
DetectUrls property to true
and writing code to handle the
• Like the TextBox control, the LinkClicked event.
RichTextBox control can dis- • You can prevent the user from
play scroll bars; but unlike the manipulating some or all of the
TextBox control, its default set- text in the control by setting
ting is to display both horizon- the SelectionProtected prop-
tal and vertical scroll bars as erty to true.
needed, and it has additional
scroll bar settings. • You can undo and redo
most edit operations in a
• The RichTextBox control has RichTextBox control by calling
numerous properties to format the Undo and Redo methods.
• The CanRedo method enables
• To manipulate files, the you to determine whether the
LoadFile and SaveFile meth- last operation the user has un-
ods can display and write multi- done can be reapplied to the
ple file formats including plain control.

5.11 ProgressBar
• A progress bar is a control that an application can use to indicate the
progress of a lengthy operation such as calculating a complex result,
downloading a large file from the Web etc.

• ProgressBar indicates visually the progress of an operation.

• It is best used on a long-running computation or task. And the

BackgroundWorker is often used to perform that task—it does not
block the interface.

• ProgressBar controls are used whenever an operation takes more than

a short period of time.

• The Maximum and Minimum properties define the range of values to

represent the progress of a task.

– Minimum : Sets the lower value for the range of valid values for
– Maximum : Sets the upper value for the range of valid values for
– Value : This property obtains or sets the current level of progress.

By default, Minimum and Maximum are set to 0 and 100 respectively. As

the task proceeds, the ProgressBar fills in from the left to the right. To
delay the program briefly so that you can view changes in the progress bar
The following C# program shows a simple operation in a progressbar.
1 using System ;
2 using System . Drawing ;
3 using System . Windows . Forms ;
5 namespace WindowsFormsApplication1 {
6 public partial class Form1 : Form {
7 public Form1 () {
8 InitializeComponent ();
9 }
10 private void button1_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e) {
11 int i;
13 progressBar1 . Minimum = 0;
14 progressBar1 . Maximum = 200;
16 for (i = 0; i <= 200; i++) {
17 progressBar1 . Value = i;
18 }
20 }
22 }
23 }

Listing 5.8: ProgressBar example


5.12 ImageList
• An ImageList component is exactly what the name implies — a list of

• Typically, this component is used for holding a collection of images

that are used as toolbar icons or icons in a TreeView control.

• Many controls have an ImageList property.

• The ImageList property typically comes with an ImageIndex property.

• The ImageList property is set to an instance of the ImageList compo-

nent, and the ImageIndex property is set to the index in the ImageList
that represents the image that should be displayed on the control.

• You add images to the ImageList component by using the Add method
of the ImageList.

• The control is not visible directly.

In this example, we have a list of file names, and then add each as an
Image object using the Image.FromFile method to read the data. The
Form1_Load event handler is used to make sure the code is run at startup of
the application.
1 using System ;
2 using System . Drawing ;
3 using System . Windows . Forms ;
4 namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
5 {
6 public partial class Form1 : Form
7 {
8 public Form1 ()
9 {
10 InitializeComponent ();
11 }
12 private void Form1_Load ( object sender , EventArgs e)
13 {
14 // Add these file names to the ImageList on load.
15 string [] files = {
16 "image .png",
17 "logo.jpg"
18 };
19 var images = imageList1 . Images ;
20 foreach ( string file in files )
21 {

22 // Use Image . FromFile to load the file.

23 images .Add( Image . FromFile (file));
24 }
25 }
26 }
27 }

Listing 5.9: C# example that uses ImageList

5.13 HelpProvider
The Windows Forms HelpProvider component is used to associate an HTML
Help 1.x Help file (either a .chm file, produced with the HTML Help Work-
shop, or an .htm file) with your Windows application. You can provide help
in a variety of ways:

• Provide context-sensitive Help for controls on Windows Forms.

• Provide context-sensitive Help on a particular dialog box or specific

controls on a dialog box.

• Open a Help file to specific areas, such as the main page of a Table of
Contents, the Index, or a search function.

Adding a HelpProvider component to your Windows Form allows the

other controls on the form to expose the Help properties of the HelpProvider
component. This enables you to provide help for the controls on your Win-
dows Form. You can associate a Help file with the HelpProvider component
using the HelpNamespace property. You specify the type of Help provided by
calling SetHelpNavigator and providing a value from the HelpNavigator
enumeration for the specified control. You provide the keyword or topic for
Help by calling the SetHelpKeyword method.
Optionally, to associate a specific Help string with another control, use
the SetHelpString method. The string that you associate with a control
using this method is displayed in a pop-up window when the user presses the
F1 key while the control has focus.

5.14 Error Provider

• ErrorProvider simplifies and streamlines error presentation.

• It is an abstraction that shows errors on form.


• It does not require a lot of work on your part. This is its key feature.

• The ErrorProvider control in the Windows Forms framework provides

a simple-to-understand abstraction for presenting errors on input.

• Importantly, it reduces the frustration associated with dialog window


• The ErrorProvider can also streamline error corrections by presenting

many errors at once.

In the example, we have a TextBox control and a TextChanged event

handler on that control. When the TextChanged event handler is triggered,
we check to see if a digit character is present.
And: If one is not, we activate an error through the ErrorProvider.
Otherwise we clear the ErrorProvider.
1 using System ;
2 using System . Windows . Forms ;
3 namespace WindowsFormsApplication8 {
4 public partial class Form1 : Form {
5 public Form1 () {
6 InitializeComponent ();
7 }
8 private void textBox1_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e
) {
9 // Determine if the TextBox has a digit character .
10 string text = textBox1 .Text;
11 bool hasDigit = false ;
12 foreach (char letter in text) {
13 if (char. IsDigit ( letter )) {
14 hasDigit = true;
15 break ;
16 }
17 }
18 // Call SetError or Clear on the ErrorProvider .
19 if (! hasDigit ) {
20 errorProvider1 . SetError (textBox1 , " Needs to contain a
digit ");
21 } else {
22 errorProvider1 . Clear ();
23 }
24 }
25 }
26 }

Listing 5.10: ErrorProvider example


The first argument of SetError is the identifier of the TextBox control.

The second argument is the error message itself. The first argument tells the
ErrorProvider where to draw the error sign.

5.15 Graphics and GDI

The Graphics Device Interface (GDI) is a Microsoft Windows application
programming interface and core operating system component responsible for
representing graphical objects and transmitting them to output devices such
as monitors and printers.
GDI is responsible for tasks such as drawing lines and curves, rendering
fonts and handling palettes. It is not directly responsible for drawing win-
dows, menus, etc.; that task is reserved for the user subsystem, which resides
in user32.dll and is built atop GDI. Other systems have components that
are similar to GDI, for example macOS’ Quartz and X Window System’s
GDI’s most significant advantages over more direct methods of accessing
the hardware are perhaps its scaling capabilities and its abstract representa-
tion of target devices. Using GDI, it is very easy to draw on multiple devices,
such as a screen and a printer, and expect proper reproduction in each case.
This capability is at the center of most WYSIWYG applications for Microsoft
Simple games that do not require fast graphics rendering may use GDI.
However, GDI is relatively hard to use for advanced animation, and lacks
a notion for synchronizing with individual video frames in the video card,
lacks hardware rasterization for 3D, etc. Modern games usually use DirectX
or OpenGL instead, which let programmers exploit the features of modern

5.16 Timer
• This class regularly invokes code. Every several seconds or minutes, it
executes a method.

• This is useful for monitoring the health of a program, as with diagnos-


• The System.Timers namespace proves useful.

• With a Timer, we can ensure nothing unexpected has happened.


• We can also run a periodic update (to do anything).

• MSDN states that System.Timers “allows you to specify a recurring
interval at which the Elapsed event is raised in your application.”
• You could create a service that uses a Timer to periodically check the
server and ensure that the system is up and running.
Example: This example is a static class, meaning it cannot have instance
members or fields. It includes the System.Timers namespace and shows the
Elapsed event function.
Note: It appends the current DateTime to a List every three seconds.
1 using System ;
2 using System . Collections . Generic ;
3 using System . Timers ;
4 public static class TimerExample {
5 static Timer _timer ; // From System . Timers
6 static List < DateTime > _l; // Stores timer results
7 public static List < DateTime > DateList // Gets the results
8 {
9 get {
10 if (_l == null) // Lazily initialize the timer
11 {
12 Start (); // Start the timer
13 }
14 return _l; // Return the list of dates
15 }
16 }
17 static void Start () {
18 _l = new List < DateTime > (); // Allocate the list
19 _timer = new Timer (3000) ; // Set up the timer for 3 seconds
20 //
21 // Type " _timer . Elapsed += " and press tab twice .
22 //
23 _timer . Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler ( _timer_Elapsed );
24 _timer . Enabled = true; // Enable it
25 }
26 static void _timer_Elapsed ( object sender , ElapsedEventArgs e)
27 _l.Add( DateTime .Now); // Add date on each timer event
28 }
29 }
30 /*
31 This class has no output . It must be called elsewhere in your
program .
32 */

Listing 5.11: Timer example

5.16. TIMER 83

Timer Control
The Timer Control plays an important role in the development of programs
both Client side and Server side development as well as in Windows Services.
With the Timer Control we can raise events at a specific interval of time
without the interaction of another thread.
We require Timer Object in many situations on our development envi-
ronment. We have to use Timer Object when we want to set an interval
between events, periodic checking, to start a process at a fixed time schedule,
to increase or decrease the speed in an animation graphics with time schedule
A Timer control does not have a visual representation and works as a
component in the background.
We can control programs with Timer Control in millisecond, seconds,
minutes and even in hours. The Timer Control allows us to set Interval
property in milliseconds. That is, one second is equal to 1000 milliseconds.
By default, the Enabled property of Timer Control is False. So, before
running the program we have to set the Enabled property is True, then only
the Timer Control starts its function.

Timer example
In the following program we display the current time in a Label Control. In
order to develop this program, we need a Timer Control and a Label Control.
Here, we set the timer interval as 1000 milliseconds, that means one second,
for displaying current system time in Label control for the interval of one
using System ;

Start and Stop Timer Control

The Timer control have included the Start and Stop methods for start and
stop the Timer control functions. The following C# program shows how to
use a timer to write some text to a text file each seconds. The program has
two buttons, Start and Stop. The application will write a line to a text file
every 1 second once the Start button is clicked. The application stops writing
to the text file once the Stop button is clicked.

Timer Tick Event

Timer Tick event occurs when the specified timer interval has elapsed and
the timer is enabled.
myTimer .Tick += new EventHandler ( TimerEventProcessor );

Timer Elapsed Event

Timer Elapsed event occurs when the interval elapses. The Elapsed event is
raised if the Enabled property is true and the time interval (in milliseconds)
defined by the Interval property elapses.
MyTimer . Elapsed += OnTimedEvent ;

Timer Interval Property

Timer Interval property gets or sets the time, in milliseconds, before the Tick
event is raised relative to the last occurrence of the Tick event.

Timer Reset Property

Timer AutoReset property gets or sets a Boolean indicating whether the
Timer should raise the Elapsed event only once (false) or repeatedly (true).
MyTimer . AutoReset = false ;

TimerCallback Delegate
Callback represents the method that handles calls from a Timer. This
method does not execute in the thread that created the timer; it executes in
a separate thread pool thread that is provided by the system.

Timer Class
System.Timers.Timer fires an event at regular intervals. This is a somewhat
more powerful timer. Instead of a Tick event, it has the Elapsed event.
The Start and Stop methods of System.Timers.Timer which are similar to
changing the Enabled property. Unlike the System.Windows.Forms.Timer,
the events are effectively queued — the timer doesn’t wait for one event to
have completed before starting to wait again and then firing off the next
event. The class is intended for use as a server-based or service component

in a multithreaded environment and it has no user interface and is not visible

at runtime.
The following example instantiates a System.Timers.Timer object that
fires its Timer.Elapsed event every two seconds sets up an event handler for
the event, and starts the timer.

• Create a timer object for one seconds interval.

myTimer = new System . Timers . Timer (1000) ;

• Set elapsed event for the timer. This occurs when the interval elapses.
myTimer . Elapsed += OnTimedEvent ;

• Finally, start the timer.

myTimer . Enabled = true;

5.17 SDI and MDI Applications

5.17.1 SDI
SDI stands for Single Document Interface. It is an interface design for han-
dling documents within a single application. SDI exists independently of
others and thus is a standalone window. SDI supports one interface means
you can handle only one application at a time. For grouping SDI uses special
window managers.

5.17.2 MDI
MDI stands for Multiple Document Interface. It is an interface design for
handling documents within a single application. When application consists
of an MDI parent form containing all other window consisted by app, then
MDI interface can be used. Switch focus to specific document can be easily
handled in MDI. For maximizing all documents, parent window is maximized
by MDI.

MDI Form
A Multiple Document Interface (MDI) programs can display multiple child
windows inside them. This is in contrast to single document interface (SDI)

applications, which can manipulate only one document at a time. Visual

Studio Environment is an example of Multiple Document Interface (MDI)
and notepad is an example of an SDI application. MDI applications often
have a Window menu item with submenus for switching between windows or
Any windows can become an MDI parent, if you set the IsMdiContainer
property to True.
IsMdiContainer = true;

The following C# program shows a MDI form with two child forms. Create
a new C# project, then you will get a default form Form1. Then add two
more forms in the project (Form2 , Form 3).
NOTE: If you want the MDI parent to auto-size the child form you can
code like this.
form. MdiParent = this;

1 using System ;
2 using System . Drawing ;
3 using System . Windows . Forms ;
5 namespace WindowsFormsApplication1 {
6 public partial class Form1 : Form {
7 public Form1 () {
8 InitializeComponent ();
9 }
10 private void Form1_Load ( object sender , EventArgs e) {
11 IsMdiContainer = true;
12 }
13 private void menu1ToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender ,
EventArgs e) {
14 Form2 frm2 = new Form2 ();
15 frm2.Show ();
16 frm2. MdiParent = this;
17 }
18 private void menu2ToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender ,
EventArgs e) {
19 Form3 frm3 = new Form3 ();
20 frm3.Show ();
21 frm3. MdiParent = this;
22 }
23 }
24 }

Listing 5.12: MDI example


Main Difference
MDI and SDI are interface designs for handling documents within a single
application. MDI stands for “Multiple Document Interface” while SDI stands
for “Single Document Interface”. Both are different from each other in many
aspects. One document per window is enforced in SDI while child windows
per document are allowed in MDI. SDI contains one window only at a time
but MDI contain multiple document at a time appeared as child window.
MDI is a container control while SDI is not container control. MDI supports
many interfaces means we can handle many applications at a time according
to user’s requirement. But SDI supports one interface means you can handle
only one application at a time.

Key Differences
• MDI stands for “Multiple Document Interface” while SDI stands for
“Single Document Interface”.

• One document per window is enforced in SDI while child windows per
document are allowed in MDI.

• MDI is a container control while SDI is not container control.

• SDI contains one window only at a time but MDI contain multiple
document at a time appeared as child window.

• MDI supports many interfaces means we can handle many applications

at a time according to user’s requirement. But SDI supports one inter-
face means you can handle only one application at a time.

• For switching between documents MDI uses special interface inside the
parent window while SDI uses Task Manager for that.

• In MDI grouping is implemented naturally but in SDI grouping is pos-

sible through special window managers.

• For maximizing all documents, parent window is maximized by MDI

but in case of SDI it is implemented through special code or window

• Switch focus to specific document can be easily handled while in MDI

but it is difficult to implement in SDI.

To create MDI child forms

In the Properties Windows for the form, set its IsMdiContainer property
to true, and its WindowsState property to Maximized. This designates the
form as an MDI container for child windows.

5.18 DialogBox ( Modal and Modeless )

• A dialog box is a type of window, which is used to enable common
communication or dialog between a computer and its user.

• A dialog box is most often used to provide the user with the means for
specifying how to implement a command or to respond to a question.

• Windows.Form is a base class.

• Dialog boxes are used to interact with the user and retrieve information.

In simple terms, a dialog box is a form with its FormBorderStyle enu-

meration property set to FixedDialog. You can construct your own custom
dialog boxes, add controls such as Label, Textbox, and Button to customize
dialog boxes specific needs.
The . NET Framework also includes predefined dialog boxes, such as File
Open and message boxes. Dialog boxes are special forms that are non-re
sizable. They are also used to display messages to the user. The messages
can be error messages, confirmation of the password, confirmation for the
deletion of a particular record, Find-Replace utility etc. There are standard
dialog boxes to open and save a file, select a folder, print the documents, set
the font or color for the text, etc.
MessageBox class is used to display messages to the user. The show()
method is used to display a message box with the specified text, caption,
buttons and icon.
For example:
DialogResult res = MessageBox .Show("Are you sure you want to
Delete "," Confirmation ", MessageBoxButtons .OKCancel ,
MessageBoxIcon . Information );

if (res == DialogResult .OK) {

MessageBox .Show("You have clicked Ok Button ");
// Some task ...
if (res == DialogResult . Cancel ) {
MessageBox .Show("You have clicked Cancel Button ");

// Some task ...


Dialog boxes are of two types:

1. Modal dialog box
2. Modeless dialog box

5.18.1 Modal dialog box

A dialog box that temporarily halts the application and the user cannot
continue until the dialog has been closed is called modal dialog box. The
application may require some additional information before it can continue or
may simply wish to confirm that the user wants to proceed with a potentially
dangerous course of action. The application continues to execute only after
the dialog box is closed; until then the application halts. For example, when
saving a file, the user gives a name of an existing file; a warning is shown
that a file with the same name exists, whether it should be overwritten or be
saved with different name. The file will not be saved unless the user selects
“OK” or “Cancel”.

5.18.2 Modeless dialog box

Another type of dialog box, which is used is a modeless dialog box. It is used
when the requested information is not essential to continue, so the Window
can be left open, while work continues somewhere else. For example, when
working in a text editor, the user wants to find and replace a particular word.
This can be done, using a dialog box, which asks for the word to be found
and replaced. The user can continue to work, even if this box is open.
Note: Model dialog is displayed, using ShowDialog() method. Modeless
dialog boxes are displayed, using Show() method.

5.19 Form Inheritance

Form inheritance, a feature of .NET that lets you create a base form that
becomes the basis for creating more advanced forms. The new “derived”
forms automatically inherit all the functionality contained in the base form.
This design paradigm makes it easy to group common functionality and, in
the process, reduce maintenance costs. When the base form is modified, the
“derived” classes automatically follow suit and adopt the changes. The same
concept applies to any type of object.

In order to inherit from a form, the file or namespace containing that

form must have been built into an executable file or DLL. To build the project,
choose Build from the Build menu. Also, a reference to the namespace must
be added to the class inheriting the form.

To inherit a form programmatically

• In your class, add a reference to the namespace containing the form
you wish to inherit from.

• In the class definition, add a reference to the form to inherit from. The
reference should include the namespace that contains the form, followed
by a period, then the name of the base form itself.
// Syntax :
public class CourseBCA : Faculty . ScienceAndTechnology

When inheriting forms, keep in mind that issues may arise with regard to
event handlers being called twice, because each event is being handled by
both the base class and the inherited class.

5.20 Developing Custom, Composite

Composite Controls
A composite control is a collection of Windows Forms controls encapsulated
in a common container. This kind of control is sometimes called a user
control. The contained controls are called constituent controls.
A composite control holds all the inherent functionality associated with
each of the contained Windows Forms controls and enables you to selectively
expose and bind their properties. A composite control also provides a great
deal of default keyboard handling functionality with no extra development
effort on your part.
For example, a composite control could be built to display customer ad-
dress data from a database. This control would include a DataGridView
control to display the database fields, a BindingSource to handle binding to
a data source, and a BindingNavigator control to move through the records.
You could selectively expose data binding properties, and you could package
and reuse the entire control from application to application.

Custom Controls
Another way to create a control is to create one substantially from the be-
ginning by inheriting from Control. The Control class provides all the basic
functionality required by controls, including mouse and keyboard handling
events, but no control-specific functionality or graphical interface.
Creating a control by inheriting from the Control class requires much
more thought and effort than inheriting from UserControl or an existing
Windows Forms control. Because a great deal of implementation is left for
you, your control can have greater flexibility than a composite or extended
control, and you can tailor your control to suit your exact needs.

5.21 Field Validator Control

When users enter data into your application, you may want to verify that the
data is valid before your application uses it. You may require that certain
text fields not be zero-length, that a field formatted as a telephone number,
or that a string doesn’t contain invalid characters. Windows Forms provides
several ways for you to validate input in your application.

MaskedTextBox Control
If you need to require users to enter data in a well-defined format, such
as a telephone number or a part number, you can accomplish this quickly
and with minimal code by using the MaskedTextBox control. A mask is a
string made up of characters from a masking language that specifies which
characters can be entered at any given position in the text box. The control
displays a set of prompts to the user. If the user types an incorrect entry,
for example, the user types a letter when a digit is required, the control will
automatically reject the input.

Event-driven validation
Allows control over validation, complex validation checks. Each control that
accepts free-form user input has a Validating event that will occur whenever
the control requires data validation.

Event-driven validation data-bound controls

Validation is useful when you have bound your controls to a data source, such
as a database table.

5.22 Delegates in C#
C# delegates are similar to pointers to functions, in C or C++. A delegate is
a reference type variable that holds the reference to a method. The reference
can be changed at runtime.
Delegates are especially used for implementing events and the call-back
methods. All delegates are implicitly derived from the System.Delegate

Declaring Delegates
Delegate declaration determines the methods that can be referenced by the
delegate. A delegate can refer to a method, which has the same signature as
that of the delegate. For example, consider a delegate:
1 public delegate int MyDelegate ( string s);

The preceding delegate can be used to reference any method that has a
single string parameter and returns an int type variable. Syntax for delegate
declaration is:
1 delegate <return type > <delegate name > <parameter list >

Instantiating Delegates
Once a delegate type is declared, a delegate object must be created with the
new keyword and be associated with a particular method. When creating a
delegate, the argument passed to the new expression is written similar to a
method call, but without the arguments to the method. For example
1 public delegate void printString ( string s);
2 ...
3 printString ps1 = new printString ( WriteToScreen );
4 printString ps2 = new printString ( WriteToFile );

Following example demonstrates declaration, instantiation, and use of a

delegate that can be used to reference methods that take an integer parameter
and returns an integer value.
1 using System ;
2 delegate int NumberChanger (int n);
3 namespace DelegateAppl {
4 class TestDelegate {
5 static int num = 10;
6 public static int AddNum (int p) {

7 num += p;
8 return num;
9 }
10 public static int MultNum (int q) {
11 num *= q;
12 return num;
13 }
14 public static int getNum () {
15 return num;
16 }
17 static void Main( string [] args) {
18 // create delegate instances
19 NumberChanger nc1 = new NumberChanger ( AddNum );
20 NumberChanger nc2 = new NumberChanger ( MultNum );
21 // calling the methods using the delegate objects
22 nc1 (25);
23 Console . WriteLine ("Value of Num: {0}", getNum ());
24 nc2 (5);
25 Console . WriteLine ("Value of Num: {0}", getNum ());
26 Console . ReadKey ();
27 }
28 }
29 }
30 /* output :
31 Value of Num: 35
32 Value of Num: 175
33 */

Listing 5.13: Delegate Example

5.23 Events – Types and Handling

Events are user actions such as key press, clicks, mouse movements, etc., or
some occurrence such as system generated notifications. Applications need
to respond to events when they occur. For example, interrupts. Events
are used for inter-process communication. Events can be marked as public,
private, protected, internal, protected internal or private protected. These
access modifiers define how users of the class can access the event.

Using Delegates with Events (Handling Events)

The events are declared and raised in a class and associated with the event
handlers using delegates within the same class or some other class. The class
containing the event is used to publish the event. This is called the publisher

class. Some other class that accepts this event is called the subscriber class.
Events use the publisher-subscriber model.
A publisher is an object that contains the definition of the event and the
delegate. The event- delegate association is also defined in this object. A
publisher class object invokes the event and it is notified to other objects.
A subscriber is an object that accepts the event and provides an event
handler. The delegate in the publisher class invokes the method (event han-
dler) of the subscriber class.

Declaring Events
To declare an event inside a class, first a delegate type for the event must be
declared. For example,
public delegate string MyDel ( string str);

Next, the event itself is declared, using the event keyword -

event MyDel MyEvent ;

1 using System ;
2 namespace SampleApp {
3 public delegate string MyDel ( string str);
4 class EventProgram {
5 event MyDel MyEvent ;
6 }
7 public EventProgram () {
8 this. MyEvent += new MyDel (this. WelcomeUser );
9 }
10 public string WelcomeUser ( string username ) {
11 return " Welcome " + username ;
12 }
13 static void Main( string [] args) {
14 EventProgram obj1 = new EventProgram ();
15 string result = obj1. MyEvent ("Mr User");
16 Console . WriteLine ( result );
17 }
18 }
20 /* output :
21 Welcome Mr User
22 */

Listing 5.14: Events Example


5.24 Exception Handling

An exception is a problem that arises during the execution of a program. A
C# exception is a response to an exceptional circumstance that arises while
a program is running, such as an attempt to divide by zero.
Exceptions provide a way to transfer control from one part of a program
to another. C# exception handling is built upon four keywords: try, catch,
finally, and throw.

• try - A try block identifies a block of code for which particular excep-
tions is activated. It is followed by one or more catch blocks.

• catch - A program catches an exception with an exception handler at

the place in a program where you want to handle the problem. The
catch keyword indicates the catching of an exception.

• finally - The finally block is used to execute a given set of statements,

whether an exception is thrown or not thrown. For example, if you
open a file, it must be closed whether an exception is raised or not.

• throw - A program throws an exception when a problem shows up.

This is done using a throw keyword.

Assuming a block raises an exception, a method catches an exception

using a combination of the try and catch keywords. A try/catch block is
placed around the code that might generate an exception. Code within a
try/catch block is referred to as protected code, and the syntax for using
try/catch looks like the following:

// Syntax
try {
// statements causing exception
} catch ( ExceptionName e1) {
// error handling code
} catch ( ExceptionName e2) {
// error handling code
} catch ( ExceptionName eN) {
// error handling code
} finally {
// statements to be executed

[ tryStatements ]
[ Exit Try ]
[ Catch [ exception [ As type ] ] [ When expression ]
[ catchStatements ]
[ Exit Try ] ]
[ Catch ... ]
[ Finally
[ finallyStatements ] ]
End Try

You can list down multiple catch statements to catch different type of
exceptions in case your try block raises more than one exception in different

Handling Exceptions (Example)

C# provides a structured solution to the exception handling in the form of
try and catch blocks. Using these blocks the core program statements are
separated from the error-handling statements.
These error handling blocks are implemented using the try, catch, and
finally keywords. Following is an example of throwing an exception when
dividing by zero condition occurs
1 using System ;
2 namespace ErrorHandlingApplication {
3 class DivNumbers {
4 int result ;
5 DivNumbers () {
6 result = 0;
7 }
8 public void division (int num1 , int num2) {
9 try {
10 result = num1 / num2;
11 } catch ( DivideByZeroException e) {
12 Console . WriteLine (" Exception caught : {0}", e);
13 } finally {
14 Console . WriteLine (" Result : {0}", result );
15 }
16 }
17 static void Main( string [] args) {
18 DivNumbers d = new DivNumbers ();
19 d. division (25 , 0);
20 Console . ReadKey ();
21 }

22 }
23 }
24 /* output :
25 Exception caught : System . DivideByZeroException : Attempted to
divide by zero
26 at ...
27 Result : 0
28 */

Listing 5.15: Divide by zero exception using C#


1 Module ExceptionExample
2 Sub division ( ByVal num1 As Integer , ByVal num2 As Integer )
3 Dim result As Integer
4 Try
5 result = num1 \ num2
6 Catch e As DivideByZeroException
7 Console . WriteLine (" Exception caught : {0}", e)
8 Finally
9 Console . WriteLine (" Result : {0}", result )
10 End Try
11 End Sub
12 Sub Main ()
13 division (50 , 0)
14 Console . ReadKey ()
15 End Sub
16 End Module

Listing 5.16: Divide by zero exception using VB

Creating User-Defined Exceptions (Example)

You can also define your own exception. User-defined exception classes are
derived from the Exception class. The following example demonstrates this
1 using System ;
2 namespace UserDefinedException {
3 class TestTemperature {
4 static void Main( string [] args) {
5 Temperature temp = new Temperature ();
6 try {
7 temp. showTemp ();
8 } catch ( TempIsZeroException e) {
9 Console . WriteLine (" TempIsZeroException : {0}", e. Message )

10 }
11 Console . ReadKey ();
12 }
13 }
14 }
15 public class TempIsZeroException : Exception {
16 public TempIsZeroException ( string message ): base( message ) {}
17 }
18 public class Temperature {
19 int temperature = 0;
20 public void showTemp () {
21 if ( temperature == 0) {
22 throw (new TempIsZeroException ("Zero Temperature found "));
23 } else {
24 Console . WriteLine (" Temperature : {0}", temperature );
25 }
26 }
27 }

29 /* output :
30 TempIsZeroException : Zero Temperature found
31 */

Listing 5.17: User defined exception example using C#


1 Module CustomExceptionVB
2 Public Class TempIsZeroException : Inherits
3 Public Sub New( ByVal message As String )
4 MyBase .New( message )
5 End Sub
6 End Class
7 Public Class Temperature
8 Dim temperature As Integer = 0
9 Sub showTemp ()
10 If ( temperature = 0) Then
11 Throw (New TempIsZeroException ("Zero Temperature
found "))
12 Else
13 Console . WriteLine (" Temperature : {0}", temperature )
14 End If
15 End Sub
16 End Class
17 Sub Main ()
18 Dim temp As Temperature = New Temperature ()
19 Try

20 temp. showTemp ()
21 Catch e As TempIsZeroException
22 Console . WriteLine (" TempIsZeroException : {0}", e. Message
23 End Try
24 Console . ReadKey ()
25 End Sub
26 End Module

Listing 5.18: User defined exception example using VB

In the . Net Framework, exceptions are represented by classes. The
exception classes in . Net Framework are mainly directly or indirectly de-
rived from the System.Exception class. Some exception classes derived from
the System.Exception class are the System.ApplicationException and
System.SystemException classes.
The System.ApplicationException class supports exceptions generated
by application programs. So, the exceptions defined by the programmers
should derive from this class.
The System.SystemException class is the base class for all predefined
system exception.



ADO . NET provides consistent access to data sources such as SQL Server
and XML, and to data sources exposed through OLEDB and ODBC. Data-
sharing consumer applications can use ADO . NET to connect to these data
sources and retrieve, handle, and update the data that they contain.

6.1 Comparison Between ADO and ADO .


Table 6.1: Comparison between ADO and ADO . NET


ADO is based on Component Ob- ADO . Net is based on Common

ject Modeling (COM) Language Runtime (CLR)
Continued on next page

102 . NET

Table 6.1 – Continued from previous page

Stores data in binary format Stores data in XML format i. e.
parsing of data
Can’t be integrated with XML be- Can be integrated with XML as
cause ADO have limited access of having robust support of XML
In ADO, data is provided by In ADO . Net data is provided by
RecordSet DataSet or DataAdapter
ADO is connection oriented ADO . NET is disconnected, does
means it requires continuous not need continuous connection
active connection
ADO gives rows as single table ADO . NET gives rows as collec-
view, it scans sequentially the tions so you can access any record
rows using MoveNext method and also can go through a table
via loop
In ADO, You can create only In ADO . NET, You can create
Client side cursor both Client & Server side cursor
Using a single connection in- Using a single connection in-
stance, ADO cannot handle mul- stance, ADO . NET can handle
tiple transactions multiple transactions

Note: A cursor is a temporary work area created in the system memory

when a SQL statement is executed. A cursor contains information on a
select statement and the rows of data accessed by it. This temporary work
area is used to store the data retrieved from the database, and manipulate this
data. A cursor can hold more than one row, but can process only one row at
a time. The set of rows the cursor holds is called the active set.

6.2 ADO . NET Concept and Overview

ADO . NET provides a bridge between the front end controls and the back
end database. The ADO . NET objects encapsulate all the data access
operations and the controls interact with these objects to display data, thus
hiding the details of movement of data.

ADO . NET includes . NET Framework data providers for connecting to

a database, executing commands, and retrieving results. Those results are
either processed directly, placed in an ADO . NET DataSet.
The ADO . NET classes are found in System.Data.dll, and are inte-
grated with the XML classes found in System.Xml.dll.

Benefits of ADO . NET

• Interoperability
Uses XML to transfer data across a network. This is not necessary that
the destination component should be a . NET application. Any receiv-
ing component that is able to read XML can read the data specified in
the XML format.

• Maintainability
Since ADO . NET is different layer and independent of database, it
is loosely coupled with business logic, it enables easy transform of the
architectural changes in a deployed application.

• Performance
Provides fast execution of disconnected applications, over the discon-
nected RecordSets in classic ADO.

• Scalability
Provides the conservation of resources, such as database locks and
database connections. The applications that are based on ADO.NET
support disconnected across to data. So, that the databases are not
locked by user queries for long duration.

The Figure 6.1 shows the ADO . NET objects at a glance:

6.2.1 ADO . NET Architecture

The ADO.NET architecture has two main parts:

1. DataProvider (Connected Objects or Connection oriented objects)

2. DataSet (Disconnected objects or Connection-less objects)

104 . NET

Figure 6.1: ADO . NET Architecture. DataProvider
• The . NET framework Data Provider is component that has been explic-
itly designed for data manipulation and fast, forward-only, read-only
access to data.

• . NET Framework data provider is used for connecting to a database,

executing commands, and retrieving results.

• The Data Provider has four core objects:

1. Connection: Establishes a connection to a specific data source

2. Command: Executes a command against a data source
3. DataReader: Reads a stream of data from a data source
4. DataAdapter: Populates a data set and resolves updates with
the data source

An ADO . NET data provider is a software component that interacts with

a data source. ADO . NET data providers are analogous to ODBC drivers,
JDBC drivers, and OLE DB providers.

Note: ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) is designed to provide access

primarily to SQL data in a multi- platform environment. OLE DB (Object
Linking and Embedding Database) is designed to provide access to all types
of data in an OLE Component Object Model (COM) environment. OLE DB
includes the SQL functionality defined in ODBC but also defines interfaces
suitable for gaining access to data other than SQL data.


• The Connection object is the first component of ADO . NET.

• The Connection objects provider connectivity to a data source.

• It establishes a connection to a specific data source.

• Connection object helps in accessing and manipulating a database.

• The base class for all Connection objects in the DbConnection class.

• Example: See Section 6.3.1.


• The Command object enables access to database commands to return

data, modify data, run stored procedures, and send or retrieve param-
eter information.

• It executes a command against a data source. Exposes Parameters and

can execute in the scope of a Transaction from a Connection.

• You can execute SQL queries to return data in a DataSet or a

DataReader object.

• Command object performs the standard Select, Insert, Delete and Up-
date T-SQL operations.

• The base class for all Command objects is the DbCommand class.

• Example: See Section 6.3.2.

106 . NET


• The Data Reader provides a high-performance stream of data from the

data source.

• It reads a forward-only, read-only stream of data from a data source.

• DataReader object works in connected model.

• The base class for all DataReader objects is the DbDataReader class.

• Example: See Section 6.3.3.


• The Data Adapter provides the bridge between the Data Set object
and the data source.

• The Data Adapter uses command object to execute SQL commands

at the data source to both load the Data Set with data and reconcile
changes that were made to the data in the dataset back to the data

• It populates a DataSet and resolves updates with the data source.

• The base class for all DataAdapter objects is the DbDataAdapter class.

The following lists the data providers that are included in the . NET frame-

1. SQL Server

• Provides data access for Microsoft SQL server.

• Uses the System.Data.SqlClient namespace.


• For data sources exposed by using OLEDB.

• Uses the System.Data.OleDb namespace


• For data sources exposed by using ODBC.

• Uses the System.Data.Odbc namespace.

4. Oracle

• For Oracle data sources.

• Uses the System.Data.OracleClient namespace.

Following Code demonstration of binding GridView control using Connection

Oriented Objects of ADO . Net.
1 // Step 1: Prepare Connection
2 SqlConnection objConnection = new SqlConnection ();
3 objConnection . ConnectionString = @ "Data Source = ComputerName \
SQLInstance ; InitialCatalog = DatabaseName ; Integrated Security
= False ;User ID = username ; Password = 123;";
4 objConnection .Open ();
5 // Step 2: Prepare & Execute Command
6 SqlCommand objCommand = new SqlCommand ();
7 objCommand . Connection = objConnection ;
8 objCommand . CommandType = CommandType .Text;
9 objCommand . CommandText = " SELECT CountryID , CountryName FROM
Country ORDER BY CountryName ";
10 // Step 3: Collect Data to DataReader object which has been
received as a result of Command
11 SqlDataReader objSDR = objCommand . ExecuteReader ();
12 gvCountry . DataSource = objSDR ;
13 gvCountry . DataBind ();
14 objConnection . Close ();

Listing 6.1: Example of GridView control using connection oriented objects DataSet
• The dataset represents a subset of the database.

• The dataset is a memory-resident representation of data that provides

consistent relational programming

• It does not have a continuous connection to the database.

• To update the database a re-connection is required.

• The dataset represents a complete set of data, including related tables,

constraints, and relationship among the table.

• The DataSet contains:

1. DataTable objects and

2. DataRelation objects.
108 . NET


• The DataRelation objects represent the relationship between two ta-


• A relationship represented by the Data relation object, associated rows

in one Data table with rows in another Data table.

• A relationship is analogous to a join path that might exist between

primary and foreign key columns in a relational database.

• A data relation identifies matching columns in two tables of a dataset.

• The essential element of a data relation are:

– The name of the relationship

– The name of the tables being related
– The related column in each table

• Relationship can be built with more than one column per table by
specifying an array of Data Column objects as the key columns.

• Optionally, a Unique key constraint can be added to enforce integrity

constraints when changes are made to related column values.

Listing 6.2 example demonstrate disconnected objects.

1 using System ;
2 using System .Data;
3 using System .Data. SqlClient ;
4 namespace DataTable_Datarow_DataColumn_Example {
5 class Program {
6 static void Main( string [] args) {
7 // Step 1: Prepare Connection
8 SqlConnection objConnection = new SqlConnection ();
9 objConnection . ConnectionString = @"Data Source =
ComputerName \ SQLInstance ; Initial
10 Catalog = DatabaseName ; Integrated Security = False ; User ID= username
11 Password =123; ";
12 objConnection .Open ();
13 // Step 2: Prepare & Execute Command
14 SqlCommand objCommand = new SqlCommand ();
15 objCommand . Connection = objConnection ;
16 objCommand . CommandType = CommandType .Text;
17 objCommand . CommandText = " SELECT CountryID , CountryName

18 CountryName ";
19 SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter ( objCommand );
20 DataTable dt = new DataTable ();
21 sda.Fill(dt);
22 objConnection . Close ();
23 }
24 }
25 }

Listing 6.2: Example of disconnected objects


• The DataTable class represents the tables in the database.

• A Data table is defined in the System.Data namespace and represents

a single table of memory-resident data.

• It has the important properties as shown in Table 6.2; most of these

properties are read only properties except the PrimaryKey property.

Table 6.2: DataTable properites

Properties Description

ChildRelations Returns the collection of child relationship

Columns Returns the Columns collection
Constraints Returns the Constraints collection
DataSet Returns the parent DataSet
DefaultView Returns a view of the table
ParentRelations Returns the ParentRelations collection
PrimaryKey Gets or sets an array of columns as the primary
key for the table
Rows Returns the Rows collection

DataRow The DataRow object represents a row in a table. It has the

important properties as shown in Table 6.3:
110 . NET

Table 6.3: DataRow properites

Properties Description

HasErrors Indicates if there are any errors relationship

Items Gets or sets the data stored in a specific column
ItemArrays Gets or sets all the values for the row
Table Returns the parent table

6.3 Working with Connection, Command,

An application needs to perform following steps to retrieve data from

1. Connect to the Database

2. Prepare an SQL Command

3. Execute the Command

4. Retrieve the results and display in the application

• The combination of Connection, Command and DataReader object gives

us connected approach of connecting to database.

• Notice that we are using SQLConnection, SQLCommand and

SQLDataReader classes. All the objects are prefixed with the word
SQL. All these classes are present in System.Data.SqlClient names-
pace. So, we can say that the .NET data provider for SQL Server is

• Sample ADO . NET code to connect to SQL Server Database and

retrieve data using connection, command and DataReader:
1 string ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager .
ConnectionStrings [" DBConnectionString "]. ConnectionString
2 using ( SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection (
ConnectionString )){

3 connection .Open ();

4 SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand (" Select * from
tblProductInventory ", connection );
5 using ( SqlDataReader reader = command . ExecuteReader ()){
6 ProductsGridView . DataSource = reader ;
7 ProductsGridView . DataBind ();
8 }
9 }

Listing 6.3: Example to connect sql server database and retrieve data using
connection, command and reader

• Sample ADO . NET code to connect to Oracle Database and retrieve

data using connection, command and DataReader:
1 OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection (" Oracle db
Connection String ");
2 OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand (" Select * from
tblProduct ", con);
3 con.Open ();
4 OracleDataReader rdr = cmd. ExecuteReader ();
5 GridView1 . DataSource = rdr;
6 GridView1 . DataBind ();
7 con. Close ();

Notice that we are using OracleConnection, OracleCommand and

OracleDataReader classes. All the objects are prefixed with the word
Oracle. All these classes are present in System.Data.OracleClient
namespace. So, we can say that the . NET data provider for Oracle is

• Another example of using DataReader to load data:

1 string ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager .
ConnectionStrings [" DBConnectionString "]. ConnectionString
2 using ( SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection (
ConnectionString )) {
3 connection .Open ();
4 SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand (" Select * from
tblProductInventory ", connection );
5 using ( SqlDataReader reader = command . ExecuteReader ()) {
6 // Create the DataTable and columns . This will
7 // be used as the datasource for the GridView
8 DataTable sourceTable = new DataTable ();
9 sourceTable . Columns .Add("ID");
10 sourceTable . Columns .Add("Name");
11 sourceTable . Columns .Add(" Price ");
112 . NET

12 sourceTable . Columns .Add(" DiscountedPrice ");

13 while ( reader .Read ()) {
14 // Calculate the 10% discounted price
15 int OriginalPrice = Convert . ToInt32 ( reader [" UnitPrice
16 double DiscountedPrice = OriginalPrice * 0.9;
17 // Populate datatable column values from the
18 DataRow datarow = sourceTable . NewRow ();
19 datarow ["ID"] = reader [" ProductId "];
20 datarow ["Name"] = reader [" ProductName "];
21 datarow [" Price "] = OriginalPrice ;
22 datarow [" DiscountedPrice "] = DiscountedPrice ;
23 // Add the DataRow to the DataTable
24 sourceTable .Rows.Add( datarow );
25 }
26 // Set sourceTable as the DataSource for the GridView
27 ProductsGridView . DataSource = sourceTable ;
28 ProductsGridView . DataBind ();
29 }
30 }

Listing 6.4: DataReader example

If for some reason, you want to loop through each row in the
SqlDataReader object, then use the Read() method, which returns
true as long as there are rows to read. If there are no more rows to
read, then this method will return false. In the following example, we
loop through each row in the SqlDataReader and then compute the
10% discounted price.

If we want to connect to OLEDB datasources like Excel, Access etc, we

can use OleDbConnection, OleDbCommand and OleDbDataReader classes.
So, ṄET data provider for OLEDB is System.Data.OleDb.

Different .NET Data Providers

• Data Provider for SQL Server - System.Data.SqlClient
• Data Provider for Oracle - System.Data.OracleClient
• Data Provider for OLEDB - System.Data.OleDb
• Data Provider for ODBC - System.Data.Odbc

Depending on the provider, the following ADO . NET objects have a

different prefix:

1. Connection: 3. DataReader:

• SQLConnection, • SQLDataReader,
• OracleConnection, • OracleDataReader,
• OleDbConnection, • OleDbDataReader,
• OdbcConnection, etc. • OdbcDataReader, etc.

2. Command: 4. DataAdapter:

• SQLCommand, • SQLDataAdapter,
• OracleCommand, • OracleDataAdapter,
• OleDbCommand, • OleDbDataAdapter,
• OdbcCommand, etc. • OdbcDataAdapter, etc.

6.3.1 Connection
• It is used to establish an open connection to the SQL Server database.

• It is a sealed class. So, it cannot be inherited.

• SqlConnection class uses SqlDataAdapter and SqlCommand classes

together to increase performance when connecting to a Microsoft SQL
Server database.

• Connection does not close explicitly even it goes out of scope. There-
fore, you must explicitly close the connection by calling Close()

• Using block is used to close the connection automatically.

• We don’t need to call Close() method explicitly, Using block do this

for ours program implicitly when the code exits the block.


1 using ( SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection ( connectionString ))

2 con.Open ();
3 }
114 . NET

1 using System ;
2 using System .Data. SqlClient ;
3 namespace SqlConnectionExample {
4 class Program {
5 static void Main( string [] args) {
6 new Program (). Connecting ();
7 }
8 public void Connecting () {
9 using ( SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection ("data source
=.; database =bca; integrated security =SSPI")) {
10 con.Open ();
11 Console . WriteLine (" Connection to database successful .");
12 }
13 }
14 }
15 }

Listing 6.5: Example of sqlConnection

6.3.2 Command
• This class is used to store and execute SQL statement for SQL Server

• It is a sealed class. So, it cannot be inherited.


1 using System ;
2 using System .Data. SqlClient ;
3 namespace SqlCommandExample {
4 class Program {
5 static void Main( string [] args) {
6 new Program (). CreateTable ();
7 }
8 public void CreateTable () {
9 SqlConnection con = null;
10 try {
11 // Creating Connection
12 con = new SqlConnection ("data source =.; database =bca;
integrated security =SSPI");
13 // writing sql query
14 SqlCommand cm = new SqlCommand (" select * from student ",
15 // Opening Connection
16 con.Open ();

17 // Executing the SQL query

18 SqlDataReader sdr = cm. ExecuteReader ();
19 while (sdr.Read ()) {
20 Console . WriteLine (sdr["name"] + " " + sdr[" address "]);
21 }
22 } catch ( Exception e) {
23 Console . WriteLine (" Exception !" + e);
24 }
25 // Closing the connection
26 finally {
27 con. Close ();
28 }
29 }
30 }
31 }

Listing 6.6: Example of sqlCommand

6.3.3 DataReader
• This class is used to read data from SQL Server database.

• It reads data in forward-only stream of rows from a SQL Server


• It is sealed class so that cannot be inherited.

• It inherits DbDataReader class and implements IDisposable interface.

1 using System ;
2 using System .Data. SqlClient ;
3 namespace SqlDataReaderExample {
4 class Program {
5 static void Main( string [] args) {
6 new Program (). GetData ();
7 }
8 public void GetData () {
9 SqlConnection con = null;
10 try {
11 // Creating Connection
12 con = new SqlConnection ("data source =.; database =bca;
integrated security =SSPI");
13 // writing sql query
14 SqlCommand cm = new SqlCommand (" select * from stu", con)
15 // Opening Connection
16 con.Open ();
116 . NET

17 // Executing the SQL query

18 SqlDataReader sdr = cm. ExecuteReader ();
19 while (sdr.Read ()) {
20 Console . WriteLine (sdr["name"] + " " + sdr[" address "]);
21 }
22 } catch ( Exception e) {
23 Console . WriteLine (" Exception !" + e);
24 }
25 // Closing the connection
26 finally {
27 con. Close ();
28 }
29 }
30 }
31 }

Listing 6.7: Example of sqlDataReaderExample.

6.4 Working With Dataset

• The ADO . NET DataSet is a memory-resident representation of data
that provides a consistent relational programming model regardless of
the source of the data it contains.
• A DataSet represents a complete set of data including the tables that
contain, order, and constrain the data, as well as the relationships
between the tables.
• There are several ways of working with a DataSet, which can be applied
independently or in combination. We can:
– Programmatically create a DataTable, DataRelation, and Con-
straint within a DataSet and populate the tables with data.
– Populate the DataSet with tables of data from an existing rela-
tional data source using a DataAdapter.
– Load and persist the DataSet contents using XML.

Creating DataSet Programatically

• In this program, we create two DataTables.
• One stores two rows of patient information.
• And the second stores two rows of medication information.

• We create a DataSet with the DataSet constructor.

• Then we add the two DataTables to the DataSet instance.
• Finally we print the XML.

1 using System ;
2 using System .Data;
3 class Program {
4 static void Main () {
5 // Create two DataTable instances .
6 DataTable table1 = new DataTable (" patients ");
7 table1 . Columns .Add("name");
8 table1 . Columns .Add("id");
9 table1 .Rows.Add("ram", 1);
10 table1 .Rows.Add(" shyam ", 2);
11 DataTable table2 = new DataTable (" medications ");
12 table2 . Columns .Add("id");
13 table2 . Columns .Add(" medication ");
14 table2 .Rows.Add (1, " massage ");
15 table2 .Rows.Add (2, " therapy ");
16 // Create a DataSet and put both tables in it.
17 DataSet set = new DataSet (" office ");
18 set. Tables .Add( table1 );
19 set. Tables .Add( table2 );
20 // Visualize DataSet .
21 Console . WriteLine (set. GetXml ());
22 }
23 }

Listing 6.8: Creating DataSet

1 <office >
2 <patients >
3 <name >ram </name >
4 <id >1</id >
5 </ patients >
6 <patients >
7 <name >shyam </name >
8 <id >2</id >
9 </ patients >
10 <medications >
11 <id >1</id >
12 <medication >massage </ medication >
13 </ medications >
14 <medications >
15 <id >2</id >
16 <medication >therapy </ medication >
17 </ medications >
118 . NET

18 </ office >

Listing 6.9: Output from Listing 6.8

Populating DataSet with tables from database

• Following program send query to stored procedure in database and
loads the table data into dataset.
• The stored procedure for this would be:
1 Create procedure spGetProductAndCategoriesData
2 as
3 Begin
4 Select ProductId , ProductName , UnitPrice
5 from tblProductInventory
6 Select CategoryId , CategoryName
7 from tblProductCategories
8 End

And the program is illustrated in Listing 6.10 calls stored procedure and
loads data into dataset.
1 string ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager . ConnectionStrings
[" DBConnectionString "]. ConnectionString ;
2 using ( SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection (
ConnectionString )) {
3 SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter ("
spGetProductAndCategoriesData ", connection );
4 dataAdapter . SelectCommand . CommandType = CommandType .
StoredProcedure ;
5 DataSet dataset = new DataSet ();
6 dataAdapter .Fill( dataset );
7 GridViewProducts . DataSource = dataset . Tables [0];
8 GridViewProducts . DataBind ();
9 GridViewCategories . DataSource = dataset . Tables [1];
10 GridViewCategories . DataBind ();
11 }

Listing 6.10: Loading data into DataSet using

6.5 Adding, Deleting and Modifying

Records in Dataset
You edit data in data tables (DataSet) much like you edit the data in a table
in any database. The process can include inserting, updating, and deleting

records in the table.

Editing/Modifying records:
To edit an existing row in a DataTable, you need to locate the DataRow you
want to edit, and then assign the updated values to the desired columns. If
you don’t know the index of the row you want to edit, use the FindBy method
to search by the primary key.

Adding records:
To add new records to a dataset, create a new data row by calling the method
on the DataTable. Then add the row to the DataRow collection (Rows) of
the DataTable.

Deleting records:
Call the Delete method of a DataRow.

1 class Program {
2 static void Main( string [] args) {
3 DataTable table1 = new DataTable (" patients ");
4 table1 . Columns .Add("name");
5 table1 . Columns .Add("id");
6 table1 .Rows.Add("ram", 1);
7 table1 .Rows.Add(" shyam ", 2);
9 DataSet hospital = new DataSet (" Hospital ");
10 hospital . Tables .Add( table1 );
12 // Editing / updating record in DataSet
13 DataRow patient1 = table1 .Rows [0];
14 patient1 ["name"] = " khyam ";

16 // Adding new record in DataSet

17 DataRow patient3 = table1 . NewRow ();
18 patient3 ["name"] = "dam";
19 patient3 ["id"] = 3;
20 table1 .Rows.Add( patient3 );

22 // Deleting record in DataSet

23 table1 .Rows [2]. Delete ();
120 . NET

25 Console . WriteLine ( hospital . GetXml ());

26 Console . ReadLine ();
27 }
28 }

Listing 6.11: CRUD operation in dataset

6.6 Using DataView

• A DataView enables you to create different views of the data stored in a
DataTable, a capability that is often used in data-binding applications.

• Using a DataView, you can expose the data in a table with different
sort orders, and you can filter the data by row state or based on a filter

• A DataView provides a dynamic view of data in the underlying


– the content, ordering, and membership reflect changes as they


• This behavior differs from the Select method of the DataTable, which
returns a DataRow array from a table based on a particular filter and/or
sort order:

– this content reflects changes to the underlying table, but its mem-
bership and ordering remain static.

• The dynamic capabilities of the DataView make it ideal for data-

binding applications.

• A DataView provides you with a dynamic view of a single set of data,

much like a database view, to which you can apply different sorting and
filtering criteria. Unlike a database view, however, a DataView cannot
be treated as a table and cannot provide a view of joined tables. You
also cannot exclude columns that exist in the source table, nor can you
append columns, such as computational columns, that do not exist in
the source table.

• You can use a DataViewManager to manage view settings for all the
tables in a DataSet.

• The DataViewManager provides you with a convenient way to manage

default view settings for each table. When binding a control to more
than one table of a DataSet, binding to a DataViewManager is the ideal

Creating DataView
There are two ways to create a DataView. You can use the DataView con-
structor, or you can create a reference to the DefaultView property of the
DataTable. The DataView constructor can be empty, or it can take either
a DataTable as a single argument, or a DataTable along with filter criteria,
sort criteria, and a row state filter.
The following code example demonstrates how to create a DataView
using the DataView constructor. A RowFilter, Sort column, and
DataViewRowState are supplied along with the DataTable.
1 DataView custDV = new DataView ( custDS . Tables [" Customers "], "
Country = 'Nepal '", " ContactName ", DataViewRowState .
CurrentRows );

The following code example demonstrates how to obtain a reference to

the default DataView of a DataTable using the DefaultView property of the
1 DataView custDV = custDS . Tables [" Customers "]. DefaultView ;

Example of DataView

1 using System ;
2 using System .Data;
3 using System .Data. SqlClient ;
4 using System . Windows . Forms ;
6 namespace WindowsApplication1 {
7 public partial class Form1 : Form {
8 public Form1 () {
9 InitializeComponent ();
10 }
12 private void button1_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e) {
13 string connetionString = null;
14 SqlConnection connection ;
15 SqlCommand command ;
16 SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter ();
17 DataSet ds = new DataSet ();
122 . NET

18 DataView dv;
19 string sql = null;
20 connetionString = "Data Source = ServerName ; Initial Catalog =
DatabaseName ;User ID= UserName ; Password = Password ";
21 sql = " Select * from product ";
22 connection = new SqlConnection ( connetionString );
23 try {
24 connection .Open ();
25 command = new SqlCommand (sql , connection );
26 adapter . SelectCommand = command ;
27 adapter .Fill(ds , " Create DataView ");
28 adapter . Dispose ();
29 command . Dispose ();
30 connection . Close ();
32 dv = ds. Tables [0]. DefaultView ;

34 dataGridView1 . DataSource = dv;

35 }
36 catch ( Exception ex) {
37 MessageBox .Show(ex. ToString ());
38 }
39 }
40 }
41 }

Listing 6.12: Example of DataView

6.7 Working With DataGridVeiw

DataGridView displays data from SQL databases. This example takes a
specific table from a database and display it on a DataGridView. This is
done with a DataAdapter and data table. A visual representation of data is
the end result.
1 void FillData () {
2 // 1 Open connection
3 using ( SqlConnection c = new SqlConnection ( Properties . Settings
. Default . DataConnectionString )) {
4 c.Open ();
6 // 2 Create new DataAdapter
7 using ( SqlDataAdapter a = new SqlDataAdapter ( " SELECT * FROM
Animals ", c)) {
8 // 3 Use DataAdapter to fill DataTable
9 DataTable t = new DataTable ();
10 a.Fill(t);

12 // 4 Render data onto the screen
13 dataGridView1 . DataSource = t;
14 }
15 }
16 }

Listing 6.13: Working with DataGridView.

Example of DataGridView

1 using System ;
2 using System .Data;
3 using System . Windows . Forms ;
4 using System .Data. SqlClient ;
6 namespace WindowsFormsApplication1 {
7 public partial class Form1 : Form {
8 SqlCommand sCommand ;
9 SqlDataAdapter sAdapter ;
10 SqlCommandBuilder sBuilder ;
11 DataSet sDs;
12 DataTable sTable ;
14 public Form1 () {
15 InitializeComponent ();
16 }
18 private void button1_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e) {
19 string connectionString = "Data Source =.; Initial Catalog =
pubs; Integrated Security =True";
20 string sql = " SELECT * FROM Stores ";
21 SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection (
connectionString );
22 connection .Open ();
23 sCommand = new SqlCommand (sql , connection );
24 sAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter ( sCommand );
25 sBuilder = new SqlCommandBuilder ( sAdapter );
26 sDs = new DataSet ();
27 sAdapter .Fill(sDs , " Stores ");
28 sTable = sDs. Tables [" Stores "];
29 connection . Close ();
30 dataGridView1 . DataSource = sDs. Tables [" Stores "];
31 dataGridView1 . ReadOnly = true;
32 save_btn . Enabled = false ;
33 dataGridView1 . SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode .
FullRowSelect ;
34 }
124 . NET

36 private void new_btn_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e) {
37 dataGridView1 . ReadOnly = false ;
38 save_btn . Enabled = true;
39 new_btn . Enabled = false ;
40 delete_btn . Enabled = false ;
41 }
43 private void delete_btn_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e) {
44 if ( MessageBox .Show("Do you want to delete this row ?", "
Delete ", MessageBoxButtons . YesNo ) == DialogResult .Yes) {
45 dataGridView1 .Rows. RemoveAt ( dataGridView1 . SelectedRows
[0]. Index );
46 sAdapter . Update ( sTable );
47 }
48 }

50 private void save_btn_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e) {

51 sAdapter . Update ( sTable );
52 dataGridView1 . ReadOnly = true;
53 save_btn . Enabled = false ;
54 new_btn . Enabled = true;
55 delete_btn . Enabled = true;
56 }
57 }
58 }

Listing 6.14: Example of DataGridView CRUD

6.8 Calling Stored procedure

First, create the following stored procedure in MSSQL Server.
1 Create procedure spGetProductAndCategoriesData
2 as
3 Begin
4 Select ProductId , ProductName , UnitPrice
5 from tblProductInventory
6 Select CategoryId , CategoryName
7 from tblProductCategories
8 End

Listing 6.15: Stored procedure

And the program below calls stored procedure and loads data into dataset.
1 string ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager . ConnectionStrings
[" DBConnectionString "]. ConnectionString ;

2 using ( SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection (

ConnectionString )) {
3 SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter ("
spGetProductAndCategoriesData ", connection );
4 dataAdapter . SelectCommand . CommandType = CommandType .
StoredProcedure ;
5 DataSet dataset = new DataSet ();
6 dataAdapter .Fill( dataset );
7 GridViewProducts . DataSource = dataset . Tables [0];
8 GridViewProducts . DataBind ();
9 GridViewCategories . DataSource = dataset . Tables [1];
10 GridViewCategories . DataBind ();
11 }

Listing 6.16: Calling stored procedure



7.1 Basic Concepts of Web Application

A web application (or web app) is application software that runs on a web
server, unlike software programs that are run locally on the operating sys-
tem (OS) of the device. Web applications are accessed by the user through
a web browser with an active internet connection. These applications are
programmed using a client–server modeled structure—the user (“client”) is
provided services through an off-site server that is hosted by a third party.
Examples of commonly-used web applications include: web-mail, online re-
tail sales, online banking, and online auctions.
A Static Web Application is any web application that can be delivered
directly to an end user’s browser without any server-side alteration of the
HTML, CSS, or JavaScript content. While this can encompass very flat,
unchanging sites like a corporate web site, static web applications generally
refer to rich sites that utilize technologies in the browser instead of on the
server to deliver dynamic content.
A dynamic web application generates the pages/data in real time, as per
the request, a respective response will trigger from the server end and will
reach the client end. Depending upon the response the client side code will


take action as it’s supposed to.

7.2 Implementing Session and Cookies

7.2.1 Cookies
A cookie is a token that the Web server embeds in a user’s Web browser
to identify the user. The next time the same browser requests a page, it
sends the cookie it received from the Web server. Cookies allow a set of
information to be associated with a user. ASP scripts can both get and set
the values of cookies by using the Response.Cookies Collection collection of
the Response and Request objects. Once a cookie has been set, all page
requests that follow return the cookie name and value. A cookie can only be
read from the domain that it has been issued from. If a cookie contains a
collection of multiple values, we say that the cookie has Keys.
Note: The maximum cookie size is 4KB. Types of Cookies

1. Persistence Cookie: Has an expiry time.

2. Non-Persistence Cookie: Maintains user information as long as the

user accesses the same browser. It will be discarded when user closes
the browser. Set/Create Cookies

• To set the value of a cookie, use Response.Cookies

• If the cookie does not already exist, Response.Cookies creates a new


• Cookie can have multiple values; such a cookie is called an indexed


• The Response.Cookies command must appear before the <html> tag.

1 <%
2 // create a cookie named 'semester ' with the value '8'
3 Response . Cookies (" semester ")= 8
5 // create a cookie named 'name ' with the value 'Jeevan '
6 Response . Cookies ("name")=" Jeevan "

8 // assign 'Expires ' property to a cookie

9 Response . Cookies ("name"). Expires = "Jan 20 ,2021"
10 %>

A Cookie with Keys

1 <%
2 /* create a cookie collection named 'student ' */
3 Response . Cookies (" student ")(" firstname ")=" Jeevan "
4 Response . Cookies (" student ")(" lastname ")="P"
5 Response . Cookies (" student ")(" district ")=" Taplejung "
6 %> Get/Retrieve Cookies

• The Request.Cookies command is used to retrieve a cookie value

• In the example below, we retrieve the value of the cookie named ‘name’
and display it on a page:
1 <%
2 name= Request . Cookies ("name")
3 response . write ("Name=" & name)
4 // output : Name= Jeevan
5 %>

1 <! DOCTYPE html >

2 <html >
3 <body >
5 <%
6 dim x,y
7 for each x in Request . Cookies
8 response . write ("<p>")
9 if Request . Cookies (x). HasKeys then
10 for each y in Request . Cookies (x)
11 response . write (x & ":" & y & "=" & Request . Cookies (x)
12 response . write ("<br >")
13 next
14 else
15 Response . Write (x & "=" & Request . Cookies (x) & "<br >")
16 end if
17 response . write " </p>"
18 next
19 %>

20 <!-- /*
21 student : firstname =Jee
22 student : lastname =P
23 student : district = Taplejung
24 */
25 -->
26 </body >
27 </html >

Listing 7.1: Reading all cookies

7.2.2 Session
The web server does not know who you are and what you do, because the
HTTP address doesn’t maintain state.
ASP solves this problem by creating a unique cookie for each user. The
cookie is sent to the user’s computer and it contains information that identi-
fies the user. This interface is called the Session object.
The Session object stores information about, or change settings for a user
Variables stored in a Session object hold information about one single
user, and are available to all pages in one application. Common information
stored in session variables are name, id, and preferences. The server creates
a new Session object for each new user, and destroys the Session object when
the session expires.
A session starts when:

• A new user requests an ASP file, and the Global.asa file includes a
Session_OnStart procedure

• A value is stored in a Session variable

• A user requests an ASP file, and the Global.asa file uses the <object>
tag to instantiate an object with session scope

A session ends if a user has not requested or refreshed a page in the applica-
tion for a specified period. By default, this is 20 minutes.
If you want to set a timeout interval that is shorter or longer than the
default, use the Timeout property.
The example below sets a timeout interval of 5 minutes:
1 <%
2 Session . Timeout =5
3 %>

Use the Abandon method to end a session immediately:

1 <%
2 Session . Abandon
3 %>

Note: The main problem with sessions is WHEN they should end. We
do not know if the user’s last request was the final one or not. So we do not
know how long we should keep the session “alive”. Waiting too long for an
idle session uses up resources on the server, but if the session is deleted too
soon the user has to start all over again because the server has deleted all
the information. Finding the right timeout interval can be difficult!

Store and Retrieve Session Variables

The most important thing about the Session object is that you can store
variables in it.
The example below will set the Session variable username to “Donald
Duck” and the Session variable age to “50”:
1 <%
2 Session (" username ")=" Donald Duck"
3 Session ("age")=50
4 %>

When the value is stored in a session variable it can be reached from ANY
page in the ASP application:
1 Welcome <% Response . Write ( Session (" username "))%>

The line above returns: “Welcome Donald Duck”.

You can also store user preferences in the Session object, and then access
that preference to choose what page to return to the user.
The example below specifies a text-only version of the page if the user
has a low screen resolution:
1 <%If Session (" screenres ")="low" Then%>
2 This is the text version of the page
3 <%Else%>
4 This is the multimedia version of the page
5 <%End If%>

Remove Session Variables

The Contents collection contains all session variables.
It is possible to remove a session variable with the Remove method.

The example below removes the session variable “sale” if the value of the
session variable “age” is lower than 18:
1 <%
2 If Session . Contents ("age") <18 then
3 Session . Contents . Remove ("sale")
4 End If
5 %>

To remove all variables in a session, use the RemoveAll method:

1 <%
2 Session . Contents . RemoveAll ()
3 %>

Loop Through The Contents Collection

The Contents collection contains all session variables. You can loop through
the Contents collection, to see what’s stored in it:
1 <%
2 Session (" username ")=" Donald Duck"
3 Session ("age")=50
5 dim i
6 For Each i in Session . Contents
7 Response . Write (i & "<br >")
8 Next
10 /* output :
11 username
12 age
13 */
14 %>

If you do not know the number of items in the Contents collection, you can
use the Count property:
1 <%
2 dim i
3 dim j
4 j= Session . Contents . Count
5 Response . Write (" Session variables : " & j)
6 For i=1 to j
7 Response . Write ( Session . Contents (i) & "<br >")
8 Next
10 /* output :
11 Session variables : 2

12 Donald Duck
13 50
14 */
15 %>

Loop Through The StaticObjects Collection

You can loop through the StaticObjects collection, to see the values of all
objects stored in the Session object:
1 <%
2 dim i
3 For Each i in Session . StaticObjects
4 Response . Write (i & "<br >")
5 Next
6 %>

7.3 Client and Server Side Validation

Validation is a set of rules that you apply to the data you collect. These rules
can be many or few and enforced either strictly or in a lax manner: It really
depends on you. No perfect validation process exists because some users may
find a way cheat to some degree, no matter what rules you establish. The
trick is to find the right balance of the fewest rules and the proper strictness,
without compromising the usability of the application.
The data you collect for validation comes from the Web forms you provide
in your applications. Web forms are made up of different types of HTML
elements that are constructed using raw HTML form elements, ASP . NET
HTML server controls, or ASP . NET Web Form server controls. In the end,
your forms are made up of many types of HTML elements, such as text boxes,
radio buttons, check boxes, drop-down lists, and more.

7.3.1 Client Side Validation

Client-side validation is quick and responsive for the end user. It is something
end users expect of the forms that they work with. If something is wrong
with the form, using client-side validation ensures that the end user knows
this as soon as possible. Client-side validation also pushes the processing
power required of validation to the client meaning that you don’t need to
spin CPU cycles on the server to process the same information because the
client can do the work for you.

With this said, client-side validation is the more insecure form of valida-
tion. When a page is generated in an end user’s browser, this end user can
look at the code of the page quite easily (simply by right-clicking his mouse
in the browser and selecting View Code). When he does this, in addition to
seeing the HTML code for the page, he can also see all the JavaScript that
is associated with the page. If you are validating your form client-side, it
doesn’t take much for the crafty hacker to repost a form (containing the val-
ues he wants in it) to your server as valid. There are also the cases in which
clients have simply disabled the client-scripting capabilities in their browsers
- thereby making your validations useless. Therefore, client-side validation
should be looked on as a convenience and a courtesy to the end user and
never as a security mechanism

7.3.2 Server Side Validation

The more secure form of validation is server-side validation. Server-side vali-
dation means that the validation checks are performed on the server instead
of on the client. It is more secure because these checks cannot be easily
bypassed. Instead, the form data values are checked using server code (C#
or VB) on the server. If the form isn’t valid, the page is posted back to the
client as invalid. Although it is more secure, server-side validation can be
slow. It is sluggish simply because the page has to be posted to a remote
location and checked. Your end user might not be the happiest surfer in the
world if, after waiting 20 seconds for a form to post, he is told his e-mail
address isn’t in the correct format.
The best approach is always to perform client-side validation first and
then, after the form passes and is posted to the server, to perform the vali-
dation checks again using server-side validation This approach provides the
best of both worlds. It is secure because hackers can’t simply bypass the
validation. They may bypass the client-side validation, but they quickly find
that their form data is checked once again on the server after it is posted.

7.3.3 ASP . NET Validation Server Controls

In the classic ASP days, developers could spend a great deal of their time
dealing with different form validation schemes. For this reason, with the
initial release of ASP . NET, the ASP . NET team introduced a series of vali-
dation server controls meant to make it a snap to implement sound validation
for forms.
ASP . NET not only introduces form validations as server controls, but
it also makes these controls rather smart. As stated earlier, one of the tasks

of classic ASP developers was to determine where to perform form validation

— either on the client or on the server. The ASP . NET validation server
controls eliminate this dilemma because ASP . NET performs browser detec-
tion when generating the ASP . NET page and makes decisions based on the
information it gleans.
This means that if the browser can support the JavaScript that ASP
. NET can send its way, the validation occurs on the client-side. If the
client cannot support the JavaScript meant for client-side validation, this
JavaScript is omitted and the validation occurs on the server.
The best part about this scenario is that even if client-side validation is
initiated on a page, ASP . NET still performs the server-side validation when
it receives the submitted page, thereby ensuring security won’t be compro-
mised. This decisive nature of the validation server controls means that you
can build your ASP . NET Web pages to be the best they can possibly be.
The available validation controls include:

1. RequiredFieldValidator 4. RegularExpressionValidator

2. CompareValidator 5. CustomValidator

3. RangeValidator 6. ValidationSummary

The Table 7.1 describes the functionality of each of the available valida-
tion server controls. The RequiredFieldValidator Server Control

• The RequiredFieldValidator control simply checks to see if some-
thing was entered into the HTML form element.

• It is a simple validation control, but it is one of the most frequently


• You must have a RequiredFieldValidator control for each form ele-

ment on which you wish to enforce a value-required rule.

VB Listing 7.2 shows a simple use of the RequiredFieldValidator server

control using VB.
1 <%@ Page Language ="VB" %>
2 <script runat =" server ">
3 Protected Sub Button1_Click ( ByVal sender As Object , ByVal e
As System . EventArgs )
4 Label1 .Text = "Page is valid !"

Table 7.1: Validation Server Controls.

Validation Server Con- Description


RequiredFieldValidator Ensures that the user does not skip a

form entry field
CompareValidator Allows for comparisons between the
user’s input and another item using
a comparison operator (equals, greater
than, less than, and so on)
RangeValidator Checks the user’s input based upon a
lower- and upper level range of numbers
or characters
RegularExpressionValidator Checks that the user’s entry matches a
pattern defined by a regular expression.
This is a good control to use to check
e-mail addresses and phone numbers
CustomValidator Checks the user’s entry using custom-
coded validation logic
ValidationSummary Displays all the error messages from the
validators in one specific spot on the

5 End Sub
6 </script >
7 <html xmlns ="http :// /1999/ xhtml ">
8 <head runat =" server ">
9 <title > RequiredFieldValidator </ title >
10 </head >
11 <body >
12 <form id="form1 " runat =" server ">
13 <div >
14 <asp: TextBox ID=" TextBox1 " Runat =" server " ></asp:
TextBox >
15 <asp: RequiredFieldValidator ID="
RequiredFieldValidator1 " Runat =" server " ErrorMessage ="
Required !" ControlToValidate =" TextBox1 ">
16 </asp: RequiredFieldValidator >

17 <br />
18 <asp: Button ID=" Button1 " Runat =" server " Text=" Submit "
19 OnClick =" Button1_Click " />
20 <br />
21 <br />
22 <asp: Label ID=" Label1 " Runat =" server " ></asp:Label >
23 </div >
24 </form >
25 </body >
26 </html >

Listing 7.2: A simple use of the RequiredFieldValidator server control using


C# Listing 7.3 shows a simple use of the RequiredFieldValidator server

control using C#.
1 <%@ Page Language ="C#" %>
2 <script runat =" server ">
3 protected void Button1_Click ( Object sender , EventArgs e) {
4 Label1 .Text = "Page is valid !";
5 }
6 </script >

Listing 7.3: A simple use of the RequiredFieldValidator server control using

C#. The CompareValidator Server Control

• The CompareValidator control allows you to make comparisons be-
tween two form elements as well as to compare values contained within
form elements to constants that you specify.

• For instance, you can specify that a form element’s value must be an
integer and greater than a specified number.

• You can also state that values must be strings, dates, or other data
types that are at your disposal.

VB Listing 7.4 shows the use of CompareValidator.

1 <%@ Page Language ="VB" %>
2 <script runat =" server ">
3 Protected Sub Button1_Click ( sender As Object , e As EventArgs )
4 Label1 .Text = " Passwords match "
5 End Sub

6 </script >
7 <html xmlns ="http :// /1999/ xhtml " >
8 <head runat =" server ">
9 <title > CompareFieldValidator </ title >
10 </head >
11 <body >
12 <form runat =" server ">
13 <p>
14 Password <br >
15 <asp: TextBox ID=" TextBox1 " Runat =" server "
16 TextMode =" Password " ></asp:TextBox >
17 &nbsp;
18 <asp: CompareValidator ID=" CompareValidator1 "
19 Runat =" server " ErrorMessage =" Passwords do not
match !"
20 ControlToValidate =" TextBox2 "
21 ControlToCompare =" TextBox1 " ></asp:
CompareValidator >
22 </p>
23 <p>
24 Confirm Password <br >
25 <asp: TextBox ID=" TextBox2 " Runat =" server "
26 TextMode =" Password " ></asp:TextBox >
27 </p>
28 <p>
29 <asp: Button ID=" Button1 " OnClick =" Button1_Click "
30 Runat =" server " Text=" Login " ></asp:Button >
31 </p>
32 <p>
33 <asp: Label ID=" Label1 " Runat =" server " ></asp:Label >
34 </p>
35 </form >
36 </body >
37 </html >

Listing 7.4: Using the CompareValidator to test values against other control

C# Listing 7.5 shows the use of CompareValidator with C#.

1 <%@ Page Language ="C#" %>
2 <script runat =" server ">
3 protected void Button1_Click ( Object sender , EventArgs e) {
4 Label1 .Text = " Passwords match ";
5 }
6 </script >

Listing 7.5: Using the CompareValidator to test values against other control
values with C#
7.3. CLIENT AND SERVER SIDE VALIDATION 139 The RangeValidator Server Control

• The RangeValidator control is quite similar to that of the
CompareValidator control, but it makes sure that the end user value
or selection provided is between a specified range as opposed to being
just greater than or less than a specified constant.

• For an example of this, go back to the text-box element that asks for
the age of the end user and performs a validation on the value provided.

<asp: TextBox ID=" TextBox1 " Runat =" server " ></asp:TextBox >
<asp: RangeValidator ID=" RangeValidator1 " Runat =" server "
ControlToValidate =" TextBox1 " Type=" Integer "
ErrorMessage ="You must be between 30 and 40"
MaximumValue ="40" MinimumValue ="30" ></asp: RangeValidator >

Listing 7.6: Using the RangeValidator control to test an integer value.

VB Listing 7.7 shows the use of RangeValidator control to test a string

date value with VB.
1 <%@ Page Language ="VB" %>
2 <script runat =" server ">
3 Protected Sub Page_Load ( ByVal sender As Object , ByVal e As
System . EventArgs )
4 RangeValidator1 . MinimumValue = DateTime .Now.
ToShortDateString ()
5 RangeValidator1 . MaximumValue = DateTime .Now. AddDays (14).
ToShortDateString ()
6 End Sub
8 Protected Sub Calendar1_SelectionChanged ( ByVal sender As
Object , ByVal e As System . EventArgs )
9 TextBox1 .Text = Calendar1 . SelectedDate . ToShortDateString
10 End Sub
12 Protected Sub Button1_Click ( ByVal sender As Object , ByVal e
As System . EventArgs )
13 If Page. IsValid Then
14 Label1 .Text = "You are set to arrive on: " &
TextBox1 .Text
15 End If
16 End Sub
17 </script >

18 <html xmlns ="http :// /1999/ xhtml " >

19 <head id=" Head1 " runat =" server ">
20 <title >Date Validation Check </ title >
21 </head >
22 <body >
23 <form id="form1 " runat =" server ">
24 Arrival Date:
25 <asp: TextBox ID=" TextBox1 " runat =" server " ></asp:TextBox
>& nbsp;
26 <asp: RangeValidator ID=" RangeValidator1 " runat =" server "
27 ErrorMessage ="You must only select a date within the
next two weeks ."
28 ControlToValidate =" TextBox1 " Type="Date" ></asp:
RangeValidator ><br />
29 <br />
30 Select your arrival date:<br />
31 <asp: Calendar ID=" Calendar1 " runat =" server "
32 OnSelectionChanged =" Calendar1_SelectionChanged " ></asp:
Calendar >
33 &nbsp;
34 <br />
35 <asp: Button ID=" Button1 " runat =" server " Text=" Button "
36 OnClick =" Button1_Click " />
37 <br />
38 <br />
39 <asp: Label ID=" Label1 " runat =" server " ></asp:Label >
40 </form >
41 </body >
42 </html

Listing 7.7: Using the RangeValidator control to test a string date value with

C# Listing 7.8 shows the use of RangeValidator control to test a string

date value with C#.
1 <%@ Page Language ="C#" %>
2 <script runat =" server ">
3 protected void Page_Load ( object sender , EventArgs e) {
4 RangeValidator1 . MinimumValue = DateTime .Now.
ToShortDateString ();
5 RangeValidator1 . MaximumValue =
6 DateTime .Now. AddDays (14). ToShortDateString ();
7 }
8 protected void Calendar1_SelectionChanged ( object sender ,
EventArgs e){
9 TextBox1 .Text = Calendar1 . SelectedDate . ToShortDateString

10 }
11 protected void Button1_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e){
12 if (Page. IsValid ){
13 Label1 .Text = "You are set to arrive on: " +
TextBox1 .Text. ToString ();
14 }
15 }
16 </script >

Listing 7.8: Using the RangeValidator control to test a string date value with
C# The RegularExpressionValidator Server Control

• This control offers a lot of flexibility when you apply validation rules
to your Web forms.

• Using the RegularExpressionValidator control, you can check a

user’s input based on a pattern that you define using a regular ex-

• This means that you can define a structure that a user’s input will be
applied against to see if its structure matches the one that you define.

• For instance, you can define that the structure of the user input must
be in the form of an e-mail address or an Internet URL; if it doesn’t
match this definition, the page is considered invalid.

Listing 7.9 shows how to validate what is input into a text box by making
sure it is in the form of an e-mail address.
1 Email:
2 <asp: TextBox ID=" TextBox1 " Runat =" server " ></asp:TextBox >
3 &nbsp;
4 <asp: RegularExpressionValidator ID=" RegularExpressionValidator1 "
5 Runat=" server " ControlToValidate =" TextBox1 "
6 ErrorMessage ="You must enter an email address "
7 ValidationExpression ="\w+([ -+.]\w+)*@\w+([ -.]\w+) *\.\w+([ -.]\w+)
8 </asp: RegularExpressionValidator >

Listing 7.9: Making sure the text-box value is an e-mail address

Just like the other validation server controls, the
RegularExpressionValidator control uses the ControlToValidate
property to bind itself to the TextBox control, and it includes an

ErrorMessage property to push out the error message to the screen if the
validation test fails. The unique property of this validation control is the
ValidationExpression property. This property takes a string value, which
is the regular expression you are going to apply to the input value. The CustomValidator Server Control

• Validation controls described above are enough for us but if none of
those works for us then we can use CustomValidator control.

• The CustomValidator control allows you to build your own client-side

or server-side validations that can then be easily applied to your Web

• Doing so allows you to make validation checks against values or cal-

culations performed in the data tier (for example, in a database), or
to make sure that the user’s input validates against some arithmetic
validation (for example, determining if a number is even or odd).

Using Client Side Validation

• One of the worthwhile functions of the CustomValidator control is its

capability to easily provide custom client-side validations.

• Many developers have their own collections of JavaScript functions they

employ in their applications, and using the CustomValidator control
is one easy way of getting these functions implemented.

• For example, look at a simple form that asks for a number from the
end user.

• This form uses the CustomValidator control to perform a custom

client-side validation on the user input to make sure that the number
provided is divisible by 5.

• This is illustrated in Listing 7.10.

VB Listing 7.10 illustrates the CustomValidator control to perform

client-side validations with VB.
1 <%@ Page Language ="VB" %>
2 <script runat =" server ">
3 Protected Sub Button1_Click ( ByVal sender As Object , ByVal e As
System . EventArgs )

4 Label1 .Text = " VALID NUMBER !"

5 End Sub
6 </script >
7 <html xmlns ="http :// /1999/ xhtml " >
8 <head runat =" server ">
9 <title > CustomValidator </ title >
10 <script language =" JavaScript ">
11 function validateNumber (oSrc , args) {
12 args. IsValid = (args. Value % 5 == 0);
13 }
14 </script >
15 </head >
16 <body >
17 <form id="form1 " runat =" server ">
18 <div >
19 <p>
20 Number :
21 <asp: TextBox ID=" TextBox1 "
22 Runat =" server " ></asp:TextBox >
23 &nbsp;
24 <asp: CustomValidator ID=" CustomValidator1 "
25 Runat =" server " ControlToValidate =" TextBox1 "
26 ErrorMessage =" Number must be divisible by 5"
27 ClientValidationFunction =" validateNumber ">
28 </asp: CustomValidator >
29 </p>
30 <p>
31 <asp: Button ID=" Button1 " OnClick =" Button1_Click "
32 Runat =" server " Text=" Button " ></asp:Button >
33 </p>
34 <p>
35 <asp: Label ID=" Label1 " Runat =" server " ></asp:Label >
36 </p>
37 </div >
38 </form >
39 </body >
40 </html >

Listing 7.10: Using the CustomValidator control to perform client-side

validations with VB.

C# Listing 7.11 illustrates the CustomValidator control to perform

client-side validations with C#.
1 <%@ Page Language ="C#" %>
2 <script runat =" server ">
3 protected void Button1_Click ( Object sender , EventArgs e) {
4 Label1 .Text = " VALID NUMBER !";

5 }
6 </script >

Listing 7.11: Using the CustomValidator control to perform client-side

validations with C#.
Looking over this Web form, you can see a couple of things happening.
First, it is a simple form with only a single text box requiring user input.
The user clicks the button that triggers the Button1_Click event that, in
turn, populates the Label1 control on the page. It carries out this simple
operation only if all the validation checks are performed and the user input
passes these tests.

Using Server-Side Validation

• Now let’s move this same validation check from the client to the server.

• The CustomValidator control allows you to make custom server-side

validations a reality as well.

• CustomValidator for server-side validations is something you do if you

want to check the user’s input against dynamic values coming from
XML files, databases, or elsewhere.

• For an example of using the CustomValidator control for some custom

server-side validation, you can work with the same example as you did
when creating the client-side validation.

• Now, create a server-side check that makes sure a user-input number

is divisible by 5.

• This is illustrated in Listing 7.12 and 7.13.

VB Using the CustomValidator control to perform server-side valida-

tions with VB.
1 <%@ Page Language ="VB" %>
2 <script runat =" server ">
3 Protected Sub Button1_Click ( ByVal sender As Object , ByVal e As
System . EventArgs )
4 If Page. IsValid Then
5 Label1 .Text = " VALID ENTRY !"
6 End If
7 End Sub
8 Sub ValidateNumber ( sender As Object , args As
ServerValidateEventArgs )

9 Try
10 Dim num As Integer = Integer .Parse (args. Value )
11 args. IsValid = (( num mod 5) = 0)
12 Catch ex As Exception
13 args. IsValid = False
14 End Try
15 End Sub
16 </script >
17 <html xmlns ="http :// /1999/ xhtml " >
18 <head runat =" server ">
19 <title > CustomValidator </ title >
20 </head >
21 <body >
22 <form id="form1 " runat =" server ">
23 <div >
24 <p>
25 Number :
26 <asp: TextBox ID=" TextBox1 "
27 Runat =" server " ></asp:TextBox >
28 &nbsp;
29 <asp: CustomValidator ID=" CustomValidator1 "
30 Runat =" server " ControlToValidate =" TextBox1 "
31 ErrorMessage =" Number must be divisible by 5"
32 OnServerValidate =" ValidateNumber " ></asp:
CustomValidator >
33 </p>
34 <p>
35 <asp: Button ID=" Button1 " OnClick =" Button1_Click "
36 Runat =" server " Text=" Button " ></asp:Button >
37 </p>
38 <p>
39 <asp: Label ID=" Label1 " Runat =" server " ></asp:Label >
40 </p>
41 </div >
42 </form >
43 </body >
44 </html >

Listing 7.12: Using the CustomValidator control to perform server-side

validations with VB.

C# Using the CustomValidator control to perform server-side valida-

tions with C#.
1 <%@ Page Language ="C#" %>
2 <script runat =" server ">
3 protected void Button1_Click ( Object sender , EventArgs e) {
4 if (Page. IsValid ) {

5 Label1 .Text = " VALID ENTRY !";

6 }
7 }
8 void ValidateNumber ( object source , ServerValidateEventArgs
args) {
9 try {
10 int num = int.Parse (args. Value );
11 args. IsValid = (( num %5) == 0);
12 }
13 catch ( Exception ex) {
14 args. IsValid = false ;
15 }
16 }
17 </script >

Listing 7.13: Using the CustomValidator control to perform server-side

validations with C#.
Instead of a client-side JavaScript function in the code, this example
includes a server-side function — ValidateNumber. The ValidateNumber
function, as well as all functions that are being constructed to work with the
CustomValidator control, must use the ServerValidateEventArgs object
as one of the parameters in order to get the data passed to the function for
the validation check. The ValidateNumber function itself is nothing fancy.
It simply checks to see if the provided number is divisible by 5. The ValidationSummary Server Control

• The ValidationSummary control is not a control that performs valida-
tions on the content input into your Web forms.

• Instead, this control is the reporting control, which is used by the other
validation controls on a page.

• You can use this validation control to consolidate error reporting for
all the validation errors that occur on a page instead of leaving this up
to each and every individual validation control.

• By default, the ValidationSummary control shows the list of validation

errors as a bulleted list.

• This is illustrated in Listing 7.14.

1 <p>
2 First name
3 <asp: TextBox ID=" TextBox1 " Runat =" server "></asp: TextBox >

4 &nbsp;
5 <asp: RequiredFieldValidator ID=" RequiredFieldValidator1 "
6 Runat =" server " ErrorMessage ="You must enter your first
7 ControlToValidate =" TextBox1 "></asp: RequiredFieldValidator >
8 </p>
9 <p>
10 Last name
11 <asp: TextBox ID=" TextBox2 " Runat =" server "></asp: TextBox >
12 &nbsp;
13 <asp: RequiredFieldValidator ID=" RequiredFieldValidator2 "
14 Runat =" server " ErrorMessage ="You must enter your last name
15 ControlToValidate =" TextBox2 "></asp: RequiredFieldValidator >
16 </p>
17 <p>
18 <asp: Button ID=" Button1 " OnClick =" Button1_Click " Runat ="
server "
19 Text=" Submit "></asp: Button >
20 </p>
21 <p>
22 <asp: ValidationSummary ID=" ValidationSummary1 " Runat =" server
23 HeaderText ="You received the following errors :"></asp:
ValidationSummary >
24 </p>
25 <p>
26 <asp: Label ID=" Label1 " Runat =" server "></asp: Label >
27 </p>

Listing 7.14: A partial page example of the ValidationSummary control.

This example asks the end user for her first and last name. Each text box
in the form has an associated RequiredFieldValidator control assigned to
it. When the page is built and run, if the user clicks the Submit button with
no values placed in either of the text boxes, it causes both validation errors
to fire.
As in earlier examples of validation controls on the form, these validation
errors appear next to each of the text boxes. You can see, however, that the
ValidationSummary control also displays the validation errors as a bulleted
list in red at the location of the control on the Web form. In most cases, you
do not want these errors to appear twice on a page for the end user.

7.4 Building Web Application

Internet Information Services (IIS)
Stands for “Internet Information Services”. IIS is a web server software pack-
age designed for Windows Server. It is used for hosting websites and other
content on the Web.
Microsoft’s Internet Information Services provides a graphical user inter-
face (GUI) for managing websites and the associated users. It provides a
visual means of creating, configuring, and publishing sites on the web. The
IIS Manager tool allows web administrators to modify website options, such
as default pages, error pages, logging settings, security settings, and perfor-
mance optimizations.
IIS can serve both standard HTML webpages and dynamic webpages,
such as ASP . NET applications and PHP pages. When a visitor accesses a
page on a static website, IIS simply sends the HTML and associated images
to the user’s browser. When a page on a dynamic website is accessed, IIS
runs any applications and processes any scripts contained in the page, then
sends the resulting data to the user’s browser.
While IIS includes all the features necessary to host a website, it also
supports extensions (or “modules”) that add extra functionality to the server.
For example, the WinCache Extension enables PHP scripts to run faster by
caching PHP processes. The URL Rewrite module allows webmasters to
publish pages with friendly URLs that are easier for visitors to type and
remember. A streaming extension can be installed to provide streaming
media to website visitors.
IIS is a popular option for commercial websites, since it offers many ad-
vanced features and is supported by Microsoft. However, it also requires
requires a commercial license and the pricing increases depending on the
number of users. Therefore, Apache HTTP Server, which is open source and
free for unlimited users, remains the most popular web server software.

Features of IIS
Application pools Application pools form an important part of an IIS
server system. An individual application pool could have zero or many IIS
worker processes running. These worker processes are responsible for running
application instances.

Authentication IIS server features authentication options, including Win-

dows auth, Basic, and ASP . NET. If you use Windows Active Directory,
Windows auth is especially useful, because it lets you sign in to web apps
automatically via your domain account.

Security IIS comes with security features, like utilities for managing TLS
certificates, binding so SFTP and HTTPS can be enabled, and the ability to
filter requests so you can effectively whitelist and blacklist traffic. You can
implement authorization and permission rules and log requests and access a
suite of FTP security functions.

Remote management Remote management utilities allow IIS to be man-

aged through the CLI or via PowerShell. You can create the script yourself,
which many IT administrators value because it offers ultimate flexibility and
2018/ २०७५
4 Years Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA/Eighth Semester/Final)
Time: 3.00 hrs. Full Marks: 60 / Pass Marks: 24
BCA453CO, Dot Net Programming

Candidates are required to give their own answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Figure in the margin indicate full marks.

Group A
Answer TWO questions. 2 × 12 = 24
1. What are the components of NET framework? How do you implement OOP in C#?
Explain with example.

2. What is ADO.NET? Explain ADO.NET architecture. Write a program to insert,

delete and update employee records (Name, Age, Address, and Basic Salary) in
database with proper validation. 2+4+6

3. (a) What is hosting? Write about IIS Web Server and its features
(b) What is the use of data bound control in web application? Give example.

Group B
Answer SIX questions. 6 × 6 = 36

4. What are feature of Explain event handling in C#with example.

5. What is a constructor? How do you overload methods in VB.NET?

6. What do you mean by concurrency control? How is concurrency control resolved and
maintained in ADO.NET? Explain with example.

7. Write a program to demonstrate the use of smart tags.

8. Explain data grid control used in .NET programming with example.

9. Write a VB.NET client application and incorporate the necessary validations.

10. Write notes on any TWO:

(a) Cross language architecture
(b) Namespace
(c) .NET class libraries
2019/ २०७६
4 Years Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA/Eighth Semester/Final)
Time: 3.00 hrs. Full Marks: 60 / Pass Marks: 24
BCA453CO, Dot Net Programming

Candidates are required to give their own answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Figure in the margin indicate full marks.

Group A
Answer TWO questions. 2 × 12 = 24

1. Describe Architecture of NET Framework. Explain Just in Time compilation of

managed code.

2. What do you mean by polymorphism? Describe with its types and example.

3. Write a program for Electricity Bill Statement (EBS). The EBS takes units consumed
from consumer and calculates; Electricity Charges (EC) using provided criteria:
(i) Units less than 100 Rs 500 minimum charge.
(ii) Units 100 above 300 below Rs 15 (per unit + minimum charge).
(iii) Units above 300 Rs 25 (per unit + minimum charge).

Group B
Answer SIX questions. 6 × 6 = 36

4. What is the difference between a class and an object, and how do these terms relate
to each other? Explain briefly with examples?

5. List different features of . NET Technology. What does ‘managed code’ means in .
NET context?

6. What are the difference between Radio Button control and Check Box control? Ex-
plain with an example.

7. Why do we use String Builder in place of String in C#. NET? Differentiate between
string and String Builder.

8. Explain ADO.NET, its features and architecture.

9. Print the following pattern:
7 11 13
17 19 23 29
31 37 41 43 47

10. What is array? Explain types of array with example.

11. Write notes on any TWO:

(a) Base Class Library
(b) Boxing and Unboxing
(c) Inheritance


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