CIE IGCSE Physics 3rd Edition Chapter 1

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The document discusses various topics in physics such as making measurements, describing motion, forces and motion. It provides information on concepts like density, speed, acceleration and waves.

The document discusses measuring length, volume and time. It describes calculating volume from measurements and determining volume of irregular objects. Measuring techniques like using a ruler are mentioned.

Examples given of measuring small objects include measuring the thickness of a sheet of paper and the volume of a drawing pin.

Third edition DigitalAccess

How to use this series vi Energy stores and transfers

How to use this book vm 6.1 Energy stores 104
6.2 Energy transfers t07
lntroduction x 6.3 Conservation of energy 110

1 Making measurements 6.4 Energy calculations tt4

1.1 Measuring length and volume 37 Energy resources
'1 .2 Density 5
7.1 The energy we use 125
1.3 Measuring time 9
7.2 Energy from the Sun 133

2 Describing motion
2.1 Understanding speed 208 Work and power
2.2 Distance-time graphs 24 8.1 Doing work t4t
2.3 Understanding areleration 25
8.2 Calculating work done 142
2.4 Calculating speed and acceleration 31
8.3 Power t45
8.4 Calculating power t46
3 Forces and motion
3.1 We have lift-off 44 9 The kinetic particle model of matter
3.2 Masg weight and gravity 47 9.1 States of matter 155
3.3 Falling and turning 49 9.2 The kinetic particle model of matter 156
3.4 Forcg mass and acceleration 52 9.3 Gases and the kinetic model 160
3.5 Momentum 54 9.4 Temperature and the Celsius scale 162
3.6 More about scalars and vectors 59 9.5 The gas laws 164

Turning effects 10 Thermal properties of matter

4,1 The moment of a force 68
10.1 Thermal expansion 172
4.2 Calculating moments 69 1O.2 Specific heat capacity 175
4.3 Stability and centre of gravity 74 10.3 Changing state 179

Forces and matter

11 Thermal energy transfers
5.1 Forces acting on solids 86
5.2 Stretching springs 86
11.'l Conduction 191

5.3 The limit of proportionality and the

11.2 Convection 196
spring constant 88 11.3 Radiation 200
5.4 Pressure 93 "11.4 Consequences of thermal
energy transfer 204
5.5 Calculating pressure 94


12 Sound 19 Electrical circuits

12.1 Making sounds 216 19.1 Circuitcomponents 349
12.2 How does sound travel? 217 19.2 Combinations of resistors 353
12.3 The speed of sound 2r9 19.3 Electrical safety 365
12.4 Seeing and hearing sounds 22t
20 Electromagnetic forces
13 Light 2O.'l The magnetic effect of a current 378
13.1 Reflection of light 231 2O.2 Force on a current-carrying
13.2 Refraction of light conductor 382
13.3 Total internal refl ection 20.3 Electric motors 384
13.4 20.4 Beams of charged particles and
Lenses 246
magnetic flelds 386
13.5 Dispersion of light 253
21 Electroma gnetic induction
14 Properties of waves
21.'l Generatingelectricity 395
14.1 Describing waves 260 21 .2 Power lines and transformers 401
14.2 Speed, frequency and wavelength 266 21 .3 How transformers work 405
14.3 Explaining wave phenomena 267
22 The nuclear atom
15 The electromagnetic spectrum 22.1 Atomic structure 4ls
15.1 Electromagneticwaves 279 22.2 Protonq neutrons and electrons 418
15.2 Electromagnetichazards 284
15.3 Communicatingusing 23 Radioactivity
electromagnetic waves 28s 23.1 Radioactivity all around us 429
23.2 Radioactive decay 431
16 Magnetism 23.3 Activity and half-life 436
16.1 Permanent magnets 295 23.4 Using radioisotopes 442
16.2 Magnetic flelds 297
24 Earth and the Solar System
17 Static electricity 24.1 Earth, Sun and Moon 453
17.1 Charging and discharging 310 24.2 The Solar System 456
17.2 Explainingstaticelectricity 3t2
17.3 Electric fields 314
25 Stars and the Universe
25.1 The Sun 468
1 8 Electrical quantities 25.2 Stars and galaxies 469

18.1 Current in electric circuits 323

25.3 The Universe 474

18.2 Voltage in electric circuits 327

Appendix 485
18.3 Electricalresistance 330
'18.4 More about electrical resistance 335 Glossary 488
18.5 Electrical energy, work and power 337 Key equations 496
lndex 498
Acknowledgements 511

The di-srtal teacher's resource contains Cetailed guidance for all topics of the
st,11abus. including common misconceptions identifying areas where learners
might need extra support, as well as an engaging bank of lesson ideas for each
syllabus topic. Differentiation is emphasised with advice for
identihcation of different learner needs and
suggestions ol appropriate interventions to
support and stretch learners. The teacher's
resource also contains support for preparing
and carrying out all the investigations in the
practical workbook, including a set of sample
results for when practicals aren't possible.

The teacher's resource also contains scaffolded

worksheets and unit tests for each chapter.
Answers for all components are accessible to
teachers for free on the Cambridge GO platform.

Ior Cambridge i6CSE.

Throughout this book, you will notice lots of different features that will help your learning. These are explained below.

This contains questions and activities on subject knowledge you will need before starting the chapter.

Supplement content: Where content is intended for

learners who are studying the Supplement content of the
This feature presents real-world examples syllabus as well as the Core, this is indicated in the main
and applications of the content in a chapter, text using the arrow and the bar, as on the right here, and
encouraging you to look further into topics that the text is in blue. You may also see the blue text with
just an arrow (and no bar), in boxed features such as the
may go beyond the syllabus. There are discussion
questions at the end which look at some of the Key Words or the Getting Started. Symbols in blue are
benefits and pr:oblems of these applications. also supplementary content.

Appearing throughout the text, questions give you a
chance to check that you have understood the topic you
This feature focuses on developing your practical havejust read about. The answers to these questions are
skills. They include lists of equipment required and accessible to teachers lor free on the Cambridge GO site.
any safety issues, step-by-step instructions so you
can carry out the experiment, and questions to
help you think about what you have learned.
Activities give you an opportunity to check
1l your understanding throughout the text in a more
I active way, for example by creating presentations,
posters or taking part in role plays. When activities
il Key vocabulary is highlighted in the text when it
il have answers, teachers can find these for free on
l is first introduced, and definitions are given in the Cambridge GO site.
boxes near the vocabulary. You will also find
definitions of these words in the Glossary at the
back of this book.

lmportant equations which you will need to learn

and remember are given in these boxes.
How to use this boot

Command words that appear in the syllabus and At the end of some activities and experimental
.rright be used in exams are highlighted in the skills boxes, you will find.opportunities to help
exam-style questions. ln the margin, you will find you assess your own work, or that of your
:"e Cambridge lnternational definition. You will classmates; andlconsider how you can improve
a so find these definitions in the Glossary. the way you learn.

\\herever you need to know how to use an equation These activities ask you to think about the
c?rry out a calculation, there are worked example approach that you take to your work, and how
bt-r\es to show you how to do this. you might improve this in the future.

Projects allow you to apply your learning from the whole chapter to grouP activities such as making poslers or
prelntations, or performing in debat"r. th"y may give you the opportunity to extend your learning beyond
the syllabus if you want to.

Qestions at




Studying physics Thinking physics

Why study physics? Some people study physics for the How do physicists think? One of the characteristics of
simple reason that they find it interesting. Physicists physicists is that they try to simplify problems - reduce
study matter, energy and their interactions. They might them to their basics - and then solve them by applying
be interested in observing the tiniest sub-atomic particles, some very fundamental ideas. For example, you will
or understanding the vastness of the Universe itself. be familiar with the idea that matter is made of tiny
particles that attract and repel each other and move
On a more human scale, physicists study materials to
about. This is a very useful model, which has helped
try to predict and control their properties. They study
us to understand the behaviour of matteq how sound
the interactions of radiation with matter, including the
travels, how electricity flows, and much more.
biological materials we are made of.
Once a fundamental idea is established, physicists look
Other people are more interested in the applications of
physics. They want to know how it can be used, perhaps
around for other areas where it might help to solve
problems. One of the surprises of 20th century physics
in an engineering project, or for medical purposes.
was that, once physicists had begun to understand the
Depending on how our knowledge is applied, it can
fundamental particles of which atoms are made, they
make the world a better place.
realised that this helped to explain the earliest moments
Some people study physics as part of their course in the history of the Universe, at the time of the
because they want to become some other type of scientist Big Bang.
- perhaps a chemist, biologist or geologist. These
branches of science draw a great deal on ideas from
physics, and physics may draw on them.


Medicine is often seen as a biological career but this doctor will use many applications of physics, from X-rays to robotic
limbs, in her work.


Physics relies on mathematics. Physicists measure The more you study physics, the more you will mme to
quantities and analyse data. They invent mathematical realise how the ideas join up. Indeed, the ultimate goal
models - equations and so on - to explain their for many physicists is to link all ideas into one unifyng
findings. In fact, a great deal of mathematics has been 'theory of everything'.
developed by physicists to help them to understand their
experimental results. An example of this is the work of
Edward Witten, who designed new mathematical tools to l

unify different versions of superstring theory - a theory

which tries to unite all the forces and particles you are
learning about.
Computers have made a big difference in physics,
allowing physicists to process vast amounts of data
rapidly. Computers can process data from telescopes,
control distant spacecraft and predict the behaviour of
billions of atoms in a solid material.

Stephen Hawking was a brilliant young student when he was

diagnosed with motor neurone disease. He was expected to
live only a few years, but at the time of his death at 76 he was
still working as a professor at Cambridge University' One of
his main aims was to unite relativity (which explains the very
large) and quantum physics (which explains the very small)'

Hawking came to believe this would not happen, but

was glad about this: 'I'm now glad that our search for
understanding will never come to an end, and that we
will always have the challenge of new discovery. Without
it, we would stagnate.'

Using physics
The practical applications of physics are far reaching.
Many physicists work in economics and finance, using
ideas from physics to predict how markets will change'
Others use their understanding of particles in motion to
predict how traffic will flow, or how people will move in
irowded spaces. This type of modelling can be used to
help us understand the spread of pathogens; such as the
virus which caused the2020 Covid-19 pandemic.
n kr 2C19 the first pictures were released of a black hole. Ptrlsics is being used to find solutions for the worldt
n,e area is so dense that light cannot escape it' major problems. New methods of generating electricity
ars =.ra
ra,3e was the result of hundreds of scientists using a without adding to greenhouse gas emissions are helping
rm,*,:r< :; radio telescopes around the world, processing to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. Developments
rm&rr 3€-rcftes of data - 1 petabyte ls equal to 1 mlllion in battery technology allow us to store electrical energy'
lrlffirres c'1 x 101s bytes. making electric vehicles a reality.
cAMBRTDGE rccsErM FHyslcs, couRsEBooK

lf this child drives itwill probably be in an electricvehicle like this one. Many countries aim to phase out polluting, fossil fuel
powered vehicles by the middle of the 21st century. Physicists are improving car design and battery life to make this feasible.

Joining in
So, when you study physics, you are doing two things.

i You are joining in with a big human project -

learning more about the world around us and
applying that knowledge.
ii At the same time, you are learning to think like
a physicist - how to apply some basic ideas, how
to look critically at data, and how to recognise
underlying patterns. Whatever path you take, these
skills will remain with you and help you make sense
of the rapidly changing world in which we live.

xii )

ln pairs, either take the measurements or write down how you would do the following:

' measure the length, width and thickness of this book and work out its volume
. measure the thickness of a sheet of paper that makes up this book
. measure the length of a journey (for example, on a map) that is not straight.

Now discuss how you would work out the density of:
. a regular-shaped solid
. an irregular-shaped solid
. a liquid.

People tend to dismiss people who lived in the

past as less intelligent than we are. After all, they
used parts of their bodies for measuring disances.
A cubit was the length of the forearm from the tip
of the middle finger to the elbow. However, the
ancient Egyptians knew this varied betvveen people.
Therefore, in around 3000 BCE, they invented the
royal cubit (Figure 1.1), marked out on a piece of
granite and used this as a standard to produce
cubit rods of equal length. !.-.-. . r',..:t&*-

Figure 1.2: Eratosthenes used shadows and geometry to

work out the circumference of the Earth.

Discussion questions
Figure 1.1 : Cubit rod.
1 You cannot always depend on your eyes to
judge lengths. Look at Figure 1.3 and decide
The Ancient Egyptians were experts at using very which line is longer? Check by using a ruler.
simple tools like the cubit rod. This enabled them
to build their pyramids accurately. Eratosthenes,
a brilliant scientist who lived in Egypt in about
300 BCE, showed the same care and attention to
detail. This allowed him to work out that the Earth
Figure 1.3: Which line is longer?
has a circumference of 40000 km (Figure 1.2).

ln contrast, there are many recent examples where Eratosthenes may have hired a man to pace
incorrect measurements have led to problems. the distance between Alexandria and Syene
Although the Hubble Space Telescope had the most (present-day Aswan) to calculate the Eartht
precisely shaped mirror ever made, the original circumference. People have different stride
images it produced were not as clear as expected. lengths so some people take longer steps than
Tiny mistakes in measuring meant that it had the others. Discuss the possible ways that anyone
wrong shape and it took a lot of effort to account with any stride length could have measured
for these errors. the distance between these towns accurately.
1 Making mcasurcmGifr

The point here is to recognise that it is always important

"1 Measuring length
to think critically about the measurements you make,
however straightforward they may seem. You have to
and volume consider the method you use, as well as the instrument
(in this case, the ruler).
In p'\sics we make measurements of many different
kaglhs for example, the length of a piece of wire, the
height of liquid in a tube, the distance moved by an
objct. the diameter of a planet or the radius of its orbit.
ln the laboratory, lengths are often measured using a
ruler (such as a metre ruler).
lleasuring lengths with a ruler is a familiar task. But when Figure 1.4: Simple measurements still require careful
lou rrs€ a ruler, it is worth thinking about the task and technique, for example, finding the length of a wire.
just how reliable your measurements may be. Consider
measuring the length of a piece of wire (Figure 1.4).
. The wire must be straight, and laid closely alongside
the ruler. (This may be tricky with a bent piece standard: is an absolute or primary reference or
of wire.) measurement
e Look at the ends of the wire. Are they cut neatly,
or are they ragged? Is it difficult to judge where the precise: when several readings are close together
n"ire begins and ends? when measuring the same value
. Look at the markings on the ruler. They are calibrated: should agree closely with a standard
probably I mm apart, but they may be quite wide. or agrees when a correction has been applied
Line one end of the wire up against the zero on the
scale. Because of the width of the mark, this may be

awkward to judge.
More measurement techniques
Look at the other end of the wire and read the scale.
Again, this may be tricky to judge. If you have to measure a small length, such as the
thickness of a wire, it may be better to measure several
Now you have a measurement, with an idea of how preeise thicknesses and then calculate the average. You can use
it ir You can probably determine the length of the wire to the same approach when measuring something very thin,
qiithin a millimetre. But there is something else to think
such as a sheet of paper. Take a stack of 500 sheets and
about - the ruler itself. How sure can you be that it is measure its thickness with a ruler (Figure 1.5). Then
mnectly calibrated? Are the marks at the ends of a metre divide by 500 to find the thickness of one sheet..
ruler separated by exactly one metre? Any error in this will
lead to an inaccuracy (probably small) in your result.

Egure 1.5: Making multiple measurements


For some measurements of length, such as curved lines,

it can help tolay athread along the line. Mark the thread Measuring volume by
at either end of the line and then lay it along a ruler
to find the length. This techniqub can also be used for displacement
measuring the circumference of a cylindrical object such Most objects do not have a regular shapq so we cannot
as a wooden rod or a measuring cylinder. find their volumes simply by measuring the lengths
of their sides. Here is how to flnd the volume of an
irregularly shaped object. This technique is known as
Measuring volumes measuring volume by displacement.
There are two approaches to measuring volumes, .
o Select a measuring cylinder that is about three or
depending on whether or not the shape is regular. four times larger than the object. Partially fill it with
water (Figure 1.7), enough to cover the object. Note
For a cube or cuboid, such as a rectangular block,
the volume of the water.
measure the length, width and height of the object and
multiply the measurements together For objects of other o Immerse the object in the water. The level of water
regular shapes, such as spheres or cylindery you may in the cylinder will increase, because the object
have to make one or two measurements and then look up pushes the water out of the way and the only way it
the equation for the volume. can move is upwards. The increase in its volume is
equal to the volume of the object.
For liquids, measuring cylinders can be used as shown
in Figure 1.6. @ecall that these are designed so that
you look at the scale horizontally, not at an oblique
angle, and read the level of the bottom of the meniscus.)
Units of length and volume
The meniscus is the curved upper surface of a liquid, In physics, we generally use SI units (this is short for
caused by surface tension. It can curve up or down but Le Systdme International d'Unit6s or The International
the surface of water in a measuring cylinder curves System of Units). The SI unit of length is the metre (m).
downwards. Think carefully about the choice of cylinder. Table 1.1 shows some alternative units of length,
A 1 litre (or a I dm3) cylinder is unlikely to be suitable together with some units of volume. Note that the litre
for measuring a small volume such as 5 cm3. you will get and millilitre are not official SI units of volumg and so
a more accurate answer using a 10cm3 cylinder. are not used in this book. One litre (1 l) is the same as
1 dm3, and one millilitre (1ml) is the same as I cm3.

volume: the space occupied by an object

meniscus: curved upper surface of a liquid

displace: moving something to another place so

water is moved out of the way (upwards) when an
object is lowered into it
immerse: to cover something in a fluid (usually
water) so that the object is submerged

Figure 1.6: A student measuring the volume of a liquid.

Her eyes are level with the scale so that she can accurately
measure where the meniscus meets the scale.

1 Making

2 A stack of paper contains 500 sheets of paper-

,*] The stack has dimensions of 0.297m x 21.0cm x
a What is the thickness of one sheet of paper?
b What is the volume of the stack of paper in cm3?

object to be
rneasured 1.2 Density
Our eyes can deceive us. When we look at an object,
we can judge its volume. However, we can only guess its
fgrc 1.7: Measuring volume by displacement. mass. We may guess incorrectly, because we misjudge
the density. You may offer to carry someone's bag, only
to discover that it contains heavy books. A large box of
chocolates may have a mass of only 200 g.

metre (m) The mass of an object is the quantity (amount) of matter

1 decimetre (dm) 0.1 m it is made of. Mass is measured in kilograms. But density
is a property of a material. It tells us how concentrated
1 centimetre (cm) : 0.0'l m its mass is. You will learn more about the meaning of
1 millimetre (mm) : 0.001 m mass and how it differs from weight in Chapter 3.
1 micrometre (pm) = 0.000001 m In everyday speech, we might say that lead is heavier than
1 kilometre (km) : 1000 m wood. We mean that, given equal volumes of lead and
cubic metre (m3) wood, the lead is heavier. In scientiflc terms, the density
of lead is greater than the density of wood. So we deflne
1 cubic centimetre (cm3) : 0.000001 m3
density as shown, in words and as an equation.
1 cubic decimetre (dma; - 0.001 m3
Density is the mass per unit volume for a substance.
Elc 1.1: Some units of length and volume in the Sl system.

Questions densitv
'- volume
t Th€ rolume of a piece of wood which floats in water
crn be measured as shown in Figure 1.8. o_ m'
a Write a paragraph to describe the procedure.
b Sate the volume of the wood.

rnass: the quantity of matter a body is composed

of; mass causes the object to resist changes in
its motion and causes it to have a gravitational
attraction for other objects
density: the ratio of mass to volume for a
. \Meight: the downward force of gravity that acts
on an object because of its mass
steel block wood
The symbol for density is p, the Greek letter rho. The SI
tgrc '1.8: Measuring the volume of an object that floats unit of density is kg/m3 (kilograms per cubic metre).
You may come across other units, as shown in Table 1.2.


kilogram, kg cubic metre, m3 kilograms per cubic metre

cubic decimetre, dm3 kilograms per cubic decimetre
grams per cubic centimetre 1 .0 g/cm3

Table 'l .2: Units of density.

Many materials have a range of densities. Some types

Values of density of wood, for examplg are less dense than water and will
Some values of density are shown in Table 1.3. Gases float. Other types of wood (such as mahogany) are more
have much lower densities than solids or liquids. dense and will sink. The density depends on the nature
of the wood (its composition).
An object that is less dense than water will float. Ice is
less dense than water which explains why icebergs float Gold is denser than silver. Pure gold is a soft metal, so
jewellers add silver to make it harder. The amount of
in the sea, rather than sinking to the bottom. Only about
one tenth of an iceberg is above the water surface. If any silver added can be judged by measuring the density.
part of an object is above the water surfacg then it is less It is useful to remember that
the density of water is
dense than water. 1000kg/m3, l.0kg/dm3 or 1.0g/cm3.

atr 't.29
Calculating density
To calculate the density of a material, we need to know
hydrogen 0.09 the mass and volume of a sample of the material.
helium 0.18
carlcon dioxide 1.98
Liquids water 1000 A sample of ethanol has a volume of 240 crn3.
alcohol (ethanol) 790 Its mass is found to be 190.0 g. What is the density
of ethanol?
mercury 13 600

Solids rce 920 Step 1: Write down what you know and what you
want to know.
wood 40G1200
mass rn = 190.0 g
polyethene 91o-970 volume V=240cm3
glass 2500-4200 density p = ?
steel 7500-81 00
I Step 2: Write down the equation for density,
lead 11340 substitute values and calculate p.
silver 10500 o=-
gold 19300
_ l90g
Table 1.3: Densities of some substances. For gases, these are 240w.3
given at a temperature of 0'C and a pressure of 1 .0 x 1 05 Pa.
= 0.79 glm3
Density of ethanol = 0.19 glcm3
1 Making me-s-'. -i-::

Measuring density The Earth has a mass of 6 x

pg and a radiu.
of about of the Earth
6400 km. What is the density
T:e easiest way to determine the density of a substance (in kg/m3)? The volume of a sphere is given b1 the
.. :.-, hnd the mass and volume of a sample of the equation y = \xr3, where r is the radius.
: - fSt?DCe. 40 drawing pins (thumb tacks) like those shown
:-.r a solid with a regular shape, find its volume by in Figure 1 . l0 have a mass of 1 7.55 g. What is the
:ri.rsurement (see Section 1.1). Find its mass using a volume (in mm3) of one pin when they are made of
r-,1ance. Then calculate the density. metal with a density of 8.7 g/cm3?

3 \ brick is shown in Figure 1.9. It has a mass of
I Sks.

Figure 1 .10: A pair of drawing pins (thumb tacks)

A young girl from the Kayan people in northern

Thailand wears a neck ring made of brass (Figure
1.1 l). It looks as if there are 21 individual rings but
the ring is actually one continuous length of brass
fashioned (bent) into a coil. The height of the brass
coil is 12 cm and its average circumference is 40 cm.
Neck rings are usually only removed to be replaced
with a bigger one as the girl grows. However, we
can estimate the mass of this neck ring without
removing it.

Figure 1.9: A brick labelled with its dimensions

a Give the dimensions of the brick in metres.

b Calculate the volume of the brick.
c Calculate the density of the brick.
\ box full of 35 matches has a mass of 6.77 g.
The box itself has a mass of 3.37 g.
a What is the mass of one match in grams?
b What is the volume (in cm3) of each match.
A match has dimensions of 42 mm x 2.3 mm x
2.3 mm?
c What is the density of the matches?
! Hou Llg vou knolv if lliese rnaiches li,ill fioalJ Figure 1.1 1: A Kayan girl wearing a neck ring
What looks like 21 individual rings around When liquids mix, it is usually because one liquid dissolves
the girl's neck is actually 21 turns of a coil of in the other. For examplg orange squash is a concentrated
brass. Each turn has a circumference of 40 cm. syrup that is diluted by dissolving it in water.
Calculate (in cm) the total length of brass used
to make the girl's neck ring.
The coil has a height of 12cm and the coil has
2l turns. Calculate the radius of the brass in cm.
If the brass coil is unwound from the girl's neck
and straightened out, it would be a long, thin,
cylinder. Calculate the volume of this cylinder
in cm3. The volume of a cylinder is given by the
equation V = nr2h,where
r = radius andh= height.
Calculate the mass of brass used to make
the neck ring and express your answer in kg.
The density of brass = 8.73 g/cm3.

Finding the density of a liquid Figure 1.13: Liquid density towers.

Figure 1.12 shows one way to find the density of a Apart from making colourful liquid density towers,
liquid. Placea measuring cylinder on a balance. Set the do variations in the density of liquids have practical
balance to zero. Now pour liquid into the cylinder. Read consequence? In Chapter 11, you will learn about
the volume from the scale on the cylinder. The balance convection currents in fluids (liquids and gases), which
shows the mass are driven by differences in density. These convection
currents include the thermohaline circulation in the
oceans. Colder and saltier water sinkq displacing
(pushing up) warmer and less salty water.

Finding the density of a regularly shaped solid

ln pairs, create a worksheet on the computer for
finding the density of a regularly shaped solid objea
(for example, a rectangular block) using a ruler and a
mass balance. Your worksheet should include:
Figure 1 .12: Measuring the mass of a liquid.
. a method for measuring the mass and working
When liquids with different densities are poured into out the volume
the same container, they will arrange themselves so that . the equation for calculating density
the liquid with the lowest density will be at the top and . a table to record the data.
the ones with the highest density will be at the bottom.
This is because the denser liquids displace the less dense You could include an optional task to work out the
liquids. This is easier to see when each liquid is given a density of a liquid.
different colour. In Figure I . 13, the green liquid is less After your allotted time, another pair is going to
dense than the red liquid and so on.
test a copy of your worksheet (perhaps by doing
When a distinct layer forms in a mixed solution, the the experiment). They are going to add any steps
liquids are said to be immiscible, which means they do that are missing or make suggestions to make your
not mix. This is why oil floats on water. However, not all worksheet clearer. When you get your worksheet
liquids stay separated so you would be disappointed if returned, edit and save a new version of it.
you tried this at home with squash and water, for example.

1 Making measurements

Finding the density of an irregularly shaped solid Write down one thing that you did really well in
Before you start, make a copy of your previous this activity.
worksheet and save it under a new name. Some of
Write down one thing that you will try to do better
what you included in the previous worksheet can
next time. How will you do this?
be kept and some will need to be edited.
ln pairs, create a worksheet for finding the density
of an irregularly shaped solid objea using a mass
balance, a measuring cylinde4 some thread, a pair 'l .3 Measuring time
of scissors and a eureka can (if you have access to
one). Your method explaining how to measure the The athletics coach in Figure I .14 is using his stopwatch
mass and how to calculate the density should be to time a sprinter. For a sprinter, a fraction of a
tfie same. Howeve4 you should: second (perhaps just 0.01s) can make all the difference
o explain how to measure volume by displacement between winning and coming second or third. It is
. say something about choosing a suitably sized different in a marathon, where the race lasts for more than
measuring cylinder two hours and the mnners are timed to the nearest second.
o change your previous table
You could include an optional task to work out
the density of an irregularly shaped solid object
that is less dense than water. Finding its mass
and calculating the density is straightforuruard. The
cfrallenging part is explaining how to work out the
volume of an object that floats.

Design a flowchart or decision-tree (optional)

Design a flowchart or decision-tree for use by
anyone who wants to work out the density of
any liquid or any solid object. Ensure that your
flowchart includes enough information so that
someone could take the measurements. Ask your
parher or someone else who has completed the
frirst two parts to check and correct your flowchart. Figure 1.14: An athletics coach uses a stopwatch to time a
hurdler, who can then learn whether she has improved.

How dense can you be?

h groups of three, write a method showing how you could work out your own density, or that of a friend or of
e tBinger sibling. Alternatively, plan out your strategy and be prepared to share it with the class. There are at
lst two methods: a dry method and a wet method. Discuss one or both of them.
Ithu will need to include:
r a method that is detailed enough for someone to follow (this should include advice about how a
treasurement should be taken)
. any calculations
o possible sources of uncertainty in the measurements
r ryhat you expect your answer to be.
lf yul acually canied out the experiment, comment on how close your measurement was to what you expected.


In the laboratory you might need to record the

temperature of a container of water every minute, or
find out how long an electric current is flowing. For
analogue: display has hands (or a needle) and is
measurements like these, stopclocks and stopwatches can
often not very precise
be used. You may come across two types of timing device.

An analogue clock (Figure 1.15) is like a traditional digital: display shows numbers and is often precise
clock whose hands move round the clock's face. You find
the time by looking at where the hands are pointing on When studying motion, you may need to measure the
the scale. It can be used to measure time intervals to no time taken for a rapid$ moving object to move between
better than the nearest second. two points In this case, you might use a device called a
light gate connectod to an electronic timer. This is similar
to the way in which rulners are timed in major athletics
events An electronic timer starts when the marshal's gun
is fircd, and stops as the runner crosses the finishing line.

You will learn more about how to use electronic timing

instruments in Chapter 2.

Measuring short intervals

of time
Figure l.17 shows a typical lab pendulum. A mass, called
a plumb bob, hangs on the end of a string. The string
Figure 1.15: An analogue clock. is clamped tightly at the top between two wooden jaws.
If you pull the bob gently to one side and release it, the
A digital clock (Figure 1.16) or stopwatch is one that pendulum will swing from side to side.
g"es a direct reading of the time in numerals. For The time for one oscillation of a pendulum (when it
examplg a digital clock might show a time of 9.58 s. A swings from left to right and back again) is called its
digital clock records time to a precision of at least one period. A single period is usually too short a time to
hundredth of a second. You would never see an analogue measure accurately. However, because a pendulum
watch recording times in the Olympic Games. swings at a steady rate, you can use a stopwatch to
measure the time for a large number of oscillations
(perhaps 20 or 50), and calculate the average time per
oscillation. Any inaccuracy in the time at which the
stopwatch is started and stopped will be much less
significant if you measure the total time for alarge
number of oscillations.

plumb bob: a mass (usually lead) hanging from a
string to define a vertical line

oscillation: a repetitive motion or vibration

period: the time for one complete oscillation or
Figure 1.16: A digital clock started when the gun fired and wave; the time it takes an object to return to its
stopped 9.58 s later when Usain Bolt crossed the finishing original position
line to win the 100 m at the 2009 World Championships in
world record time.
1 Ma5ng

9 A student was investigating how the period of a

pendulum varied with the length of the string and
obtained the results in Table 1.4.

Table 1.4

Why did the student record the time for 20

tgure 1.172 Asimple pendulum.
Make a copy of Table 1.4 and, for each length
of the pendulum, calculate the time for one
Questions oscillation and record the value in the third
column of the table.
I High-speed video can record sporting events at a
Plot a graph of the period of the pendulum
frame rate of 60 frames per second (frameis).
against its length (that is, plot the length of the
a What is the time interval between one frame pendulum on the x-axis).
and the next?
Use the graph to work out the length of the
b If we can see 24 framels as continuous motion, pendulum when the period is 2 seconds. This is
by what factor can the action recorded at the length of pendulum used in a grandfather
60 frame/s be slowed down and still look clock.

Using a pendulum as a clock

In '1656 the Dutch scientist Christiaan Huygens invented a clock
based on a swinging pendulum. Clocks like these were the
most precise in the world until the 1930s. One oscillation of a
pendulum is defined as the time it takes for a plumb bob at the
bottom of the string to return to its original position (Figure 1.18). (t b
You need to develop a worksheet so that students can plot a
graph of how the period of oscillation of a pendulum varies with
the length of the string. They then need to use the graph to find Figure 1.1 8: One oscillation is when the
the length the pendulum needs to be to give a period of one plumb bob swings one way and then the
second (useful for a clock). Your worksheet needs to: other and returns backto its original position.
r define what an oscillation means (so that a student knows when to start and stop the stopwatch)
o explain why we take the time for 10 or 20 oscillations when we only need the time for one oscillation

' provide a labelled diagram of the assembled apparatus (not just a list of equipment) so that students
know how to put the equipment together
. a method (step-by-step instructions).

Swap copies of your worksheet with a classmate. Write dorvn suggestions for any improvements on the worksheet
you receive before returning it to its owner. Note down any improvements if you have a class discussion.

ln groups of three or four, produce a podct (no more . Explain how a submarine or scuba diver moves up
than five minutes long) on one of tfie followfutg opions. and down in the water column (or perhaps explain
how a Cartesian diver demonstration works).
Option 1: Can we build on **rat we have learned
about density?
. Explain how differences in fluid density can
lead to convection (something you will meet in
This is opportunityto rwise urtratyou have leamed Chapter 1 i ). You might want io go on to discuss
about density and then onsolidate that knowledge how this relates to ocean currents or wind.
and understanding by applying it to one of the two
examples belorr. Option 2: What was the solution to the
. You must explain how density is calculated, longitude problem?
including the equation. A clock based on a pendulum is impractical on the
o You should describe how to measure the mass moving deck of a (sailing) ship but knowing the time
is important for navigation as this provides your
and volume of both regular and irregular
shaped objects. longitude on a spinning Earth. Lines of longitude
are the vertical lines on a map. When you move east
. You could describe how to work out the density
or west you are changing your longitude; move far
of an object that can float.
enough and you change time zone.
1 RSS Titanic r You must start with a short description of the
It was daimed thattre RSS Titanic was unsinkable. longitude problem.
However the ship sank in 1912 on its first voyage. . You could describe the various suggested
. You must explain why a ship can float despite solutions to the longitude probleril
being made of material that is denser than water. e You could describe the final solution to the
I You should explain why a ship can sink, in terms longitude problem. For this, you would need to
of changes in density. look up John Harrison and his marine chronometer.
o Do some research to find out about bulkheads
in ships: what are they and what are they for?
Option 3: How did the Ancient Egyptipns build
Why did the RSS Titanic sink despite being
their pyramids so accurately?
fitted with bulkheads? - The pyramids are an incredible feat of engineering,
even by today's standards. Using very basic tools, the
2 Submarines and scuba divers
Egyptia ns' pyra m ids a re perfectly sym metrica L
You could describe one phenomenon that depends
on changes or differences in density. You could think
r You could start by introducing the dimensions
of the Giza pyramid and the number of blocks
of your own or select one of these:
required to build it.
1 Makingmeasuren're--i

. You could explain how the Egyptians managed Option 5: How did Archimedes really work out
to get the sides of their pyramids lined up with that the goldsrnith had replaced some of the
true north (without a compass) and how they got gold in Hiero's crown with silver?
the base of them absolutely level (flat)without a Archimedes was probably the most brilliant scientist
(spirit) level.
of his era. He is supposed to have solved the
problem of how to work out the density of the crown
Option 4: How did Eratosthenes work out the while having a bath. Legend has it that he then ran
circumference of the Earth? into the streets shouting 'eureka' (l've solved it).
Eratosthenes was a brilliant scientist. He was told' r You could start with a short biography of
drat, at the same time every year (12 noon on
21 June), vertical columns in Syene (present day
Asaran) cast no shadows while columns where he You could then describe the usual explanation
lived in Alexandria cast shadows. He used this of how he worked out that some gold had
to work out that the Earth is round. Eratosthenes been stolen. Silver is less dense than gold so
the same mass of silver has a bigger volume
-ay have hired a man to measure out the distance
oetween Alexandria and Syene. and will displace a bigger volume of water.
. However, it would be difficult to measure the
You could start with a short biography of
difference in volume, especially since bubbles
of air could cling to the submerged crown and
. You should explain why the observation with the there could be other sources of error.
shadows shows that the Earth is a sphere. You
You could describe a better method, which
might want to include a diagram like Figure 1.2.
uses a mass balance. You would need to
. You should try and show how the man hired explain why, when the masses are equal, the
by Eratosthenes colrld have worked out his balance tips towards the denser mass when
stride-length (the istance of each step) and lowered into water.
kept count of his strides (steps). Think about his
Gold needs some silver impurity or it would
possible jouiney: did he follow a straight line;
be too soft and would be easy to bend out
were there any hills in the way? Could this have
of shape. Perhaps the goldsmith was falsely
introduced errors in measuring the distance
accused? Perhaps this idea could form part of a
between Alexandria and Syene?
piece of creative writing (some prose or a play)
. Finally, you could show how Eratosthenes did but be sure to include the physics.
the calculation.

:or your project, write down some thoughts making careless errors? Write down what
aoout what you feel went well and areas where concrete steps you need to take to improve for
r 3u could improve. next time.
3 ve yourself a score out of ten for how much Give yourself a score out of ten for the
! 3u know and understand the physics you quality of your presentation. Write down
-cluded. lf you scored ten, write down how what you thought was good about the other
rcu could have produced a more ambitious presentations or any effective presentation
:'cject. lf you scored less, do you need to ideas that you might use next time you present.
:rcroughly review the material or are you

Length can be measured using a ruler.

The period of one oscillation can be measured by measuring the time for 20 oscillations and then dividing the
time by 20.
The volume of a cube or cuboid can be found by measuring the length of the three sides and multiplying the
measurements together.
The volume of a liquid can be measured using. a measuring cylinder where the bottom of the meniscus appears
on the scale when looked at horizontally.
All objects that sink in water displace their own volume of water.
The volume of an irregularly shaped object can be found from the change in the height of liquid in a measuring
cylinder when it is immersed in the liquid.

Density is the ratio of mass to volume for a substance: p =

The density of water is 1000 kg/m3 or 1.0 g/cm3
Anything less dense than water will float in water and anything denser than water will sink in water.
Ice floats because it is less dense than water.

One liquid will float on top of another liquid if it is less dense.

Time can be measured using a clock or watch.
An analogue clock has hands and can only measure time to the nearest second.
A digital clock disptays numbers and records time to a precision of at least one hundredth of a second.

Use this table to answer questions I and,-L,

. .: :.::r.r1';" ;.;;l;'-,1 ;

Threernretalcubeshave the same volume brrt are made, of diflerentmetals.

Eaeh one is lowered into a beaker of nrater',use thedati,in'the table to
deside tvhich one will cause the biggeit
{9.q in 'treter level. ,, . , IlI
A gold
B silver
D all will cause the same rise in water level

1 Making measuremer:s

Three metal cubes have the same mass but are made of different metals.
Each one is lowered into a beaker of water. Use the data in the table to
decide which one will cause the biggest rise in warer level. t1I
A gold
B silver
C lead
D all will cause the same rise in water level

Astronauts land on another planet and measure the density of the atmosphere
on the planet surface. They measure the mass of a 500 cm3 conical flask
plus stopper as 457.23 g. After removing the air, the mass is 456.43 g (1 m3 =
1000 litres). What is the best estimate of the density of the air? tl I

A 0.000001 6k{m3 C 0.l6kg/m3

B 0.0016kg/m3 D l.6kg/m3
4 The graph shows the mass and volume of several different objects.


Which two objects have the same density?

A 2and3 B I and4 C 2and.4 D 3 and4

.{ student measures the circumference of a circular copper pipe.

He wraps a length of string lour times around the pipe and marks it with
ink. as shown in the photograph.

a The student unwraps the string and holds it against a ruler with a centimetre

The photograph shows the first two ink marks on the string.

t l70l 1801 1e0l ?001 ?tol 2201 2sl 2101 lnl 260t 27d 2801

r -.. ,.o-, ..1..',..'. .*-..--., r-
r-.' ,..-..
i)l.- .i ..t...'+,'t..,.|r'
;"",1 '.'.';':.'.; .,.,. . -_ .-.i.. -.,...-'. r.'

i Use the photograph to estimate the circumference of the pipe. 11I

ii The student finds that the total length of string for 4 turns is 354mm.
.:' :. : , the average (mean) circumference of the pipe using this value.

ltotal: 2I

,r - , . how you would work out the thickness of a single sheet of paper
if the only measuring device available was a ruler and its smallest division
was I mm. I11

What is the mass of a microscope slide that has dimensions of

75mm x26mm x lmmandhasadensity of 2.245cm3? l2l
Four different liquids are poured into a l00cm3 measuring cylinder that is
l0cm tall. Each liquid has a different density and each has a different colour.
a Calculate the missing values in the table. t4]

;:*!er-ri;rt*,: work out

from given facts,
figures or information
clear ethanol I 20.00 o.79
red glycerin
'ru*q*:t: apply
20.00 ll 1.26 knowledge pnd
9reen olive oil 25.90 28.80 ilt understanding
blue turpentine 30.00
to situations
3s.30 tv
where there are
Copy the diagram below. Using the data from the table above, write down a range of valid
the colour of the liquid you would expect to find in each layer and how responses in order
thick the layer would be. 121
to make proposals/
put forward
,tr:pi;*irt: set out
PUrPoses or
reasons; make
the relationships
between things
evident; provide
9 Metals are denser than water. *.xp!**m whya metal ship can float. 11I why and/or how and
support with relevant
10 Suggest how you could work out the density of a drawing pin. t3l evidence

1 Making measurernents

\leasure length, volume and time. 1.1,1.3

Calculate the volume of a cube or cuboid from

measurements using a ruler.
Determine the volume of an irregularly shaped object. 1.1

\{easure the size of tiny objects (for example, the thickness

of a sheet of papeq the volume of a drawing pin).
Calculate density. 1.2

Pnodict whether an object will float or sink in water

hased on its density.

Describ€ an experiment to find the density of a liquid. 1.2

hdictu,hether aliquidwillflgat on lOp,of ,another liquid

f treir densities are known and they CIannot mii.
Dcscribe an experiment to find the density of a cube
or cuboid.

DEsc.ribe an experiment to flnd the density of an

:rregularly shaped obj ect.

Describe the differences between analogue and digital

ratches or clocks.

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