Non Rotating BHAs
Non Rotating BHAs
Non Rotating BHAs
Extending the Reach and Capability of Non Rotating BHAs by Reducing Axial Friction
W Rasheed, SPE, Andergauge Ltd
encountered during oriented drilling can be poor weight users perspective, the directional drillers stated that the AG-
transfer to the bit, erratic reactive torque and the subsequent itator BHA’s were markedly easier to control; excellent tool
loss of tool face, resulting in poor ROP. The most notable face control was maintained even with low WOB.
consequences of oriented drilling are increased well-bore It is evident that the technology was effective as the 57 /8 ”
tortuosity, poor hole cleaning and a higher incidence of section was drilled without complications, and slide intervals
cuttings beds linked to non-rotation of the drill-string. In order in excess of ten metres were conducted as required and the
to make an oriented correction, the BHA must stop rotating. length of sliding intervals met well objectives (Refer to Figs 2
Once tool face has been established and calculations made to & 3). Additionally, slide ROP reached 4.5 m/hr as compared
allow for reactive torque, the assembly is oriented in the to less than 1.5 m/hr on offset wells. In total six BHA’s
required direction. An attempt to apply weight to the bit is numbered twenty-six to thirty-one were required to drill the
made. Often poor weight transfer to the bit causes the drill- 57 /8 ” section, the AG-itator was incorporated in all but BHA
string and BHA to “hang up” along certain points in the well- 28. This particular assembly had to be pulled out of hole after
bore. Further weight application does not improve weight drilling 15 metres due to an inability to continue drilling in
transfer to the bit; in fact, this can worsen the problem by slide mode. Problems with MWD signal decoding were
causing weight stacking of the string. (Ref 3) Weight is finally observed with BHA’s twenty-six and twenty-seven. Although
transferred in an unpredictable manner causing the BHA to unsubstantiated, it is suggested that this problem was caused
slip and jump to bottom. As a result the bit impacts the by pump noise interfering with the MWD signal.
formation at a very high speed, causing the motor to stall. Due Irrespective of this, the problem was resolved by placing
to the combined effects of stick/slip and erratic reactive the MWD system above the AG-itator tool in BHA twenty-
torque, tool face is lost completely. In some instances, this nine. The tool was not included in BHA 28, which was pulled
frustrating process of setting and losing tool face may continue out of hole after drilling a total of fifteen metres, because
for several hours. A greater explanation of the tool face sliding had become impossible. To summarise, these five runs
orientation process can be found in Ref 5. and the interval itself, were drilled without incidents of
hanging up, or problematic orienting or maintaining toolface
Offset Data from Wells Drilled in the Silverpit, Lower and this is directly attributed to the use of the AG-itator.
Slochteren and Westphalian Formations Offshore
Netherlands Post Run Inspection Findings
Offset data showed that wells drilled in this area were prone to Once drilling was completed the drill-string was pulled out of
sliding difficulties in the 57 /8 ” section of the wellbore. During hole and its downhole components examined. It was apparent
the drilling of two wells problems were encountered with that no damage or adverse wear had occurred to the drill bits
sliding. In the first well an interval drilled from 4250 to 4680 or MWD system. The bits exhibited normal signs of dulling
metres, saw hole inclination drop from 20° to 7.5°. Sliding and were graded as “good”. The MWD system - which can be
difficulties were noted at depths of 4284m, 4304 to 4305m, potentially damaged by vibration - was also in satisfactory
4311 and 4334 metres. The second well was drilled from condition.
4680 to 5374 metres and inclination dropped from 65° to 9.7° On return to the Andergauge workshop, the two tools that
at TD. had been run were flow loop tested using the same parameters
It was not possible to control PDM/PDC sliding in either required for pre-job testing. The tools’ pressure drop and
well, and therefore, only very short slide intervals could be functionality were within specification and the values recorded
conducted. Additionally, frequent motor stalling and weight were similar to pre-job testing. Subsequently, the tools were
stacking problems resulted in a ROP of less than 1.5 m/hr on dismantled and their internal components inspected. It was
the two offset wells. As drilling proceeded to greater depths, found that inspection criteria had been met as the components
sliding was possible but intervals were no longer than three were within specification; exhibiting minimal wear.
Run Summary
Directional Performance Comparison The AG-itator enabled the 57 /8 ” section to be drilled with the
A directional performance comparison was made between the minimum of directional problems. After reconfiguring the
offset BHAs used in the first two wells and the AG-itator BHA tool above the MWD, the tool’s signals were compatible with
run in the third well (Refer to Table 1). The latter showed the MWD system. ROP gains were also noted with BHAs
considerable improvements with both the steerable motor and twenty-six and thirty whose slide ROPs were greater than
turbine performing better in the build and sub horizontal those of rotary mode. An operating time for tool 402 was
sections of the wellbore. Previous problems such as a established as 257.5 hours below rotary table (BRT) with 116
difficulty to slide, motor stalling or the BHA hanging up were hours drilling and circulating time (Refer to Table 1). Post job
not encountered, strongly indicating that the AG-itator inspection confirmed the tool was in good working order. It is
accurately transferred weight to the bit. Offset data showed expected that the technology can be used for a minimum of
that this had been difficult to achieve. Perhaps, one of the 150 hours drilling and circulating time. This expectation is
most important benefits was a greatly improved gross ROP, supported by tool usage data from the recently completed job
particularly evident in slide drilling (Refer to Fig 2). From a on K5/EC-4 well where all three tools used had over 100
drilling and circulating hours. Two of these tools had 178 and keep the field flowing profitably until 2020. Therefore, this
203 BRT hours respectively. operator will need to concentrate even more, on CT well
services typifying one of the clear economic benefits and
Run Conclusion reasons for the extensive use of CT in well servicing.
In short, there are several benefits that the Agitator provides. In contrast, CT Drilling has the major drawback of continuous
First: tool reliability was confirmed at over 250 hours below sliding because there is an inability to rotate the CT. This
rotary table, of which 116 hours were spent drilling & inability to rotate creates friction problems between the Coil
circulating. Second: significant improvements in average slide and wellbore. This friction is partly responsible for causing
rates of penetration (ROP) were made. Slide ROP was 4.5 the stick/slip phenomenon (Ref 12); helical buckling and lock
m/hr as compared to less than 1.5 m/hr on offset wells. Third: up, which ultimately limit CT, reach to about 4000ft (Refs 1
compatibility with the MWD signal was confirmed. There through to 10 and 17 to 20). CT drilling is further complicated
was no signal interference or complications to the MWD because maintaining constant WOB is difficult to achieve
system. Moreover, the AG-itator was easily operated and did (Refs 1 through 10).
not require special downhole equipment. Fourth: the AG-
itator improved steerable motor assembly performance in the Extending the Reach of CT Operations
build section to 84º and improved steerable turbine assembly Current products may be classed as CT based clamp on
performance for the sub-horizontal section. As a result, it is devices or tools that form part of the BHA or drilling fluids.
concluded that the AG-itator can play a key role in improving The former are placed at specified intervals along the length of
slide-drilling peformance. CT (much like non-rotating-drill-pipe-protectors) and have the
advantages of minimizing injector force and CT wear and tear.
Recommendation The downside is the time involved in placement and removal.
The above field experience shows that the AG-itator improved A BHA based tool has the main advantage of reducing of
drilling performance in the 57 /8 ” hole section. It is BHA friction and a tendency to maintain a relatively more
recommended that the technology be used in other hole sizes constant WOB. However, BHA tools do not actively reduce
or formations where sliding or directional control problems friction along the length of the CT and wall contact area.
exist. A particular kind of these BHA based tools, are known as
Tractors. Such technology, provide a means of moving tools,
Coiled Tubing (CT) Operations and the BHA back and forth along horizontal and highly
These require the use of a coil of deformable tubing instead of deviated wells. Conventional wireline can be replaced or
drillpipe, or wireline, to transport, install, activate/deactivate supplemented by using CT for logging and completion beyond
tools and fluids into the well. CT obviates the need for the reach and capability of wireline. Both fluid driven and
tripping in and out of hole to make, or break connections and wireline tractors are compatible with CT.
can operate with fewer personnel, from a much more compact Companies offer different solutions – hydraulic,
rig than conventional methods. mechanical and electrical – to the problems of getting power
CT in the Oil and Gas industry emerged as a remedy for to the tractor, power consumption, and cycling and failsafe
ineffective wireline operations in horizontal or highly deviated mechanisms. Mechanical tractor concepts to date include a
wells. After experiencing high growth in the late eighties and push and pull type with wheels, a hydrotractor that uses
early nineties, CT has become a standard technique for well valves, a rotating brush type, a roller traction stabiliser,
intervention. another that comprises retractable hydraulic arms pitched at 90
After CT had been successfully introduced for wireline degrees, a crawling snake type device, and a design based on
applications, the added value of CT became apparent with the tank tracks.
performance of other operations such as logging, stimulation, It is proposed that the AG-itator is particularly well suited to
scale removal and underreaming (Refs 6,7 & 8). It is extending the reach and capability of CT drilling or workover
suggested that some 95% of all CT operations are well operations for the following reasons.
interventions. This high percentage may be explained by 1. It can provide substantial axial force to extend CT
several factors. Firstly the operational and production reach (Refer to Fig1).
lifecycle of a well is often four to five times longer than the 2. The tool can be used in open hole. The majority of
drilling lifecycle. Additionally, Oil companies are seeking to the devices on the market are designed for cased hole
extend the life of mature assets, which in turn increases the 3. It is compatible with standard drilling fluids
demand for well intervention. 4. The tool is fluid driven and therefore there is no
From this perspective, well intervention simply offers a requirement for electrical cables, this minimizes the
greater volume of work over a longer period, in an industry time associated with injection. It should be noted that
where consecutive contracts may be difficult to find. For both fluid driven or wireline tractors can be used in
example, as of last year a Norwegian operator has improved CT operations. The wireline can be injected into the
well operations in a Norwegian field and increased production coil in situ prior to running in hole, if standard
by 44,000 b/d of oil by using CT. The break-even figure for wireline is used. If non-standard wireline is needed,
production is US $4 – 5 per bbl and the operators’ aim is to then this must be incorporated within the Coil at the
time of manufacture. Clearly a fluid driven tractor 5. Rasheed.: “Controlling Inclination in Tight TVD Corridors
overcomes this requirement and is therefore more using a 2D System” SPE 65540K Bhalla.: “Coiled Tubing
Extended Reach Technology” SPE 30404 (1995)
versatile than wireline tractors in this respect.
6. Hallundbaek.: “Reduction of cost with new well
However, there is a reliance on starting and stopping
intervention technology, well tractors” SPE 30405 (1995)
mud pumps to activate and deactivate the tool. This 7. Hallundbaek.: “Well Tractors for Highly Deviated and
can be seen as a limiting factor in powering the tool. Horizontal Wells” SPE 28871 (1994)
Fluid driven tractors have created some problems 8. Blikra et al.: “Extended Reach, Horizontal, and Complex
with hole washout and during tripping in and out of Design Wells” SPE 28005 (1994)
hole as constant flow is needed to power the tool. 9. “Coiled Tubing Implication in Drilling and Completing
Wireline tractors provide more protection against Wells” SPE 26336
hole washout but are limited in terms of traction 10. Faure et al.: “Slim Hole and CT cutting systems” SPE
27654 (1994)
11. “Helical Buckling and Lock up conditions for Coiled
5. The AG-itators’ performance is not reliant on wall
Tubing in Curved Wells” SPE 25370
contact area. Experience to date proves that tractor 12. Local.: “Wireline Tractor Experience in Australian
performance can be susceptible to hole conditions Horizontal Wells” SPE 49994 (1998)
and specifically, hole washout. This may result in the 13. Shell Tractor technology 1987 Petroleum Abstracts 431261
loss of contact area with the wellbore, limiting the use 14. Self propelled apparatus 1991 Petroleum Abstracts 515876
of the majority of tractors. 15. Wire line Tractor Ops successful in Horizontal Wells 1997
6. It is simple to operate, easily activated and generally Petroleum Abstracts648262
does not require a technical operator 16. Mechanical Friction Reducer 676090 Petroleum Abstracts
17. Beckman.: “Well intervention primes tractors for complex,
7. A single tool size would be flexible enough to suit a
long reach assignments” Offshore International V 58 No 3
range of coil from 2” to 31 /8 ”
March 1998
8. The tool is lightweight, minimising friction and 18. Illeman.: “Pipeline Blockage Remediation through
occupies a small amount of rig space mechanical friction reducers” – Deepstar Project Offshore
9. The likelihood of the tool and the BHA becoming International V 58 No 3 March 1998
differentially stuck are low due to the tools’ 19. Crouse: “American Gas & Oil reporter - Special Report
continuous friction reduction Advances help expand role of CT related technology July
10. In the unlikely event of failure the tool will act as if it 1998”
were a standard drill collar, minimising the chances 20. ICoTA Reel Reporter Volume 3 Issues 2 and 4
of becoming stuck in hole.
11. The tool is robust enough to withstand drilling
The tool saves on trip time once made up in the BHA. Saving
trip time is a major driver associated with CT.
The AG-itator has been successfully used worldwide in over
50 runs and has extended the reach of drilling systems by
solving several interrelated sliding problems. Consequently,
the AG-itator is expected to solve some of the friction related
problems encountered in CT drilling and workover operations,
as the basic challenge is strikingly similar to slide drilling.
The author wishes to thank Robert Dinnie, Richard Innes and
Sue Clarkson for their assistance and support of this paper.
1. Payne et al.: “Advanced Torque and Drag Considerations
in ERD wells” SPE 35102 (1996)
2. Leising et al.: “Extending the Reach of Coiled Tubing
Drilling, Thrusters, Equalisers and Tractors” SPE 37656
3. Challamel et al.: “A Stick/Slip Analysis Based on Rock/Bit
Interaction : Theoretical and Experimental Contribution”
SPE 59230
4. G McInnally et al.: “The application of New Wireline Well
Tractor” SPE 38757 (1997)
Improves Downhole Weight Transfer
The AG-itator gently oscillates the BHA to significantly improve weight transfer and reduce
friction. This means improved weight transfer, and reduced stick-slip, in all modes of drilling
but especially when oriented drilling with a steerable motor. As well profiles become more
tortuous, and the limitations of extended reach boundaries are explored, the AG-itator provides
a simple means of expanding the operating window of conventional steerable motor
Smooth weight transfer and exceptional tool face control is now possible with PDC bits, even
in significantly depleted formations after large azimuth changes. Extended intervals can be
achieved and the lack of requirement to work the BHA - to obtain and maintain tool face -
provides significant ROP improvements.
The AG-itator is compatible with all MWD systems and provides a viable means of extending
extended reach targets whilst improving ROP, reducing rock bit runs and minimising the
chance of differential sticking.
MWD/LWD Compatibility
• Does not damage MWD tools or corrupt signals
• Reduced lateral and torsional vibration
• Run above or below MWD
• No impact force to bit or tubulars
Bit Friendly
• Can be used with rock bit or fixed cutter bits
• No impact forces to damage teeth or bearings
• Extends PDC life through fine weight transfer - no spudding
Directional Enhancement
• Prevents weight stacking and allows excellent tool face control
• Provides means of sliding at increased ROP and lower weight off hook
• Allows weight transfer with less drill pipe compression
The AG-itator allows steerable motors to extend the boundaries of extended reach drilling, and
to enhance their efficiency in less complex applications.
10m at 3.3m/hr
0 1,500
250 1,400
North (m)
True Vertical Depth (m)
-250 -250 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 -150 -100 -50 0 50
Jar Jar
Circulating Sub
Float Sub
5 /2 ” String stab
Float Sub
5 /8 ” Turbine stab
PDM with 1.2 ° AKO
4 /4 ” Turbine
13 13
5 /16 ” Turbo back stab 5 /16 ” Turbine stab
5 /8” Bit