Iata Level of Service Paper Best Practice
Iata Level of Service Paper Best Practice
Iata Level of Service Paper Best Practice
Investment triggers
User consultation
The appropriate LoS values should always be
▪ LoS must not be used as an automatic
established in consultation with the airline
investment trigger.
community and other stakeholders as appropriate.
▪ Demonstrating the efficient use of existing
Consultation from an early stage in the planning
infrastructure and processes is a pre-requisite
process is a fundamental requirement to capture
to capital investment. Major investment
Users requirements and work towards consensus
decisions should subsequently be based on a
and informed, joint decision making.
detailed demand/capacity analysis and
evaluation of the existing and forecasted LoS.
▪ Monitoring of the LoS can also be used to Supporting Documentation
forecast and identify when to trigger the IATA Airport Development Reference Manual 12th
demand/capacity analysis. Edition
▪ Failing to perform a full analysis and only using
the LoS as an investment trigger will either IATA position paper “Airport Service Level
result in investments that are not justified or that Agreement (SLA) – Best Practice”
are provided too late.
IATA Airport Infrastructure Investment – Best
Practice Consultation