GN1A 48hrs

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Course Outline for GN1A

Days/No. of Hours: 24 days/48 hrs. Course: GN1A (EF Beginner) Level: GN1A

Course Description
In this course, students will be able to learn about the following topics: Hello, Where are you from? We aren’t English;
we’re American, What’s your phone number? What’s in your bag? Is that a hat? Family and Friends, Big cars or small cars,
Breakfast around the world, a very long flight, she works for Armani, and A day in my life. It provides opportunities for adult
learners to learn language naturally with integrated skills for the practical world.
Day Time Theme Vocabulary Grammar Pronunciation Suggested Activities/ Practical

1 2 Greetings Greetings and Greetings and Greetings and Introduction Individual Presentation
and Introduction Introduction
Introduction Simple Memory Recall Approach

Interactive Language Games and Activities

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2 2 Hello Numbers 0-10; Verb be (singular): I /h/, /ai/, and /i:/ Drill
1A days of the week and you House, hello, hi, Harry
Bike, I’m, nice, five, bye, Paired-work
Tree, meet, see, three Worksheet

Speaking: Practice with other students.

3 2 Where are countries Verb be (singular): /I/, /au/, /s/, and /sh/ Drills
1B you from? he, she, it
Individual Presentation/Pronunciation


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4 2 Practical The alphabet Checking into a Booking a Table Drills
English The Classroom hotel/Booking a table
Individual Presentation/Pronunciation
How do you
spell it? Dialogue

Group Presentation

Interactive Language Games and Activities

5 2 We aren’t Nationalities Verb be (plural): we, /dz/, /t∫/, /∫/ Reading: Role-playing
2A English. you, they Jaz, Japan, Germany, Egypt
We’re Chess, Chinese, French, Speaking
American. teacher
Shower, Spanish, Polish,

6 2 What’s Phone numbers; Wh- and How Sentence rhythm Writing: Online application form
2B your phone numbers 11-100 questions with be
Meet the students

7 2 Revise and Grammar


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In the streets: Short Film

Interactive Language Games and Activities


8 2 What’s in Small things Singular and plural /z/ and /s/; plural endings Speaking: What’s in your bag?
3A your bag? nouns; a/an Zero, magazine, is, he’s A phone, a photo, a pen, a book, a brush,
Swiss, sit, say, thanks keys, an ID card, a photo, an umbrella,
glasses, a credit card, a pen, a wallet, a
purse, a pencil

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9 2 Is that a Souvenirs This/that/these/those /ƌ?, /Ə/ Role-play: How much are these watches?
3B hat? a bag, a flag, a What are those? This, that, these, those, they,
picture, an They’re key rings. the

10 2 Practical Understanding Useful Phrases Tourist, euro, Europe, Paired-work

English: prices Can I have____ European Presentation
Episode 2 Anything else?
Can I have Twenty pounds No, thanks. Snake, cent, pence, city,  Buying Lunch
an orange Fifty pence How much is it? price
juice, Twenty euros Here you are.
please? Fifty cents Here’s your change. Key, coffee, camera,
Twenty dollars Sure! creditcard
Twenty-five cents Great idea.

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11 2 Review and Group Presentation

(Presentation can be a Midterm Speaking Test)


13 2 Family and People and family Possessive Diphthongs and schwa sounds Writing: Posting a photo: your family.
4A Friends adjectives; Write about your family.

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14 2 Big cars or Colors and Adjectives /u:/, /a:/ linking Talking in small groups
4B small cars? common

15 2 Revise and Units 3 and 4


Interactive activities

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16 2 Breakfast Food and drink Present simple Third person –s What time is it?
5A around the Sentence rhythm
world What food can In the street: Short film- A day in the life
you see? of a tour guide

17 2 Con’t of Breakfast Stressed syllable Word stress Posting a comment: Write about your
day 16 breakfast

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18 2 A very long Common verb Adverbs of Sentence rhythm and linking Giving opinion-Positive and Negative
5B flight phrases 1 frequency responses

Present simple

19 2 Con’t for Common verb Listening: At the Witch, where, when, work, Speaking and Writing
day 19 phrase 1 end of her welcome
Vase, have, very, live, TV

Clock, what, want, watch,

coffee, dogs

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20 2 Practical Telling the time The time Silent consonants Video: A Night Out
Song: Stop the clock
What time
is it?

21 2 She works Jobs and places of Present simple: Third person Reading: English at work
6A for Armani work he, she, it Sentence rhythm

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22 2 A day in A typical day Adverbs of Sentence rhythm Reading: In ballet you need to be perfect
6B my life frequency

23 2 Revise and Units 5 and 6


24 2 Final Examination

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