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RAL21 Li
RAL21 Li
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Towards High-Performance
Solid-State-LiDAR-Inertial Odometry and Mapping
Kailai Li, Meng Li, and Uwe D. Hanebeck
correlations between LiDAR and IMU measurements might be deskew point cloud Y sliding window
optimization IMU pre-
IMU keyframe
largely discarded. To guarantee high odometry accuracy, the selection
N optimize local
factor graph
system requires nine-axis IMU readings of high frequency (500
build global
Hz as used in [17]) to de-skew the point cloud and initialize Livox filtered point cloud pose graph
LiDAR odometry. Fusion with additional sensor modalities preprocessing
global map detect loop closure
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(A) 0 - 25 ms (B) 25 - 50 ms
Fig. 4: Illustration of proposed feature extraction method.
they are extracted as edge features (Fig. 4-C and Alg. 1, line
16-17). Otherwise, no feature is extracted from the current
patch (Fig. 4-B).
We show an example of extracted features in one frame of
Livox Horizon scan in Fig. 5. Note that the proposed feature
extraction algorithm is purely performed in the time domain
of every sweep given time stamps of the perceived point
array. This is radically different from the approach in [19] that
computes local smoothness of point candidates selected through (A) extracted plane features (red)
spatial retrieval. Also for traditional spinning LiDARs, common
point cloud segmentation or feature extraction methods [10],
[11], [20] are performed in (transformed) spatial domains, e.g.,
extracting features w.r.t. the horizontal scan angles. For Livox
Horizon, the number of extracted plane features are usually
much more than edge features due to its uniform scan coverage
(statistics are given in Sec. V-D). We further associate each
feature point with its corresponding edge’s direction vector or
(B) extracted edge (green) and plane (red) features
plane’s normal vector to represent local geometries. It will be
further exploited for weighting the LiDAR residual term in the Fig. 5: Feature extraction for point cloud (blue) from Horizon.
backend fusion module. Here, we also have pw = R(q) pl + t.
inserted into a global pose graph with only keyframe feature Xsens Mti-670
to find keyframe nodes that are spatially close but with enough
temporal distance (e.g., 20 keyframes). An ICP is performed (A) (B)
between the current feature scan and the candidate feature Fig. 7: Experimental setup for FR-IOSB data set.
map, from which a fitting score is computed for loop closure
detection. Once confirmed, a global pose graph optimization is For the remaining sequences, LIO-SAM still shows worse
invoked by imposing the constraint from the ICP. As depicted in tracking accuracy than LiLi-OM though it additionally exploits
Fig. 2, the keyframe local map M̆w at backend is then updated orientation measurements from a magnetometer. This mainly
by corrected poses to further incorporate the LiDAR constraint. results from the unified fusion scheme of LiLi-OM where
LiDAR and inertial measurements are directly fused. LIOM
fails on UrbanNav data sets (denoted as 7) and shows large drift
on UTBM-1. It also cannot run in real time with recommended
A. Implementation and evaluation setup configurations. LOAM delivers large tracking errors on UTBM
We implement the proposed LiDAR-inertial odometry and as the implementation limits the iteration number in scan-
mapping system in C++ using ROS [23]. The three modules matching for real-time performance.
shown in Fig. 2 are structured as three individual nodes. The
nonlinear optimization problem in (2) is solved using the TABLE I: APE (RMSE) in meters on public data sets
Ceres Solver [24]. We use GTSAM [25] to perform factor dataset LOAM LeGO LIOM LINS LIO-SAM LiLi-OM?
UTBM-1 479.51 17.12 468.75 16.90 – 8.61
graph optimization for rectifying the global pose graph at loop UTBM-2 819.95 6.46 12.95 9.31 – 6.45
closures. Our system is developed for Livox Horizon with the UL-1 2.39 2.22 2.53 2.27 2.54 1.59
name LiLi-OM. It is, however, also applicable for conventional UL-2 2.58 2.30 2.00 2.99 2.50 1.20
UN-1 11.20 2.70 7 2.19 2.28 1.08
spinning LiDARs thanks to its generic backend fusion. Thus, UN-2 12.70 4.15 7 4.80 5.31 3.24
two versions of the system are evaluated: (1) the original LiLi-
OM for Livox Horizon with the proposed feature extraction
approach and (2) its variant LiLi-OM? using the preprocessing C. Experiment
module of [10] for spinning LiDARs. Evaluations are conducted To further test LiLi-OM in real-world scenarios, we set up
based on public data sets (recorded using conventional LiDARs) a sensor suite composed of a Livox Horizon and an Xsens
and experiments (including data sets from Livox Horizon). All MTi-670 IMU. The total cost is about 1700 Euros (Q1, 2020),
LiDAR frame rates are 10 Hz. which is much less than conventional LiDAR-inertial setups.
1) FR-IOSB data set: Shown in Fig. 7-(A), a mobile platform
B. Public data set is instrumented with the proposed Livox-Xsens suite. For
comparison with high-end mechanical spinning LiDARs, we
We deploy LiLi-OM? to compare with competing state-of- set up a Velodyne HDL-64E onboard and synchronize it with
the-art systems. These include works on (1) LiDAR odometry: an Xsens MTi-G-700 IMU (six-axis, 150 Hz). Three sequences
A-LOAM6 (open-source version of LOAM [10]), LeGO- were recorded at the Fraunhofer IOSB campus of Fig. 7-(B):
LOAM [11] (shortened as LeGO) and (2) LiDAR-inertial (1) Short for a short path in structured scenes, (2) Tree recorded
odometry: LIO-mapping (shortened as LIOM) [15], LINS [16], in bushes, and (3) Long for a long trajectory.
LIO-SAM [17]. For evaluation, we use the EU long-term data Both LiLi-OM and LiLi-OM? are tested. For comparison,
set (UTBM) that provides two long urban navigation sequences we run LOAM, LeGO and Livox-Horizon-LOAM (shortened
recorded by a Velodyne HDL-32E and a six-axis IMU (100 as LiHo)8 , a LOAM variant adapted to Livox Horizon with
Hz) [26]. LIO-SAM requires nine-axis IMU measurements. point clouds deskewed by IMU. Tab. II shows superior tracking
Thus, we include the UrbanLoco and UrbanNav data sets [5] accuracy (bold) of the proposed systems with our low-cost
recorded using a HDL-32E and Xsens MTi-10 IMU (nine-axis, hardware setup performing equally well as the high-end one
100 Hz). The RMSE of the absolute position error (APE) is in the same scenario. We show reconstructed maps (partial)
computed for the final estimated trajectory based on the ground on sequence Long in Fig. 8, where LiLi-OM? delivers superior
truth using the script in [27]. mapping quality using the proposed sensor fusion scheme.
Shown in Tab. I7 , the proposed LiLi-OM? achieves the best
tracking accuracy (bold) for all sequences in real time. LIO- TABLE II: End-to-end position error in meters on FR-IOSB
SAM [17] requires nine-axis IMU readings for de-skewing Velodyne HDL-64E Livox Horizon
and frontend odometry, thereby not applicable for UTBM. dataset length speed LOAM LeGO LiLi-OM? LiHo LiLi-OM
Short 0.49 km 2.15 m/s 0.78 0.25 0.34 5.04 0.25
6 https://github.com/HKUST-Aerial-Robotics/A-LOAM Tree 0.36 km 1.12 m/s 0.21 78.22 < 0.1 0.13 < 0.1
7 Data sets abbr.: UTBM-1: UTBM-20180719, UTBM-2: UTBM-20180418-RA, UL-1: Long 1.10 km 1.71 m/s 0.43 0.82 < 0.1 3.91 0.34
UrbanLoco-HK-20190426-1, UL-2: UrbanLoco-HK-20190426-2, UN-1: UrbanNav-HK-
20190314, UN-2: UrbanNav-HK-20190428. 8 https://github.com/Livox-SDK/livox_horizon_loam
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