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Television remains the most effective medium for reaching today’s customers and it
also is most efficient for introducing people to brands. Advertising through
television allows marketer to show and tell a wide audience your business, product
or service. It allows one to actually demonstrate the benefits of ownership.
Television appeals to the literate as well as the illiterate and this is one feature of TV
that makes it unique and different from other mediums. The hour today is the hour
of mass communication. Advertising in particular has become an indispensible mode
of communication with the market. Advertising is a means of communication with
the user of product or service. The importance of advertising grows steadily as
brands rely heavily on media for various marketing objectives such as increasing
sales, creating knowledge and awareness in the market etc. the field of advertising
continues to grow and evolve. Advertising also plays a very important role in
shaping the ever-changing norms of society both nationally and globally. With the
growing role of advertising in the lives of peoples’ attention now is being paid to the
various negative as well as positive effects of advertising. TV advertising is the non
personal communication of the information usually paid for persuasive in nature
about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media.
The advertisers intended to spread his ideas about the products and offerings among
the prospects. Popularization of the products is thus, the basic aim of advertising.
Television advertising is the best selling media to target the audience.
Advertising to children help in generating jobs, putting money into the economy and
instilling the importance of freedom to choose at a young age. It helps in developing
a child’s ability to comprehend the value of money and teaches them that a person
can achieve anything if they have the will to pray the price. The millions of dollars

are spent every year by the advertising industries on the ads that target children.
Young audiences are bombarded with persuading messages through media such as
internet, television, magazines, bill boards, radio etc.
(a) Television Advertising to Children
As far as advertising goes, the biggest impact made on children is through television.
According to a recent study, children spend about 4 hours 30 minutes every day
watching TV. This means that they are bombarded with advertisements daily and
truth is that not even the top researches know how they may be being influenced by
these ads. How children react to them depends on a number of factors including
their age, what they have experienced or know and how much opportunity they have
had to ask questions and discuss what they see in the media. Research suggests that
when children watch more television, they are likely to want and demand more toys
or other products. It is also suggested that they may notice ads more when they
watch television on their own. According to a national survey of children’s TV
watching behavior is 72% reported that they had no restrictions on the amount of
time they could watch TV and 52% reported that they had the freedom to watch any
type of content they wanted. Studies have found that the children do not have the
ability to skeptically view marketing messages or even identify advertisements as
marketing messages until they are teens. This means that marketing messages can
be perceived as truths, and in many cases, those messages can stay with them until
they becomes adults.
(b) Advertising and Alcohol Consumptions
Over the years, there have been a lot of research on alcohol ads and its effect on
children. More recently, there have been more subtle marketing strategies with the
placement of certain products in films and TV shows. Studies show that
advertisements can push unhealthy behaviors in children and adolescents. They also

show that it is becoming increasingly difficult to protect them as companies market
their products by exploiting the internet and social media.
(c) Advertising and Tobacco Consumptions
Children are influenced by tobacco promotions even before they understand the
purpose of advertising. Adolescence is a time of vulnerability when youths must
struggle to form an identity, to become independent of their parents, and to establish
themselves with their peers. Tobacco advertising exploits the vulnerabilities of
youths by offering tobacco as the key to the desire self image, as a badge of
independence, and as the key to acceptance by their peers. Tobacco advertising
causes more children to use tobacco, it would seem necessary that children be
exposed to tobacco advertising, and that this exposure occur before the onset of
tobacco use. One would also expect to see some effects of advertising on children’s
knowledge, attitudes, or behavior concerning tobacco use. One might even see a
dose – response effect in those children who are most familiar with tobacco
advertising would be most likely to use tobacco.
(d) Sexual Content in Advertisements
Many advertisements these days use beautiful young women to attract buyers. This
will no doubt have a seriously a negative effect on how children think. From
chocolates to clothing, almost every ad seen is sexual in nature. Children then think
that they need to look that the way to be accepted. Or that is how they should behave
to be popular. Children both young and teenager have a negative prospective and
this affects them in many different ways. Children today have major body issues
due the images they see on TV, magazines etc. They are told that they have to look
a certain way to be accepted in society. If they are not slim or fair or beautiful, they
are unpopular and will not make any friends. They also think that if they do not look
or act sexy like the women on TV, they will not be accepted. On the other hand, so-

called Pretty / Handsome look down on their counter parts based solely on their
looks. There are some of the effects of the ads seen today. The children can also
become body conscious due to the ads that depict popular women / men as being
slim and sexy. The fact is that no matter where one looks, they are always beautiful
women / men with the perfect bodies and faces marketing products. Due to their
desire to look like such women / men, children can develop eating disorders like
bulimia, anorexia etc. These can be extremely dangerous and even caused death in
some cases.
(a) Advertising makes the kids aware of the new products available in the market. It
increases their knowledge about the latest innovation in the field of technology.
(b) Convincing advertisements, which centre around healthy food products, can help
improve the diet of a child, if they are attractive enough.
(c) Certain advertisements, with strong messages motivate the kids in chasing their
future prospects such as becoming a Doctor, Scientist or an Engineer. They generate
the passion in children, regarding their future and make them realize the importance
of education.
(d) Some advertisements inculcate good habits in children, as all the toothpaste
companies create strong awareness regarding dental hygiene in kids.
(e) They can be a strong source of information, certain advertisements, especially
public service announcement present innovations and technological milestones that
can offer a good learning opportunity to the child. Moreover, they also educate
children about the new products in the market.

(a) Advertisements encourage children to their parents to buy the products they see
in the commercials, regardless of whether they need them or not and whether they
are useful or not. Many through tantrums and use different tactics to force the adults
to get them what they want.
(b) Children are likely to misinterpret the messages that are conveyed in
commercials. Studies have shown that they also tend to focus on the negatives rather
that the positive sides of the messages.
(c) Flashy commercials and ads on TV, the internet, magazines etc. create a
tendency for impulse shopping.
(d) Children tend to get attracted to high end brands that advertise clothes, shoes and
other products and disregard lesser known ones that are not seen in ads. (e) Many
advertisements seen today involve dangerous stunts which children try to imitate as
do not understand the statutory warnings that come with the ads.
(f) With so many attractive commercials, marketing junk foods and unhealthy
beverages, children’s health has been adversely affected. These ads encourage
unhealthy eating, which in term has lead to an increase in obesity, diabetes, heart
related problems and other conditions in young children.
(g) Child advertising may impact self esteem, making them feel inferior to other
children if they do not have the latest products that are seen in the commercials?
(h) Sexually suggestive ads are everywhere these days. This makes children
objectify women and also allows them to think that looking or acting a certain way
is the only way to make friends or be popular. These ads also make young girl’s
body conscious and in many cases, can cause eating disorders like bulimia, anorexia

(a) The first thing recommended by expert is reducing screen time. This way, parents
can reduce the number of messages that young children are exposed to. Parents are
also urged to keep track of what their children see when they are given time to watch
(b) Also, parents should not simply refuse when their children ask for something.
They should ask them why they want a particular product and where they saw or
heard about it. If they answer that they saw it on television or on the internet, they
should be told that advertisers want them to want it and that they are trying to sell
the product to them. This can lead to further discussion about advertising and how
they work on the masses.
(c) The advertising effect on children can be limited. Young children often believe
what they are told by advertisements and do not have the ability to understand the
difference between the TV show they are watching and advertising messages.
(d) People becoming more sexually, more and more advertisement are using
sexually suggestive strategies to attract buyers. Children see these images on their
TV screens, computers and magazines and it will undoubtedly have an effect on
their young minds. It is important for parents to not only monitor their children’s
screen time, but talk to them about what they see as well. Children do not know the
difference between an ad on TV and reality, so it is crucial that they understand that
they see on TV is not really how people act. They have a tendency to mimic what
they see and that is why parents need to be careful of what they are exposed to.
(e) The goal should be to help children to figure out the difference between the
product information and the strategies used by advertisers to sell the product. To
make sure that children processes ads critically, they need to learn how to determine

between the content that is commercial and non commercial and identify the
persuasive intent of the advertisement.
There is an increasing need for the parents to be more aware of the content of
advertising that their children are being exposed to. Some of the suggestions are
given below:
(a) Parents and family play a key role in limiting the use of television and internet.
Constant monitoring and adequate reasons would also make the children more
sensible in their use of these medium.
(b) Entertainment from channels like discovery, travelling and living is not as
harmful as the one from Hollywood movies.
(c) Marketers may rely upon radio and newspapers more than others means of media
as per the finding of this study after watching advertisement from different media
consumers are under influence especially Newspapers and Radio and consumers
have more faith in these media while making purchase decisions.
(d) Families should also change with the changing world and become of acceptable
of the needs of the today’s world.
(e) Parents who spend more time watching TV with their children agree that some
of the advertised products are not good for their children. In such cases also, parents
themselves need to educate their children. For that matter the parents should also be
educated on that behalf.
(f) Consumers do not enjoy buying a brand that comes with a free gift. They also
assess the value of the free gift. So, free gift as marketing strategy is not that useful.
But rupees of schemes get favorable response. However, in comparison to contests,
free gifts do well. So marketers can use these strategies to promote the products.

Advertising has adverse effects on children in both positive and negative ways.
Children tend to discourage that the influence of such commercials is negligible
when they decide to smoke or consume alcohol. The peer pressure actually is
dominant factors that drives children’s such habits. The role of commercials in
influencing their decision cannot be overlooked as in the same time. Advertising
gives a direct stimulus to consumer which in turn prompts the producer to produce
more and better quality. Advertising makes people work harder than they otherwise
would. This has had the effects of raising the aggregate level of the economy. In the
long run, advertising has probably played a major part in making people favorably
disposed towards high level of consumptions and in creating new products and
ideas. Thus, advertising also increases the employment levels, directly and
indirectly. of the economy. In the long run, advertising has probably played a major
part in making people favorably disposed towards high level of consumptions and
in creating new products and ideas. Thus, advertising also increases the employment
levels, directly and indirectly.

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Effects of Advertising on Children. Retrieved from
Negative Side Effects Of Advertising On Children. Retrieved from

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