Lesson 132 Non ts25
Lesson 132 Non ts25
Lesson 132 Non ts25
2.1.1 Give detailed information about 1.2.5 Understand more complex supported
M themselves and others C questions
M By the end of the lesson, pupils should be to report what someone said.
C By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to listen and respond to at least two questions correctly.
Pupils can:
a. report their partner’s answers to another partner.
b. ask and answer at least two questions about a topic.
1. Pupils A and B work in pairs to dictate sentences about sugary foods to each other using the worksheet (A
and B version).
2. Activity 1:
a. Refer the pupils to the picture in the Graphic Grammar box. Ask Where are they? What's the boy
b. Read out the pairs of sentences and elicit which in each pair is direct speech and which is reported
c. Refer the pupils to the blue boxes in the sentences and elicit the tense of each verb.
d. Elicit the difference between direct speech and reported speech.
Lesson delivery e. Ask how the tenses differ.
f. Confirm and write on the board: present simplepast simple; present continuouspast continuous.
g. Draw attention to the purple boxes and explain that the pronoun sometimes needs to change too in
reported speech.
h. Have the pupils look back at the reading texts on pages 108-109 and find examples of sentences
which use the same structure.
i. Have them raise their hands when they find one and share it with the class.
3. Activity 2:
a. Have pupils identify the sentences that have speech marks.
b. Ask Are these sentences in direct or reported speech?
c. Look at the example with the class.
d. Elicit what has happened to the verb and the pronoun.
e. Have the pupils complete the reported speech sentences.
f. Check answers as a class.
4. Activity 3:
a. Have pupils work with a different partner from Step 1, also in an A-B pair.
b. They tell their new partner what their previous partner said. (Assessment)
c. Pupils can check the sentences with their new partner at the same time.
5. Activity 4:
a. Ask a pupil the first question. Then report his/ her answer to the class. (Activity 3)
b. Refer the pupils to the picture of the girl with the speech bubble and have a volunteer read it out.
c. The pupils ask and answer the questions in pairs. (Assessment)
d. They can write down their partner 's answers or just remember them.
e. Pupils could report in groups, rather than as a whole class to allow more pupils to practise reported
f. Pupils work in groups of three (A, B, C).
g. Pupil A gives Pupil B a question to ask Pupil C. Pupil B asks Pupil C, who replies to Pupil B. Pupil
B then reports the answer to Pupil A. (Assessment)
h. Example: Pupil A (to B): What kind of food does she like?
Pupil B (to C): What kind of food do you like?
Pupil C (to Pupil B): I like fruit.
Pupil B (to Pupil A): She said she liked fruit.
6. Play Telephone (see Games Bank, pages 14-17) using a mixture of direct speech and reported speech
Post lesson
sentences from the lesson.
a. ___ /___ pupils are able to achieve the stipulated learning objective.
b. ___ /___ pupils are not able to achieve the stipulated learning objectives Lesson postpone:
and they are given remedial activities / enrichment activities.
a. Course c. CRK
Other :
Pre-lesson activity
Worksheet A:
1. Sugar is bad for you.
2. Everyone eats too much sugar.
3. You are eating too much chocolate.
Worksheet B:
1. A healthy diet is important.
2. Many foods are full of sugar.
3. You aren’t eating enough vegetables.
Activity 2: Complete the reported sentences with the correct form
of the verb.
Activity 3: Ask a partner. Then report his/ her answers to the class
1. What's your favourite snack?
2. What do you want to do when you leave school?
3. What are you doing right now?
L Name:
Complete the reported sentences with the correct form of the verb
H Name: