Mod 1 L4 Bible
Mod 1 L4 Bible
Mod 1 L4 Bible
This module will primarily focus on the basic or fundamental matters that we need
to know about the so called, “The Book of Life” or “The Best Love Story of All
Times”- THE BIBLE.
ACTIVITY Think-Ink-Share
Bible Scanning:
This activity is a good start in familiarizing yourself with the content of the Bible.
Get your own Bible and using the table below, list down all the books in the Old
and New Testaments with its corresponding number of chapter/s. Write your
answers on the table provided. Use separate paper if necessary.
I- Etymology and Meaning
The word Bible comes from the Greek word, “ta biblia”; it is a plural noun which
means, ‘the books’. When translated into Latin, it becomes singular, the Bible. The
Bible is more than a book; it’s a library. In it you will find a number of very
different works, collected together in two large groupings, the Old Testament and
the New Testament (usually abbreviated as OT and NT). The Bible is often called
scripture, the scriptures, or Holy Scripture.
The word ‘Testament’ here does not mean what we might take it to mean in
modern English: it is the same word as the Latin testamentum, which translates
the Hebrew word meaning covenant. So the Bible is the collection of books which
tells us about the covenant, the agreement, which God made with Israel through
Moses (the old covenant) and which he fulfilled in Jesus (the new covenant).
1. The whole of the Old Testament is written in Hebrew (there are just a few
passages in Aramaic).
2. Like Arabic, these two languages are written with consonants only; the
reader has to add the vowels according to the way in which he understands
the text.
3. Beginning in the seventh century of our era, Jewish scholars known as
“Massoretes’1 fixed the meaning of a text by adding vowels in the form of
little points above and below the consonants.
4. This is why the Hebrew text is sometimes called the ‘Massoretic text’.
5. The Old Testament was translated into Greek in Alexandria, from about the
third century BC onwards. According to legend, seventy scribes working
independently all arrived at exactly the same translation. The significance of
this legend is important. It indicates that a translation of this kind must have
been inspired by God. As a result, the translation is known as the Septuagint
(Greek for seventy: the usual abbreviations is LXX). There were other
ancient Greek translations, by Aquila, Symmachus and Theodotion.
6. The New Testament was written entirely in Greek, which is the common
language spoken at that time. This Greek, which is not the same as classical
Greek, is called koine (Greek for common, i.e. language).
7. Bible scholars translated the New Testament text in Greek into Latin, known
as Vulgate.
1. The First part of the Bible, the Old Testament, is common to both Jews and
Christians, but with some differences. The Jews, followed by Protestants,
recognize only the books written in Hebrew, forty of them; Catholics also
recognize six books written in Greek. Protestants call these latter books
‘apocryphal’; Catholics call them deutero-canonical’, that is, books which
entered the canon, or rule of faith, at a secondary stage. So the Christian
‘library’ – the Bible – contains either sixty-seven or seventy-three books.
2. The New Testament, which is identical for all Christians, is consists of
twenty-seven books. The books of the New Testament are arranged in the
same way in all Christian Bibles. The books of the Old Testament are
arranged in two different ways. The Jewish Bible contains three parts: the
Law or Torah (which we call the Pentateuch); the Prophets or Nebiim, divided
into two groups, the former prophets (which we wrongly call the ‘historical’
books) and the latter prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and the twelve
others); and lastly the Writings or Kethubim.
Masoretes. From about 6th to the 10th century CE worked to reproduce the original text of the Hebrew Bible, added to
“YHWH” the vowel signs of the Hebrew words Adonai or Elohim
3|RE 111- Salvation History and Old Testament
3. By taking the first letter of each of these Hebrew titles (Torah, Nebiim,
Kethubim), The Jews formed the word TANAK, which is their name for the
Bible. This is the arrangement you will find in the Jerusalem Bible, which
adds at the end those books which are not recognized by Catholics. Most
Bibles have adopted an order inspired by the Greek Bible, which arranges
the books in four parts; the Pentateuch, the historical books, the prophetic
books and the wisdom books.
4. To make it easy to find one’s way around the Bible, Stephen Langton,
Archbishop of Canterbury, had the idea of dividing each book into numbered
chapters: this was done in 1226. During a carriage journey from Lyons to
Paris in 1551, the printer Robert Estienne numbered almost every phrase of
these chapters: hence our modern division into verses. The division into
chapters and verses does not always match the meaning of the text; you
don’t have to take account of it to understand the meaning. However, it is
very practical, because all Bibles have adopted it. So to indicate the passage
in the Bible, it is enough to give the reference, i.e. to indicate the book, the
chapter and the verse (ex. Gen. 2:4).
According to our Christian belief the coming of Christ is the most important event
of all of human history. This event divides the Bible in two major parts: the Old
Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament describes everything God
said and did before the coming of Christ. The New Testament tells us of Christ, his
life and mission, and of the life of the early Christian community.
The Old Testament is divided in four major parts. When you open your Bible, you
will find the list of the different books contained in it.
1. THE PENTATEUCH. The Pentateuch consists of the first five books of the
Bible. It expresses the will of God with regard to His people. It contains the
story of creation and of the formation of the people of God. It also gives a
number of rules of conduct for the people of God.
2. THE HISTORICAL BOOKS. After the people of God entered the Promised Land,
they had to start building their own nation. The historical books tell us this
story, depicting all the difficulties and hardships they have experienced, and
also their successes and achievements. The historical books introduce to us
the different leaders this nation has known throughout its long history.
Further, we learn from this books that unfaithfulness to God can lead to the
destruction of the nation.
3. THE WISDOM BOOKS. These books abound with simple sayings full of
wisdom. Though they were written many centuries ago they still are words
to live by, even for people of today.
4. The wisdom books also contain beautiful prayers, called psalms. They praise
the greatness and goodness of God. They express people’s gratitude and
love for God. They also speak of people’s fears and anxieties, and of their
need to put their trust in God’s power.
5. THE PROPHETIC BOOKS. The prophets appear when the nation becomes very
weak and falls into the hands of foreign nations. The prophets scold the
The difference of seven books between the two canons stems from the fact that
the Greek translation of the Old Testament, the Septuagint, had more books in it
than were generally accepted in Palestine by the Hebrew and Aramaic speaking
These extra seven books, are all written in Greek, although we know that at least
one, Sirach, was originally in Hebrew. These works are called “deuterocanonical”
(i.e. a “second canon” of the inspired books besides the Hebrew ones) to indicate
that the Jews do not accept them into the canon. For Christians at the time of
Christ and in the early Church, the common book of the Scriptures was not the
Hebrew Bible at all but the Septuagint Greek Bible. It had much wider use in the
Roman world because most Jews lived far from Palestine in Greek cities, and
because most Christians were Greek – speaking Gentiles and not Jews at all.
• Thus, the Greek Bible, although mostly a translation of the Hebrew books,
had almost as exalted a status as the Hebrew itself did. Sometimes scholars
even speak of an “Alexandrian canon” of forty – six books that was parallel
and equivalent to the “Palestinian canon” of only thirty – nine books.
5|RE 111- Salvation History and Old Testament
Because of disputes, the Church found it necessary to make a definitive list,
a “canon” of the books which have been truly inspired by God and thus have
God for their author (CCC,120).
• The Canon of the Scripture is divided into the books written before Jesus’ life
(the Old Testament) and those written after (the New Testament).
• Guided by the Holy Spirit, the Church determined the inspired and normative
New Testament books in terms of their apostolic origin, coherence with
Gospel message, and constant use in the Church’s liturgy.
• After a long development, the Church finally accepted as inspired, sacred,
and canonical, the 46 books of the Old Testament and the 27 books of the
New Testament that we find our Catholic Bible (CFC,88 p27).
JUDITH Only included in the Greek
Apocrypha/ TOBIT Septuagint and part of the
Deuterocanon* BARUCH Catholic Bible
SONG OF SONGS =”Canticle of Canticles”
Major Prophets: ISAIAH
(DANIEL) In Hebrew, Daniel is not a prophet