Proposal No 1114 Uber Taxi Appss
Proposal No 1114 Uber Taxi Appss
Proposal No 1114 Uber Taxi Appss
Prepared For
Mr Mitchell Fernandes
Project Name
Uber-like Taxi Apps
Proposal No
Table of Contents
A. Provider is in the business of providing so ware development, web
applica on development, mobile applica on development, including the
services contemplated by this Agreement; and
B. Client wishes to have a Mul -Services App Developed known as “_______
C.Client wishes to engage the Provider to execute the App Development; and
E. Provider is willing to provide such services under the terms and condi ons
contained in this Agreement.
The developer will perform for the Client, as a “work made for hire”, the
services for the development of a Custom Mobile Applica on - Android & iOS
as per “Appendix A_Proposal for-_______ (Mobile App for Users, Driver
mobile App, Web-based Admin Dashboard) furthermore; the app will be
viewable on Mobile & Tablet View. This App is where Users can get
on-demand taxis near their loca on using GPS of the mobile. Web-based
Administrators will be provided with many other features which have been
men oned in the “Proposal of -_______ document.
Project Milestones % of Amount
Phase 1
Upfront 20% $ 600/-
Designs/Wireframes 20% $ 600/-
of Mobile Apps,
Admin Panel
Func onal Mobile 20% $ 600/-
Apps for Users &
Update on the 20% $ 600/-
comple on of 75% of
the project
Complete 20% $ 600/-
Delivery of
Applica on
Total 100% $ 3,000/-
Phase 2
Post Deployment of the Apps
100% $ 1,000/-
* Note: Implementa on & Payment Terms to be agreed upon Client’s decision to proceed
with phase 2 development
4.0 CLIENT INVOICE & PAYMENT METHOD. The developer will invoice the Client for all
amounts due under this Agreement in accordance to the milestones achieved, The
milestones are set following the deliverables men oned in the execu on meline,
invoices are payable via wire transfer, and are due on a net-30 basis.
5.0 DISPUTED AMOUNTS. The client may dispute any payable amount by no ce to
Developer orally or in wri ng within thirty (30) calendar days of the Client’s receipt of
the invoice, which claim of dispute may concern not only the accuracy of the charge
itself, but also any claim of deficient services or performance, or any other claim of
breach of this Agreement that relates to the specific charges in the invoice. Any par al
payment of an invoice will be deemed no ce by the Client of the disputed amount unless
such par al payment is in accordance with payment terms contained in the applicable
Schedule for Work
For purposes of this agreement, “Intellectual Property Rights” means any and all (i)
copyrights and other rights associated with works of authorship throughout the world,
including neighboring rights, moral rights, and mask works, (ii) trade secrets and other
confiden al informa on, (iii) patents, patent disclosures and all rights in inven ons
(whether patentable or not), (iv) trademark, trade names, Internet domain names, and
registra ons and applica ons for the registra on thereof together with all of the
goodwill associated therewith, (v) all other intellectual and industrial property rights of
every kind and nature throughout the world and however designated, whether arising
by opera on of law, contract, license, or otherwise, and (vi) all registra ons,
applica ons, renewals, extensions, con nua ons, divisions, or reissues thereof now or
herea er in effect.
8.0 ASSIGNMENT. Developer hereby assigns to Client, its successors, and assigns, all
rights, tle, and Intellectual Property Rights interests in and to the Work including,
without limita on, the following:
(a) any Intellectual Property Rights that the Developer may possess or acquire in the
Work that does not qualify as a work made for hire, and all copyrights and equivalent
rights in the Work, throughout the world, including without limita on all renewals and
extensions of such rights that may be secured under the laws now or herea er in force
and effect in the United Arab Emirates or in any other country or countries;
(b) all rights in and to any inven ons, ideas, designs, concepts, techniques,
discoveries, or improvements, whether or not patentable, embodied in the Work or
developed in the course of the Developer’s crea on of the Work, including, but not
limited to, all trade secrets, u lity and design patent rights and equivalent rights in and
to such inven ons and designs throughout the world, regardless of whether or not legal
protec on for the Work is sought;
(c) any documents, magne cally or op cally encoded media, or other materials
created by Developer under this Agreement; and the right to sue for infringements
(including, without limita on, any infringements that may occur before the date of this
Agreement), and to collect and retain damages from any such infringements.
9.0 Assignment in Perpetuity & Worldwide. For the avoidance of doubt: (a) the
assignment set forth in Sec on 8.0 above is in perpetuity and worldwide; and (b)
notwithstanding anything contained in any applicable law of any jurisdic on, the
assigned rights will not revert to Developer if not exercised at any me whatsoever.
10.1 Non-Disclosure Generally. At all mes during and a er the term of this
Agreement, the Developer will hold in strictest confidence, and will not use or disclose
to any third party, any Client Confiden al Informa on. The term “Client Confiden al
Informa on” means all non-public informa on that Client designates as being
confiden al or which under the circumstances of disclosure ought to be treated as
confiden al. “Client Confiden al Informa on” includes, without limita on, the
Applica on to be developed, Source Code, Features, services, the Work, the existence of
this Agreement and/or any Schedules, terms, and condi ons of this Agreement and/or
any Schedules, informa on rela ng to released or unreleased Client so ware or
hardware products, marke ng or promo on of any Client product, business policies or
prac ces of Client, customers or suppliers of Client, “Personal Informa on” (as defined
in Sec on 11.below), or informa on received from others that Client is obligated to
treat as confiden al. If the Developer has any ques ons as to what cons tutes Client
Confiden al Informa on, the Developer will consult with the Client.
10.2 Press Releases and Publicity. Absent Client’s wri en authoriza on, which shall
only apply to each specific instance or request by Developer, Developer will not issue
press releases or publicity in any form that relates to this Agreement, except as may be
expressly permi ed in the applicable Schedule or other Client agreement, and then only
if such use complies with guidelines designated by Client from me to me, and only if
such use has been reviewed and approved in advance by Client as to its compliance with
the applicable Schedule or agreement and with Client guidelines. Provided that the
Developer requests and obtains the Client’s prior wri en consent, the Developer may
use the Client’s name in client presenta ons or in a wri en response to requests for
client lists as part of requests for proposals or requests for informa on.
11.2 Collec on and Access. The developer will not collect or access any Personal
informa on except to the extent such collec on or access is strictly necessary to
perform the Work or to fulfill any legal requirements in the performance of the Work. If
the Work involves the collec on of Personal Informa on directly from individuals, such
as through a webpage, the Developer will provide a clear and conspicuous no ce
regarding the uses of the Personal Informa on and comply with the Client’s no ces,
policies, and procedures for the collec on and use of Personal Informa on.
11.3 Use of Personal Informa on. The developer will use Personal Informa on only as
necessary to perform the Work in accordance with this Agreement and the applicable
Schedule and not for any other purpose whatsoever. The developer will maintain such
Personal Informa on as Client Confiden al Informa on under Sec on 11. Developer will
not share any Personal Informa on that is collected or possessed by Developer with any
third par es for any reason except as necessary to carry out the Work, and only under
terms and condi ons substan ally similar to those contained in this Sec on 10. If
Developer is served with a court order compelling disclosure of any Personal
Informa on or receives no ce of proceedings for such an order, Developer will oppose
the order, will promptly no fy the Client of the order or no ce, and will provide the
Client the opportunity to intervene before Developer files any response to the order or
no ce.
11.4 Handling of Personal Informa on. The developer will take reasonable steps to
protect Personal Informa on in Developer’s possession from unauthorized use, access,
disclosure, altera on, or destruc on. Security measures will include, without limita on,
access controls, encryp on or other means, where appropriate. The developer will
conduct an audit on at least an annual basis to evaluate the security of Personal
Informa on in Developer’s possession and to verify that the terms of this Agreement
with respect to Personal Informa on are being followed. Upon request from the Client,
the Developer will provide the Client with all audit results and all Personal Informa on
in the Developer's possession.
The developer represents and warrants that:
(a) Developer has full and exclusive right and power to enter into and perform
according to the terms of this Agreement;
(b) The Work as delivered to Client does not infringe or misappropriate any
copyright, patent, trade secret, trademark, or other proprietary right held by any third
party and is free of any lien, claim, security interest, or encumbrance;
(c) The Work will meet the specifica ons described in the applicable Schedule &
Appendices a ached, will be complete and accurate, and will comply with all applicable
laws and regula ons;
(d) Developers will have all necessary rights to the Work to transfer ownership to the
Client as and when requested or required. Work created by Developer employees will
be created within the scope of their employment and pursuant to the wri en obliga on
to assign to Developer all rights, tle, and interest in the Work, including without
limita on the rights enumerated and assigned to Client.
(e) Developer will not incorporate into the Work any product, so ware, or other
materials for which the intellectual property rights are not owned solely by Developer
without the express wri en permission of Client;
(f) The Work will be performed in a professional manner and will be of a high grade,
nature, and quality;
(g) The Work is not, and when delivered to Client will not be, in whole or in part,
governed by an Excluded License. An Excluded License is any license that requires, as a
condi on of use, modifica on, and/or distribu on of so ware subject to the Excluded
License, that such so ware and/or other so ware combined and/or distributed with
such so ware be (a) disclosed or distributed in source code form; (b) licensed for the
purpose of making deriva ve works; or (c) redistributable at no charge.
(h) The so ware component of any Work as delivered to Client will not contain any
viruses or other applica ons or executables that will degrade or infect any Work
product or any other so ware or Client’s network or systems, including without
limita on any “trap doors,” “worms” and “ me bombs.”
(i)Developers will dedicate appropriate facili es, skilled employees, and resources to
complete the Work.
(j) Client Materials will be used for the sole purpose of performing the Work under
the Schedule for which Client provides the Client Materials to the Developer. Client
Materials will not be disclosed to or used for the benefit of any third party.
(k) Developers will comply with all applicable laws and trea es in performing the
Work, including without limita on all applicable employment, health and safety,
environmental and immigra on laws.
(l)Developer to provide to the client a full escala on matrix within his organiza on.
Developer agrees that any breach, as per “Proposal for ___________” that is from
development to launch or threatened breach, of this Agreement by Developer, could
cause irreparable damage and that in the event of such breach, or threatened breach,
the Client shall have, in addi on to any and all remedies of law, the right to an
injunc on, specific performance as well as all other equitable relief to prevent the
viola on of Developer’s obliga ons hereunder without the necessity of any proof of
actual damages or the pos ng of a bond or other security.
13.1 Indemnifica on Obliga on. Developer will indemnify, hold harmless and upon
wri en request defend Client and its affiliates and the respec ve officers, directors,
employees, agents and successors of Client and its affiliates (collec vely, “Indemnified
Par es”) from and against any and all ac ons,
suits, proceedings, claims, demands, inves ga ons, liabili es, damages, penal es, fines,
judgments, se lements, costs and expenses (including, without limita on, any
a orneys’ and experts’ fees and expenses) arising out of or rela ng to (a) any claim that
the Work, or any name or mark furnished by Developer under this Agreement, infringes
or misappropriate any confiden al informa on, trade secret, patent, copyright,
trademark, trade name, or any other legal right of any third party, (b) any claim that,
true, would cons tute a breach of Developer’s warran es set forth in Sec on 9 of this
Agreement, and/or
(c) Developer’s negligence, malfeasance, viola on of law, or any other breach of or
default under this Agreement (collec vely, “Claims”).
14.2 Termina on of Agreement. This Agreement will terminate upon thirty (30) days
prior wri en no ce by the client only, provided that Developer must complete and
deliver all files and work to Client that is pursuant to any Schedules in effect.
14.3 Intellectual Property Validity: Developer confirms that the intellectual property
and ownership of the mobile applica on and its affiliates remain valid a er the expiry of
this agreement, this means that the developer will not share any data related to the
mobile applica on and its affiliates including but not limited to source code, personal
informa on, workflows, financials, and internal agreements.
14.4 Termina on Effect. The sole effect of termina ng this Agreement will be to
terminate the ability of the client only to enter into subsequent Schedules that
incorporate the terms of this Agreement. Termina on of the Agreement will not, by
itself, result in the termina on of any Schedules previously entered into (or extensions
of the same) that incorporate the terms of this Agreement, and the terms of this
Agreement will con nue in effect for purposes of such Schedules unless and un l the
schedule itself is terminated or expires.
14.5 Termina on of Schedule. The term of any Schedules may be set forth in an
applicable schedule. The client will have the right to cancel any Schedule with or
without cause upon wri en no ce to the Developer. Upon receipt of such no ce, the
Developer will discon nue all Work under the applicable Schedule. Except in cases of
cancella on for cause under this Agreement, Client will pay for all Work performed by
Developer under the applicable Schedule up un l the earlier of (a) the date of
Developer’s receipt of the cancella on no ce, or (b) the date five (5) days a er Client
sends the cancella on no ce. possesses in electronic or another intangible form, except
to the extent that Client may in its sole discre on provide its prior wri en consent to
Developer retaining any of the foregoing, and except that unless Client provides
contrary instruc ons, Developer may retain any Work, Client Confiden al Informa on,
Personal Informa on, and Client Materials necessary to complete Work under
Schedules that have not been completed or canceled at the Client’s request, Developer
will provide the Client with a cer ficate signed by an officer of the Developer cer fying
Developer’s compliance with the foregoing.
14.6 Refund If this Client terminates this Agreement before the project is complete,
the Client will be obligated to pay for only the por on of the work that has been
completed. Similarly, they will be refunded for work not done as per the advance
payment given by the client to the developer of that par cular milestone. If payment
has been provided and the agreed-upon services have not been delivered, the Company
will refund the Client the por on of the work that has not been completed or delivered
unsa sfactory.
15.0 Independent Contractor. The developer is an independent contractor for the
Client. Nothing in this Agreement will be construed as crea ng an employer-employee
rela onship, partnership, or joint venture, as a guarantee of future employment or
projects, as a limita on upon Client’s sole discre on to terminate this Agreement at any
me without cause, or as crea ng an exclusive rela onship or minimum commitment.
The developer is not authorized to assume, create or incur any liability on behalf of the
15.1 No ces. All no ces and requests in connec on with this Agreement will be
deemed given as of the day they are received either by messenger, delivery service, or
in the United Arab Emirates, mails, postage prepaid, cer fied or registered, return
receipt requested, and addressed to those contained in this Agreement or such other
address as the party to receive the no ce or request so designates by wri en no ce to
the other.
15.2 Assignment. The developer may not assign this Agreement, or any rights or
obliga ons hereunder, whether by opera on of contract, law, or otherwise, except with
the express wri en consent of Client, and any a empted assignment by Developer in
viola on of this sec on will be void. For purposes of this Agreement, an “assignment”
by Developer under this sec on will be deemed to include, without limita on, each of
the following: (a) a change in beneficial ownership of the Developer of greater than
twenty percent (20%) (whether in a single transac on or series of transac ons) if
Developer is a partnership, trust, limited liability Client or other like en ty; (h) a merger
of Developer with another party, whether or not Developer is the surviving en ty; (c)
the acquisi on of more than twenty percent (20%) of any class of Developer’s vo ng
stock (or any class of non-vo ng security conver ble into vo ng stock) by another party
(whether in a single transac on or series of transac ons); and (d) the sale or other
transfer of more than fi y percent (50%) of Developer’s assets (whether in a single
transac on or series of transac ons). In the event of such assignment or a empted
assignment by the Developer, Client will have the right to immediately terminate this
15.3 Governing Law and Forum. This Agreement will be construed and controlled by
the laws of the United Arab Emirates or The Republic of India, without reference to the
conflicts of law provisions thereof. All disputes arising out of this Agreement will be
subject to the exclusive jurisdic on of either the state or courts located in the United
Arab Emirates or The Republic of India.
15.4 Construc on. This Agreement does not cons tute an offer by Client and it will
not be effec ve un l signed by both par es. This Agreement (including any Schedules)
cons tutes the en re agreement between the par es with respect to the Work and all
other subject ma er hereof and merges all prior and contemporaneous
communica ons. It may not be modified except by a wri en agreement signed on
behalf of the Developer and Client by their respec ve duly authorized representa ves.
Any party’s delay or failure to require the performance of any provision of this
Agreement will not in any way diminish or prejudice the right of such party to require
the performance of that provision, and any waiver by a party of a breach of any
provision of this Agreement will not be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach
of this Agreement. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid or
unenforceable, then it will be enforced to the maximum extent permi ed to effectuate
its original purpose, and the remainder of this Agreement will remain in full force and
15.5 Negligence: In case of any negligence by the developer, ini ally, it will be tried to
se le through mutual agreement. The developer will not ask for any varia on unless it
was a new development asked from the client. Any misunderstanding of client
requirements or negligence in documen ng client requirements, such costs will be held
by the developer side.
15.6 Ownership: The developer confirms that the developed product and its affiliates
are fully owned by the client and shall be registered under the name of the client.
15.7 Training: Upon the comple on of development and final handover, the
developer has commi ed to providing complete guidance and appropriate training to
the client's desired team, along with the source code. The client reserves the right to
take over product development under their own in-house team, provided that both
par es mutually agree to such an arrangement.
15.9 Payment Delay: In case of payment is delayed from the client side, wri en
no fica on will be sent via email or mail to the client. If payment is not resolved during
that given me. Then the developer has the right to charge a 3% penalty on that
relevant invoice, to the client for non-payment.
15.10 Change in specifica ons: Any changes in the scope of work, if it is minor (such as
features, textbox) that do not take the developer extra development hours will be
entertained. Otherwise, it will be considered a new Change Request (CR) unless it is an
act of negligence from the developer then it will be accommodated in the current
scope. During the CR, the developer will give es mates based on the number of hours
for the meline and if any delay occurs in this meline, it will be borne by the
15.11 Addi onal Modifica on: In considera on for the Service to be provided, the
Client shall pay the Company at a $20 rate per hour (as the “Hourly Rate”) that is
subject to change request criteria. The development rate will be discussed and decided
mutually in the Change Request form. That is based on any future agreement of
amendment to this agreement.
Introduc on
● The development of an Uber-like pla orm involves crea ng a mobile applica on that
connects riders with drivers in real- me. The pla orm would have a user-friendly
interface and allow users to easily input their pickup and des na on loca on, select
their preferred vehicle type, and make payments through the app.
● The pla orm would require a robust back-end system to handle the matching of riders
and drivers, real- me tracking, and payment processing. The back-end would also
include a driver management system, allowing for the easy onboarding and ve ng of
drivers, as well as monitoring and ra ng system for driver performance.
● The pla orm would also need to incorporate various safety features, such as real- me
tracking of rides, driver and rider verifica on, and an emergency contact feature.
● Once the pla orm is developed, it would need to be marketed and promoted to
a ract both riders and drivers to the pla orm. The pla orm would also need to be
con nuously updated and maintained to ensure smooth func onality and user
sa sfac on.
● Overall, the development of an Uber-like pla orm requires a combina on of technical
exper se, careful planning, and a focus on user experience to create a reliable and
efficient transporta on pla orm.
Admin Panel
● Admin Login
○ Username
○ Password
○ Forgot Password
■ Enter registered email to send a password reset link
● KPI (Key Performance Indicator) in the admin panel of an Uber-like pla orm would
typically include metrics such as:
○ Number of ac ve drivers
○ Number of ac ve riders
○ Number of completed trips
○ Revenue generated
○ Cancella on rate
○ Average fare
○ Peak hours/days for demand
○ These metrics can help the pla orm operator to monitor the performance of
the pla orm, iden fy areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions
to op mize the pla orm's performance.
● Dashboard
○ Trends & Analy cs
■ Number of rides taken by users
■ Revenue generated by the pla orm
■ Number of ac ve drivers on the pla orm
■ Average ra ng of drivers
■ Most popular pickup and drop-off loca ons
■ Number of new user sign-ups
■ Number of completed trips
■ Number of cancelled trips
○ View driver/passenger load on Map(Map view)
■ Select a loca on on the map
● View available drivers
● Ongoing Rides
● New Ride Requests
● Manage Customers: This feature allows the admin to manage the customers on the
pla orm, including viewing customer informa on, managing customer support
inquiries, and disabling or removing customers from the pla orm.
○ View all Customers
○ Edit Customers
○ Search & filter Customers
○ Block a Customer
● Manage Rides and Ride history: This feature allows the admin to view detailed
informa on about past rides, including the pickup and drop-off loca ons, the driver
and vehicle used, and the fare charged.
○ View list of all Rides in the table including all the relevant details such as
passenger name, driver name, date & me of the ride, fare charges, pickup,
drop loca on and other relevant details
■ View details of a Ride
■ Cancel(as per customer’s request)
○ Search & filter booking by name, booking id, driver name
● Manage Payments: This feature allows the admin to manage the payment methods
and processing for the pla orm, including se ng up and managing payment gateway
integra ons, processing refunds, and tracking payment transac ons.
● Manage drivers: This feature allows the admin to manage the drivers on the pla orm,
including adding new drivers, edi ng exis ng driver informa on, and disabling or
removing drivers from the pla orm.
○ View all drivers
■ Select a driver to view its details
○ Edit a driver
○ Search & filter drivers
○ Block a driver
● Pricing and promo ons: This feature allows the admin to set pricing for rides and
manage promo ons, such as discounts and coupons, to a ract new customers and
retain exis ng ones.
○ Add new coupon rule
■ Enter coupon code
■ Discount percentage
■ Rules
● Minimum ride amount
● Routes
● Expiry date
● No of mes it can be used
● Other condi ons
○ View all coupon rules
■ View coupon details
○ Ac ve/Inac ve coupon code
● Manage Revenue
○ View Revenue by Week/Month/Year
● Manage Transac ons
○ View list of all transac ons
● Customer Care
○ View all queries
○ Respond to a query
○ Live Chat with customers
● Report & Analy cs
○ The repor ng module in the admin panel of an Uber-like pla orm allows the
administrator to view and analyze various data and sta s cs related to the
pla orm's opera ons. Some of the key features of the repor ng module
○ Ride sta s cs: This sec on provides a detailed breakdown of the number of
rides taken, the revenue generated, and the average fare per ride. It also
includes informa on on the most popular pickup and drop-off loca ons, as well
as the busiest mes of day.
○ Driver sta s cs: This sec on provides a detailed analysis of the performance of
individual drivers, including the number of rides they've completed, the
revenue they've generated, and their average ra ng.
Quality Analysis
● Unit Tes ng: TestComplete and Appium are our primary tools which are being used
for wri ng Unit tests (tes ng each component of the app individually), integra on
tests(tes ng integra on of the different components/modules to see if they are
func oning in harmony). It allows crea ng, maintaining and execu ng UI tests for
web, desktop and mobile applica ons and allows tes ng of both hybrid & na ve apps.
● Performance tes ng: Performed for tes ng client applica on performance, server
performance, and network performance.
● Memory tes ng: Mobile devices come with limited memory as compared to
computers, this type of tes ng is performed to test the op mized memory usage by
an applica on.
● Interrup on Tes ng: Used to check for interrup ons due to incoming calls or SMS, low
memory warning, low ba ery warning, etc while running the applica on.
● Installa on Tes ng: Installa on Tes ng is used to check for the easy and smooth
installa on process including upda ng and uninstalling as well.
● Usability Tes ng:As always it used to check the efficiency, effec veness, and
sa sfac on of the applica on.
Technology Stack
The following table will detail out the technology, tools, pla orms, 3rd party APIs we are
going to use for obtaining the best results.
Project Management
● The project management methodology required for building an Uber-like pla orm
would be a combina on of Agile and Scrum.
● Agile methodology is a flexible and itera ve approach to project management that
focuses on delivering value to the customer through con nuous improvement and
rapid development. This methodology is ideal for building a pla orm like Uber as it
allows for flexibility and adaptability to changing customer needs and market trends.
● Scrum is an Agile framework that provides a structure for planning, execu on, and
monitoring of a project. The Scrum framework includes roles such as the Product
Owner, Scrum Master, and Development Team, which work together to plan and
execute the project. This framework is ideal for building a pla orm like Uber as it
provides a clear structure for the development process and allows for regular
feedback and communica on between team members.
● The project management process for building an Uber-like pla orm would involve the
following steps:
● Define the project scope: Define the objec ves, deliverables, and melines for the
● Iden fy the stakeholders: Iden fy the stakeholders and their roles in the project,
including the Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Development Team.
● Create a backlog: Create a backlog of user stories that define the features and
func onality of the pla orm.
● Plan the sprints: Plan the sprints and iden fy the tasks that need to be completed in
each sprint.
● Execute the sprints: Execute the sprints and deliver the deliverables to the
● Review and retrospec on: Review the progress of the project and iden fy areas for
● Repeat the process: Repeat the process of planning, execu on, and review un l the
project is completed.
● Launch and maintain the pla orm: Launch the pla orm and provide ongoing
maintenance and support to ensure it meets the needs of the customers.
● Throughout the project, regular communica on and collabora on between team
members will be essen al to ensure the project is completed on me and to the
sa sfac on of the stakeholders.
Tes ng
● Requirements Gathering: This is the first step in building an Uber-like pla orm. The
development team should gather all the requirements from the stakeholders,
including the end-users, business owners, and other stakeholders. This includes
features, func onali es, and performance requirements.
● Design and Development: Once the requirements are gathered, the development
team should design and develop the pla orm according to the requirements. This
includes crea ng the user interface, backend, and database.
● Tes ng and Quality Assurance: This is a crucial step in building an Uber-like pla orm.
The development team should perform various types of tes ng, such as unit tes ng,
integra on tes ng, and acceptance tes ng, to ensure the pla orm is working as
● Performance Tes ng: The development team should perform load and stress tes ng
to ensure the pla orm can handle the expected number of users and requests.
● Security Tes ng: The development team should perform security tes ng to ensure the
pla orm is secure and does not have any vulnerabili es that can be exploited by
● Usability Tes ng: The development team should perform usability tes ng to ensure
the pla orm is easy to use and navigate for the end-users.
● Deployment and Maintenance: Once the pla orm is tested and deemed ready for
deployment, it should be deployed to the produc on environment. The development
team should also provide ongoing maintenance and support for the pla orm to
ensure it con nues to func on properly.
● Con nuous Integra on and Con nuous Deployment (CI/CD): The development team
should implement a CI/CD pipeline to ensure that the pla orm is con nuously tested,
integrated, and deployed. This will help to catch any issues early on in the
development process and reduce the risk of bugs or errors.
● Analy cs and Monitoring: The development team should implement analy cs and
monitoring tools to track the performance of the pla orm and iden fy any issues that
need to be addressed.
● User Feedback: The development team should gather user feedback and use it to
improve the pla orm and add new features. This will help to ensure that the pla orm
is mee ng the needs of the users and evolving over me.
General Terms & Condi ons
1. Scope of Services: The scope of services to be provided by the developer shall include the
development, tes ng, and delivery of a fully func onal pla orm similar to Uber, including but not
limited to, user and driver interfaces, GPS tracking, payment integra on, and other features as
mutually agreed upon by both par es.
2. Payment Terms: The developer shall invoice the client on a monthly basis, with payment due within
30 days of invoice date. If the client fails to make payment within the agreed meframe, the
developer shall have the right to suspend work on the project un l payment is received.
3. Intellectual Property Rights: The developer shall retain all intellectual property rights to the code
and other materials created during the development process, but shall grant the client a
non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the pla orm for the purpose of opera ng their
4. Confiden ality: Both par es shall keep all confiden al informa on of the other party confiden al
and shall not disclose such informa on to any third party without the prior wri en consent of the
other party.
5. Termina on: Either party may terminate this agreement upon wri en no ce to the other party if
the other party breaches any material term or condi on of this agreement, or if the other party
becomes insolvent or bankrupt.
6. Warranty: The developer warrants that the pla orm will be free from defects in materials and
workmanship for a period of 90 days from the date of delivery. If any defects are found during this
period, the developer shall correct them at no addi onal cost to the client.
7. Limita on of Liability: In no event shall either party be liable to the other party for any indirect,
incidental, special, or consequen al damages arising out of or in connec on with this agreement,
including but not limited to, lost profits, business interrup on, or loss of data.
8. Governing Law: This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of
the state in which the developer is based.
9. Dispute Resolu on: Any disputes arising out of or in connec on with this agreement shall be
resolved through binding arbitra on in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitra on
Associa on.
10. En re Agreement: This agreement cons tutes the en re agreement between the par es regarding
the subject ma er of this agreement and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, and
nego a ons, whether wri en or oral.
● Regular so ware updates and upgrades: To ensure that the pla orm remains
up-to-date and runs smoothly, regular so ware updates and upgrades should be
included in the annual maintenance package. This could include updates to the app,
website, and any other related so ware.
● Data backup and recovery: To protect against data loss and ensure that the pla orm
can be quickly restored in the event of a disaster, regular backups and data recovery
procedures should be included in the maintenance package.
● Performance monitoring and op miza on: To ensure that the pla orm is running at
op mal performance, regular monitoring of key metrics such as user engagement,
system resources, and response mes should be included in the maintenance
package. Any necessary op miza ons should also be made to improve performance.
● Security and compliance: To protect the pla orm and its users from security threats,
regular security audits and compliance checks should be included in the maintenance
package. This could include vulnerability assessments, penetra on tes ng, and
compliance with relevant regula ons.
● 24/7 technical support: To ensure that any issues with the pla orm can be quickly
resolved, 24/7 technical support should be included in the maintenance package. This
could include a dedicated support team, a helpdesk, or an online cke ng system.
● Training and documenta on: To ensure that the pla orm is used effec vely and
efficiently, regular training and documenta on should be included in the maintenance
package. This could include user guides, tutorials, and online resources.
● Scalability and customiza on: To accommodate the ever-changing needs of the
pla orm, scalability and customiza on op ons should be included in the maintenance
package. This could include the ability to add new features, integra ons, and
customiza on op ons to the pla orm as needed.
● Website Monitoring Services
○ Server Monitoring
■ It's a con nuous process of gaining visibility into the ac vi es of the
servers, checking server logs, checking of cri cal events like rou ng
failures, ssl change, router mapping, down me. Since we are using 3rd
party services such as AWS, there are inbuilt tools that allows us to
proac vely manage, monitor and take quick remedial ac on to prevent
server failure, poten al a ack, etc
○ Crash & Up me monitoring
■ Server crashing & down me is very rare in case of AWS, Azure or GCP but
we are using tools such as Uptrend, Dotcom-Monitor to make sure that
website stays up for 24 x & without any issues.
○ Analy cs Monitoring
■ Monitoring is the process of observing systems and tes ng whether they
func on correctly. Analy cs is the process of turning data (usually
behavioral data) into insights. We use several tools for opera ons
including handling complaints, cke ng, audi ng, monitoring
performance and repor ng
○ Security Reviews
■ A security review is a collabora ve process used to iden fy
security-related issues.
○ Third party integra on monitoring services
○ Performances Monitoring
○ Hos ng
○ Source Code & Repository services monitoring
● Security Upgrade Services
● Charges
○ We will charge USD 5000/year or USD 450/month for the maintenance
package. It includes all kinds of bug fixing, patch works, loophole plugins, and
all the works related to maintenance services. It excludes any feature addi on
or enhancement.
● Iden fica on of the scope change: The first step in the scope change process is to
iden fy the change that is being proposed. This could be a change in the func onality
of the pla orm, a change in the design, or a change in the meline.
● Impact assessment: Once the scope change has been iden fied, the next step is to
assess the impact of the change on the project. This includes evalua ng the impact on
the meline, budget, and overall project objec ves.
● Approval process: The proposed scope change must be reviewed and approved by the
project manager, stakeholders, and other relevant par es. This includes discussing the
change with the development team and ge ng their input on the feasibility of the
● Change documenta on: Once the change has been approved, it must be documented
in the project plan and any relevant documenta on such as the project charter or
scope statement.
● Implementa on: The change is then implemented into the development process. This
includes upda ng the project plan, budget, and meline, and making any necessary
changes to the development team’s tasks and deliverables.
● Tes ng and valida on: The change must be thoroughly tested and validated to ensure
it meets the project requirements and does not nega vely impact the overall
func onality of the pla orm.
● Close-out: Once the change has been successfully implemented, it is closed out by
documen ng the change and its impact on the project. This informa on is used to
inform future projects and scope changes.
Defini on of Done
The Defini on of Done (DoD) for the development of mobile apps and websites should
include the following:
● Func onal requirements: All func onal requirements specified in the project scope
document have been implemented and tested successfully.
● Usability: The app or website is easy to navigate and user-friendly, with clear and
consistent UI/UX design.
● Performance: The app or website performs well in terms of speed, responsiveness,
and stability, mee ng or exceeding the expected performance benchmarks.
● Security: All security measures specified in the project scope document have been
implemented and tested successfully, to ensure the app or website is secure and
protected against poten al threats.
● Compa bility: The app or website is compa ble with all devices, browsers, and
opera ng systems specified in the project scope document.
● Compliance: The app or website complies with all relevant industry standards and
regula ons, such as accessibility standards, data privacy laws, and guidelines for app
● Documenta on: All relevant documenta on, such as user manuals, technical
documenta on, and test plans, have been completed and submi ed.
● Deployment: The app or website has been successfully deployed to the appropriate
app stores or hos ng environments.
● Ongoing support: The development team is ready to provide ongoing support and
maintenance for the app or website, as needed.
Next Steps
As outlined in the Investment sec on, our pricing is valid for 7 days from the date of receipt. To take
advantage of this proposal and proceed with the project as outlined, sanc oning authority’s next steps
must be to:
1. Take a look at the proposal and if you have any ques ons about what it includes, go ahead and ask.
We want to make sure that we have everything completely covered before we jump in.
2. Once we get the proposal looking good to you, and decide that you’d like to proceed, we’ll send an
invoice to get started on the project.
3. We move forward based on the meline.
4. At each "milestone" of website development and design, you'll sign off with your approval so we
know that we're on the right track.
5. We’re happy to make changes to the project scope on sanc oning authority’s request at any me,
but may be subject to addi onal billing.
6. Once completed, Henceforth Solu ons Pvt Ltd will contact sanc oning authority’s concerned
personnel to schedule a project launch mee ng to make introduc ons and gather informa on
before beginning the work.
7. You sign off on the completed project, 100% delighted! And, since you love your new site, you tell
others about how we helped you accomplish what you wanted with your website. Perfect!
Help & FAQs
Who owns the legal rights to technology
1 developed by you? Client
The Signing of NDA
prior to star ng of
2 How do we ensure that our IP is protected? contract
Contact Us
Email: [email protected]