Company A Financial Statement S$ Million Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Total Total Total
Company A Financial Statement S$ Million Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Total Total Total
Company A Financial Statement S$ Million Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Total Total Total
Step 2. To estimate the no leasing case, you apply the industry average growth rates
2a. Estimate industry average growth rates by combining the data for Company A and Company B for the
2b. Apply the industry average to forecast Company X performance if handset leasing is not introduced
Step 3. To estimate the leasing case, you apply Company A growth rates to Company
Step 4. Make logical estimates for all other figures, using historical data
4a. Some metrics are likely to be a fixed ratio of revenue or profits
4b. For others, the best estimate is just to assume it will remain constant
timate the no leasing case, you apply the industry average growth rates for the relevant metri
ustry average growth rates by combining the data for Company A and Company B for the key metrics
ustry average to forecast Company X performance if handset leasing is not introduced
timate the leasing case, you apply Company A growth rates to Company X
48 49 50
Difference in Company X Financial Statement with and without handset leasing
Comments Year 0
S$ Million
Income Statement
Operating revenue
Operating expenses
Net finance expense
Depreciation & amortisation
Net profit
Net profit growth of 6.154 is lower than industry average of
Growth Rate
Operating expenses
$ 35 $ 74
$ 27 $ (56)
$ 8 $ 18
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ 8 $ 18
4.20% 3.96% Difference of 4.08% growth rate in profits
$ 35 $ 74
$ - $ -
$ 35 $ 74
1.49% 1.55% 1.5% difference in operating revenue with handset leasing
$ 27 $ 56
44 90
0 1 1$ difference by year 2
Industry Average
Growth (%)
Year 1 Year 2 Average
Mobile Service Revenue 5.46% 2.25% 3.85%
Mobile Subscribers('000) 2.16% 1.91% 2.03%
Company A
Growth (%)
Year 1 Year 2 Average
Mobile Service Revenue 8.15% 4.73% 6.44%
Mobile Subscribers('000) 2.69% 5.10% 3.90%
Growth (%)
Company B
Mobile Service Revenue 2.84% -0.30% 1.27%
Mobile Subscribers('000) 1.92% 0.46% 1.19%
Industry Average
Company A
Company B
Company B grows 2.58% below average, likely due to no leasing
Industry Average
Growth (%)
Year 0 Year 1 Average Comments
Operating Revenue Growth 5.46% 2.25% 3.85%
Net Profit Growth 15.79% 4.51% 10.15%
ARPU $ 669.04 $ 688.41 $678.73
*Average Revenue per user
Company A
Growth (%)
Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Average
Operating Revenue Growth 33.97% 37.43% 39.03% 36.81%
ARPU* $688.37 $804.53 $836.92
Company B
Growth (%)
Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Average
Operating Revenue Growth 62.75% 66.90% 68.84%
ARPU* $600.15 $607.80 $618.19 $613.00
Decrease in market share, perhaps due
to no leasing option
Lower growth of ARPU than Company A