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WORKSHEET FOR PPT- 1 (2023-24)

Q.1. Choosethe correct answers:

 Identify the kind of the underlined noun:

I.I dislike the falsehood.
a. Common c.Collective
b. Proper d. Abstract
II . Silver is a precious shiny, greyish- white metal.
a. Common c. Abstract
b. Material d. Collective
III. The stepmother lovedCinderella.
a. Common c. Proper
b. Material d. Collective
IV.Children will take dinner with us.
a. Common c. Collective
b. Proper d. Abstract
V.He comes from a rich family.
a. Common c. Abstract
b. Material d. Collective
VI.Tick ( ✓) the correct pluralform of the nounlion.
a. Lionies c. Lioness
b. Lions d. Liones
VII. Tick ( ✓) the correct singular form of the noun feet.
a. Feets c. Foot
b. Feetes d. Feet
VIII.Tick ( ✓) the correct number of the underlinednoun.
Many countrieswere fast developing.
a. Singular c. Plural
b. Both (a) and (c) d. None of these
IX. Tick ( ✓) the correct number of the underlined noun.
Mathematics is an interesting subject.
a. Singular c. Plural
b. Both (a) and (c) d. None of these

X.Tick ( ✓) the correct number of the underlined noun.

His son- in- law is an honest man.
a. Singular c. Plural
b. Both (a) and (c) d. None
 Tick (✓) the right gender of the underlined words.
XI. The table is made of iron.
a. Masculine c.Neuter
b. Feminine d. Common
XII. My neighbours are good people.
a. Masculine c. Neuter
b. Feminine d. Common
XIII. The mare died in an accident.
a. Masculine c. Neuter
b. Feminine d. Common
XIV. Which are the flavors of ice-cream that the ice-cream man has in its cart?
a. Vanilla c.Strawberry
b. Chocolate. d. All of these
XV. Where is Travancore situated?
a. Kerala c. Andhra Pradesh
b. Assam. d. Uttar Pradesh
Q.2.Write the gender of underlined nouns.
I. The princess opened the palace gate.
II. That boy loves his mother very much.
III. Her step-mother was friendly with her.
IV. The clothes were hanging on the clothesline.
V. The doctor was not in the clinic.
VI. The holy monk blessed her.
VII. The empress lost her crown.
VIII. The bride was looking nice in her new dress.
IX. His son is very intelligent.
X. The tailor is stitching the clothes.
Q.3.Rewrite the sentences by changing the underlined noun to their opposite gender. Make other
necessary changes as well.
I. The tigress and the lioness were in different cages.
II. My father and uncle like to play badminton.
III. The queen and the princess went for a walk.
IV. The duke welcomed the Baron.
V. The hostess welcomed the guests.
VI. My great-uncle live in Dehradun.
VII. I was reading a story about a wizard.
VIII. The washermanwent to the emperor.
IX. The bride smiled at her father-in-law.
X. The dogsaved his master and his sons.
Q.4.Change the following sentences from singular to plural.
I. The student wrote his assignment.
II. The child hid behind the bush.
III. The policeman caught the thief.
IV. The passenger received a serious injury.
V. Mother -in- law does not trust her son- in-law.
VI. She bought a loaf of bread.
VII. A butcher uses a sharp knife to cut of meat.
VIII. The old man had a severe pain in his tooth.
IX. This shoe is not mine.
X. The deer ran from the cheetah.
Q.5. Write the kind of underlined nouns in the following sentences.
I. Paris is the capital of France.
II. Mr. Verma is a doctor in Escort hospital.
III. The man was followed by his brood of chicks.
IV. Iron is a useful metal.
V. Birbal’swisdom made him famous in Akbar's court.
Q.6. Write the meaning of these words:

Blaze, mounds, trundling,Survey, Sternly, Ground

Q.7.Answer the following questions:

I. What are the two things that the Ice-Cream man is selling?
II. What are the colours of the drinks that the ice cream man is selling?
III. What have the ice cream cart and the children been compared to in the poem?
IV. What had the cook planned to do with the vegetable scraps?
V. For what purpose there were preparations in the place?
VI. What ingredients are used to make the dish avial?



Q 1.Tick (√ )the correct option-

(i)Which fluid present in our mouth does help in digestion?

a.Mucus b.Saliva c.Water d.Tears

(ii) What was the profession of Martin,Who had a hole in his stomach?
a.Soldier b. Painter c.Doctor d.Teacher

(iii)Who is considered as the friend of Farmers?

a.Tiger b.Cat c.Snake d.Rat

(iv)Which of these things can be seen in people if they are hungry?

a. Anger b. Weakness c. Lazy d.All of these

(v) Who was the age of Martin? When did he shoot up?

a. 15 Years b.16 Years c.17 Years d.18 Years

(vi) Which is given by the doctor for quick strength?

a.lemon juice b.Glucose Drip c. Milk d.Water

(vii) Which is the most sensitive part of a tiger?

a.Whiskers b.Eyes c.Teeth d.Paw

(viii) Whose nickname is Afai?

a.Cobra b .Russel Viper c. Saw-Scaled Viper d.Comman Krait

(ix) Which of the following is the way to kill the germs of the water?

a. Adding sugar b. Freezing c.Boiling d. None of these

(x) How do the ants find its way?

a.Hearing b.Listening c.Smelling d.Fighting

(xi) How do dogs mark their areas?

a.Urine b.Fight c. Rope d.Water

(xii) What do snake charmers always carry with himself?

a.Dogs b.Snakes c.Cats d.Monkeys

(xiii) Which is called the protected areas for animal?

a.Garden b.Resort c.National parks d.Zoo

(xiv) From Which part of the body we break down our food in small pieces?

a.Teeth b. Food pipe c.Hand d.Stomach

(xv) How many sense organs are there in a human body?

a.7 b.6 c.5 d.4

(xvi) How can be recognizedthe taste of different food items?

a.See b.Touch c.Feel d.Smell

(xvii) Name the bird which has eyes in front of its head.

a. Owl b. Ostrich c. Vulture d. Peacock

(xviii) How many types of snakes are poisonous?

a.10 b.6 c.4 d.2

(xix) How did Gomati‘s husband die?

a.Hunger b.Anger c.Attack d.None of these

(xx) What is the most common crop that grows in Kalahandi district?

a.Wheat b.Pulses c.Maize d.Rice

Q 2- Fill in the blanks .

(i) Dr. Beaumont took some liquid out of the __________.
(ii) Cobra is a _________ snake.
(iii) We cannot see bird’s ____________________.
(iv) “Periyar Corbett National Park “ is situated in ______________.
(v) Our stomach _________the food to digest it.
(vi) Tigers mark their area with their _______________.
(vii)A snake has two ___________ teeth.
(viii)We cannot see bird’s ____________.
(ix)We have ____________intestine in our body
(x)The __________ has made a lawsthat no one catch and kill wild animals.
(xi)___________is an important part of snake charmers.
(xii) ______ and ______ joint is present in our shoulders.
(xiii) We became lazy when we are ___________.
(xiv)As the ant move they leave a _______ on the ground.
(xv)Some snake bites can even cause __________on spot.
(xvi)_________joint is present in skull.
(xvii) Musk deer is killed just to make a little scent from its ___________.
(xviii) The taste of lemon is___________.
(xix)Fishes give alarm call by ___________.
(xx)The taste of bitter gourd is___________.
Q3. Write the name of body parts ofanimalsfor which they are killed.
(i) Elephant
(ii) Rhinoceros
(iii) Crocodile
(iv) Snake
(v) Deer
Q4. Write the name of states of the given National park situated in India.

(i) Kaziranga National park

(ii) Manas National park
(iii) Dachigam National Park
(iv) Ghana National park
(v) Periyar National park
(vi) Gir National park
(vii)Buxa National park
(viii)Hemis National park
(ix)Jim Corbett National park
(x)Raja ji National park

Q5. Answer the following questions in one line.

(i) What is called the tiny bumps present on the tongue?

(ii) Which animals mark their area by urine?
(iii) What is present in our mouth that helps in digestion?
(iv) How many types of snakes are poisonous?
(v) How many times a tiger can see better than us?
(vi) Which animal we can’t see during winters?
(vii )What is the nickname of sawscaled Viper?
(viii)Which is most alert animal?
(ix)How many trees a sloth can change in whole life?
(x) How do mosquitoes find human beings?
(xi) Who are Kalbeliyas?
(xii)How the medicine of snake bite is made?
(xiii)Which instrument is used by the snake charmers?
(xiv)How many types of tastes are available in our tongue?
(xv)What do we call the condition, if a person suffers with vomiting and loose motions?

Q6.Answer the following questions .

(i) How is saliva helpful?

(ii) Why are dogs used in special search operation by the police?
(iii) Lizards are not seen in winters .why?
(iv) How does the digestion of food take place?
(v) What do the snake charmers do so that no snake could bite any person?
(vi) When and Why is a glucose drip given?
(vii)Why is water essential for the body?
(viii) What are joints in human body?
(ix) How do we know about the food habits of a child?
(x) What are the five main types of joints present in our body?
(xi)How does the poison of a snake enter a person’s body?
(xii) What are taste buds? How are they useful?

Q7.Draw a labelled diagram of tongue.

Q8. Draw a labelled diagram of digestive system.
Q9. Draw the pictures of any 5 healthy and unhealthy food items and write their names also.

WORKSHEET FOR PPT – 1 (2023-24)


Q1. Tick (√) the correct option.

i) How many zeroes are there in one crore?
a) 5 c) 8
b) 7 d) 9
ii) The predecessor of one million is________.
a) 99,999 c) 999,999
b) 9,009,999 d) 999,990
iii) Which one is the example of “Palindrome number”?
a) 12310321 c) 2003003
b) 1514154 d) 4526254
iv) The successor of 560,999 is________.

a) 561,100 c) 561,000
b) 560,001 d) 660,000

v) ¼ turn means ___________.

a) 90° c) 95°
b) 0° d) 100°
vi) Which option is correct for this given pattern?
a) ¼ turn clockwise c) ¾ turn clockwise
b) ¼ turn anti-clockwise d) ¾ turn anti-clockwise

vii) Which option is correct according to 3/4 turn anti-clockwise for this given figure? “L”

d) None of these
viii) What are the next term for the given series ?
9876, 8765, 7654, ___________, _____________.

a) 6543, 5432 c) 6545, 5545

b) 6544, 5433 d) None of these
ix) Which alphabet has uncountable line of symmetry?

a) K c) O
b) W d) X

x) Which number has horizontal line of symmetry?

c) 1 c) 8
d) 4 d) 6
Q2. Draw all possible lines of symmetry of each of the following figures.

i) ii) iii)

Q3. Complete the following symmetrical shapes.

i) ii) iii)

Q4. Write the number names of the following numbers.

i) 8,52,07,952 ii) 102,044,180 iii) 6,722,461 iv) 35,00,32,545
v) 4,75,36,850 vi) 45,175,065 vii) 78,521,754 viii) 96,23,91,053

Q5. Write the numerals of the following number names.

i) Thirty-five crore ninety lakhs sixty-four thousand and fifty-eight
ii) Nine million eighty thousand four hundred seven
iii) Twenty-two crores nine lakhs sixty-one thousand fifty-seven
iv) Thirty-one lakhs three thousand three hundred thirty-three
v) Seventy-nine million one hundred fifty-eight thousand two hundred twenty-three

Q6. Write the place, place value, face value and periods of underline digits.
i) 1,52,07,952 ii) 802,044,180 iii) 7,782,469 iv)35,48,02,596
v)74,75,35,823 vi) 45,175,065 vii)98,521,754 viii)962,391,053
Q7. Write the successor and predecessor of each of the following number.
i) 1,07,952 ii) 802,044,780 iii) 9,702,409 iv) 3,48,02,000
v) 74,75,35,001 vi) 145,185,065 vii) 9,00,00,000 viii) 450,603,009

Q8. Write the following expanded numbers in their short (standard) form.

i) 40,00,000 + 10,000 + 5,000 + 500 + 40 + 9

ii) 3 million + 700 thousand + 60 thousand + 4 thousand + 8 hundred + 5 ones
iii) 70 crore + 9 crore + 3 thousand + 1 hundred + 4 tens + 5 ones
iv) 600,000,000 + 50,000,000 + 400,000 + 30,000 + 2,000 + 700 + 90 + 6
v) 30,00,00,000 + 2,00,00,000 + 4,00,000 + 70,000 + 1,000 + 90 + 4
Q9. Write the following numbers in expanded form by two methods.

i) 78,45,623 ii) 456,654,123 iii) 9,630,987 iv) 3,48,02,00

v) 5,75,35,001 vi) 145,000,065 vii) 9,00,00,009 viii) 451,789,102

Q10. Form the smallest and greatest numbers using the following digits only once.
i) 5, 2, 6, 0, 4, 9, 2, 3 iv) 0, 6, 8, 4, 2, 1, 3, 4, 3
ii) 3, 0, 5, 1, 2, 8, 4, 9 v) 9, 5, 3, 4, 1, 0, 9, 5, 2
iii) 2, 3, 5, 0, 0, 4 ,8 ,7, 1 vi) 7, 9, 0, 1, 3, 8, 5, 2

Q11. Compare the following numbers using <, > or =.

i) 6,54, 21, 363 __ 54, 12, 636 iv) 96, 405, 002 __ 96, 405, 002
ii) 20, 56, 41, 123 __ 44, 10, 87, 456 v) 3 crore ___ 3 million
iii) 215, 696, 458 __ 54, 145, 958 vi) 51, 200, 356 ___ 51, 201, 356

Q12. Arrange the following in ascending (increasing) and descending (decreasing) order.

i) 7,26, 45, 200 ; 9, 52, 20, 120 ; 54, 14, 300 ; 9, 25, 14, 100
ii) 42, 23, 10, 541 ; 5, 20, 23, 841 ; 63, 20, 74, 000 ; 41, 20, 324
iii) 56, 120, 321 ; 21, 321, 851 ; 56, 205, 741 ; 6, 027, 854
iv) 412, 568, 485 ; 214, 841, 665 ; 241, 388, 200 ; 633, 290, 505
v) 85, 23, 02, 611 ; 45, 15, 64, 320 ; 45, 25, 11, 654 ; 85, 63, 41, 112
Q13. Observe the pattern carefully and complete it.


________ , ________ , ________


_______ , _______ , _______


_______ , ________ , _______


________ , _______ , _______


________ , _______ , _______

vi) a1b , b2c ,c3d , d4e , _________ ,_______ , _______

vii) 900C,850F,800I,750L _________ , _______,_______

viii) 1zZ, 10yY,100xX,1000wW, _________, _______, _______

ix)1 + 2 + 3 = 6 5 + 6 + 7 = _____

2+3+4=9 6 + 7 + 8 = _____
3 + 4 + 5 = 12 7 + 8 + 9 = _____
4 + 5 + 6 = _____ 8 + 9 + 10 = ____
x)667 × 667 = 444 889

6667 × 6667 = 4444 8889

66667 × 66667 = ______________
666667 ×666667 = _______________

Q14. Fill in the blanks:
i) There are __________ places in every period in an International number system.
ii)An order in which we arrange the number from bigger to smaller one is known as
iii) __________________ place has the same place value and face value.
iv) 8-digit greatest number is the _______________ of 9-digit smallest number.
v)The mirror line that divides the figure in to ___________ equal parts.
vi) 1 million = __________ thousand.
vii)1 crore = __________ million.
viii)10 lakh = ___________ thousand.
ix)1 crore = ___________ thousand.
x)10 million = __________ ten thousand.

Q15. Solve these: -

i)55,560,100 + 100,100 + 321,501,302

ii) 85,63,36,100 + 54,23,65,409 + 10,00,000
iii) 19,96,960 subtract from 20,00,000
iv) 45,261 x 36
v) 63,278 x 94
vi) Subtract Seven-digit greatest number from nine-digit smallest number.
vii) Product of place value and face value of 6 in 87,963,36.
viii) Difference between place value and face value of 1 in 23,10,196.
Q16. Turn the images to 1/2(180°), ¼(90°) and ¾(270°)turns.

i)ii) iii) iv)

Q17. Solve the given word problems with complete statement:

i) The population of a country ‘A’ is 8,37,49,174 and country ‘B’ is 10,74,83,566.
What is the total population of both the countries?
ii) In train ‘A’ there are 32,45,152 passengers and in train ‘B’ there are 59,32,205
passengers. How many more passengers does train ‘B’ is carrying then train

iii)The difference between two numbers is 13,24,51,907. If the larger number is
9,58,20,177, find the smaller one.
iv)In an election, the successful candidate registered 5,77,500 votes and his nearest
rival secured 3,50,670 votes. By how many more votes did the successful
candidate win the election?
v) Find the difference between the greatest and the least number that can be
written using the digits 5, 9, 0, 6, 3, 8, 4 each only once.
vi)The price of a bicycle is Rs. 2645.75. How much will 75 such bicycles cost?
vii) A carton contains 4569 screws. How many screws will 34 cartons contain?
viii) Police force of a state has 5,67,83,458 men. Till last year they had 45071369
men. How many more men does the force has now?
ix)Sum of two numbers is 44282. If one of them is 22148, find the number?
x) Each carton has 2526 soap cakes. How many soap cakes will a consignment of 93
such cartons have?

Q18. Fill in the missing blanks to solve the puzzle for the given magic number.

The sum is 45 The sum is 33 The sum is 60

9 12 13     21   23

15 27 15 11        

      19   17   19

The sum is 75 The sum is 75 The sum is 150

5 28   53

15 25   50

  40  27   51

प्रथम आवधिक अभ्यास प्रश्न पत्र (2023-24)

विषय- हिंदी
प्रश्न-1 निम्लिखित प्रश्नों के सही विकल्प पर सही (✓) का निशान लगाइए |

(क) लड़की ने लड़के की पहली समस्या कैसे सुलझाइ ?

(i) भेड़ के बाल बेचकर (iiii) भेड़ के सिंग बेचकर (iii) लकड़ी बेचकर (iv) सिल बेच कर

(ख)मंत्री किस से हार गए थे ?

(i) लड़की से (ii) लड़के से (iii) मंत्री से (iv) इसमें से कोई नहीं

(ग) “खिचड़ी” का क्या आशय है ?

(ii) मकर संक्रांति (ख) रामनवमी (ग) जन्माष्टमी (घ) शिवरात्रि

(घ) “पोंगला - पोंगल” का क्या अर्थ है ?

(i) दध
ू में उफान आना (ii) शोर मचाना (iii) नत्ृ य करना (iv) पानी में उबाल आना

(ड़) दे शभर में फसलों से जड़

ु े त्योहार किन महीनों में मनाए जाते हैं?

(i) फरवरी और मार्च में (ii) जनवरी से अप्रैल तक (iii) नवंबर और दिसंबर (iv) जल
ु ाई से

सितंबर तक

(च) लड़की ने लड़के को क्या सौप कर विदा किया ?

(i) बोरे (ii) जौ (iii) सिंग (iv) भेड़

(छ) सोनगवसैन कहां का शासक था ?

(i) तिब्बत का (ii) मगध का (iii) मिश्र का (iv) कलिंग का

(ज) सरहुल में घरों के सामने लोग किस प्रकार से नत्ृ य करते हैं ?

(i) पंक्ति में बैठकर (ii) अकेले खड़े होकर (iii) समह
ू में (iv) समह
ू में बैठकर

(झ) सरहुल में लोग हर घर से किस प्रकार का चंदा मांगते हैं ?

(i) मुर्गा मिश्री और चावल (ii) चावल और मुर्गा (iii) मिश्री और चावल (iv) मुर्गा और मिश्री

(ञ) लोनपो किस चीज के लिए मशहूर थे ?

(i) हाजिर जवाबी और चालाकी (ii) चालाकी (iii) हाजिर जवाबी (iv) इमानदारी
(ट) अकबर की गले में कैसी माला थी ?

(i) बड़े-बड़े मोतियों की (ii) हीरे की (iii) सोने की (iv) तल

ु सी की

(ठ) अकबर को केशव में क्या बनने की प्रतिभा नजर आई ?

(i) बादशाह (ii) व्यापारी (iii) फनकार (iv) मंत्री

(द) लड़का किस रं ग के पत्थर पर काम कर रहा था ?

(i) नीले (ii) हरे (iii) लाल (iv) पीले

(ध) बादशाह अकबर कहां महल बनवा रहे थे?
(i) दिल्ली (ii) आगरा (iii) सीकरी (iv) लखनऊ
(न ) माता-पिता से सीखी जाने वाली भाषा क्या कहलाती है ?
(i) राजभाषा (ii) मातभ
ृ ाषा (iii) अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भाषा (iv) राष्ट्रीय भाषा

प्रश्न -2 रिक्त स्थान भरिए l

(क) ____________में केशव के हाथ से छूटकर छे नी चीनी नीचे गिर गई l

(ख) झारखंड में ____________ बड़े जोशो खरोश से मनाया जाता है l

(ग) सामने मचिया पर खादी की सफेद ____________पहने दादी बैठी थी l

(घ) सूरज _____________ दिनों से नहीं निकला था l

(ड़) केशव ______________ बात पर मुस्कुरा उठे l

(च) लोनपो ने सोचा ऐसी____ बनाना ही संभव है l

(छ) पोंगल में _____ धान कूटकर चावल निकाला जाता है l

(ज) आदिवासी आमतौर पर ___ की पूजा करते हैं |

(झ) स्त्री पुरुष दोनों ही ढोल मजीरे लेकर ______ भर नाचते गाते हैं l

(ञ) तमिलनाडु में मकर संक्रांति या फसलों से जड़

ु ा त्यौहार ____ है l

प्रश्न- 3 निम्नलिखित शब्दों के अर्थ लिखिए |

(फनकार ,संदेह ,पुश्तैनी ,किरचे ,अंगरखा, सकपकाना ,इजहार करना ,पाला ,सैलाब, हांक लगाना प्रस्ताव,
धूमधाम ,आपबीती, चकित)

प्रश्न 4 - किसने किससे कहा -

(क) माशा अल्लाह ! यह घंटियां कितनी सुंदर है !

(ख) मैं दस साल का हूं l
(ग) कु छ देर के लिए हमें अके ला छोड़ दो l
(घ) बेवकू फ खड़ा हो! हुजूरे आला के सामने बैठने की जुर्रत कै से की तूनेl
(ड़ ) "अब तो बिना जौ के सौ बोरो के मेरे पिता मुझे घर में नहीं घुसने देंगेl"
(च) "एक तरीका है l"

प्रश्न -5 निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर एक शब्द में दीजिए l

(क) लोनपो ने अपने बेटे को कहां भेजा ?

(ख) मंत्री ने अपने बेटे को शहर क्यों भेजा ?

(ग) खिचड़ी का क्या तात्पर्य है ?

(घ) मकर संक्रांति का त्यौहार कहां-कहां मनाया जाता है ?

(ड़) सरहुल का त्यौहार कितने दिनों तक मनाया जाता है ?

(च) पोंगल के दिनों में कौन-कौन सी फसलें घर लाई जाती हैं ?

(छ) सरहुल में चंदे में कौन-कौन सी चीजें मांगी जाती है ?

(ज) शब्द किसे कहते है ?

(झ) वह व्यक्ति कौन था जिसने सफेद अंगरक्खा और पजामा पहना हुआ था ?

(ञ) बादशाह की कद काठी कैसी थी ?

(ट) वर्ण किसे कहते है ?

(ठ) अकबर की कितनी संताने थी ?

प्रश्न -6 निम्नलिखित में से किन्ही दो प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए।

(क) फसलों के त्योहार पर तिल का बहुत महत्व होता है तिल किन किन रूपों में तैयार किया जाता है?
(ख) के शव दस साल का है क्या उसकी उम्र के बच्चों का इस तरह से के काम से जुड़ना ठीक है अपने उत्तर के कारण जरूर बताओ l

(ग) भारत के विभिन्न प्रदेशों में फसलों के त्योहार किस समय मनाए जाते हैं ?

(घ) अर्थ के आधार पर शब्दों के भेद लिखिए l

(ड़) रचना के आधार पर शब्दों के भेद लिखिए l

(च) राजभाषा किसे कहते हैं ? हिंदी को राजभाषा की मान्यता कब मिली?

(छ) अकबर को पहरेदार की दखलअंदाजी अच्छी क्यों नहीं लगी?

प्रश्न -7 निम्नलिखित भाषाओं की लिपि लिखिए l

(क) हिंदी (ख) फ्रें च (ग) बंगाली (घ) अंग्रेजी (ड़) संस्कृ त (च) गुजराती (ड़) जर्मन (च) संस्कृ त

प्रश्न -8 निम्नलिखित शब्दों में “अनुस्वार” या “अनुनासिक “जो उचित हो लगाकर पुनः लिखिए l

(क) अग (ख) रग (ग) कप (घ) मा (ड़) कितु (च) आख (ड़) मुह (च) गाव (छ) गदा

प्रश्न -9 निम्नलिखित संयुक्त व्यंजनों से चार – चार शब्द बनाइए l

(क) ज्ञ (ख) त्र (ग) श्र

प्रश्न -10 निम्नलिखित शब्दों के तत्सम रूप लिखो l

(क) गाय (ख) घी (ग) खीर (घ) नाक (ड़) हाथ (च) आम (छ) कान (ज) दांत

प्रश्न -11 निम्न लिखित शब्दों के तद् भव रूप लिखिए |

(क) चंद्र (ख) दुग्ध (ग) पंच (घ) हस्त (ड़) घट (च) सप्त (छ ) पानीय (ज ) दधि

{प्रश्न-8 श्रुतलेख के लिए पाठ 1,2 व 3 को उचित उच्चारण के साथ पढ़िए |}


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