Mec 2

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of Printed Pages : 4 MEC-002


Term-End Examination
June, 2021


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Answer the questions from each section as directed.


Answer any two questions from this section. 220=40

1. What is meant by steady state in the neoclassical

growth model ? Explain how steady state is
maintained when population growth and
technological progress are taking place.

2. Explain in brief the issues on which Lucas

criticised the Keynesian model.

3. Briefly discuss the life cycle hypothesis and

permanent income hypothesis of consumption.

4. Distinguish between cyclical and structural types

of unemployment. Briefly discuss the relevance of
natural rate of unemployment.

MEC-002 1 P.T.O.

Answer any five questions from this section. 512=60

5. Explain the political business cycle theory of


6. What is an IS curve ? Explain how its shape and

position is determined.

7. Discuss the factors that lead to wage rigidity in

an economy.

8. Explain why fiscal policy may not be effective in

an economy with flexible exchange rate.

9. Bring out the salient features of real business


10. Briefly discuss the salient features of the Ramsey

model (Planner’s problem).

11. Explain the concept of Phillips curve. Why is it

vertical in the long run ?

12. Write short notes on any two of the following :

(a) Demand for Money
(b) Liquidity Trap
(c) Menu Cost

MEC-002 2

E_.E. (AW©emñÌ)
gÌm§V narjm
OyZ, 2021

E_.B©.gr.-002 : g_pîQ>JV Am{W©H$ {díbofU

g_` : 3 KÊQ>o A{YH$V_ A§H$ : 100

ZmoQ> : àË`oH$ ^mJ go {ZX}emZwgma àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE &

^mJ H$
Bg ^mJ go {H$Ýht Xmo àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE & 220=40

1. Zd-Šbm{gH$b J«moW _m°S>b _| pñWa AdñWm (steady

state) H$m Š`m AW© h¡ ? O~ OZg§»`m g§d{¥ Õ Ed§
àm¡Úmo{JH$s` àJ{V hmo aho hm|, Vmo pñWa AdñWm H$mo H¡$go
~Zm`m aIm Om gH$Vm h¡ ? g_PmBE &

2. {OZ _wÔm| na bwH$mg Zo H$sÝgdmXr _m°S>b H$s AmbmoMZm H$s

CZ _wÔm| H$mo g§jon _| g_PmBE &
3. Cn^moJ H$s OrdZ MH«$ n[aH$ënZm Ed§ ñWm`r Am`
n[aH$ënZm H$s g§jon _| MMm© H$s{OE &
4. ~oamoµOJmar Ho$ MH«$s` Ed§ g§aMZmË_H$ àH$mam| Ho$ ~rM A§Va
ñnï> H$s{OE & g§jon _| ~oamoµOJmar H$s àmH¥${VH$ (Z¡Mwab)
Xa H$s àmg§{JH$Vm H$s MMm© H$s{OE &
MEC-002 3 P.T.O.
^mJ I
Bg ^mJ go {H$Ýht nm±M àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE & 512=60

5. H$boH$s Ho$ amOZr{VH$ ì`dgm` MH«$ Ho$ {gÕm§V H$s ì`m»`m

H$s{OE &
6. IS dH«$ Š`m h¡ ? BgH$m AmH$ma Ed§ pñW{V H¡$go {ZYm©[aV
hmoVr h¡ ? g_PmBE &
7. {H$gr AW©ì`dñWm _| _µOXÿar H$R>moaVm (rigidity) Ho$
H$maUm| H$s MMm© H$s{OE &
8. bMrbr {d{Z_` Xa Ho$ gmW {H$gr AW©ì`dñWm _|
amOH$mofr` Zr{V à^mdr Zht hmo gH$Vr ? g_PmBE &
9. dmñV{dH$ ì`mnma MH«$ H$s _w»` {deofVmAm| H$mo ~VmBE &
10. a¡_go _m°S>b (`moOZmH$ma H$s g_ñ`m) H$s _w»` {deofVmAm|
H$s g§jon _| MMm© H$s{OE &
11. {\${bßg dH«$ H$s AdYmaUm H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE & `h
XrK©H$mb _| grYm Š`m| hmoVm h¡ ?
12. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$Ýht Xmo na g§{já {Q>ßn{U`m±
{b{IE :
(H$) _wÐm H$s _m±J (Demand for Money)
(I) VabVm Omb (Liquidity Trap)
(J) _oZy bmJV (Menu Cost)

MEC-002 4

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