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EDU 609

Coherence Assessment Tool

Complete the assessment below and attach to the discussion board.

Component Evidence
Fostering Direction Shared purpose drive The purpose shared amidst the
action. faculty of my school is academic
growth that a would lead to
excellence and preparation for
college level classes. Through
this learning experience it is of
high importance to create safe
environment where knowledge
building can succeed. Building a
common language and creating a
positive environment that can
make it easy for the students to
be creative, thinking, and
analyzing. The essential role has
the teacher who needs to be an
activator in the way how to
engage student learning and
challenges next practice (Fullan &
Quinn, 2016, p. 90).
A small number of goals Due to the increasing demand for
tied to student learning STEM knowledge, my school has
drive decisions. implemented yearly STEM
projects that are to be conducted
by all teachers, garages of
subject. Another important goal
exercised by my school is offering
students ways for them to
practice and relate their
knowledge to real life situations.

© 2021 Post University, Waterbury, CT


A clear strategy for As a science teacher, I would say

achieving the goals is that accompanying the learning
known by all. theory with practice such as
experiments or projects will build
connections between new and
previous knowledge,
strengthening the network of
memory. In science education,
the teacher needs to encourage
the students in a discussion that
can consider greater reception of
the theories. The dialogue will
allow the learners to have a
reception between theory and
practice. To be a teacher we need
to be aware of multiple
philosophy theories and move
beyond our comfort zone and
attempt to increase our own
learning (Britton & Tippins, 2014,
p. 441).

© 2021 Post University, Waterbury, CT


Change knowledge is By promoting effective

used to move the school/ communication and
district/system. understanding, organizations can
align their efforts, improve
collaboration, and work towards
their goals more efficiently and
As a teacher, I can relate to the
instructional core which is the
relationship between the teacher,
student, and content. The model
of the instruction core provides
the basic framework for how to
intervene in the instructional
process to improve the quality
and level of student learning. This
framework is based on the
teacher’s knowledge and skill, in
students’ engagement in their
own learning and academically
challenging content.
Creating Collaborative A growth-mindset Through constructive advice and
Cultures underlies the culture. providing practice opportunities,
the faculty of the school creates a
conducive environment where
growth-mindset is encouraged.
Sometimes high school students
have already decided on a
certain mindset which could be
difficult to be converted to a
growth one, hence why through
hands on experience, ample
tutoring, and practice, our
students can see a shift in their
own beliefs of a mindset.

© 2021 Post University, Waterbury, CT


Leaders model learning Being a leader plays an essential

themselves and shape a role in continuously defining,
culture of learning. articulating, and shaping a
pathway for the new vision
(Fullan & Quinn, 2016, p. 29).
Leaders must be transparent by
acknowledging and gaining clarity
on the issues at hand. Next, they
need to build a common
language and use a collaborative
approach. They also should
employ a reduce, reframe, and
remove strategy. Leaders should
cultivate engagement by
communicating often and
listening even more often.
Collective capacity Teachers of each department are
building is fostered above encouraged to share the
individual development. materials that they used in a
collective folder, so teachers can
help each other with ideas for
certain lessons. To build
collaborative skills among
students and building a
knowledge bridge across subjects
teachers are asked to form a
collaborative project that would
merge the ideals of two subjects
together. On top of these
activities, professional
development is hosted on
numerous faculty meetings.

© 2021 Post University, Waterbury, CT


Structure and processes The lesson plans are to adapt

support intentional Universal Design for Learning,
collaborative work. Understanding by Design, and
Differentiated Instruction. “UDL is
a framework that can decrease
barriers and maximize learning
opportunities for all learners—
from early childhood to
adulthood” (Rose et al., 2012).
These strategies will help
students towards academic
In my science department, all the
teachers collaborate with each
other and share ideas or their
work to help each other in the
progress of teaching. Each year
the science department has a
goal, and this year we have to
engage the students with labs for
every chapter, and develop a
stem project.
Deepening Learning Learning goals are clear to Setting goals makes the direction
everyone and drive of learning clear to students and
instruction. the teacher, and increases
student’s motivation and
achievement levels.
Being open and excited about
teaching will be reflected in their
style. To encourage the students
to participate, ensure that
participants will be equal. To
create an atmosphere that which
students can be open and not
feel embarrassed. After each
participation, giving them rewards
will motivate them more and
make them love the class
© 2021 Post University, Waterbury, CT

A set of effective All educators are organized and

pedagogical practices is involved in the process of
known and used by all teaching. Each has to present a
educators. lesson plan where they
implement mastery over the
subject the they are teaching.
The use of group work and the
tendency towards student
centered classrooms builds upon
the performance of the students.
The use of inquiry based learning
is used to help promote analytical
thinking among the class.
Robust processes Teachers evaluate the students
(collaboratively inquiry and through various methods of
examining student work) assessments. Based on the
are used regularly to overall results the leaders of the
improve practice. department are to make
comparisons and establish
discussion amongst teachers to
figure out better practices and
find any trends that could be
examined and used to benefit
learning. On top of these
evaluations in meetings
instructional strategies are
introduced and any major
concerns are presented and
Securing Accountability Capacity building is used Conferences, training, and
to continuously improve workshops are a continuous
results. chain of actions that the
educators are introduced with.
Not only are these sessions
helpful to learn new methods and
strategies, but they also give
some refreshing to in use
methods and it updates them at
the same time.
© 2021 Post University, Waterbury, CT

Underperformance is an The administration is

opportunity for growth, not continuously following the
blame. progress of students and classes.
If anything of concern comes
about, they are ready to
communicate and figure out what
could be going on. The educators
are not blamed but encouraged
to ask for help and find ways to
improve the situation.
External accountability is The school mostly follows the
used transparently to standards that are set by the
benchmark progress. district together with the
standards established by the
organization that runs it. The
students are evaluated based on
the level that they have entered
the class and the progression
that they had for the academic
year that can make possible for
them to be placed on a higher

Britton, S. A., & Tippins, D. J. (2014, August 29). Practice or Theory: Situating Science
Teacher Preparation Within a Context of Ecojustice Philosophy. eds. Retrieved March 22,
2023, from
Fullan, M. & Quinn, J. (2016). The right drivers in action for schools, districts, and schools.
Thousand Oak: CA: Corwin.
Rose, D. H., Gravel, J. W., & Domings, Y. M. (2012). UDL Unplugged: The Role of
Technology in UDL. In T. E. Hall, A. Meyer, & D. H. Rose (Authors), Universal design for
learning in the classroom: Practical applications (pp. 120-134). New York, NY: Guilford

© 2021 Post University, Waterbury, CT


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