Cre Notes Form 1 4 Booklet
Cre Notes Form 1 4 Booklet
Cre Notes Form 1 4 Booklet
The Bible is the sacred book containing God’s revelation to people. It is
the inspired word of God. It is the book through which God communi-
cates with His people.
The Bible as the word of God
The Bible is the word of God because:
a) The written scripture contain God’s word.
b) Through the Bible God communicates his will to humans.
c) It contains word written by inspired authors such as the prophets who
were sent by God.
d) God himself took part in the writing of the Bible. E.g. God is believed
to have written the Ten Commandments
e) It contains the history of salvation realized through Jesus Christ.
f) The Word gives revelation to mysteries.
g) The Bible contains a message of hope and reconciliation.
h) It reveals that God controlled what was being written and what He inte-
nded the writers to pass to the people.
The Bible as a library
The Bible is referred to as a library since it is a collection of inspired scri-
ptures or books. The Bible contains 66 books. The Bible is divided into
the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament contains
39 books while the New Testament contains 27 books. However, the Ro-
man Catholic Church accepts 7 additional books referred to as Apocrypha
or Deutero or canonical books. The word Apocrypha means hidden or se-
cret. They are Esdras (1, 2), Tobit, Judith, Ecclesiaticus, Baarch and
Israelites from creation to the time they entered the Promised Land. The
author Moses is regarded as a lawgiver, teacher and prophet.
Historical books
There are the 12 consecutive books from (i) Joshua (ii) Judges (iii) Ruth
(iv) 1, 2 Samuel (v) 1, 2 Kings (vi)1, 2 Chronicles (vii) Ezra (viii) Ne-
hemiah (ix) Esther. These 12 books record the history of the Israelites.
They also contain information about the life and achievements of some
prophets, for example, the life history of Elisha and Elijah.
Exercise 1 – Go through the 12 books and check page by page the
names of other prophets.
Poetic Books
The books are poetic in nature. The poetic books contain wise sayings,
songs, and prayers. The poetic books are (1) Psalms which was written by
David (ii) Proverbs (iii) Ecclesiastes (iv) Song of Solomon written by
Solomon and (v) Job.
Prophetic books
These are divided into major and minor prophets. A prophet is a messe-
nger of God, or God’s spokesperson. A prophet is a mouthpiece of God.
Prophets pass information and messages from God to the people. They are
messengers from God. Their messages from God concern the future.
Five Major Prophetic Books
I. The major prophetic books are by (i) Isaiah (ii) Jeremiah (iii)
Lamentations (iv) Ezekiel and (v) Daniel. The books are named af-
ter the prophets who prophesied and probably wrote them. Jeremiah
wrote lamentations. These prophets are called Major Prophets be-
cause they cover a longer period of time. Their prophe-cies are
long, and they prophesied over a long period of time.
II. Minor Prophets. There are 12 books of (1) Hosea (2 Joel (3) Amos
(4) Obadiah (5) Jonah (6) Micah (7) Nahum (8) Habakkuk (9)
Zephaniah (10) Haggai (11) Zechariah and (12) Malachi. These
books are by Minor Prophets who are said to have prophesied over
a shorter period of time if you compare them with the Major
New Testament books are:
a. Biographical books or Gospels.
b. Historical books (Acts of the Apostles).
c. The Epistles.
d. Apocalyptic or Prophetic book
a) Biographical book or Gospels
Gospel means Good News. The disciples of Jesus wrote the biographical
books. They contain information about the birth, life, ministry, death, and
resurrection of Jesus Christ. The biographical books are four. (i) Mathew
– Written by Mathew (ii) Mark – Written by Mark (iii) Luke – Written by
Luke, the doctor and (iv) John – written by John (the beloved disciple of
Jesus Christ)
b) Historical books
There is one historical book, which is the Acts of the Apostles. Luke, the
writer of the St. Luke’s Gospel, wrote it. The book of Acts tells us the his-
tory of the early church.
c) The Epistles
There are two Epistles: Pauline Epistles and General Epistles. Pauline
Epistles are letters written by Paul. They are 13 letters that Paul wrote to
(1) Romans (2,3) 1, 2 Corinthians (4) Galatians (5) Ephesians (6) Philip-
pines (7) Colossians (8, 9) 1, 2 Thessalonians (10, 11) 1, 2 Timothy (12)
Titus and (13) Philemon.
General Epistles are letters written to the church by other people. The let-
ters are 8 in number. They (1) Hebrews (2) James (3,4) 1, 2 Peter (5,6,7)
1, 2, 3, John and (8) Jude
3. Visit old people in your community and ask them about African reli-
gious traditional practices.
middle of the garden, there was the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Man was given the responsibility of tilling and conserving the garden.
Man was commanded to eat of every tree in the garden except the tree of
knowledge of good and evil. A river flowed from the garden and then it
separated into four tributaries. God saw that man should not be alone
hence He made him a helper/mate; a woman from one of the man’s ribs.
Man was also given the responsibility of naming all the animals in the
garden. There is mention of God resting after work
Mentions what was created on which -doesn’t mention the daily activities of
day. Each creation takes a day. GOD
-This story is like a song or a poem.
It’s written, “Let there be…” and -The story is in prose. For example “…
“God saw that it was good … to sepa- and God said … and it was evening...”
rate”, and “there was evening and
-It is orderly. -Not orderly was last in the first account
-Doesn’t’ mention what was created on
-Mentions what was created on which which day
day. -Mentions rivers, and garden for tilling
-Rivers and garden are not me- -Woman was created from ribs of man
ntioned. -Mention of the knowledge
-Man and woman were created to- -Marriage is for companionship
gether. -Sun, moon, stars, sky are not mentioned
-No mention of the knowledge. -Mention of resting after work but Sabbath
-Marriage is for procreation. day is not mentioned
-Sun, moon, stars, sky are mentioned
-God rested on the seventh day hence
the Sabbath day
d. Creation work took six days. On the seventh day Were rested.
Ask your parents about your community creation story.
h. Transform the creation that God has provided human beings with
i. Use creation – forests, rivers, mountains with responsibility and respect.
j. Be a steward of God’s creation
k. Engineer God’s creation by creating things from the creation
l. Dominate the earth
Group work
Work in twos or threes and answer these questions.
i. How does man fulfill the command to subdue and fill the earth?
ii. How is man a co – creator with God?
2) Lost innocence. What had been innocent and good became shameful.
Adam and Eve became ashamed of their nakedness, something they had
never felt before they sinned against God.
3) Lost good relationship with God. The good relationship between God
and man was betrayed. Human beings – were alienated from God. “The
Lord God sent him out of the Garden of Eden…”
4) Damaged the perfect relationship between man and woman. The Lord
said to the woman “You will have desire for your husband, yet you will
be subject to him”.
5) Pain became part of human experience. “I will greatly multiply your
pain in child bearing”.
6) Man began toiling and struggling to meet his needs… “You will have
to work hard and sweat to make the soil produce anything”
7) The home of man, and the earth itself was placed under a curse.
“Cursed is the ground because of you.”
Enmity between man and wild animals emerged.
9) Man began to die. Death sentence is passed upon all men. “You will re-
turn to the ground… you are dust”
10) Man began to hate. Man developed murderous feelings in his heart,
for example Cain killed Abel, his younger brother.
11) Man changed and became prone to sin.
12) Life span of man was reduced (see Gen. 6:3) “I will not allow people
to live forever, they will live no longer than 120 years”
13) Man’s language was confused by God after the flood (read Gen.11: 7)
14) Sin led to embarrassment, mistrust, suffering, pain, pride, arrogance
and death.
Disobedience of God by Adam and Eve brought serious sin consequences
to human beings. Sin brings sadness and suffering to man even today.
In groups of two or three, discuss the origin and consequences of sin.
In this lesson, we shall discuss the concept of evil as told by the traditi-
onal African religion and the biblical writings. We shall study similarities
and differences of evil from the two religions.
What is evil?
In the traditional African society, evil was an offence against God, spirits
and ancestors. It was also viewed as an offence against another person or
community. Evil was also a misfortune that can befall an individual or a
What are the causes of evil?
Many of the traditional African societies do not associate God with evil.
God is not the creator of evil. Some communities believe that evil is an
external power that exists on its own. Thus in the traditional African soci-
ety, evil was understood or explained as something mysterious that was
caused by several people and things. These were:
a) Evil spirits
b) Ancestral spirits – due to disobedience to them
c) Some animals like the chameleon are sources of evil. The Akamba be-
lieved that chameleons brought evil. Other communities believed that if
an owl cries near one’s homestead, it is a sign of evil.
d) People with mystical powers for example magic, sorcery, and witch-
craft are evils
e) If a member of a community breaks a taboo by disobedience, this ac-
tion may bring evil spirits.
f) The spirits of the dead; cause evil; if they are not remembered or re-
spected. Evil spirits cause harm and violence.
3) Evil and misfortune are God’s curse to man (Biblical) while the tradi-
tional African society sees evil as curses by ancestors, and elders. Both
curses lead to misfortunes.
4) The result of sin and evil is human sufferings
5) Sin and evil lead to man being separated from God
6) God is the guardian of law and order
7) Human beings have the ability to overcome evil
1) Biblical account emphasizes personal nature of sin while in the African
concept; sin is more social and communal
2) Biblical account attributes evil to disobedience while African concept
attributes evil not only to disobediences but other external forces.
3) Biblical accounts offer a message of hope to overcome evil while
African concept doesn’t offer a solution to sin and evil.
4) Traditional African concept all forms of suffering as a result of sin
while in the Bible suffering is not always a result of sin.
Review questions
1) Explain the differences between the two creation stories
2) State the traditional African view of creation
3) Explain how human beings continue with the work of creation
4) What is the origin of sin and evil according to traditional African soci-
5) Give three consequences of sin as stated in Genesis
6) State the consequences of evil according to African traditional societies
7) Trace God’s plan of salvation of human kind
Compare biblical and traditional African understanding of evil and sin.
9) What does the command “Subdue the earth” in Genesis 1 verse 28
plants, I now give you everything. Verse 4 says, “But you must not eat
meat that has its lifeblood still in it”
3. Abrahamic covenant – Gods covenant with Abraham. He promised to
fulfill promises He gave to Abraham. These promises were: (1) Increase
numbers of descendant of Abraham. He will be father of many nations,
(2) Be GOD of his descendants (3) Abraham will have a son an heir, (4)
Given land of Canaan and other lands from the river of Egypt to River
Euphrates, and all for heirs of Abraham (Gen. 15: 17 – 18) (5) Circum-ci-
sion of all males at 8 days after birth even none Israelites living in their
land (6) Covenant with Isaac
4. Mosaic Covenant – is a covenant between the Israelites and GOD.
Moses led Israel to Mt. Sinai. God promised to be their God. Israelites
were given the law written by GOD in “tablets of stone, with law and
commands I have written for…. instruction”. (Read exodus 23).
5. Davidic Covenant – covenant between David and God – God promised
him that his dynasty would rule forever.
6. Messianic Covenant – new covenant between Christians and God
through Jesus Christ.
iv. God’s covenant with Abraham and its importance (Genesis 15:1-
The covenant was established after God appeared to Abraham in a vision.
During the visitation of God, Abraham was 100 years old and Sarah 90
years. He was promised a son. Abraham wanted assurance from God. God
told him to bring him the following items for sacrifice.
v. Items for sacrifice
Three (3) years olds: heifer, goat, ram and a dove and a pigeon.
Abraham then cut these animals into two halves and placed them oppo-
site each other.
The birds were not split.
After it was dark, smoking fire and a flaming torch suddenly appeared
and passed between the pieces of animals.
Towards evening, Abraham fell into a deep sleep. While he slept the
Lord appeared to him and told him that:
His descendants will be strangers in a foreign land and be slaves for 400
years. But they will come out of this land with a lot of wealth and God
will punish the nation that will enslave Israelites.
He, Abraham will live up to a ripe age, and die in peace. Then the Lord
made a covenant with Abraham and promised to give him and his descen-
dants the land of Canaan. God himself passed through the sacrifi-ces and
bound himself to keep the promises.
ABRAHAM (GEN. 15: 1- 19)
God bound himself in a personal relationship with a human being
As God passed through the meat, he showed Abraham he would always
protect him. This passed on to the descendants of Abraham
This covenant between God and Abraham begins a lasting relationship
between God and all the nations of the earth.
Throughout this covenant God was initiating his plan of salvation for
human kind
The promises made to Abraham were fulfilled in New Testament blood
of the lamb – death of Jesus Christ
It emphasized the importance of faith followed by obedience that Abra-
ham shared.
Modern covenants are (a) Marriage (b) Baptism (c) Oath of loyalty and
(d) Ordination of clergy
Marriage ceremony: In marriage, the bride, bridegroom and their fami-
lies come together. When the two families come together a relationship is
developed. They make an agreement and both sides are seriously involved
niah. On reaching Mt. Moriah, he built an altar, and arranged wood on it.
He tied up his son Isaac and placed him on the altar on top of the wood.
He lifted a knife to kill him. “But the Angel of the Lord called out to him
from heaven. Abraham! Abraham! Do not lay a hand on the boy…Do not
do anything to him. Now I know you that you fear God, because you have
not withheld from me your son, your only son” (v 11-12). Abraham had
obedient reverence for God became he did not keep back his only son
from God. God provided a ram for sacrifice. He named the mountain “the
Lord provided” God was pleased with Abraham and promised him bless-
ings, many descendants’ victory, and protection.
Read Genesis 12:1 – 9, 15:1 – 6, 17:23 – 24, 21:1 – 7, 22:1-19
1. A Christian today is acceptable to God through his faith in God through
Jesus Christ. Without faith it is impossible to please God.
2. A Christian can only serve God if he has faith in him. Faith enables a
Christian to serve God
3. Faith enables a Christian to accomplish what appears to be impossible
4. Through faith, Christians are able to trust God to fulfill his promises to
5. Faith is the foundation of the Christians salvation
6. Faith in God gives a Christian the power to overcome all temptations.
8. Christians should expect to have their faith tested just like Abraham
9. Faith enables Christians to patiently wait on God’s promises
10. Christians through faith in God help the poor, make right decisions
and are able to understand and know God better.
In both Jewish and African communities, circumcision: (a) is a mark of
identity (b) provided a sense of belonging (c) was observed as a religious
experience (d) was compulsory (e) was a tradition passed from one gener-
ation to another (f) is a time for shedding blood (g) was a time for offering
prayers to God for the well being of the initiates (h) was a time for giving
gifts (i) was a ceremony for initiation (j) was a time for giving the initiates
names (k) took place in sacred places.
In Jewish community,
i. Circumcision was a rite for boys while in African society it was for both
boys and girls. But it was for boys in a few communities.
ii. Boys were circumcised when aged 8 days while in the African society;
it was between 15 to 25 years old.
iii. Circumcision was for boy’s organ while in African societies several
forms of initiation were done, for example, removal of teeth, and body
piercing among others.
iv. Circumcision was a command from God while for the African commu-
nities it was in obedience to customary law where ancestors were invoked
to protect the initiates.
Among the African societies
v. Circumcision was a rite of passage from childhood to adulthood while
for the Jews it was not.
vi. The initiates were given specialized education while the Jews were
vii. The initiates were grouped into age groups, and were secluded from
the community while among the Jews it was not so.
viii. The rite of circumcision according to seasons while the Jews once a
child is born, they are circumcised on the 8th day.
ix. After circumcision, the initiates were allowed to marry, enter a warrior
group, own property but for the Jews the initiate was still a child.
Revision questions
1.Explain why Abraham is referred to as the father of faith
2. Give five actions from the life of Abraham that shows his faith to God
3. List some of the promises God gave to Abraham
4. Compare and contrast the Jewish and traditional African practice of cir-
5. What is the importance of faith to Christians?
6. State the elements of a covenant
7. Give examples of covenants in the bible and the modern society
8. Discuss the circumstances that led God to enter into a covenant rela-
tionship with Abraham.
One day, Moses was looking after or tending the flock of Jethro his fa-
ther-in-law. Jethro was a priest of Midian. When Moses came to mount
Horeb, the mountain of God, the angel of the Lord appeared to him in
flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that although the bush was
on fire, it was not burning.
Moses went over to the burning bush to look. God called him out within
the bush… “Moses! Moses!” He replied, “Here I am”. God then told
Moses not to come closer and to take off his sandals for the place where
he was standing was a holy ground.
God introduced himself as the God of his father, the God of Abraham, the
God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. God then said he had seen the misery
and sufferings of the Israelites in Egypt. He had heard their cry. God had
come down to rescue Israelites from the hand of Egyptians. God was to
take them to their home, the land of the Canaanites, a land flowing with
milk and honey.
God told Moses that He was sending him to go to Pharaoh and bring out
the Israelites, the people of God, from Egypt. Moses resisted the call. He
asked God “Who am I, that is should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israe-
lites out of Egypt?” God promised to be with him. God said to Moses…
Say to the Israelites… the Lord. The God of their fathers, God of Abra-
ham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob has sent me to you.
Moses was told to assemble the elders of Israel and inform them that God
was going to deliver them from Egypt. Moses was then to go to the king
of Egypt with the elders. He was to tell the king “the Lord, the God of the
Hebrews has met with us. (EXODUS 3:1 – 22)
God’s sign to Moses
Moses was given several signs by God In case the people of Israel did not
believe in him.
a) First sign was his staff turning into a snake when he threw it down.
When he touched the snake’s tail it turned into his staff
b) Second sign was God asked Moses to put his hand inside his cloak and
it was as white as a snow – leprous. He was asked to put it back into his
cloak and it was restored.
c) Moses further complained that he was a stammerer. God then appoi-
nted Aaron, his brother, as his spokesman.
Reasons Moses gave against the call
1. He felt unworthy of the call.
2. He wondered who he was to tell the Israelites that God had sent him
3. Moses said that he was a stammerer so he let God choose a spokesper-
Moses however heeded to the call and went back to Egypt together with
his family. God promised to be with him and perform signs before Phara-
If a lamb was not available, a one-year-old goat could also be used. They
were told to:
1. Slaughter the lamb/goat; smear some of the blood on the sides and tops
of the door- frames of their houses.
2. Roast the meat and eat it with bitter herbs and unleavened bread (bread
without yeast). If there were any leftovers they were to burn them with
3. Eat in a hurry while fully dressed and having packed their belongings.
They were told to borrow silver, clothings, jewellery, and gold from the
4. That on the same night, the ‘angel of death’ would kill every first born
both males and animals in the houses without blood.
5. The angel of death would pass over the houses with blood sparing
them. The blood was a sign to indicate this is a house of Israelites. When
the Lord sees the blood, He will pass over that house (V.13)
6. The Israelites were told to celebrate / commemorate from generation to
generation the Passover as a festival to the Lord.
7. The Israelites were not allowed to come out of their houses on the night
of Passover.
8. At midnight, the Lord struck down all firstborn in Egypt from Phara-
oh’s household to the firstborn of the prisoners and firstborn of livestock.
9. There was loud wailing over Egypt. Every house had someone dead.
Significance of items used during the Passover
1) Roasted Meat – this is the easiest method of preparing food since the
Israelites were to leave in a short time.
2) Bitter herbs – was a reminder of the suffering and hardships and slav-
ery experienced in Egypt.
3) Eating while standing. Deliverance was near, hence the need to leave in
a hurry.
4) Eating while fully dressed with their stuff at hand. This signified a
quick deliverance; hence Israelites should be ready to leave Egypt at once.
5) Eating unleavened bread – the bread was to be eaten and none left over
hence there was no need to add yeast for preservation.
6) Collecting Jewellery – God had promised Abraham that after slavery
for four hundred and thirty years, his descendants shall be freed with great
7) Remaining indoors – for security from death. Anyone outside was
Blood on doorposts – a sign for deliverance. The angel of death would
pass over doors with blood.
Exodus means movement of a large number of people.
Crossing the Red Sea
During the night of the Passover, Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron
and told them to leave, to go and worship their Lord. All the Israelites,
their flocks and herds were urged to leave in a hurry. Pharaoh took his
chariot army and followed the Israelites and found them camped by the
Red Sea.
God led the Israelites over the desert towards the Red Sea. Moses took the
body (bones) of Joseph, as Joseph had requested the Israelites to do.
“When God rescues you, you must carry my body with you from this
place” (Ex 13 vs. 19)
During the day the Lord went in front of them in a pillar of cloud (angel
of God) to show them the way, and during the night the lord went in front
in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel night and
day. This pillar of cloud led the Israelites by day and night.
The Egyptian army followed Israelites and caught up with them by the
Red Sea where they had camped.
Moses asked the scared Israelites to move near the sea.
God told Moses to lift up his stick, and hold it over the sea. The waters of
the Red Sea divided and the Israelites crossed the sea on dry ground with
walls of water on both sides. The angel of God, and the pillar of cloud
(who had been in front of the army of Israel) moved behind the Israelites
and provided light to them as they cross.
The Egyptians army pursued Israelites. The pillar of cloud made it dark
for Egyptians who could not see where they were going. Just before day-
light, the Lord looked at the Egyptians from the pillar of cloud and fire
and God threw the army of the Egyptians into confusion. Moses was
asked by the Lord to stretch out his hand. He did so and waters returned to
its normal level drowning Egyptian army and their horses.
God protected the Israelites during the Exodus by:
1) Making them cross the red sea on dry ground.
2) Providing water in the wilderness.
3) Providing manna and quails.
4) Defeating Amalekites – their enemies.
5) Protecting them from snakes and diseases in the wilderness.
Provision of water in the wilderness
Israelites travelled in the desert for three days without water. The water,
which they found at Marah was bitter and could not be drunk. They called
the place ‘Marah’ meaning ‘bitter’. This made them complain. Moses
prayed to the Lord.
The Lord showed Moses a piece of wood. Moses threw it into the water
and it became fit to drink. God continued providing Israelites with water.
Again the Israelites lacked water and complained bitterly (Ex.17:1 – 9).
God instructed Moses to strike a rock and water came out of it. Moses
called that place ‘Massah’ – which means ‘testing ‘and ‘Meribah’ – mean-
ing ‘rebellion’. This was because the Israelites quarreled and tested God.
Provision of manna and quails (EX 16:1 – 35)
As the Israelites were travelling through the desert, they ran out of food.
They were hungry and complained to Moses. Their complaints displeased
the Lord for they often told Moses they wished he had let them die in
Egypt instead of dying in the wilderness. This showed that the Israelites
did not trust God to provide for them.
In the morning, they were given Manna, which is a Hebrew word for the
type of bread given to Israelites by God. The bread looked like wafers or
flakes and tasted like coriander seed.
In the evening, GOD provided Israelites with quail’s meat. The provision
of manna and quails (meat) lasted for 40 years.
On the 6th day of each week, God gave them food for two days one for
the 6th day and the other for the 7th day (Sabbath).
day. At night, the pillar of fire provided warmth to protect them from the
harsh cold of the wilderness.
The importance of the exodus in the history of the Israelites
The exodus showed Israelites that:
1) God loves and tolerates His people.
2) God did not abandon the Israelites despite their lack of faith.
3) God gave the Israelites encouragement through his servant Moses.
4) It was the end of the oppression of Israelites in Egypt.
5) Moses was God’s chosen leader.
broke the covenant. God spared the Israelites. God agreed to renew the
covenant with the Israelites. He
gave them several conditions for its renewal.
Conditions for the renewal of the covenant
The Israelites were:
a) To obey God’s commandments
b) Not to make any treaty with those who lived in the land where they
were going.
c) To break down their altar, smash their sacred stones and cut down their
Asherah (Idols). Not to
worship any other god and not to make idols for worship.
d) To keep the feast of unleavened bread (Passover).
e) Not to marry people form other tribes.
f) To rest on the Sabbath day.
g) To sacrifice and offer their best produce and animals to God.
God in turn promised to
a) Bless them. Protect and preserve the Israelites.
b) Make them prosper so much that the surrounding nations would en-
quire about their source of
wealth and success.
With these conditions, the covenant between God and the Israelites was
renewed. From the making and
renewal of the covenant, it is clear that:
(i) God expected the Israelites to obey and have faith in Him
(ii) God wanted a personal relationship with Israelites.
(iii) God is the only one to be worshipped.
(iv) God is powerful.
Learning outcomes. After reading this lesson
a. Explain God’s purpose in delivering the Israelites from Egypt
Gift offering – the best animal was given to God. It was offered as a
Animals such as sheep, goats, bulls and birds were sacrificed to God.
(vii) Festivals and feasts. Israelites observed several festivals and feasts.
These included:
Feast of Passover and unleavened bread.
Harvest festival – feast of weeks or Pentecost. It marked the celebration
of the harvest of wheat.
Feast of gathering / shelters. It was celebrated during the season when
the Israelites gathered the
fruits from the Orchards.
Feast of tabernacles that was celebrated to remember when the Israelites
dwelt in tents.
The Israelites kept the Sabbath day. They worshipped God through
singing, worship and dancing.
Learning outcomes. After reading this lesson,
a. Recite the ten commandments
b. Apply the ten commandments in your life
c. Describe Israelites new understanding of the nature of God
d. Explain to yourself and others the nature of God
a. The Ten Commandments
While on Mount Sinai, God gave Moses Ten Commandments written on a
stone tablet. The first four
commandments deal with relationship between man and God. God said:
1. You shall have no other gods but me.
2. You shall not make yourself a graven image.
3. You shall not mention Gods’ name in vain.
4. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.
The last six commandments give man’s relationship with fellow human
beings. God said:
5. Honor you father and mother that your days may be long on earth.
6. You shall not kill.
7. You shall not commit adultery.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.
10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s property.
These are my thoughts. (1) Worshipping God (2) Being faithful to God
(3) Resting (4) respecting parental
authority (5) love humanity (6) Be faithful to your wife or husband (7) re-
spect other people’s property
(8) be truthful always (9) be satisfied with what God has given you.
b. Israelites understand the nature of god
The Israelites had a new and wider revelation about God. Besides GOD
being a caring, loving, and a
provider, they learnt that:
a. God is a jealous God. He does not allow the worship of others gods. He
alone should be worshipped.
b. God does not condone evil. He punishes those who cause/engage in it.
c. God values a personal relationship with his people.
d. God wants people to live in harmony among them.
e. God forgives those who repent. He is loving, merciful and compassion-
f. God is a healer – he healed Israelites in the wilderness when a snake at-
tacked them
g. God is a God of victory. He defeated the Amalekites, perizzites, and
Hittites etc.
h. God is faithful and can be depended upon.
i. God is holy, slow to anger, powerful and just.
3) After God rejected Saul as the king of Israel, Samuel was guided by
God to go to Bethlehem. He was
asked to go to the home of Jesse who had eight (8) sons. In that home,
God was to show Samuel the
next king of Israel. Samuel would then anoint the chosen son of Jesse.
Seven of Jesse’s sons were
brought before Samuel one by one. God told Samuel that he had not cho-
sen any of them. When David, a
shepherd, was brought before Samuel God said to him ’this is the one –
anoint him!” (1 Samuel 16:12).
David was anointed (poured oil on) as the next king of Israel. However he
had to wait until Saul died
before he could take over kingship.
4) After Samuel anointed David to become the next king of Israel, Saul
was jealous and plotted many
times to kill him. David was employed to serve Saul. He played the harp,
lyre wherever an evil spirit
possessed Saul.
5) When Samuel died; the Philistines gathered to fight Israel. Saul was
filled with terror. Saul enquired
from God whether he should go to war, but did not get an answer. Saul
disobeyed God by asking a
medium (witch) to consult the dead for him. This act led to the death of
Saul together with his son
Jonathan in battle.
6) Saul was concerned with what people thought of him than pleasing
God. He wanted to please people
and not God. He was disobedient with God (1 Samuel 15:24)
Lessons, which Christians can learn from King Saul’s failures
1) Value of being patient.
2) Christian should obey God, follow His commands and not be afraid of
3) Christian should obey religious leaders placed over them by God.
4) Christian leaders should be humble
5) It is against the teachings of God, against the will of God to consult the
spirits of the dead through
7) Without faith, it is impossible to please God.
God desires sincere worship.
9) Political leaders should consult and listen to religious leaders.
10) Christians should not turn against their enemies or rivals. They should
not plot to have them
destroyed and killed.
Samuel 6:1 – 15)
Learning outcomes. After reading about King David, you should
a. State his importance to God and the Israelites
b. Analyse achievements and failures of King David
c. Trace David lineage up to Jesus Christ
d. Narrate fulfillment of the promises to David in the New Testament
e. Give reasons why God rejected David’s offer to build him a temple
David took over kingship of Israel though some people resisted his rule.
At first he ruled the house of
Judah. Later on the other tribes rallied behind him.
Importance of King David
David became king after the death of Saul. He ruled for over 40 years as
king of Judah and Israel.
Achievements of David
1) He was a brilliant military commander
2) He captured the old fortress of Jerusalem from the Jebusites and made
it his capital city.
3) He removed the ark of covenant from the house of Abinadab in Shiloh
and brought it to Jerusalem.
4) He expressed great faith in God. Through his faith in God, he was able
to kill Goliath, the great
Philistine warrior.
5) He was a skilled musician and composed marry psalms that were used
and are still being used in
temple and church worship.
6) David respected the prophets of God and always consulted them when-
ever he wanted to do
7) He expanded the geographical boundaries of Israel through conquests.
He was a great diplomat and established good political relations with the
neighboring kings.
9) He was a shrewd administrator who chose wise elders and counselors
to advice him.
10) God promised to establish an everlasting kingdom for David
11) David ruled over Israel, administering law and justice to all people.
12) He took a census of the Israelites and used the information to (a) re-
cruit young men into military
service and (2) decide on the policy of taxation.
13) David had remarkable leadership qualities. He was kind. He spared
mephibosheth, Saul’s grandson.
14) David was humble. He was ready to accept sins he had committed and
repent e.g. he repented after
committing adultery with Bathsheba.
David as an ancestor of Jesus Christ (2 Samuel 1 – 29, LK 1:26 – 33)
Covenant. King Solomon, David’s son built the temple and fulfilled
God’s promises to David. Solomon’s
rule was peaceful and prosperous.
The New Testament is a fulfillment of God’s promises to David
1) The gospel writers tell us that Jesus was born in the family of David
(Luke 1:26 – 27)
2) The angel of God during the annunciation of the birth of Jesus said that
He will be like his ancestor
David (Luke 1:32 – 33)
3) Jesus was born in Bethlehem which was also the birthplace of David
(Luke 2:4)
4) Bartimaeus the blind man of Jericho hailed Jesus as the son of David
5) During his triumphal entry to Jerusalem, Jesus was hailed by the crowd
as the messiah descended
from David.
6) In his genealogy, saint Mathew says that Jesus was a descendant of
David (Matt.1: 1)
Failures of King David.
Although David had many virtues:
1) He ordered Uriah to be placed at the battle forefront so that he can be
2) Uriah was the husband of Bathsheba. David had committed adultery
with her.
3) He took Bathsheba as his wife
Lesson outcomes. By the end of this lesson, you should assess leadership
qualities demonstrated by king
David showed
1) Courage and bravery. David was courageous and brave. Modern lead-
ers should be ready to die with
and for their subjects.
2) Gratitude – thankful and grateful. David always thanked God for any
success or favors he received.
Good leaders should be thankful and grateful to God as well as to their
fellow human beings.
3) Loyalty. David was loyal to God and to the Israelites. A good leader
should be loyal, and never betray
his people.
4) Justice. David administered justice to all his subjects without favoring
anyone. No tribalism or
nepotism. A leader should be fair to all (2 Samuel 8:15).
5) God – fearing, having faith. David was God fearing. He expressed his
total trust in God. Modern
leaders need to emulate this quality.
6) Humility. A leader should be a humble person. Though David had been
appointed as the king, he
continued to serve Saul until Saul died. He accepted his failures and asked
for forgiveness
7) Kind. David was a kind leader. Leaders should be kind. David spared
the life of Saul twice yet Saul
wanted to kill him.
Wisdom. David was careful when choosing legal advisors to assist him in
his rule. He was also wise. He
reduced tribal jealousies by choosing Jerusalem; a neutral spot for admin-
istrative purposes.
9) Delegation – a shrewd administrator. A good elder should be able to
delegate duties. David delegated
duties. He involved others in advising, and administering
9) He made treaties with other nations inspite of the fact that God had for-
bidden Israel from making
10) He was extravagant. He used a lot of state wealth to entertain and
please his many wives and
Activity. Many husbands in Kenya practice polygamy. I want you to find
out from your neighbours what
are the advantages and disadvantages of polygamy. Then write a paper ar-
guing either for polygamy or
Learning outcomes. By the end of this lesson, you should
a) Define a temple
b) State the importance of the temple to Israelites.
Definition of a temple
This is a building dedicated to the worship of God. Solomon built the
temple as a fulfillment of the
promises that God gave to David, that his son would build a house for
Importance and uses of a temple
1) It was a centre of worship. Prayers and sacrifices were offered to God
from the temple.
2) It symbolized the presence of God among the Israelites.
3) The Ark of the Covenant was kept in the temple as a symbol of God’s
presence among his people.
4) The temple acted as a symbol of unity in Israel. Every year all the Is-
raelites had to go to Jerusalem to
celebrate such feasts as the Passover, feast of tabernacles’ day of atone-
ment. This led to the unity of the
5) Dedication of children and purification were done in the temple.
6) It was a residence for the priest.
7) It was a business centre where people bought and sold animals needed
for sacrifice.
The temple acted as a school to the scribes, rabbis and others who studied
and interpreted the Mosaic
9) The temple also acted as the judicial court of Israel. Judges worked
from the temple
10) It is where religious ceremonies like naming and circumcision of baby
boys took place.
11) It was a house of prayer.
Revision questions
a. Explain the reasons against kingship in Israel 1 Sam 8: 10-20
b. Explain the importance of David as king of Israel
c. How did Jesus fulfil the prophecies of prophet Nathan as a descendant
of David? (i.e. areas where
Jesus is mentioned as coming from David)
d. What are the failures of king Solomon?
e. Which leadership qualities can modern leaders learn from David?
After the death of Solomon, the kingdom of Israel split into two countries.
the southern kingdom called
Judah ruled by King Rehoboam and the Northern kingdom called Israel
led by King Jeroboam. Other
kings who ruled these two nations were King Abijah, King Asa of Judah,
and king Nadab, Baasha, Elah,
Zimri, Omri, and Ahab of Israel. During the time of Elijah king Ahab
ruled – Israel.
Learning outcomes. After studying this lesson on idolatry, you should
a. State factors that led to spread of idolatry in Israel
b. Analyse religious schism between Judah and Israel
c. Describe King Ahab’s marriage to the Phoenician princess (Tyre)
d. Explain the failure to completely destroy temples, and places of wor-
e. State effects of idolatry in Israel
a. Factors that led to spread of idolatry in Israel
When Israelites intermarried with other communities, they worshipped
their gods. The Bible makes it
clear that
i There was a lot of influence by Canaanite religion
ii There was division /schism of Israel into 2 kingdoms
iii Ahab’s married the Phoenician princess
iv Israelites did not destroy all gods after settling in Canaan.
Influence of the local Canaanite religion
Idolatry is the worship of idols. An idol is an image representing a god
made using precious materials
such as gold, bronze, stone, and hardwood images kept in the places of
worship. God had forbidden
Israelites from bowing down to images and worshipping idols, intermar-
rying with non-Israelites, and
making treaties. When Israelites settled in Canaan, they forgot God’s
commandments. They
intermarried and were greatly influenced by the local religion.
Israelites changed from being pastoralist to farmers. They therefore wor-
shipped Baal the god of rain,
agricultural fertility, and storms. Israelites worshipped Baal, for rain for
their crops. The Israelites were
also attracted to the visible gods of Canaan as opposed to the invisible
Yahweh. This is how idolatry
spread in Israel. However some Israelites maintained worship of Yahweh
only (monotheistic) while
others worshipped Yahweh and Baal (syncretism).
Characteristics of the Canaanite religion. Canaanite religion was:
1. Polytheistic. They worshipped many gods. The Israelites religion was
monotheistic. They worshipped
Yahweh and no other God. They abandoned their religion and worshipped
many gods like Canaanite.
This influenced the Israelites.
2. A nature religion. The gods were related with the forces of nature such
as rain, sun, storms, drought,
famine, wind, water and death.
3. Ensured continued fertility of land, people, animals
4. Based on many families of gods. There was
a. EL – Chief god – who was their father, king, creator
b. Asherah – wife of El – the goddess of motherhood and fertility
c. Baal – also referred to as Baal Hadad, son of El and Asherah – the god
of rain, agricultural fertility,
d. Astarte – wife of Baal -the goddess of war
e. Anat – sister of Baal – the goddess of war and love
f. Maat – the goddess of love
g. Mot – most feared. The god of drought, famine and death
5. Free and temple of prostitution. Israelites turned to temple prostitution.
Women who wanted to
increase vitality of their husbands had sexual relations with the male
priests in the Baal temples.
6. Had many places of worship. One could pray in the temple, under sa-
cred trees, and on top of the hills
among others.
7. Based on offerings and sacrifices of human beings.
Exercise. State differences between Israel and Canaanite religion
b. Religious schism between Judah and Israel
Schism occurred among the Israelites because there were sharp differ-
ences within them. These
differences were religious, political and social. After the death of
Solomon, the nation of Israel was split.
Rehoboam ruled one group while the other was ruled by Jeroboam. Be-
cause of this split, Jeroboam
could not go to Jerusalem to worship in the temple. He thus set up other
places of worship one at
Bethel, and another at Dan. Jeroboam also set up images to represent
Yahweh. Though he had no
intention of Idol worship, it turned out to be so because he made his sub-
jects to offer sacrifices to these
golden calves, which he had designed as images representing Yahweh. He
also built places of worship on
hilltops like the Canaanites. He chose priests from other families in addi-
tion to the Levite Family.
Furthermore, he organised religious festivals and feasts in the month of
his choice. As it were, they
coincided with the Canaanites calendars. He then burnt incense at the altar
of idols. Jeroboam therefore
started idol worship and gave room for idolatry. Kings who succeeded
him followed this idol worship.
him, if they select Yahweh as their God then they were to follow him (1
kings 18 vs. 21).
The choice. Elijah proposed a contest between him and Baal prophets. He
asked for two bulls one for
him, the other for 450 prophets of Baal. The contest was who can light
fire? Yahweh or Baal? He
proposed that Baal prophets and himself be given each a bullock. Both
shall cut the bull into pieces and
put them on wood without lighting fire. The Baal prophets shall pray to
their god and Elijah shall pray to
the Lord. The one who sends fire to consume the sacrifices .. he is God.
The people of Israel accepted
Elijah’s proposal.
Actions. The prophets of Baal prayed first because they were many. They
took the bull, prepared it and
prayed to Baal until noon (vs. 26). They prayed louder, and cut them-
selves with knives and daggers; but
there were no answer. The prophets of Baal kept on ranting and raving
until evening but there was no
answer (vs. 29).
Elijah asked people to gather near him. He prepared the altar of the Lord
to repair work. He took 12
stones representing the 12 tribes of Israel (who were named after the 12
sons of Jacob or Israel) and
used them to rebuild the altar. He then dug a trench around the altar. This
trench could hold 14 litres of
water. He placed the wood on the altar; cut the bull into pieces and laid
them on the wood. He asked for
four barrels of water and poured it on the offering and wood. He poured
water on the altar three times
until the water overflowed, run around the altar and filled the trenches.
Elijah then called on the Lord
“O Lord, the God of Abraham, …prove now that you are the God of Is-
rael and that am your servant and
have done all this at your command” (vs. 29).
The Lord sent fire down and it burnt up the sacrifice, wood, stones, and
dust and licked up the water
that was in the trench. When people saw this, they proclaimed ‘The Lord,
is God; the Lord alone is God”.
Elijah asked people to arrest the prophets of Baal, led them down to the
river Kishon and killed them.
And after this there was rain in Israel (vs.40).
Lessons learnt from Mt. Carmel. Israelites acknowledged that Yahweh is:
i Is their only God and that Baal was not God
ii Is powerful
iii Is a merciful God
iv Is a jealous God as He will have no other gods but him
v Is a God of justice who punishes idolaters and sinners
vi Answers prayer
vii Is a forgiving true God
viii Protects his servants
b) Elijah’s fight against corruption (1 Kings 21: 1 – 29)
Corruption is defined as dishonesty. It’s a form of injustice when dealing
with either an individual or the
community for selfish gain and benefit. In a corrupt society people in
leadership or with wealth take
advantage of the weak, and the poor. The powerful exploit the poor and
the powerless by denying them
their rights. An example of corruption in Israel is the story of the
Naboth’s Vineyard.
Naboth’s vineyard. Ahab wanted Naboth to either sell to him his vineyard
or exchange it with another
vineyard. Naboth refused to sell his inheritance. Jezebel, on seeing that
Ahab was sorrowful told him
that she will get him Naboth’s vineyard. Jezebel sent out letters in Ahab’s
name to the elders of the city.
She found two witnesses who could bear witness that Naboth had blas-
phemed God and king Ahab.
Witnesses testified that Naboth had blasphemed God. He was stoned to
death. God then sent Elijah to
meet with Ahab as he went to possess the vineyard of Naboth.
God’s sentence to Ahab. God pronounced to Ahab through Elijah that (1)
dogs shall lick his own blood
from the place where dogs licked the blood of Naboth (2) His sons shall
be killed (3) Dogs shall eat
Jezebel by the wall of Jezreel (4) Evil shall be brought upon Ahab’s
This was because Ahab had broken these commandments:
The 6th commandment – which forbids murder
The 9th commandment which forbids bearing of false witness. Ahab al-
lowed his wife to bear false
witness against Naboth
10th Commandments – you shall not covet your neighbor’s property.
Elijah’s encounter with Yahweh at Mt. Horeb (Mr. Sinai) 1 Kings 19
After killing the prophets of Baal, Elijah was threatened by Jezebel. She
vowed to kill him. Elijah ran
away to the wilderness. The angel of God fed him with a loaf of bread and
a jar of water. After eating
and drinking Elijah walked to Mt. Sinai – the holy mountain of God. He
stayed there for 40 days and 40
5) Christians should advocate for the rights of the poor and speak out
against any form of oppression.
6) Christians should not give false evidence against their neighbours
7) Christians should be persistent like Elijah was in their struggle against
God communicated with Elijah in a still small voice indicating his inti-
macy with the prophet. This means
that God is able to establish an intimate relationship with his faithful.
Review questions
a) Describe the qualities of Elijah that led to his achievements
b) What is schism and syncretism
c) What are some of the characteristics of Elijah that a modern Christian
should strive to emulate?
d) What are the effects of idolatry in Israel today?
e) Describe Elijah’s fight against false religion in Israel
f) Describe Elijah’s fight against corruption 1 kings 21
g) What can Christians learn from the teachings of Elijah?
All Traditional African Communities believe in a Supreme Being who is
the origin and sustainer of all
things: He is the creator of the university and all that it contains.
All Africans agree that nobody has ever seen God. Therefore, nobody can
really describe Him, yet
through their religious insights, Africans have formulated ideal about the
nature of God. These ideas
concern His real being and His activities.
“Traditional religion” refers to African culture that existed in the sub –
Saharan Africa. African traditional
culture had no scriptures or texts because most of it was oral. It was pre-
served and handed down from
generation to generation-through oral traditions; ceremonies; rituals, and
leading personalities.
Learning outcomes. By the end of this topic, you should be able to
a) Explain and appreciate the African concept of God spirits and ancestors
b) Identify attributes of God
c) Explain the African understanding of the hierarchy of beings
d) Describe the role of God, spirits and ancestors
e) Explain the responsibilities of the living towards God, spirits and an-
f) Describe the traditional African way of worshipping God, venerating
and communicating with the
ancestors and spirits.
Learning outcomes. By the end of this lesson, you should
a. Describe the African concept of his/her religion
b. State attributes of God
c. Draw a diagram showing hierarchy of beings
Africans believed in existence of a supreme being who lived in moun-
tains, clouds and the sky. God was
the creator of the universe. In African traditions, religion was integrated in
every aspect of life and daily
activities. For example, farming activities involved God, spirits and an-
cestors. People would pray to God,
spirits ancestors so as to ask for blessings in order to have a good harvest.
Livestock keepers believed
that fertility of their animals is a result of the blessings of God. If God
was appeased, animals would
Natural phenomena such as thunder, lightning, rain; good harvest, and
birth were linked to the Supreme
Being and the invisible world. If there were calamities such as drought,
disease, famine, and death, it
was an indication that God, spirits and ancestors were displeased with hu-
mankind. Many communities
have invocations uttered through out the day
Nature or Attributes of god
God is described with many names, which are God’s attributes. These are
among others:
a) God is Good – Nearly all-African communities describe God as being
good to all people and things. He
gives rain, sunshine and life among many other gifts.
b) God is merciful. The Akamba refer to God as “God of pity”, the ‘mer-
ciful one’. God shows mercy in
times of danger, illness, difficulty or anxiety.
c) God is holy. He is pure, holy and does not make mistakes. Yoruba call
him God who is pure, without
blemish. The Kikuyu say God is “Possessor of whiteness” and the Bukusu
– ‘master whitewash’. African
traditions all approach God with reverence, fear, respect and honor. For
example when offering
sacrifices, they would offer a one-colour animal either white, black, or
brown and not a spotted animal.
d) God is powerful i.e. Omnipotent. God is described as almighty. His
power is expressed in natural
occurrences like thunder, lighting, earthquakes, rains, and floods.
e) God is all knowing (Omniscient). God knew all things; nothing can be
hidden from him. He discerns
f) God is all present (Omnipresent).He is present everywhere in the uni-
g) God is limitless. God has no limit. He is both very far and very near,
beyond and within.
h) God is transcendent .God cannot be exhausted by human imagination.
He is unexplainable, beyond
human experience and understanding.
i) God is all understanding
j) God is self – existent .He made all things but he himself is not made.
He exists on his own. Zulu explain
that God is ‘he who is of himself.
k) God is a spirit He is invisible, and everlasting.. Shilluk of Sudan refer
to him as ‘great spirit’ ‘the
formless spirit.
l) God is everlasting. God is eternal, never changes, and never dies. The
Yoruba call him ”the mighty
immovable rock that never dies.
m) God is God created the creator .The world Kikuyu call him “Mumbi”
n) God is just. Kikuyu refer to God as “Mugai” meaning “divider”. ‘One
who shares out’. God judges
fairly, punishes those who do wrong and rewards the good with blessings.
o) God is the provider. All communities acknowledge that God provides
them with everything they have.
Africans built representation of the power of God. They identified sites,
places and things that
represented the presence and power of God. For example things like big
trees, thick forest, high
mountains, unique rock formations and large rivers and animals. In these
places they built sites, and
shrines. Shrines were regarded as holy and people approached them with
Spirits. They were believed to exist between God and human beings in the
universe. Spirits were diverse
and created by God. Some spirits were dead human beings. Spirits were
divided into nature, sky, earth
and human spirits that were either long dead (ghosts) or recently dead (an-
There were different types of spirits. These were:
a. Divinities. These are spirits created by God. They are close to God and
act as his agents. They are in
charge of natural phenomena like the sun, moon and stars. They are inter-
mediaries between God and
ancestral spirits, human beings and other creatures. They reveal God’s
plans through diviners and
b. Human spirits / common spirits. These are inferior to divinities but
higher than human kind. They are
remains of human beings after their death. These spirits monitor human
activities. Human spirits have
lost their names and are not longer remembered by the living. They are
believed to live in the under
world, undergrounds, in thick bushes, forests, rivers, mountains, lakes,
skies, and caves among other
places. These spirits can bring harm to the living if disrespected. They ap-
pear to people in dreams or in
form of shadows. They can also enter or possess a person and cause ab-
3. Ancestors / living dead
These are spirits of the recently dead. They are remembered by the living
when children are named
after them. They are actively involved in the lives and activities of the liv-
ing. Their offerings (food or
drink) are poured on the ground for them to receive.
Ancestors are in a period of transition between the living and the higher
categories. They are believed to
know the problems of the living and therefore consulted constantly. They
are also associated with evil
such as revenge for burying them without honor, or not following the in-
structions they gave before they
died or failing to pour them libations. When they are happy with the liv-
ing, they are a source of
blessings. Ancestors who did evil things or committed suicide are forgot-
ten and ignored.
Hierarchy of beings. Hierarchy means the order or ranking from the high-
est to the lowest of created
beings. At the top is
Human Beings
Animals and Plants
Non-living Things
Learning outcomes. By the end of this lesson: -
a. Write a description of God from an African perspective
God is the creator. The Akamba community believed that God whom they
called Mulungu created man
and woman. He then tossed them to the earth. The Luhya claim God cre-
ated them from the black
topsoil hence their skin complexion.
God is the source of life and giver of life. Barren women pray to God to
ask for children. Human beings
depend on God for life, rain, air, and sunshine.
God is the provider. He gave domestic animals to human beings for their
use. Domestic animals have
many uses such as repayment of dowry, food, and sacrifices to God, pay-
ment of a fine by an offender.
Many wild animals are used in folk songs and tales to discourage cow-
ardice, and laziness
God is a protector of human beings from evil.
God is the giver of moral laws and a judge of people
God offers solutions to man’s problems through mediums, and prophets
God gives power to the specialists such as medicine men, women and
God punishes people for wrongdoing
Wild animals such as hyena are used in folk stories to discourage cow-
ardice. Stories of tortoise illustrate
the importance of being slow but sure. Snakes in some communities such
as the Luhya were not killed.
The community believed snakes were immortal ancestors coming to visit
the living.
Plants were used as food for people and animals. Trees were used for fuel
and building materials. Some
trees were used as sacred places of worship.
Non-living things such as the rain, rocks, and rivers had a religious impor-
tance. Rain is seen as a blessing
from God. When rain fails, diviner/rain maker was consulted. Rocks, and
mountains were believed to be
dwelling places for the living, the dead and the spirits.
The spirits were viewed as neither good nor evil. Human beings feared
them. Their roles were many.
i Appeared in dreams especially to diviners, priests, medicine men and
women, and rain makers to relay
ii Were consulted by religious specialists to find the cause of a problem in
a given situation.
iii Were bad (naughty) spirits, which disturbed people. African communi-
ties believed that bad sprits
could call out one’s name but on turning there’s no one.
iv Were manipulated by some human beings to cause harm to others
v Relayed God’s messages to human beings.
vi Sometimes possessed a person causing the person to be sent away from
the village to the forest, or a
way from home.
vii Acted as intermediaries between humans,’ divinities and God.
Role of ancestors is to: -
1) Appear to families in dreams, and visions.
2) Give family instructions i.e. what should be done.
3) Rebuke those who fail to honor them and warn them of impending pun-
4) Act as mediators between the living and God.
5) Enquire about family affairs as they considered as members of the fam-
clapping their hands. As they dance, sit and sing, diviners lose their senses
and get possessed by the
spirit. The spirits speak give them messages for individuals and communi-
ties. Spirits communicate on
issues such as (i) lost property (ii) revealing by name the enemy in the so-
ciety (iii) making demands on
the living (iv) giving advice (v) giving warnings on impending danger and
(vi) making promises to bless a
family or clan. Spirits that possess mediums are not harmful.
There are bad evil spirits harmful to people whom they possess. Some evil
spirits cut themselves; others
throw themselves into a fire, river, and lake.
Revision questions
a) Explain African beliefs about god ( or qualities)
b) Describe the African understanding of the hierarchy of being
c) Describe the role of the ancestors to the living
d) What was the responsibility of the living towards God?
e) Describe the T.A. ways of worshipping God.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the topic, you should be able to
a Explain the meaning of life and its wholeness in the traditional African
b Explain the African concept of community and kingship system
c Outline the factors contributing to harmony and mutual responsibility in
the African communities
d Describe rites of passage and their role inculcating moral values in the
traditional African society
e Explain the role of religious specialist and their relevance in modern so-
considered the worst thing anyone could do. It was seen as a curse on the
family. If one died at
childhood, it was regarded as abortion. Death did not mark the end of life.
Death is referred to as ‘saying
goodbye to food”, “sleeping,” “going home”, “being called by the ances-
African concept of a community
A community is a group of people who share a common language, reli-
gion, and culture and may live in
the same geographical location. This group of people or an ethnic group
shares common interests and
characteristics. For example, African communities:
Share common features, and interests
Have the same origin and are likely to be related by blood.
Share a common language.
Live together and inhabit the same geographical location.
Are divided into smaller units called clans
A clan is made up of people who have the same forefather. A clan is com-
posed of families. A family is
made up of members (living or dead) who are related by blood and mar-
riage. Family members therefore
include the ancestors and the unborn.
Learning outcomes. After studying African kinship system in African
communities, you should be able to:
a. Explain the importance of kinship system
b. Give factors that contribute to harmony and mutual responsibility
Kinship refers to the relationships between people. These can be by blood,
marriage or adoption. People
that belong to the same kinship system are referred to as kin.
people grew up; knowing what is wrong and right. Good morals help peo-
ple to live in peace and
Learning outcomes. I expect you to read this lesson and
a. Name the main stages of human life
b. Explain the rite of circumcision in your community
c. Narrate initiation rituals
d. Discuss the importance of marriage in your community with peers
e. State the importance of funeral and burial rites.
In traditional African society, there were four main stages of life. These
were (i) birth and naming (ii)
initiation (iii) marriage and (iv) old age and death
Birth and naming
When a woman conceived, and pregnancy was visible, she was treated
specially. She wore charms to
keep away evil eyes. She ate special food and avoided sexual relations.
The family and husband did not
expect her to perform heavy task. When she was ready to deliver, mid
wives helped in delivery. After
delivery, the placenta was seen as a sign of fertility hence it was buried in
the fertile land such as a
banana plantation. Some communities preserved placenta while others
threw it into a running stream.
The arrival of a baby and its sex was announced through ululations or
shouts. The placenta was disposed
off ceremoniously. The mother was purified and baby protection rites
were conducted. Once purified, a
mother could wear charms to protect herself and the baby from malicious
spirits, sorcery, witchcraft,
and evil eyes.
Thanksgiving ceremonies were performed to show gratitude to God. The
hair of the mother and child
was shaved as a sign of purification and newness of life.
Naming of babies was carefully chosen. A baby could be named after ei-
ther a season, weather,
ancestors, place or time of delivery, occasion, experience of mother dur-
ing delivery, significance events
such as war, and drought, personality of the child, and names of heroes
and gods. A good example is the
name ‘Were’ amongst the Luhya.
Twins had special names.
Initiation – the second rite of passage.
There were different types of initiations such as circumcision for boys and
clitorisdectomy for girls,
excision of teeth and body marks. Initiation rites were important and ev-
ery individual was expected to
go through them or be rendered an outcast. Initiation practices were seen
as tests for courage and
bravery. They helped the communities when identifying future leaders
and warriors.
Initiation was very important in communities where it was practiced. Initi-
ation marked a transition from
childhood to adulthood. In this transition, the initiate acquired new rights,
new status in life, and
privileges. For example the new initiates were allowed to marry, own
property, and inherit the father’s
have made girl’s circumcision illegal and an issue of human and health
Attitude to birth and naming
There has been a change in attitude to birth and naming. This is because
initiation is no longer a
community but a family affair. In addition, pregnant women attend ante-
natal clinics. Majority of
pregnant women give birth in hospitals and health centres. Thus a doctor
and not a midwife announce
the sex of the baby. In modern society, the mother and child are no longer
secluded. Lastly most parents
prefer western names for their babies.
Marriage was a requirement for all members of the community. It was a
source of status in the
community. Since a leader had to be married.
Young men and women married after initiation. Marriage was a happy oc-
casion and a source of wealth.
The father gave young initiates some animals for dowry. Fathers of girls
received dowry payments, as
bride price was mandatory. It was given to the parents of the girl in form
of (a) Cows (b) Goats (c)
Camels (d) Jewellery (e) Poultry. The young men inherited the father’s
Importance of dowry. Dowry unified the community. When young
women were married, their parents
lost their labour. Dowry payments compensated for this loss. Men paid
dowry as a sign of commitment
to their wife and parents.
Importance of marriage
Marriage was sacred. It was and ordained by God. Marriage created new
social relationships and
expanded web of kinships. During the marriage ceremonies the whole
community rejoiced, and feasted
together. The newly married couple learnt new knowledge and skills. The
community and society
respected the newly married couple. Children born from this union propa-
gated and ensured continuity
of family, and the community.
Modern community and marriage. There has been a change in attitude to-
wards marriage. As a result:
marriage is no longer seen as sacred and divorce is common. In addition,
dowry has been
commercialized, as it is no longer seen as important. Some young men do
not pay dowry. In fact
marriage is no longer seen as a sign of status
Children were important in marriage. Barren women were frowned upon.
Polygamy solved issues of
childlessness. Couples without children can now adopt them from the
Child Welfare society.
Divorce. This was very rare. It happened only if the girl (i) was not a vir-
gin (ii) practiced witchcraft (iii)
and did not show respect towards her husband.
Old age and death. This is the age of wisdom. Old people were respected.
Grey hair was a sign of respect
and wisdom. In all culture, the elders were the custodians of the law,
norms and regulations. Social and
religious specialists were seers, rainmakers, priests, diviners, and
medicine men among others
Death. Old age is followed by death. It was seen as a transition into the
spiritual life. Besides old age,
many cultures believed that death was due to either breaking of the tradi-
tional customs and taboos,
curses, evil spirits, witchcraft, war, diseases and epidemics. Burial rites
were performed in many African
Disposing of the dead body. Several methods were used to dispose the
body. These were burials, leaving
bodies in the forest, and throwing body to animals or placing the body in
an abandoned house. African
communities believed that animals carried the spirit of the dead person to
the next life. Burial rites were
performed by the bereaved. They buried the body with ones person be-
longings and tools. Thus if a
person was a great warrior, he was buried with a war coat. Celebrations
accompanied funeral rites.
Funeral songs (dirges) were performed. There was drinking and eating.
Importance of funeral and burial rites
Burial rites created a good relationship between the dead and the living.
They were therefore given to
appease the world of spirits, express unity in the society, cleanse the re-
maining relatives and obey the
customs of the community. Rituals that were performed depended on the
community. Some of the
rituals for the dead included.
a) Shaving of heads. Some mourners shaved their hair completely, while
others shaved in a specific
b) Dancing and singing, and giving gifts to the bereaved family
c) Mourning (d) Drum beating (e) Horn blowing 9f) Grave side fires
Here are some questions to make you think about marriages
1. In your opinion, what has brought changes in modern marriages?
2. Explain why divorce is rising in Kenya and Africa.
3. What changes do we see in contemporary marriages?
4. What has brought about these changes?
5. What are the major causes of death in Kenya today?
Learning outcome. After studying this lesson,
1. Identify religious specialists
2. State the role of medicine men, priests, mediums, prophets, diviners,
and seers
3. Describe roles of herbalists, elders, and rainmakers
4. Explain the role of religious specialists in your culture
Religious specialists include Medicine men / healers, Herbalists, Diviners,
Mediums, Prophets / Seers,
Rainmakers, Priests and Elders. Religious specialists were given power by
their parents who taught them
religious duties. Others received divine call through dreams and visions.
A few learnt from experts via
apprenticeship. This is learning by observing and practicing what one sees
the master teacher doing.
Roles of the medicine women/men in the Community. Medicine
women/men are healers who were and
are respected by the community. This is because they were and are able
1) Treat and heal the sick
2) Solve serious and complicated chronic illnesses
conditions. They performed certain rituals like asking God for rains. They
were highly respected in the
society. Modern science has replaced rainmakers
Meteorological departments have made the rainmakers redundant.
Elders were custodians of community values and secrets. They acted as
educators. They gave
punishment to offenders of social norms/rules. They acted as counselors
and guided the youth on
matters of sex and marriage. They helped in maintaining roles for impor-
tant religious functions, such as
rites of passage. They were political leaders in the community. They were
negotiators and solved
conflicts since they settled family disputes especially agreements concern-
ing land. They were custodians
of the traditional values, customs and history of the people.
Relevance. Elders are relevant in modern society. They are referred to as
village elders and are
recognized by the government of Kenya.
Introduction. African communities were regulated by a strict code of laws
and moral values. In this
lesson we shall study moral values, which regulated individual members
of society as well as the
community itself.
Learning outcomes. After reading this lesson, you should
1. Give examples of cultural values
2. Define moral values
3. Identify forms of misconduct
3. State a punishment for each misconduct
What is a cultural value? These are community practices and beliefs. Each
community has cultural values
that it accepts and upholds. These cultural values are laws, customs, and
forms of behaviour,
regulations, rules, observances and taboos. The cultural values form a
moral code, which regulates the
community. For example, if the culture, values private property, it will
have laws that forbid theft of
property. These laws are cultural values. Cultural values influence the so-
cial order and peace. God gives
peace and harmony. God is seen as the giver and guardian of the law. Dis-
obedience was and still is
regarded as evil, wrong and was and still is punishable by law.
What is a moral value? Moral values are standards of behaviour towards
others. They are based on what
is valued by the community. Moral values are also positive attitudes. Each
community decided what is
important to it and what is desirable for its members to practice and up-
The moral values that communities observed were many. They included
amongst others:
1. Hospitality and Love for self and others. This is the habit of welcoming
all people, treating oneself and
others well. Members of the community were taught how to be hospitable
to visitors, strangers and
how to assist the needy.
2. Honesty. This is developing good habits like telling the truth, Loyalty,
Respect, Co – operation with all.
3. Obedience to parents, elders, community leaders and elders. Cultural
regulations were followed and
adhered to leading
4. Caring for others. This is being responsible to members of the commu-
5. Developing social moral behaviour like Humility, Sharing, Responsi-
bility, Chastity, Integrity, Tolerance,
Perseverance, and Courtesy
6. Working Hard. Do chores. These were according to sex, age and social-
economic status.
7. Cooperation. Members cooperated and worked together with others.
Moral values were learnt in the process of socialization. Leisure activities
helped in acquisition of moral
values. Learning moral values was a lifelong process. The most valued
behaviour was obedience.
Children were to obey their parents; wives obey their husbands; commu-
nity obeys their leaders, and
Learning to obey was a life long process. An obedient person was re-
spected and rewarded.
Misconducts. There were taboos that the community observed. Failure to
obey community laws
resulted in punishments. The community did not allow stealing of live-
stock. Domestic animals were the
most valued private property. Individuals owned livestock while land
ownership was communal. There
were many forms of punishment for stealing livestock and committing
other crimes. For example
a. Payment of heavy fines to replace stolen livestock
b. Being beaten in a sack
c. Thrown down a hill
d. Cast out of community. Thieves and murders built their homes at the
outskirts of the community.
They were not allowed to interact anymore with the members of the com-
e. Being covered with dry banana leaves and then set on fire.
Learning outcome. From this lesson, you should be able to:
1. Compare traditional and modern way of life
2. Trace property ownership in traditional and modern communities
3. Explain how money economy has affected the traditional way of life
4. State how communities can look after orphans, widows, and old people
Community. Formal education introduced the western way of life. Em-
ployment and trade forced
Africans to leave their villages to look for employment and markets in
towns. These actions led to
urbanization and pluralism. As a result different communities came to
towns and lived together.
1. Paid employment. Workers were paid by money. The concept of
money changed community life.
Individualism ownership of money replaced communalism
2. Land used to be communal. There was plenty of land for everyone. But
changes were brought by
modern life. For example, health improved and people lived longer. There
were fewer deaths and
population increased. With money, there was an expansion of trade. Indi-
viduals started buying land
with money instead of clearing forests.
Modern life changed the concept of land. Individual started owning land.
The colonial governments
Widowers are not inherited and many of them remarry soon after the
death of their wives.
8. Old age. In traditional African communities, old people were respected.
But now old age is not
respected. The aged are seen as a burden to their children. This is because
the need medical care, food,
and other forms of care to meet their needs. Most of them are neglected
and mistreated. In traditional
communities, children took care of their aged parents. Today some chil-
dren care for their parents.
Fortunately, churches have set up homes for the aged. An example is
“Nyumba za wazee”. A few old
people can look after themselves since they have pension schemes, life in-
surance policies, income
generating projects, investments and bank deposits. They can care for
Revision questions
a) What is the significance of the kingship system
b) Outline and explain factors contributing to harmony and mutual re-
sponsibility in the traditional
African society
c) What was the purpose of the bride wealth in the traditional African so-
d) Explain the role of medicine men in the African communities and their
relevance today.
Read the Bible quotations given
Carry out role-plays e.g. the sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham
Consult the aged to assist in the understanding of African traditional prac-
7. God’s plan of salvation is lesson seven. The lesson tells us that GOD
saved human kind by providing:
Clothing for Adam and Eve
Means to find food
A decree to defeat serpent through the seed of the woman
A solution in which he choose Abraham and separated him from others
A delivery of Israelites from Egypt
Prophets with messages for Israelites
The Messiah to die on the Cross to save humankind
8. Compare the biblical concept of sin and the African concept of evil.
Both agree that God is good and did not create evil.
In both, sin is a result of disobedience, greed and selfishness of hu-
In both cases, sin leads to human suffering.
Both hold the view that sin/evil befalls humankind in the form of a
Sin brings separation between God and man.
In both, there is reconciliation and forgiveness between God and man.
Thus sin does not end a
In the bible, the serpent is seen as the cause of sin whereas in many Tra-
ditional African communities,
the spirits of the dead causes evil.
In the bible, there is external punishment (hell) for sinners while the
African communities believe that
punishment is here on earth.
Biblically, human beings are born sinners because they are descendants
of Adam (1st parents’ sin). In
Sacrifice of son – willing to offer his only son Isaac as a burnt offering
to God.
Qn 3. List some of the promises God gave to Abraham.
Abraham and his wife Sarah would have a son.
Abraham would be famous.
He would become the father of a great nation.
God would curse those who cursed him and bless those who blessed
God assured Abraham of a personal protection.
Many descendants – like stars on the sky.
The descendants would be slaves in a foreign land but God would de-
liver them.
He would live to a ripe old age and die in peace.
God would establish an everlasting covenant with him and his descen-
Some of his descendants would be kings.
God would give him and his descendants land.
Qn 4. Compare and contrast Jewish and Traditional African practice of
A. Similarities
In both communities, circumcision is taken as a physical sign of mem-
bership to the community.
It involves the cutting of the foreskin.
Members who refuse to be circumcised are treated as outcasts in the
The shedding of blood is symbolic as it binds the people with God and
It has a religious significance.
Special people in both do circumcision.
The rite, taken place on the 8th day of both in Jewish community while
in the Traditional African
Communities, it occurs after every four – six years.
Done to individuals in Jewish community while it is done to a group of
age mates in the Traditional
African Communities.
No seclusion period among Jews as is the case in most African commu-
In African communities, the ceremony enables them to choose future
leaders, which is not the case
with the Jews.
Helps one endure suffering (pain) in future in the African communities
unlike in the Jewish
Only one form of initiation (cutting of foreskin) is done. Various forms
are practiced in the Traditional
African communities. These include:
Cutting of foreskin
Lib/ear piercing
Removal of lower teeth
Scarification (putting marks on face/body)
Qn 5. What is the importance of faith to Christians?
Faith is the foundation of Christian life today. It makes Christians part
of the great nation of God.
Through faith in Jesus, Christians became the chosen people of God.
Faith enables Christians make correct choices in life e.g. When choos-
ing a career, marriage partners
Faiths help them to face temptations and challenges in their lives and
are able to overcome them.
It gives them perseverance in prayer as they wait for God’s answer.
It gives them the courage to commit their lives to God totally.
It is through faith that Christians obey God.
They are able to achieve impossible things through faith.
They are able to believe what they have not seen through faith.
They are able to serve the world, help the needy because of their faith in
Qn 6. State the elements of a covenant
Partners two or more partners are involved.
A physical reminder – a certificate/sign.
Promises: – given by both partners.
Ceremony – whose blood seals it or an oath taken.
Witnesses – must be present
It requires faithfulness, obedience and loyalty to the regulations
It spells out serious consequences for those who break it.
Qn 7. Give examples of covenant in the bible and the modern society
The Bible
God’s covenant with Noah: where he promised never to destroy the
earth with flood – rainbow is the
sign of the covenant (Gen 9).
God’s covenant with Abraham: God promised to fulfil the promises he
made to Abraham. The sign
was circumcision (Gen 15 & 17).
The covenant between God and the Israelites on Mt Sinai – sign was the
Law – 10 commandments
(Exd 24).
The covenant between God and King David – promise to David’s king-
dom would last forever (2
Jeremiah’s covenant: The new covenant with God’s people (Jr 31: 31 –
Modern Society
• Baptism
• Marriage
• Oath of allegiance/loyalty
• Ordination
• The National Anthem binds all
• The loyalty pledge
• Employment contract
Qn 9. Discuss the circumstances that led God to enter into a covenant re-
lationship with Abraham
To seal the promises given unto Abraham e.g. a great nation, son, many
It was an assurance of the fulfillment of God’s promises to Abraham.
It was to unite God and the Israelites.
It was to be a source of blessings to all.
A starting point for the salvation of mankind, whereby he would renew
the relationship between
himself and man after the separation by the 1st parents.
Qn a. What are the qualities of Moses as a leader?
Education: he received education while in the pharaoh’s palace where
he grew up.
Jewish religion knowledge: his own mother who was his maid taught
him the history of Israel.
He learned leadership skills from the King as he grew up.
Shepherd: herding the father-in-law’s herds made him gain experience
of shepherding people.
Life in the wilderness where he lived after killing an Egyptian gave him
experience in desert life
through where he would lead the Israelites.
Father/parent: his marriage to Zipporah helped him learn family leader-
ship. Later he applied this to
his work.
Prophet: Enabled him to foresee the future and inform the community.
Miracle-maker: helped him solve problem facing his people in the
wilderness e.g. lack of food, water.
Lawgiver: gave laws that were used to govern the community of Israel
i.e. the Ten Commandments.
Hard work: worked for his father-in-law serving the family e.g. fetching
water. Later he was able to
serve the Jews.
Qn b (i) Describe the call of Moses: Exodus 3: 1 – 22
God called Moses as he herded his father-in-law’s flock at Mt Sinai.
Moses saw a burning bush, which was not consumed. He drew nearer to
get a better look.
God called Moses by name from the middle of the burning bush and
told him to remove his shoes
because he was standing on holy ground.
God told Moses that he had seen the suffering of his people in Egypt
and heard their cry.
He told Moses that he had chosen him to go to Pharaoh and release
them from bondage.
Moses objected to the task because he felt inadequate.
God promised to be with Moses and to protect him.
Moses asked for the name of God so that he would have a point of refer-
ence when asked who sent
Aaron was a weak leader who failed to lead the people to uphold the
covenant. He yielded to their
demands to make and worship idols.
Availability of gold jewellery: used to make the calf image.
Idolatry was a practice done while in Egypt so they copied/continued
with it.
They were used to God’s (idols). They could see while in Egypt unlike
the Yahweh who was invisible.
Qn f. How was the broken covenant renewed?
Moses pleaded to God not to destroy the Israelites.
God spared them.
God commanded the Israelites to cut two stone tablets where he would
rewrite the commandments.
God gave conditions to be fulfilled by the Israelites in the renewal of the
These were:
a) To obey God’s command.
b) Not to make treaties with other nations.
c) To tear down the altars of the gods of other nations and temples.
d) Not to worship idols.
e) Not to make images to represent God.
f) Not to marry foreign wives.
g) To keep and celebrate the three festivals namely, Passover, feast of
weeks and the feast of in
h) To keep the Sabbath day holy.
i) Dedicate to God 1st born male children and animals.
God promised that if they obeyed Him, He would:
a) Protect and preserve them
b) Bless them
c) Make them prosper
After this Moses was ordered by God to write a new set of Laws on the
stone tablets.
Thus the covenant was renewed.
Qn g. Describe how the Israelites worshipped God in the wilderness
Worship is the practice of showing respect and love for God.
The Israelites showed their respect and love for God in the wilderness in
the following ways: -
1) The Ark and the Tabernacle: The Ark was a wooden box where the
Ten Commandments were kept.
They signified the presence of God. The tabernacle was a portable tent for
meeting between God and
the Israelites.
2) The Sabbath: They observed the Sabbath as a sacred day for resting
and worshipping God.
3) Festivals: Celebrated many festivals as one way of worshipping God.
E.g. Passover.
4) Altars – built them when there was need to worship God – meeting
place between God and the
people and sacrifice to God.
5) Observance of the Ten Commandments. These guided them on how to
live with God and man.
6) Religious leaders: God chose priest from the tribe of Levi to organize
Qn h. What is the relevance of the Ten Commandments to Christian to-
Christians learn that God is a jealous God. They avoid holding other
things in their lives strong in the
place of God.
He allowed the wives to worship their gods (idols) thus leading to
spread of idolatry in Israel.
He not only worshipped the gods of his wives but also built temple for
their worship.
He, by worshipping the gods became a bad example to Israel, as King.
They copied him.
Although he built God’s temple, he erred in many ways:
i. He built his palace for 13 years but took only 7 years to build God’s
temple. Shows he loved himself
more the God.
ii. He used foreign designs and materials in the construction of the temple,
ignoring God’s specifications
on how to build it.
iii. He liaised pagan craftsmen from Tyre to design, decorate and furnish
the temple.
He broke the sixth commandment by killing his half brother, Adonijah.
He suspected that Adonijah
would become his rival to the throne.
He spent a lot of Israel’s money on his lavish lifestyle. He had a large
army and servants.
He overtaxed the people to meet the amount.
He used forced labour in his development projects.
He enslaved young men and women who went to work in the palace as
servants for the wives.
He practiced nepotism. He exempted them from forced labour.
He sold part of Israel – sold 20 towns of Galilee to King of Tyre as pay-
ment of a debt he could not pay
contrary to God’s command.
He made treaties with other nations that were against the condition set
during the renewal of the
Sinai covenant.
In the above ways, he oppressed the people of God.
Qn e. Which leadership qualities can modern leaders learn from David?
Justice: A good leader is one who does not favour some people like
David (I Sam 24: 1 – 12).
Courage: David showed this while fighting Goliath. Leaders need to be
brave and courageous in their
work (I Sam 17:41 – 54).
Fear of God and Faith: David consulted God before any undertaking.
Leaders should do the same.
Gratitude: David was thankful to blessings he received. Leaders should
be happy and grateful to God.
Loyalty: Modern leaders should remain loyal to their office. David was
loyal to God and his people (2
Sam 2:7)
Kindness: Good leaders should show mercy to their people like David
did e.g. he forgave Saul twice (2
Sam 19: 9 – 39).
Humility: Leaders should not hesitate to ask for forgiveness from God
and people. David was humble
and asked for forgiveness any time he went wrong.
Willingness to delegate: Learn to delegate future as David did (2 Sam
20: 23 – 26)
Wisdom: Be wise in choosing legal advisers as David did.
Respect: Leaders should show respect to God and preaches those they
serve as David did to the
prophets and his people.
Qn a. Qualities of Elijah that led to his achievements
• Elijah was fearless and courageous. His courage helped him to face king
Ahab and queen Jezebel and
condemn them for their wickedness such as corruption and idolatry
• He was faithful to God. Yahweh guided him in his dealings with Baal
prophets and king Ahab.
• He lived a simple life. For example, he wore simple clothing made of
carmel’s skin.
• He stood for the covenant at a time when the religion of Yahweh was in
• He had the power of God in him and was able to control rain.
• He confirmed that Yahweh had authority over land and over the people.
b) Schism is sharp religious, social, political differences within a group or
Syncretism is the process of mixing religious beliefs and practices
c) Some characteristics of Elijah that a modern Christian should strive to
1) Courage
2) Faithfulness
3) Zealousness for God
4) Concern for the needy / poor
5) Provision of social justice
6) Patience
Qn d. What were the effects of idolatry in Israel?
Syncretism developed where the Israelites worshipped Yahweh along-
side the gods of Canaan.
The Israelites started calling Yahweh by the names used for Canaanites
gods e.g. El.
The Israelites started naming their children after Canaanite gods like
Elijah asked the King to invite the 400 prophets of Asherah and Baal’s
450, saw that they could prove
who the true God is.
Elijah would sacrifice a bull and the false prophets would too sacrifice
their own to call on their Gods
to send fire. The one who could send is the true God.
The prophets of Baal were the 1st to pray to their god but he never sent
The prophets cut themselves with knives to please their god but he
never sent it.
Elijah then prepared the altar with 12 pillars representing the 12 tribes
of Israel.
He dug a trench around the altar, placed wood and put the cut bull on
top of the wood.
He ordered for water to be poured around the trenches until it flooded.
Then in the evening Elijah prayed and called upon the God of Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob to send fire.
Fire came and consumed the whole sacrifice, including the water in the
As a result, the Israelites bowed down and declared that Yahweh was
the true God.
Then Elijah ordered the killing of all the prophets of Baal and the
prophetesses of Asherah.
Elijah went to the top of the Mt Carmel and prayed for rain. Yahweh
sent His servant to watch for the
sign of rain from the sea.
The servant looked towards the sea seven times after, which he saw a
small cloud forming.
Then heavy rain fell, signaling end of drought.
Qn f. Describe Elijah’s fight against corruption – 1 Kings 21
From the Mt Carmel incident, they learn that Yahweh controls the
forces of nature – can bring rain or
stop it.
Yahweh is the only true and living God – Mt Carmel.
Yahweh is forgiving – pardoned those who repented on Mt Carmel.
Yahweh is a jealous God. He will not share honor with any God – killed
the 450 prophets worshipping
A prosecutor – protected Elijah.
A provider – provided Elijah with food.
Yahweh answers prayers. He is faithful.
They also learn that church leaders should condemn evil like Elijah did
in the case of Ahab and
Christians should work to protect the poor from exploitation.
They should be prayerful so that God can help them overcome difficul-
ties like Elijah.
They should strive to lead lives free from corruption.
They should remain faithful even if it means costing their lives to
Leaders should realize authority comes from God and are accountable
to Him.
They should avoid idolatry, which Elijah condemned.
Perform tasks given by God however had they may be as Elijah did –
facing Ahab, killing the 450 false
prophets etc.
Finally, they should invite sinners to repeat and bring them back to God.
Question a: Explain African beliefs about God (or qualities)
African beliefs about their God are found in their proverbs, myths,
songs, prayers, narratives and
religious ceremonies.
God was believed to be a supreme being who was beyond human under-
The African communities believed that God was all-powerful – omnipo-
They believed that God’s power is expressed in natural occurrences
such as thunder, earthquake
floods and volcanic eruptions.
God is believed to be all-knowing omniscient.
He is limitless and knows hears and sees everything.
He is also omnipresent – meaning he is everywhere at all times.
Transcendent – beyond human understanding. Because of the transcen-
dent nature, Africans found it
impossible to represent him using physical representations. They viewed
him as being far yet too near
He was seen as the provider and sustainer of creation.
They believed that God is everlasting. He has no beginning or end.
God is merciful.
They believed he is incorruptible.
African communities associated God with justice.
Physical features were often seen as a representation of awesome power
of God. This is why large
mountains, thick forest, unique rock formation were used as shrines.
African viewed God to be mysterious.
Qb. Describe the African understanding of the Hierarchy of Beings
Hierarchy of Beings
Human Beings
Animals and Plants
Non-living Things
God as the creator occupies the highest rank in the hierarchy of being –
The Divinities: Came next and control natural forces in the universe,
created by God.
The Common Spirits: Comprise spirits of people who died long time
Ancestors: (living dead): Spirits of those who died recently and are still
remembered by the living.
Human Beings: Consist of the living and the unborn.
Animals and Plants: Come next – for man’s use as food and sacrifice to
Last (7th) are Non-living things: Such as mountains, rocks, rivers,
caves, dwelling places of God and
Qc. Describe the Role of the ancestors to the living
The ancestors acted as intermediaries between God and human beings.
They communicated the problems and wishes of human beings to God.
God and the spirits used the ancestors to express their wishes concern-
ing human beings.
The ancestors welcomed those who died to the spirit world.
They helped to preserve the culture and standards of a community.
The ancestors blessed the living and corrected them through punish-
Qd. What was the responsibility of the living towards God?
To show gratitude to God and give thanks to him as an acknowledge-
ment that He is the giver of life.
To honor, worship and adore God by praying to Him for their needs.
To pray to Him during or before a war, before planting, etc.
To obey and trust Him.
To take care of God’s creation
To teach children about God.
Appease him through sacrifice.
Qe. Describe the Traditional African ways of worshipping God
Sacrifice: They were used to ask God’s favour, thanksgiving, to avert
evil and ask for forgiveness,
before planting and after harvest, epidemics, birth, naming, invitation,
weddings, funerals etc for
different reasons.
Offerings: Foodstuffs e.g. grain, honey, beer, milk was offered in recog-
nition of God as owner of
property and provider.
Prayers and invocations: Commonest act of worship. A continuation ac-
tivity done anytime as the
need arises.
Song and dance: People were involved both physically and spiritually.
This brought the city together.
Blessings and Salutations: Expressed in greetings and farewells e.g. “Go
with God”, God be with you”.
Qf. What were the African ways of venerating and communicating with
the spirits and ancestors?
Venerating means showing respect to somebody.
It provided a peaceful way of settling disputes with the elders acting as
It ensured fairness and transparency in sharing out inheritance.
The kinship system united the members of a family and clan by giving
them a sense of belonging.
It helped people to establish new relationship, especially through mar-
Kinship ties regulated marital customs rules and regulations. People
who were related in any way
could not be allowed to marry.
Qb. Outline and explain factors contributing to harmony and mutual re-
sponsibility in the Traditional
African Society
Good morals: Every member of the community was expected to do the
right thing according to the
norms of the community.
Participation in communal activities: Means of the community were ex-
pected to participate in
communal activities e.g. wrestling, dances and communal work.
Sharing: People shared ideas and even property, which created harmony
among the people.
Division of labour: Tasks were distributed according to one’s age; gen-
der to avoid conflicts in roles.
Rules: In Traditional African Communities, elders, men youth, and
women had their respective roles
to play that enhanced harmony in the community.
Virtues: Virtues like generosity, obedience, kindness and honesty were
encouraged since they
contributed towards harmonious living.
Religious beliefs and practices: A common belief in God, the spirits and
ancestors created a sense of
Qc. What was the purpose of bride wealth in the Traditional African Soci-
It was a way of thanking the bride’s family for taking good care of her.
It was a form of compensation to the bride’s parents because the woman
would now belong to
another family.
It was a sign of contract that the man would marry the girl and they
would live together until death.
It represented evidence of the groom’s ability to take care of a wife and
a family.
It was a sign of generosity on the side of the man.
It initiated a long-lasting friendship between the families of the groom
and the bride.
It cemented a marriage.
It was a symbol of the marriage covenant between the bride and the
Bride wealth served as an outward seal of the marriage contract.
Qd. Explain the role of medicine-men in the African Communities and
their relevant today
1) Medicine men
They are also referred to as healers, herbalists or traditional doctors.
They identified illness and their causes.
They identified appropriate treatment and prevention measures for the
They averted the effects of a curse.
They offered sacrifices and prayers to God and the ancestors.
They prepared charms for protection against witchcraft and evil spirits.
Isaiah also prophesied that the Messiah would be the suffering servant
(Isaiah 53)
He would bear the sins of human kind
He was oppressed, afflicted, despised, rejected of men
He bore suffering and disgrace submissively
He was mocked and spat on and wounded
He was innocent of sin and yet treated as a criminal.
He was pierced and wounded in the sides
He was crucified with thieves and made intercession for the sinners
He was buried in a rich man’s tomb.
God promised to rise up a (branch) who shall:
Choose as King, a righteous descendant of David
Rule wisely, do what is right, and just in the world
Execute justice on the earth
Ensure that Judah and Israel are safe and live in peace.
Be called ‘the God our righteousness” – “The Lord our salvation’
What does the term a ‘righteous branch ‘means?
iv. MICAH’S PROPHESY, (MICAH 5: 1 – 5).
Micah prophesied that:
The Messianic King shall come from Bethlehem
He shall lead with authority
He will bring peace
v. THE PSALMIST PROPHECY (Psalm 41:9 and 110:1 –2).
David spoke of
Betrayal by a close friend
Messiah is referred to as ‘ the Lord’
The messiah shall rule/reign in the midst of enemies.
Nathan, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Psalmist prophecy (David) and Micah prophe-
sied of a Messiah to come. The
Jews expected a Messiah who would be a political leader, a victorious
ruler and a King. They expected a
Who would lead his people into a time of great national power and pros-
In whose reign, there shall be no illness, no sorrow, no injustice,
In whose reign, there shall be no fear
In whose reign, land shall be filled with joy and peace
Who shall rule forever.
Revision questions
1) Describe the prophecy of Jeremiah concerning the Messiah
2) What does the term Messiah mean?
3) Highlight the Jewish expectations of the Messiah in the Old Testa-
4) Did Jesus Christ fulfill the O.T. prophecies concerning the Messiah?
5) Which prophets in the Old Testament prophesied about the expected
Learning Outcomes. By the end of this lesson, you should be able to ex-
plain the concept of the Messiah
in the New Testament
The concept of messiah is found in Luke 1:26 – 38; 2:1-23; 23:1 – 35;
24:50 – 51. The writer of Luke’s
Gospel makes it clear that Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies
concerning the coming of the
Messiah. How did He do this? Well Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament
prophecies because;
Jesus was born from the lineage of David (Mathew 1)
Angle Gabriel said the child to be born shall rule forever (Luke 1:32)
Nathan’s prophecy
Jesus was born of Mary a Virgin, as pre told by Isaiah 7:14
Messiah is called Emmanuel, Isaiah’s prophecy. Mathew 1:18 – 25
Jesus was born in Bethlehem – Micah’s prophecy
The Messiah would be a ‘Son of David’ – Nathan, and Jeremiah proph-
esies. Jesus was referred to as a
‘Son of David’ (Luke 18:38)
Jesus would bring salvation said by Simeon during dedication of Jesus.
Luke 2:29 – 32. This was a
fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy.
Jesus referred to himself as the Messiah by reading the scroll. Isaiah
61:1 – 2. and Luke 4: 18 – 19
Isaiah prophesied that the Messiah would perform miracles. Jesus per-
formed many miracles.
The prophecy of the suffering servant (Isaiah 53) was fulfilled through
the passion, death and
crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
We see Jesus betrayed by one of his disciples – friend, fulfilling the
Psalmist prophecy.
Note that the Jews in the New Testament expected a messiah who would
deliver them from the rule of
the Romans. Jews expected Jesus to be a political leader or king. How-
ever, Peter called him ‘the Christ of
God’ (Luke 9:20). Matthew called him King of the Jews in chapter (2
verse 2). Hence, Jesus came as a
Spiritual Leader and King, and not as a political Leader / King.
Self-Assessment Questions
1. What does the name Emmanuel mean?
2. Explain the concept of the Messiah in the New Testament?
The parents of John the Baptist were Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth.
Zechariah’s name meant ‘God has
remembered’. Elizabeth’s name meant ‘God has sworn’.
Learning outcome. By the end of this lesson, you should be able to de-
scribe the annunciation of the
birth of John the Baptist and Jesus.
John the Baptist
1. The Annunciation – Read – Luke 1:5 – 25.
Zechariah was a priest. He and his wife Elizabeth were old, good and
righteous people of God. But they
did not have a child. They were barren. But God gave them a child, John
the Baptist. His birth was
announced to his father, Zechariah, when he was in the temple offering
incense. An Angel appeared to
Zechariah and told him that his prayers had been heard. His wife Eliza-
beth will bear a son. The angel said
the child would be called John, which means that ‘God is gracious’. The
Will be set aside to serve God.
Will be filled with the Holy Spirit
As an adult, John
Will be a Nazarite. He should neither cut his hair nor drink wine.
Shall turn many hearts of people to the Lord their God.
Shall also turn the hearts of the fathers to their children
Zachariah expressed unbelief to these words. Angel Gabriel told him that
he shall be dumb until the
fulfillment of the God’s words.
The Birth, Circumcision and Naming Of John the Baptist
Elizabeth brought forth a son. This brought great joy to her and
Zachariah. The cousins, and neighbours
of Elizabeth wanted the Child to be named Zechariah after the father. But
Elizabeth insisted on the
name John. When Zechariah was asked to name the child, he wrote down
the name John. On the 8th
day, the child was named John as the angel had said. John was circum-
cised on the 8th day according to
the Jewish traditions.
After naming his Child John, the mouth of Zechariah opened immediately
and he started to speak. He
sung a song – referred to as Benedictus in Luke 1:67 – 79. As he sung the
Benedictus, Zechariah
prophesied that God has:
Raised up a horn of salvation on the house of David
Remembered his covenant with Abraham
Zechariah said this about his Child John:
He shall be the prophet of the most high
The child/John shall prepare the way of the lord by
(i) Calling men to forgiveness
(ii) Showing men the light of salvation
(iii) Guiding people into peace.
The role of John the Baptist is found in Isaiah 40: 3 – 5, Malachi 3:1, 4:5
– 6, and
Luke 7: 20 – 35.
Learning Outcomes. By the end of this lesson, you should be able to de-
scribe the role of John the Baptist
in the Gospel.
John the Baptist had an important role to play according to the Angel who
announced his coming birth.
His role was to: .
Be a Prophet with qualities of Elijah (see Malachi 3:1, 4:5)
Announce the good news to come just like Elijah did.
Be the link between the Old Testament and New Testament
Prepare the way for the Lord.
Announce the coming of God’s reign that was near.
Preach a baptism of repentance
Baptize with water
Introduce people, and his disciples to the Messiah – Jesus Christ.
Fulfil the Prophecy of Elijah that a messenger was sent before the com-
ing of the Messiah. John the
Baptist was likened to Elijah.
Topic review questions
1. Outline the qualities of John as described by angel Gabriel to Zechariah
2. Why was John referred to as the second Elijah?
3. What lessons do Christians learn from annunciation of the birth of John
the Baptist?
4.describe the birth of John the Baptist
1:26 – 38
Learning Outcomes. By the end of this lesson, you should:
a. Explain events leading to the birth of Jesus
b. Describe the meeting between Mary and Elizabeth
c. Describe the birth of Jesus
d. Explain the dedication of JESUS
Through the magnificent, Mary, expresses her joy, gratitude and favour
given to her and the world.
c. The birth of Jesus Christ. Luke.2: 1 – 20
The birth of Jesus took place in Bethlehem, in Judea, during the reign of
Augustus Caesar, a Roman
Emperor. During that time, Rome was conducting a census of the people /
citizens for the purpose of
collecting taxes. The census was ordered by the emperor to determine
payment of taxes. The method
that Rome was using was counting. Joseph, of the house of David went to
his hometown, called
Bethlehem; for the census. Jesus was born during this time. He was
wrapped in swaddling clothes and
laid in a manger because there was no accommodation in Bethlehem.
The first people to receive the news that a Savior was born were the shep-
herds. An angel announced
the birth of the Savior, Christ the lord, to the shepherds. The shepherds
went to Bethlehem and saw the
child Jesus. They spread the word concerning what had been told them
about the child.
How was the annunciation of the birth of Jesus extraordinary?
d. The dedication of JESUS – LUKE.2: 22 – 38
Like John the Baptist, Jesus was circumcised, and named on the 8th day.
He was named Jesus which
means ‘the savior’ or Yahweh or save’s. Mary and Joseph observed the
Jewish customs according to the
Law of Moses. For her purification and dedication of the child Jesus,
Mary brought a pair of turtledoves
as an offering. The fist born males were dedicated to God as Holy.
Simeon took the child up in his arms
Third Temptation. The Devil led Jesus to Jerusalem and had Him stand on
the highest point of the
temple. He told Jesus to throw Himself down if He was the Son of God
for it is written that the Lord will
command angels to guard him (Psalm 91:11 – 12). Jesus replied and said
it is written, do not put the
Lord your God to the test. Satan wanted Jesus to presume on God’s good
care by jumping from the roof
of the temple.
What can we learn from this temptation? Jesus will not force belief in His
Messiah ship through a
spectacular sign.
Notice that the temptations came after Jesus’ Baptism, where he had
solemnly accepted the opening of
his public ministry and God confirmed it. Therefore the temptations were
a testing of his loyalty to God’s
chosen way of life.
b. Relevance of Jesus temptations to Christians
Jesus, though without sin was tempted. His followers must expect to be
tested in their faith. Christians
learn that it is not sinful to be tempted. Since Jesus was tempted, he un-
derstands Christian’s difficulties
when they are tempted. Jesus is always ready to help Christians to cope
with temptations.
Why do you think Christians are tempted?
Through temptations and trials, Christian’s faith in God is strengthened.
Christians learn to refer to the
Bible for guidance when tempted. Jesus said that it is written… in refer-
ence to scripture. Christians
should seek the Holy Spirit to give them strength to fight any form of tri-
als and temptations.
Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit went to the wilderness and was tempted by
the devil……………” In
temptation, God does provide a way out. Thus followers of Jesus Christ
(Christians) should not be
seekers of spectacular signs.
Learning Outcomes. By the end of the lesson, you should
a. Describe rejection of Jesus at Nazareth
b. Suggest possible reasons for rejection
a. Rejection of Jesus at Nazareth (Luke 4:14 – 30).
After the temptation, Jesus went to Galilee, His home district to begin his
ministry. As a faithful Israelite,
Jesus attended service in the synagogue every Sabbath day. During that
time, it was customary for
visiting Rabbis (Teachers of the law) to be given the honor of reading
from the law or to address the
congregation. When Jesus was given this opportunity, He opened the
scroll and read from Isaiah 61: 1 –
3 …’The Sovereign Lord has filled me with his spirit. He has chosen me
and sent me.’ Luke writes in 4 v
18 “ The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has chosen me to bring
good news to the poor”. On
completion of the reading, Jesus told them that today this scripture has
been fulfilled in their hearing.
From this reading Jesus referred to himself as the Messiah. The people of
Nazareth in indignation
wanted to kill Jesus by throwing him over a cliff.
After his rejection in Nazareth and an attempt to throw him down a hill,
Jesus went on to Capernaum.
Here he cast out demons (Luke 4: 40 – 41). He was teaching people. He
performed many miracles of
healing. For example:
i. Healing a man possessed by an evil spirit. A man was possessed by an
unclean demon/spirit. He was in
the synagogue. When he saw Jesus, the evil spirit shouted, “Ah! What do
you want with us, Jesus of
Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are, the Holy
one of God” (Luke 4:34). Jesus
replied, “Be silent and come out of him.” The Demon threw the man
down and came out without doing
any harm. The man was made whole.
ii. Jesus heals Simon’s mother – in law. After Jesus left the synagogue, he
went to the house of Simon
Peter’s mother in law. She had a fever, Jesus commanded the fever to
leave and she was made whole
Which lessons do Christians learn from the healings at Capernaum
There are many lessons. These are that
1) Jesus is the son of God
2) Jesus came to establish the Kingdom of God and destroy the kingdom
of Satan.
3) Jesus has power over evil spirits / demons.
4) Jesus came to save human beings from the slavery of sin
5) God cares for his people.
Luke 5: 1 – 11
opposition from the Pharisees, Sadducees and Scribes. These were Jewish
religious leaders.
a. Opposition by Pharisees and Sadducees. Luke 5:12- 6:11
Why did Jewish religious leaders; the Pharisees? Scribes? Sadducees op-
pose Jesus? There were many
reasons for Jewish opposition to Jesus. These were:
1) Jesus was becoming more famous than the religious leaders
2) His claim to forgive sins. This was reserved only for God.
3) His association with tax collectors / publicans and sinners. For exam-
ple, Jesus ate with Levi.
4) His failure to observe the law of fasting. Jesus disciples did not fast like
the disciples of the Pharisees
and John the Baptist.
5) Doing what religious leaders regarded as unlawful things on the Sab-
bath day. For example,
a. Eating on Sabbath with unwashed hands (disciples),
b. Plucking corn on the Sabbath day
c. Working. Jesus healed on the Sabbath day. This was considered as
work, which was unlawful. Jesus
healed a man with a paralyzed hand on the Sabbath day.
d. Touching the unclean. Jesus reached out his hand and touched a leper
and healed him. Religious
leaders were not allowed to touch the unclean lepers.
e. Associating with tax collectors who were regarded as sinners because
they were corrupt. They
collected more tax than the required amount. Jesus was supposed not to
associate with them or support
them in any way.
Who were the Pharisees? These were
Referred to as the ‘separated ones’
The word Scribe means ‘a writer. The work of a scribe was to rewrite by
hand – new manuscripts of the
Jewish scriptures. The copied the word exactly as it was. The scribes were
either Pharisees or Sadducees.
At the time of Jesus, majority of the Scribes were associated with the
Pharisees. A scribe was also a
‘Rabbi’ – teacher. Some scribes managed schools called ‘Rabbinical
Schools’. In these schools, Jewish
male youth learnt the Mosaic Law from the age of 13 years. Scribes were
represented in the Jewish
religious council called the Sanhedrin. Sanhedrin was the Jewish Court of
Justice, which tried those who
committed religious sins.
Who were the Sadducees?
Sadducees were the wealthy people. They were an influential group.
These were the majority in the
Sanhedrin, the Jewish Court of Justice. The poor hated them. They were
also members of the Jerusalem
priesthood. The chief priests were mainly drawn from the Sadducees.
They believed in the divine
authority of the Law of Moses and the Pentateuch’s first five Books of the
bible. They believed that
Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible. They regarded all the other
books in the Old Testament as
not divinely inspired. Hence they rejected them. They rejected and did not
believe in (a) The
resurrection of the dead (b) Last judgment (c) Coming of the Messiah (d)
Angels and demons and (e) the
oral traditions of the Pharisees. They were enemies of the Pharisees par-
ticularly because of religious
matters. However, they joined with the Pharisees and Scribes to oppose
Jesus Christ.
In the previous section, we learnt that Jesus chose His apostles. He came
down the hill and stood on a
level place. He gave a sermon to those present. This address is referred to
as the sermon on the plain in
Luke’s Gospel.
The people had come to hear Jesus’ word to receive healing and for Jesus
to exercise unclean spirits
from them. In the sermon, Jesus talked of the characteristics of the new
community. All those who
would listen to His word would be the “New Israel”.
Learning Outcomes. By the end of the lesson, you should be able to
(a) Name the12 disciples
(b) Summarize the teachings of Jesus on true discipleship
© Analyse the teachings of Jesus on the plain (sermon on the plain)
Selection of 12 disciples (Luke. 6:12 – 16)
Jesus went into a mountain to pray. In the morning, he called his disci-
ples. From them, he selected 12
disciples, whom he also called apostles. Apostle means one who is sent, a
missionary. The 12 disciples
were: (1) Simon Peter (2) Andrew (3) James (4) John (5) Phillip (6)
Bartholomew (7) Mathew (Levi) (8)
Thomas (9) James son of Alphaeus (10) Simon who was called the Patriot
(11) Judas son of James and
(12) Judas Iscariot who became the traitor (Luke vs. 14-16)
Jesus teachings’ on true discipleship
(vi) Woe to those who are full for they shall go hungry
(vii) Woe to those who laugh now for they shall mourn and weep
(viii) Woe to those whom people speak well, for ancestors said the same
about the false prophets.
Those who accept to be followers of Christ are promised blessings while
those who reject Christ are to
suffer in future.
2. Love your enemies. Luke. 6: 27 – 36.
Love is often defined as a warm feeling / affection towards somebody or
something. Jesus taught his
followers to love their enemies and do well to those who hate you. Bless
those who curse you. Pray for
those who mistreat you. Do unto men as you expect them to do unto you.
Lend also to your enemies.
Love your enemies and do good to them. Lend and expect nothing back.
Be merciful.
From these teachings: true discipleship of Jesus Christ:
a) Entails unconditional love even for enemies
b) Doing good without expecting any returns
c) Praying for those who mistreat us
d) Showing love to our enemies by exhibiting God’s love in us.
e) Is love; because those who love are children of the most high who is
kind and merciful to the sinners.
(3) Judging others Luke. 6: 37– 42
Jesus taught his followers not to judge others lest they are also judged.
They should not condemn others
lest they are also condemned. He asked disciples to forgive others and
they shall also be forgiven. True
discipleship requires acknowledging one’s shortcomings and avoiding
criticism of others.
our nation and has built our synagogue’ (Luke 7:5). Jesus agreed and went
with the elders. But before
Jesus reached the centurion’s house, the centurion sent his friends to stop
him from coming to his
house. He said that he was not worthy to have Jesus under his roof. He
said that he was a man of
authority. Hence Jesus could give an order and the servant would be
healed. On hearing this, Jesus
declared to the crowd ‘ I tell you, I have not found such great faith even in
Israel’. When the men
returned, they found the servant well.
Lessons Christians can learn from the healing of the centurion servant.
1. Faith in God is important for healing to occur
2. We should confess our faith in Jesus. The centurion declared his faith
in Jesus by saying he believed
that Jesus could heal his servant by his word.
3. Christians should have compassion like Jesus. He took compassion on
the servant and was ready to go
and heal him.
4. Salvation was not for Jews alone, but for all who believed in Jesus.
Centurion was not a Jew but a
gentile officer in the Roman army. But he had faith in Jesus healing.
5. Christians should love each other regardless of their background or so-
cial status – the centurion loved
his servant dearly.
6. Christians should learn to relate well with all around them – the centu-
rion related well with the
Jewish elders and others.
7. Jesus has power to heal any form of sickness.
ii) The raising of the widows son – Luke 7:11 – 17. A widow is a woman
whose husband is dead. The
widow was of the city of Nain. When Jesus neared the gates of the city, he
saw the funeral procession of
the widow’s son, the only son of his mother. Jesus had compassion on the
widow and told her ‘ weep
not’. Jesus then touched the casket and said ‘young man I say unto you,
arise’. The dead sat up and
began to speak. All the people were filled with fear and glorified God,
saying God has visited his people.
Lessons Christians learn from the raising of the widow’s son
1) Jesus has power over death
2) Jesus empathizes with the suffering
3) Acts of love should not be hindered by traditions – Jesus touched the
casket even though Jewish
traditions forbid it.
4) The Widow of Nain was a gentile. This is a sign that salvation was uni-
5) The crowd acknowledged Jesus’ lordship; Christians should acknowl-
edge the lordship of Jesus.
What are the practices pertaining to the disposal of the dead in your cul-
ture? and community?
iii) Assurance to John the Baptist (Luke 7:20 – 30).
A question arose whether Jesus Christ was the Messiah. John the Baptist
wanted to assure his disciples
that Christ; was the expected messiah: and not him (John the Baptist). He
sent his disciples to Jesus to
ask “if you are the one he said was going to come, or if we should expect
someone else?” (Vs. 20). Jesus
told the disciples of John to go back and tell John of the miracles works
they saw and heard. Jesus then
gave a testimony of John the Baptist as a prophet, whose life and missions
is beyond that of ordinary
prophets. Jesus testified that John the Baptist; was the forerunner or mes-
senger of Jesus Christ: as the
prophets in the Old Testament had written. The Pharisees and the publi-
cans (teaches of the law)
however rejected the testimony about John the Baptist. They had refused
to be baptized by John. Those
baptized by John the Baptist, the tax collectors acknowledged the testi-
mony of Jesus. Jesus rebuked the
Pharisees and teachers of law for their hypocrisy.
In what ways were the Pharisees and teaches of law hypocritical?
iv) The forgiveness of the sinful woman (Luke 7: 36 – 50)
Jesus was invited by one of the Pharisees called Simon to his house to
dine with him. In that city, there
was a sinful woman. She went to the house of Simon when she learnt that
Jesus was in the Pharisees
house. She brought with her an alabaster jar full of perfume. She stood be-
hind Jesus. She was weeping
and washing his feet with her fears. She then wiped the tears from the feet
of Jesus with her hair, kissed
his feet, and anointed them with oil (an alabaster box of ointment). When
Simon, the host saw this he
said within himself, ‘if this man was a prophet, he would know who this
woman is who is touching him”
a sinful woman. Jesus told Simon a parable of a man who forgave two
people that owed him money –
one 500, the other 50. Jesus asked which of the two debtors would love
him most. Simon said the one
that was forgiven much, Jesus then told Simon that when he came to his
house, Simon did not give him
water for his feet; neither did he welcome Jesus with a kiss; nor provide
him with olive oil. But the
woman washed his feet with her tears, and wiped them with her hair. She
also kissed his feet. Jesus told
the people that her sins, being many are forgiven for she loved much. Je-
sus turned to the woman and
told her ‘thy sins are forgiven’. ‘Thy faith has saved thee, go in peace’.
The people who were eating with
Jesus murmured. Who was Jesus? He forgives sins.
Lessons from the forgiveness of the sinful woman
1. The Jews believed that by associating with sinners, one becomes virtu-
ally defiled. Jesus however
allowed the sinful woman to touch him.
2. By her actions, the woman acknowledged that she was a sinner, and re-
pented. This was in contrast to
the Pharisees who were self-righteous and therefore did not repent.
3. The Woman’s great love for Jesus led to her being forgiven of her sins.
4. Christians need to accept their sinful nature and seek forgiveness from
5. Faith in Jesus is necessary.
Summary. Jesus is accepted women to be his followers unlike the Jewish
customs which viewed women
as lesser than men. Other women that played a key role in the ministry of
Jesus include Mary
Magdalene, Joann Joanna and Susanna among many others.
Lesson Revision questions
5) Attract the attention of his audiences so that they could listen and un-
6) Make people understand how they should relate to one another. Read
the parable of the good
7) Teach God’s love to mankind. The parable of the lost sheep, lost coin.
Separate / identify those who were sincere in seeking the kingdom of God
from the onlookers.
9) Challenge the imagination of his hearers since entry to God’s kingdom
was a personal decision.
10) Make an indirect attack on his opponents like the Pharisees, the
scribes and the Sadducees.
11) Teach his disciples that they should be persistent and never be dis-
12) Make his teachings interesting and easy to understand.
1. The parable of the sower Lk 8:4 – 15
Jesus told this parable to the crowd that followed him. He said that a
farmer went out to sow corn. He
scattered seeds in the field. As he did so, some of them fell on the path,
and they were trampled on and
eaten by birds. Other seeds fell on the rock ground. When they germi-
nated, they withered because they
lacked moisture. Some seed fell among thorns bushes. They grew with
bushes, which choked them as
they grew. Some other seeds fell on fertile soil. They grew up in fertile
soil and their yield was100 seed
for each seed sown.
Meaning or interpretation of the parable
Jesus gave the meaning of the parable to his disciples. He said that the
seed is the word of God.
i. Seed that fell on the path represents people who hear the word of God,
and then the devil comes and
takes away the word from their hearts so that they do not believe. Such
listeners are like the seeds that
fell on the path. They hear the word but soon after the devil takes away
the message to stop them from
believing and being saved.
ii. Seed that fell on the rocky ground are people who receive the word
with joy but it does not stay with
them. They believe for a while but when faced with trials and temptations
they stop believing and fall
iii. Seed that fell on the thorny bushes stands for people who receive the
word. However, they fail to
follow their beliefs because of interference by life’s worries, riches and
pressures of the world. They fail
to mature as believers.
iv. Seed that fell on the good soil are those people with a noble and good
heart. They hear the word, and
retain it in their hearts. Such people persevere and produce good harvest.
v. Interpretation. The different types of soil in this parable refer to differ-
ent kinds of Hearts of people.
The farmer is Jesus, God or Preacher. We learn that:
One should not despair and
It’s important to receive the word of God, practice it and persevere so as
to bear fruits.
2. The parable of a lamp under a bowl (Lk.8: 16 – 18). Jesus taught that
no one lights a lamp, then covers
it with a bowl or hide it under a bed. When one lights a lamp, they put it
on the lamp stand so as to
illuminate a room and for people to see the light. For whatever is hidden
or covered up shall be
revealed. In this parable Jesus is the light. The disciples had a duty to pass
on to others messages they
had learnt from Jesus. They should not keep messages to themselves.
Interpretation. From this parable of a lamp under a bowl, we learn that:
i A Christian has a duty to share the knowledge of God with others
ii One cannot be a Christian if this knowledge is hidden
iii Those who do not share may loose their beliefs.
3. Jesus mother and brothers. Luke 8:19 – 21
The mother of Jesus and brothers came to see him. Someone told Jesus
that they were there. He told
the crowd. “My mother and brothers are those who hear the word of God
and obey “. Accepters and
believers are the members of the family of Jesus.
Lesson Revision Questions
1. Give reasons why Jesus used parables
2. Identify various methods used by Christians in spreading the gospel to-
3. Discuss the reasons why Jesus faced opposition fro the Jewish leaders.
Learning outcomes. By the end of this lesson
a. Organise in categories miracles performed by Jesus
b. Narrate each miracle
c. Discuss the significance of the miracle and lessons to learn
Jesus continued to do miracles; and teach. His work is referred to as the
mighty works of Jesus in various
books. Miracles can be defined as acts of power whose purpose is to es-
tablish the kingdom of God.
Miracles can also mean extraordinary events that go against the laws of
a. Categories / types of miracles
Jesus performed four types of miracles. These were:
1) Nature miracles – miracles that dealt with nature e.g. calming of the
2) Raising of the dead e.g. Jairus daughter
3) Healing miracles – healing Simon’s mother in law of fever, healing of
the woman with the flow of
4) Exorcism miracles – casting out of evil spirits e.g. the Gerasene de-
i) The calming of the storm
One day, Jesus entered a boat with his disciples to go across Lake Galilee.
As they sailed Jesus was
asleep in the ship. Suddenly, there was a strong wind and the boat began
to sink. The disciples woke him
up saying, “ Master, we are about to die”. Jesus woke up and gave an or-
der to the winds and the raging
waters. They obeyed and there was calm. He then said to his disciples
‘where is your faith?’ Disciples
were afraid and amazed and wondered, “Who is this man?” Winds and
waves obey him.
This miracle teaches Christians to have faith and to depend on Jesus when
they face raging temptations
and persecutions. Jesus has power over nature.
ii) Jesus Heals a Man with demons (Lk8: 26 – 39)
Jesus and his disciples sailed to Gerasa town across Lake Galilee. On ar-
rival a man who had demons in
him for a long time met Jesus. He lived naked in tombs, and wilderness.
On seeing Jesus, he cried out,
threw himself down at the feet of Jesus and shouted; “Jesus son of the
Most High God! What do you
want with me?” ” I beseech thee, torment me not’. Jesus had ordered the
demons to go out of him.
Jesus asked him “what is your name?” He replied Legion or Mob. This
was because the man had been
possessed by many demons. The demons begged Jesus not to send them
into the deep but to let them
go into some pigs (swine) that were feeding by. Jesus allowed them and
the devils went out of the man,
into the pigs. The herd ran down the cliff into the lake and drowned. The
herders run to the city and
spread the news. The multitude found the man sitting at the feet of Jesus
clothed, and in his right mind.
The multitude asked Jesus to leave their country region. The healed man
wanted to follow Jesus but
Jesus declined and told him to go and tell others of the great things that
God had done for him. The man
went to town and told all “what Jesus had done for him”.
This miracle teaches Christians that:
1. The mission of Jesus’ was universal.
2. Jesus mission is to teach all the people irrespective of their race, tribe
or geographical location. The
demon man was healed in a Gentile area.
3. Jesus has power over evil
4. Powers of evil (demons) are real
5. Human life is more valuable than man’s material things
6. The demons – evil spirits identified Jesus as the Son of the most High
As Jesus was talking to her, Jairus was told that his little girl was dead.
“Don’t bother the teacher
anymore. Jesus told Jairus not to fear but to believe and she will be well.
When he got to the house he
went into the room with Peter, John and James and the parents of the girl.
People around were weeping
and wailing. But Jesus told them not to weep. She is not dead but asleep.
They scorned and laughed at
him for saying that she is asleep because they knew she was dead. Jesus
took the girl by hand and called
out “Get up, my child” – ‘little girl arise’. She immediately got up and Je-
sus ordered the parent to give
her food. He commanded them not to tell what had happened.
Teachings from these two miracles
The miracle of raising Jairus daughter teaches Christians that Jesus is
compassionate and the author of
life. He has power over death, resurrection and life.
In the miracle of healing the Woman with the flow of blood:
a. Jesus made her healing public. This was probably because He wanted
to acknowledge the woman’s
faith in the public. Jesus made it clear that her faith made her whole.
b. Jesus wanted to challenge the cultural practices that kept women in
bandage and could not
participate in public life.
c. Jesus made her healing public so that the community can receive her
back and shall not isolate her
From this miracle of healing this woman, Christians learn that one; Jesus
is the healer. He has power
over all sicknesses even those without cure. Two, Christians should have
faith in Jesus Christ.
Lesson Revision Questions
1. Narrate the healing of the Gerasene demoniac Lk 8: 26-39
2. What lessons can Christians learn fro the healing of the demoniac man
3. What do the miracles of Jesus teach us about him?
4. Compare the raising of Jairus daughter and the healing of the woman
with the flow of blood
A comparison of the raising of Jairus daughter and the healing of the
woman with flow of blood
(i) Jairus daughter was 12 years old and the woman sick with the flow of
blood had suffered for 12 years.
(ii) Jesus referred to both of them as daughter
(iii) Their situation – death and flow of blood did not have a cure
(iv) The public witnessed the miracle of the woman with the flow of
(v) Jesus commanded Jairus to keep secret raising of his daughter
Lk 9:1 – 10
Introduction. Commission means to officially ask someone to do some-
Learning Outcomes: By the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
a Describe the commissioning of the twelve disciples.
b Explain the story of the feeding of the 5000
c Describe the transfiguration of Jesus
d Explain the teachings of Jesus on faith and humility.
a. The commissioning of the twelve disciples
After reading these verses, about feeding of the five thousand (5000) peo-
ple we learn that
1. Jesus is concerned about people’s physical needs
2. Jesus demonstrated that he is the bread of life
3. Jesus has divine power
4. The Church has the duty of continuing to feed its followers both spiri-
tually and physically.
5. The feeding of the 5000 people points to the Messianic banquet
6. Christians must learn to share whatever they have with one another
7. From this miracle, Jesus expected his disciples to appreciate their re-
sponsibility. Their work was not
only to preach and heal but also feed the hungry. Feeding was both physi-
cal and spiritual.
The personality of Jesus and his identity Lk. 9:18 – 27
When Jesus was alone with his disciples, he asked them who people say
he is. The disciples told him that
some say he is John the Baptist, others say he is Elijah and others say he
is one of the old prophets who
have risen again. Jesus asked them who they, disciples say he is. Peter
replied that he is Christ of God.
Jesus then told them not to tell people who he is for he Son of man has
first to suffer many things be
rejected by the elders chief, priests and scribes, be killed and be raised the
third day. Jesus announced
to the disciples of his passion (great sufferings) Jesus is the Christ
(anointed) of God – Messiah as well as
the son of man. A divine nature and a human nature. Jesus went on ahead
to tell his disciples that they
should deny themselves (self – denial) take up their cross daily and be
ready to lose their lives for Jesus.
Learning Outcomes. By the end of the topic, you should be able to
a Identify duties and privileges and cost of a disciple.
b Describe the teachings of Jesus on prayer, hypocrisy, wealth and watch-
c Describe parables Jesus used to teach about prayer, hypocrisy, wealth
and watchfulness.
Lesson Outcomes. When you read this lesson, you should:
1. Explain discipleship
2. List duties given to disciples by Jesus Christ
3. Explain relevance of Christian discipleship to modern Church
Jesus’ teaching on faith and humility
A brief summary from the Bible. Read (Luke 9: 37 – 50) for details. After
the transfiguration, Jesus used
two incidents to teach his disciples about faith and humility. One incident
was the healing of a boy
possessed by an evil spirit (Luke 9: 37 –43). Jesus rebuked the unclean
spirit out of the boy and the boy
was healed. Jesus told His disciples that their lack of faith was the reason
why they did not cure the boy.
Jesus informed his disciples that faith in him was important when carrying
out his work.
Jesus’ teaching on His Work
The next question was ….. who is to work for Jesus? All Christians can
work for Jesus even believers who
are gentiles. Read (Luke 9 vs. 49 – 50). Jesus told his disciples not to for-
bid others from carrying out his
work for whoever is not against Him is for Him. This means that whoever
had faith; even the Gentiles
could carry out Jesus work.
Jesus’ teaching on His followers
Jesus was determined to go to Jerusalem. As He travelled, men volun-
teered to follow him wherever he
was going. Jesus replied that foxes have holes, birds of the air have nests
but the Son of Man has
nowhere to lay his head. Jesus had no earthly home. His mission on earth
was only for a time. A man
requested to follow Jesus but asked permission to bury his father. Jesus
told him to let the dead bury
their dead. Disciples of Jesus have to leave their families in order to do
His Work.
Mission of the 72 men. Read Luke 10:1 – 24
On the way to Jerusalem, Jesus sent out 72 disciples on a mission to pro-
mote the Gospel of the Kingdom
of God through preaching and service. The 72 disciples were sent in 2s in
order to encourage or help
each other. The 72 were given instructions. Jesus told them that He has
given them power over demons,
serpents, scorpion. They have power over all the powers of Satan. When
disciples returned, they
reported that demons obeyed them. In Luke 10 verse 20, Jesus asked the
72 to rejoice not because
demons flee but because their names are written in heaven. Out of the
many followers, Jesus chose 12
apostles who learnt from Jesus and became His witnesses.
Jesus’ teaching on the greatest disciple
Read (Luke 9: 46- 48). The disciples asked themselves– who is the great-
est amongst disciples amongst
the 12 disciples? In response Jesus took a child by His side and said to the
disciples. Whoever welcomes
this child in my name, welcomes me, as well as the one who sent me. For
the one who is least amongst
you shall be the greatest in Heaven. Lessons from this example. Jesus ex-
plained that His disciples
needed values of humility and simplicity. These virtues were needed to
carry out the work of
Teaching about Discipleship
1. True followers of Jesus Christ must
a. Be ready to detach themselves from families and material possessions.
b. Be ready to face rejections because not all people will accept them or
their message.
c. Be ready to serve.
d. Be ready to cater for people’s physical needs.
e. Be self – less.
f. Not be hypocrites and should accept hospitality whenever it is given.
g. Be able to exercise self-evaluation.
2. Duties of a disciple were:
a) To preach the good news of salvation to other people and be ready to
suffer for the sake of Christ.
b) Obey God’s commandments and follow teachings of Jesus.
c) To help the needy spiritually and with material needs.
d) To teach others about the Kingdom of God.
e) To heal the sick.
f) To cast out demons.
g) Be prepared to suffer for the sake of the gospel.
people among the Jews, Levites and priests, did not help the injured man.
A Samaritan whom Jews
considered unclean and sinners helped him. After narrating this parable
Jesus asked the lawyer, who of
the 3 travelers was a good neighbour? The lawyer said the Samaritan.
Lessons learnt from the parable of the Good Samaritan
In the above parable, Jesus stressed that a follower of Jesus should be:
(1) Committed
(2) Show love of God by loving people in need and their neighbours. A
neighbour is anybody who
requires assistance or help regardless of race, ethnicity, creed, colour or
gender. Jesus wants his
followers to show love and concern to all people regardless of their back-
ground. A neighbour uses
his/her resources selflessly to help the needy. A neighbour is also compas-
sionate, kind, and generous to
the needy.
Jesus Visit to Martha and Mary (Read Luke 10: 38 – 42)
Martha welcomed Jesus in her home where she lived with her sister Mary.
While Martha prepared food,
Mary sat at Jesus’ feet listening to his teaching. Martha complained. She
was doing all the work while
Mary sat listening to Jesus teaching. Jesus told Martha that Mary had
made the right choice to listen to
His teaching.
Lessons we can learn from Jesus Visit to Martha and Mary
1. A committed follower of Jesus is one who creates time to study and lis-
ten to God’s word.
2. A follower of Christ should ensure that their commitment to God is not
overshadowed by daily duties,
and a family divided against itself will fall. Jesus said it is by the power of
God that drives out demons.
Lessons learnt
i. Satan cannot fight against himself therefore Jesus cannot be an agent of
Beelzebub / Satan.
ii. Gods Kingdom and that of Satan were two separate Kingdoms and
could not co exist.
iii. The destruction of Satan’s power meant that the Kingdom of God was
in Israel and it was powerful.
God’s power destroyed Satan’s kingdom. It is impossible to be neutral in
the battle between Christ and
Satan. One has to belong to either Christ or Satan.
iv. Jesus has power to drive out demons.
v. Demons occupy people. They bring disabilities and diseases.
What makes people to be insane? Mentally sick
b. The sign of Jonah. (Read Luke 11: 29 – 32)
After Jesus drove out the dumb spirit, Jews demanded performance of
greater miracles. They wanted
Jesus to prove that he was their expected messiah. Jesus said that Jonah
was a great miracle. But Jesus
was greater miracle than that of Jonah, and King Solomon. King Solomon
was full of wisdom. He was so
great that Queen of Sheba came to listen to his wisdom. Jesus like Jonah
had brought a message of
judgment. Jesus is greater than Jonah or Solomon. If Jews refuse to re-
ceive and listen to Jesus, the
Gentiles like Queen of Sheba, will bear testimony against the Jews and re-
ceive God’s salvation.
c. The light of the body. Read Luke: 11: 33 – 36
Jesus taught that no one lights a lamp and hides it under a bowl. A lamp is
placed where all can see its
light. He said that the human eye is the lamp or the light of the body. Je-
sus asked the listeners to make
sure that “the light in you is not darkness” (vs. 35).
What is the main message in this story?
Hypocrisy is being dishonest and insincere or pretending to someone else
or people. What did Jesus
teach about hypocrisy?
Learning outcomes. After reading these verses in Luke:
1. State what Jesus taught on hypocrisy
2. Explain value of wealth
3. Discuss how modern Christians can be watchful and ready for the com-
ing of Jesus Christ
a. Hypocrisy. Read Luke 12: 1- 12
A Pharisee invited Jesus to his house for a meal. When Jesus did not wash
before eating the meal, the
Pharisee was surprised. Jesus told him “.. you Pharisees clean the outside
of your cup and plate, but
inside you are full violence and evil”, greed and wickedness (vs. 39). Je-
sus condemned the Pharisees for
their hypocrisy. They were concerned with outward appearances and tra-
ditions such as ceremonial
washing of cups, hands, and dishes but not the souls of people. They
loved the outward show and public
recognition. Pharisees tithed, “but neglected justice and love of God” (vs.
42). They imposed rules and
regulations for people to follow, yet they themselves did not practice what
they preached. They refused
to confess their sins but pointed out sins in others. They hinder others
from entering the kingdom of
God. They had failed to make people understand the true interpretation of
the law. They were like
unmarked graves – dead to people yet the people trusted them. After this
teaching, the Pharisees and
the teachers of the law began to oppose Jesus fiercely.
What do we learn from Jesus teachings? Followers of Jesus should be
1. Sincere and upright (honest); (2) obey God’s commands; (3), live to
please God but not other people;
(4) confess publicly their loyalty to God and (5) love God without fear
and (6) be dependent on the Holy
b. The Parable of the Rich Fool. (Read Luke 12:13 to 21).
Someone wanted justice. His brother had refused to share with him his fa-
ther’s wealth. He wanted Jesus
to order his brother to divide their father’s inheritance between him. In re-
sponse, Jesus answered him
with the parable of the rich fool.
A rich man expected a good harvest of his crops. He thought he did not
have storage for the crop he
expected to harvest. The man said to himself. i will demolish my gra-
naries and stores, then build bigger
ones to store all my corn, and other goods. He expected to have enough
food to last him a lifetime. Then
he can enjoy his wealth; eating, drinking and making merry. But God told
him that his life would be
demanded from him that same night. What will happen to his wealth, as
he was not rich in God’s sight?
Lessons to learn
i Followers of Jesus should not put their trust in material wealth but in
ii Life consists of food, other material wealth and trust in God
iii Whoever seeks God’s kingdom, will receive material blessings from
iv Jesus did not condemn material possessions but rather the attitude to-
wards material possessions.
v Jesus condemned attachment to material wealth instead of trust in God
who controls our lives.
c. Watchfulness, Readiness, and Instructions. (Read Luke 12: 35 – 59)
Jesus told his disciples to be:
i Watchful and ready for the return of the Son of Man i.e. Jesus.
ii Faithful servants so that when Jesus returns, he will find them ready and
acting responsibly
iii Watchful of possible divisions in families
iv Royal to Christ
v Ready for the coming of the Son of Man. He will come at unexpected
time; like a thief who comes
when the owner of the house is not aware.
vi Observing things of the kingdom of God, which were present in the
person of Jesus.
vii Like good servants, and watch over the affairs of the master.
viii Be decision makers and follow the teachings of Jesus without being
Review questions
1. In what ways were the Pharisees hypocritical?
fruits well, it can survive, if it doesn’t bear fruit, then it should be cut
Lessons learnt from the parable
The unproductive fig tree represents followers of Jesus who are unproduc-
tive because they do not
follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. God gives people chances to repent
just like the fig tree was given a
second chance to bear fruit. Jesus is the gardener who pleads for people
before God. The followers of
Jesus are expected to be fruitful.
What are the figs used for?
a. Parable of the mustard seed. Read Luke, 13:18 – 19
Jesus likened the kingdom of God to a mustard seed, which is very small.
When a mustard seed is
planted, it grows fast to become a big tree. It is difficult to control its
growth. When mature, the fig tree
attracts many birds, which feed on its seeds.
Lesson learnt from the parable.
The Kingdom of God
Begins as a small seed and grows quietly and humbly
Then it grows and spreads to all corners of the earth
And It attracts many people
b. Parable of the Yeast. Read Luke, 13: 20 – 21
The Kingdom of God is like yeast. Yeast makes dough rise and the bread
big. The Kingdom of God grows
secretly and slowly just like the dough rises without being noticed. It is
only God who knows how a
kingdom grows. The Kingdom of God grows as a small unit that eventu-
ally grows, spreads and reaches
out to many people in many nations.
dishonesty but because he acted promptly and with great presence of mind
in a moment of crisis.
Jesus is encouraging his disciples and followers to make prompt (quick,
appropriate, timely) decisions.
They should use wealth to serve God. It should not be allowed to take the
place of God. Followers of
Jesus should be honest in small and big things.
The Rich Man and Lazarus. Read Luke, 16: 19 – 31.
A rich man lived in luxury. At his gates was a poor man, called Lazarus
whose body was covered by sores.
The rich man did not feed Lazarus. He ate food remains together with the
rich man’s dogs.
When rich man died, he went to hell. When Lazarus died, he went to
heaven and sat at Abraham/s
bosom. When in hell, the rich man was tormented while Lazarus was at
Lessons to learn from this parable.
The rich isn’t condemned for being rich but because of his altitude to-
wards Lazarus. He used his wealth
for self-gratification and not for service to the needy. The wealthy should
realize that it is God who gives
wealth and he should be given honor. Riches can hinder the wealthy from
inheriting eternal life,
especially if they put their trust in riches instead of God who is the source
of all wealth and blessings.
Revision exercise
1. From the parable of the rich fool what can Christians learn about the
use of wealth?
2. Narrate the parable of the shrewd manager
disease, which Jews feared. Lepers were isolated from other people. They
lived dejected lives
The coming of the kingdom. Read Luke 17: 20 – 37
The Pharisee demanded to know when the kingdom of God would come.
Jesus replied that the kingdom
of God was within those who had accepted Jesus and his teachings. Those
who wanted had received the
kingdom. Faith is necessary to discover the power of God’s kingdom.
The coming of the son of man, i.e. Jesus will bring the kingdom to reality.
The coming of the son of man is also referred to as the day of the Lord,
Day of Judgment. Read Luke, 21:
27- 28. Those who obey Jesus will be saved but those who reject him will
be punished.
Lessons to learn. God expects Christians to have faith in him. Christians
should have faith in Jesus so that
they can inherit eternal life. Faith is needed to strengthen Christians. Faith
is important in the life of a
Christian until Jesus returns, i.e. the second coming.
Revision exercise
1. What did Jesus teach on forgiveness
Learning outcomes. By the end of this lesson, discuss the values of persis-
tence in prayer
To teach about persistence in prayer, Jesus used two parables. These were
the parables of: the widow
and a corrupt judge and examples of prayer by a Pharisee and a tax collec-
a. The widow and the unjust judge. Read Luke, 18: 1 – 9
Jesus had already taught the disciples how to pray. He now tells them that
they ought to pray and not
he inquired what was going on and he was told that Jesus of Nazareth was
passing by. He then cried out
“Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me”
The crowds rebuked him but he cried out louder to Jesus to have mercy
on him. Jesus asked him what
he wanted. He said he wanted to see. Jesus told him to receive his sight
for his faith had made him
whole. The beggar was joyful and he followed Jesus rejoicing.
Lessons learnt.
Christians should have faith in Jesus. They should also be persistent and
make specific requests.
Learning outcomes. By the end of this lesson,
a. Narrate events leading to salvation of Zacchaeus
b. Explain meanings of the story of the man who gave gold coins to his
Zacchaeus was short. His profession was a tax collector. He was rich. He
wanted to be saved.
When Jesus was passing by Jericho, he wanted to see Jesus. He couldn’t
because he was short. He ran
and climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus. When Jesus came to the place
where Zacchaeus was, he
looked up and said “Hurry down, Zacchaeus, because I must stay in your
house today” (verse 5).
Jesus then went with Zacchaeus to his house. When people saw this they
grumbled, and murmured.
They said that Jesus was going to a house of a sinner.
Jesus told them that salvation has come to the house of Zacchaeus, a son
of Abraham … the Son of man
came to seek and save the lost. There is no sin that God cannot forgive,
even that of a tax collector.
Zacchaeus told Jesus that he was going to give to the poor half of his
wealth and whatever he took from
any man and woman wrongfully, he will restore four times. From this sal-
vation, we learn that the rich
should share their wealth with the needy.
The Parable of the Gold Coins: Luke, 19: 11 – 27.
A certain nobleman went to a far country. Before he left he called his ten
servants and gave each a gold
coin (ten pounds in total). He told them to trade with the coins until he re-
When he returned, he called the servants to report profits they had made.
The first servant said that
one-pound coin had made profit of 10 pounds (gold coins). He made the
manager of ten cities. The
second servant had traded and gained 5 pounds. He was made the man-
ager of 5 cities. The third one
had hidden the pound. He did not trade. He accused the master of being
mean, and cruel. He returned
the pound, which was given to the servant with 10 pounds.
Lessons to learn.
This parable was about the kingdom of God. God expects us to use oppor-
tunities he has given to us for
his work. Each one of us shall account for the use of the abilities and
skills that God gave to us –
students, workers, and other professionals. To receive eternal life, Chris-
tians should repent and be
obedient to God’s instructions.
Revision questions
beings?” (Vs4).
They discussed among themselves and decided not answer. Jesus told
them “neither will I tell you”. In
response to his authority being questioned he told a parable.
b. The parable of the Tenants in the Vineyard.
Read the parable in Luke, 20: 9 – 18. The tenants refused to pay the
owner of the vineyard his share of
the harvest. They threw out the servants he sent to collect his share of the
harvest. When he sent his
son, they killed him so that they can own the vineyard. Jesus asked the
people… “What will the owner of
the vineyard do to the tenants?”
c. The Question about paying taxes. Read Luke 20:19-28
Pharisees, and scribes (teachers of the law) and chief priests planned to ar-
rest Jesus but they were
afraid of the people. They sent spies to trick Jesus by asking this question
-” …is it against our law for us
to pay taxes to the Roman Empire, or not?
Jesus used the currency and told them “pay the Emperor Caesar what be-
longs to him and pay God what
belongs to God.” (Verse 25)
This was a tricky question. Jesus here teachers people to obey the rules of
the land and to obey God’s
d. The Question about Resurrection
The Sadducees who did not believe in resurrection tempted Jesus with an-
other question. They wanted
to know this. When resurrection comes, who shall be the husband to a
woman who was married to the
first brother and inherited as a widow by the other six brothers?
Jesus told them the men and women who shall be worthy of resurrection
shall not marry. They shall be
like angels and cannot die (verse 34 to 38)
e. Jesus warns against the Teachers of the law
Jesus warned his disciples. Be careful and guard yourselves against teach-
ers of the law, the scribes. They
were hypocritical. They wore long robes, said long prayers, looked for po-
sitions of honor and exploited
the widows.
f. The Widow’s Offering. Luke, 21: 1- 4
When people were giving offerings in the temple, a widow gave “two lit-
tle copper coins”. Jesus said the
poor widow had given all she had. Likewise Christians should give to
God not to be seen but from their
hearts. It is not the quantity of the gift that matters but the attitude of the
OGY LK. 21: 5 – 38
Eschatology is from two Greek words, ‘eschatus’ and ‘logos’. Eschatus
means end, Logos means study.
Eschatology means the study of the end times or in CRE the last days of
Jesus. For biblical information,
read Luke 21:5-38 and Mathew 24: 1 – 36 and Mark 13:1-31.
Learning outcomes. After this lesson, you should:
a. Identify signs of end times
b. State uses of the temple during the time of Jesus
c. Discuss ways in which Christians can apply the parable of the fig tree
d. State relevance of Jesus’ teachings on eschatology
a. Signs of the end times. Jesus gave many signs that will inform Chris-
tians that end of the time has
b. What does the manner of Jesus entry into Jerusalem reveal about the
nature of his kingdom?
c. What lessons can Christians learn from Jesus’ triumphant entry into
d. State and explain why Jesus wept over Jerusalem
e. Explain the cleansing of the temple
f. Give reasons why Jesus cleansed the temple of Jerusalem
g. What lessons can Christians learn from the cleansing of the temple?
h. Explain Jesus’ conflict with the Jewish leaders
i. Describe the parable of the tenants in the vineyard
j. Explain the relevance of the parable of the of tenants in the vineyard
k. Explain the question about paying taxes
l. Explain the question about the resurrection
m. What is eschatology?
n. What will happen at the end of the world (eschatology) according to Je-
sus’ teaching in Luke’s gospel
21; 5-38
o. How do Christians prepare for the second coming of Christ?
LK. 22 – 24
Passion is a strong feeling of love, hate or anger. Passion of Jesus is the
great sufferings of Jesus, which
was a deep emotional anguish.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this topic, you should be able to:
(a) Discuss the events of the Lord’s supper
(b) State relevance of the Lord’s supper to Christians today
(c) Describe the events that took place at mount Olives
(d) Describe the events that took place between the arrest and burial of Je-
(e) Relate the relevance of the sufferings and death of Jesus to Christians
(f) Explain the importance of resurrection of Jesus to Christians
(g) Describe the resurrection of Jesus – the evidence of his resurrection
(h) Narrate the ascension of Jesus
The plot against Jesus
The Jewish religious leaders were determined to ensure that Jesus was ei-
ther arrested or killed (Lk.22: 1
– 6)
They were helped by Satan who entered into Judas Iscariot one of the
twelve disciples of Jesus. Judas
decided to betray Jesus. He communed with the Jewish leaders who
agreed to pay him money to betray
Jesus. He searched for a way to betray Jesus without knowledge of Jesus.
He forgot who was Jesus.
Judas agreed to betray Jesus probably because:
a. He belonged to the party of Zealots who wanted political changes
b. He was probably frustrated by Jesus’ approach to the Kingdom of God
which was establishing a
peaceful spiritual kingdom
c. He expected Jesus to establish a political kingdom
d. He was greedy for money
e. Satan entered him
7 – 13
The last supper was the lost Passover meal that Jesus took before his ar-
rest. Passover is celebrated in
community of Christians, all people who are followers of Jesus are all
SAQ. In your opinion, which are the signs of greatness in the world?
c. Jesus Predicts Peters’ Denial. Read Luke, 22: 31 – 38
Jesus told peter that Satan had received permission to test or tempt all the
disciples but Jesus had
prayed for Peter’s faith not to fail. Jesus told Peter that he shall deny Jesus
three times before the cock
Jesus was telling his disciples that they will encounter hostility in their
evangelism hence they should be
prepared for suffering and opposition because of Him as Isaiah 53:12 says
‘he shared the fate of evil
Jesus death was imminent inevitable. The disciples were expected to be
Learning Outcomes. By the end of this lesson, you shall:
a. Narrate the events that took place at Mount of Olives
b. Describe the arrest of Jesus
c. Discuss Peter’s denial of Jesus
d. Describe the arrest of Jesus
a. Prayer on the Mount of Olives. Read Luke. 22: 39 – 46
After celebrating the last supper, Jesus went to the Mount of Olives with
his disciples to pray to resist
temptation. Jesus went ahead of his disciples, knelt down and prayed.
Jesus left them to pray by himself. He said” Father if you will, take this
cup of suffering away from me.
Not my will, however, but your will to be done” (42). An angel came to
strengthen him. He prayed
earnestly, in agony and turmoil great than the physical pain. He sweated
great drops of blood.
After praying, Jesus found his disciples asleep “worn out by their grief”
vs. 45). Jesus asked them to
wake up and pray to avoid temptation.
The disciples fell asleep. This was a sign of moral and physical exhaus-
tion. Jesus expressed inner struggle
about the fulfillment of his messianic mission. He prayed for God’s help.
Christians should always pray to
avoid temptation and seek God’s help.
b. Betrayal and arrest of Jesus. Read Luke, 22: 47 – 53
Jesus was arrested by: the chief priest, elders, officers of the temple guard,
and a crowd of people as he
talked to his disciples. He was taken to the house of the high priest. Judas
had identified Jesus with a
kiss. Jesus asked Judas” him “Judas, is it with a kiss that you betray the
Son of man?”
Jewish religious leaders had come to arrest Jesus as they arrested other
criminals. Jesus told his disciples
not to resist his arrest. He rejected armed resistance refusing the role of a
political messiah. Peter
followed him from a distance.
c. Peters Denies Jesus. Read Luke, 22: 54 – 65
After Jesus was arrested he was taken to the house of the High Priest. As
Peter sat warming himself with
others, a maid identified Peter. She said, “This man too was with Jesus.
Peter denied knowing Jesus
three times. After the third denial, the cock crowed just as Jesus predicted.
Jesus turned and looked at Peter who remembered the words of Jesus.
“Peter went out and wept
bitterly” (Vs. 62). Weeping was a sign of repentance
Lesson Outcomes. By the end of this lesson. You should
a. Describe trials of Jesus by the various authorities
b. Explain the importance of the judgement by Pilate
c. Narrate events leading to crucifixion of Jesus
a. Trials of Jesus by the various authorities
i. Trial by the Sanhedrin Lk.22: 66 – 71
After being taken to the house of the High Priest, the next morning Jesus
was taken to the Jewish
religious council or court; called the Sanhedrin. They all asked him if he
was the messiah. Jesus told they
wouldn’t believe whatever he says. But “ the Son of Man will be seated
on the right hand of Almighty
God.” (Vs. 69). Jesus told them he was the Son of God. The Sanhedrin ac-
cused Jesus of blasphemy, a sin
punishable by death.
ii. Trial before Pilate. Read Luke 23: 1 – 5
The second court was the Roman court. The judge was Pilate, the Roman
Governor. In this court the
Sanhedrin accused Jesus of:
Inciting people to revolt, and rebelling against Roman authority
Forbidding people to pay taxes to the Emperor
Claiming to be the king, a Messiah,
They could not accuse him of blasphemy before Pilate since this offence
was not acceptable under the
Roman law. Pilate asked Jesus if he was the king, Jesus replied, “ So you
say”. (vs.3). Pilate found no fault
with Jesus so he sent him to Herod.
iii. Trial by Herod. Read Luke, 23: 6 – 12
Herod was in Jerusalem. When Jesus was brought before him, he ex-
pected Jesus to perform miracles to
impress him. He asked Jesus many questions and Jesus kept quiet. Herod
and his soldiers mocked Jesus,
and ridiculed him. They put on him royal clothes; then sent Jesus back to
iv. Jesus is sentenced to Death. Read Luke 23: 13 – 25
Jesus was brought back to Pilate a second time. Pilate repeated that Jesus
was not guilty (innocent) of
any crime. Pilate offered to have Jesus beaten and then released.
The crowds, leaders and chief priests gave their judgement. “Kill him!”
and release Barabbas, who was a
rioter and a murderer. Pilate did not find Jesus guilty. But he did what
they wanted. He released
Barabbas and “ handed Jesus over for them to do as they wished” (vs. 25).
v. The crucifixion of Jesus. Read Luke 22: 26-43
Jesus was led away to be crucified. Solders forced Simon of Cyrene to
carry the cross for Jesus. Women
followed Jesus and weeping. Jesus told them not to weep for Him but for
themselves and their children.
Jesus was then crucified at a place called Golgotha (place of skull) or Cal-
vary together with two male
criminal; one on His right and the other on His Left. Jesus asked God to
forgive them (persecutors) for
they did not know what they were doing.
The Jewish leaders, said “He saved others; let him save himself if he is
the Messiah whom God has
chosen” (vs. 35); Solders mocked Jesus and said “Save yourself if you are
the king of Jews” and one
criminal hanged with Jesus mocked Jesus and told Him “Aren’t you the
Messiah? Save yourself and me”.
The other thief rebuked him saying they deserved the punishment for their
deeds but Jesus had done
nothing. This thief repented and told Jesus, “Remember me, Jesus, when
you come as King”. Jesus told
him that he would be in paradise with Jesus on that day (vs. 42 – 43).
On top of the cross, Jews wrote, “This is the King of the Jews” (vs. 38).
LESSON FOUR: DEATH OF JESUS. Read Luke. 23: 44 – 50
Learning outcomes. By the end of this lesson,
a. Describe the death of Jesus
b. Narrate the burial of Jesus
c. State relevance of the suffering and death of Jesus to Christian life to-
a. The death of Jesus. There was darkness from 12 o’clock until thee
o’clock. The veil/curtain of the
temple tore into two. Jesus cried out with a loud voice “ Father, into they
hands I commit my spirit”. At
this shout Jesus died.
The Roman centurion saw and praised God. He declared, “Certainly this
was an innocent man”. The
multitude that watched the crucifixion and death went home beating their
breasts, a sign of repentance.
The women, who knew Jesus from Galilee, stood at a distance watching
all these things.
b. The burial of Jesus. Read Luke 23: 50 – 56.
have wronged them, make a will, accept death as inevitable, and read the
word of God
a. The Resurrection. Resurrection refers to the event of Jesus rising from
the dead
After the Sabbath day, on Sunday morning; Mary Magdalene, Mary the
mother of James, Salome
(Joanna) and other women, went to the tomb with the spices they has pre-
pared. They found the
entrance open. The stone covering the tomb was rolled away. The tomb
was empty. The body of Jesus
was not in the tomb.
Suddenly, two men, who were angels, appeared dresses in dazzling and
shining clothes. They said “ Why
are you looking among the dead for one who is alive? He is not here; he
has been raised. ”
The women went and told the 11 disciples, who did not believe them. Pe-
ter ran to the tomb and found
it empty.
Women were the first to witness the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is
significant as they (women)
were empowered to become witnesses of Christ as evangelists beyond the
Jewish culture.
b. Witnesses of the resurrection of Jesus
The disciples en route to Emmaus
Two disciples were traveling to Emmaus, which was 11 km from
Jerusalem discussing Jesus suffering,
death and the empty tomb. Jesus met them but their eyes were blinded and
they did not recognize him.
The disciples explained to Jesus the events that had taken place and how
they had hoped that Jesus
would liberate Israel from the Roman rule.
Jesus explained to them the scriptures concerning the messiah. When they
got to Emmaus, they invited
him to dine with them for it was evening. When Jesus, “took the bread
and said the blessings; then he
broke the bread and gave it to them”, the disciples recognized Jesus but he
vanished out of their sight
(vs. 30-31). They returned to Jerusalem and told the 11 disciples that Je-
sus has risen.
c. Jesus appears to his Disciples. Read Luke 24: 36 – 49. As the two disci-
ples explained the event that
happened on the journey to Emmaus, Jesus came and said to them ‘Peace
be with you’ (vs. 36). Disciples
were terrified and frightened. He asked them to look and touch his hands,
and feet. He was not a ghost.
He has flesh and bones unlike ghosts, which do not have.
He explained to the apostles his mission, which was prophesied by
prophets, and written in the Law of
Moses, and Psalms (v.44).
He commissioned the disciples to preach repentance and remission of sins
and be his witnesses. He also
promised to send them the promise of the father (Holy Spirit)
SAQ. What was the nature of the resurrected body of Jesus?
d. The ascension of Jesus, Luke, 24: 50 – 53
From Jerusalem, Jesus took his disciples to Bethany, a town outside
Jerusalem. He lifted his hands and
blessed them. As he blessed them, he was lifted up and carried to heaven.
The disciples worshipped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy.
They continued to go to the
temple to praise and give thanks to God.
The disciples were now confident about their mission and who Jesus was
e. The importance of the resurrection of Jesus to Christian
Resurrection is the foundation of Christian faith. Christianity is based on
the fact that Jesus resurrected
and was taken up to heaven. Further to this:
1. Resurrection proved that Jesus is the Son of God.
2. Through resurrection, Christians have hope of eternal life
3. Through resurrections, Christians are assured of a new life in Christ
4. Sin and death were conquered by resurrection, giving hope of victory to
Christians over death and sin.
5. Resurrection is a fulfillment of the writings of the prophets. It fulfilled
Old Testament prophesies by
Moses, Elijah, Elisha and others.
6. It is a proof that there is life after death.
7. Through resurrection, man was reconciled to God.
8. Jesus has power over death, over Satan and his Kingdom of darkness
9. It led to the coming of the Holy Spirit.
Revision questions
a. Give the different names used in reference to the lord’s supper by
Christians in different churches
b. Describe the institution of the lord’s supper
c, State the Christian teaching about the lord’s supper
d. What is the meaning of the lord’s supper to Christians?
e. Compare the Passover feast with the practice of the lord’s supper
f. Describe the prayer on mount olives
g. Describe the betrayal and arrest of Jesus
h. State the reasons that made Judas Iscariot to betray Jesus
Qn 1. The qualities of john as described by angel Gabriel
a. He would be a prophet of god
b. He would prepare the way for the messiah
c. He would bring joy to Zachariah and others
d. He would be a nazarite
e. He would call people to repentance
Qn 2. Why john was referred to as the second Elijah
• Like Elijah john had also lived in the wilderness
• John was also filled with the holy spirit and proclaimed god’s message
to the people
• He also met opposition from the king just like Elijah
• He was beheaded and Elijah was threatened with death by jezebel
• He stood firmly for the covenant way of life
• He was a great prophet of his time
• He led a simple life and faced many problems like hunger just like Eli-
Qn 3. What lessons do Christians learn from annunciation of the birth of
john the Baptist?
• God answers prayers however long it may take
• Christians should not doubt God’s messages
• We should be persistent, faithful and patient in prayers
• Christians should be devoted to God in prayer
• Children are a gift from God and a source of joy to their parents
• God has a purpose for every child’s life
Qn 4. Describe the birth of john the Baptist
• Elizabeth was very happy and so was Zachariah
• John was circumcised after eight days in accordance with the Jewish
• Elizabeth named the child john
• Hastily, satin took Jesus to the pinnacle of the temple. He asked Jesus to
throw himself down since
God would send his angles to ensure that he did not get hurt. Jesus an-
swered that no one should tempt
Qn b. from the gospel of St. Luke, identify five occasions when Jesus was
• In the wilderness
• When he healed a dumb man the commanded a sign
• Jesus was tempted to arbitrate between two brothers
• When the rich young ruler called Jesus a good teacher
• When he was asked whether it was right to pay taxes to Caesar
• In the garden of Gethsemane, he was tempted to escape the cup of suf-
• During his trial he was asked whether he was the Messiah
• During crucifixion he was spat on but did not fight back
• On the cross one of the thieves wanted him to deliver them
• He was questioned by the Sadducees about resurrection
Qn c. Outline ways in which Christians can overcome temptations in the
contemporary world
• They should depend on Jesus
• They should be well versed with the scripture so that they can refer to
the bible
• They should seek guidance and counseling
• They should attend bible classes for the right interpretation of the bible
• They should have faith or believe in God to help them during trials
• They should avoid bad company
• The should take part in active leisure
• They should avoid circumstances that can lead them to sin
• They should resist Satan
The disciples are included in the poor because they have given up every-
thing. But Jesus gives hope.
Jesus warns the rich against using their economic points to oppress the
poor. They have an opportunity,
however to belong to the Kingdom by using their riches to help the needy.
Love of Enemies: (6:27-37)
Followers of Jesus are supposed to “Love your enemies, do good to those
who hate, bless those who
curse you, and pray for those who abuse you”.
Judging Others (6:37-43)
Disciples are expected to acknowledge their own shortcomings before
they can condemn the faults in
others. Failure to recognize one’s fault is a hindrance to becoming a mem-
ber of the Kingdom of God.
Evidence to Good Discipleship
The proof of a person’s goodness is seen in his deeds. The true nature of a
person cannot be hidden
because what they do and say will reveal their nature.
Hearing and Doing (6: 47-49)
It is not enough for His followers to proclaim Christ as Lord. They must
also do what He tells them.
Q2. What is the relevance of the (beatitudes) sermon on the plain to
Christians today?
The teachings on blessings and woes tell us that the goal of a person
should be to inherit the Kingdom of
Christians should love their enemies as Jesus loved them sinful as they
Human beings are self-centered. It is easier to see other people’s mistakes
than our own Christian
Jesus told Simon he gave him no kiss but the woman had not stopped
kissing Him.
Those at table began to ask who Jesus was who ever forgiven sins?
And He said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you, go in peace.”
Q3. What lessons do Christians learn from the above story?
Christians should accept their sins and seek for forgiveness as the sinful
woman did.
Faith is important for one to be forgiven. Jesus told the woman “Your
faith has save you.”
A repentant sinner is greater than a righteous man (the Jewish religious
It is not the magnitude of sin that matters but the attitude of a person to-
wards his sins.
Shows the importance of women in the ministry of Jesus.
Q4. Describe the story of the raising of the widow’s son at Nain (Lk 7:11-
After His preaching in Capernaum, Jesus went to the city of Nain.
He found a man being carried out near the gate.
He was the only son of a widow.
When the Lord saw her, He had compassionate on her and said to her,
“Do not weep.’
Then He came and touched the open coffin.
And those who carried him stood still.
Jesus said, “Young man, arise.”
And he who was dead sat up and began to speak.
Jesus presented him to his mother.
Then fear came among all and they glorified God.
They said a great prophet has come among us. God has visited His peo-
It teaches that Christians have to fight the power of evil constantly. But
with Jesus’ help they will
overcome it.
God will never allow them to be defeated. He will come to their aid,
however, much.
They should give out their material possession to save those in need.
This man needed help.
They should tell their people about God as this man went to in his vil-
lage etc.
Q3. What do the miracle of Jesus teach us about Him?
They show that Jesus is the Son of God.
That Jesus gets power from God.
That Jesus shares his power with His disciples.
The miracles show Jesus compassion to suffering people e.g. the raising
of the widow’s son.
They also show that Jesus is Lord. He is the life and the resurrection.
That affirms that Jesus came to save man from sin.
They show that Jesus is a universal savior e.g. the Gesarone demoniac
who was a gentile.
They were part of His teaching – they helped Him teach.
Through them He showed the concern for human life, physically, spiri-
tually and mentally.
Q1. What is the role of the clergy in Kenya?
To preach the word of God.
To advise the leaders.
To warn evildoers against their sins.
To condemn evil.
Pray for the needy.
A voice came out of the cloud saying, ‘this is my only son, my chosen,
Listen to Him.’
Q3. What is the significance of the transfiguration of Jesus (Lk 9:28-37)?
A voice from heaven confirmed that Jesus was the Son of God.
It strengthened the faith of the disciples so that they would continue
with His work after death.
It showed that Jesus had fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies and
God. This is seen with the
appearance of Elijah and Moses.
The cloud was a symbol of God’s presence.
It was a sign that Jesus’ mission was no longer a secret. It marked the
onset of His passion, which
would lead to His death.
It confirmed to Jesus that He was doing the right thing and God was in
support of His suffering.
It shows that faith in prayer can lead us to God’s presence.
Q1. What are the characteristics of a true follower of Jesus?
Following Jesus means accepting homelessness and enduring hardship
because Jesus did not have a
permanent home.
Being a disciple of Jesus means self-denial and suffering.
Being ready to give e.g. to the needy.
To spread Christianity and make Jesus known.
Following Jesus means being loyal to Him.
Q2. State the privileges of being a disciple of Jesus
One becomes a member of the Kingdom of God.
One is assured of eternal life.
He has the joy of winning others to the Kingdom of God through
Q3 Why did Jesus choose the 12 disciples?
In order to help Him in the work of spreading the good news.
So as to belong to the Kingdom of God and get eternal life.
To witness to his work.
To share with them the power of God e.g. in performing miracles.
For company as He worked.
(Note: Not the parable of the Samaritans)
Q1. From the teaching of Jesus on the parable of the Good Samaritan,
who do you think is a committed
follower of Jesus?
One who understands the law and obeys it.
One who understands that a neighbor is anybody who requires help re-
gardless of their social status
One who uses his resources selflessly to help the needy
One who is not restricted by cultural and religious practices in respond-
ing to a needy situation
One who is compassionate, kind and generous
One who shows solidarity with the suffering. This includes identifying
with the needy and being ready
to experience their suffering.
Q1. What did Jesus teach about prayer?
Jesus taught that prayer must be persistent, use the parable of Friend at
Prayer should be done in a private place.
It should be genuine.
One should not be proud when praying e.g. the parable of the tax collec-
tor and the Pharisee.
One should have faith during prayer.
One should pray always/continuously.
There is no formula in prayer. One should address God as a father.
Honestly confess sin as they pray.
Qs 1 & 2 are out of topic.
Q1. Hypocrisy – In what areas were the Pharisees hypocritical?
In the washing of hands, cups and dishes which were done ceremoni-
ously. The Pharisees were too
strict on this, which was not important. He told them to pay attention to
issues of charity than external
Tithing habits – They paid this well for the support of priests but ne-
glected justice and love for God.
He criticized them for recognition in the synagogues by taking reserved
seats and their desire to be
noticed at market places by wearing long white robes.
He accused them of being like their ancestors who persecuted the
prophets of God.
LESSON 6: (Lesson 6 will come later)
Read Lk: 11:13-34 : Parable of the rich fool
Q1. From the parable of the rich fool, what can Christians learn about the
use of wealth?
Material wealth should come second after God.
We should try to help the poor.
And there was a widow in that city which kept coming to him and
wanted her right given.
For a while he refused, but afterwards he said to himself, though I nei-
ther fear God nor regard man,
yet because this widow bothers me, I will allow her set her right or she
will wear me out by her continual
And the Lord said, “Hear what the unrighteous judge says, and will he
not vindicate His elect who cry
to Him day and night?
Will he delay long over them, I, you, He will vindicate them speedily.
Q1: What did Jesus teach by using the example of little children?
Jesus said, ‘Let little children come to me because the kingdom of God
belongs to such as them.
He went on to tell them that for one to enter God’s kingdom, he must
humble himself like children.
This is because children are powerless, innocent and open.
Jesus taught that the kingdom of God is for those who are simple, hum-
ble, innocent and trusting like
Q2. Give an account of how Jesus healed the blind beggar (18:35-43)
A blind man recognized Jesus as the messiah.
The blind man asked Jesus to heal him.
He received his sight because of his faith.
He followed Jesus, giving thanks to God.
To receive salvation one needs to be bold and determined.
We should seek Christ to heal our physical and spiritual blindness.
Q3. Explain the relevance of Jesus’ teaching on salvation to Christians
Christians learn that they need to repent their sins and seek forgiveness
in order to receive salvation
and eternal life.
They need to humble themselves like children in order to earn salvation.
They learn to obey the commandments of God so as to receive salva-
Use their abilities to glorify God e.g. the rich man’s parable.
They too learn that wealth can be a hindrance to salvation.
They learn that salvation is given to all by God.
Qn a. describe Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem according to Luke
chapter 19: 29-30
• After his journey from Galilee ended, Jesus approached Jerusalem pass-
ing through Bethaphage,
Bethany and the mount olives
• He sent two of his disciples to a village to get him a donkey on which
nobody had ridden
• He gave the disciples instructions that if the owner of the donkey de-
manded to know why they were
untying it, they were to respond, “ The lord has need for it”
• When they got the donkey, they threw their garments on it and helped
Jesus to sit on it
• As Jesus rode along, they spread their garments on the road
• The crowds following him rejoiced and praised God for all the wonder-
ful work Jesus had done this
included: teaching, healing and feeding the hungry
• The crowds sang, “ Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the
lord. Peace in heaven and glory in
the highest”. By singing, the crowds acclaimed Jesus as king.
• The Pharisees objected to the crowds singing and asked Jesus to silence
• Jesus responded that if his followers were silent, “ the very stones would
cry out”. Insensitive than
stones not to know what was happening, that is, the Messiah has come
Qn b. what does the manner of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem reveal about
the nature of the kingdom of
• Jesus was a descendant of David, prophesied Messiah and son of God
• Jesus is a triumphant, victorious yet a humble king. A donkey is a sym-
bol of humility and peace. So he
came to establish a peaceful kingdom
• Jesus wanted to proclaim the coming of his kingdom but not as an
earthly/ military leader, thus
leading them to lay their garments for him to step on. In doing this, they
were acknowledging Jesus as
Jerusalem’s promised king
• Jesus was greeted as a king the same way the kings of Israel were
greeted with acclamation and joy
• By riding on a donkey, Jesus fulfilled the prophesy of Zechariah which
says, the king is coming riding on
a donkey triumphant, humble and victorious
• Christianity is not propagated through violent means but peace
Qn c. what lessons can Christians learn fro Jesus’ triumphant entry into
• Christians learn that they should be prepared to receive Jesus into their
lives like the crowd which
escorted him to Jerusalem
• Christians also learn that they should emulate Jesus and be channels of
peace in their communities
• They also learn that they should expect opposition and resistance as they
witness to Christ. They
should not give up hope
• Christians learn that they should be humble like Jesus in their service to
• Christians should thank and praise God for his intervention in their lives
by sending Jesus
• They should be bold in their witnessing to Christ like the crowds that
followed Jesus to Jerusalem and
declared him king
Qn d. state and explain why Jesus wept over Jerusalem.
• When Jesus came close to the city of Jerusalem he wept over it saying, “
If you only knew what is
needed for peace! But now you cannot see it! The time will come when
your enemies will surround you
with barricades block you and close in on you from every side. They will
completely destroy you and the
people within your walls, not a single stone will they leave in its place be-
cause you did not recognize the
time when God came to save you”.
• According to Luke, all song and rejoicing stopped suddenly when Jesus
was deeply distressed at the
sight of Jerusalem
• Jesus knew that Jerusalem (the city of peace) would reject his final ap-
peal and by so doing would bring
judgement down on itself. The destruction of the city is viewed as the
consequence of its rejection of
Jesus. They cannot see when the true peace comes in the person of Jesus.
The coming destruction is a
will be a house o prayer for all nations. The new temple will not be lim-
ited to Jesus alone but to all
• In short Jesus is the Messiah. He exposed the unrighteousness of public
life in Jerusalem by attacking
the merchants in the temple
Qn f. Give reasons why Jesus cleansed the temple of Jerusalem
• The temple authorities had allowed a market in the court of the gentiles
where the everyday money
issued by the Roman government could be exchanged for the special tem-
ple coins which had to be used
for paying the temple tax
• In the same place they could also buy the animals needed for sacrifice.
This animals had to be certified
as acceptable
• But both the changing of money and the certifying of animals gave am-
ple opportunity for making
exorbitant profits
• Jesus made his protest because all this trading was hiding for the real
purpose of the temple and
prevented Israel from being a light to the gentiles. For this reason, the
temple would be destroyed
because it was no longer serving as “ a house of prayer”.
Qn g. what lessons can Christians learn from the cleansing of the temple?
• Christians learn that they should respect the house of God and use it ap-
• Christian leaders should avoid exploiting members through asking for
excessive contributions
• Christians should pay more attention to inward righteousness than exter-
nal observance of rituals
• Christians should have more courage like Jesus to condemn evil prac-
tices by leaders in the church and
• Christians should be exemplary with their life styles so as to win others
to the kingdom
• Finally the cleansing of the temple by Jesus provides valuable lesson to
Christians who are called upon
to be Christ’s ambassadors. There are many incidents where churches
have been subjected to disrespect
and dishonor and this discourages many people from knowing God.
Christians should also avoid
leadership wrangles, corruption, sexual abuse, gossip and many others
that have caused churches to
Qn h. explain Jesus’ conflict with the Jewish leaders
• In a series of conflicts in and around the temple between Jesus and the
official leaders of the Jewish
nation, the public ministry of Jesus came to its close
• After the cleansing the temple, he daily dominated the temple area
teaching large crowds. His
popularity grew steadily and the leaders felt the threat against their own
position. They could not allow
this to go on but they were afraid to arrest Jesus. In the end they tried to
trap him into making
statements which would either get him into trouble with the Roman au-
thorities or discredit him before
the people
• First Jesus was challenged about his authority. The Jewish religious
leaders wondered whose authority
Jesus used. They wanted to know which Rabii taught him or to which
Jewish religious groups he
belonged to i.e. the Pharisees or the Sadducees
• If Jesus proclaimed himself as the Messiah he could be accused before
the Roman authorities for
• If he refused to make his claim the crowds would soon leave him alone
• But Jesus skillfully defeated his adversaries. He invited them to answer
their own question. “ Tell me,
did John’s right to baptize come from God or human beings?”
• Whatever answer they gave to Jesus’ question about John the Baptist
would apply in even stronger
measures to their own question about Jesus
• But they had never supported John and they could no now admit that his
right to baptize came from
• If they did they would also have to accept Jesus whom John had an-
nounced. Neither could they say
John was a prophet for that would bring trouble from the people who held
John in high self-esteem
Qn i. Describe the parable of the tenants in the vineyard
• After the question of Jesus’ authority, Jesus challenged the Jewish lead-
ers by telling them the parable
of the wicked tenants. He said that there was once a man who planted a
vineyard, let it to the tenants
and then left home for a long time
• When the time came to gather the grapes, he sent a slave to the tenants
to receive from them his
share of the harvest but the tenants beat the slaves and sent him back
without a thing. The same
• As Christians we should also pray for strength and guidance from God
to be able to deal with rejection
• As Christians we should not fear rejection but stand firm for the truth
• Christians should also seek pastoral counseling fro the church leaders
and other Christians. When we
endure persecution we may be finally proved right
Qn k. the question about paying taxes
• The teachers of law and the chief priest, after falling to arrest Jesus
bribed some spies to ask whether
it was right for the to pay taxes to Caesar or not
• The Israelites were compelled to pay taxes to the Romans who con-
trolled them
• Many resented this because according to them payment of taxes using
coins which had some
emperors image was a violation of the Jewish law which forbade the use
of images
• If Jesus would tell them to pay, the people would be against him for sup-
porting Roman rule over them
• Many resented this because according to them people would be against
him for supporting Roman
rule over them
• If he told them not to pay, they would accuse him to the Roman authori-
• Jesus knew their trick and wanted his questioners to make their own de-
cision about the issue
• According to him it was right for the Roman government to exert the tax
payments without
demeaning God’s authority
• In other words, by having the silver coin in their possession, the Jews
accepted Roman authority
• They had a duty to pay tax to the emperor because they enjoyed the ben-
efit of the Roman rule
• At the same time they had a duty to be loyal to God. A person’s loyalty
should not be owed to the
state or Caesar
Qn l. explain the question about resurrection
• The Sadducees raised the question concerning marriage an resurrection
or life after death
• They asked Jesus whose wife a woman would be in the resurrection
when she married seven brothers
who had died without bearing children
• The question was meant or designed to make Jesus look foolish thus to
shame him. This would
undermine the popular support that we had prevented action against Jesus
• In his response, Jesus made the following observations
• He does not accept the assumption that marriage continues after resur-
• Quoting from exodus a book that the Sadducees accepted, Jesus con-
firms that there is life after death
• The resurrection life is different from earthly life
• It is a new existence where those who resurrect, live with God as his
children in eternity
Qn m. what is eschatology?
• The term eschatology is derived from two Greek words ’Eschatus’ and
‘Lagos’, which means end and
study respectively
• Eschatology therefore is the study of the last things such as death, judge-
ment, life after death and th
end of the world
• Jesus talked about the end of the world to his disciples just before he
was arrested
Qn n. what will happen at the end of the world (eschatology) according to
Jesus’ teaching in Luke’s
gospel 21: 5-38?
• Jesus taught hi disciples about the end times in the temple of Jerusalem
• In his speech, he talked about what will happen to the city of Jerusalem
and the world at the end of
• Jerusalem was going to be destroyed because of her refusal to recognize
and accept the Messiah
• Jesus told the disciples of the signs that would accompany the end of the
• People come claiming to be Jesus the Messiah, the son of God
• There will be wars between nations
• Natural calamities like earthquakes, famines and plagues will occur
• Strange heavenly beings will come from the sky
• There will be disruption in the sky and in the sea
• All nations will be in despair
• People will faint from fear as they witness these signs
• At the end of all these, the son of man will appear in power and glory
• Jesus’ teaching of the end times was meant to provide encouragement to
the disciples in difficult
• They were expected to have hope
Qn o. how do Christians prepare for the second coming of Christ?
• Christians should prepare for the second coming of Christ by not losing
hope in the face of trials and
tribulations because the kingdom of God with its promises of a new life
will definitely come
• They prepare for his second coming by leading a righteous life. They are
to avoid too much feasting
and drinking
• They should prepare by being watchful through prayers so that God will
give them courage and
strength to stand firm in their faith
• They should prepare by preaching the word of God to those who have
not heard it
• They should prepare by being obedient to God’s commandments
• They should prepare by helping the needy
• They should prepare by preaching and evangelizing and converting oth-
Qn a. give the different names used in reference to the Lord’s Supper by
Christians in different churches
• The holy Eucharist
• The mass
• The lord’s table or the table of the lord
• The Holy Communion
• The Last Supper
• The breaking of bread
• The sacrament
Qn b. describe the institution of the Lord’s Supper
• Jesus was at the last supper with his disciples the night he was betrayed
• In the room which had been arranged by Jesus. He told his disciples how
much he had longed to eat
the Passover meal with them before he suffered death
• He took a piece of bread and gave thanks to God and broke it. He gave it
to them saying, “ this is my
body which is given for you. So do this in memory of me”
• He took a cup of wine and gave thanks to God and said “ take this and
share it among yourselves”
• He also gave them a cup of wine after supper saying “ this cup is God’s
new covenant sealed with my
blood which is poured out for you
Qn c. state the Christian teachings about the Lord’s Supper
• The Last Supper was inaugurated by Jesus
• It’s celebration of the crucified and rise Christ
• The Lord’s Supper is a gift from God
• It is a sacrifice of praise and thanks giving
• It is the church’s effective proclamation of God’s mighty works acts and
• It is a sign of the unity of the church or the believers
• It is a new paschal meal of the church. The meal, which by visible signs
communicates God’s love in
Jesus Christ. It is the sacrament of Christ’s real presence
• The bread is a symbol of the body of Christ which was crucified
• The wine or cup is a symbol of his blood, which was shed. It is the
blood of the new covenant
• It is a fore state of Christ’s passion and of the final kingdom. It is sym-
bolic of the heavenly banquet
• It is central to Christian worship. (Eucharist)
Qn d. what is the meaning of the Lord’s Supper to Christians?
• The sacramental meal communicates God’s love in Christ
• The washing of the disciples feet by Jesus signifies humble service to
and love for one another
• They proclaim the lord’s death until his second coming
• When the disciples noticed what was happening one of them used his
sword to cut off the ear of a
high priest’s slave
• In other words Jesus stopped his disciples from resisting his arrest
• By rejecting armed assistance, Jesus was refusing the role of a political
• Jesus was arrested and taken to the house of the chief priest Annas
Qn h. state the reasons that made Judas Iscariot to betray Jesus
• He lacked moral courage to stand by Jesus during his moment
• He could have been an informer of the Jewish religious leaders
• He was overcome by the power of evil
• He was disappointed by Jesus’ teaching on spiritual kingdom rather than
fulfilling the Jewish
expectation of a political Messiah who could liberate them from the Ro-
man rule
• He was a mercenary motivated by greed for money
• He had little faith in Jesus or lost his trust in Jesus Christ
• He was not loyal to the master
• He was a northerner who felt foreign and thus was jealous against other
• He was a zealot who believed in war rather than peace
Qn i. Describe the trial of Jesus under the following
The council of Sanhedrin
• Jesus was brought to the Sanhedrin council early in the morning follow-
ing his arrest
• The council of elders asked him if he was the Messiah
• Jesus responded by speaking of the son of the man coming in triumph
• The Sanhedrin accused him of the sin of blasphemy for allegedly claim-
ing to be the son of God
• He was condemned to die for alleged blasphemy
• Jesus is without sin. Pilate found no guilt in Jesus and he sent him to
• Pilate gave in to their demands on the grounds of treason- Christians
should refrain from giving false
• Pilate was afraid of a revolt. It was his duty to maintain peace as a Ro-
man officer. Christians learn that
they should not be compromised by worldly standards
• Christians should stand firm for the truth because the truth will always
• Christians should strive not to loose favour with God. They should de-
sire to please God rather than
• Pilate washed his hands he learnt that Jesus is truly the son of God (in-
• Great evil can happen when the truth is at the mercy of political pressure
• Christians should take time before making decisions
• Resisting the truth leaves a person without purpose or direction
Qn l. actions taken by the Jewish leaders to ensure that Jesus was put to
• They paid Judas Iscariot to betray him
• They bought false witnesses to accuse him of blasphemy before San-
hedrin/ blasphemy was punishable
by stoning to death
• They hurriedly tried Jesus at night before people knew what was hap-
• They framed treason charge against Jesus when he appeared before Pi-
late/ treason carried a death
• They employed armed temple guards and armored soldiers to deal with
those who would fight for
• They blackmailed Pilate to have Jesus crucified
• They organized a mob to shout for the death of Jesus and release of
• They crucified him dead when they got permission from Pilate
Qn m. explain the crucifixion of Jesus
• Jesus was given the cross beam to carry to his crucifixion site
• Simon of Cyrene helped him carry it
• A group of women followed Jesus and wept over his plight
• Jesus asked them to weep over themselves and their children
• He talked about the impending destruction coming over Jerusalem
• Jesus eventually arrived at Golgotha and was nailed on the cross
• Two criminals were crucified on either of his sides
• After his crucifixion, the soldiers cast lots to divide his garments. This
action fulfilled psalms 22: 18,
Jesus is the righteous Messiah who suffers unjustly and is mocked by peo-
ple as he cries to God
• The soldiers, Jewish leaders and one of the thieves mocked Jesus for
claiming to be the royal Messiah
• Jesus is mocked with the challenge to save himself
• One of the criminals crucified with Jesus usually referred to as the re-
pentant thief acknowledged Jesus
as the Messiah and admitted the justness of his own condemnation
• Above Jesus it was written, “ this is the king of Jews”
• Jesus forgave his killers and all those who had accused him falsely. He
promised one of the thieves
hanging on the cross a place in paradise
Qn n. describe the death of Jesus
• From this incidence where Jesus blessed the disciples, we learn that the
disciples became confident
about their mission. This earlier disbelief and blindness to who Jesus was
now overcome
Qn t. Give five evidences from the bible that show that Jesus Christ rose
from the dead
• The tomb was empty
• Assurance of the angle to the women that Jesus had risen
• Thomas witnessed the resurrection by feeling the scars on Jesus’ hands
• The women who had gone to the tomb had found it empty
• The disciples witnessed his resurrection when he appeared to the two
disciples at Emmaus
• Jesus shared a meal with his disciples after his resurrection in Jerusalem
• Jesus walked with the disciples up to Bethany prior to his ascension
Qn t. explain the significance of passion, death and the resurrection of Je-
sus to Christian life
• The passion deed and resurrection refers to seven incidences namely, Je-
sus’ last supper, suffering in
the garden, suffering before Sanhedrin, Pilate and Herod; mocking by the
soldiers, death on the cross,
resurrection and ascension
• Those events are of great significance to the modern Christians. First
they proof that Jesus was indeed
the son of God and the Messiah
• The passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ was a fulfillment of
the old testament prophesies
and Psalms
• The resurrection resulted in the rapid spread of the church. The spread of
the church is as a result of
the risen Christ and the influence of the Holy Spirit
• The resurrection is thus the basis/ the central idea or foundation in the
Christian faith and missionary
activity; if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is useless and
you believing it is useless
• The passion, death and resurrection reveal the power of God to those
who believe in him. They also
prove that Jesus who was God’s triumphant envoy is alive and Christians
are assured living again after
the physical death
• The raising of Jesus from the dead proved that Jesus was not only man
but lord over human life so that
Christians share in his life on earth by believing in him and living accord-
ing to the fruits of the holy spirit
• The resurrection of Jesus is a source of inspiration and confidence in
Christians. It also points to the
fact that Jesus was a man of his word i.e. he fore told the resurrection and
it came to pass. His
resurrection was a real fact because he showed his disciples the crucifix-
ion marks
• All that happened during the passion, death and resurrection of Christ
was just a completion of God’s
revelation through Christ
• They also point to the power and glory of God in which those who be-
lieve share in the hope of their
own resurrection in the second coming of Jesus
Qn v. the significance of Jesus’ resurrection to Christians today
• It is the foundation of the Christian faith and hope which their belief
would be useless
• Christian faith would be in vain (futile) if Jesus had not resurrected
the benefit of all believers. The gifts are used for the service of others and
not for self-glorification and
The message of Peter on the day of the Pentecost
Peter told the disciple that what was happening was the fulfillment of Je-
sus’ prophecy.
- He said that Jesus of Nazareth was the Son of God.
- He said that the suffering and death of Jesus was according to God’s
Death was the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecy.
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
1. Gift of wisdom: – having deep understanding of issues- ‘seeing far’,
being perceptive.
2. Gift of knowledge: – ability to understand the basic facts about Jesus,
His mission and knowledge
about spiritual issues.
3. The gift of faith: – refers to the confidence in God’s help. It is deep
trust in God.
4. The Gift of healing: – ability, and power to heal all forms of sickness
by calling upon the name of Jesus
5. The gift of performing miracles: – gift of healing miracles, creative
miracles for example, dead legs
becoming alive.
6. The gift of preaching
7. The gift of prophecy: – the ability to interpret God’s word. The ability
to foresee what will happen in
the future as revealed by God.
8. The gift of distinguishing spirits or discernment: – the ability to know
whether a spiritual gift is from
2. The gift of the Holy Spirit has been misused today by pride and public
manifestation of the gift as a
way of show off. Some Christians have misused the gift of Holy Sprit of
prophecy by prophesying for
Read ACTS 2: 14-41
Jews commemorate Pentecost day. This is the day that God gave Moses
his laws on mount Sinai. It is
also referred to as the festival of weeks. Pentecost day was celebrated 50
days after the Passover. It was
compulsory for all Jews. On this day, Jews brought offering, the first
fruits of harvest, to the temple in
Learning outcomes. By the end of this lesson You should be able: -
1. Describe Pentecost day
2. Narrate Peters’ Message.
3. Explain the relevance of the Pentecostal Experience
a. Pentecost a day
On the Pentecostal day, the disciples were gathered in Jerusalem awaiting
the promise of the Holy
Spirit. And as promised, the Holy Spirit came in the form of a strong
wind, and tongues of fire. The Holy
Spirit rested on the head of each disciple. The disciples received the gift
of the Holy Spirit. They spoke in
new tongues. Some of the observers mistook this experience. They
thought that the disciples were
drunk with wine.
Peter stood up to explain what was happening and defend the disciples.
He told those who saw the
experience that the disciples were not drunk. It was in the morning.
b. Peter’s Message. Read Joel 2: 28 – 32
Peter told the onlookers that; what was happening is fulfillment of Joel’s
prophesies about the
outpouring of Gods spirit. He said that Jesus of Nazareth was the Son of
God. This was proved by the
miracles that Jesus performed. He emphasized that the suffering and death
of Jesus was according to
God’s plans. Jesus is a descendant of David. Death and the resurrection of
Jesus fulfilled prophesies in
the Old Testament.
God raised Jesus from the dead. He taught that Jesus had both the nature
of God and Man. The apostles
are the living witnesses of the resurrection of Jesus. Jesus has been ex-
alted and sits on the right hand of
God where He is Lord and Judge. They holy Spirit is a gift from Jesus
Peter then invited the listeners to repentance so that they could be for-
given and receive the gift of the
Holy Spirit. Three thousand souls accepted salvation message and were
added to the fellowship of the
c. After the Holy Spirit infilling.
The disciples sold their possessions and goods and assisted the needy.
They did many wonders and
signs. They continued to live in unity, worshiping God, fellowshipping to-
gether, and breaking the bread.
d. Lessons Christians learn from Leadership of Peter.
Christians should be:
e) What lessons can Christians learn from the events of the day of the
f) State the teachings of Jesus on the holy spirit (John 14:14-26) (acts 1:7-
g) What is the role of the holy spirit according to Jesus?
h) What is the role of the holy spirit in the believers or the church or
i) Outline the fruits of the holy spirit
j) State the criteria for discerning the spiritual gifts
k) List down the gifts of the holy spirit
l) Explain why Paul taught that love is the greatest of all spiritual gifts
m) Explain how the Holy spirit is manifested in the church today
n) State ways in which the gifts of the holy spirit are being abused in the
church today
Learning outcomes. By the end of this topic, you should be able to:
a) Explain teaching in selected New Testament texts of the unity of be-
b) Identify the metaphors used to describe unity of believers.
c) Identify the causes of disunity in the early and modern church
Unity of believers refers to oneness of those who have faith in Jesus
Learning outcomes. By the end of this lesson you should be able to: -
i. Describe activities of early Christians
ii. Describe characteristics of the people of God
iii. Explain the meanings of these symbolic expressions
- The body of Christ
- The Vine and the Branches
The Holy Spirit is the one who brings Christians together as one body of
Christ to serve the church.
Christians are given gifts for the purpose of sharing the body of Christ.
Jesus Christ is the head of the church. And just as the body has many
parts, playing different roles, so
has the Church. Every member of the church plays a vital role because
different members have different
spiritual gifts and callings. Some are Apostles, Teachers, Prophets, Evan-
gelists, Pastors and Miracle
performers, Administrators and those who show mercy to others and en-
courage (exhort) others.
All church activities should be directed to the welfare of the church, just
as the function of each part of
the body is necessary for the well being of the whole body. To have a
united body, members should be
meek, and patient in order to bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit. For a church
to be united, or to be
considered as one body, Christians should have faith in God the father,
one Lord Jesus Christ, one Holy
Spirit and have faith in God through Jesus Christ.
iii. The Vine and the Branches
Read John 15:1-10
The vine represents Jesus. Vine tree was a tree that bore grapes. The vine
tree was a symbol of
prosperity and peace. Jesus is the vine and the Father is the vinedresser.
Christians/ believers are the
branches. They are expected to produce good fruits by remaining faithful
and united in Christ. Faithful
branches bear fruit like good Christians while unfruitful branches are like
unfruitful Christians.
covenant way of life. Deviation from the covenant was portrayed as adul-
John, who wrote the book of revelations, sees a vision of a new heaven
and a new earth in which faithful
Christians will be rewarded. Christ will come to take His bride to eternity
to live there forever. The
relationship between Christians and Jesus/ God is like a marriage. It is a
covenant. It is a relationship
where the church (bride) is expected to submit to God. Jesus died for the
church, a show of His or God’s
love. Likewise Christians should be committed in their relationship to
SAQ. 1. Discuss in twos who is a bride and what takes place in a wed-
2. Discuss the significance of the symbols used to express the unity of the
believers. These are “The
people of God”, “The body of Christ”, “The vine and the branches” “The
church or assembly of God” and
“The bride”.
The early church experienced some challenges, which led to divisions
among the early disciples and
Learning Outcomes. After reading this lesson,
i Identify causes of disunity in the early church
ii State causes of disunity in the modern church
iii Compare the causes of disunity in the early and modern church
iv Suggest possible solutions to disunity in modern church
a. Causes of Disunity in the Early Church
After Jesus ascended to his Father and left the Holy Spirit to look after his
followers, the disciples
established congregations or communities to spread the Word of God. As
believers of Christ met and
prayed together, there were disagreements and divisions brought about by
several factors and issues.
These were:
Disputes, among early Christians; concerning leadership of the Church.
Christians wanted different
leaders: Paul, Apollos, Cephas or Christ. Paul told them that Christ
couldn’t be divided (1 Corinthians
1:10 -21).
Sexual immorality was another cause of disunity in the early church.
Some Christians were doing or
having irresponsible sexual behaviours. These were incest, fornication,
and prostitution. Paul
condemned such behaviours and told Christians to stop sinning and honor
God with their bodies. The
body of a Christian is the temple of the Holy Ghost (1 Corinthian 5: 1-13,
6:12 – 20).
Christians settling disputes in civil courts. Paul advised they ought to talk
over issues among themselves
and agree to solve problems on their own (1 Corinthians 6).
Dispute over marriage and divorce. Some Christians were opposed to
marriage. Others were
encouraging divorce. Paul addressed these issues in 1 Corinthian, chapter
71-16. Paul advised Christians
that it was okay to marry or not to marry. But marriage was needed to
stop immorality.
Eating of meat offered to idols. Some Christians were eating meat offered
to idols while others were
against it. Paul advised Christians not to eat anything that will cause their
faith to weaken or fail. (1
Corinthians 8 and10: 14 – 20.
There were disputes about dressing during worship. Should women cover
their head during worship?
Should women shave hair? Should men wear long hair? (1 Corinthian
Some Christians were overeating and over drinking during the Holy Com-
munion – misuse of the Lord’s
Supper, (1 Corinthians 11:17 – 33).
Misuses of spiritual gift especially the gift of speaking in tongues. Paul
taught that all gifts are equal (1
Corinthians 12).
There was a misunderstanding about the resurrection of the body and the
dead. Some were saying
there is no resurrection. Paul preached that if there is no resurrection then
their preaching was in vain
as they were witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians
b. Causes of disunity among believers and church in Kenya today
Leadership differences. Some Christians are struggling for power. This
has led to formation of splinter
groups, divisions and enmity between these groups.
Cultural differences. Christians are divided by their African cultural be-
liefs from their backgrounds. This
culture is merged with Christianity and Western cultural practices forming
a unique mixture of beliefs.
Some Christians are permissive, while others are conservative. This has
led to disunity, for example in
the areas of dressing.
Discrimination. There is inequality within the church between the rich and
the poor, the whites and
blacks. Some Christians are viewed as more spiritual than others, on basis
of the tribe, gender, wealth
and social status among others.
Misuse of freedom of worship. Christians are starting sprinter churches,
probably because they want to
control church finances without supervision by the wider church. To jus-
tify their departure, they spread
propaganda against the ‘mother’ church, and other churches in order to at-
tract followers. The more
followers a church has the more tithe it collects.
Misuse of church funds. Some church leaders and followers misuse
church funds
Differences in the practice of baptism
Arrogance and pride by some Christians.
Sins: sexual immorality in the church, divorce and marriage issues.
Some Christian denominations reject the human nature of the person of
Jesus Christ; that Christ had
both a human and divine nature e.g. Nomiya church.
SAQ. Can you think of factors that led to disunity among Christians in the
early church that you have
noted in the Kenyan church?
c. Reasons why Christians should work in Unity.
Christians face many problems and they therefore need to work together
in unity to:
Promote oneness of Christians in Jesus Christ.
c) Canonical prophets the term canon means law. Canonical prophets are
law prophets. The individual
utterances of these prophets are laws. Both minor and major prophets are
canonical prophets,
d) The early prophets are Moses, Nathan Elijah, and Elisha. These
prophets belonged to guilds schools.
Their prophecies are not recorded under their names. Their prophecies are
written in books, which do
not bear their names.
e) Cultic prophets like Hannah (N.T.) served in the places of worship.
They assisted the priest officiating
f) Professional / court prophets like Samuel, Micah, and Gad lived to-
gether in the temple and in groups.
They earned their living through their work. They did not work elsewhere
g) False prophets are pretenders to speak in the name of Yahweh but God
did not call them. They spoke
lies in accordance with the messages people wanted to hear.
c. Characteristics of true prophets
There were two (2) major categories of prophets in the Old Testament, (1)
true prophets and (2) false
prophets. True prophets are those whose prophecies occurred and were
fulfilled. Prophesies of false
prophets did not occur. True prophets distinguished themselves from false
prophets and ordinary
They experienced God dramatically when He called them and in their
ministry. They were God’s
spokesmen and women. They responded in faith to their call.
God gave them specific tasks in their commission and God’s assurance
and support in their ministry.
They urged people to repent and turn back to God.
In their messages, they taught that God demands sincere worship and not
elaborate rituals. They
understood God and taught about God righteousness, goodness, merciful-
ness, and loving care. They
condemned evil in the society and proclaimed God’s judgment and pun-
ishment to those who failed to
keep the covenant. They spoke with authority and acted with courage.
They upheld God as a universal
God for all nations. They talked of a remnant that shall remain after pun-
ishment or those that have
continued to worship God sincerely. Their utterances were true because
they were fulfilled
They spent a lot of their time in prayers. They prayed regularly. At such
times they withdrew from
people in order to have a quiet time to seek God.
All the true prophets received opposition from their audiences and they
were ready to suffer for telling
God’s word.
d. The Characteristics of false prophets.
Some of the prophecy of false prophets contradicted prophesies of the true
prophets. False prophets
followed their own imaginations, and gave false hopes. They told people
what they wanted to hear.
They had no personal knowledge of God. Hence, their prophecies were
not in line with the divine
They used evil forces such as magic, and divinations to call upon the spir-
its of the dead. They were paid
for prophesy and benefits materially from their clients. They served Baal
and were mainly immoral. They
committed crime.
Review questions
How can we know true and false prophets today?
Learning outcomes. After reading this lesson, you should:
1. Describe the work of prophets in Israel
2. Explain how God communicated with prophets and Israelites
3. Analyse the content of the Prophetic messages
1. Work of prophets in Israel
Prophets kept Israelites in communication with God. They communicated
God’s will to the people of
Israel. They foretold God’s judgments and punishment for sinners. They
condemned the behaviour of
the rich towards the poor. Through their messages, people reformed their
lives since they condemned
all forms of social evils and ritual sins.
They contributed to the writing of their messages leading to the compila-
tion of the Bible.
Prophets guided and gave people hope. They taught people the laws of
God. They warned people of
dangers to come. They condemned idolatry and stressed the worship of
one true God, Yahweh.
They anointed the Kings in Israel. Kings consulted the prophets before
any major undertaking such as
war among others.
The authority of prophets in the Old Testament came from God while the
authority of prophets in the
African traditional society came from their ancestors’ spirits.
In the Old Testament prophets were called directly by God while in some
African traditional
communities the prophetic office was hereditary. The African traditional
prophets dealt with family and
local community issues while Old Testament prophets dealt with national
issues, and crises. African
traditional prophets were diviners while Old Testament prophets con-
sulted God.
d. Relevance of Old Testament prophets to Christians today
Christian should be ready to be messengers of God. The call to be a Chris-
tian has a prophetic role. Some
Christians are called to the office of a prophet and should prophecy for the
glory of God and for the
common good of the people. As God’s spokes person one should always
stand for the truth. Christian
should proclaim God’s will even if the message is not pleasant to the peo-
Once appointed as a prophet, one should pass the messages to who ever
they are sent to without fear
or favour. God’s messengers should always condemn the social political
economic evils in the society.
As God’s messengers Christians should live exemplary lives. They should
stand for what they preach and
should expect persecutions because of their works as God’s messengers.
They should be ready to suffer
for the sake of the gospel.
Christians should pray to God to give them guidance, wisdom, and inspi-
ration to be able to handle
hardships in their lives. They should provide hope for the people in times
of suffering.
Christians should realize that God calls both men and women to His ser-
vice. They should be ready to
obey Gods’ prophetic call and not run away e.g. Jonah. They should be
concerned and take care of the
welfare of the poor community members.
Revision questions
1. Define the terms prophet and prophecy
2. List five categories of true prophets
3. State the difference between true and false prophets
4. In what ways were God’s prophets called?
5. Outline the similarities and differences between the old testament
prophets and the traditional
African ones.
6. What is the relevance of prophets to Christians today?
Amos is one of the prophets God sent to Israel to warn the people because
of their evil life.
Politically, the Nation of Israel had become rich. There grew classer, the
rich and the poor. The rich
started oppressing the poor.
Socially, there was still the rich – poor gap. The rich exploited the poor.
Merchants sold bad food,
expensive and used false measurer.
Religiously, the Israelites had turned away from God and were worship-
ing false gods. Syncretism was
the hands of the king, his family, his officials, and wealthy merchants. As
a result, Israel citizens were
divided into two classes; the rich and the poor.
Unfortunately, the rich people owned big luxurious houses. They drunk
wine, and used the most
expensive perfumes. They acquired their wealth at the expense of the
poor. They oppressed and
exploited the poor. The merchants of trade for example, were dishonest in
their trade businesses. They
sold bad wheat to unsuspecting customers and overcharged customers by
measuring with false scales.
Because of the inflated prices, the poor borrowed money from the rich at
high interest rates to buy
basic things like food. Hence, there was massive bribery and corruption in
society and law courts.
As a result the poor lacked basic necessities or needs like food, shelter,
and clothing. It was at this time
when God sent Amos to give prophesy to Israel.
SAQ. How did the rich oppress the poor in Israel?
Read AMOS 7: 1 – 9, 8:1 – 3. 9:1 – 4)
Vision is a picture we have in our mind. It is a future to come. Amos was
shown many visions by God.
Lesson outcomes. After reading these verses in Amos you should be able
to: -
1. Analyse all the visions and
2. State the message of each vision
3. Summaries things that God condemned through Amos
1. The vision of the locusts (Amos 7:1 – 3 )
Amos saw a swarm of locusts being sent by God to destroy all plants and
food crops in the land. The
locusts were, a sign of disaster, which God was going to send to Israel as
a punishment for their
disobedience. Amos cried to God to forgive the people. God heard and
changed his mind.
2. The vision of a great fire (Amos 7:4 – 6)
Amos saw a vision of a supernatural fire that burnt up the land. He asked
God to forgive the people and
God listened. The punishment was stopped.
3. The vision of a crooked wall/ the plumb line (Amos 7:7 – 9)
Amos saw the Lord standing beside the wall checked it with a plumb line.
The wall represented the
Israelites. They stopped observing the laws of their covenant with God.
God found Israelites disobeying
the covenant. God promised to destroy holy places of Israel..
4. The vision of a basket of ripe fruits (Amos 8:1 – 3)
In this vision, Amos saw a basket of ripe fruits. Fruits are harvested at the
end of the summer. This
meant that Israel was ripe for punishment for her refusal to turn to God.
Amos did not pray for
forgiveness. God would no longer withhold His judgment. Time for re-
pentance was over.
5. The vision of the destruction of the altar. Read Amos 9:1 – 4.
Amos saw the Lord standing by the altar. The Lord ordered the destruc-
tion of the temple. The shrines of
Dan and Bethel were destroyed because they were the centres of idolatry.
No one would escape
punishment no matter where they hide.
Summary of issues that God pointed out to Israel through Prophet Amos
Samaritan women were ‘fat like the well fed cows of Bashan’ led luxuri-
ous lives and were very unkind to
the poor. The rich took an excessive share of the harvest from the farmers.
Rulers loved luxury and were
arrogant. They loved material things and showed pride in material posses-
sions. They used expensive
f. Corruption and bribery. The judges were corrupt. They accepted bribes.
There was a conspiracy
between the rich and the judges against the poor
g. Pride in materials possessions
The capital city of Israel was Samaria. It was built on a mountain called
Bethel, which was also a place of
worship. There was prosperity in the land. The Israelites prided them-
selves in their riches and materials
possessions. Amos told them God would destroy their wealth.
h. Dishonesty. This is telling lies, cheating or using unjust means to get
certain things. The wealthy
merchants waited impatiently for the end of the holy days so that they
could engage in lucrative
businesses. They cheated the poor by using false scales. They sold bad
wheat to the poor. They mixed
good and bad grains and sold them to unsuspecting people.
i. Sexual immorality
Sexual immorality was prevalent or common in Israel. For example a fa-
ther and son would have sex with
the same girl. There was temple (cultic) prostitution. There was dishon-
esty; sexual immorality. This
sexual behaviour made the temple unholy.
j. Drunkenness
They Israelites spent time drinking when the poor lacked the basic needs.
They engaged in excessive
drinking of wine. They even forced the Nazarites to drink wine. They ac-
cepted drunkenness.
k. Profaning the name of the God
Israelites did not respect the name of God. They committed sin. They
forced Nazirites to drink wine;
forcing it down their throats yet they knew that Nazirites were people set
aside and chosen by God to
serve God. This act showed contempt of God’s commands. Nazirites were
not supposed to drink wine or
cut their hair. Israelites did this to show their contempt of the Lord,
l. Hypocritical Religion and Idolatry in Israel
Hypocrisy is pretending to be something different from the person one is.
It is also saying one thing, and
doing another thing. For example, Israelites did a lot of religious rites ac-
cording to the laws of Moses
and yet majority of them were unjust, corrupt and oppressed the poor.
They observed the external
religious activities while their hearts were corrupt and insincere. Amos
condemned Israelites for this
hypocrisy, characterized by insincere worship, and mixture of religious
beliefs leading to diverse
practices of religion i.e. syncretism. This is a combination or mixture of
Israelites’ monotheism
(Yahwehism) and worship of idols and other gods especially Baal, the
gods of their neighbours.
m. Empty sacrifices
The Israelites made elaborative offerings and sacrifices. Yet God was in-
terested only in sincere worship
and free will offerings and not mere sacrifices, and tithes. ‘Take away
from me the noise of your songs’
(Amos 5:21 – 23).
Read Amos chapter 1 and 2
Learning outcomes. After studying this lesson, you should be able to:
a. State the sins committed by Israel and other nations
b. Identify how God punished Israel and other nations
i) Israel. She committed several crimes, which were condemned by
Prophet Amos. Read lesson two
again before you go on and list down crimes that were pointed out by
Amos. Okay, you have seen that
Israel committed crimes of injustice, disobedience to God, breaking their
covenant with God, idolatry,
hypocrisy among other sins mentioned above. Israel was punished for
these crimes.
Punishments were severe. Israelites would be exiled forcibly and
painfully. Earthquakes, famines, fires,
oppression from foreign kings, epidemics and divine silence, would de-
stroy their kingdom and holy
ii) Syria. Its capital was Damascus. Syria committed war crimes. The sol-
diers were excessively cruel in
times of war. They murdered their prisoners brutally. For this cruelty,
their punishment was to be
severe. Their palaces would be destroyed by fire and the people would be
exiled in Kir.
iii) Gaza and philistines. Their crime was capturing other people and sell-
ing them into slavery. For this
the wilderness and finally to Canaan. God chose His prophets from the Is-
raelites and raised Nazirites.
Despite God’s favour, the Israelites rebelled and sinned against God. And
although Israelites were
reminded that God cared for other nations equally and are to be punished
if they disobeyed God; and
that they were neither superior, nor better than other nations, they dis-
obeyed God several times.
xii. The day of the lord Amos taught that the day of the lord would be a
day of severe judgment for sins.
. It is not a time of happiness, joy or victory. It is a day of darkness, terror,
disaster, gloom, wailing,
flooding, mourning, defeat, punishment, famine for food and God’s word.
xiii. The Remnant and Restoration. Remnant means a small number of
survivors. These are the Israelites
who will remain after the entire nation is punished. They are also those
who returned to Jerusalem after
the exile.
Restoration is an act of reinstating things / persons to their former state or
position. Amos informed the
Israelites that God was still looking after them, and waiting for their re-
pentance. The nation of Israel
would not be destroyed completely. God would preserve the few right-
eous ones. He would raise the
fallen dynasty of David. People would be restored back to their land to re-
build their cities. There was to
be a great harvest and grapes shall overflow.
xiv. Duty of Christians. Christians are the selected people of God. As the
chosen ones, they should one,
live holy lives and two, use their position to serve God and others. Three,
Christians have a moral
responsibility to spread God’s word, four, care for the needy and five, be
the light of the world.
xv. The Day of the lord. Read Amos 5:18-20, 6:3-5, 8:7-13. in the Old
Testament, the day of the Lord is
the day that Yahweh would make Israel victorious against other nations.
On this day the Israelite
believed that God would establish his rule over and with Israel. The day
of the Lord was also believed to
be the day when Israel would be prosperous, would have favour with
God, and the just would triumph
over the wicked.
In the New Testament, the day of the lord is also the Day of Judgment
(Parousia). It is the day of the
second coming of Christ. On that day, everyone will be judged. Christians
believe that it is the day that
Christ will come for His bride (the church). Those who had obeyed the
laws of God shall be received by
Christ and given the reward of the eternal life. On that day, God’s king-
dom shall be established and
Christ will reign forever.
xvi. Relevance of Amos teachings to Christians today. The messages of
the prophecy of Amos are
relevant to Christians today. This is because God is universal. He chose
Israel but still punished her for
her disobedience, and sins just as He punished other nations like Syria and
The message that God hates hypocrisy is very clear. Thus Christians
should truthful and practice what
they preach. They must worship God in sincerity. Other messages are:
Justice. Christians should be just / fair in dealing with others.
Self – Indulgence. Christians should not pursue luxury and self-indul-
gence when others lack the basic
Bribery. Christians should condemn bribery and corruption, and uphold
Punishment. Christians should bear in mind that God will punish every
Wealth. When Israel became wealthy, they departed from the covenant
with God. Christians should
share their wealth with the needy and acquire their wealth justly
Hypocritical religion. Amos taught about hypocrisy in religion. This was
for example offering empty
sacrifices. Christians have to learn to be sincere, to be concerned about
their internal well being and soul
more than outward observances of religion.
Drunkenness. Christians should not engage in activities that can divert
their faith from God. If that
happens, they should learn to be Repentant.
Revision exercise
1. List the visions that Amos saw
2. Explain the evils that Amos condemned in his teachings
3. Give reasons why prophet Amos condemned idol worship in Israel
4. List evils in the society today that Amos would condemn
Israel had not taken heed to Amos’ prophecies. This was especially on
idolatry. So, God sent another
prophet to continue with the same work. Jeremiah was therefore ap-
pointed as a prophet.
Jeremiah is one of the Old Testament Major Prophets. He was called to a
prophet at around 627 B.C. He
was called as a young man, probably 20 years old. He prophesied in the
southern kingdom- Judah, for a
period of 40 years. His prophetic ministry took place before and during
the exile of Judah.
Learning Outcomes. By the end of this topic, you should be able to: -
a Describe the political, Social, and religious background of prophet
b Describe the personal life and call of Jeremiah.
c Explain the evils condemned by Jeremiah.
d Explain the contents of the temple sermon.
e Highlight the relevance of Jeremiah’s teaching on evils, false prophets
and Christians today.
Learning outcomes. After reading this lesson, you should be able to: -
i. Describe the situation of the people of Judah
ii. Identify religious, political and socio classes of Judah
iii. Describe the call of Jeremiah
iv. Explain lessons that modern Christians can learn from the call of
a. The Kingdom of Judah
Social background
The people of Judah were divided into three social classes. At the top
were the (i) Aristocrats. These
were the ruling class, which consisted of the king, his family, royal offi-
cials, princesses, priests, and
professional prophets. This class of the rich oppressed the poor.
Below them was the class (ii) of technical professional such as stonecut-
ters, carpenters, builders,
masons, blacksmiths, masons, and others craftsmen (2 Kings 12:12). Be-
low them was class (iii) made up
of poor people such as slaves, widows, orphans, and foreigners. All these
poor people were mistreated.
In terms of ethics, there was moral degradation. They committed adultery,
prostitution, murder, false
witness, and corruption.
Religions background.
The Kings and people of Judah worshipped idols. They practiced human
sacrifice, divination and magic,
and listened to false prophecies. They abandoned their covenant with God
and their way of life and
practiced syncretism, which is worshipping God and other false gods like
King Josiah tried to restore true worship by carrying out several reforms.
Prophetess Huldah prophesied
that Judah would be punished after Josiah’s death since he humbled be-
fore Yahweh.
Political Background.
Prophet Jeremiah lived in the 7th century BC and prophesied when Judah
was ruled by King Josiah, and
later his sons Jehoiakim, and Zedekiah; and king Jehoiachin. Judah was
conquered and ruled by
Assyrians who were conquered by Egyptians who ruled Judah up to 605
BC. Egyptians; were conquered
by Babylonians under King Nebuchadnezzar. This was according to the
prophecies of Jeremiah.
b. The Call of Jeremiah. Read Jer 1: 19.
Jeremiah’s father was a priest called Hilkiah. He was born in the territory
of Benjamin; at a place called
Anathoth, He was well educated.
Jeremiah was called to be a prophet in 627 B.C during the reign of King
Josiah. He received his call in
form of a dialogue with Yahweh. God told him that he had appointed him
to be his messenger; even
before he was formed in his mother’s womb, God had selected him to be a
prophet. Jeremiah said he
was too young and did not know how to speak. Jeremiah was forewarned
of the hostility he would
encounter in his prophetic career. God told him that He would protect him
and not to fear.
God touched Jeremiah’s mouth. This symbolized that God is the one who
shall put words in his mouth.
Jeremiah responded to God’s call in faith and obedience. He was given a
message that God was going to
bring judgment upon the Kingdom of Judah. God promised to make him a
fortified city, an iron pillar and
bronze wall for protection. He was commanded by God not to marry, nei-
ther have children and not to
attend social gatherings, weddings, and funerals. His mission made him
isolated and lonely.
As a result, his own family and relatives rejected him and plotted to kill
him. But he had few friends like
Ebed- melech, Ahikam who helped him to get out of a pit.
Jeremiah was persecuted by; the kings of Judah. Priests including priest
Pashhur opposed him, and false
prophets like Hannaniah. He prophesied that God shall punish wicked
Kings, priests, and ordinary
prophets. False prophets did not condemn sin. They prophesied for money
and in the process misled
people away from Yahweh. False prophets prophesied from their dreams,
imaginations and not from
God. They gave people false hopes. They intended to make themselves
popular, with the King and the
iv) Human sacrifice. The people offered human sacrifice to idols and op-
pressed each other. Human
sacrifice is the act of killing human beings for a religious or spiritual pur-
pose. The Israelites copied this
activity from the Canaanites. Children were believed to be the best sacri-
fice since people believed they
would get great favors from the deities. Some kings such as Ahaz and
Manasseh sacrificed their sons to
idols. Jeremiah condemned human sacrifice.
Reasons for condemning human sacrifice
Human sacrifice was an act of idolatry. It indicated infidelity of the Is-
raelites to the one true God. It
demonstrated Israel’s disrespect for the sacred gift of life. It showed their
lack of knowledge of the true
nature of Yahweh. Human sacrifice defiled the land for life is in the
blood. Blood speaks hence the land
was crying at this vengeance. God did not ask for human sacrifices. Hu-
man sacrifice was a sign of lack of
love of God and love for one another. It is a demonstration of disregard
for human life. Only God has the
right to take away life. In our country people kill each other every day es-
pecially on the road. Why do we
do this?
v. Idolatry
Idolatry is the worship of many gods. Idols are images made by people for
worship. The Israelites
practiced syncretism, which we said was the worship of Yahweh and
idols. The people of Israel were
worshipping Baal the Queen of heaven, sun, moon, stars, and also Yah-
weh (Jer 8:2).
Idols were placed even in Yahweh’s sacred places. The temple was de-
filed by idols. This the temple
unclean. Jeremiah condemned it. He told the people of Israel that “{they
have forsaken the fountain of
living waters (GOD) and hewn out for themselves broken cisterns
(IDOLs) that can hold no water” (Jer 2:
Why did Jeremiah condemn idolatry? Read Jer 2: 20, 2:1- 3, 5: 7- 8.
Idolatry is like adultery and prostitution. It defiled people and was a sign
of lack of faith in Yahweh. It
defiled the land. Idolatry led to divine judgment and punishment.
People of Judah abandoned Yahweh the ‘Husband’ and chased “lovers”
the idols and deities The
Israelites (Northern kingdom) had been punished before and yet Judah did
not learn from them. By
worshipping idols Judah broke the covenant and their relationship with
God. And unless the people of
Judah repented, they would be punished; as there is only one true living
God to be worshipped and
obeyed. Is there idolatry among Christians today’s
vi. Other evils condemned by Jeremiah
People of Judah trusted that the temple was secure, holy and cannot be de-
stroyed. Jeremiah denounced
this false belief about the temple. He warned them that God would destroy
the temple because of the
many evils committed in it. The temple of God had become a ‘den of rob-
bers’ and human sacrifices.
People of Judah committed other evils such as hypocrisy (Jer 7; 9-10); so-
cial injustice (adultery, murder),
stubbornness, and rebellion.
vi. The temple
Temple is a place of worship. The temple of Israelites was in Jerusalem. It
signified the presence of God
among his people. The Israelites believed God could never destroy or al-
low destruction of the temple.
Jeremiah stood at the gates of the temple court during Jehuiakim’s reign,
and Judah that God would
destroy the temple and send them to exile. He urged them to repent and
turn back to God. King Josiah
heard the message of Jeremiah and he reformed religious practices in Ju-
vii. Religions reforms carried out by King Josiah
This topic is not clearly spelt out in the syllabus. It is based on the book of
Deuteronomy. The scroll was
discovered in the temple during repairs.
Josiah ordered the repair of the temple of God. He led a national cere-
mony to review the covenant. He
destroyed idols and altars associated with the worship of foreign deities
throughout Judah. He
eliminated all the priests associated with the worship of false deities. He
celebrated Passover in
Jerusalem. The successors of King Josiah did not follow his example.
They became corrupt. They
persecuted the prophets of God. They listened to false prophets. They pro-
moted idolatry and child
viii. The Relevance of Jeremiah’s teachings to Christians today.
Christians should denounce hypocrisy in the society today. They should
not result to witchcraft,
divination and sorcery. They should be upright, and worship God in sin-
cerity. They are to proclaim divine
judgment upon those who refuse to obey God’s will, just like Jeremiah
declared God’s judgment upon
Judah due to the sins of the people.
Like Jeremiah, Christians should speak out against modern idols like love
of money, power, obsession
with sports, sex, and drugs among other evils. Christians should condemn
destruction of human life,
violence; murder, abortion, parents killing their own children, genocide
and exploitation of the poor.
Christians should be aware of the existence of false teachings and prophe-
cies. They should pray for
God’s guidance and wisdom to be able to distinguish truth from false
teaching. Christians have a
responsibility to correct one another and call on sinners to repent.
Christians are to be trustworthy, upright, and merciful to the poor and
condemn dishonesty. They
should practice justice in their relationship with others; preach against dis-
obedience, stubbornness and
pray to God to help them overcome these vices.
Read these review questions and answer before reading answers>
1. Why was Jeremiah reluctant to accept the call?
2. Which evils / sins did Jeremiah Condemn?.
But in punishing people, God is a just judge. He does not punish people
without a reason irrespective of
their status.
God judges people by looking into their hearts. Divine judgment is for a
group. For example, the people
of Judah were punished as a group. However God searches each person’s
heart and judges accordingly.
God executes His judgment by means of political and historical events.
Divine punishments are in forms
of natural disasters like drought, famine, and epidemics. God’s punish-
ment is unavoidable, and
inescapable. Judah took the best option by surrendering to the Babyloni-
The purpose for God’s judgement is to correct the sinner. God gave his
people a chance to repent before
he punished them. God’s judgment is universal. It is not limited to one na-
tion. God punished the
neighbours of Judah who at that time were Egypt, Moab, Ammon, and
Babylon. God’s punishment is
severe compared to that of venomous snakes that bite the people of Judah.
God’s judgement is not
necessarily a punishment from God for one’s sins. It is symbolic. The suf-
ferings of Jeremiah were
symbolic of the life of the people of Judah.
What can we learn about God’s punishments? Are modern disasters such
as cyclones, floods,
earthquakes, landslides, epidemics, bomb blasts, civil wars, forest fires,
rebellions in schools a sign of
God’s judgment and punishment? What do you think?
not repent. The spoilt linen waistcloth was a symbol for future God’s ac-
ii. Jeremiah’s personal Life. Read Jer 16. His life was a symbolic act. He
was told not to marry, have
children, and nor attend funerals, social gatherings, feasts and wedding
Significance. The personal life of Jeremiah was one of suffering. This sig-
nified the suffering that the
people of Judah would be subjected to. Judah was punished because of
their wickedness and rebellion.
Jeremiah’s loneliness signified the perishing of families through the
sword, famine and disease. It would
be a time of terror for the families of Judah. Their normal social life of
feasting, merry making would
come to an end. There would be no weddings and no one to bury the dead.
Hence Jeremiah was
forbidden from mourning for the dead.
iii. Jeremiah’s at the potter’s house (Jer.18)
Jeremiah was told to go to a potter’s house. He found the potter making a
clay vessel. “ Whenever a
piece of pottery turned out imperfect, he would take the clay and make it
into something else (18: 4).
The potter made a better pot, more perfect vessel than the spoilt one.
Significance. God is the potter. People of Judah are the clay. As the potter
destroyed to vessel, God
intended to destroy Judah because of their wickedness and mould those
who repented into better
people. God was going to shape them into faithful people. God’s judge-
ment was to be a corrective
iv. The broken clay Jar. Read Jer.19. God told Jeremiah to buy a clay
He then took some elders and priests to the valley of Valley of Hinnon.
He delivered a sermon
condemning the people of Judah for their idolatry and other evils.
Jeremiah then broke the clay jar in
their presence and announced to them that Yahweh would destroy
Jerusalem and Judah as Jeremiah
had destroyed the jar.
Significance. The kings, priests and prophets of Judah would be shattered
like the clay flask because of
their sins. Sine, they brutally sacrificed their children; they are to suffer
horrifying experiences at the
hand of their enemies. They shall suffer starvation and turn into cannibals;
eating their own children and
neighbours (v.9).
Broken pieces of a clay pot cannot be moulded. No one was to escape
judgment. However there is hope
after punishment.
v. Two Baskets of Figs (Jer.24). Jeremiah received the visions, after the
deportation and exile of leading
citizens of Judah and Israel to Babylon. Two baskets of figs were placed
in front of the temple. One
basket had very good figs, which had ripened. The other basket had bad
figs unfit for human
Significance. The basket of good figs signified the first exile. God would
renew their hearts; use them to
fulfil his promises to the Israelites. He would recreate them to a new peo-
ple. The basket of the bad figs
represented people living in Jerusalem and Egypt. Since they were not ex-
iled they had a self-righteous
attitude. They thought that God spared them because they were truthful
but it was not so. They shall
also be destroyed through famine, and diseases. This vision signifies hope
and restoration of the
vi. Jeremiah Wears an Ox Yoke. Read Jer. 27. When Zedekiah son of
Josiah became the ruler of Judah,
Jeremiah was instructed by God “to make” for himself “ a yoke out of
leather straps and wooden
crossbars” and to wear it around his neck (27: 2). Jeremiah moved around
in the yoke for quite
sometime in public.
He was also given a message for ambassadors of kings of Edom, Moab,
Ammon, Tyre, and Sidon, who
were coming to see King Zedekiah in Jerusalem. They were to give God’s
message to their kings. The
message was to “submit to King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia; his son,
and his grandson. Any nation
that accepted this message shall not suffer; but if any nation ..will no sub-
mit to King Nebuchadnezzar of
Babylonia rule, God will punish that nation by war, starvation and dis-
ease” Read Jer 27:6-8. The message
for king Zedekiah was to surrender to the Babylonian rule and live, if he
resists he would perish.
The message for priests and people of Judah was not to be misled by the
false prophets. The temple
would be destroyed. Its treasures looted by the Babylonians.
and despair. He wondered why God made him suffer. Why do the wicked
prosper? He also wondered
why God was taking too long to fulfil his prophecies. God assured him
that Judah would be punished and
promised to give Jeremiah victory against his enemies.
X. Jeremiah suffered physical assault, imprisonment and an attempt on his
life. Pashhur, the chief
temple priest ordered beating and chaining of Jeremiah to the temple gate.
Jeremiah prophesied that
Pashshur’s name would change to ‘terror everywhere’.
XI. King Zedekiah released Jeremiah from the cell to his court. Jeremiah
continued to prophecy and was
thrown in a muddy cistern. Here he was rescued by Ebed- melech an
Ethiopian Eunuch. The court
officials had accused him of not being patriotic. Jeremiah remained in jail
until the Babylonians
overthrew Jerusalem. He did not change his prophecies. Read Jer. 10:1 –
6, 27, 37, and 38.
Is there relevance of the sufferings and lamentations of Jeremiah to Chris-
tians today? From his suffering
Christians learn to be ready to face opposition and rejection from their
own family members and
relatives for the sake of the gospel. Christians should be prepared to suffer
persecution for the Lord.
Christians should be ready to make sacrifices for the sake of God. Be
ready to lead humble lives.
Jeremiah’s open confessions to God encourage Christians to be open to
God. Christians should let God
avenge for them just like Jeremiah prayed to God to revenge his enemies.
Christians should not lose
people’ of God.
The new covenant would establish a new beginning. People would forget
the first Exodus. The second
Exodus would be deliverance and restoration from Babylon. God would
initiate the new covenant as he
did with the first. It would be a new covenant of peace, unity, prosperity,
Joy and gladness. In the new
covenant a ‘righteous branch’ would be established. The new covenant
would be everlasting. It would
not be broken again.
b. Differences between the old covenant and the new covenant
Old Covenant New Covenant
1. Based on law Based on faith
2. Word written on stone tablets Word written in peoples hearts
3. God known personally by a few priests prophets and prophets Each to
person to know God personally
4. Covenant broken when people sinned Everlasting covenant
5. Sins punished collectively Sins punished individually
6. 1st Exodus from Egypt 2nd Exodus from Babylon
7. Sealed by animal sacrifice Sealed by Jesus sacrifice (blood)
What are the similarities between the old and the new covenant? Jesus
fulfilled the new covenant. Jesus
is the ‘righteous branch’ from the lineage of David. In the last supper, be-
fore his death, Jesus said ‘this
cup which is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood. Read
Luke, 22:20. The death and
resurrection of Jesus marks the new covenant. Jesus spoke of forgiveness
of sins of humanity Jesus
forgave people’s sins, for example, the sinful woman in Simon’s house
(Luke7: 36 – 50). In the new
deed and open copy to Baruch. Baruch was told to keep the title deed and
the copy in an earthen vessel
for preservation for a long time. Jeremiah prophesied the restoration of
the exiles to their homeland.
The significance of this symbolic act is the assurance of restoration of Ju-
dah and Israel after suffering.
People will be restored to their homeland. After 70 years people of Judah
would reconstruct their
homes, cultivate their land, and own property (Jer 32; 1 -15).
The third symbolic act was Jeremiah’ letter to the Jews in Babylonia.
Jeremiah wrote to the people of
Judah a letter of encouragement while in exile. They were to settle down,
build houses, marry and have
children, live in peace with the Babylonians. They were to pray for the
welfare of their masters and to
ignore false prophets who lied to them about the safety of Jerusalem and a
quick return. God would
restore them back to their land after 70 years of exile were over. The ex-
iles were to trust in God and not
give up (Jer.29).
The four symbolic act was a wooden ox yoke. The yoke represented cap-
tivity and suffering of Jews in
exile. It was also a sign of hope if the people of Judah were willing to sub-
mit to the Babylonian rule. God
would restore them back to their land. Their yoke would be broken and
they would be set free.
The fifth symbolic act was the visit to the porter’s house
b. The fall of Jerusalem and the exile of the Israelites (Jer.39)
Jeremiah’s prophecy came to pass. Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians in
the ninth year of king Zedekiah
individual relationship with God. Christians are the new people, the new
Israel as prophesied by
Jeremiah. His teachings reveal that God is universal. Christians are from
all corners of the earth.
Christians should prepare for divine judgment by practicing love, right-
eousness, self-denial, and faith in
Revision exercise
1. List the evils that Jeremiah condemned
2.What are some of the evils that church leaders condemn today?
3. Explain the symbolism used during the call of prophet Jeremiah
4. What did Jeremiah teach about the new covenant?
5. Why did prophet Jeremiah condemn the way the Israelites worshipped?
6. Explain Jeremiah’s temple sermon as recorded in jeremiah7: 1-15
7. What forms of punishment did Jeremiah prophesy that God would use
on Judah?
8. Outline the content of Jeremiah’s letter to exiles in Babylon
9. Explain four symbolic acts related to judgement and punishment as
demonstrated by prophet
10. Identify the relevance of Jeremiah’s teaching to Christians today
11. In what ways is the prophetic mission of Jeremiah similar to that of
The book of Nehemiah is a historical writing. Nehemiah is a record of his
deep dependence on God and
his frequent prayer to God. Nehemiah means “Yahweh has comforted.
Nehemiah was the son of
governor of Judah. Even after the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem, Is-
raelites remained subjects of the
Persian king.
The Wall of Jerusalem was important to Israel and Judah. The Wall repre-
sented a sense of pride,
ownership, privacy, independence and
Security. The Greeks conquered the Persians; who were later conquered
by Romans.
b. Social background
The Jews in foreign lands retained their Jewish way of life. The land of Is-
rael was partly occupied by
foreigners. The foreign cultures of neighboring rulers influenced Israelites
who returned. They for
example, intermarried with foreigners, a custom that God did not allow.
Israelites were not to
intermarry with other people according to the Mosaic Law. In spite of this
however, Jews maintained
their separated identity. Some of the foreigners despised Jews. The
wealthy Jews oppressed the poor
Jews. In Jerusalem there was starvation. Nehemiah condemned oppres-
sion of the poor.
c. Religious background
Jews returned to rebuild the temple of Jerusalem and the altar of God for
sacrifices. While in exile, Jews
were allowed by the Babylonian king to practice their religion. They wor-
shipped Yahweh, practiced
circumcision, obeyed dietary laws and observed the Sabbath. The exiles
could not however observe all
the religious practices for example offering animal sacrifices.
.v. For his good work, he prayed for his works (Neh 5:19).
vi. When his enemies plotted to destroy him, he prayed God for strength
and courage to overcome his
enemies (Neh 6: 19).
vii. When Shemaih attempted to frighten him to hide in the temple claim-
ing that there was a plot to kill
him, Nehemiah prayed and asked God to punish his enemies (Neh 6:14).
viii. When he organized contributions for Levites and musicians; and peo-
ple to distribute them. He asked
God to remember his work for the house of God (Neh 13:14).
ix. He stopped trade on the Sabbath day, and organised rest on the Sab-
bath day. He warned traders
against violating the Sabbath law. He asked Lord to remember him for
these actions (Neh.13: 22).
x. Nehemiah prayed for punishment of the son of Joiada. The son of
Joiada had brought disgrace to the
priest hood by marrying a foreigner, the daughter of Sanballat from the
town of Beth Horon, (Neh
13:29). After cleansing the Israelites of foreign influence, he forbade
mixed marriages
xi. He prepared duty regulations for priests and Levites. He allocated
them duties. He then organised
Jews to bring offerings for maintaining priests and Levites. He prayed
God to remember his work for the
temple, priests and Levites (Neh 13:31).
b. Importance of prayer in Christian life
Through prayers, Christians express their faith in God and praise God for
his greatness, goodness,
holiness, and majesty. Prayer brings Christians closer to God; it strength-
ens their relationship with God.
at first but they later repented. Nehemiah faced opposition from enemies
such as. Sanballat, and
Tobiah, the Arab who tried to thwart the progress of Nehemiah’s work.
As he built Jerusalem, the rich oppressed the poor. This was worsened by
The priests misused the temple and the offerings. For example, temple du-
ties had been abandoned. The
Levites were not getting their share of the offerings and the Sabbath was
violated. There was laxity in
observance of the Sabbath. This was a challenge to Nehemiah because
Sabbath day should be kept holy.
There was a lot of foreign influence because of the conquests by several
foreign armies, intermarriages
and interactions between Jews, neighboring people and foreigners. Mar-
riages in particular threatened
the identity of the Israelites as a nation. Worse still Priests married to for-
eign women defiled the
priesthood according to Nehemiah. Because of these assimilations of Jews
through marriages,
Nehemiah knew that Israel and Judah would eventually be lost as God’s
nation. Because of his
opposition to these interactions, Nehemiah received death threats.
c. Dedication of the wall of Jerusalem (NEH. 12:27 – 47)
The rebuilt wall was dedicated to God. The wall restored security and
prestige of God’s people. The wall
of Jerusalem was set-aside for God in a solemn ceremony. There was a
dedication ceremony in which
people sung with symbols, harps, lyres, trumpets and other instruments.
The priests, and Levites
purified themselves.
The people led by Ezra, Nehemiah, the priests and other leaders of Judah
walked around the wall. They
divided themselves into two groups. One group walked from the right side
and the other group from the
left side and converged at the temple. Sacrifices were offered and people
rejoiced. Some men were
appointed to be in charge of the storehouses; where tithes, and first fruits
of harvest were kept.
d. Relevance of Nehemiah’s experience to Christians today
Christians should expect opposition, as did Nehemiah. They should not be
afraid of being ridiculed,
mocked and despised. If it happens, Christians should persevere in God’s
work. They should put their
trust in God like Nehemiah did.
They should also fight for the welfare of the disadvantaged groups and
not exploit them. They have a
moral obligation to condemn injustice and take practical steps to help
solve problems that afflict
individuals, groups, nations, and society. They should be in the forefront
fighting HIV/ AIDS and drug
Christians should be on the look out for external influence that may cor-
rupt morals of the society and
the church. They should learn that leadership involves suffering, persecu-
tion, and sacrifices. This is
foregoing personal interests for the sake of the kingdom of God.
Learning outcomes. After reading this lesson, you should be able to: -
i. List the stages followed to renew the covenant.
ii. Identify issues that Ezra mentioned in his prayer
iii. List the vows that were made by the Israelites during renewal of the
i. Stages of the renewal of the covenant. Israelites were the chosen people
of God. They had suffered
many hardships. There was therefore a need for the renewal of the
covenant between God and
Israelites. The ceremony to renewal the covenant was held in Jerusalem
and was led by Ezra, the Levites
and other religious leaders. The renewal of the covenant can be discussed
in 3 main stages:
Stage 1. A great public assembly was held in the square of Jerusalem in-
side the water gate. God’s law
was read and expounded to the people. The people of Israel praised and
worshipped God. They cried
and grieved. They were sad because they realized that they had failed to
observe the Mosaic Law. They
were instructed to go and celebrate, as it was a holy day of God and an oc-
casion for joy not sorrows.
State 2. The feast of booths/tabernacle was celebrated for 7 days. It was a
reminder of the days in the
wilderness when the Israelites dwelt in tents. The Law of Moses was read
each day during the
Stage 3. There was a public confession of sin. People fasted, prayed and
praised God. The public
confession was followed by the renewal of the covenant vows and a
promise to keep God’s law in
Ezra’s prayer closed the celebrations. In his prayer, he recalled God’s acts
of creation. He then recounted
the history of the Israelites. He mentioned the previous acts of God; where
the Lord had demonstrated
His love and mercy for the Israelites. He then confessed the sins of their
ancestors and the present
Israelites. These were the sins of rebellion and disobedience.
ii. Promises and vows made by Israelites during the renewal of the
covenant. Israelites promised God
that they would
Live according to God’s law, by obeying all his commands and require-
Stop intermarrying with foreigners living in their land.
Cancel debts every 7th year
Contribute annually towards the temple expenses to ensure that the
house of God was not neglected.
Provide sacrifices and offerings for the temple and arrange for provision
of wood for burnt sacrifices
according to the law.
Offer first fruits of their harvest and dedicate the first born and flocks as
required by the law.
Pay for their tithes as required by the law.
Which lessons can we learn from the renewal of the covenant? God is
good, loving, merciful, and faithful
to his promises. God forgives all people and we are all sinners. We fail in
our moral obligation to God
and to one another.
Since we are sinners, we should repent our sins and strive to live accord-
ing to God’s law. Christians are
to encourage one another as well as others to repent as it brings about rec-
onciliation with God and with
one another.
Christians should be forgiving and avoid situations that lead them to sin
SAQ. Check from form 1 work, this information.
1. Outline Nehemiah’s final reforms
2. What is a covenant?
3. What are the components of a covenant?
4. Discuss how the covenant was renewed
5. List examples of covenants in the Old Testament and modern life.
6. Explain what Christians can learn from the experiences of Nehemiah
7. Compare or relate the teachings from Nehemiah’s exemplary life to the
teaching of St. Luke’s Gospel
and Christian life today.
Introduction. Changes for improvement are known as reforms, which are
either political, economical,
social, religious or a combination of any of them. Examples of reformers
are King David, Prophet Elijah,
and Martin Luther King among others.
Nehemiah. After building the wall, Nehemiah went back to King Artax-
erxes II who if you remember had
given permission to go to Jerusalem and build its destroyed perimeter
wall. Later he returned to
Jerusalem and carried out these reforms.
Lesson outcomes. After reading this lesson, you should be able to:
a. List reforms of Nehemiah
b. Suggest what we can learn from the teachings of Nehemiah and that of
St. Luke’s Gospel
a. Reforms by Nehemiah. We have discussed reforms, which Nehemiah
carried out during his stay in
Judah, where he was the governor (Neh 5:14). The major reforms were
i Rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem as well as its gates.
the temple.
b. Comparing teachings of Nehemiah and St. Luke’s Gospel
i Nehemiah lived a prayerful life while St. Luke’s gospel emphasizes im-
portance of prayer. Jesus taught
the role of prayer in Christianity.
ii Nehemiah fasted, St. Luke’s gospel records that Jesus fasted.
iii Nehemiah prayed for forgiveness of sinful Jews. We see Jesus in St.
Luke’s gospel being a leader who
prayed for the forgiveness of his enemies.
iv Nehemiah cared for the needy. Jesus showed compassion to the needy
and taught his followers to
follow His example.
v Nehemiah condemned evil so did Jesus
vi Nehemiah is seen as a reformer of the Mosaic Law. In St Luke Gospel,
Jesus was also a reformer. He
insisted on inner holiness.
vii Nehemiah cleansed the temple of traders so did Jesus.
viii Nehemiah was very strict on the Sabbath observance. St. Luke’s
gospel teaches that Jesus is lord over
Sabbath. He healed and “Worked” on Sabbath.
ix Nehemiah was opposed to racial intermarriages, St. Luke Gospel was
dedicated to Theophilus, a
gentile convert
x Christianity kingdom of God in St. Luke’s gospel is for all, not just the
xi. Nehemiah had good leadership skills and wisdom. These are demon-
strated in St Luke Gospel.
c. Relating Nehemiah’s teachings to Christian life today
i Prayers and fasting are fundamental to Christians just like they were to
Nehemiah who led a prayerful
ii Nehemiah’s example teaches Christians to face all forms of opposition
with courage, wisdom, and
iii The good leadership qualities of Nehemiah are relevant to Christians
and they are to be emulated.
iv Nehemiah cared for the needy. Christians should learn to give spiritual
food, physical food and
clothing to the needy, orphans, widows.
v As Nehemiah renewed the covenant, Christians should seek spiritual re-
newal publicly and privately.
They should seek for communal as well as individual forgiveness.
vi Nehemiah cleansing the temple and organised an inventory for temple
contributions, offerings and
tithes. He also appointed key people to look after temple contributions
and pay Levites and priests.
Christians should learn to use the church buildings and contributions
vii Nehemiah was guided by the Law of Moses and land just like Chris-
tians are guided by the scriptures
(Bible) and the law of the nation. The Bible is the source and basis of
Christian principles.
Revision questions
1. Describe the political background of Nehemiah
2. Describe the social background to the vocation of Nehemiah
3. Describe the religious background to the vocation of Nehemiah
4. Describe occasions when Nehemiah prayed
5. State occasions when Christians pray
6. What is the importance of prayer in Christian life?
7. Identify the leadership of Nehemiah’s patriotism
Through the gift of prophecy some believers give proper guidance to the
Through the gift of discernment of spirits believers are able to tell the
type of spirit that is in
Through the gift of faith, believers have been able to accomplish tasks
that seem rather impossible
Some Christians through the holy spirit are able to withstand a persecu-
tion to the point of death
The holy spirit convicts sinners and makes them confess their sins
Through the holy spirit many Christians see heavenly visions and
The fear of the lord is upon many evangelical groups through the Holy
In some evangelical gatherings, there are many supernatural things dur-
ing worship e.g. shaking and
It is also manifested through prayer at individual or congregational lev-
Through decision making in church i.e. solving problems and issues in
Through singing and dancing or music
Through offertory and alms or sadaka
Holding fellowship meetings, bible study and reading the bible
Celebration of sacraments e.g. Eucharist and lord’s supper
Bringing new converts to the church
Pastoral cave and counseling It is manifested in Ecumenism: working
together of the churches
Writing Christian literature e. g. books, pamphlets and magazines
Enabling Christians to confess their sins and reconciliation meetings
New Israel
The sheep
The royal church
Royal race
Royal priest hood
Holy nation
The children of light
Brothers and sisters in Christ
Qn b. identify five causes of disunity in the early church
The question on the inclusion of the gentiles in the church. Some Jewish
Christians were not ready to
accept gentile Christians in the church unless they underwent circumci-
There was negligence of the widows in the distribution of food
Disagreement between and among leaders e.g. Paul and Barnabas, Peter
and Paul
Groupings in the church where some Christians owed loyalty to individ-
uals. They said that they
belonged to individuals like Apollo others Peter and others Paul
Question of immorality, where some Christians did not live according to
the teachings of Christ
The problem of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Some Christians became ar-
rogant because they were more
gifted than others
Different interpretations of the doctrines e.g. resurrection, sin, salvation,
Christology, Holy Spirit,
• Dishonesty
• False prophets
• Human sacrifices among devil worshippers
• Sexual immorality e.g. adultery
Q3. Explain the symbolisms used during the call of Prophet Jeremiah
God touched Jeremiah’s mouth. This was to symbolize that God was the
source of the message.
Jeremiah was to deliver.
A branch of an almond tree that was base – God was watching to see the
fulfillment of the message
he gave to Jeremiah.
A pot of boiling facing away from the North and about to tilt toward Ju-
dah. God would use a nation
from the North to bring judgement on the people of Judah because of their
A fortified city. A bronze wall and an iron pillar. God was going to pro-
tect him even though he was
going to meet opposition.
To uproot and pull down, to destroy and overthrow. God would pass
judgement on the nation of
Judah and other nations.
To build and to plant. There was still hope of the restoration of people
of Judah after exile.
Q4. What did Jeremiah teach about t the New Covenant?
The new covenant was to be written in people’s hearts.
The covenant was to be made between God and the remnant community
after exile.
The people were to have a personal knowledge of God in the new
God was to forgive their sin and remember them no more.
Q8. Outline the content of Jeremiah’s letter to exiles in Babylon (Jer. 29)
He encouraged the Israelites in Babylon to build houses and live in
Plant gardens and eat their produce.
Marry and increase.
Pray for their rulers.
Not to worship false gods.
Not to be cheated by false prophets.
To obey their masters.
Worship one God.
Q9. Explain four symbolic acts related to judgement and punishment as
demonstrated by Prophet
Linen waist cloth – the rotten/useless linen cloth that had been hidden in
the caves and lift to rot
stood for Israel’s state of being useless before the eyes of God. A sign that
they had soiled their
Jeremiah was asked not to marry the solitary life symbolized solitude in
Two baskets of fig fruits – the bad fruits signified that the bad people
would be punished.
Wooden yoke – he was asked to carry a wooden yoke and work around
with it signifying suffering in
Babylon – exile.
Breaking an earthly flask – destruction of the temple.
Visit to a potter – whereby the potter destroyed a pot due to poor shape
and remolded it. God would
remold Israel to a shape befitting them.
to ask for forgiveness and promotes important virtues e.g. persistence and
patience and promotes unity
among different communities
Qn 6. Identify the leadership of Nehemiah’s patriotism
He was a tune patriot i.e. after talking to the Jews and getting the news
of distribution of Jerusalem,
he was forced to go back home.
Reliance to God. He totally relied on God and to his call i.e. in most
cases he prayed before carrying
out an activity
Devoted/ talented. As a cupbearer to the emperor he was an educated,
talented and trustworthy
young man
Visionary. He had a vision and he shared it with enthusiasm to inspire
Jerusalem leaders to rebuild
the wall
He took the initiative to persuade the emperor to put things right
Exceller organizer. He carefully organized the rebuilding process. He
organized how the wall of
Jerusalem was to be built in steps
Careful planner. He carefully examined and inspected the wall before
starting the work
People’s representative. He was a proper representative of his people in
Israel. he had a sense of
responsibility to his community
Shrewd. He avoided the meetings organized by his opposer and over-
looked the abuses placed on him
Impartial. He appointed men of integrity and God fearing to keep guard
over Jerusalem
Selfless and kind. He had the skill of solving problems. He hence can-
celled all debts that people had
Homogenous. He employed different strategies to counteract his op-
Qn7. explain the relevance of Nehemiah’s leadership to a Christian today
A Christian should use his/her present position to serve God
Christians should acknowledge God as their source of power and giver
of gifts
A leader should appoint people who are trustworthy and honest to help
him/ her in ruling the
God answers our prayers as a result of asking others for help
A Christian leader should keep his /her plans a secret until it matures to
make an announcement
Christians should share their visions with others the way Nehemiah did
Leaders should take care of the needy in the society
As a Christian one could be lured to temptations; the way Nehemiah
was opposed we should be
ready to resist temptations
Christians should be ready to help in solving problems in the society
Christians should act as role
models by carrying out spiritual activities with the truth and helping in
work after starting projects.
Qn 8. Explain the relevance of Nehemiah’s experience to Christians
They should not exploit the needy and disadvantaged
They should defend the rights of the weak and use their work place,
family and friends
They should ask God to protect them from the mischief of their enemies
That they should pray to God to give them guidance in their endeavors
That they should persevere in all difficulties as Nehemiah did
which we have covered from Form one to three, explain very clearly what
is right and wrong. When
doubtful of the morality of an action, Christian consults the Bible to know
if a decision is right or wrong.
ii. Human Experiences: – these are internal and external guides
When confronted by situations, Christians use their minds i.e. human
reason and their life
experiences in making decisions.
They rely on internal guides, (Human reason) and experience (external
Internal guides
(i) Conscience: – Mind, aspect of knowing right or wrong. When right,
there’s’ approval when wrong it
registers guilt.
When doubtful of the morality of an action we should not do it
If conscience is perplexed then make us decision. A decision should be
based on a certain conscience.
Types of conscience
- Doubtful conscience
- Sensitive conscience
- Certain conscience
- Perplexed conscience
2. One can also make decisions based on knowledge and free will
To make a decision one should have
- Facts about the act, its aims, circumstances.
- One should be free to perform
A decision ought to be thoughtful
3. Intuition: – inner feeling, insight
It’s an internal moral sense to do good or avoid evil. Intuition is important
in situations that require
firewood, and helped in cooking. At an early age, girls and boys would
mix freely as they played
together. Mature boys and girls however, were restricted from mixing
freely without supervision by
elders. But there was gender identification. The boys identified with their
fathers and other male adults,
while girls identified themselves with their mother and other female
Education. Children belonged to the community and not just to their bio-
logical parents. At the
adolescent stage; 13 – 18 years education was given to the adolescents
and intensified at initiation
stage. Boys and girls were taught traditional rules, and secrets of the soci-
ety during initiation. Learning
was informal. Knowledge was communicated through songs, stories and
riddles among other forms of
presentations. All adults acted as parents to the young ones.
Socialisation. Men were socialized to be superior, while women were so-
cialized to accept their
subordinate position and role. Everyone knew and accepted what he/she
was culturally supposed to do.
Division of labour was based on sex. In the African communities, despite
their differences, there were
many common customary roles, rules, regulations, taboos and beliefs that
governed the practices
related to male – female relationships from early childhood to old age.
These traditional African
practices relating to male – female relationships existed at various levels.
In all of them, man held
superior positions when compared to those of women.
Age. Old women and men were accorded respect. They were consulted
for advice and counsel. Kinship
system was emphasized.
e. Christian teaching on male- female relationships. We learn that the hus-
band is the head of the house
and should love his wife like Christ loved the church. Once a wife is
loved, she should submit to her
husband. We also learn that both male and female are equal and co – cre-
ators with God. Adam and Eve
were created to complement each other. Likewise men and women should
love each other. Jesus taught
that each man should have one wife and vice versa. Once married, the
husbands’ body belongs to the
wife and hers belong to him. If that is the case, wife and husband should
avoid immorality.
Males and females are to relate freely. But the youth are to avoid the pas-
sions of youth. These are
sexual sins. There are no specific chores or duties for either male or fe-
male. Relationship between sexes
should be governed by love, chastity, respect, self-control, and self-disci-
pline. Parents are to love their
children, while children are to obey and honor their parents. Parents are
asked to bring up their children
in a Godly way.
Lesson Outcomes. By the end of this lesson, you should
a. Outline Christian teaching on responsible sexual behaviour
b. Analyse Christian teaching on irresponsible sexual behaviour
c. Discuss effects and consequences of irresponsible sexual behaviour
through sex. These are gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes genitalis is, hepatitis B,
clamydia, trichonomiasis,
HIV/AIDS. Lets discuss them one by one.
HIV / AIDS. This is human immune deficiency virus (HIV) that causes
acquired immune deficiency
syndrome (AIDS) condition. Syndrome refers to many symptoms. HIV is
transmitted largely through sex
with an infected partner; through blood transfusion; sharing sharp objects
with infected persons; and
from an infected mother to the unborn child. The HIV virus destroys the
white blood cells, and weakens
the body ‘s immune system. When the body is weak, it is not able to fight,
and defend itself against
infections. Persons with the virus are vulnerable and susceptible to oppor-
tunistic infections.
The signs / symptoms of AIDS are manifestations of symptoms of the op-
portunistic infections. Some
symptoms include persistent coughs, loss of weight, oral thrush, loss of
appetite, and diarrhoea.
Churches encourage Christians to be compassionate to HIV/AIDS af-
fected people, and to support the
infected and the affected individuals like the orphans, widows, and wid-
owers. It also teaches against
sexual immorality and against all forms of discrimination.
Gonorrhea is caused by a bacterium called “Neisseria gonorrhea”. Its
symptoms appear a4 days after
infection. Its symptoms are burning sensation when passing urine; pain or
discomfort in the genitals;
sticky discharge or pus in the vagina or through the urethra. The good
news is that Gonorrhea is curable
if treated early.
Syphilis. Primary syphilis may show up in the form of a sore or a wound
in the genitals a few days after
infection. The wound heals by itself without treatment after some time.
Syphilis infection may take
several years about 7 years before its symptoms re appear. The symptoms
of syphilis are a painless sore
or pimple on the man’s penis or woman’s vulva; and swelling of the
glands in the groin. Other
symptoms, which may appear later, are skin rashes, and sores either in the
face armpits, under breasts,
mouth or throat.
Herpes genital is a sexual disease caused by a virus. It creates wounds in
the genitals. A pregnant woman
can transmit the infection to her newborn baby during delivery. This dis-
ease can be controlled although
there is not an effective treatment.
Hepatitis B virus causes Hepatitis B. It is transmitted through sex, injec-
tions by unsterilized needles and
contact with contaminated blood. The infection does not show on the gen-
itals. The signs and symptoms
of Hepatitis B include yellowness of the eyes (jaundice) due to liver dam-
age and pain around the upper
c. The effects of irresponsible sexual behaviour.
There are many effects of irresponsible sexual behaviour. They include
among others HIV / AIDS,
sexually transmitted infections (STI), abortion; family separations and di-
vorces, deaths, unplanned
pregnancies; children living in the streets; school drop outs and psycho-
logical problems.
i. Effects of incest. These are many. One, incest undermines the healthy
relationships between members
of a family as it brings shame and guilt among the parties involved. Two,
incest destroys relationships
within the family and can lead to breaking up of a marriage. Three, incest
destroys self-esteem, self –
respect, and dignity of the victim. We find that abused boys and girls end
up having problems when
trying to establish healthy relationship with members of the opposite sex.
Four, incest can lead to
pregnancy, and abortion. And as you have read in the newspapers, it can
lead to infections with sexually
transmitted diseases (S.T.I.’s) and HIV / AIDS. As I write, a father was
jailed for life for raping his
daughter and infecting her with HIV/AIDS virus.
ii. Effects of Rape. This crime has very serious consequences and harmful
effects on the victim. Rape
may result in pregnancy and can led to physical, psychological, social,
and spiritual side effects. The
victim may suffer (1) serious physical injuries and (2) may contract both
the STI’s, and HIV / AIDs. The
victim is traumatized, and ashamed of self. The victim suffers from guilt,
loneliness, humiliation,
posttraumatic stress disorders, and depression among others psychological
manifestations. Young rape
victims in particular may loose trust in the opposite sex. All these suffer-
ings can lead to suicide and
iii. Effects of Fornication. Some of these are having children out of wed-
lock; feelings of distrust, guilt,
and hurt; contracting STI’s and HIV/AIDS; loss of self-respect; early and
forced marriage and abortion.
iv. Effects of Adultery. Christians teach against adultery because it is
against God’s commandments and
can lead to divorce, abortion, STI, HIV/AIDS, domestic violence, murder
(death) and psychological
v. Effects of Prostitution are many. It can lead to break up of marriage,
and family. It lowers a person’s
dignity and can lead to unplanned pregnancies, school dropouts; infec-
tions such as STI’s and HIV /AIDS
and improper use of family resources.
vi. Effects of homosexuality. It is a threat to procreation. It promotes
loose short-term informal
relationships and therefore promotes HIV / AIDS. Homosexual couples
are prone to HIV/AIDS infections
because of having many partners; although this is changing in USA where
homosexual couples are being
married in churches.
vii. Effects of Sexually transmitted diseases
HIV / AIDS effects are numerous. They include recurrent illness due to
opportunistic infections. There is
also stigmatization. Some individuals have feelings of guilt, anger, denial
and depression. The sick
persons have to look for extra finances to care for their health. They have
the burden for medications,
and special diet. HIV/AIDs has no cure and leads to death like many other
diseases. Parents die and
Stress is the response of the body and mind to any situation that exerts
pressure or makes demands on
a person. The intensity or pressure experienced determines the level of
stress. Some of the signs of
stress are: anxiety, worry, drop in performance, chest pains, mood swings,
rebellion, ulcers, heart
palpitations, fatigue and guilt feelings.
Solutions. To avoid stress, it is suggested that individuals should accept
that one is stressed; identify
sources of stress, rest, exercise, listening to therapeutic music and talk to a
Depression. This is an acute mental disorder. It is also a state of hopeless-
ness and low spirits. Depression
can be mild or severe. It has physical, emotional and behavioural signs
and symptoms. Let me caution
you that it is only a medical doctor who can know if one has a depression
or not. We are told by doctors
that signs of a depression are: persistent headaches and chest pains; loss
of appetite; too much
appetite; loss of memory; insomnia i.e. lack of sleep; weight loss or gain;
nervousness and mood swings;
low self-confidence; suicidal tendencies and self-pity. Other signs and
symptoms are loss of libido
(sexual desire); poor performance in school and in work places; hopeless-
ness; loss of interest in ones
activities; hypertension and high blood pressure
d. Irresponsible social and human behaviour. There are social and human
behaviours that are contrary
to Christian life. These unacceptable behaviours are abortion, and divorce.
partners agree to marry, they are joined in church and they become hus-
band and wife. Marriage is thus
a covenant in which the partners give themselves to one another.
Marriage involves other members of the community hence it is a social
and community affair. Marriage
is a permanent union. Marriage is a community requirement in which ev-
eryone in the community
participates. Each person is expected to undergo marriage because it is a
rite of passage. Marriage gives
a person, a high social status and prestige in the community.
Marriage is also a covenant between a man and a woman that should not
be broken. Two people are
joined in marriage in order to procreate and perpetuate the community.
Once married, a couple is
allowed to have sexual relationship, and companionship. Marriage is an
expression of and fulfillment of
mutual love and comfort. It enhance unity; social prestige, and respect in
society. Purpose of marriage is
sexual fulfillment; cultural and social requirement; obligation to build a
family; and procreation although
children are a gift from God.
Forms of marriages
There are many forms of marriages. There is a marriage ceremony organ-
ised as a symbol or mark of the
union between a man and a woman. These marriages ceremonies are ei-
ther civil, or religious. The main
religious ceremonies are Christian, Islamic, Hindu, and Sikh among oth-
ers. We also have African
customary ceremonies many of which are polygamous. Christianity does
not allow polygamous
Secular approaches to marriage.
In the modern world, some people choose not to marry for personal rea-
sons. Some people have
children without getting married while others opt to have a marriage with-
out children. Husband and
wife are equal. Monogamy is practiced for economic reasons. In some
families’ women are the heads of
the family. Choosing a partner is an individual act and not communal. In
marriage traditional qualities of
a good wife such as industrious, honesty, and hospitality are not consid-
ered. The modern society values
external beauty, financial status and social status. As a result, there is a
high rate of marriage,
separation, and divorce. At times young people fail to be married in
church. There is no formalization of
marriages. These marriages are called “Come-we-stay” arrangements.
Gender issues in marriage. The wife is subordinate to the husband but had
rights. Marriage did not end
with death of the husband. The wife was inherited by one of her hus-
band’s brother. This is widow
inheritance / Levirate marriage. She could also refuse to be inherited but
remained married to that man
even in death. The wife could not marry outside the family because of
dowry. There was dowry payment
to parents. If a wife died, the man would marry the sister of his dead wife.
This is surrogate marriage.
Those who did not marry were considered “lesser humans”. Young people
were prepared for marriage
husband who is told to love the wife as Christ loved the church. Church
teaches respect of each other.
Marriage is complete even without children as it is between a male and a
female. Marriage is not
obligatory and it ends when one partner dies.
Christian’s preparation and approach to marriage
Christians organise youth seminars, and rallies to teach the youth how to
choose marriage partners and
how to treat wife / husbands; care for the children; behave towards in
laws; acquire wealth (men); and
head a family. Youth are taught to avoid sexual intimacy before marriage.
Those intending to marry are
encouraged to go for pre marital counselling. During counselling, they are
informed that love is the most
important bond of unity in marriage. Church encourages partners to go for
HIV /AIDs test before
marriage. Marriage ceremony is conducted in church
Choice of a marriage partner
There are many ways of identifying a marriage partner. One is arrange-
ment by parents. If not one can
make an individual decision and choose a wife or husband. Two is
through an intermediary or third
party. In African traditional polygamous marriages, the first wife identi-
fied a wife for her husband.
Girls would be given out to a chief as a gift
c. Courtship in African Traditional society (A.T.S). Courtship varied from
community to community.
Courtship is the period between engagement and wedding ceremony. Dur-
ing courtship premarital sex is
forbidden. Girls and boys dressed with bracelets and rings. Courtship was
important in A.T.S. This was
because the man and woman who were girls and boys got to know each
other better before marriage. It
was a period when girls/boys were instructed in family life education. It
was also a period for linking the
two marrying families. The couple had time to learn about one another’s
character, and know their
families. It is a symbol (sign) of the girl’s presence in her home (maternal
home). She continues to live
with her own people.
The families and clan had an opportunity to check if the marrying couple
was related and if their clans
were acceptable to the parents. Courtship gives time to the two families to
negotiate and pay the bride
wealth or dowry.
Bridal Wealth, dowry, bride price are all expressions of partnership. The
family of the man pays dowry to
the family of the woman. Some churches disregard bride wealth, while
others encourage it. Dowry is
paid in different forms. The girl’s family decides what it wants. Will it be
livestock (poultry, pigs, camels,
cows, goats, sheep), beer, grain, jewellery and clothes among others.
Importance of dowry. It acts as a compensation for the girls labour and
seals the marriage covenant. It is
a public expression of appreciation for the coming of a new wife/mother
into the man’s family. It
promotes friendship and cements relationship between families. It shows
commitment and seriousness
of the future husband. After dowry payment, the woman belongs to her
A ceremony is carried out depending on the community. Bride price pay-
ment is accompanied by
marriage ceremonies. Lastly dowry helps in maintaining peace
Traditional African approaches to marriage preparation. Polygamy is one
husband, married to many
wives. Polygamy is allowed by the African traditional religion because it
occurs if the first wife is barren;
ensures that all women have husbands; prevents infertility; provides extra
labour in farms. A
polygamous man has a higher status because many wives symbolize
Children are important in a marriage because they promote social status of
their parents. They cement a
bond of unity between husband / wife. They are a source of labour, and
wealth. They are heirs to the
family wealth
They provide security to the family.
Divorce is legal dissolution of marriage. Christians allow divorce because
of specific grounds. Divorce
was rare in African traditional societies. Divorce is granted under circum-
stances of: adultery, witchcraft,
laziness, cruelty and disrespect of wife.
In the contemporary society, divorce is sought after or allowed because
of: unfaithfulness in marriage or
adultery; domestic violence; misuse of family resources; childlessness; in-
law interference and alcohol
Legal reasons for divorce
some mothers decide to have children without marriage. This may not be
correct as there is no research
to suggest it. Six is imprisonment of one partner for a long time. One par-
ent is left looking after children
because one is in jail.
iv. Extended family – father, mother, children, uncles, aunts, and cousins.
This is the common family
type in traditional African communities.
v. Children led family. This happens when parents die and the 1st born
takes care of brothers and sisters
including cousins.
vi. Grandparent headed family. The HIV/AIDs epidemic has introduced
this type of family where
grandparents take care of their grandchildren due to the death of both par-
ents especially the mother
due to HIV / AIDS disease. This scourge has made many children or-
phans. In other cases parents go for
further studies abroad and leave their children with their parents.
b. Traditional African family values and practices. In African societies
creation of a family is through
marriage, and subsequent procreation. Family is viewed as a sacred insti-
tution in African society. The
African traditional family includes the dead (ancestors), the unborn chil-
dren and the living.
An African traditional family has obligations and duties. These were (1)
offering sacrifices to ancestors,
(2) pouring libations; and (3) giving the dead decent burials (4) providing
basic needs to their children (5)
bringing up children to be morally upright individuals. Further to this, the
African traditional family is
responsible for the upbringing, caring, and protection of its children. This
is demonstrated by the nuclear
family, which provides necessities required to meet and satisfy the eco-
nomic needs of its members.
The African traditional family is expected to participate in communal ac-
tivities. Work in the family was
divided according to age, gender and social status. Each family member
worked for its basic needs as
well as the welfare of the community.
The African family had well-stated and practiced values There were (1)
respect for family members (2)
providing responsible parenthood, which is the process of bringing up
children to become all round or
self reliant persons (3) educating children in all aspects of life. Parents
and the extended family
members helped their children to develop intellectually and cognitively.
The family taught children physical skills. It also gave children confi-
dence to appreciate their physical
strength. Children were taken through a rigorous physical curriculum of
games such as wrestling,
swimming and running to develop their physical strength. Children’s bod-
ies were nourished thoroughly.
They were served good and nutritious food, which improved their muscle
Children were taught social skills. They learnt how to behave towards
adults, peers and grandparents.
They developed social skills since parents allowed them to socialize and
interact with other children,
grandparents and the community. This made them grow socially, emo-
tionally and psychologically.
They had a curriculum for teaching and training in traditional African reli-
gious values, family matters,
moral and social values. This teaching of children started from an early
age. The teaching method used
was observation and practice. Parents taught by being good role models.
They were expected to model
desired values and family practices. Children were taught how to relate
with one another as brothers
and sisters. Parents were to show tolerance to children. These values show
that African parents
understood their parental roles and responsibilities.
These values were sometimes; exploited by the irresponsible family mem-
bers or specific individuals.
This exploitation encouraged dependency, leading to conflicts, competi-
tion, hatred, and jealousy.
Christian parents are expected to train their children to know God; be self
-disciplined, and follow the
Christian way of living. Another duty is to provide basic needs to their
Christian understanding of the family
Among Christians, family is sacred and instituted by God. Read again
about the Christian teachings about
Role of children in the Christian family
A Christian child is expected to obey parents, honor them, and respect
parents. This is one of the Ten
Commandments given to Moses by God.
Parenting styles
a) Dictatorship /authoritative / autocratic – the parents is the final author-
ity, imposes decisions
10) Churches in case of serious family conflicts such as child abuse, do-
mestic violence, advise legal
11) Churches organize youth seminars where they talk about drug abuse,
premarital sex, negative peer
pressure and media influence etc.
12) Relevant information is passed through books, pamphlets, magazines,
media FM, TV etc.
13) Some churches welcome unwed mothers
14) Churches provide health services, guidance on HIV / AIDS
15) Some churches care for widows, orphans widowers and the needy
Revision questions
1. State the different types of families
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the topic you should be able to
a Define the term “work” and “vocation”
b Explain and appreciated the traditional African attitude towards work
c Explain the role of professional ethos, ethics and code in society
d Explain virtues related to work
e Discuss the moral duties and responsibilities of employers and employ-
f Discuss Christian approaches to issues related to employment
Learning outcomes. By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
a. Explain the meaning of work. Vocation, profession, trade, craft, and job
b. Give general reasons why people work
Use of energy, physical or mental, for the purpose of improving human
life. It is any activity that requires
Refers to tasks performed, services rendered in return for payment of
wages. Most jobs are temporary
others casual and others permanent and pension able.
What determines one’s career, vocation?
1. Available opportunities for future development in a particular job
2. The need to serve others especially the church and the needy
3. Interests, strengths, talents, abilities
4. Inclination or attraction to a certain kind of work
5. Pressure from parents, peers etc
General reasons why people work
a) It’s an essential element of life
b) God ordained work. Humans work for their food
c) Work contributes to the development of the community
d) Work is personal. It defines a person
e) People work to earn a living
f) People work for enjoyment, leisure
g) To assist and give to the needy
h) To get luxuries
i) People work to raise their standards of living
j) For self satisfaction and fulfillment
k) For personal development
l) To keep a person occupied and not idle
m) To acquire wealth and status in the society
n) To socialize with other members of the society
o) To attain independence and not depend on someone else
Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
a. Explain importance of work
1. Work is essential to the well being of the individual and survival of the
2. Work ensured basic needs such as food, shelters etc were provided.
3. In traditional African society work was divided according to the age,
gender, and status e.g. chief,
elder of the individual.
4. Everyone was a worker. Boys assisted in herding, fishing, girls assisted
in cooking fetching firewood.
Women cooked, took care of babies constructed houses (maasai) etc.
5. Works among the traditional African societies included pastoralist,
farmers, livestock keeping, fishing,
bee keeping etc
6. Work was a communal affair; people would work together and assist
each other
7. Work was not for a wage (Money). The rewards of work-included food,
communal unity, acquisition
of moral values etc.
8. Hard work was emphasized, laziness was condemned
9. There were some specific works for specialization e.g. herbal medicine
men, divination, prophecy, rain
making, pottery etc.
10. Work involved giving prayers, offerings, and sacrifices to God
11. Through work, the basic needs of the individual, community were ful-
12. Through work potentials; talents and skills were explored, acquired
and utilized.
13. Work had a religious dimension as well as a social dimension. It
brought people together improving
their relations
14. SAE
1. Find out how different communities in Kenya lived in the past and how
they live today
2. How did the lifestyle of the communities influence daily activities
Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: -
1. Describe the christens teachings about work
The Christian teaching on work is based mainly on the interpretation of
the bible, the teachings of Jesus
and the teachings of the apostles. Some of the teachings are: -
1. God himself instituted work. He created the heavens and the earth and
all in it. Since God worked
man should work. (Gen. 2:1)
2. God’s work of creation is good (Gen. 1:31) Christians should endeavor
to produce good works
3. Work is a duty, an obligation, a command Christians are responsible for
God’s creation (Gen.2: 15).
They are to protect it – animals, birds, plants, marine life are all under the
care of man.
4. Human beings should work to acquire their basic needs (Genesis. 1:29
– 30, 3:19) God blesses the
work of our hands
5. Human beings are co – creators with God (Gen.1: 28) God continue to
create through human beings.
Human beings glorify God through their work.
6. God reveals himself through his work of creation. God had a purpose
for his creation. He is orderly,
source of life, Almighty etc.
7. Work is a co – operative undertaking. Eve was created to be Adam’s
helper (Gen. 2:20) Christians
should co – operate in their undertakings
- To regulate the behaviour of professional (workers)
- Enables professionals to understand their role
- Ensures professionals provide quality of services to their clients
- To encourage respect among professionals
- Give guidance on how professionals should relate to one another
- They safe guard professionals against being compromised / misused
- They determine expected level of performance
- They serve as a measure of competence
- Act as a measure of quality service
- They protect the professionals
- They provide a reference point for disciplining (used to discipline the er-
rant professional)
- They inspire respect and high esteem for professionals
- Through professional codes, ethics, ethos, professional earn public trust
Learning outcome. By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:
1. Define the term virtue
2. Give examples of virtues related to work
A virtue is a good human habit. It’s a moral principle, moral quality or
goodness of character and
Examples of virtues elated to work
(i) Diligence – hardworking
(ii) Honesty, integrity – ability to be relied upon (Integrity) Honest is be-
ing truthful.
(iii) Faithfulness – being trustworthy and loyal
ins or refuse to work. There has been increase of industrial action in the
recent past in most countries of
the world.
Reasons for industrial actions
1 Due to increased awareness of workers rights
2 Exposure to global trends through the media
3 Formation of trade unions that fight for the rights of workers
4 Due to poor working conditions
5 Underpaying workers
6 Threatening workers with unjustified dismissals
7 Suspending the workers / interdiction – unjustly
8 A hostile working environment
Results of workers strikes (industrial / action
a) Pay cuts
b) Demotions
c) Loss of jobs
d) Employers suffer losses
e) Inflation
f) Injuries even death when confronted by police
g) Victimization of some individuals
h) Bitterness among the workers and employers
Christian approaches towards strikes
a) Christians recommend a peaceful co – existence between workers and
b) There should be fairness, justice, love among workers, employees
c) There should be an open communication channel across the ranks from
top to bottom
d) Employees should not destroy property
e) Working conditions should be better and improved
f) Employees to be human when dealing with employees
- Dancing
- Tree planting
- Playing football
Leisure is used for
- Enjoyment
- Entertainment – song, dance, watching movies etc
- Relaxation – exercises
- Socialization – sharing, education
- Religious engagement – wedding ceremonies, visiting the sick, worship
In passive leisure others entertain while in active leisure the person is ac-
tive, whole body is involved.
Active leisure enables a person to
1. Develop his/her body
2. Build stamina
3. Strengthen relationships etc
Some leisure activities are dangerous e.g. boxing, motor racing; while
others are expensive e.g. golf.
Other leisure activities are addictive while others are unproductive.
- Leisure activities should be planned for
- Leisure activities can also be economic, income generating activities.
Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson, you should be able to: -
1.Define leisure according to the traditional African understanding
2. State the various forms of communal leisure activities
In traditional African society leisure permeates all aspects of life. Leisure
activities accompany work.
Leisure and work were entertainment. Work was accompanied by singing,
reciting stories sharing past
Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson, you should be able to: -
1. Define the terms drug, drug use, drug abuse
2. State the different ways that drugs are administered
3. List the various categories of drugs
4. List the different types of drugs
5. Describe the various effects of different drugs
A drug is any substance which when taken may alter or cause changes in
the normal functioning of the
Drug abuse
Improper use of drugs. Using a drug for another purpose than what it is
intended for
Drug use
Proper use of drugs
Drugs are taken in various forms namely
1 Liquids
2 Lotions
3 Ointment
4 Powder
5 Cake form,
Drugs are classified as legal and illegal
Ways of administering drugs
Drugs are taken /administered in various ways
- Infecting
- Inhaling / smoking
- Chewing
- Swallowing
- Drinking
- Sniffing / snuffing
Categories of drugs
a) Medicinal
b) Soft drugs
c) Hard / narcotic drugs
Types of drugs
1) Preventive drugs e.g. drugs to prevent polio, cholera, yellow fever
2) Curative drugs – drugs that cure diseases
3) Sedatives, palliatives – drugs that alleviate pain, put patients to sleep
e.g. drugs for diabetes, heart
diseases, asthma, painkillers
4) Tranquillizers – drugs that relieve tension induce sleep e.g. piriton, val-
5) Stimulants – drugs used to increase physiological activity of a particu-
lar organ. They arouse the
activity of the central nervous system / senses.
6) Volatile drugs – these drugs intoxicate the user, they are derived from
petroleum products paint
thinners dry cleaning fluids glue etc. stimulants and volatile drugs classi-
fied as soft drugs.
7) Hard drugs or narcotic drugs
These are highly addictive drugs. The body forms dependence on these
drugs. These drugs affect the
mind causing drowsiness; sleep, stupor and they are the most commonly
abused drugs. Examples are
- From coca leaves
- Its highly addictive
- Causes mental problems
- Can lead to death on overdose
- A very expensive drug
(ix) Can make a person cause accidents if driving under the influence of
alcohol or staggering on the
Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: -
1. State and explain the effects of drugs
2. State and explain the causes of drug use and abuse
(i) Frustration due to unemployment, inability to perform well and meet
set standards or other personal
(ii) Idleness – when idle some turn to alcohol and drug use
(iii) Addiction
(iv) Boredom
(v) Bad examples from adults
(vi) Availability of drugs in the Kenyan market
(vii) Negative peer pressure
(viii) Experimentation then addiction
(ix) Media influence
(x) Societal permissiveness
(xi) Urbanization
(xii) Pressure of work
(xiii) Financial stress
(xiv) Globalization – foreign world influences
Effects of drug abuse
Drug abuse poses danger to the health of a person, affects family, society
in general. Effects of drug
abuse are
Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to:-
1. List down the various remedies to drug use and abuse
Drug abuse has become a global problem. Remedies or solutions include
a) Law enforcement – through bodies such as UNDCP United Nations In-
Drug Control Programme Anti Narcotics Police Units, NACADA Na-
tional Agency for
the Campaign Against Drug Abuse so as to control abuse of Narcotics and
other drugs.
b) Education
People to be educated on the effects of drugs. The curriculum from pri-
mary to secondary to include
topics on drug abuse.
Guidance and counselling
Religious teachings – all religious condemn the abuse of drugs
Family values to be promoted. Parents should set good examples to their
Every individual to cultivate individual values. Respect their body and
take care of their bodies
Rehabilitation of drug users / abusers
Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: -
1. Describe the Christian’s criteria for evaluating the use of leisure
Criteria – criterion – a principle or standard for judging something.
How does a Christian determine whether a certain leisure activity is law-
ful, acceptable before God –
criteria for evaluating the use of leisure
1) Christians, should engage in leisure activities which promote their re-
spect and dignity they should
socialize with people who are morally upright (bad company corrupts
good morals)
2) God ordains leisure hence it should serve God’s purpose.
3) Leisure should come after work
4) Leisure should be used for the good of others. The activities that are
harmful to others should be
5) Activities chosen should enrich their knowledge of God
6) Activities should provide service to others
7) Leisure doesn’t mean laziness
A Christian should not engage in a harmful activity to self but those that
promote respect and dignity
9) Christians to avoid activities that lead to sin or to addiction
10) They should perform an activity which develop their physical emo-
tional social and spiritual well
11) Leisure should be enjoyed with moderation
12) Activities for leisure should be moral, within the laws of God and
pleasing to good.
Revision questions
1. Identify five (5) reasons why the taking of alcohol as a way of spending
leisure is condemned
2. Write down five ways in which modern Christians use their leisure time
3. Give five ways in which drug use and abuse could affect a Christian
4.identify ways in which Christians can overcome temptations to drug use
and abuse
5(a). Why is leisure important in the life of a Christian?
5(b). What factors have contributed to the misuse of leisure in Kenya?
6.state the factors that have led to the misuse of drugs in Kenya
g. Laziness
h. Over dependence on foreign aid
Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: -
1. Define the terms wealth and poverty according to the traditional
African understanding
2. State the various ways in which wealth was acquired in traditional
African communities
3. List the causes of poverty in tradition African communities
In African traditional societies wealth was measured in terms of the
amount of land, livestock, grains,
wives, children possessed by an individual or the community.
Wealth was acquired in various ways.
(i) As a gift from God
Most Africans believe that wealth is a blessing from God.
(ii) Inheritance
In cases where the head of the family is dead, the eldest son becomes the
custodian of the estate. The
clan and community elders give direction on how the wealth is to be
shared out.
(iii) Bride wealth
(iv) Farming
(v) Exploitation of natural resources – honey, wood for carving, building
materials etc
(vi) Trade
African communities were involved in barter trade where they exchanged
good and services
- Money was introduced to Africa by the Europeans
- Before colonial period, Africans practiced barter trade – actual goods
exchanged with other goods e.g.
animals would be exchanged with food grains, millet, sorghum, cowpeas,
children exchanged for food
during famine.
- Trade merchants from Asia had introduced into Africa forms of currency
such as the cowrie shells, gold
and the Indian rupees. Europeans introduced currency still used today
Economy: – careful management of resources, finances, income and ex-
penditure of a family, a business
enterprise, community or a country. The economy of a country is to be
well managed if it has the ability
to meet the social economic needs of her members.
It’s measured by the healthy of its economy in the provision of health, ed-
ucation, housing, sanitation,
employment, longevity of life, decrease of material and child mortality.
Money economy: – Use of money as a means of exchange in economic
activities e.g. banking,
investment, insurance, payment of goods and services.
Reasons for money introduction
1) Colonization brought a lot of changes such as unoccupied land declared
‘Crown land’ for colonialists.
2) Tax introduction
Africans were supposed to pay taxes to the government. Taxes were paid
in form of money.
3) Introduction of formal education
School fees was introduced. Fees were paid in form of money.
11) Exploitation of the poor by the rich – poor wages, overcharging prices
on foods.
12) Destruction of the natural environment to create room for building
projects, urban centres
13) The cost of living increased. Almost everything is acquired by money.
Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: -
1. Explain the Christian teachings on wealth
2. Explain the Christian teachings on poverty
Teaching on wealth
1) Wealth is a blessing from God
2) Those who obey God’s laws, teachings of the prophets are promised
blessings by God Deut28: 1 – 4
3) Wealth has duties associated with it e.g. 10% tithe, alms to the poor,
and an aspect of stewardship.
4) Wealth should be used wisely. People are not owners of their property
but are stewards. Should
share with the poor, needy.
5) Wealth is not permanent e.g. parable of the rich fool. When people die,
they take nothing with them.
Naked into the world, naked out of the world. Job. 1:21
6) Wealth can create a false sense of independence feeling of self reliance
no need for God
7) Wealth should be obtained justly – no happiness for a person who gets
riches in the wrong way.
Wrong attitude to wealth can lead to idolatry and other dangers. Matt.19:
23 – 24 danger of
materialism – making riches their God, the love of money is the root of all
evil (1 timothy 6:10)
-people use sexual favour to get jobs or promotion. Christians should thus
avoid such.
Revision questions
1. Explain the biblical teaching on wealth
2. Discuss the biblical teaching on acquisition and use of wealth
3. Explain ways in which people misuse wealth in Kenya today
4. Show how misuse of wealth leads to family instability
5. Give ways in which the Kenyan government is alleviating the high lev-
els of poverty
6. State the factors that have contributed to high levels of poverty in
Kenya today
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the topic you should be able to:
a Define the terms ‘law’ ‘order’ and ‘justice’
b Describe the traditional African practices that promote law, order and
c Explain the Biblical teaching on law, order and justice.
d Identify and evaluate the need for law, order and justice in the society.
e Explain the rights and duties of citizens
f Explain the causes and remedies of social disorder.
g Evaluate the role of Christians in the transformation of the society
h Discuss church-state relationship
Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: -
1. Define the following terms law, order and justice
2. State the types of law
3. State the types of statutory laws
- Law, order, justice are essential for the survival of any society
- Following laws leads to order and justice lack of following leads to dis-
order and injustice laws of Kenya
are laid down in the constitution.
A. Law
Established rules by an authority to regulate human behaviour in the com-
munity Schools laws, religious
laws, factory laws, hospital laws etc. laws differ from society to society.
Laws are dynamic. Laws cover all
aspects of life.
B. Order
Condition brought about by obedience to set rules or laws. Order leads to
peaceful co – existence in the
society. Where there is order, things are done systematically. The opposite
of order is disorder.
Types of laws
1. Non – legal laws – no court action e.g. school rules
2. Customary traditional laws – based on culture, social traditions. They
have to agree with state laws.
They are respected by state.
3. Statutory laws / legal laws – laws made by local council or national
government and citizens are
expected to obey them.
Types of statutory laws
a) Civil laws – made by parliament on issues such as taxes, labour, di-
vorce etc
b) Criminal law – on crime / punishment
c) Constitutional law – matters of state and governance
d) Company law
e) Religious laws e.g. Islamic law ‘sharia’
C. Justice – treating others the way they deserve in relation to the law. Its
administration of rightful
dealings in a fair manner according to their actions. A just society follows
rules and administers legal
action to those who offend others or disobey rules. Justice means treating
people the same way without
Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: -
1. State the importance of law, order and justice
a) They are essential to preserve harmony and protect people
b) Laws guide people and ensure people’s rights are protected.
c) They protect people’s property and enable people to live in harmony
d) They protect the consumer from exploitation
e) They safeguard religious freedom
f) Laws control power of those in authority and promote political stability
g) Provides stability, encouraging economic growth
h) Helps to control discontentment among people
i) Helps implementation of taxes effectively
j) Provides / help in maintenance of security
k) Ensures human rights are upheld
l) Enables the government to protect its citizens from internal or external
m) International law regulates relations between countries.
Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able: -
1. Define the terms citizen, rights and duty
2. List the rights of citizens
3. State te duties/ responsibilities of citizens
6) Be responsible at work
7) Participate in national development
Promote peace and harmony in the society
9) Report errant members of the society to law enforcement agents
10) Protect the environmental – clean, plant trees, avoid poaching etc
Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: -
1. State and explain the traditional African practices that promoted law,
order and justice
Some of the practices that promote law, order and justice are
a) Punishment of offenders
People who committed offences such as stealing, murder, witchcraft were
punished through death,
curses, paying heavy fines etc. this promoted law, order, justice
b) Installation of rules, kings, chiefs, elders
They were installed to maintain law, order and to execute justice in their
areas of jurisdiction
c) Administration of oaths
- Administered by specialists and are used as a method of establishing and
maintaining law and order
d) Making of covenants
- Covenants were made if there was a conflict between two communities.
They would promise to live in
peace and harmony.
e) Observing of taboos and customary law
Taboos were prohibitions. Those who went against taboos were severely
f) The kinship system – defined how people related one to another
g) Rites of passage – ensured customs, laws were adhered to
11. The birth of Jesus was orderly. His ministry was also orderly hence
should Christians.
Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: -
1. State and explain the causes of social disorders
2. State the causes of discrimination
3. Explain the causes of crime
4. List the forms of punishment
Social disorder is a state of confusion or lack of order in the society
1) Discrimination
2) Inequitable distribution of wealth, resources
3) Crime
4) Racism
5) Tribalism
6) Sexism
Discrimination is unfair treatment. Discrimination is on basis of
- Race
- Tribe
- Sex / gender
People or a particular person is singled out and treated with disfavor or
distaste. It is showing bias or
Causes of discrimination
a. Culture
b. Prejudice – bias original from opinions that have no known basis or
supporting facts – stereotypes
c. Ignorance e.g. on HIV /AIDS
- Corporal punishment
- Probation
- Being assigned community work
- Being placed under house arrest
- Learning in approved schools, Juvenile homes
3) Equitable distribution of national resources
- Develop marginalized areas
- Create jobs
4) Campaign against drug abuse
5) The public to use hot lines to report crime to police
6) Preach against racism, tribalism, and preach equality, freedom and in-
teraction with all people
7) People to be sensitized to appreciate and respect different ethnics
Promote national unity through education /cultural programmes
9) Creation of more national schools so as to have students from all back-
10) Encourage domestic tourism
11) Enlighten women on their rights
12) Employment on merit
13) Rich countries to share wealth with the poor
Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: -
1. Define the term transformation
2. Describe Christian’s participation in social life
3. Describe Christian’s participation in political life
4. Describe Christian’s participation in economic life
c) Fight on corruption a thorn to the church since state leaders are in-
d) Issue of death penalty – church been fighting against death penalty to
NB. The government lifted the death penalty as a form of punishment in
the year 2009.
Revision questions
1.state ways in which Christians can promote peace/unity in the society
2. Why should Christians take part in voting?
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the topic, you should b able to:
1. Explain the Christian view on some issues related to modern science
and technology
2. Explain the Christian view on the effects of modern science and tech-
nology on the environment
Science – subject field that deals with a systematic study of our surround-
ings and behaviour of materials
in the universe
It is based on observation, experimentation and measurement.
Technology – application of science to achieve desired objectives.
Environment – our surroundings – both natural and human made i.e.
mountains, lakes, land, forests,
animals, buildings, flowers etc
Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: -
1. State the various ways that science and technology has improved our
2. State the negative effects of science and technology
Ways science and technology has improved human lives
1) Improvement of crop production – a quality seeds, fertilizers leading to
improved yields
2) Better nutrition, health care, medical services
3) Improvement of livestock production through artificial insemination,
quality medicine leading to more
milk production.
4) It has led to development of efficient means of transport – land, air,
5) Work has been made easier and enjoyable. There is use of machines,
automation, use of computers.
6) People’s lives have been spared, saved e.g. through life saving ma-
chines (ICU), incubators
7) Business transactions are being done through the internet
Communication has been made easy – fax, email, short text messages on
mobile phones etc
9) Research is ongoing for incurable diseases i.e. HIV / AIDS, cancer
10) There is better management of environment
11) Technology has made the world a global village
12) Through family planning methods, its easier to control population
13) There’s a better security system through use of scanners, alarms, elec-
trified fences etc.
14) Improvement of learning through e–learning
15) There’s easier movement from one country to another
Negative effects of science and technology
1. People use medicine to commit suicide
- Common transplants are the heart, kidney, eyes from living and the dead
(heart) within a span of
hours. Eyes can be transplanted from animals.
Christian view on organ transplant
a) It saves life hence acceptable to some
b) Its transferring human life from one person to another
c) Its wrong to transplant from animals – view by some Christians
d) Some support organ transplant by referring to the story of creation of
Eve from parts of Adam
e) It is part of human beings continuing with the creation work of God.
f) It is an expression of love and concern for those suffering as taught by
Jesus Christ.
Genetic engineering
- It’s a scientific technique used by scientists to change the biological
characteristics of living organisms
by deliberately altering the structure of individual genes.
- There are genetically modified foods, genetically engineered seeds, test
tube babies, human clones,
and genes of human insulin.
Human cloning
This is a form of genetic engineering. It’s a creation of genetically identi-
cal copy of a human being,
human cell.
Twins are a form of natural cloning
There’s therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning (human cloning)
Therapeutic cloning is when cells from an adult are used in creating
medicine or for research
Reproduction cloning is the making of human beings
More than 90% of cloning has failed.
Animals cloned have died young, had cancers or arthritis.
1. Implanting genes that are diseases free in people, plant and animals
could prevent diseases.
2. Genetic crops yield more
3. Helps to determine the biological parent in case of dispute on babies
4. Helps to increase disease resistance in crops and altering animal traits
in plants and animals
5. Assists in classifying blood during screening before it’s transfused to
another person.
Christian view of genetic engineering
1. Christians support genetic engineering that is beneficial to human be-
ings e.g. Cure of genetic
diseases, production of drugs, plant and animals
2. Human beings are made in God’s image and are loved by God with or
without defects.
3. The dignity of the human being is eroded or disregarded and should be
4. Christians oppose cloning and test tube babies
5. Its against God’s will or teaching
Plastic surgery
- It’s to change or mould the shape of something, to enhance or restore an
area of the body
- It’s repairing or improving of damaged, diseased or unsatisfactory
shaped parts of the body with pieces
of skin or bone taken from other parts of the body.
- Skin grafting is the most common type of plastic surgery
- Plastic surgery is done on cleft lips i.e. cosmetic surgery, breast surgery
– reduction or enlargement,
surgery done to look younger.
Reasons for plastic surgery
It is about how Christians make choices in their daily lives guided by
Christian principles and value.
Q2. What is the basis or sources or foundation of Christian Ethics?
The Bible/Biblical scripture (holy)
The natural law
Human experience and reason
The Christian community – preachers
Situation Ethics
Secular/Civil Law
Q3. List the basic life skills that one needs to be able to lead a better life
(a) Critical thinking
(b) Creative thinking
(c) Decision – making
(d) Self-esteem
(e) Assertiveness
Q1. Explain seven Christian teachings on male/female relationships
Male/female were created as equal human beings: created in the image
and likeness of God.
Male/female created for companionship, help/ partners/ compliment
each other.
Both are co-creator with God – done through procreation.
Union between both is consummated in marriage.
Relationship is based on love and respect/chastity.
Man/husband is the head of the family.
Each man to have his own wife and wife own husband.
Husband and wife should not deny each other conjugal rights.
Youth should abstain from sex until marriage.
Male/female body is temple of the Lord.
Short periods of abstinence are allowed among married people but with
consent from each other.
Christians appreciate different roles of men and women in the church
e.g. leadership in choir for
women and men.
Q1. Explain the Traditional African understanding of human sexuality
Human sexuality is regarded as sacred and secret in many African com-
The sacredness of sex is related to the power to transmit life – procre-
It is taboo to discuss sex matters freely especially in the presence of
Grandparents who are free from any tying job teach sex education.
Young people are prepared for adult life in the context of age group e.g.
games of sexual nature take
place within an age group. The age group has control of each other and
there is no sex whatsoever.
During initiation ceremonies, vigorous sex education is provided to the
They are taught about sex, its secrets and the mystery of manhood and
Girls are expected to remain virgins
Rape offenders are severely punished.
Boys and girls are not allowed to mix.
Division of labour is on the basis of sex.
Roles of boys and girls are taught from childhood e.g. by copying their
Q2. Explain Christian attitude towards human sexuality
Sex is sacred.
Irresponsible parenthood.
Indecent dressing.
Leniency of the Law/no punishment for criminal.
Responsible Sexual Behaviour
Q 5. What is the Christian teaching on responsible sexual behavior?
Responsible sex is between male and female.
Sexual intercourse is allowed between married people.
Faithfulness is a virtue in this: Both partners must avoid adultery.
Responsible sexual behavior means exercising self-control.
It entails obedience to God’s commands hence a Christian has to shun
forbidden sexual behavior e.g.
Body temple of the Lord. Our sexual relationships should uphold human
dignity and respect for our
The Bible teaches that whatever we do with our bodies should be for the
glory of God (1 Cor. 7:19-20).
Q6. List the difference types of irresponsible sexual behavior
• Homosexuality (lesbianism, sodomy)
• Bestiality
• Masturbation
• Rape
• Incest
• Prostitution
• Fornication
• Abortion
Q7. Explain the Christian teaching on responsible sexual behavior
It defiles the body, which is the temple of God.
It is wickedness.
It is unholy and dirty before God.
It is spiritually unclean.
Those involved break the commandment of God.
It involves coveting – a sin.
Polygamy is condemned and considered irresponsible.
Q8. State the effects of irresponsible sexual behavior
It can lead to sexually transmitted diseases (AIDS).
Can lead to pregnancy and then abortion.
If married people are involved (adultery) divorce may occur.
Children suffer lack of parental care due to divorce as a result of adul-
It may lead to street children.
It discourages young people from marrying.
It can lead to fights, quarrels, misunderstanding and friction.
Young people can chop out of school due to pregnancy/AIDS.
Can lead to single parenthood.
Withdrawing from family and society.
Self-pity and loneliness.
Psychological problems e.g. depression
Suicide and death.
Unwanted/unexpected pregnancies.
Aggressiveness and violence.
Q5. State the different types of families
Nuclear family
Single parent family
Q1. Explain the Traditional African understanding of marriage
Marriage is viewed as the focus of existence, i.e. the point where the
three members of the
community meet (i.e. living, departed and the unborn).
A rhythm of life through which everybody must participate.
Marriage is a duty/a must/compulsory
Failure to marry means the person has rejected society and the society
rejects him in turn.
Those who do not marry are considered as sub-human or lawbreakers.
Marriage is God ordained.
Young boys and girls are prepared for this sacred institution during ini-
They are taught everything pertaining to marriage e.g. sex.
Children cement the marriage.
Q2. What is the importance of children in Traditional African Society
They help their parents at old age.
Cement a marriage: One without children is considered incomplete.
Children (boys) provide security at home and the community.
They help in the perpetuation of the family and community name.
The departed are reborn through naming of children.
Provide labour.
It is through children that (new) members meet and get to know each
other. Young children are
introduced to their relatives e.g. during initiation, marriage etc.
Children uphold the statue of parents.
Q3. What is the Christian teaching about marriage?
The church defines marriage as a covenant.
The Bible teaches that marriage is a divine institution.
Each member had his own role to play e.g. men went out to hunt, herd
etc accompanied with boys
while mother did house work with the help of daughters.
Grandparents taught the youth how to behave and baby seated.
They believed work was God’s will and so they invoked God’s name
through prayer, sacrifice to bless
their work.
They had freedom over their work. No supervision. They decided when
to work, when to rest but rest
came after work.
Work was related to leisure, for people sang, danced and told stories as
they worked.
Through work, many people exploited talents or learned e.g. building
houses, song etc.
All were workers – work was compulsory.
Work brought people together – solidarity. This is because they shared
work (communal work).
Q3. List some of the factors that have changed the attitude towards work
in the modern society
Level of education – determine the type of work.
Availability of job opportunities.
Stiff competition
Work is personal unlike in Traditional African Communities where it
was social.
Negative attitude to work. This is where some people hate manual work.
People work for personal gain and gratification.
Work is a commodity to be sold to the highest bidder.
Q4. What are the rights of employers?
They have a right to a fair taxation in their business.
Get profits from their business.
Bribery and corruption – In the job market whereby the rich are able to
give while the poor though
with good qualifications cannot secure a job.
Lack of skills and capital to start self-employment.
Bad governance and poor economic policies from the government.
SAPS – Structural Adjustment of Programmes i.e. Policy – not giving
funds has led to poverty.
International policies of globalization that have affected the agric sector
that has been the greatest
employer in Kenya.
Retrenchment of workers in the Civil Service and Private Sectors.
Increase in crime that has aggravated insecurity in the country. This has
discouraged local and
international investors.
Q8. What can the Government do to reduce unemployment in Kenya?
By creating more job opportunities.
By starting more industries.
Increase of workers by 10% after every 10 years.
Encouraging self-employment whereby loans and space are given.
Starting of a school curriculum (8.4.4.) – starting that gears students
into blue-collar jobs.
Starting the District Funds for Rural Development = C.D.F.
Stopping rural –urban migration.
By Africanisation of jobs – sending away foreign workers.
Q1. Identify five (5) reasons why the taking of alcohol as a way of spend-
ing leisure is condemned
It leads to conflicts/quarrels within the family.
Leads to crime/imprisonment.
Q4. Identify ways in which Christians can overcome temptations to drug
Practicing self-control.
Praying against being tempted.
Seeking guidance and counseling.
Avoiding the company of those who misuse drugs.
Reading literature on the correct use of drugs.
Participating in activities that promote proper use of drugs/healthy ac-
Q5. Why is leisure important in the life of Christians?
Gives one time to visit the sick/needy.
For dedicating oneself to God/worshiping God.
Provide an opportunity to fellowship with others.
It allows one to develop the different talents given by God.
It gives one an opportunity to meet new friends/family.
One is able to read the word of God.
Provides an opportunity for one to preach/evangelize.
Provides an opportunity to take care of the environment.
Provides an opportunity to guide and counsel others and be guided.
Provides time to rest to gain lost energy.
Q6. What factors have contributed to the misuse or leisure in Kenya to-
Too much money/wealth/availability of drugs/contraceptives.
Inadequate facilities.
Lack of proper guidance/education on how to use leisure.
Inability to make right decisions.
Bad company/peer pressure
Watching/reading phonographic materials/negative media.
Misunderstanding in families/frustrations.
Inability to balance between different activities.
Lack of role models
Q7. State the factors that have led to the misuse of drugs in Kenya today
Poor role models.
Peer pressure/curiosity.
Irresponsible parenthood.
Influence of mass media.
Availability of drugs/wealth.
Lack of guidance and counseling.
Moral decay/permissiveness in the society.
Lack of knowledge/ignorance on use of drugs.
Urbanization/west culture.
Q1. Explain the biblical teaching on wealth
It is a blessing from God.
When wealth come with responsibility.
Wealth can create a sense of false independence.
It should be acquired in just and honest way.
Wrong attitude to wealth leads to idolatry.
One should seek spiritual wealth, which is permanent and more fulfill-
They should not be used as an insult to God who created all things e.g.
in things like plastic surgery,
test tube babies etc.
Discoveries must be used intelligently to solve man’s problems.
Discoveries should not erode Christian values by increasing man’s trust
in scientific and technological
Acknowledge God as the source of all truth including science.
Should help man make moral decision and judgments e.g. effect of alco-
hol, smoking, etc.
Man should not be a slave to scientific discoveries instead he should
control it.
Q2. Why is the church in Kenya opposed to plastic surgery?
It is against God’s plan of old age and death.
It is a sign of lack of appreciation to God’s work of creation.
It can lead to death if the operation fails.
It interferes with God’s image given at birth.
May be very expensive.
Emphasis on beauty and pleasing which are seen as idolatry.
Certain diseases can be transmitted especially where tissues may be de-
tached from a donor with an
infectious disease.
Can bring about other operations like diseases.
Scientists use it to compete with God’s creation.
Leads to vices such as pride.
It may lead to criminal activities by the victim due to different appear-
It is a sign of lack of faith in God’s power of creation/healing.
It is against human dignity.
Q3. How have science and technology improved human life?