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AIM OF THE PROJECT......................................................................................3
GERMINATION OF SEEDS...............................................................................5
FACTORS AFFECTING SEED GERMINATION.............................................7
External Factors...............................................................................................7
1. Water.......................................................................................................7
2. Oxygen....................................................................................................7
3. Temperature.............................................................................................7
4. Light........................................................................................................8
5. Other factors............................................................................................8
Internal Factors.................................................................................................8
1. Vitality.....................................................................................................8
2. Longevity or viability..............................................................................8
3. Dormancy................................................................................................9
UREA AND ITS EFFECTS ON PLANTS........................................................10
How to Use Urea............................................................................................10
Advantages of urea.........................................................................................10
NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS.................................11
APPARATUS REQUIRED................................................................................13
Recently increases the demands of the fresh vegetables in day to day
life of human being because the vegetable plants and human being
have unique relationship since time immemorial and they played vital
role in the human life. People should consume several hundred grams
of plant-based diet a day since it is a good source of nutrients and
dietary fiber. A plant-based diet – focusing mainly on vegetables,
fruits and whole grains – has become one of the most important
guidelines for lowering the risk of human diseases. Therefore, need to
improve the nutritive value of the final products of vegetables plant.
The important contributions of the nineteenth Century, experimental
plant physiology to agriculture was discovery that soil fertility and
crop yields could be increased by adding several nutrients to the soil.
Even though crop plants require micronutrients in very minute
quantities, their deficiencies may affect fundamental physiological
and biochemical processes, leading to drastic reductions in yield.
Hence, some common fertilizers are used to increase the crop
production. One of the most important and common fertilizers in them
is urea. It is also called as the king of fertilizers since it has the ability
to supply plants with adequate nitrogen and it can adapt to all types of

To study the effect of different concentrations of urea on the rate of

germination, elongation of hypocotyl and the length of root.
Fertilizers like urea increase the growth rate of plants, both epigeal
and hypogeal. However there is a limit to nutrient intake and excess
use of fertilizers can have negative effects on plant growth.

Figure 1. Seed Germination stages

Germination is the beginning of growth of a seed. The seed must have

the right level of warmth and moisture to begin to germinate. First,
the seed leaves absorb moisture which allows the food reserves to
become available to the new plant. It can then produce a root so that it
can find its own water, followed by a shoot which develops from the
plumule, which will allow it to absorb light. The plant needs both
water and light to grow.
Different structures seen during the formation of seedlings from the
seed after the germination of seed.
1. COTYLEDONS- It is the embryonic leaf in seed-bearing plants, one
or more of which are the first leaves to appear from a germinating seed.
2. HYPOCOTYL – The part of shoot below cotyledons is
called hypocotyls.
3. EPICOTYL- The part of shoot above cotyledons is called epicotyls.
4. RADICLE- The radicle is the first part of a seedling (a growing
plant embryo) to emerge from the seed during the process of
Sometimes, the seed leaves, or cotyledons, remain below the surface
of the soil, as in germination of a Pea, below. This is called Hypogeal

Figure 2. Epigeal Germination Figure 3. Hypogeal Germination

In some species, the seed leaves remain on the new shoot and are
brought above the ground, as in germination of the Ash tree, below.
This is called Epigeal Germination.
Factors Affecting Seed Germination
Some of the major factors necessary for seed germination in plants are
as follows:

External Factors:
1. Water
Germination cannot occur unless and until the seed is provided with
an external supply of water.

Water is absorbed by a dry seed through the micro Pyle and the seed
coat. Water performs a number of functions during the germination of

(a)It softens seed coat and makes it permeable.

Increased permeability allows better gaseous
(b)Water activates the protoplasm of the seed cells.
(c)Insoluble food materials get solubilised in the presence of water
which then diffuses from the storage region to the embryo axis.
(d)Several enzymes which are essential for growth and germination
develop only in the presence of water.

2. Oxygen
Aeration of the soil is absolutely necessary for the germination of the
seed because oxygen is necessary for the aerobic respiration by which
the seeds get the requisite energy for the growth of the embryo.
3. Temperature
Seeds normally germinate within a wide temperature range. However,
freshly harvested seeds of several plants germinate only within a
narrow temperature range which widens only when after-ripening has
taken place.
4. Light
Plants differ as to the effect of light on their germination. Seeds of
many plants are light indifferent or nonphotoblastic, i.e., they are not
influenced in the germination by the presence or absence of light.
Most of our important crop plants belong to this category. The seeds
which are affected by light are described as photoblastic.
Sensitivity to light is a specific character. The photoblastic seeds are
of two types, positively photoblastic or light sensitive and negatively
photoblastic or light hard. The positively photoblastic seeds require
light for germination, e.g., lettuce, tobacco, many grasses and several
epiphytes. The negatively photoblastic seeds cannot germinate in the
presence of light e.g., Tomato, Onion, Lily, etc.
5. Other factors
Many orchids and other plants exhibit seed germination only when an
appropriate fungus partner is available. Seeds of some parasitic plants
will similarly grow only in the vicinity of their host roots because the
latter excrete certain growth hormones. Seeds of some aquatic plants
germinate only at low or acidic pH.

Internal Factors:
1. Vitality
The ability of a seed to germinate when provided with optimum
condition is described as vitality of the seeds. It is dependent upon its
stored food, size, health, etc.
2. Longevity or viability
With the passage of time a seed looses it power to germinate. Thus
each seed has longevity or a period within which it can show renewal
of growth or germination. Most of the crop plants lose their viability
within 2-5 years.
Legumes ordinarily retain their viability for longer periods. A number
of seeds have been recorded to remain viable even after 100 years,
(e.g., Trifolium, Astragalus, Mimosa species). Many species remain
viable only for one season, e.g., Birch, Elm, tea.
3. Dormancy
It is due to the internal conditions of the seed. It is, therefore, also
described as the inhibition of the germination due to the internal
conditions in an otherwise viable seed. These internal restrictions
must be offset before germination can occur in dormant seeds.
Urea And Its Effects On Plants
Urea is an inexpensive form of nitrogen fertilizer with an NPK
(nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium) ratio of 46-0-0. Although urea is
naturally produced in humans and animals, synthetic urea is
manufactured with anhydrous ammonia. Although urea often offers
gardeners the most nitrogen for the lowest price on the market, special
steps must be taken when applying urea to the soil to prevent the loss
of nitrogen through a chemical reaction.
How to Use Urea
When urea is placed on the surface of
the soil, a chemical reaction takes
place that changes the urea to
ammonium bicarbonate. The
ammonium will convert into a gas,
Figure 4. Urae Granules
which is then lost if not protected.
This means that urea should be mixed in with the soil for maximum
effectiveness. This may be done either by broadcasting the urea then
plowing it into the soil immediately or by injecting the urea into the
soil. This may also be done by broadcasting urea then irrigating
heavily to push dissolved urea into the soil.

Advantages of urea
In general, urea will provide the most nitrogen at the lowest cost. It is
easy to store and does not pose as a fire risk for long-term storage.
Urea may be mixed with other fertilizers or may be applied on its
own. For plants that love acidic soils, urea is one of the top fertilizers
for acidifying soils. For gardeners who grow crops like corn,
strawberries, blueberries and other heavy nitrogen feeders, urea will
supply immediate and powerful applications of nitrogen.
Negative Effects of Chemical Fertilizers
The biggest issue facing the use of chemical fertilizers is groundwater
contamination. Nitrogen fertilizers break down into nitrates and travel
easily through the soil. Because it is water-soluble and can remain in
groundwater for decades, the addition of more nitrogen over the years
has an accumulative effect.
At the University of Wisconsin, Madison, they discovered the effects
of chemical fertilizers are compounded when mixed with a single
pesticide. They discovered altered immune, endocrine and nervous
system functions in mice, as well as influence on children's and fetus's
developing neurological, endocrine and immune systems. These
influences "portend change in ability to learn and in patterns of
One popular fertilizer, urea, produces ammonia emanation,
contributes to acid rain, groundwater contamination and ozone
depletion due to release of nitrous oxide by denitrification process.
With its increased use and projections of future use, this problem may
increase several fold in the coming decades.
Groundwater contamination has been linked to gastric cancer, goitre,
birth malformations, and hypertension3; testicular cancer4 and
stomach cancer.
Excessive air- and water-borne nitrogen from fertilizers may cause
respiratory ailments, cardiac disease, and several cancers, as well as
can "inhibit crop growth, increase allergenic pollen production, and
potentially affect the dynamics of several vector-borne diseases,
including West Nile virus, malaria, and cholera."
Perhaps one of the scariest effects of chemical fertilizers is something
called methemoglobinemia. In infants it is alternatively known as
Blue Baby Syndrome. The risk most often occurs when infants are
given formula reconstituted with nitrate contaminated water. The
condition causes a decrease in oxygen in the blood and results in a
blue-grey skin color, causes lethargy and/or irritability and can lead to
coma or death.
Nitrogen groundwater contamination also contributes to marine
"dead zones". The increase in the water-soluble nitrates creates an
influx of plant-life, which eats up oxygen and starves out fish and
crustaceans. This has an impact not only on the aquatic ecosystem,
but on local societies who depend on food sourced from those areas.
 Bean seeds
 Five petri dishes
 Beaker
 Cotton
 Measuring cylinder
 Weighing balance
 Urea as the fertilizer
1. Around 10 bean seeds were soaked in water for a day.
2. Two Petri dishes A , B and C were taken and moist cotton was
kept in them.
3. Two castor beans were put in each Petri dish. No urea was added
to the Petri dish A(control), 1g of urea was added to Petri dish B
and 3g of urea was added to Petri dish C
S. No Features Days Control (Urea)
1g 3g

1 1 0.8 1 1.5

2 2 1.3 1.7 2.5

Length of hypocotyl (in cm)
3 3 1.9 2.5 3.8

4 4 2.4 2.1 4.6

1 1 2.2 2.8 2.1

2 2 3.4 4.0 2.8

Length of root(in cm)
3 3 5.0 5.3 3.7

4 4 7.0 6.8 4.7

Figure 5. Control Plant

Figure 6 Plant B with low urea concentration

Figure 7. Plant C with high urea concentration
In the first day of observation the length of hypocotyl of the control
was around 1 cm and showed normal growth on successive days. On
the other hand in the plant where only 0.5% urea was used grew faster
than the control.
The plant having a slightly high concentration of urea i.e. 1.5% grew
even faster and better, producing impressive results. The length of its
hypocotyl reached around 3 cm on the fourth day. This accounts to
four times the normal growth rate of the hypocotyl of the control.
Surprisingly the plant with 2.5% of urea content was not able to grow
as fast as the one with 1.5% urea. This contradicts the assumption that
high concentration of urea implies high growth rate. This in other
words means that there is always a capacity to nitrogen intake in
The last plant with 3.0% urea showed negative growth results to our
surprise. It had stunted growth of hypocotyl, even less than the
control. Although the hypocotyl grew quickly in case of the plants
with high urea concentration their leaves were very late to grow
properly. The leaves of the control grew properly. This observation
depicts the negative effects of excess urea on plant growth.
The scenario was a bit different when the root of the plants was
accounted for.
The plant with 0.5% urea accounted for 2.8cm of root length on the
first day of observation, only 0.6cm more than that of the control.
In the plant where 1.5% of the urea was used, showed a better root
growth than control and the one with only 5% urea.
But the plant with 2.5% urea and 3.0% urea showed less growth than
the first two.
The last plant with 3.0% urea showed lesser root growth even in
comparison with the control.
Hence our hypothesis that there is always a capacity for nitrogen
intake holds true and high nitrogen intake affects the plants too in
many ways. Most importantly it was noticed from observations that in
the plants where urea was used, the difference in root lengths in
successive days more compared to that of control. In other words the
length of root in successive days increased.
Fertilizers like urea when used in the required concentrations
increase the growth rate and are very useful as far as
productivity is concerned. However, when they are used in
excess, may harm the plants in many ways. Additionally they
can have harmful effects to the environment as well. Most of
the chemical fertilizers are discharged to natural water
reservoirs and pollute the water. This can prove fatal on
drinking. Also the qualities of foods are affected due to
chemical fertilizers. Hence organic farming should be
encouraged for a better yield as well to ensure our healthy
lifestyle and environment.

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