1 s2.0 S0079670016000216 Main
1 s2.0 S0079670016000216 Main
1 s2.0 S0079670016000216 Main
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Thermal management is critical to the performance, lifetime, and reliability of electronic
Available online 26 March 2016 devices. With the miniaturization, integration and functionalization of electronics and
the emergence of new applications such as light emitting diodes, thermal dissipation
Keywords: becomes a challenging problem. Addressing this challenge requires the development of
Thermally conductive polymer composites novel polymer-based composite materials with enhanced thermal conductivity. In this
Modeling review, the fundamental design principles of highly thermally conductive composites were
Chain orientation
discussed. The key factors influencing the thermal conductivity of polymers, such as chain
Liquid crystalline polymers
structure, crystallinity, crystal form, orientation of polymer chains, and orientation of
Thermally conductive fillers
Microstructure control ordered domains in both thermoplastics and thermosets were addressed. The properties of
thermally conductive fillers (carbon nanotubes, metal particles, and ceramic particles such
as boron nitride or aluminum oxide) are summarized at length. The dependence of ther-
mal conductivity of composites on the filler loading, filler aggregate morphology and overall
composite structure is also discussed. Special attention is paid to recent advances in control-
ling the microstructure of polymer composites to achieve high thermal conductivity (novel
approaches to control filler orientation, special design of filler agglomerates, formation
of continuous filler network by self-assembly process, double percolation approach, etc.).
The review also summarizes some emerging applications of thermally conductive poly-
mer composites. Finally, we outline the challenges and outlook for thermally conductive
polymer composites.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2. Modeling of thermal conductivity in composites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
2.1. Constitutive (micromechanical) modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.2. Finite element modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
2.3. Interfacial thermal resistance modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
0079-6700/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
42 H. Chen et al. / Progress in Polymer Science 59 (2016) 41–85
Cu copper
A cross sectional transfer area CuNWs copper nanowires
Cp specific heat capacity per unit volume DC direct-current
Dint interparticle distance DDE 4,4 -diaminodiphenylethane
k or TC thermal conductivity DDM diffuse mismatch model
kB bulk thermal conductivity DGEBA diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A
kc thermal conductivity of the composite DGEBP diglycidyl ether of 4,4 -biphenol
keff effective heat conductivity DGEDH diglycidyl ether of 1,4-diaminobenzene-bis
kf thermal conductivity of filler (4-hydroxy-benzaldehyde)
kp thermal conductivity of polymer matrix DGEHAP diglycidyl ether of 4-((4-
ij thermal conductivity tensor hydroxybenzylidene)amino)phenol
h interfacial thickness DGEHH diglycidyl ether of hydrazine-bis(4-
J heat flux hydroxybenzaldehyde)
L conduction path length DGETAM diglycidyl ether of terephthalylidene-bis-
l phonon mean free path (4-amino-3-methylphenol)
L11 , k33 geometrical factors DGETMBP diglycidyl ether of 3,3 ,5,5 -tetramethyl-
Mn number average molecular weight 4,4 -biphenol
q rate of heat transfer DSC differential scattering calorimetry
r filler aspect ratio ECU electronic control units
Rksm interfacial thermal resistance between EMA effective medium approximations
SWCNT and matrix EMC epoxy molding compound
T0 constant temperature EMT effective medium theory
T temperature difference EN European Standard
TC|| TC along the orientation direction EVA poly(ethylene vinyl acetate)
TC⊥ TC perpendicular to the draw direction EVs electric vehicles
˛ thermal diffusivity FD finite difference
ı kf /kp Fe3 O4 ferroferric oxide
volume fraction of fillers FEA finite element analysis
draw ratio FeCr Fe–Cr steel particles
interfacial thermal conductivity GBN glycidyl methacrylate-butyl acrylate-
phonon velocity maleic anhydride
density GNSs graphene nanosheets
electrical conductivity H3 BO3 boric acid
hBN hexagonal boron nitride
Abbreviations HDPE high density polyethylene
1-D one-dimensional HEVs hybrid electric vehicles
2-D two dimensional ISO International Organization for Standardiza-
3-D three-dimensional tion
a-PT amorphous polythiophene ITRS International Technology Roadmap for
ABS poly(acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene) Semiconductors
copolymer LABNs linear assembles of BN nanosheets
AgNWs silver nanowires LADFs linearly aligned diamond fillers
AgNWs@SiO2 silica-coated silver nanowires LCP liquid crystalline polymers
Al aluminum LDPE low density polyethylene
Al2 O3 aluminum oxide LED light-emitting diode
AlN aluminum nitride MG model Maxwell–Garnett approximation
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials MPP mesophase pitch
BACE bisphenol A cyanate ester MWCNTs multi-walled carbon nanotubes
BeO beryllium oxide Ni nickel
BN boron nitride PA 6 polyamide-6
BNNT boron nitride nanotubes PA66 polyamide-6,6
BNNTs boron nitride nanotubes PAA poly(acrylic acid)
BZE 4-(4-oxylanylbutoxy)benzoic acid-1,4 - PAN polyacrylonitrile
phenylene ester PAP poly(N-acryloyl piperidine)
c-PBO crystalline polybenzobisoxazole PBO poly(p-phenylene benzobisoxazole)
c-PE crystalline polyethylene PBT poly(butylene terephthalate)
CNF carbon nano fibers PC polycarbonate
CNT carbon nanotube PCM phase change materials
CTE coefficient of thermal expansion PDMS poly(dimethyl siloxane)
44 H. Chen et al. / Progress in Polymer Science 59 (2016) 41–85
1. Introduction
The thermal conductivity of polymer composites is a interaction of polymers and fillers also need to be care-
function of the TC of both polymers and fillers. However, fully understood and controlled. Furthermore, not only the
the importance of the TC of polymers is often neglected TC, but also other properties and processability need to be
in the design of thermally conductive polymer compos- considered and balanced.
ites because it is usually quite low compared to that of In this review, key factors that influence the TC of
the filler. The TC of polymers is particularly important at composites are discussed. Special attention is given to ther-
low filler loadings, as the thermally conductive fillers are mally conductive nanocomposites. Despite the fact that
separated by polymer matrix, which acts as a thermal bar- there has been an excellent review on the TC of car-
rier and becomes rate-limiting in the thermal conduction bon nanotubes and their polymer composites [3], they
pathway. are still included in this review, but in less detail. Novel
The addition of thermally conductive inorganic fillers is techniques for microstructure control of heat conductive
indispensable for achieving high TC. The filler type, loading composites are reviewed. Various applications of thermally
level, filler size, and filler shape have a strong influence conductive polymer composites are summarized. Finally,
on the TC of polymer composites. Moreover, the spatial the challenges and outlook for thermally conductive poly-
arrangement of the fillers and the orientation of fillers are mer composites are discussed.
also important to the TC. Many types of filler have non-
spherical shapes (plate-like or needle-like). They can be 2. Modeling of thermal conductivity in composites
oriented during processing, which leads to composites with
anisotropic thermal conductivity (e.g., if plate-like fillers Due to the almost infinite number of possible mate-
are strongly aligned, the “in-plane” TC would be larger than rial compositions (the choice of polymer matrix, the type
the normal or “through-plane” TC). In some applications, an of thermally conductive fillers, the filler weight fraction,
anisotropic TC is not preferred or the orientation direction etc.), it is imperative to find ways to limit the number
of the fillers is not in the desired direction. Novel techniques of possible experiments and to be able to estimate the
are being developed for obtaining desired filler orientation. properties of the candidate materials. Thus, theory and
Often creating a continuous filler network is the key to modeling play important role in the process of screening
obtaining high TC in composite structures. Network for- potential compositions and selecting the more promising
mation, however, usually takes place at high filler loading ones. First, modeling (such as molecular dynamic simu-
levels. This can lead to poor processability, poor mechani- lations) can predict “ideal” thermal conductivity of many
cal properties, and high cost. Studies are ongoing to develop “pure” materials (carbon nanotube, graphite, ceramic par-
composites with high TC at a lower filler loading level by ticles, and various polymers). Over the course of this
carefully controlling filler spatial arrangement. review, we will often reference such studies. Second, using
The interaction of filler with polymer matrix is also models, one can determine – often in a qualitative fash-
important to the TC. Poor interface between filler and ion, sometimes semi-quantitatively or quantitatively – the
polymer could lead to high thermal interfacial resistance dependence of composite thermal conductivity on the
and reduce the TC. Improving polymer-filler interfacial matrix TC, filler TC, and filler volume fraction (“loading”).
interaction can increase the overall composite TC quite sub- Other factors that influence the overall composite TC – and
stantially [4]. are often neglected in the models – include the filler mor-
The TC is determined by the structure and properties of phology (dispersed individual particles; aggregates; fractal
polymer and fillers, as well as the morphology of the com- clusters; percolated network, etc.), anisotropy (especially
posites and the interaction of polymers and fillers, as shown in the case of non-spherical filler particles), properties
in Fig. 1. When we design thermally conductive polymer of filler–matrix interfaces, and effects of processing his-
composites, a holistic approach to satisfy all the applica- tory. Sometimes, these effects are difficult to predict from
tion requirements is needed. It is not sufficient just to select first principles, and then modeling should be combined
appropriate polymers and fillers. The morphology and the with experimental inputs (such as electron microscopy) to
provide explanation of observed trends and design subse-
quent experiments.
Interaction Broadly, composite models can be divided into two
(filler surface treatment)
classes – analytical micromechanical models and finite
element simulations. Analytical micromechanical models
(also known as constitutive equations) provide closed-
form expressions for the composite TC as functions of the
TCs of the matrix and filler materials. Usually, these models
Thermal assume ideal filler-matrix interfaces (no thermal resistance
Conductivity for phonons to go through) and idealized morphology (e.g.,
uniform dispersion of filler particles). As a result, those
Polymer Type Morphology
models can provide very quick estimates of the depend-
Filler (orientation of fillers and ence of composite TC on both filler and matrix TCs and the
(size, shape, type, polymers, ordered structure, filler loading; however, the predictions are usually qualita-
hybrid filler) filler arrangement/packing)
tive. Finite element models usually offer more opportunity
Fig. 1. Thermal conductivity of composites depends on multiple factors to calculate composite TC fairly accurately by taking
that need to be considered when designing new materials. into account realistic composite morphology and possible
46 H. Chen et al. / Progress in Polymer Science 59 (2016) 41–85
2 1
Most of the experimental results were found to fall ˇ= (ı − 1) + (9)
somewhere between these two types of models. However, 3 1 + L11 (ı − 1) 1 + L33 (ı − 1)
the series model is usually closer to the experimental data Constants L11 and L33 are geometrical factors depend-
as compared to the parallel model [5], leading to the devel- ent on the filler aspect ratio r (which is defined as the size
opment of many different models derived from the basic divided by thickness, so it is always larger than unity).
series model. These models generally introduce some more
complex weighted averages on thermal conductivities and r2 r
L11 = − cosh−1 r
volume fractions of particles and matrix. The models often − 1)
2(r 2 2(r 2 − 1)
3/2 (10)
include semi-theoretical fitting parameters and rely on L33 = 1 − L11
so-called effective medium approximations. Two com-
monly used effective medium approximation methods are For a sphere, r = 1 and the geometrical factors are all
the Maxwell–Garnett (MG) model [6] and the Bruggeman equal to 1/3. In this case, the shape factor n becomes equal
model [7]. to 3, which recovers Maxwell–Garnett’s formula.
H. Chen et al. / Progress in Polymer Science 59 (2016) 41–85 47
In the illustration (Fig. 3), we demonstrate how the com- In the previous section, we described various analytical
posite TC depends on the matrix TC and the filler loading or closed-form expressions evaluating TC of composites as
as predicted by the Bruggeman model. Assuming a high- a function of their composition and the characteristics of
TC inorganic filler such as boron nitride (kf ∼ 300 W/(m K)), the matrix and the fillers. While those approaches are very
we can clearly see that composite TC depends substantially useful for quick evaluation of the trends expected upon
on the matrix TC, especially at low and intermediate filler changes in filler loading or filler type, they are limited to
volume fractions. And at high loadings (above 50%), the some very specific situations (e.g., monodisperse spheri-
composite TC approaches the filler TC. This dependence will cal fillers in a homogeneous matrix or perfectly aligned
be discussed more extensively in subsequent sections. ellipsoidal fillers in a homogeneous matrix). In general,
For composites with low filler loading, Bruggeman and however, composite morphology could be more compli-
Maxwell–Garnett models give very similar predictions. cated, in which case numerical approaches, such as finite
For composites with higher filler loading and in those element analysis (FEA) or finite difference (FD) modeling,
systems where thermally conductive fillers form perco- could be better suited. Here, we provide several examples
lated pathways, the MG model significantly under-predicts of the FEA modeling of TC in polymer-based composites.
the composite thermal conductivity, while the Bruggeman Comprehensive description of the FEA approach to com-
model can describe experimental data reasonably well. posite TC is certainly beyond the scope of this paper –
Hence, Bruggeman model is used to predict the effective we refer the reader to several recent books and reviews
48 H. Chen et al. / Progress in Polymer Science 59 (2016) 41–85
Fig. 9. (a) A finite element model of a randomly distributed SWCNT/polymer composite. The volume fraction of SWCNTs is 22%. (b) A temperature
distribution of a steady-state thermal analysis of a randomly distributed SWCNT/polymer composite. The volume fraction of SWCNTs is 22%. (c) Calculated
and experimental thermal conductivity (kc ) of SWCNT/epoxy composites as function of SWCNT volume fraction. (d) Same as (c) but for polyolefin/SWCNT
composites. Here, Rksm is the interfacial thermal resistance between SWCNT and matrix. [47], Copyright 2012. Reproduced with permission from Elsevier
demonstrated, once again, the importance of interfacial our ability to use simulations to screen formulations and
thermal resistance for proper understanding of heat trans- design candidate systems will increase dramatically.
fer in these materials. Even so, the mechanism of heat As already mentioned, one critical challenge in ensuring
transfer in the polymer/CNT composites is not yet fully the validity and accuracy of the continuum-level models
understood, as more recent experimental studies [48,49] (whether constitutive or FEA) is description of the heat
indicated that the increase in heat conductivity as function transfer through interfaces. Below, we briefly review recent
of the CNT volume fraction could be indeed consistent with progress on this topic.
the nanotube percolation.
Other recent applications of FEA modeling include 2.3. Interfacial thermal resistance modeling
those of polymer/platelet composites [50,51] and those
where mixed fillers are used [52]. Additionally, several Interfacial thermal resistance (often called Kapitza
authors have been working to combine FEA approach with resistance following the pioneering work by Kapitza [10])
molecular-level modeling (such as molecular dynamics) can be understood as follows. The matrix (such as poly-
to derive interfacial resistivity in a fundamental manner mer) and the filler (CNT or an inorganic particle) have
[51]. One can expect that in the next several years, FEA different spectra of quantum states for the heat carri-
simulations of composite properties, including TC, will be ers (electrons, holes, and phonons). In most polymers,
dramatically expanded and will include formulations with heat is carried only by phonons, and their density of
multiple fillers, varying degree of anisotropy, and other states is substantially lower than in highly crystalline
complexities. Furthermore, as computers become faster, CNTs or inorganic fillers. As a result, many phonons are
H. Chen et al. / Progress in Polymer Science 59 (2016) 41–85 51
back-scattered at the interface between the matrix and the One important conclusion from these and other stud-
filler. The problem can be exacerbated if the interfacial cou- ies was that the surface functionalization of the filler could
pling between the filler and the matrix is weak [53–55]. be crucial to improving thermal conductivity of compos-
This results in a temperature discontinuity, T, at the ites. Within both theories of interfacial resistance (acoustic
interface; this discontinuity is proportional to the heat flux, mismatch model and diffuse mismatch model), the inter-
J (Eq. (15)) facial thermal conductivity is directly proportional to the
overlap between vibrational density of states (VDOS) spec-
J = (T ) (15)
tra of the matrix and the filler. Wang et al. [55] computed
The proportionality constant, , is the interfacial ther- VDOS of pristine or organically modified graphene sheet
mal conductivity and has units of W/(m2 K); the inverse of and compared it with those of a model paraffin (Fig. 10).
is the interfacial thermal resistance (usually labeled Rk ). The calculation shows that accurately matching the
It is often convenient to define interfacial thickness, h (Eq. VDOS of the matrix by using the right surface modi-
(16)), as follows: fier is very important. Even though the overlap integral
S increases substantially upon addition of virtually any
kB organic modifier, butyl surfactant results in the high-
h= (16)
est value, leading to the most effective reduction in
where kB is the bulk thermal conductivity in unit of the interfacial resistance for a given surface coverage
W/(m K). Typical values of h are on the order of nanometers (Fig. 11). This analysis shows that even modest surface
[54]; thus, it is often reasonable to disregard the interfa- functionalization could lead to substantial improvement
cial effects if the filler size is on the order of microns. In in the interfacial thermal transport. Recent experimental
many FEA simulations of conventional polymer–inorganic studies suggest that surface functionalization can indeed
composites discussed above, the assumption of “perfect” lead to some improvement in thermal conductivity in
interface (T = 0) was thus justified since the typical finite alumina/NylonTM -6 composites [63].
element size was much greater than h. However, if one Prediction of interfacial thermal properties is still rel-
tried to increase the composite thermal conductivity sub- atively new and rapidly developing field, and this short
stantially higher, by increasing the filler loading and/or review does not attempt to be comprehensive. As com-
reducing the filler size, the interparticle distance Dint would puters become more powerful and atomistic force fields
eventually decrease to the point where it becomes compa- more accurate, we can expect to see more advances in pre-
rable to h. Further increases in the filler volume fraction dicting interfacial thermal resistance for more and more
would then lead to no improvement in the overall TC. As diverse filler/matrix pairs. Creating such a library will help
Shenogin et al. [54] emphasized, in these nanocomposites, in developing more accurate macroscopic FEA models and
the fillers could be separated by 1 nm physically, yet from thus using modeling as part of new material design.
thermal standpoint, their separation could be as large as One critical remaining challenge for composite simula-
h ∼ 10–20 nm. This insight helps us better understand the tions so far is our limited ability to predict the morphology
results from the FEA simulations in which the interfacial and the filler dispersion and aggregation. Thus, most FEA
resistance was varied parametrically (Figs. 8 and 9) – once simulations require the a priori knowledge of the mor-
the filler volume fraction increased to the point where the phology (which could be either assumed theoretically or
interparticle distance becomes comparable to the thermal taken from experimental measurements such as electron
interfacial thickness, the overall thermal conductivity stops microscopy). Overcoming this difficulty would require bet-
increasing. ter understanding of the material preparation process,
So far, we mainly discussed continuum approaches to hydrodynamics and thermodynamics of fillers in polymer
thermal conductivity, where heat transfer through matrix, melt (for thermoplastics) or balance of flow, reaction, and
filler, and interface was described in a phenomenologi- filler motion (for thermosets).
cal manner. In order to predict the interfacial thermal
resistance, one needs to turn to molecular models. We 3. Thermal conductivity measurement techniques
already mentioned the study by Shenogin et al. [54]
who used molecular dynamics to study interfacial heat The measurement techniques of thermal conductivity
transport between a carbon nanotube and octane liq- can be divided into two groups. They are steady-state
uid. Alzina and co-workers [56] used multiscale modeling methods and transient methods. Steady-state methods are
to study heat transfer in epoxy/glass composites at very applied when the system has achieved stability, while the
low temperatures. They showed that theory and exper- transient methods are used during the process of heating
iment agreed fairly well if one assumed the so-called up or cooling down a material. Table 1 gives an overview
diffuse mismatch model (DMM), in which all phonons of main thermal conductivity measurement methods.
were assumed to diffusely scatter at the interface. Roy
et al. [57,58] demonstrated using molecular dynamics the 3.1. Steady-state methods
importance of coupling between the carbon nanotube and
the polymer matrix. Shin et al. [59] developed a multiscale Steady state condition means that temperature varies
model combining nonequilibrium molecular dynamics and across the sample but is generally time-independent (apart
finite element analysis to compute thermal conductivity in from small random fluctuations). The determination of the
SiC/epoxy composites. Similar approaches have been also thermal conductivity is based on the measurement of a
applied to various other systems [55,60–62]. heat flux and a temperature gradient. The main steady
52 H. Chen et al. / Progress in Polymer Science 59 (2016) 41–85
Fig. 10. Comparison of VDOS between paraffin (blue) and graphene with various surface functionalities (red). The captions (S = 0.006, etc.) describe the
calculated VDOS overlap integrals. [55], Copyright 2015. Reproduced with permission from the American Chemical Society.
state methods include guarded hot plate method, axial flow 3.1.2. Axial flow method
method, heat flow meter method, pipe method. Axial flow method is the most widely used method for
thermal conductivity measurements at low temperatures.
3.1.1. Guarded hot plate In this method, a temperature gradient is created by locat-
Guarded hot plate method is used for testing materi- ing the test specimen between two reference specimens of
als with low thermal conductivity. The guarded hot plate known thermal conductivity to form a sample column with
device consists of one or two cold plates, a hot plate, a sys- a heater and a heat sink in the two ends [68–70].
tem of guard heaters and thermal insulation. The technique
concept is to form a temperature gradient by applying a
known heat flux on one side of the plate-like sample, and 3.1.3. Heat flow meter method
let the heat pass through the test sample to a cold plate The design of the heat flow meter method is quite sim-
on the opposite side of sample. The temperatures at each ilar to the single-specimen guarded hot plate apparatus,
side of the samples are measured when the system reaches with the difference that the main heater is replaced by
steady state [64]. Thermal conductivity can be calculated a heat flux sensor. Temperature difference was measured
based on heat flux, sample thickness and surface areas, and across a thermal resistor which contains a series of ther-
temperature difference [65–67]. mocouples [71–73].
H. Chen et al. / Progress in Polymer Science 59 (2016) 41–85 53
Table 1
Comparison of different thermal conductivity test methods.
Guarded hot plate 80–800 K <0.8 2% Glass, polymers and ASTM C177
Steady-state method [64–67] insulation materials ISO 8302
methods EN 12667
Axial flow method 90–1300 K 0.2–200 2% Polymer, ceramics, metals ASTM E1225
Heat flow meter 253–523 K <10 3% Glass, polymers and ASTM C 518
method [67,71–73] insulation materials, ASTM E1530
ceramics ISO 8301
EN 12667
Pipe method [64,74] 293–2770 K 0.02–200 2% Metals, high conductivity ISO 8497
inorganics, polymer
Laser flash method 373–3273 K >0.01 3–5% Glasses, polymers, ASTM E1461
Transient methods [64,75–78] ceramics, metals ISO 22007-4
ISO 18755
Transient hot wire 293–2273 K <25 1–10% Glasses, polymers, ASTM-C 1113
method [64,79–83] ceramics, most of liquid, ISO 8894-1
gas, powders ISO 8894-2
Transient plane source 20–1273 K 0.005–1800 5% Insulation materials, ISO 22007-2
method [84–87] powders, polymers,
ceramics, metals, liquids
Note: Data are cited from the references noted in method name cell.
k = ˛Cp (17)
Fig. 12. Thermal conductivity and structure of polymers. -Conjugated polymers are plotted by solid lines with circle markers, while others are plotted
by dashed lines with triangular symbols. [102], Copyright 2014. Reproduced with permission from the American Chemical Society.
TC of various polymers. Simulation is the most widely polymers, thermal conductance path that follows the
used tool for studying the effect of chain structure on chain conformation is essentially random, which reduces
TC [102–104]. A recent large-scale molecular dynamics l and causes phonon scattering [105]. Crystallization can
simulation [102] systematically investigated the effect of increase the intrinsic order, which is likely responsible for
various molecular structures (as shown in Fig. 12) on TC higher TC in poly(ether ether ketone) [106], polytrifluo-
and showed that higher TC can be achieved in polymers rochloroethylene [105] and PE [107,108]. Polypropylene is
with rigid backbones, exemplified by -conjugated poly- an interesting exception – it is highly crystalline but has
mers (such as polyacetylene, poly[diimidazo pyridinylene a low TC. This can be attributed to its low crystal density
(dihydroxy) phenylene], poly(p-phenylene benzobisthia- (i.e. low chain stacking density, ∼0.93 g/cc
1.00 g/cc of
zole), poly-(p-phenylene), polythiophene). It is because PE crystal) and/or the possible phonon scattering created
the -conjugated rigid backbone can suppress segmen- by vibrational mode of side group methyl. Among thermo-
tal rotation and enable high bond strength for larger plastic polymers, PE and especially HDPE have the highest
phonon group velocity . Strong interchain interaction TC. Early study [107] indicates that the TC of HDPE can be
in polyketone, NylonTM , TeflonTM , and KevlarTM can sup- readily increased by increasing crystallinity and lamellar
press segmental rotation to some extent. However, the thickness through processing conditions.
presence of heavier atoms (e.g. oxygen), weaker back- In addition to the overall crystallinity, the crystal form
bone bonds and segments vulnerable to random rotations also affects TC of crystalline or semi-crystalline ther-
lead to lower and thus lower TC. Another simulation moplastic polymers. High-pressure and high-temperature
[104] also indicated that TC of polymer chains with mass treatment on HDPE and UHMWPE was conducted recently
disorder (other atoms or functional groups incorporated in the stable hexagonal phase [108]. The treatment
into aliphatic/aromatic pristine chains) should be about increased the crystallinity of both resins to almost the
25 times lower than TC of PE chain. It is the disorder same level, ∼68% (DSC). However, UHMWPE underwent
that creates localized vibrational modes, which impede the homogeneous and significant change from thin lamellae to
energy transport (driven by delocalized, long-wavelength extended chain crystal structure, while many thin lamellae
phonon modes). In addition, polymers with intrinsic ran- remained in HDPE. The lamellar thickness of UHMWPE was
dom segmental rotation (e.g. PTFE and PDMS [92]) have enlarged from ∼20 nm to the range of 100–150 nm. There-
low TC due to the conformational disorder-induced phonon fore, TC of UHMWPE increased from 0.42 to 0.58 W/(m K)
scattering. (37% increase), while that of HDPE only increased from
0.42 to 0.48 W/(m K) (11% increase). These results sug-
4.2. Effect of crystallinity and crystal form gest that it is the extended crystal structure and increased
lamellar thickness that are responsible for substantial TC
As seen from Table 2, crystalline polymers gener- improvement relative to a PE with randomly oriented
ally have higher TC than amorphous ones. In amorphous lamellae.
56 H. Chen et al. / Progress in Polymer Science 59 (2016) 41–85
Fig. 16. (a) Chemical structure of the smectic LCP main-chain PB-n; (b) parallel and (c) perpendicular orientations of lamella by shear flow. The TC⊥ in (b)
is illustrated. [137], Copyright 2012. Reproduced with permission from John Wiley and Sons.
large increase was in the cross-plane TC in spin-cast (from improvement on the TC of final composites given the same
polymer solution) films with a nano thickness up to 70 nm. filler loading [146]. Thus, to achieve high TC in typical ther-
It is interesting to know whether this high TC is isotropic mosets, one needs to typically use high filler levels, thus
and can be maintained for bulk thick films. It is also inter- increasing the viscosity of composite resin and leading to
esting to know whether these polymer blends still have poor processability.
high TC if they are prepared by melt mixing. As discussed before, ordered structure in polymers
can promote the movement of phonons, and thus can
5. Thermal conductivity of thermosets lead to resins with higher TC. Liquid crystalline ther-
mosets, possessing long rigid rod-like “mesogen” groups,
Thermosets have also been used as the matrix for ther- can form ordered structure. When thermosets with meso-
mally conductive composites due to their easy molding gen structure are cooled from isotropic state at high
capability, high thermal resistance, and high electrical temperatures, mesogen groups can aggregate and form
insulating characteristics. Similar to most thermoplas- liquid crystal domain in matrix at a certain temperature
tics, thermosets such as epoxy resin are amorphous and range. This ordered liquid crystal domain can effectively
have a low thermal conductivity in a range from 0.17 to increase the TC of matrix. Table 3 displays the TC of vari-
0.21 W/(m K) [4,145]. As discussed before, the TC of the ous thermosets including both amorphous thermosets and
matrix has a huge effect on the TC of final composites. Even liquid crystalline thermosets. Normal non-mesogen ther-
a small increase on the TC of matrix can lead to significant mosets such as DGEBA can only form isotropic amorphous
Fig. 17. (a) Illustrations of heterogeneous (left) and homogeneous (right) distributions of thermally conductive interchain connections; (b) polymer pairs
designed to exhibit interchain H-bonding. The OH group is closely connected to the main chain for PAA and PVA, whereas it is attached to the backbone
via a benzene ring linker for PVPh. [144], Copyright 2014. Reproduced with permission from the Nature Publishing Group.
60 H. Chen et al. / Progress in Polymer Science 59 (2016) 41–85
Table 3
Thermal conductivities of various thermosets.
0.19 [148]
0.20 [95]
0.20 [147]
0.26 [148]
0.29 [148]
0.15–0.17 [150]
0.44–0.45 [150]
0.44–0.46 [150]
0.30 [145,148,151]
0.43–0.44 [150]
0.88 [148]
0.89 [145]
0.96 [145]
1.05 [148]
H. Chen et al. / Progress in Polymer Science 59 (2016) 41–85 61
Fig. 19. Schematic representation of the strategy to afford macroscopic isotropic resin having high thermal conductivity. [145], Copyright 2003. Reproduced
with permission from John Wiley and Sons.
62 H. Chen et al. / Progress in Polymer Science 59 (2016) 41–85
respectively, which results in much improved TC. TME4, spherulitic crystals increased from 10 to 80 m. The rele-
TME6 and TME8 that are typical twin-mesogen thermosets, vant TC increased with the size of spherulitic crystals from
as shown in Table 3, have very high liquid crystal domain 0.33 to 1.16 W/(m K).
size (>1600 nm) and content (>40 vol.%). Their TC can reach It is also worthwhile to point out that liquid crystalline
a very high range of 0.83–1.05 W/(m K) [145,148]. Although thermosets with high TC usually have a high melting point.
twin-mesogen thermosets showed very high TC, their com- As they need to be heated to above its melting point for
plicated synthetic procedure and very high raw material mixing with fillers and hardeners and processing, this could
cost make them difficult to be commercialized. lead to short gel time and poor processability.
Fig. 21. POM photograph of well-developed spherulite crystals. [157], Fig. 22. Model of DGETAM/DDE cured under the magnetic field. [161],
Copyright 2012. Reproduced with permission from Elsevier Ltd. Copyright 2003. Reproduced with permission from John Wiley and Sons.
H. Chen et al. / Progress in Polymer Science 59 (2016) 41–85 63
Table 4
Thermal conductivities of some thermally conductive fillers.
6. Thermally conductive fillers low TC and is not a very good candidate for high thermally
conductive composites [193]. Carbon fibers [194] and CNTs
Given that polymers have low TC (generally less than are one-dimensional (1-D) fillers, and have a high TC along
1.0 W/(m K)), making high-TC polymer-based materials the longitudinal direction. The TC of carbon fibers varies
requires introducing high-TC filler particles into polymer over a wide range depending on the organic precursor
matrix [163–165]. The TC of fillers is largely determined and processing conditions used. The two most important
by the way how heat transfers in filler particles. In gen- precursors for carbon fibers are polyacrylonitrile (PAN)
eral, fillers with purely phonon heat transfer mechanism [172] and mesophase pitch (MPP) [173]. Mesophase
(as opposed to those having both phonon and electron pitch-based carbon fibers have a much higher TC (up to
ones) have lower TC. Metal oxide such as ␣-Al2 O3 only has 1000 W/(m K)) resulting from highly crystalline graphitic
a TC around 30 W/(m K) [166]. Even for highly thermally structure and its high degree of orientation parallel to
conductive ceramic materials, such as BN and AlN, TC can the fiber axis [172]. Therefore, a large number of research
only reach to 100–300 W/(m K). In contrast, free electrons efforts have been focused on using mesophase pitch-based
are much more efficient in transporting heat compared to carbon fibers as thermally conductive reinforcements
phonons since electrons are more resistant to scattering [195,196]. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are an allotrope of
and move at higher speeds. Thus, metallic and carbon- carbon having a cylindrical structure and show extremely
based fillers show a much higher TC mainly due to free high TC [171]. There is a recent review on more detailed
electrons. Table 4 lists both thermal and electric properties treatment of polymer–CNT composites [3], in which the
of commonly used thermally conductive fillers. influence of atomic structure, tube size, morphology,
defects, purification, micro/nano-structure, and interfaces
6.1. Metallic fillers between CNTs and polymer matrix on the TC have been
discussed extensively. Recently, it was discovered that
Various metallic fillers, such as nickel, copper, alu- graphene has extremely high TC, which even exceeds
minum, silver, have been widely used in polymer that of CNTs [197]. Graphene is a two-dimensional carbon
composites for improving TC [188]. In general they could material with a single layer structure, for which it is easy to
be quite effective in increasing TC of composites compared form effective pathways for heat transfer. It is considered
to the pure matrix polymer. However, adding metallic par- to be a good thermally conductive additive for thermal
ticles into polymers will also cause a substantial increase in engineering application. However, the large surface area
the electrical conductivity of the composites and/or reduc- of graphene makes it difficult to be incorporated (“exfoli-
tion in the dielectric breakdown voltage. Thus, metallic ated”) in polymer at high levels and its high material cost
fillers can only be used in applications where electri- is another concern that may limit its further industrial
cal insulation and dielectric breakdown strength are not applications. Even so, compared to other nanosized carbon
important. materials, graphene is abundant, relatively cheap, and
highly thermally conductive, and has already found many
industrial applications.
6.2. Carbon based materials
TC. Non-oxide fillers, such as aluminum nitride (AlN) drastic improvement be observed. This implies that effi-
[198,199], boron nitride (BN), silicon nitride (Si3 N4 ) [200] cient thermally conductive pathways start to form at high
or silicon carbide (SiC) [183] have high TC as their strong filler loading levels due to filler-to-filler connections. This
interatomic bonds and crystal structure can significantly phenomenon is described well by various models [207]. It
reduce phonon scattering. In particular, BN and AlN fillers should be noted that increasing loading level is not always
are widely used for thermally conductive and electrically preferred, as a high filler loading level can cause the com-
insulating composites [201]. However, these fillers also posite to be brittle, have poor processability and result in a
have some limitations, e.g., BN has an extremely low TC high cost.
in the through-plane direction, and AlN particles are easy
to hydrolyze [179,202] (although the moisture reactivity of 7.2. Effect of filler shape
AlN could potentially be mitigated by surface modification
such as silica coating [203]). The filler shape also has a significant influence on
TC is closely related to the crystal structure and crys- the performance of polymer composites. The effects of
tallinity of fillers. The alignment of atoms and their filler shape on the TC of composite materials, especially
interactions affect the efficiency of the heat transfer when the fillers are distributed randomly, were extensively
dramatically. In fact, even two materials with identical studied [208,209]. It is important to note that thermal con-
chemical formula could have different TC, if they possess ductivity is not the only property that depends on the
different crystal structure. For example, there exist ␣ and filler shape. For processing polymer composites, lower vis-
 phases in Si3 N4 crystals, corresponding to low- and high- cosity is desired. However, high filler loading above the
temperature polymorphs, respectively. The TC of -Si3 N4 percolation threshold is usually needed to achieve high TC.
in the direction parallel to the c-axis is much higher than High filler loading will normally cause a significant increase
that of the isotropic ␣-Si3 N4 [204]. Another example is on the viscosity of composites and make it more difficult
boron nitride, which can change from hexagonal structure for composites to be processed by conventional polymer
to cubic structure under high temperature and pressure processing techniques. The rise of viscosity mainly stems
[205]. Hexagonal BN is comprised of planar sheets of cova- from the interfacial friction between fillers, and between
lently bonded boron and nitrogen atoms, which make up fillers and polymers. Many low-cost fillers have irregular
the in-plane structure of the crystal. Different layers are shapes with many edges and corners, and can cause signif-
held together in the through-plane direction through Van icant friction during mixing or compounding. The irregular
der Waals forces. Due to its special crystal structure, it shape can cause a significant increase in the viscosity of
shows anisotropic TC with ∼300 W/(m K) in in-plane direc- composites when the filler loading is high. When deal-
tion and ∼2 W/(m K) in through-plane direction. After the ing with irregular shaped fillers with high hardness, for
transition into cubic phase, boron nitride becomes more example, irregular Al2 O3 powders, tool wearing could be an
isotropic, and its in-plane and through-plane TC become issue. Other characteristics of fillers, such as rough surface,
nearly equal and high. Similar situation exists between low flowability, aggregation, breakability, will be unfavor-
graphite and diamond [206]. Better crystallization means able for the processing of the composites, and may damage
fewer defects in crystal structure and can help improve heat TC of the composite as well. Fillers with smooth surface and
transfer by reducing the phonon scattering. Also, presence spherical morphology are favorable for lowering down the
of impurities will increase defects in the materials. Defects friction and improving processability, yet they could be less
can cause additional scattering of the electrons or phonons, efficient in increasing the composite TC. Below, we discuss
resulting in the lower overall thermal conductivity. Grain the interplay of these trends for various filler types.
boundaries between crystals (grains) in an inorganic filler
can be a significant source of phonon scattering. 7.2.1. One-dimensional fillers
Polymer composites with low-aspect-ratio fillers usu-
7. Influence of the filler morphology and properties ally exhibit a lower TC even at high filler contents. High-
on thermal conductivity aspect-ratio fillers are thus beneficial to achieve low per-
colation threshold for composites [210]. One-dimensional
Besides the intrinsic TC of fillers, the main factors affect- (1-D) fillers, such as fibers, rods, wires or tubes, are
ing the thermal properties of composites are filler volume expected to significantly improve the TC of composites
fraction (also referred to as loading level), particle shape, compared with fillers with other shapes, as it is easier for
particle size, and adhesion between the fillers and matrix high-aspect-ratio fillers to construct long heat conductive
and the thermal property of interface. pathways along the longitudinal direction of 1-D fillers in
the composites.
7.1. Effect of filler loading level For 1-D fillers with high-aspect-ratio, the TC along the
longitudinal direction is usually much higher than that in
The dependence of composite TC on filler loading level the perpendicular direction. Therefore, if fillers are ori-
was largely discussed in Section 2, so here we only recap ented in composites, the composites will show anisotropic
very briefly. In general, TC of composites increases with TC. In fact, not only TC, but also other physical properties
increase in the volume fraction of thermally conductive may be anisotropic depending on 1-D filler orientation.
filler. The increase is often non-linear [207]. At lower filler Glass fiber [211] is the most commonly used filler for
loading levels (<35 vol.%), the TC increase can be rela- strengthening polymer composites; however, its TC is not
tively small. Only at high filler loading levels can a more high. Carbon fibers [194] (and more recently CNTs [3])
H. Chen et al. / Progress in Polymer Science 59 (2016) 41–85 65
are also commonly used in composites, as they can offer higher filler loading and improved processability [216,219].
mechanical strength and extra TC. Takafumi Kusunose et al. For example, spherical BN was synthesized by the reac-
[212] reported the synthesis of -Si3 N4 nanowires and tion of aerosol droplets containing water-soluble boric acid
evaluated the TC of -Si3 N4 nanowire/epoxy composites. (H3 BO3 ) with ammonia gas at elevated temperatures in
For comparison, commercially available irregular -Si3 N4 an ammonia/nitrogen mixed gas atmosphere. The obtained
powders were employed to mix in the epoxy matrix with spherical BN was reported to have an average diameter of
the same loading level. The composite with irregular - 1–2 m with smooth surface, and can be a good candidate
Si3 N4 powders showed more isotropic TC. The in-plane for highly thermally conductive composites [219]. Ohashi
and through-plane TC are 2.5 and 2.6 W/(m K), respectively. et al. [217] successfully prepared spherical AlN, and the
Unlike the irregular powders, the sample with -Si3 N4 spherical AlN/epoxy showed better fluidity compared with
nanowires showed much higher TC in both directions composites with commercially available irregular AlN. The
with 9.2 W/(m K) in in-plane direction and 5.7 W/(m K) polymer composite with a high filler loading (74 vol.%)
in through-plane direction. It is obvious that TC became was successfully obtained by adjusting the filler size dis-
more anisotropic. Boron nitride nanotubes (BNNTs) are tribution to the bimodal one, and achieved a high TC of
also a promising candidate for various applications due 8.2 W/(m K), which is 9 times the TC of composite with
to their superb thermal and antioxidation stability, high spherical silica fillers (0.9 W/(m K)), and twice that of the
TC and excellent mechanical properties [213]. Metal wires composite with spherical alumina fillers (4.0 W/(m K)).
or fibers are another type of 1-D fillers. The most used is Besides those conventional shapes mentioned above,
silver nanowires (AgNWs) with large-aspect-ratios, which the effects of 11 artificially designed filler shapes, such as
would lead to a lower percolation threshold, and can double Y, Y, quad Y shaped, triangle, elliptical, square, rect-
be preferred fillers for thermal interface materials (TIMs) angular, and T shapes on the TC, were investigated by Wang
[214]. However, silver nanowires are very expensive, which et al. [220]. It was found that filler shapes have great impact
makes copper nanowires (CuNWs) more competitive as on the effective TC of the composite materials. The best
1-D metal fillers. Wang et al. reported that by using a single- fillers should be tree-like, which have a long heat conduc-
crystalline CuNWs with a high-aspect-ratio as thermally tion distance and large contact areas even when they are
conductive filler, only 0.9 vol.% loading of CuNWs in poly- placed unfavorably. From this respect, the double Y shaped
acrylate can achieve a TC of 2.46 W/(m K) [168]. fillers are the best, followed by Y shaped fillers.
Fig. 23. SEM image of (a) the microcomposite and (b) the nanocomposite. While in the microcomposite the silver fillers are not connected, a network
structure is revealed in the nanocomposites. [170], Copyright 2012. Reproduced with permission from AIP Publishing LLC.
and different surface chemistry, which leads to a different effect of filler size on the elastic modulus of epoxy/alumina
dispersion state in the composites. The contribution from trihydrate also showed that modulus decreased with
these parameters sometimes dominates the contribution increasing particle size at high filler loading levels [229].
from the reduced thermal interfacial resistance in micro Smaller calcium carbonate particles provided polypropyl-
composites. This might lead to higher TC observed in the ene composites with higher strength at a given particle
composites with smaller particle size. For example, Pashayi loading. Another big advantage that nano-sized fillers could
et al. [170] reported that epoxy-silver nanocomposites offer is the optical transparency. The composites with
had up to 50-fold higher TC than composites with silver nanoparticles are often transparent, provided the particles
micro particles at a similar volume fraction of fillers, even are well-dispersed in the matrix. For example, a trans-
though they have been processed under similar conditions. parent and highly heat-conductive composite film was
SEM images showed that the silver nanoparticles formed made by incorporating nanosized boron nitride nanotubes
a conductive network in nanocomposites while the micro- (BNNT) into polyvinyl formal (PVF) [230].
particles did not, as shown in Fig. 23. It is clear that the filler
network in nanocomposites is responsible for the higher 7.4. Hybrid fillers
TC. The network was formed via low temperature sinter-
ing of nanoparticle fillers during the curing of the epoxy, Hybrid fillers are commonly used in the thermally
as the silver nano particles have a lower melting point. conductive composites, as a better thermally conductive
The details will be discussed in Section 8.3.3. Kemaloglu network can be formed by using mixed fillers with differ-
et al. [226] found that the boron nitride/SEBS/EVA ternary ent sizes or types. Hybrid filler system can help to form
blends with smaller BN particles showed higher TC than large thermally conductive network by building bridges
that of the composites with larger particles at the same between fillers and maximizing the filler packing den-
filler content. These small particles are really the mixture sity. Another advantage of a hybrid filler system is that
of spherical BN particles and plate-like BN particles. There- it may help to significantly reduce the overall filler load-
fore, the higher TC cannot be totally ascribed to the size ing, thus reducing the system viscosity. A small amount
effect. Fu et al. [227] revealed that epoxy adhesives filled of CNT (1 vol.%) in AlN/epoxy system with 25 vol.% AlN
with nanosized Al2 O3 had higher TC than those filled with loading showed comparable TC to that of epoxy compos-
microsized ones. The authors acknowledged the nanopar- ite containing 50 vol.% AlN [231]. Hybrid filler system not
ticles are somewhat more polydisperse and better able to only can increase the packing density and lower the sys-
form network, thus the differences in TC cannot be totally tem viscosity, but also can improve through-plane TC for
attributed to the difference in particle size. some platelet filler composite systems, e.g. adding spheri-
Although nanoparticles have high interfacial area, and cal or irregular fillers to BN/polymer composites to disrupt
thus increased thermal interfacial resistance, they could the alignment of platelet fillers. Table 5 lists various hybrid
enhance TC significantly when combined with micro- filler systems reported in the literature.
particles. This has been demonstrated in several systems
[224,227]. This is because the nano-sized fillers acted as 7.4.1. Mixture of fillers with different sizes
bridges between micro-sized fillers to enhance thermal Mixing fillers with the same shape but different sizes
contact, while the micro-sized fillers could form the pri- was employed for the optimization of packing density of
mary thermally conductive path in composites. fillers. The mixture of large BN (0.4 m) and small BN
It should be noted that nano-fillers often provide some (0.2 m) gave a higher TC than those with a single parti-
other advantages over micro-fillers. The nanocomposites cle size at the same filler volume fraction [238]. A binary
often have superior mechanical properties. For example, mixture of AlN with small particles around 2 m and
the silica nanocomposites had better mechanical proper- large AlN particles around 30 m, was filled into epoxy
ties (higher modulus and strength) than composites with composite, and showed improved flowability and TC com-
their micron-sized counterparts [228]. The study on the pared to the composite with a single sized filler. When the
H. Chen et al. / Progress in Polymer Science 59 (2016) 41–85 67
Fig. 25. Schematic of the prepared composite systems with the morphologies of the different filler sizes, and the bimodal distribution characteristics with
relative compositions of 2:1, 1:1, and 1:2. [201], Copyright 2012. Reproduced with permission from Elsevier Ltd.
Fig. 27. Schematic diagram illustrating process of as-grown BNNTs transformation to POSS fuctionalized BNNTs. [280], Copyright 2013. Reproduced with
permission from John Wiley and Sons.
comparing with nitride or carbide ceramic fillers. Among more effective in improving the interfacial adhesion than
those ceramic fillers, hexagonal BN is most difficult to the more conventional silane treatment [260]. Glycidyl
be surface-functionalized because of its layered hexago- methacrylate-butyl acrylate-maleic anhydride (GBM) ter-
nal crystal structure. The platelet 001 plane is molecularly polymers with different molecular weights were used
smooth and there are no surface functional groups avail- to treat aluminum nitride (AlN). It was shown that the
able for chemical modifications. The only spot that can be AlN treated with GBM gave higher thermal conductiv-
used for grafting function groups is at the edge planes of the ity in cyanate ester composites than those modified with
platelets. The functional groups can be covalently bonded silane [261]. Polyimide (PI)-modified AlN fillers referred
to the boron atoms, and help h-BN to be well dispersed in as AlN@PI were reported and used for electronic encap-
polymer matrix and improve the interface adhesion. sulation in high performance polymer composites [181].
Polymers have also been used to modify fillers, as dis- These AlN@PI/epoxy composites exhibited better thermal
cussed by many researchers. These modified fillers have and dielectric properties than the untreated AlN composite.
a core–shell structure that exhibit enhanced physical and At 40 wt.% of filler loading, the TC of AlN@PI/epoxy compos-
chemical properties that are associated with shell surface ite reached 2.03 W/(m K). As shown in Fig. 27, polyhedral
and encapsulated core materials. The core is usually sur- oligosilsesquioxane (POSS) encapsulated BN nanotubes
rounded by a homogeneous spherical shell containing a were successfully achieved and were demonstrated to be
thermally different material. These core–shell structured very effective nanofillers for making composites with high
fillers are advantageous due to the improvements on ther- TC [280].
mal and/or mechanical properties, modifications to the Not only polymers can be coated on the surface of
surface properties of the fillers, and improvements in inorganic filler, but also inorganic material can be coated
the dispersion of the fillers in the binder matrix. Admi- to form a core–shell structure. Core/shell structure of
cellar polymerization was used to coat polystyrene and metal/metal oxide, metal/carbon, metal/ceramic have been
polymethyl methacrylate on the BN surface to improve reported. For many applications, thermally conductive
the interfacial adhesion in the BN-filled epoxy compos- composites need to be electrically insulating. Metal parti-
ite. This admicellar surface treatment was found to be cle have high TC. However, they are electrically conductive,
70 H. Chen et al. / Progress in Polymer Science 59 (2016) 41–85
Fig. 29. (a) Schematic of fabrication process of epoxy/Cu-plated CF composite and cross-view SEM micrographs of (b) pristine CF, (c) Cu-plated CF, (d)
epoxy/Cu-plated CF composite and side-view SEM micrograph (e) epoxy/Cu-plated CF composite. Arrows in part d indicate the epoxy matrix, Cu shell, and
carbon fiber core. [270], Copyright 2014. Reproduced with permission from the American Chemical Society.
Fig. 32. The PS composites with Cu shell networks revealed 60 times larger thermal conductivity than conventional simple melt-mixed Cu beads/PS
composite. [313], Copyright 2013. Reproduced with permission from the American Chemical Society.
thermoplastic composites, the BN agglomerates can break have the highest TC, while the melt mixing gave the lowest
down during the extrusion step and/or the molding step. TC. It is obvious that the TC of a composite was significantly
Both the screw configuration during extrusion and the affected by the dispersion state in the composite. Powder
flow field during molding determine the extent of shear mixing can lead to a more connected filler network, while
exerted on BN agglomerates. These processing steps should in melt mixing, fillers were dispersed in isolated or passi-
be monitored and controlled to preserve the agglomerates’ vated phase with thermally insulating polymer matrix. A
beneficial structure. similar approach was used to make polymer composites
with Cu thin film network [313]. The polymer compos-
8.3. Formation of continuous filler network ites were created by the Cu metallization of PS beads and
then hot press molding of Cu-plated PS beads. The unique
As discussed earlier, the formation of the continuous three-dimensional Cu shell-networks in the PS matrix were
percolation structure of the fillers with large TC is the key to responsible for isotropic and ideal conductive performance
achieve high TC for the composites. The high filler content at even extremely low Cu contents, as shown in Fig. 32.
of above 60–70 vol.% could lead to a continuous heat con-
duction path of fillers in the polymer composite. However,
8.3.2. In situ polymerization in porous heat conductive
high filler loading makes processing difficult and increases
filler network
the cost. Various approaches have been used to form heat
The heat conductive network can also be formed by infil-
conductive path at a lower filler loading level.
tration of monomer into a porous heat conductive filler
body with a percolated pore structure. In situ polymeriza-
8.3.1. Molding of the mixture of filler and polymer tion occurs in the porous ceramic upon heating up, and
powders the final morphology of the composite consists of an inter-
One way to achieve heat conductive path is mixing filler penetrating polymer network which fills in an AlN ceramic
particles and polymer particles together and then compres- skeleton. This special interpenetrating network gave rela-
sion molding the mixture to get a special filler dispersion tively high TC [199].
state in which the polymer particles are surrounded by
heat conductive filler particles. The segregated fillers in
the boundary between polymer particles can form heat 8.3.3. Self-assembly process
conductive paths at low filler content. This strategy [311] Self-assembly process can also be used to construct
has been demonstrated in the Si3 N4 particle filled epoxy heat conductive metallic network. The self-constructed
composite. Using particulate epoxy resin and molding pro- networks in the polymer matrix are formed via low tem-
cess, a continuous network was formed by the filler in the perature sintering of nanoparticle fillers during the curing
composites. Heat conduction is mainly performed by the of the polymer. Nanoparticle fillers are desirable since they
filler, resulting in a high overall TC. This strategy has also can be sintered together at lower temperatures than those
been used to prepare AlN filled PS [198]. PS and AlN were for microparticles. High heat conductive epoxy–silver com-
mixed at room temperature, then compression molded. posites have been obtained through this process, whose
It was found that the TC of composites was higher for a heat conductivity is up to ∼50 times higher than that
PS particle size of 2 mm than that for a particle size of of silver microcomposites at a similar volume fraction of
0.15 mm. Four mixing methods, powder mixing, solution fillers [170,314]. The networks form through a three-step
mixing, roll-milled mixing and melt mixing, were used to process comprising of self-assembly by diffusion limited
make PE and graphite composites [312]. It was found that aggregation of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) coated silver
the powder mixing from which the specimens were cast nanoparticles, removal of PVP coating from the surface,
74 H. Chen et al. / Progress in Polymer Science 59 (2016) 41–85
Fig. 34. (a) Thermal conductivity of hybrid films: (䊉) PI blends and ()
Homo-PIs. The lines are the values calculated for an ideal PI blend model
(rigid line) and a Homo-PI model (broken line) based on the Bruggeman
theory. (b) Schematic representations for ideal model structures for PI
blends with VDP structures (left) and for homo-PIs with homogeneously
dispersed ZnO-NPs (right). [321], Copyright 2011. Reproduced with per-
mission from the Society of Chemistry.
cured epoxy-SiO2 composites [233]. As Si3 N4 particles can- processing. Moreover, aluminum based heat sink can add
not enter the precured epoxy composite particles, they will substantially to the weight of a fixture or device. This might
be confined in the epoxy-sea phase. The composite gave have negative effects on both new designs and retrofit
higher TC than the composites with homogeneously dis- installations. The trend in heat sink design is to develop
tributed Si3 N4 . materials with less weight, lower cost and adequate ther-
mal dissipation performance. Heat conductive polymer
9. Applications of thermally conductive polymer composites could be an alternative solution to this. Poly-
composites mer composites are steadily gaining more market share
for heat sink application due to their good processability,
Nowadays, with the increasing cooling demand in lightweight, design flexibility, corrosion resistance, lower
emerging industries, new thermally conductive materi- processing cost, etc.
als are in high demand. Compared with other thermally Placing chip directly on the heat sink is a new direction
conductive materials, such as metals, ceramics, carbon for LED thermal management system development. In this
materials, polymer composites have following features: case, electrical insulation is required for heat sink materials.
Ceramic filled polymer composites are the main selection.
(a) Electrical insulation and electrical conduction can be In general, a TC higher than 10 W/(m K) is needed for this
controlled via selecting appropriate fillers. application. To achieve high TC, a sufficiently high filler
(b) Easy processing for integrated parts or complex geom- loading (>40 vol.%) is needed. At this high filler loading,
etry. the polymer composites tend to have poor processability
(c) Light weight. and higher overall cost. How to reduce filler loading and
(d) Corrosion resistant. keep the same TC is one significant challenge for electri-
(e) Compliance to the geometry of the adjacent rough sur- cally insulating polymer composites. Besides, the geometry
faces, if flexible polymer is used. of heat sink could also influence the heat dissipation effi-
(f) Vibration damping due to resilience of polymer com- ciency at natural convection condition [327–329]. A final
posites. heat management solution for LED heat sink could be
an appropriate thermally conductive polymer composites
This section lists some emerging application areas of combined with suitable design.
thermally conductive polymer composites: LED devices,
electronic assembly and packaging, battery and solar. 9.2. Electronic packaging
9.1. LED devices Higher power density and miniaturization have made
thermal management of consumer electronic devices one
Compared with conventional lighting, light-emitting of the major challenges for the semiconductor industry
diode (LED) lighting has the advantages of a longer lifetime [330]. The objective of thermal management in electron-
and higher energy efficiency (30%). However, 70% energy in ics is to ensure that temperatures of all components in the
LED devices is transformed into heat. Such large quantity of system are maintained within their functional temperature
heat can significantly influence the LED’s performance, in range. Thus, there should be effective thermally conduc-
terms of luminous efficiency and lifetime. At constant oper- tive path for heat dissipation and eliminating hot spots
ation current, the luminous efficiency decreases by about in electronic parts [1]. The discussion on the applications
5% and the lifetime of LED decreased by half for every 10 ◦ C of thermally conductive polymer composites in electronic
rise in temperature. Therefore, a good thermal manage- assembly and packaging will be focused on three areas with
ment system for dissipating the heat from inside of the LED pressing thermal management needs: single chip packages,
package to the surroundings is very important. 3D chip stack packages and automotive electronic control
A conventional LED thermal management system is units (ECU).
composed of a heat spreader, thermal interface material
(TIM) and heat sink. Copper and aluminum alloys are typ- 9.2.1. Single chip packages
ically used for heat spreader. Silicon based grease, gels, The International Technology Roadmap for Semi-
phase change materials (PCM) have been used as TIM. conductors (ITRS) projected power density and junction-to
There are continuous needs on increasing the TC of TIM or ambient thermal resistance for high-performance chips
decreasing the thermal interfacial resistance of TIM. Some at the 14 nm technology generation to be >100 W/cm2
recent progress has been made on using a soft matrix mixed and <0.2 ◦ C/W, respectively [330]. The main bottlenecks in
with CNTs and/or nanofibers for TIM application [322]. In reducing the junction-to-ambient thermal resistance are
order for TIM to achieve higher TC, the promising approach the thermal resistances of the thermal interface material
is to align CNT perpendicularly with the contact surface (TIM) and the heat sink. There is a need for TIM that pro-
[323–326]. vides the highest possible TC during chip operation, good
Aluminum alloys with high TC between 150 and adhesion, and conformability to fill the gaps between two
300 W/(m K) are typically used as heat sink material. rough surfaces.
Although metal based heat sink has excellent TC and rel- The TC of TIM is relatively low, about 3–5 W/(m K).
atively low raw material cost, the processing cost is high Increasing TC of electrically insulating polymer composites
and electrical conductivity is certain. Cost analysis indi- for TIM application is one challenge of single chip packag-
cated that the majority of the heat sink cost (>80%) is from ing. As discussed in the earlier section, carbon-nanotubes
76 H. Chen et al. / Progress in Polymer Science 59 (2016) 41–85
(CNT) or carbon nano fibers (CNF) [331–336] are potential the central problems in their growing use. The heat gen-
emerging materials used in TIMs that showed significant eration rate can exceed heat dissipation rate when cells
improvement in heat conductivity. An insulating layer like are used at high discharge/charge rate or at high ambient
mica could be used to provide electrical insulation when temperature. The cell may experience thermal runaway
CNT is employed as TIM [337]. accompanied by internal pressure buildup, which could
lead to bursting of the cell. Because of this safety issue,
9.2.2. 3D chip stack assembly and packaging highly thermally conductive materials are needed. Car-
3D chip stack technology with through silicon via bon nanotube/fiber filled PVDF [343] with higher TC is
(TSV) interconnect can be used to enhance communica- a good option to replace conventional electrode material
tion between ICs. However, the cooling of a stack of logic which contain PVDF and carbon-black in Li-ion cells [344].
chips becomes more complex as compared to the single TC of polyacrylonitrile (PAN) nanofiber separators could
chip case. In a single chip, heat can be readily accessed and increase from 3.5 W/(m K) to 8.5 W/(m K) by only adding
removed from the back side (bulk silicon side) of the die. 8 wt.% graphene nanoflakes [345].
In a 3D chip stack, there is no direct access to the back Electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric vehicles
side of the chips in the stack or a method of spreading (HEVs) have many batteries which are combined together
the heat laterally from the stack. Because of the increased in a pack. Uneven temperature distribution in a pack could
power density and various low-TC materials in the stack, break electrical balance and reduce power output. For this
challenge of cooling becomes magnified. Increasing the TC reason, it is important to reduce the temperature variations
of the chip-to-chip interfaces within the stack would be among cells. A thermal management system is needed to
beneficial in 3D thermal management. High thermally con- maintain a battery pack at an optimum average temper-
ductive underfill material is critical to the heat dissipation ature. In this case, phase changing material and coolants
of 3D chip stack packaging [185,338]. For this application, can be used for heat dissipation of battery pack [346,347].
underfill not only needs high TC, but also needs to have low However, they are not very realistic to be applied to real
viscosity, good wetting to multiple surfaces, low shrink- systems due to the lack of cost effectiveness and complexity
age during cure, and low CTE (10–14 ppm/◦ C) [339]. TC can of structures. Thermally conductive polymer composites
always be increased by increasing filler loading. However, may open a new window for thermal system design of
this causes underfill materials to have poor flowability, battery pack.
which is critical to the capillary underfill application. How
to increase TC, but maintain good processability is still a
major challenge. 9.4. Solar
9.2.3. Automotive electronic control units (ECUs) Solar as a renewable and sustainable energy is growing
The ECU plays the crucial role of controlling and rapidly in recent years. Because of the low conversion effi-
integrating different complex actions such as mixture for- ciency of photovoltaic (PV) cells, most of the absorbed solar
mation, combustion and exhaust gas treatment. In order to energy converts into thermal energy within the cell [348].
reduce the pollutant emissions and achieve the require- It is well known that the solar conversion efficiency of the
ments of Euro 6 standards, it is expected that ECU will PV cells decreased with the rise of its operating tempera-
have a greater functionality, a reduced size and weight, ture. Increasing the temperature of PV cells by 1 ◦ C leads
and an increased power density. Thus, the challenge of to about 0.4–0.5% reduction of the relative conversion effi-
thermal management within the chip and surrounding ciency for the crystalline silicon based cells [349,350] and
packaging is greater than ever. The die-level power dis- around 0.25% for the amorphous silicon cells [351]. In order
sipation density is projected to exceed 100 W/cm2 in the to increase conversion efficiency of PVs, it is desired to
next 6 years [340]. Another concern is the impact of harsh remove the accumulated heat from the PV surface, espe-
under-hood automotive ambient temperatures on elec- cially for concentrated PV system [352]. How to conduct
tronics used in ECU assembly. The performance of thermal heat efficiently from cell to outside is a key challenge.
grease, thermal pads and phase change materials (PCMs) EVA as the typical cell encapsulating materials has very
may degrade when exposed to elevated temperature over low TC (0.23 W/(m K)). Besides, a typical backsheet compo-
a period of time [341,342]. Silicone polymer composites nent material DuPont TedlarTM (poly(vinylfluoride) film)
are good option for TIM in ECU because of low modulus of also has a low TC (0.36 W/(m K)). These two low thermally
elasticity, good wetting characteristics, good thermal sta- conductive layers are the bottlenecks for heat dissipation
bility and excellent vibration damping capability [335,337]. from cell. Using electrical insulating fillers to enhance the
However, the thermal resistance of gels is in the range of TC of EVA [353] and backsheet could be an effective way to
0.4–0.8 (K cm2 )/W which is still considered high for this improve the heat dissipation from cells. However, the cost
application. Increasing TC and maintaining other proper- and impact of fillers on other properties, such as adhesive,
ties in harsh environment is the main challenge for polymer barrier properties, should also be considered.
composites in ECU application.
As batteries become more powerful and utilized in more In this review, we discussed the research progress
diverse applications, thermal management becomes one of on thermally conductive polymer composites and their
H. Chen et al. / Progress in Polymer Science 59 (2016) 41–85 77
potential applications. Based on these studies, we can for- Many other techniques, such as self-assembly process,
mulate several key messages. are being developed to form heat conductive pathways
at a lower filler loading level.
(1) Thermal conductivity of polymer composites is a func- (9) The orientation of fillers with anisotropic TC can lead
tion of the thermal conductivities of polymer matrix to the composites with anisotropic TC. Filler orien-
and fillers, the morphology of polymer composites and tation should be avoided or enhanced according to
the interaction of polymers and fillers. We need to take specific application requirements. Orientation of fillers
a holistic approach when designing highly thermally can result from processing flow, or can be obtained by
conductive polymer composites. external fields, such as magnetic and electrical field.
(2) Theory and modeling play an important role in the
screening potential compositions and selecting the Despite all the successes, there are still many challenges
more promising ones. Modeling can help determine for heat conductive polymer composites. More research is
(qualitatively or quantitatively) the dependence of expected in the following areas:
composite thermal conductivity (TC) on TC of the
matrix, TC of the filler(s), filler volume fraction and (1) To achieve high TC, significant amount of fillers is
filler shape and morphology. Combining modeling and needed in polymer matrix. High filler loading not only
experimental inputs can provide not only explanation can cause the final composites to be brittle, but also
of trends, but also quantitative designs for subsequent creates more challenges to the processing of polymer
experiments. composites. Moreover, as the fillers are more expen-
(3) Thermal conductivity of polymers is particularly sive than polymer matrix, the cost of final composites
important at low filler loadings. At low filler contents, is high. Thus, further research is needed to obtain high
polymer matrix acts as the thermal barrier and TC at low filler loadings.
becomes rate-limiting in the thermal conduction chan- (2) Thermal conductivity of polymers is important to the
nel. Increasing the TC of polymer matrix can help TC of composites. Some liquid crystalline thermosets
increase the TC of composites. Polymer ordering (crys- can give high TC. However, they are usually expensive
talline and liquid crystalline) and orientation could be due to the complicated synthesis procedure or com-
possible ways to achieve higher TC of the matrix. mercial non-availability of starting materials, which
(4) The addition of thermally conductive inorganic fillers is prevent it from being used commercially. More impor-
indispensable to achieve high TC. The filler type, loading tantly, most of them have very high melting point.
level, filler size, and filler shape have strong influence As they need to be heated to above melting tem-
on the TC of polymer composites. Unlike the electri- perature for curing, the gel time will be extremely
cal conductive behavior, there does not seem to be a short at high temperatures, which makes it impossible
clear percolation threshold for thermally conductive to process them with conventional processing tech-
composites. High TC can only be achieved at high filler niques. Thermosets with high TC, good processability
loadings, when fillers contact with each other and form and reasonable cost are still needed for practical appli-
thermally conductive pathways. cations. Liquid crystalline thermoplastics with smectic
(5) Filler size is also important to the TC of composites. structure can have a high TC. However, they usu-
Composites with large fillers have less filler/polymer ally have low molecular weight and give very poor
interface, lower thermal interfacial resistance, and thus mechanical properties. Further improvement of their
higher TC. However, when the filler size is in the mechanical properties is needed. Polymer blends with
nanoscale, filler properties could also change; for exam- highly packed structure and high density of hydrogen
ple, the melting point of nano-metallic particles could bonds can give high TC. How to introduce this concept
be significantly lower, thus leading to the sintering of into conventional polymers needs further exploration.
nanoparticles and formation of a heat conductive net- Highly oriented polymeric fibers can give high TC. It is
work during polymer curing process. believed that they will find more applications on ther-
(6) Hybrid fillers, such as mixture of fillers of different type, mally conductive composites in the future.
size, and shape, can help achieve higher TC at a lower (3) Future research is needed to develop novel heat con-
filler loading level. They can also help to lower viscosity, ductive fillers. Fillers with high aspect ratio can giver
thus improving processability. Hybrid fillers can be also higher TC at low filler content. Heat conductive, but
used to control TC anisotropy. More isotropic TC can be electrical insulating inorganic fibers are particularly
obtained with using appropriate hybrid fillers. useful for electrical insulating heat conductive com-
(7) Filler surface treatment can help improve filler disper- posites. However, those fibers are rarely commercially
sion, while also reducing the overall viscosity. More available. The spherical fillers, such as spherical Al2 O3 ,
importantly, it decreases thermal interfacial resistance; can give lower viscosity than fillers with irregular shape
therefore, higher TC can be obtained. or fillers with high aspect ratio. However, Al2 O3 has rel-
(8) Phase separated polymer blends with island-sea or atively low TC. Spherical fillers with high TC, such as
co-continuous structure can be used to design double- spherical boron nitride particles could be very useful
percolated structures. Higher TC can be achieved at a for many applications.
lower filler loading level, if the fillers are concentrated (4) Controlling the orientation and location of fillers can
in the continuous phase in the island-sea structure or help to achieve high TC at lower filler content. Novel
located in the interface in the co-continuous structure. processing techniques that can assist fillers to form
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