17uca5c10 - Scripting Languages
17uca5c10 - Scripting Languages
17uca5c10 - Scripting Languages
1. JavaScript is language
a. Scripting b. Object Oriented program
c. Programming d. Application
2. JavaScript is created by
a. Microsoft Corporation b. Netscape
c. Firebox d. Google Chrome
a. && b.|| c.! d.|
<!DOCTYPE html>
var x = 5;
document.write(x === "5");
a. 5 b. true c. 1 d. false
12. How would one declare a string variable?
a. Deal with logic that should execute only when a condition is false
b. Convert an integer value to a boolean
c. Create a loop that runs as long as a condition is true
d. Deal with logic that should execute only when a condition is true
a. 5 b. 2 c. 24 d. Other/Error
16. Which of the following is not a reserved word?
a. 4 b. 5 c. 0 d. 6
18. In an array object, what is the key of the first value?
a. 0 b. $ c. 1 d. -1
19. What does the “break” statement do?
a. Returns the value and continues executing rest of the statements, if any
b. Returns the value and stops the program
c. Returns the value and stops executing the function
d. Stops executing the function and returns the value
23. A ............................ mostly used to take users choice on any option and displays a
26. What is the correct JavaScript syntax to write "Hello World"?
a. Blur() b. Blur(contrast)
c. Blur(value) d. Blur(depth)
28. <script type="text/javascript">
a. 44 b. 8 c. 4 d. Error output
29. What is mean by "this" keyword in JavaScript?
a. Element b. Window
c. Location d. None of the mentioned
31. In general, event handler is nothing but
a. onClick c. onMouse
b. onReset d. onResize
a. TextArea c. TextField
b. Clear d. Reset
39. The is used to access information about the browser that is executing
the current script.
a. Window c. Navigator
b. History d. Event
44. Java Script enables to embed small program code in which page?
45. Java Script also provides objects that encapsulate various in a script?
a.. Properties b) String (or) Boolean
c) Object and Methods d) Attributes and methods
51. The .................................... attribute of an object specifies whether the value of the
property can be set.
a. Readable b) Writable c) Enumerable d) Configurable
52. A ................................ object is any object created by the execution of JavaScript code.
a.) Native b) Host C) User defined d) Remote
61. Which of the following function of VBScript converts a given number of any variant
subtype to Single?
a) CDbl b) CInt c) CLng d) CSng
63. What is the datatype of a variable in VBScript?
a) Real time b) Graphical User Interface c) Menu Drivend) None of the These
a) InternetDevelopmentEnvironment
b) IntegratedDualEnvironment
c) IntegratedDevelopmentEnvironment
d) Integrated Desktop Environment
69. Which of the following windows is the central to the development of Visual Basic
a) Project Window b)Form Window
c) Properties Window d)All of the above
74. VB script was launched in.
a)1994 b)1996 c)1993 d)1999
75. The variable does not change the value during execution of program is.
a) Numeric b) Constant c) String d) None of the above
76. Visual Basic tool that allows you to develop application is.
a) Real time b) Character User Interface
c) Graphical User Interface d) None of these
80. Which returns the time for the specific input of hour,minute and second.
a) Second b) Timer c) Timevalue d) TimeSerial
82. The Form is submitted by clicking on Submit button ------------ box appears.
a) Validate b) Event c) Circle d) Message
91. Microsoft COM is a standard for defining API object
a) Component Object Model b) Component
c) Component Model d) Compont
95. Select the control and move it with the ARROW keys
1. a. Scripting
2. b. Netscape
3. b. To add interactivity to HTML Pages.
4. a.var
5. a.The </script>
6. c. (condition)? value1: value 2
7. b. +=
8. d. |
9. d. Plus
10. b. Variables
11. d. false
12. a. All of these
13. d. Deal with logic that should execute only when a condition is true
14. c. 2
15. c. function fName() { }
16. c. program
17. b. 5
18. a. 0
19. c. Aborts the current loop or switch statement.
20. b. A semicolon “;”.
21. a. Identifier and Parantheses
22. d. Stops executing the function and returns the value
23. d. Conformation dialog box
24. a. Alert dialog box
25. a. Document Object Model
26. c. document.write("Hello World")
27. a. Blur()
28. a. 44
29. a. It refers current object
30. b. Window
31. a. function
32. b. Load
33. a. When user clicks the mouse over a document
34. c. Submit and reset events
35. b. When user clicks a key
36. c. onMouse
37. b. Clear
38. c. Plugins Array
39. b. History
40. a. Objet_Name.method_name
41. c) <DL>
42. b) Client – server
43. c) <HTML>
44. b) HTML
45. d) Attributes and methods
46. b) Navigator
47. c) File
48. a) Client
49. d) File upload
50. d) Object based
51. b) Writable
52. c) User defined
53. d) Serialization
54. b) Server – side Programming
55. a) cookie
56. b) Number
57. c) Program
58. d) =
59. d)All of the above
60. b) Secure
61. d) CSng
62. a) Using StrComp function
63. b) Variant
64. b) Assign a value to an object variable
65. c) StrComp
66. c) Microsoft
67. b) Graphical User Interface
68. c)IntegratedDevelopmentEnvironment
69. b) Form Window
70. c) Code editor window
71. a) Frame
72. b) Labelbox
73. c) Variant
74. b)1996
75. b) Constant
76. c) Graphical User Interface
77. a) Object Browser
78. b) Date
79. b) Time
80. d) TimeSerial
81. c) onclick
82. d) Message
83. b) onchange
84. a) Code
85. b) Clsid
86. a) ActiveX control
87. d) onkeypress
88. a) onmousedown
89. a) property or method
90. c) onmouseup
91. a) Component Object Model
92. a) WSH
93. a) separate component
94. b) HTML
95. a) ARROW
96. b) browser-independent
97. a) Microsoft
98. b) Sample
99. a) CBool
100. b) Chr