Trellis RX Summa Health Case Study 2021
Trellis RX Summa Health Case Study 2021
Trellis RX Summa Health Case Study 2021
7,800+ employees
300+ physicians
30 specialties
4 hospitals
2 outpatient pharmacies
Patients received little support from external Although the health system considered building its
pharmacies, leaving many unable to afford and own specialty pharmacy service from the ground
adhere to their therapy regimens. At the same up, leadership recognized the significant expertise
time, care teams spent hours each week handling and investment this would entail. They understood
complicated approval processes, but lacked visibility that it often takes health systems many years to
into whether patients obtained their medications. launch and scale a successful specialty pharmacy
program, which would not support their speed-to-
Summa Health believed offering on-site specialty
market objective.
pharmacy services would enhance the patient
experience, reduce administrative burdens and drive Further, the inherent investment and risk involved
better clinical outcomes for the communities of in building a specialty pharmacy service worried
Northeast Ohio. By August 2018, the health system’s many Summa Health stakeholders. Some companies
leadership team was exploring how to deploy an in- offered to partially supplement Summa Health’s
house program. resources. However, only Trellis Rx supplied the
“Word travels quickly at Summa Health. Initial successes, buy-in, and physician engagement
with Trellis Rx generated so much goodwill that organic demand for clinically-integrated
specialty pharmacy rapidly exceeded our expectations.”
* Net Promoter Score is a standardized index used across industries to measure customers’ willingness to recommend a company’s products
or services to others. NPS gauges customers’ overall brand loyalty and satisfaction. The NPS scale ranges from -100 to 100 with scores over
70 considered world class.
Zitter Patient Net Promoter Score Survey, Q1 2020 Fielding
Arbor® specialty pharmacy technology platform dashboards
Trellis Rx internal analysis using real-world data from customers and other health system specialty pharmacy programs
Limited distribution drug revenue growth based on dispense data from April 2020-April 2021
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(800) 503-5420