English 6
English 6
English 6
SY 2022-2023
January 09-13, 2023
I. Objectives and that is Adverb of Manner. But before
1. Determine correctly the adverbs of manner. anything else, kindly read our objectives for
2. Construct sentences using the correct adverbs of this day.
manner through a group activity.
3. Share a memorable experiences using the adverb C. Presentation
of manner. And to start, let us define what is
adverb of manner. Everyone, please read.
II. Subject Matter Thank you.
A. Topic: Adverb of Manner In the definition, please highlight the
B. Reference: Journeys 6, pp. 127-130 word HOW. Adverbs of Manner tell us HOW
C. Materials: Chalk and Board, Book something happens. It answer the question
HOW. Just like what you did a while ago.
III. Lesson Proper Group 1 sang the song bahay kubo angrily.
A. Preliminary Activities So, how did they sang bahay kubo?
Good Afternoon Class!
Who are the absents for today? D. Discussion
Before we start, can you please Exactly, they sang it angrily. How
arrange your chairs and pick-up the trashes about the group 2? how tdid they sang the
under your chairs. sang the song leron leron sinta?
That’s right! They sang it sadly. So the
B. Motivation words there, angrily, sadly, happily and
I have here two boxes. The box on my loudly is what?
left contains words and the box on my right Yes, the adverb of manner because it
contains a title of a songs. I will be grouping answer the question HOW. Another is it
you into four groups and what you will going usually placed after main verb or the object.
do is to come here in front, pick a paper on They sang angrily. What is the main verb in
these two boxes and you need to sing the song this sentence?
you picked base on the work you also picked. Very good! Sang here is the main verb
For example, you picked a word happily and a and the adverb of manner is placed after sang
song Bahay Kubo. So you’re going to sing the which is angrily. I will give you more
song happily. I will just give you one minute examples.
to practice and after that, you will perform it Thank you. In this example, what is
here in front. Am I clear to you? the main verb?
Very well. So are you ready class? Correct. And base on the definition,
Alright, pick now, just one adverb of manner is usually placed after the
representative per group. main verb and the main verb is swim, so what
Okay. You start practicing now. is now the adverb of manner?
Alright. Let’s start! Group 1, what Exactly, another example.
have you picked? So what is the adverb of manner in
Okay sing the song bahay kubo this example?
angrily. Go! Can you tell me why?
Very good Group 1! You have a good Very good, in the next example, the
voice. Next, Group 2. Please come here in adverb of manner is placed after the object or
front. direct object.
What have you picked? Thank you. When we say about direct
Alright sing the song leron leron sinta object, it is a noun or pronoun that receives
sadly. the action verb so the object in this example is
Wow! Thank you Group 2. Another what?
Group 3. Please come here in front. Very good! The flute because it is a
What have you picked? noun that receives the action verb, the adverb
Okay sing the song happily group 3. of manner can be placed after it which is
Amazing! That’s very nice of you what?
Group 3. Exactly, beautifully. Am I clear class?
Now class, did you observed the Let us remember that adverbs of
words you picked on how you sing the songs? manner end in -ly. Exceptions include well,
Can anyone please enumerate those hard, late and fast.
Very Good! And those words has E. Application
something to do with our lesson for today,
Okay now, I have here cards. The So if you learned something, who can
cards contain a list of adverb of manner. What define the adverb of manner?
you are going to do is to create a sentence Very good! Thank you. Where did the
base on the adverbs of manner you have. For adverb of manner usually placed?
example one of the adverb of manner you Exactly. Now that you already
have is (badly). You are going to create a understand our lesson, let’s proceed to our
sentence using the word badly. Example, he quiz.
plays the instrument badly. Write your answer
on the cartolina given to you. Write as many IV. Evaluation
as you can within two minutes and post your Answer letter A, B and C page 128-129 on
answers on the board. Is it clear class? your book.
F. Generalization
Have you learn something from our V. Assignment
lesson class? Answer letter D page 130 on your book.
B. Motivation Hospital
Do you know the game 4 pics 1 word? 5th Picture
Okay we are going to play this game!
Class will be divided in to four; each group
will be given an illustration board and chalk.
Choose your group leader and each leader
will be the one who will write and raise their
answers. Understand? Beach
Good! Our mechanics for this game is Very nice! I am very pleased you were
the group who raise first with the correct able to finish the task given to you. All of you
answer will be given 2 points. One point to got the correct answer so each group will have
those who raise correct answer only and no 10 points“
points to raise with wrong answers. What have you noticed with the
Understand?” pictures?
Let’s start! What is this? Very Good! They are all name of a
1st Picture place.
C. Presentation
We will have another group activity
and remain with your group. I will show you a
video clip. Each group will find word name of
School places or answers the question “where”. Am I
2nd Picture clear?
(The video will present)
What have you observe on the video words and you are going to arrange it and
clip? form into a sentence and identify the adverb
What have you noticed with the of place.
highlighted words? Example:
How did you identify that those Went up/ Jack/ Jill/ in the/ and/
highlighted words refers to place? hill.
Very good! How did you come up Jack and Jill went up the hill.
with these responses? Group 1
What do you think will be our topic 1. studying / tree / under /The girl /is /the
today? 2. her / shoes / put / Liza / on table / the
Very Good! Our topic is about Adverb Group 2
of Place. 1. room / is / Ana / her / outside
2. will / We / get energy /the sun / from
D. Discussion Group 3
Our topic today is all about Use 1. Many / found / zoo /at the / animals
Adverb of Place. 2. in the market / mother / bought / My /
What is Adverb of Place? vegetables
Very Good! Adverbs of place tell us Group 4
where something happens. I have here some 1. playing/ The kids / are / outside
examples: 2. were / everywhere / We / for / looking/ you
1. The park keeper drops the shovel on
the trolley. F. Generalization
Let us see if you really understand the
What is an Adverb of Place?
Where the park keeper drops the Very Good! Adverb of place tell us
shovel? where something happens.
Very good! On the trolley. And this is What question do adverb of place
our adverb of place. answer?
2. The kids play ball behind the trees. Correct! It answers the question -
Where the kids play ball? Underline the Adverb of Place in each
Correct! Behind the trees. This is our sentence.
adverb of place. 1. The cat is hiding underneath the couch.
3. Matthew and Martin are near the 2. Rico feels comfortable studying at his room.
garden. 3. Alisha went to Tagum City yesterday.
4. Panas Waterfalls is located at New Corella, Davao
del Norte.
5. President Rodrigo Duterte is staying at
Where Matthew and Martin are? Malacañang Palace.
Very good! Near the garden.
Who among you can make an example V. ASSIGNMENT
sentence of adverb of place? Compose an essay regarding your childhood
Very good! experience with the use of Adverb of Place and
encircle the adverb of place. Each plural nouns
E. Application corresponds to 2 points
Let’s do an activity. Please remain
with your group. I will give you scrambled
B. Motivation
I will flash pictures here. You have to
guess what it is, you will use the given letters UN -
and write your answer on your cardboard. The 5.
first group who raised their answer will have
points. Work with your group mates. C. Presentation
Let us now watch the video for us to
know what will be our topic for today.
(The teacher will present the video)
I think you can tell me what our lesson
- ED for today is?
1. Very Good! It is about affixes.
D. Discussion
Based on the video that we watch,
what is affixes?
Correct! Affixes are letters that Correct! When we add -able it will
attached at the end or at the beginning of the become comfortable. What prefix you may
word. It is divided in to two categories. What attach?
do you think is the two categories of affixes? Very good! It will become
Correct! The two categories of affixes uncomfortable.
are prefix and suffix. Is everything clear?
What is prefix?
Prefix is a group of letters that come E. Application
before a root or base word. Prefix is a special Okay, let’s proceed, based on the story
group of letters because it can change the we had yesterday, you have to identify the
meaning of the root word and make an prefixes and suffixes used in the story and tell
entirely new word. A prefix is a group of me the affixes as well as the root words. Work
letters and not a word that can stand on its with your group mates then present it in front.
own. (Two groups will present their anwers)
Who among you can give me some
examples of prefix? F. Generalization
Very Good! Another example is the What is prefix?
word wrap. When are you going to use this group
The word wrap by itself means to be of letters?
covered completely by something. Let us put What about suffix?
the prefix “un”. “Un” is an example of prefix. How are you going to use it?
By adding “un” to the beginning of this word, Do you have any questions?
we can change its meaning. “Un” means “not” Do you have something to clarify?
or “opposite of”. Whenever we see the letters
“un” at the beginning of the word, we know it IV. Evaluation
means “not” or “opposite of” the root word. Identify the prefix and suffix from the
Wrap will become unwrap meaning following words. Fill in the columns prefix, suffix
remove the covering. and root word.
What about suffix? Word Prefix Root Word Suffix
A suffix is a letter or group of letters 1. Disoriented
added at the end of a word to form another 2. Happiness
word or new meaning. 3. Irrelevant
Who among you can give me some 4. Unknown
examples of suffix? 5. Misunderstood
Very good! I will give another 6. Undoubtedly
example of suffix. 7. Illiterate
The word is comfort. The word 8. Meaningless
comfort by itself means to feel less worried. 9. Violated
Let us add suffix in the word comfort. 10. Inhuman
Anyone who wants to try?
V. Assignment
Answer page 177-178 Perform.
To express a Just months ago, anyone
past ability could sign up for free.
Can you please read the statement of Tarsiers could roam freely
the girl? in the village in the past.
What is the underlined word in the To make a Could you help me change
statement of a girl? request politely the settings on my phone?
The underlined word is can. Very Could I just make a new
Good! How about the boy’s statement, can paragraph?
you please ready? To express a She could check the plants
What is the underlined word in the possibility while she is there.
statement of a boy? A guard could walk by
Correct that is could. What do you anytime.
think are these two words?
Very good! That is modals. And that is E. Application
our topic for today. I will group you into two, you will
going to make a dialogue using modals can
D. Discussion and could. Afterwards, you will present your
Are you familiar with the word dialogue in front of the class.
modals? What is modals?
Modals are helpng verb that gives F. Generalization
more information about the main verb that What is modals?
follows it. It can also express different What are the two kinds of modals that
messages, depending on how it is used. we discuss earlier?
The example of modal is the statement How are you going to use it?
that I give to you earlier. Do you have any questions?
Now, we will going to discuss the two Do you have something to clarify?
modal word which is can and could.
I have here examples and the function IV. Evaluation
of it. Answer page 179 letter A on your book
CAN V. Assignment
To express a I can jump very high. Make 5 sentence of each modals can and
To express a I am stranded now. I might
Can you please read the statement of possibility arrive home at around 11
the girl? p.m.
What is the underlined word in the Your pants might unzip by
statement of a girl? itself if you do not put on a
The underlined word is may. Very belt.
Good! How about the boy’s statement, can To make a If you cannot sleep well,
you please ready? suggestion you might want to try
What is the underlined word in the politely drinking milk at night.
statement of a boy? You might like to try hot
Correct that is might. What do you sauce first before you try
think are these two words? washable.
Very good! That is modals. And that is
our topic for today. E. Application
I will group you into two, you will
D. Discussion going to make a dialogue using modals may
Are you familiar with the word and might. Afterwards, you will present your
modals? What is modals? dialogue in front of the class.
Modals are helpng verb that gives
more information about the main verb that F. Generalization
follows it. It can also express different What is modals?
messages, depending on how it is used. What are the two kinds of modals that
The example of modal is the statement we discuss earlier?
that I give to you earlier. How are you going to use it?
Now, we will going to discuss the two Do you have any questions?
modal word which is may and might. Do you have something to clarify?
I have here examples and the function
of it. IV. Evaluation
Answer page 191 letter A on your book
To express a He may visit anytime. V. Assignment
possibility My mother may be at home Make 5 sentence of each modals may and
I. Objectives
1. Identify modal verbs will and would III. Lesson Proper
2. Use modal verbs in constructing a dialogue A. Preliminary Activities
3. Appreciate the value of modal verb in real Good Afternoon Class!
life by composing an informative essay Who are the absents for today?
Before we start, can you please
II. Subject Matter arrange your chairs and pick-up the trashes
Topic: Using Modals Will and Would under your chairs.
Reference: Journeys 6, pp. 203-204
Materials: Book, Chalk and Board B. Motivation
I have here a audio-video clip. I will WILL
going to play it to you first. Then, you will To express a We will play basketball
sing the song after. future event later.
Are you ready? They will go to the dentist
(The teacher will play the song about tomorrow.
the topic) To make a Will you please keep the
What is the song all about? request or a music down?
Very good! Can you identify the demand Will you help me do this?
colored words in the video? To make a I will exercise regularly
Correct! promise from now on.
I will become the president
C. Presentation of our country someday.
Today, I will show you two pictures
of students having a conversation. WOULD
To make a wish Would you mind closing the
Sure. I would or a request door?
Will you help arrive any
Would you take a picture of
me do this? moment now.
To state an I would arrive any moment
expectation now.
The store would be closed if
the owners are celebration
with us.
To express Jinky would climb that tree
Can you please read the statement of habits in the past when she was young.
the girl? Our dogs would tag their
What is the underlined word in the tails whenever they sense
statement of a girl? that I was near.
The underlined word is will. Very To ask for Would you really help us
Good! How about the boy’s statement, can confirmation with our problem?
you please ready? Would you perform at your
What is the underlined word in the best in the show?
statement of a boy?
Correct that is would. What do you E. Application
think are these two words? I will group you into two, you will
Very good! That is modals. And that is going to make a dialogue using modals will
our topic for today. and would. Afterwards, you will present your
dialogue in front of the class.
D. Discussion
Are you familiar with the word F. Generalization
modals? What is modals? What is modals?
Modals are helpng verb that gives What are the two kinds of modals that
more information about the main verb that we discuss earlier?
follows it. It can also express different How are you going to use it?
messages, depending on how it is used. Do you have any questions?
The example of modal is the statement Do you have something to clarify?
that I give to you earlier.
Now, we will going to discuss the two IV. Evaluation
modal word which is will and would. Answer page 204 letter A on your book
I have here examples and the function
of it. V. Assignment
Make 5 sentence of each modals will and
E. Application
I will group you into two, you will going to
make a dialogue using modals shall and
should. Afterwards, you will present your
Can you please read the statement of the girl? dialogue in front of the class.
What is the underlined word in the statement
of a girl? F. Generalization
The underlined word is shall. Very Good! What is modals?
How about the boy’s statement, can you please What are the two kinds of modals that we
ready? discuss earlier?
What is the underlined word in the statement How are you going to use it?
of a boy? Do you have any questions?
Correct that is should. What do you think are Do you have something to clarify?
these two words?
Very good! That is modals. And that is our IV. Evaluation
topic for today. Answer page 217 letter A on your book
Strict You ought to study
Recommendation hard.
Advice She ought to visit the
Can you please read the statement of the girl? doctor regularly.
What is the underlined word in the statement
of a girl? E. Application
The underlined word is ought. Very Good! I will group you into two, you will going to
How about the boy’s statement, can you please make a dialogue using modals must and
ready? ought. Afterwards, you will present your
What is the underlined word in the statement dialogue in front of the class.
of a boy?
Correct that is must. What do you think are F. Generalization
these two words? What is modals?
Very good! That is modals. And that is our What are the two kinds of modals that we
topic for today. discuss earlier?
How are you going to use it?
D. Discussion Do you have any questions?
Are you familiar with the word modals? What Do you have something to clarify?
is modals?
Modals are helping verb that gives more IV. Evaluation
information about the main verb that follows Answer page 230 letter A on your book
it. It can also express different messages,
depending on how it is used. V. Assignment
The example of modal is the statement that I Make 5 sentence of each modals must and
give to you earlier. ought to.
B. Motivation D. Discussion
Students, I have arrange a very fun game for Let us learn conjunction together. Let us first
you. It’s called SHOUT IT OUT LOUD! understand what conjunction means is.
But do not shout too loudly, We might disturb Okay! Very good. There are types of
other classes okay? conjunction for our lesson today we will
Then here’s the mechanics, I need 4 discuss the three types of it.
volunteers from each side. It will be Group 1 Coordinating Conjunctions - A coordinating
vs Group 2. Rules: conjunction is a word that joins two elements
1. Each members will wear of equal grammatical rank and syntactic
headphones/earphones for the game. importance. They can join two verbs, two
2. Students must not hear any sound from the nouns, two adjectives, two phrases, or two
class. independent clauses. The seven coordinating
3. Members of the game must form a line. conjunctions are for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and
4. The first person in the line must read the so
word on the board for 5 seconds while his/her Please read the example given in the board.
other classmates are facing backwards. Can you give me an example of coordinating
Well done. There are seven coordinating Can you try to give me an example of this?
conjunctions which are or, and, nor, but, or, Very good!
yet, and so.
Subordinating conjunction - Is a word or E. Application
phrase that links a dependent clause to an Now class, let us have another activity. You
independent clause. This word or phrase will be working with the same groupings you
indicates that a clause has informative value had earlier.
to add to the sentence's main idea, signaling a For this task, you are going to make a phrase
cause-and-effect relationship or a shift in time or clause and allow other teams to connect it
and place between the two clauses. by answering the missing conjunction on that
There are a lot of example of subordinating phrase or clause. Group one will let the group
conjunctions. Here are some examples. 2 answer and so on. Each group should only
write 5 phrase or clause. Put your answers in
the cardboard that I am going to provide.
Choose at least one representative to answer. I
will be giving you five minutes to finish you
By looking at these examples. Am I clear? Your time starts now!
Can you try to give a sentence? (After five minutes) Okay, time is up! Let us
Very good! Where is the conjunction there on start!
the sentence? Good job everyone!
Correlative Conjunctions - Correlative F. Generalization
conjunctions are more similar to coordinating Any questions? Did you understand our topic
conjunctions than to subordinating for today?
conjunctions because the sentence fragments What is conjunction?
they connect are usually equal How many types of conjunction do we have?
Some conjunctions are paired with another What are those?
conjunction to show that two ideas are equal.
So basically saying we could use this IV. Evaluation
conjunction two times in a sentence. Answer your book page 275
Here are some examples of correlative
conjunctions. V. Assignment
In your assignment notebook. Write 10
sentences and underline its conjunctions.