Nav 04 - Pilot Card

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The Officer completing the checklist MUST enter his initials as confirmation

SHIP’S NAME_____ OCEAN PLUTO ____________________ DATE____ 04.03.2021 ___

CALL SIGN____ S6CB8 ___ DEADWEIGHT__ 20872 _____Tonnes BUILT__ 2007 __

DRAUGHT Fore__ 7.20 __m Aft__ 7.80 __m DISPLACEMENT _ 31159 _ Tonnes


L.O.A.__ 189.024 __m ANCHOR CHAIN: Port ________ 12 _____shackles

BREADTH __ 32.20 __m Starboard____ 11 _____shackles

BULBOUS BOW YES/No (1 shackle = __ 27.5 __m /______ 15 ____fathoms)

35.4 m 153.6 m
m 95.8 m Draught 49.42 m
41.8 m
Loaded 91.0 m.
Ballast 73.3 m.

Type of Engine: MAN B&W 6S50MC-C, DIESEL ENGINE Maximum Power _ 9623 _kw (_ 12900 _HP)

Type / number of propellers: ONE, FIXED PITCH, RIGHT-HAND SCREW.

Fuel Type: Sea- Non ECA……………VLSFO……. Sea (ECA)…………………………………………….

In Port Non ECA……… VLSFO…… In Port (ECA)…………………………………………

Note: Use of different fuel oils MAY result in adjusted RPM’s. Where this is the case, the Master MUST remind the
pilot of possible deviations from the RPM table below during pilotage.

Mooring Arrangements:

Fore Aft


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Uncontrolled when printed File Ref: Bridge Revision Number: 6.1

Maneuvering Rpm Pitch Speed (knots)

Engine Order
HFO Loaded Ballast

Full Ahead 105 13.1 13.7

Half Ahead 85 10.4 11.4

Slow Ahead 59 7.5 8.8

Dead Slow
44 5.4 6.8
Dead Slow
Astern Time Limit Astern NO LIMIT
Slow Astern 59
Full Ahead to Full Astern: Ballast - 505 sec., Loaded - 607 sec.

Half Astern 85 Max. no. of consec. Starts ____________15_____________

Minimum RPM ___________ _____________________kts

Critical RPM range - from 47 to 57 RPM

Full Astern 105
Astern Power - 65 % of Full Ahead

Minimum Steering Speed (kn): 3.2 KTS as per manoeuvring characteristics

(no ahead propeller thrust).

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The Officer completing the checklist MUST enter his initials as confirmation

Type of Rudder _ CONVENTIONAL____ Maximum Angle – 35 deg ________________

Hard-Over to Hard-Over – 24 sec. ____ Rudder Angle for Neutral Effect – 0 deg. ____
(Solas Requirement: from 35 on either side to 30 on other side in not more than 28 sec.

Thruster: N/A


Anchors Indicators:

Whistle Rudder

Radar 3cm 10cm RPM/Pitch

ARPA Rate of Turn N/A

Compass System

Speed Log Doppler Yes Constant Gyro Error +/-_ 0 _

Water Speed VHF

Ground Speed GPS


Engine Telegraphs Echo Sounder

Steering Gear Mooring Winches & Lines

Number of Power
Units Operating

Maximum permissible
Bollard pull from tugs

Appropriate scale charts available in route planning?

ECDIS terminals are set up correctly for navigation in pilotage waters with routes
Pilot informed of any propulsion or steering gear defects or limitations?
Working language agreed? Pilot-Master exchange.


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The Officer completing the checklist MUST enter his initials as confirmation

The company’s requirements for minimum under-keel clearance (assuming

accurate chart data) are as follows:

 Open Sea (FAOP): The minimum UKC in the dynamic condition is 50% of the static draft.

 Restricted Waters/Port Approaches/Harbour Transits (SBE): The minimum UKC in the

dynamic condition is 10% of the static draft.

 Tankers Only – SBM / CBM mooring: the minimum UKC is 10% of the static draft.

Alongside (1st Line Ashore to SBE):

For vessels <20m breadth: 0.30 metres
For vessels >20m breath: 1.5% of the ship’s beam

Pilots are also reminded if increase in draft due to the effect of squat when navigating in
areas of restricted depth or in narrow channels.

Squat Figures

Speed (kts) Squat (Open Squat Squat (Rock cuts /

Water) (Canals/prismatic diametric
channels) channels)
A channel with unvarying cross- A channel with Non-uniform
section and the constant bottom channel cross-section
slope is called prismatic
channel. All the
artificial channels are
usually prismatic.
Calculation Guidance 1 x Cb x V2 / 100 1.43 x Cb x V2 / 100 2 x Cb x V2 / 100
Answer is in metres, where Cb is the vessel’s block co-efficient and V is the
ships speed in knots. 
3 0.06 0.09 0.13
4 0.11 0.16 0.22
5 0.17 0.25 0.35
6 0.25 0.36 0.50
7 0.34 0.49 0.69
8 0.45 0.64 0.90
9 0.57 0.81 1.13
10 0.70 1.00 1.40
11 0.85 1.21 1.69
12 1.01 1.44 2.01
13 1.18 1.69 2.36

* See VMS Fleet Operations Chapter 3 for advice on Squat calculations.

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