Ebook Security Awareness Maturity Model v3
Ebook Security Awareness Maturity Model v3
Ebook Security Awareness Maturity Model v3
The definition of a mature security awareness program is its ability to effectively manage and measure your human
risk. Working with hundreds of organizations at a global level these are key elements to building a strong program.
Team Size: Securing people is a human problem that Effective Engagement: To effectively engage you
requires people as the solution. You need to have a must explain to people why they should care, why
person dedicated full-time to leading your security is security their responsibility and how do they
awareness program. For organizations over 1,000 benefit? Explain in people terms so security is
people in size, you may need more than one and easy to do. The easier a behavior is, the
most likely a dedicated security awareness team. The more likely people will exhibit it.
most mature programs often average 3-5 Full Time
Employees dedicated to managing human risk.
Stage 1 is the most basic level of security awareness. In Stage 1, your security
awareness program does not exist. Employees have little knowledge that they could
be a target, or what to do if they are, and don’t understand that their actions directly
impact the organization’s security. There are no tracking metrics and no thought
given to how the organization can evolve its security awareness.
Unsurprisingly, employees at Stage 1 companies don’t know or understand
security policies and best practices and are easy victims of cyberattacks.
Stage 1 organizations are at an incredibly high risk of failing to meet
compliance requirements and being compromised by human-driven
security incidents.
Program Indicators
There is no security awareness program and leadership does not
discuss security awareness.
People Indicators
Employees discuss security and exhibit secure behaviors
extremely rarely or never at all.
Stage 2 Compliance Focused
SANS is the most trusted and largest source for information security training and security certification in the world. Our Security Awareness
solutions have been built using SANS expertise to help transform your organization’s ability to measure and manage human risk.
SANS Phishing
Reduce Human Risk with real-world phishing
simulation programs
Keep employees at the highest level of security
awareness through continuous training and testing.
The SANS phishing platform allows you to control
every aspect of your phishing awareness program, with
pre-configured or customizable phishing tests, just-
in-time training, and automated remedial courses.
Improve Your Organization’s Security Awareness with SANS
This guide provides an industry proven benchmark SANS Cybersecurity Courses & Certifications About SANS
of your organization’s current level of security
SANS MGT433 Launched in 1989 as a cooperative for information security
awareness, along with guidelines and roadmap for
thought leadership, SANS’ ongoing mission is to empower
developing an ever-more sophisticated approach Managing Human Risk: Mature
cybersecurity professionals with the practical skills and
to managing your organization’s human risk. Security Awareness Programs
knowledge they need to make our world a safer place.
This intense two-day course provides the tools required
Indeed, any organization – no matter where it currently We fuel this effort with high quality training, certifications,
to build a mature awareness program that proactively
lives on the maturity scale – can leverage the SANS scholarship academies, degree programs, cyber ranges, and
engages your workforce and has a measurable impact.
Security Awareness Maturity Model to manage, resources to meet the needs of every cyber professional.
measure, and improve its level of human risk. SANS MGT521 Our data, research, and the top minds in cybersecurity
Leading Cybersecurity Change: Building collectively ensure that individuals and organizations
You can also leverage SANS’ best-in-class security
a Security-Based Culture have the actionable education and support they need.
awareness training solutions to accelerate your
Designed for senior security leaders and experienced
organization’s transformation to a security-driven
awareness officers, this advanced five-day course
culture. Expertly created, timely, and comprehensive
provides the skills, models, and frameworks
training is a strong foundation for building a
necessary to build, manage, and measure a
powerful program that embodies all organizational
strong security culture at your organization.
needs and individual learning levels.
View the complete list of cybersecurity
Find SANS training and certifications
courses and certifications here.
Learn more about SANS security awareness training