Hyperbaric Med
Hyperbaric Med
Hyperbaric Med
2, June 2006
Review Articles
Knowledge of type of the infusion system and its Up to now only one syringe pump is CE marked for usage
construction helps to predict its behaviour under in hyperbaric environment. It is Pilot HYPERBARIC
hyperbaric conditions. Syringe pumps are delivering the (Fresenius Vial S.A.). This pump allows administering
fluid be a mechanical pushing of the piston syringe. fluids from the syringes of volumes 20, 50 or 60 ml with a
European Journal of Underwater and Hyperbaric Medicine, ISSN: 1605-9204 Volume 7 No.2, June 2006
preset rate in a range of 0.1 to 400 ml/hour with a Some other models – even if not CE marked for
possibility to program a bolus. The pump has a 6 V hyperbaric conditions - have been already tested in
battery to be located outside the hyperbaric chamber hyperbaric environment. The list of electrical syringes
ensuring 7 hours of autonomy at 5 ml/h flow. It has been and infusion pumps which have been tested under
tested at 7 ATA. hyperbaric conditions either with positive or negative
results is presented in the Table 1.
Table 1. Electrical syringes and infusion pumps used in multiplace hyperbaric chambers
Electrical syringe / infusion pump Testing conditions and comments Remarks References
Atom 235 (Atom Medical Corporation, Tested to 2.8 ATA. It is a syringe pump. Average reduction OK 4
Tokyo, Japan) in infused volume during the compression phase was 7% of
the pre-compression value.
Ballon Infuser (Baxter, USA) Tested to 2 ATA. It is a balloon-type infuser. The effect of OK 8
increased pressure was minimal.
Baxter Colleague CX (Baxter Tested to 6 ATA. It is a volumetric pump. The volume OK 9
International Inc., USA) error was within the limit of 10%.
Baxter PCA Infusor (Baxter Healthcare Tested to 2.3 ATA. It is a patient-controlled analgesia OK 10
Corporation, Deerfield, IL, USA) infusor. There was increased flow by up to 10% at
increased pressure.
CADD-PCA 5200 PXC (Pharmacia Tested to 1.9 ATA. At 2 ATA it stops functioning. It is a UNSUITABLE 11, 12
Deltec Inc., St Paul, MN, USA) PCA pump. In this case it was used for epidural analgesia.
Coopdeq (Osaka, Japan) Tested to 2 ATA. It is vacuum-type infuser. Pump output UNSUITABLE 8
was approx. doubled at 2 ATA.
DPS (Becton-Dickinson & Company, Tested to 2 ATA. The pump stopped between 2 and 2.1 UNSUITABLE 12, 13
Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA) ATA.
Easy-pump MZ-257 (Lemi-Op Ltd., Tested to 6 ATA. It is a peristaltic infusion pump UNSUITABLE 5
Bnei-Brak, Izrael) controlled by a drip chamber. It failed to function
completely beyond a chamber pressure of 1.4 ATA.
Graseby 3100 (SIMS Graseby, Watford, Tested to 1.6, 2.5 and 6 ATA. It is a syringe pump. It did UNSUITABLE 5, 6
UK) not respond to any of the control button under pressure of
2.5 ATA.
Imed 965 (Alaris Medical Systems, San Tested to 6 ATA. It is a volumetric infusion pump. For the OK 5, 6
Diego, CA, USA) most part a deviation was within 10% (20-40% at the low
infusion rates during compression).
IMED Gemini PC-1 (ALARIS Medical It is a volumetric pump. OK 15
Systems, Inc., USA)
IMED Gemini PC-2TX (ALARIS Tested to 6 ATA. It is a volumetric pump. The greatest OK 15
Medical Systems, Inc., USA) variation in the output was 21%.
Imed series (Life Care, Abbot) It is a volumetric pump. OK 16
Infusion Dynamics Power Infuser It is a volumetric pump. OK 17
(Infusion Dynamics, Inc., USA)
Infutec 520 (Infutec Medical Systems Tested to 6 ATA. It is a volumetric infusion pump. For the OK 5
2000 Ltd., Lod, Israel) most part a deviation was within 10%.
IVAC 770 (IVAC Corp., CA, USA) It is a volumetric pump. OK 16
IVAC Alaris Medsystem III (ALARIS Tested to 6 ATA. It is a volumetric pump. The greatest OK 14, 15
Medical Systems, Inc., USA) variation in the output was 17%.
IVAC P300 (Ivac Medical Systems, Tested to 2.5 ATA. Released flows were equal at different OK 12, 13
Basingstoke, UK) pressures.
MiniMed 506 Tested to 2.4 ATA and also to altitude of 10,000 feet. It is OK 17
an insulin pump. Functional without modification.
MTP military (Medical Technology It is a volumetric pump. OK 14
Products, Inc., USA)
Rateminder III (Criticon) It is a volumetric pump. OK 16
SE 200 (Vial Medical, France) It is a syringe pump. OK 16
SE 400B (Vial Medical, France) It is a syringe pump. OK 16
TE-171 (Terumo Inst., Tokyo, Japan) Tested to 2 ATA. It is peristaltic type pump. A deviation OK 18
was ±3.6%.
TE-311 (Terumo, Leuven, Belgium) Tested to 2.8 ATA. It is a syringe pump. The change in OK 19
delivery rate was 0.5%.
TE-312 (Terumo, Leuven, Belgium) Tested to 2.8 ATA. It is a syringe pump. The change in OK 19
delivery rate was 0.5%.
Terumo STC-3121 (Terumo Inst., Tested to 2 ATA. It is a syringe pump. The discrepancies OK 20
Tokyo, Japan) from the set rate were from -4% to +3%.
Terumotec (Terumo Inst., Tokyo, Japan) Tested to 2 ATA. It is a spring-type infuser. The effect of OK 8
increased pressure was minimal.
Top (Top Inst., Tokyo, Japan) Tested to 2.5 ATA. It is a syringe pump. The output of the OK 7
syringe was reduced by 10% during the compression.
European Journal of Underwater and Hyperbaric Medicine, ISSN: 1605-9204 Volume 7 No.2, June 2006