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International Journal of

Environmental Research
and Public Health

Implementing Service-Learning Programs in Physical
Education; Teacher Education as Teaching and Learning
Models for All the Agents Involved: A Systematic Review
Raquel Pérez-Ordás 1 , Alberto Nuviala 2 , Alberto Grao-Cruces 3 and Antonio Fernández-Martínez 2, *

1 Faculty of Human Sciences and Education, University of Zaragoza, Valentín Carderera, 4,

22003 Huesca, Spain; [email protected]
2 Department of Sports and Computer Science, Pablo de Olavide University, Crta. de Utrera Km1,
41013 Seville, Spain; [email protected]
3 Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Education Sciences, University of Cádiz,
Avda. República Saharaui s/n, Campus de Puerto Real, 11519 Cádiz, Spain; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +34-954-977-602

Abstract: Service-learning (SL) is the subject of a growing number of studies and is becoming
increasingly popular in physical education teacher education (PETE) programs. The objective
of this study was to conduct a systematic review of the implementation of SL programs with
PETE students. The databases used were Web of Science, SPORTDiscus (EBSCO), and SCOPUS.
Articles were selected on the basis of the following criteria: (a) published in a peer-reviewed journal;
(b) covers the use of SL programs with PETE students; (c) relates to physical education or physical
 activity programs; (d) availability of a full-text version in English and/or Spanish. Thirty-two

articles met the inclusion criteria. Two types of findings were observed: firstly, findings relating
Citation: Pérez-Ordás, R.; Nuviala, to the study characteristics and objectives and, secondly, recommendations for improvement of
A.; Grao-Cruces, A.;
this type of intervention. The objectives of the different studies focused on (a) the impact of the
Fernández-Martínez, A.
SL methodology on PETE students’ professional, social, and personal skills; (b) its impact on the
Implementing Service-Learning
community; (c) analysis of the effectiveness and quality of the programs. All but two studies analyzed
Programs in Physical Education;
the impact of SL on PETE, while only four analyzed community participants and only three analyzed
Teacher Education as Teaching and
Learning Models for All the Agents
the quality of the SL program. Recommendations for improving SL programs used with PETE
Involved: A Systematic Review. students included: all stakeholders, e.g., students and community participants, should be studied
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health and coordinated; the quality of the programs should be assessed, as studying the effectiveness of SL
2021, 18, 669. programs could help to attain the objectives of both students and the community; mixed methods
doi:10.3390/ijerph18020669 should be used; and intervention implementation periods should be extended to provide more
objective, controlled measurements.
Received: 14 December 2020
Accepted: 11 January 2021 Keywords: physical education; community service; methodology; pre-service teacher
Published: 14 January 2021

Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neu-

tral with regard to jurisdictional clai-
1. Introduction
ms in published maps and institutio-
nal affiliations.
Service-learning (SL) has been defined in multiple ways. The common thread running
through these definitions is that SL is a methodological strategy that involves a program or
a support service provided by students to the community. This methodology is widely used
in university education, specifically in training physical education teacher education (PETE)
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Li- students. Such programs are planned, coordinated, and integrated into university curricula
censee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. to optimize learning and meet community needs [1]. SL seeks innovative methodologies to
This article is an open access article respond to the demands of higher education, reinforces ethical and civic learning among
distributed under the terms and con- students, and meets higher education institutions’ needs when it comes to interacting
ditions of the Creative Commons At-
with their wider context through social responsibility measures [2,3]. SL represents the
tribution (CC BY) license (https://
union of several key aspects: theory and practice, classroom and reality [4], training and
commitment, and cognition and emotion [5,6].

Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 669.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 669 2 of 27

Carson and Raguse [7] state that SL is an ideal strategy for universities and PETE
student training to achieve three main objectives: teaching, research, and service provision.
SL gives rise to educational experiences that enrich academic study, promote social engage-
ment, and enhance professional and personal skills [8,9]. A number of studies analyze
SL for PETE students [10–12]. Within the areas of physical education (PE) and physical
activity (PA), Carson and Raguse [7] explain that there is a wide range of SL services for
PETE students: athletic training programs [13]; recreation [14,15]; health education and
promotion [16,17]; rehabilitation and therapy [18,19]; sports management and PE [20].
A number of systematic reviews have focused on SL methodology across different
disciplines, such as university social responsibility [21], nursing [22], scientific produc-
tion [23], and medical education [24]. For instance, a systematic review [7] covered three
types of publications: research, overviews of SL programs, and implementation in youth
physical activity settings published from 1990 to 2012. Another review [25] on physical
education and sports science included publications such as descriptions of educational
experiences, research articles, and conceptual papers. To the best of our knowledge, there
are no systematic reviews focusing solely on the implementation of SL programs with
PETE students.
Research on SL for PETE students has become increasingly prominent as a training
resource for students in recent years. Due to its practical nature, there are numerous
publications on the use of SL with this group, but only a few have centred around the im-
plementation of PE programs, included scientific data, or been published in peer-reviewed
The results of the implementation of SL with PETE students tend to relate to three
main elements: the students themselves, the community, and the SL program [26,27].
However, many existing studies focus solely on analyzing students, overlooking commu-
nity participants and the SL program itself. Some authors also establish subcategories
within the analysis of students [28], who analyzed academic, personal, social, and civic
characteristics [6,27,29].
Studies on SL for PETE students continue to be published, but there is no consensus
as to their objectives. There is a need to determine whether SL really works and whether
the results obtained from these interventions are positive. To this end, this review provides
the levels of evidence of a selection of existing studies and analyses the duration of the
interventions, the research methodology used, and the focus of the research: students,
the community, or the SL program.
The purpose of this systematic review is twofold. Firstly, it aims to analyze the
characteristics of studies on the implementation of SL programs with PETE students
that have been published in peer-reviewed journals and to identify their objectives: to
assess the benefits for students and/or community participants, and/or to evaluate the
effectiveness and/or quality of the SL programs themselves. Based on the literature
reviewed, our second objective was to propose guidelines to help the scientific community
to improve the implementation and quality of SL interventions in PETE.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Search Strategy
The search process was carried out following the protocol outlined in the PRISMA
statement. A comprehensive search was conducted in the following databases: Web of
Science (WOS), SPORTDiscus (EBSCO), and SCOPUS. Individual searches of all peer-
reviewed studies published between 2013 and 2020 were performed. An 8-year window
was applied to include only the most recent studies involving the implementation of SL
with PETE students. The last search was conducted in November 2020. Search terms
synonymous with “service learning” were used in combination with the search terms
“physical activity” and “physical education”. Searches were conducted in English and
Spanish. Only original articles were included in this study.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 32

onymous with “service learning” were used in combination with the search terms “phys-
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, ical
18, 669
activity” and “physical education”. 3 of 27
Searches were conducted in English and Spanish.
Only original articles were included in this study.

2.2. Selection
2.2. Selection Criteria
Potentially relevant
Potentially relevant studies
studies forforthis
against thethe
following selec-
tion criteria (PRISMA #6) [30]: (a) the study had been published
lection criteria (PRISMA #6) [30]: (a) the study had been published in an internationalin an international peer-
reviewed journal;
peer-reviewed (b) the
journal; (b)study included
the study the implementation
included the implementation of SLof with PETEPETE
SL with students;
(c) the study reported on the implementation of PE, PA, or sports
dents; (c) the study reported on the implementation of PE, PA, or sports interventions; interventions; (d) a full-
(d) full-textwas available
version was in Englishin
available and/or
and/or Theses, chapters,
Theses, bookand articles
and articleson focusing
the discussion
on the of methodological
discussion strategies were
of methodological excluded
strategies werefrom this review
excluded from
because their methodological designs lacked empirical rigour. Duplicates
this review because their methodological designs lacked empirical rigour. Duplicates were discarded.
The study
were selection
discarded. The process consisted
study selection of screening
process theoftitles
consisted and abstracts
screening the titlesidentified
and abstractsdur-
ing the search. Potentially relevant full-text studies were independently
identified during the search. Potentially relevant full-text studies were independently checked for eligi-
bility byfor
checked two researchers.
eligibility by two Discrepancies in the selection
researchers. Discrepancies in of
thethe articlesofwere
selection resolved
the articles wereby
resolved by discussion.
A flow
A flow chart
chart was
was prepared
prepared basedbased onon the
the recommendations
recommendations listed listed in
in the
statement. AAtotal
statement. totalofof303
retrieved from
literature search.
search.Of these,
Of these,234
studies were discarded for failing to meet the inclusion criteria, leaving
234 studies were discarded for failing to meet the inclusion criteria, leaving 38 potentially 38 potentially rel-
evant studies.
relevant studies.TheThefullfull
texts of these
texts studies
of these were
studies examined
were examined in greater detail.
in greater A total
detail. of 26
A total
of 26
of them failedfailed
of them to meet tothe inclusion
meet criteria.criteria.
the inclusion As a result,
As aaresult,
total ofa 31 articles
total of 31were included
articles were
in the systematic
included review. Figure
in the systematic review.1 shows
Figure the sampling
1 shows process used.
the sampling process used.

Figure 1. Flow
Figure 1. Flow chart
chart of
of the
the sampling
sampling process.

2.3. Data Extraction and Reliability

Data extraction was carried out independently and consistently by two reviewers
(A.N. and R.P-O), who read all the titles and abstracts. Discrepancies were discussed until a
consensus was reached. The studies were summarized, and the potentially relevant papers
were screened for retrieval. Pilot test forms were used to extract data from the studies.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 669 4 of 27

A content analysis of the articles included in this review was also performed. Subsequently,
the data were discussed and confirmed by the researchers. The following categories were
defined a priori using the method suggested by Harris et al. [31]: authors; journal; year;
name of study; location; objectives; sample size; participant profile; duration of study; data
sources; methodological analysis; results.

2.4. Quality Assessment and Level of Evidence

The criteria for assessing the quality of the studies included were adapted to the
Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) Statement [32] as used by Pozo,
Grao-Cruces, and Pérez-Ordás [33]. The quality assessment criteria were: (a) the SL
intervention was implemented with PETE students; (b) the number of participants in the
study; (c) the journal in which the article was published is included in the Journal Citation
Reports; (d) the duration of implementation; (e) a description of the methodological process
was included. Each item was rated from 0 to 2, as shown in Table 1. The overall quality
of each study was assessed by adding the number of positive elements together (with the
overall score ranging from 0 to 10). Studies with a total score of 7 or higher were considered
to be of high quality (HQ); studies with a total score of 4–6 were considered to be of
average quality (AQ); studies with a total score lower than 4 were considered to be of
low quality (LQ). Quality was assessed by two reviewers independently. Discrepancies
in the assessment of the studies were discussed by the two reviewers until a consensus
was reached.
The risk of bias is difficult to ascertain in qualitative, social science studies. Version
5.1.0 of the Cochrane handbook emphasizes that, in many situations, it is not practical or
possible to blind participants or study staff in the intervention group.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 669 5 of 27

Table 1. List of studies included and quality level.

Study Description of the Program Number of Participants Included in JCR/SJR Duration of the Program Description of the Methodology Overall Score Quality Level
An [34] 2 0 (n = 10) 1 2 1 6 AQ
Bruce [35] 0 2 (n = 32) 1 0 1 4 LQ
Capella et al. [36] 1 0 (n = 4) 1 2 2 6 AQ
Capella et al. [26] 0 0 (n = 4) 1 2 2 5 AQ
Capella et al. [37] 1 2 (n = 32) 1 2 2 8 HQ
Capella et al. [38] 1 2 (n = 96) 1 2 2 8 HQ
Capella et al. [39] 1 2 (n = 96) 1 2 2 8 HQ
Chiva-Bartoll et al. [40] 1 2 (n = 108) 2 2 2 9 HQ
Chiva-Bartoll et al. [29] 1 2 (n = 149) 1 2 2 8 HQ
Chiva-Bartoll et al. [41] 1 2 (n = 169) 1 0 1 5 AQ
Chiva-Bartoll et al. [42] 1 2 (n = 104) 1 0 2 6 AQ
Douglas et al. [43] 2 0 (n = 10) 0 2 2 6 AQ
Du Toit [44] 1 2 (n = 140) 1 2 1 7 HQ
Franco-Solà and Figueras [45] 2 0 (n = unknown) 1 0 2 5 AQ
Galvan et al. [46] 1 1 (n = 16) 2 0 2 6 AQ
Gil-Gómez et al. [27] 0 2 (n = 346) 2 2 2 8 HQ
Giles et al. [47] 0 2 (n = 42) 1 2 2 7 HQ
Heo et al. [48] 2 2 (n = 142) 1 2 2 8 HQ
Lamoneda [49] 2 2 (n = 50) 0 2 2 8 HQ
Lleixà and Ríos [50] 1 0 (n = 10) 0 2 2 5 AQ
MacPhail and Sohun [10] 2 2 (n = 68) 2 2 1 9 HQ
Martínez et al. [51] 1 2 (n = 25) 1 2 2 8 HQ
Marttinen et al. [11] 2 0 (n = 9) 2 2 1 7 HQ
Santos et al. [52] 1 2 (n = 32) 1 2 1 7 HQ
Peralta et al. [53] 2 2 (n = 55) 1 2 2 9 HQ
Ruiz et al. [54] 1 2 (n =23) 2 0 2 7 HQ
Ward et al. [55] 2 0 (n = 8) 2 0 2 6 AQ
Webster et al. [56] 2 1 (n = 18) 2 2 2 9 HQ
Wilkinson et al. [57] 1 0 (n = 6) 2 2 2 7 HQ
Willard and Crandall [58] 2 2 (n = 27) 0 0 2 6 AQ
Woodruff and Sinelnikov [59] 0 2 (n =50) 2 0 2 6 AQ

Parameter 1: did the study provide a detailed description of the SL implementation program? 0: not included; 1: description included, but it is short and imprecise; 2: detailed description included. Parameter 2:
number of participants: 0: from 1–10 participants; 1: from 11 to 20 participants; 2: more than 20 participants. Parameter 3: the article is included in JCR (Journal Citation Research): 0: not included; 1: included in
Scimago Journal Rank (SJR); 2: included in JCR. Parameter 4: duration of the intervention: 0: less than 3 months; 2: more than 4 months. Parameter 5: did the study inform about the methodological process
applied? 1: informed but incomplete; 2: informed.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 669 6 of 27

3. Results
3.1. Duration of the Intervention Programs
The duration of the interventions ranged from 2 weeks [55] to 4 years [48]. In some
studies, the exact duration of the intervention was specified, as in Ruiz et al. [54] who indi-
cate that SL intervention was structured in two 40-min weekly sessions and was 10-weeks

3.2. Methodology and Analysis

The interventions included in this review followed three distinctive methodological
approaches: qualitative (21/31), quantitative (2/31) and mixed (9/31). Studies analyz-
ing the results from PETE students used all three types of methodology. Five studies
used experimental and control groups: Chiva-Bartoll et al. [40], Chiva-Bartoll et al. [29],
and Capella et al. [38] used a mixed methods approach, while Chiva-Bartoll et al. [42]
and Willard and Crandall [58] used quantitative methods.
In qualitative studies, both inductive and deductive study designs were found (21).
Several data collection procedures, including interviews (10), self-reflection journals (13),
reflective reports (5), focus groups (8), literature reviews (1), videos (3), life stories or
biographical records (2), observations and field notes (6), and observation sheets (3),
were used. Questionnaires intended for trainees were used in the only study adopting
quantitative methods [58]. Mixed methods were also employed (9). The instruments used
were questionnaires (8), interviews (5), self-reflection journals (4), reflective reports (4),
literature reviews (1), life stories or biographical records (2), observations and field notes (1),
focus group (1) and test (1). The most frequently used instruments in these designs were
questionnaires analyzing the skills acquired by PETE students.

3.3. Summary of the Results

The objectives of the different studies focused on: the benefits of SL programs for
PETE students; the benefits of SL programs for the community and the effectiveness and
quality of the SL programs.
The most common objective in studies on SL for PETE students was to analyze how
SL affected PETE students’ training. A total of 30 studies analyzed the influence of SL on
PETE students (29/31); however, other studies had a twofold objective: they also analyzed
the benefits of SL programs for community participants (4/31) or the quality of the SL
program (3/31).

3.3.1. The Benefits of SL Programs for PETE Students (29/31)

The total number of PETE students in the SL interventions was 1872, ranging from
4 [26,36] to 346 [27].
Three types of benefits for PETE students’ skills were identified in the studies: 1. pro-
fessional skills; 2. social and personal skills and 3. other.

Professional Skills (21/31)

The studies focusing on the effects of SL for PETE students analyzed professional
skills training (21/31), including generic, academic and professional skills. Lamoneda [49]
observed improvements to communication, planning, and organizational skills.
With regards to the pedagogical skill of reflective teaching, improvements in technical
content and methodological strategies were also identified [27,36]. Capella et al. [36]
indicated that SL improved future training, awareness of the value of practical training, and
learning about PETE practice (conflict management, adaptability, feedback, and evaluation).
SL contributed to the learning of participating students in general [48,50,57].
Heo et al. [48] found that students acquired a greater understanding of the subject, an im-
proved ability to analyze problems, and improved skills and classroom material resources
for application to real problems. Wilkinson et al. [57] confirmed that participants learned
to combine theory and practice and that the project had a positive impact on their profes-
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 669 7 of 27

sional development as a result of their participation in applied learning, their work in a

multidisciplinary environment, and their support of the community.
Capella et al. [38,39] compared the development of teaching competence among PETE
students using two intervention methods from the same SL program. Two groups of
PETE students exhibited significant differences in their dedication to the SL program in
terms of duration and intensity. The authors provided significant evidence of enhanced
teaching competence among students with greater dedication to the SL program. In the
same vein, Marttinen et al. [11], Galván et al. [46], and Du Toit [44] concluded that the SL
program improved students’ pedagogical knowledge and professional skills. Franco-Solà
and Figueras [45] assessed teaching skills using the Framework for 21st Century Learning
and found that SL helped to improve cognitive, emotional, and social competences among
PETE students.
Other studies assessed the acquisition of professional skills from SL with specific pop-
ulations (17/31) such as cognitively impaired individuals [52,55], children with disabilities
special educational needs [27,34,38,39,43,45,59] children with attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder [51], others diversity as cultural dimension, low SES schools, disadvantaged pop-
ulation, minority groups [10,11,35,42,47,52] and older adults [54,58]. Surprisingly, Willard
and Crandall [58] found no increase in students’ knowledge of PA and attitudes towards PA
with older adults. When comparing the SL intervention with the control groups, the main
effect was not statistically significant, with both groups showing no significant increase in
their knowledge of ageing (λ = 0.979, F(1,24) = 0.531, p = 0.473, = 0.021).
Chiva-Bartoll et al. [41] studied children with special educational needs and obtained
an inclusive, critical educational experience that allowed them to link theory and practice
in a particularly effective way. In turn, Ruiz et al. [54] reported findings related to academic
and professional learning when working with older adults.

Social (18/31) and Personal Skills (8/31)

Other objectives were to assess the acquisition of social attitudes and skills and
personal skills. The studies focusing on these objectives are shown in Table 2.
According to Capella et al. [26], SL promotes the development of social skills and moral
values. These authors concluded that SL also promotes the development of students’ critical
thinking, reflective capacity, and skills such as conflict management and flexibility. Chiva-
Bartoll et al. [40] found that the two experimental groups significantly improved their social
skills and attitudes, unlike the control group. Statistically significant differences between
the pre-test and the post-test results for the two experimental groups were found: t(40) = 2.9;
p < 0.05 for experimental group I and t(40) = 5.98; p < 0.05 for experimental group II.
As expected, no significant differences between the pre-test and the post-test results for
the control group were found: t(40) = 1.11; p > 0.05. Chiva-Bartoll et al. [29] also found
significant differences (t(106) = 2.94; p < 0.05) in the overall results of the experimental group
in the Effective Personality Test for University Students (in which ‘effective personality’ is
understood as a construct whereby personality traits are related to effective behaviours in
professional or academic contexts). Heo et al. [48] found that PETE students developed
their empathy skills with SL. These students built relationships with older adults (their
community participants) and were less likely to hold negative stereotypes towards them.
By contrast, Lamoneda [49] analyzed PETE students’ friendliness, involvement, teamwork,
listening skills, and support during the SL program. According to Webster et al. [56], SL can
offer opportunities for PETE students to develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes useful
for leadership roles. The results of Wilkinson et al. [57] suggest that SL is a contemporary
caring pedagogy that prepares future teachers for the realities and challenges of a changing
world. Willard and Crandall [58] assumed that contact with older adults would result in
more positive student attitudes and greater knowledge of ageing, but failed to find positive
results in this case. Finally, Martínez et al. [51] analyzed the influence of SL on students’
social participation and highlighted the importance of the latter among the impacts of the
SL methodology.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 669 8 of 27

Table 2. Objectives of the studies.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
An [34] x x
Bruce [35] x
Capella et al. [36] x x
Capella et al. [26] x
Capella et al. [37] x x
Capella et al. [38] x
Capella et al. [39] x
Chiva-Bartoll et al. [40] x
Chiva-Bartoll et al. [29] x
Chiva-Bartoll et al. [41] x x x x
Chiva-Bartoll et al. [42] x x
Douglas et al. [43] x x
Du Toit [44] x x x
Franco-Solà and Figueras [45] x x
Galvan et al. [46] x x
Gil-Gómez et al. [27] x x
Giles et al. [47] x
Heo et al. [48] x x
Lamoneda [49] x x x x
Lleixà and Ríos [50] x x x
MacPhail and Sohun [10] x
Martínez et al. [51] x x x
Marttinen et al. [11] x x
Santos et al. [52] x
Peralta et al. [53] x x
Ruiz-Montero et al. [54] x x x x x x
Ward et al. [55] x x
Webster et al. [56] x x x
Wilkinson et al. [57] x x
Willard and Crandall [58] x x
Woodruff and Sinelnikov [59] x x
Note: PETE: 1. Professional skills; 2. Personal skills; 3. Social skills; 4. Others; COMMUNITY: 5. Physical skills; 6. Social skills; 7. Personal
skills; SL PROGRAMME: 8. Effectiveness and quality.

Chiva-Bartoll et al. [41,42] studied values, personal attitudes, and/or personal life
plans, concluding that SL promotes subjective happiness and pro-social attitudes [42].
Ruiz et al. [54] analyzed social sensitivity and disconfirmation of negative stereotypes,
satisfaction and personal growth, and desire for social justice, resulting in relevant items
for PETE students. Capella et al. [37] reported that SL promoted social entrepreneurship
skills in PETE, which represents a highly valuable, innovative educational experience on a
personal and social level. Bruce [35] pointed out that SL helps students to become more
open and ethically responsible towards others.

Other (8/31)
Two studies analyzed changes in PETE students’ identities [27,51]. According to their
results, SL is a source of positive feelings that prompt change in students and their values,
one of the most prominent of which is empathy.
Martínez et al. [51], Peralta et al. [53], and Lleixà and Ríos [50] studied the acquisition
of cultural training and understanding (3/31). Martínez et al. [51] concluded that SL also
helped students to overcome stereotypes, contextualize their training, learn to approach
PE as a resource for social intervention, and improve their communication and decision-
making skills. Peralta et al. [53] reported that PETE students’ perception of their cultural
competence had also improved. Differences in pre-service teachers’ perceptions of their
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 669 9 of 27

cultural competence had improved from baseline (M = 59.59; SD = 8.25) to follow-up

(M = 69.89; SD = 8.70) and were statistically significant (t(54) = −6.81; p < 0.001). Gil-
Gómez et al. [27] found that PETE students showed a limited understanding of cultural
competence. In turn, Lleixà and Ríos [50] viewed the experience as highly positive, as it
exposed students to a reality that is often socially stigmatized and difficult to access.
Ruiz et al. [54] analyzed social sensitivity and disconfirmation of negative stereotypes,
satisfaction and personal growth, and desire for social justice. In turn, Capella et al. [37]
assessed social entrepreneurship skills, while Giles et al. [47] studied emotions in PETE
students. In this case, positive views and emotions prevailed among students. The joy
of feeling valued and loved by children, as well as welcomed and respected by teachers,
was particularly emphasized. Negative emotions became positive, which helped students
to build their professional identity through reflection and self-criticism.

3.3.2. The Benefits of SL Programs for the Community

Only four studies focused on community participants, but their objective was twofold:
to analyze the benefits of SL programs for PETE students and the community [46,50,54,56].
These studies analyzed elementary and middle school participants, older adults, youth,
staff, and parents from a school and inmates.
There are no studies exclusively assessing members of the community. The number
of participants in the SL programs studied here could not be specified because most of
the studies did not report or study them, or because they varied depending on the day or
session [50,56,60].
There were different types of participants: people with special educational needs
(15/31); people with other special characteristics (victims of disasters, individuals of
low socioeconomic status, specific ethnic groups) (8/31); primary and secondary school
children (3/31); the school community as a whole (staff, students, and parents) (1/31);
elderly people (3/31); prisoners (1/31); and others (1/31).
Regarding the implementation of an SL program at a school, Webster et al. [56]
concluded that SL was a viable strategy to increase opportunities for promoting PA among
children, staff, and parents. The benefits of SL for prisoners in Lleixà and Ríos [50]
related primarily to the impact of PA and sport on their socialization, communication,
and personal skills. This study found that SL provided prisoners with the sense of optimism
needed to overcome their deprivation of liberty while also keeping them in touch with
reality, helping them to release tension, increasing their expressive abilities, giving them a
break from their routines, and other benefits related to hygiene and motor and physical
improvements. Ruiz et al. [54] identified four emerging categories among the benefits of
SL with older adults: disconfirmation of negative stereotypes, improvement of physical
function, satisfaction and desire of continuity, and social interaction.

3.3.3. The Effectiveness and Quality of the SL Programs

Three studies analyzed the effectiveness of SL programs [10,49,52]. Lamoneda [49]
focused on whether a sports recreation program during school break times was providing
a good quality service. The following elements were assessed: teachers, facilities, activities,
and relationships with staff. In the overall assessment, the sports promotion services
were considered to be acceptable (3.42 ± 0.5). Regarding the sports initiation program,
there was room for improvement with regard to its duration (2.69 ± 0.9) and the number
of sessions per week (2.44 ± 1.1). In the sports entertainment program, satisfactory results
were obtained for all items. The overall evaluation of the sports promotion services
suggested that the activity was good (4.11 ± 0.6). The aspects to be improved in the sports
entertainment program included updating the activities (3.67 ± 0.7) and increasing the
number of sessions (3.78 ± 0.8). MacPhail and Sohun [10] studied a course-embedded SL
project in a physical education teacher education program to provide a broader, potentially
more critical view of the experience, knowledge, and learning related to our effort to link
service and learning. They concluded that linking academic coursework with community
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 669 10 of 27

service structured through reflective practice is a challenge, and that there is a need to
invest more time so that PETE teachers and students engage in dialogue with one another
focusing specifically on SL. Santos et al. [52] addressed the limitations of SL in the training
of PETE students. They concluded the following: there is a lack of training in project
design, implementation, and evaluation; SL places a heavy workload on PETE students
and teachers; it is difficult to coordinate everyone involved.
Table 3 provides an overview of the data obtained from each of the 31 empirical articles
reviewed: authors, objectives, number of participants, program recipients, instruments
used, research methodology, and main results.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 669 11 of 27

Table 3. General overview of the literature review.

Authors Objectives (Pete) N = Program Recipients Instrument Methodology Results

Three themes emerged from the thematic
analysis: challenging but fulfilling
To explore the influences of SL
experiences, uncovering the qualities and
on the understanding of PETE Semi-structured and
roles of teachers, and transforming
of disability and their learning 22 children with face-to-face interviews,
An [34] 10 Qualitative: case study perceptions of disability and teaching.
of how to teach disabilities reflective journals, visual
Participants perceived the program as
students with disabilities artefacts, and field notes.
supporting their learning of disability and
the teaching of SWDs because it enabled
them to learn in real-life settings.
Qualitative: through
Rather than repressing uncertainty and
To trial a post-critical employingMaxwell and
trauma, this SL project was in essence an
approach to SL within a PETE Miller [61] categorizing
invitation to experience trauma, violence
context and to consider the Community contexts Journal reflections of and connecting the data
and difficult situations, in order that PETE
Bruce [35] extent to which this approach 32 radically different investigator, and PETE analysis method, it was
students as future teachers may consider
may invite PETES into a cultural student journals. coded, compared and then
something of what it means to be in a
radically different encounter generated themes from
position of openness, and ethical
with the Other investigator and student’s
responsibility towards the Other.
journal entries.
(1) To reveal participating
students’ personal traits.
(2) To assess whether SL can
Qualitative: biographical Social skills and values were acquired. The
Capella be used to develop social skills Children with functional Open-ended interviews
4 methods within suitability of life stories as a research tool in
et al. [36] and moral values. diversity with structured questions.
biographical records [62]. this field was verified.
(3) To assess the suitability of
life stories as a tool in SL
educational research.
(1) To verify whether SL
promotes students’ critical SL improved future training, awareness of
Open-ended interviews
Capella thinking skills. Children with functional the value of practical training, and learning
4 with chronological Qualitative: life stories.
et al. [26] (2) To ascertain whether SL is diversity about PETE practice (conflict management,
narration of experiences.
useful for developing practical adaptability, feedback, and evaluation).
skills and PE content.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 669 12 of 27

Table 3. Cont.

Authors Objectives (Pete) N = Program Recipients Instrument Methodology Results

SL promoted SEC in the PE field,
representing an educational experience of
great value on a personal, social and
Quantitative: Social
innovative level. The connection between
the different personal, social and
To examine the effects of a SL Competency Scale [63]
Mixed methods study that innovative aspects that make up the SEC is
Capella project on Social Qualitative:
32 Coaching Corps uses methodological highlighted, pointing out that they were
et al. [37] Entrepreneurship Competency semi-structured and
triangulation. developed jointly and reciprocally. In
(SEC) in PETE students. face-to-face interviews,
addition, it is appreciated that the SL
reflective journals, visual
program caused a very similar impact on
artefacts, and field notes.
the members of the experimental group,
thus pointing to the homogeneity of its
Mixed: Quantitative:
quasi-experimental design
of two non-equivalent
experimental groups
implementing the
To compare the development Mixed methods with TC/MSBLG-R instrument
Quantitative results provide significant
of teaching competency in methodological [64]. Qualitative analysis:
Children with evidence regarding the academic effect of
Capella pre-service teachers of PE triangulation: the by elaborating life
96 motor-functional SL on pre-service teachers while qualitative
et al. [38] through two different TC/MSBLG-R instrument histories of multiple
diversity (n = 150) interpretation complements this view,
modalities of intervention [64] crossed stories. Two
reflecting how this learning was developed.
from the same SL program. and life histories. groups of PETEs: there
were important differences
in their dedication in terms
of duration and intensity.
Group 1: 30 sessions,
Group 2: just 9 sessions.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 669 13 of 27

Table 3. Cont.

Mixed: pretest-postest and

postest-postest. Tests:
The quantitative results provide significant
Cronbach’s alpha,
evidences regarding the promotion of
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test,
teaching competence among students (p <
Mann-Whitney U-test,
0.01), the qualitative interpretation
Mixed methods with Wilcoxon’s signed-rank
complements this view explaining how this
methodological test, and Spearman’s rho.
To compare the development competence was developed. In addition,
triangulation: rubric that A qualitative analysis was
of teaching competence Children with the data transformation highlights a
Capella measures teaching performed on 12 of the
through two modalities of 96 motor-functional remarkable presence of each aspect
et al. [39] competence when interviews using several
intervention from the same SL diversity (n = 150) analyzed in the discourse of the
applying motor and life histories of multiple
program. interviewees. Finally, we conclude that the
expressive games (CDJME) crossed stories. Two types
implementation of the SL program
[26] and life histories. of sampling methods were
enhanced teaching competence of
used to select these
university students, at the same time as
interviews: quota
additional academic learnings were
sampling (four) and
chain-referral sampling
Mixed: interviews and
follow-up journals with a
Effective Personality Test
To analyze the effects of SL on multi-phase approach,
Chiva- for University Students The Effective Personality Test for University
the development of ‘Effective Children with functional open coding, and axial
Bartoll 108 [65]. Semi-structured Students showed significant differences in
Personality’ in the training of diversity coding. Post-test using the
et al. [40] interviews. Follow-up favour of the experimental group.
PE students. Effective Personality Test
for University Students
To improve an SL program to Mixed: Qualitative:
promote the acquisition of interviews and follow-up
The quantitative study showed that, unlike
Chiva- three categories of social skills journals. Quantitative:
Children with physical the control group, both experimental
Bartoll and attitudes: group 149 Questionnaire [66]. quasi-experimental design
disabilities groups improved their social skills and
et al. [29] awareness, engagement and with three non-equivalent
attitudes after the SL program.
group organization skills, and groups. Questionnaire
communication skills. [66].
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 669 14 of 27

Table 3. Cont.

To analyze: the impact of the

program SL had in PETE from
an inclusive perspective
SL had a positive impact on PETEs’
(technical dimension);
training, helping them to have an inclusive
learnings about diversity of Qualitative: reflective
and critical educational experience that
Chiva- the children (cultural journals were used as an
116 children with special allowed them to link theory and practice in
Bartoll dimension); interpretation of 169 Reflective journals instrument to gather
educational needs a truly operative way. They support the
et al. [41] the social distribution of information from their
adequacy of proposing critical perspectives
power (political dimension); experiences.
both in the research and in the application
their scales of values, personal
of SL programs.
attitudes, and/or personal life
plans (post-structural
quasi-experimental design
of two non-equivalent
Subjective Happiness
groups (experimental and
Scale, the Prosocial and
control) with pre-test and
Civic Competence SL only had a significant influence on SH
To analyze the effects of a SL post-test measures to
questionnaire, and the when the students compared themselves
program on the subjective compare how the
Chiva- Impact of SL during Initial with their peers. The effect of SL on
happiness (SH), prosocial Disadvantaged participation in a SL
Bartoll 104 Training of PA and Sports promoting PB and PL perceived was
behaviour (PB), and population program based on PA
et al. [42] questionnaire significant in several of their dimensions
professional learning (PL) promotion affected the SH,
(IMAPS-AFD-FI is a and there are a correlation of the perceived
perceptions of PETE students. PB, and PL of PETE
validated tool to analyze PL with the PB than with the SH.
students. In addition, to
SL experiences in the
deepen on the analysis, the
context of PE [67].
correlations among these
variables were also
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 669 15 of 27

Table 3. Cont.

Qualitative: data from

reflective participant
narratives and a
To explore the meaning that semi-structured The findings present profiles of preservice
disability-related simulations focus-group interview teachers’ perceptions of disability and
had on preservice teachers’ were collected, transcribed learning outcomes, and highlight the
Reflective participant
perceptions of individuals and thematically analyzed potential impact disability- related
Douglas People with disability narratives and a
with disabilities and to what 10 to reveal five themes: simulations can have for preservice
et al. [43] and diversity semi-structured
extent these experiences perceived treatment, teachers to gain empathy for impairment,
focus-group interview
changed their beliefs and mobility challenges, and the resulting development of more
values about teaching students meta-perceptions, changes thoughtful approaches to teaching students
with disabilities in PE. in perceptions of with disabilities in PE.
impairment, and future
impact on teaching
students with disabilities.
The results show that pre-service and
To investigate the benefits and
Mixed: qualitative data in-service teachers perceived the program
challenges experienced by
Pre-school and primary were analyzed using an as beneficial to all role players. Unique
pre-service and in-service
Du Toit school in a low- to Reflections, interviews and interpretive approach, contributions of this study lie in the
teachers in a SL (PETE), in a 140
[44] middle socio-economic questionnaires while quantitative data experiences of the teachers that the barriers
South African school setting of
area were analyzed using of teacher incompetence and a lack of PE
unqualified PE teachers and a
descriptive statistics. equipment were overcome due to the SL
lack of PE equipment.
To assess teaching skills using Applying learning content in real situations
the Framework for 21st makes SL and PE a pedagogically
Century Learning. To collect consistent and reciprocally useful dyad.
Franco- evidence of the effectiveness Hospital Guttmann: University teaching experiments
Qualitative: rubrics with
Solà and of SL in the acquisition of children with low Rubrics, reflective journals demonstrate the potential of SL
unknown Likert scales, journals and
Figueras competences linked to specific mobility and functional and videos methodology, which activates student
[45] learning and innovation skills, diversity learning in all its dimensions: cognitive,
as well as personal and emotional, and social. Acquiring
professional development knowledge through real-life practice
skills. transforms knowledge into competence.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 669 16 of 27

Table 3. Cont.

(participants’) data
consisted of a
pretest–posttest design to
To answer: (a) what benefits, if
determine the effect of a
any, did the children and Findings revealed a significant
fitness training program
adolescents gain from improvement in cardiorespiratory
FITNESSGRAM one-mile on cardiorespiratory
participating in the SL Elementary and middle endurance among students, while
Galvan run test and journal endurance.
program? and (b) Did the 16 school participants n = qualitative data provide evidence of
et al. [46] reflections, and focus FITNESSGRAM one-mile
integration of teaching models 50 increases in general pedagogical content,
group interviews. run test to measure
in a SL course enhance the knowledge of curriculum, and knowledge
knowledge base for teaching of educational contexts among teachers.
endurance. Qualitative:
among preservice educators?
(PETE students)
qualitative data preservice
teacher’s journal
reflections, two focus
group interviews.
To analyze the contribution of
(1) To technical content and
SL allowed pre-service teachers to acquire
methodological strategies.
skills that improved teaching competency,
(2) To technical knowledge
especially when working with children
that SL offers pre-service
Children with special Qualitative: Butin’s model with SEN. SL increased cultural
Gil- teachers with respect to
educational needs or Individual diaries, focus structure [68]. Data coding understanding of disability, had an impact
Gómez teaching children with special 346
limited motor groups. software and groups of on the identity of pre-service teachers, and
et al. [27] educational needs.
development experts were used. led to changes in their conception of
(3) How SL contributes to their
socio-cultural reality, especially in
cultural understanding of
understanding disability.
(4) How SL produces changes
in pre-service teachers’
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 669 17 of 27

Table 3. Cont.

Positive views and emotions prevailed

among students. The joy of feeling valued
and loved by children, as well as welcomed
Reflective journals from Qualitative: analysis and respected by teachers, was particularly
To analyze the emotions
the identification of the model in a categorical emphasized. Negative emotions became
Giles et al. experienced by undergraduate Schools in contexts of
42 critical incidents approach to the emotions positive, which helped students to build
[47] students enrolled in the SL social exclusion
experienced throughout it narrated by the their professional identity through
[69,70]. participants. reflection and self-criticism. However, the
fear of failure and of being unable to rise to
the occasion remains latent and can
sometimes cause anxiety.
The students developed relationships with
To explore the learning Qualitative: reflective older adults, were less likely to negatively
outcomes of undergraduate essays and content stereotype them, and realized the
Heo et al. Individuals aged 50 and
students who facilitated a 142 Reflective essays. analysis including importance of maintaining an active
[48] older
sporting event for older comparisons, contrasts, lifestyle. Self-esteem and a sense of social
adults. and categorizations [71]. responsibility may have also been
Mixed: qualitative analysis
and a post-intervention
(1) To assess whether SL (self-assessment, teacher
contributed positively to PETE training report, and an
Questionnaire about SL was considered to be suitable for this
students’ academic learning analysis of the activity’s
quality in PA programs purpose because of its contributions to
Lamoneda and general skills. Primary and secondary contributions to
50 (ICPAF) [72]. General instructor training and general skills.
[49] (2) To explore whether sports education students competence development).
skills: ad hoc Limitations in service quality were
recreation programs during Quantitative analysis: the
questionnaire. identified.
break times offered good ICPAF questionnaire [72]
quality services. and an ad hoc
questionnaire for
measuring students’
general skills.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 669 18 of 27

Table 3. Cont.

Qualitative: focus groups

(11 participants and 8 The impact of PA on inmates’ socialization
(1) To determine the impact of Individual diaries, focus inmates) and field diaries. was demonstrated by improvements to
SL on inmates; groups sessions, Two focus groups; one communication and personal skills. The
and Ríos 10 Inmates (N = 8)
(2) to evaluate student semi-structured semi-structured interview students gained knowledge, relating
learning. interviews. with a representative of especially to the contextualization of
the prison officers; and learning.
students’ field diaries.
Qualitative: due to the The coding of the data provided rich
qualitative nature of the evidence on the extent to which the
Sport partnership data, interviews, focus relationship among three main elements of
organization (Target groups, narrative SL that is, academic coursework,
groups included young responses and open-ended community service and reflective practice
people, older adults, questions from the [74], resulted in a meaningful, relevant and
To interrogate a minority sports groups, Interviews, focus groups, course-specific survey worthwhile SL experience for the PETE.
course-embedded SL project 68 disability groups, short narrative responses were analyzed using Meaningful interaction among the three is
in PETE disadvantaged and course-specific survey. thematic content analysis. necessary for the effective fulfilment of
communities, sports Approaching the study each and this is strongly conveyed in the
clubs, walking groups, inductively, the authors results that follow under the headings of:
teenage girls, schools considered the data in (a) relevance (or not) of the course
and the unemployed) detail using an ‘open’ outcomes to the different stakeholders; (b)
coding system to develop SL activity in the community; and (c)
the initial categories [73]. delivery of the course.
(1) To analyze the technical
knowledge of ADHD offered
by SL. Technical, cultural, and identity-related
(2) To assess the contributions Qualitative: focus group aspects improved, but there were
made by SL to cultural sessions following Butin’s limitations in terms of social participation.
Children with
Martínez understanding of diversity. model of categorical Teaching skills, academic skills, self-efficacy,
25 attention-deficit Focus group diaries.
et al. [51] (3) To analyze the influence of content analysis [68]. and problem-solving skills improved.
hyperactivity disorder
SL on students’ social Written reflections [75] and There was a greater understanding of the
participation. focus group sessions. abilities, interests, and needs of children
(4) To assess changes in with ADHD.
students’ identities after the
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 669 19 of 27

Table 3. Cont.

To understand the Three themes emerged from the data analysis.

experiences of PETE Theme 1—developing pedagogies in
students a SL program. A total of 11 real-world settings. Theme 2—connecting with
The research questions semi-structured students and learning how to manage behavior.
that guided this research interviews [76] and Theme 3—teaching in a low SES school: a
were: (1) how does an weekly journal that was wake-up call. Pre-service teachers in this study
Marttinen afterschool SL program completed on Google were able to practice their pedagogy in a
Students at a low
et al. that utilizes pre-service 9 Docs where each PST Qualitative: case study. real-world environment and gain valuable
SES school.
[11] teachers develop students’ was given access to experience in developing classroom and
pedagogy? (2) What are contribute to a behaviour management skills. This program
the experiences of running document to provides a model for a SL approach where
pre-service teachers give their reflection of pre-service students can practice and refine
teaching in low SES the week their teaching skills through extended
schools through a SL involvement in an after-school program that
approach? served students in a low SES community.
Qualitative: Teachers. Teacher’s
journal: this is an open-ended
instrument for collecting
information on the SL experience
(initial stage, diagnosis,
intervention, and evaluation) and
assessing the strengths and
weaknesses detected, as well as
providing recommendations for
Three important points are highlighted: (1) the
lack of training and experience of university
Students. Group interviews in
To know and analyze the University students students in the design, implementation, and
Santos PETES 30 Teacher journal, group which all members of the working
limitations that SL with intellectual evaluation of sports and physical activity
et al. TEACHERS interviews and journals group participated. These were
presents in PETES training disabilities projects; (2) the high workload for both
[52] 2 PETE students. conducted at the end of the project
in the university context (n = 61) teachers and students; and (3) the difficulty of
to assess the strengths and
coordinating programs, teachers and students,
weaknesses of the project and the
and students themselves.
learning process.
A portfolio (individual and group
journal) compiling the different
tasks students carried out, as well as
an individual and group journal
with students’ experiences
analyzing the difficulties
encountered and their potential
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 669 20 of 27

Table 3. Cont.

(1) To explore students’

expectations prior to an SL Individual interviews, Mixed: quantitative data. The
program with the group interviews, Multicultural Teaching Competency
Peralta Students’ perceptions of their own cultural
Aboriginal community. literature reviews, Scale [77]. Qualitative data from
et al. 55 Native community competence, knowledge, skills, and attitudes
(2) To assess pre-service journals, the formal interviews, individual and
[53] improved.
teachers’ cultural Multicultural Teaching group reflections, and focus group
knowledge, skills, and Competency Scale [77]. interviews.
teaching abilities.
The following categories emerged from PETE
Qualitative: PETE: journals students: social sensitivity and disconfirmation
To analyze the effects of an
Reflective journals were followed a semi-structured scheme, of negative stereotypes, academic and
intergenerational SL
used for PETE students in which there were open questions professional learnings, satisfaction and
Ruiz program from the
and to expose general perceptions and personal growth, and desire for social justice.
et al. complementary 23 20 older adults
semi-structured group closed ones concerning more From older adults, four complementary
[54] perspective of the different
interviews for older specific learnings. Older adults: categories emerged: disconfirmation of
agents involved (students
adults. three semi-structured group negative stereotypes, improvement of physical
and older adults).
interviews whit open questions function, satisfaction and desire of continuity,
and social interaction.
Qualitative: formal interviews
Children from the Formal interviews,
To explore PETE students supported by secondary data The SL programs had potential for training PE
Ward Pacific islands with videos of planning,
experiences of cognitive sources including videos of teachers, guiding them in their professional
et al. 8 a low-middle videos of teaching,
disequilibrium theory planning, videos of teaching, videos work, and providing opportunities for them to
[55] socioeconomic videos of reflection
during a SL project. of reflection sessions, and informal teach in diverse, authentic situations.
status sessions.
(1) To examine PETE
students SL experiences of
Qualitative: focus group interviews,
planning and
written reflections, field notes, and
implementing This study provided insight into the feasibility
Webster Youth, staff, and Interviews, observation artifacts. Constant comparison
comprehensive PA course of the SL program with PE students and
et al. 18 parents from a sheets, contributions techniques and triangulation.
assignments at a school. revealed promising aspects and potential
[56] school from teachers. Inductive analysis, grouping of
(2) To promote PA before, problems regarding its implementation.
concepts obtained from the data,
during, and after school
and open and axial coding methods.
for youth, staff, and
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 669 21 of 27

Table 3. Cont.

The SL project motivated students to devote

Videotaped individual
To explore the experiences Children with their careers to teaching. Students learned how
semi-structured Qualitative: phenomenological
Wilkinson of PETE students in a SL attention-deficit to merge teaching theory and methods in
6 interviews. Participants’ reduction, data coding, and subject
[57] project for children with hyperactivity practice. Working in a multidisciplinary
unit plans, lesson plans, identification [78].
ADHD. disorder manner and helping the community had an
and written reflections.
impact on students.
(1) To examine the effects
No significant differences between the
Willard of SL on PE students. (2) Demographic Quantitative: t-tests and Pearson
experimental group and the control groups
and To assess whether contact questionnaire, Palmore’s chi-squared tests. Comparisons
were found. It was concluded that it would be
Cran- with older adults would 27 Older people Facts on Aging Quiz between the experimental group
more enriching to conduct mixed methods
dall result in more positive (PAQ) [79], Fraboni Scale and the control groups were made
research in which qualitative data were also
[58] attitudes towards this of Ageism (FSA). using analysis of variance.
3 distinct stages of development emerged
illustrating students’ progression during SL:
To examine what the
anticipation, familiarization, and commitment.
students learning to teach
Qualitative: To analyze the The duration of each phase seemed to be
young adults with
formal interviews (100), qualitative data, we took a unique to each student. Establishing and
Woodruff disabilities consider
informal interviews, grounded theory approach [73] and developing relationships were perceived as the
and meaningful when teaching
young adults with critical incident reports conducted content analysis of most meaningful experience while
Sinel- and how perceptions 50
disabilities (n = 24) (312), formalized formal and informal interviews, communication and effective teaching
nikov regarding disabilities
reflections (50), and critical incidents, formalized strategies were most challenging. Critical
[59] evolve during a field
direct observation (64). reflections, and field notes from reflection ensures that students advance from
experience that
observations. anticipation and familiarization to
incorporates SL and
commitment, which constitutes change, not
critical reflection
only in attitude and understanding, but in
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 669 22 of 27

4. Discussion
The purpose of this systematic review was twofold: to analyze the characteristics of
studies on the implementation of SL programs with PETE students and, in view of the
shortcomings identified, to propose future lines of research on SL in PETE. The results from
the first study objective can be grouped into three categories: the benefits of SL programs
for PETE students, the benefits of SL programs for the community, the effectiveness and
quality of the SL programs. In this review, most studies (29 studies) focused on students,
while four focused on community participants. Only three studies examined the effective-
ness and quality of services provided in the SL program. These data are consistent with
research in other areas, where the community is outside the scope of the study [7,80,81].
In addition, results focusing on PETE students were classified into three types of benefits
or skills: professional skills; social and personal skills; and other skills (identity, vocational
skills, cultural competence, emotions, etc.). This classification is very similar to that used
by other authors [51], who refer to skills as competencies. This review found that 28 of
the 31 selected studies reported positive results in the acquisition of professional, social,
and personal skills by PETE students. These data are in line with the conclusions of meta-
analyses of SL programs in other fields (nursing, medicine, social work) with participants
at different educational levels (primary, secondary, and higher education, and vocational
training) [82–84]. Celio et al. [82] conducted a meta-analysis of 62 studies with 11,837 stu-
dents who participated in SL interventions and made significant progress in five outcome
areas: personal and academic skills, attitudes towards school and learning, civic engage-
ment, and social engagement, all of which are consistent with the findings identified in this
study. SL helped to promote the development of social, moral, and personal skills, and the
findings in this review coincide with those of Yorio and Ye [84]. Their review of 40 studies
involving business and management scholars reported the effects of SL on understanding
social issues, social awareness and sensitivity, perception of disabled individuals, interper-
sonal skills, ethical and moral values, responsibility, community engagement, and personal
insight. The findings in this review are also consistent with Puig [85], who views SL as a
methodology promoting improved social relationships. This improvement occurs in the
following ways: through collaboration between colleagues in community service tasks,
by improving relationships between participants, by contributing to the common good,
and through citizen participation. SL enables a cultural shift towards values such as soli-
darity, social cohesion, equality, environmental engagement, and social responsibility. Only
one of the studies obtained unexpected results concerning the acquisition of knowledge
and attitudes towards PA with older adults [58]. Interestingly, this was one of the two
studies using a quantitative method. This raises the question of whether an exclusively
quantitative approach is appropriate for this type of research.
In this review, only four studies analyzed the benefits of SL programs for the commu-
nity. SL interventions proved to be positive for the community subjects, and their objectives
were achieved in all the cases studied. These data are consistent with those reported by
Doolittle and Rukavina [86] and Jones et al. [87]. It is clear that SL would be meaningless
without the contribution that it makes to the community [88]. Therefore, studies should
analyze whether the objectives for the community are met and whether the methods used
are appropriate to benefit community participants. Sallis [89] adds that, in order to achieve
real, tangible, long-lasting benefits, multi-level work strategies must be prioritized and
studies must include an analysis of the benefits for the community. Chiva et al. [90] argue
that evaluation of the social impact of SL has been neglected and propose a model for
evaluating the impact of SL in PETE, with special emphasis on its social dimension.
In this review, only three authors [10,49,52] analyzed the effectiveness of the SL
program and focused on assessing the quality of the service provided. Lamoneda [49],
assessed: teachers, facilities, activities, and relationships with staff. According to the
results, the duration of the program and the number of sessions needed to be improved,
corroborating the findings of Conway et al. [83], who examined the impact of specific
elements of the program (moderators) on the degree of change seen in participants. Other
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 669 23 of 27

researchers also emphasize that the duration, structured reflections, and number of service
hours offered by SL programs should be improved [12]. In this vein, Eyler et al. [91] and
Tannenbaum and Berrett [92] list several sources demonstrating the benefits of increasing
the intensity and duration of SL programs [93]. In turn, Santos et al. [52] have designed
and validated a scale for evaluating SL programs with PETE students to standardize their
evaluation and validate their quality and effectiveness.
Regarding the second objective of this research, analysis of the results of the studies
has allowed us to identify several potential lines of work to ensure that SL programs in
PETE produce better outcomes for all stakeholders, which may become possible lines of
research. It is essential to analyze all the actors involved in SL programs in PETE. There is
a lack of research assessing community participants, which is consistent with studies [94],
who authored an article focusing exclusively on this shortcoming in SL programs. It seems
contradictory to implement programs with the aim of helping the community and neglect
to evaluate whether these objectives are actually attained. The effectiveness of SL is
only relevant if the community objectives are met [10,91], requiring examination of these
objectives in order to confirm this effectiveness. Lleixà and Ríos [50] concluded that their
experience demonstrated that interactive dialogue between the different stakeholders in SL
could actively promote collaborative learning. Blouin and Perry [95] noted that there is
a wealth of research reporting numerous pedagogical and personal benefits for students,
such as improved grades, greater civic engagement, and increased understanding and
appreciation of diversity, but there are few studies on the impact of SL on the community.
The quality of the program was only analyzed by three of the studies. We believe that
focusing on program quality would benefit both students and community participants
and that further research is required in this area. The quality of SL programs for PETE
students should be assessed as a determinant of their effectiveness. In addition, Blouin and
Perry [95] discuss obstacles to effective SL: problems related to student behaviour, lack of
communication between instructors, and problems in the organizations themselves. These
quality-related factors should also be considered and studied.
We observed significant heterogeneity in terms of the research methods and techniques
employed, as well as disadvantages in the use of exclusively quantitative methods. For this
reason, we believe that mixed methods are more appropriate. These data are consistent
with those observed in other systematic reviews [51], whose research focused on SL and its
interaction with university social responsibility. Only one in 24 studies used a quantitative
method [96]. Willard and Crandall [58] argue that future researchers should consider the
collection of qualitative data in the form of student reflections, as they are already a crucial
tool in the study of SL.
The limitations of this study are rather similar to those found in reviews of SL in other
fields, such as nursing, medicine, and social work. It is possible that only papers with
positive results were published. The strength of this study lies in its specific analysis of
the implementation of SL programs with PETE students, which had not yet been studied.
With regard to future lines of research, we propose the following: using mixed methods,
coordinating the different stakeholders, and studying community participants and the
quality of the programs themselves as well as students.

5. Conclusions
This article sought to analyze the benefits of SL programs for PETE students and it
is safe to say that, as a learning methodology, SL has excellent potential as a resource for
developing professional, personal, and social skills in PETE students. SL also promotes par-
ticipation in teaching by connecting future PE professionals to the realities and challenges
of a diverse and constantly evolving educational environment. This produces benefits for
the community and connects education to the real world. Teaching, research, and service
objectives can be accomplished by including all stakeholders in the SL process. With respect
to the guidelines to help the scientific community to improve the implementation and
quality of SL interventions in PETE, we believe that further studies are needed to analyze
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 669 24 of 27

all three factors: PETE students, community participants, and program quality. There is a
need for a mixed research methodology that compiles contributions from all stakeholders.
The effectiveness of the studies should also be assessed via longer implementation periods,
as this could result in more objective, controlled measurements and more generalizable

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, R.P.-O. and A.N.; methodology, A.F.-M. and A.G.-C.;
investigation, R.P.-O.; supervision, A.N.; writing—original draft preparation, A.F.-M. and A.G.-C.;
writing—review and editing, R.P.-O., A.F.-M., A.G.-C. and A.N.; All authors have read and agreed to
the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted according to the guidelines of the
Declaration of Helsinki, and approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Andalusian Regional
Government (Andalusia, Spain).
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Data available on request due to restrictions.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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