Master of Leadership Online: Berihun Muche (PHD

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Master of Leadership online

Human Resource Management

Title of Article: Influence of Human Resource Management on Project Planning
Competing Values Perspective in Ghanaian Context

Authors: Ackon, F. Kheni, N. A. and Mensah, J. V.

Publisher: African Journal of Applied Research

Place of Publication: University of Cape Coast, Ghana
Date of Publication: November 2, 2022
Number of Pages: Vol. 8, No. 2 (2022), pp. 344-355

Prepared By ID Number

SUBMITTED TO: - Berihun Muche (PhD

June, 2023

Addis Ababa/ Ethiopia

1. Introduction

The article purposed that this study empirically examined the influence of
organizational culture (OC) on construction project planning. Literature suggests that effective
project planning coupled with strong organizational culture (OC) are critical project success
factors for successful project management (Chiluwal & Mishra, 2018; Naeem, Khanzada,
Mubashir & Sohail, 2018). Effective project planning enhances project performance, which
results in project success. Yazici (2011) contends that although there are improving
techniques for project planning in organisations, most projects still fail to meet performance
criteria. Ineffective project planning results in frequent changes to the project's scope, which
causes delays and increases project costs (Akinradewo, Aigbavboa, & Akinradewo, 2019) In
this paper we tried to review about the strength and weaknesses of research title and reporting
format, quality of abstract, statement of the problem, research objectives, hypothesis of the
study, review related literature, research methodology, data presentation, analysis and
interpretation, conclusion and recommendation and referencing. To this end, summary and
main argument of the article, and critique of the article: strengths and weaknesses of this
particular article are assessed and finally, it ends up with forwarding some concluding

2. Summary and Main Argument of the Article

Authors conclude that the results revealed that market culture significantly influences
project planning efforts more than the other cultural types based on the Competing Values
Framework (CVF). Also, a high level of project planning is positively associated with the
dimensions of “stability and control clusters”.

Authors are also recommended that contractors/construction managers of the surveyed

firms promote market culture characteristics in their firms to create a more favourable
environment for project planning efforts.

This research contributes to the management and public policy by identifying specific

cultural types in construction organizations that significantly influence project planning
efforts. Additionally, it contributes significantly to the research stream by empirically
revealing the cultural types that are more or less likely to support project planning efforts.

3. Article Critique
3.1 Strengths of the Article

Initially, the title is appropriate, hence the content of the paper discusses all about the
main themes of the title. The research report is written and organized in acceptable format
because it includes the main contents and sub-topics such as abstract, introduction, methods,
results, discussion, limitation and further research, implications and recommendations,
conclusion and reference.

To my knowledge a particular abstract should incorporate background information, the

research methodology, the findings, and conclusion and recommendation of the study.
Accordingly, this paper discussed briefly about the overall issues of the study, present major
findings; which stated individual intentions primarily affects the organizational culture and its
remark in project management. In addition, the key words are well-identified and presented.

Related to problem statement, the background of the study is well-articulated and wide-
ranging on the concepts of project delivery and time and cost in project planning was
articulated. More specifically, the literature review of major finding can be antiquated in
more genius ways Moreover, the research gap is well-identified which is between the
theoretical and personal intentions.

The paper is also good in literature and relevant to the subject of the study as it
encompasses various related literatures and the review is critically evaluated both theoretical
and empirical literatures about project management and related.

Research methodology wise, authors are set clear inclusion criteria to select the study
participants. A descriptive cross-sectional survey approach was used to obtain quantitative
data from 375 large and medium-scale construction firms in Ghana. The data were analyzed
using descriptive and inferential statistics such as mean and standard deviation, confirmatory

factor analysis, Pearson correlation and multiple regression models.

The major findings of the study were the results revealed that the market type of
organizational culture had the highest significant positive influence on project planning,
followed by clan, hierarchy, and adhocracy cultures. The results further revealed that a high
level of project planning is positively associated with the combined cultural clusters
represented by the dimensions of “stability and control clusters”.

This paper tried to reveal that originality value, practical implication and social value in
clear and new to research ways. Originality/value: Organizational culture in the context of
project planning initiatives has received very little attention in project management research.
Practical implication: It is evident that the practice of adhocracy culture in the surveyed
firms provides a low significant effect on project planning efforts. Social implication: This
study contributes to management and public policy by identifying organizational cultural
types that significantly contribute to achieving effective project planning.

3.2 Weaknesses of the Article

The research General and specific objective are not clearly stated and research question,
sampling methods, research design and research approach was not clear and sample size can
be stated without how it were formed.

The author only concludes about the type of organizational culture in construction
project management.

4. Concluding Remark

This paper mainly focused on influence of organizational culture on project planning a

competing value perspective on ghanian context, here A descriptive cross-sectional survey
approach was used to obtain quantitative data from 375 large and medium-scale construction
firms in Ghana. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics such as mean
and standard deviation, confirmatory factor analysis, Pearson correlation and multiple regression
model. The results revealed that the market type of organizational culture had the highest
significant positive influence on project planning, followed by clan, hierarchy, and adhocracy

cultures. The results further revealed that a high level of project planning is positively associated
with the combined cultural clusters represented by the dimensions of “stability and control
clusters”. Research limitation: This study focused on only large and medium-scale construction
organizations; however, data from small-scale construction organizations will be needed to
strengthen and widen the scope of applicability of the findings.


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