Threshold We Are Gen Rent 2023
Threshold We Are Gen Rent 2023
Threshold We Are Gen Rent 2023
Threshold’s annual tenant sentiment survey 2023
preventing homelessness
hreshold’s Annual Tenant Sentiment Survey 2023
Acknowledgements 3
Introduction 4
We are Generation Rent 5
Structure of the Report 6
Methodology 8
Profile of Respondents 9
Age Profile 9
Gender 10
Type of Rental Accommodation 10
Household Type 11
County of Residence 11
Income 11
Aspirations and Expectations of Private Renters 14
Reasons for Renting 14
Improving Renting 16
Aspirations and Expectations 18
Experiences of Renting 21
Feeling of Security 21
Length of Time Renting 25
Reasons for Leaving Previous Rental Home 26
Finding a Home to Rent 27
Relationship with the Landlord 28
Affordability 29
Changes to Rent 32
Accessing the Rent Tax Credit 34
Experience of the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) and Rent Supplement (RS) 37
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hreshold’s Annual Tenant Sentiment Survey 2023
Threshold would like to thank all the clients who not just
participated in the survey but shared their personal experiences
of the private rental sector. A thank you is also due to Threshold
staff members, Chloe, and Louise, who made the calls and
emailed the respondents.
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hreshold’s Annual Tenant Sentiment Survey 2023
We are Generation Rent
The purpose of the annual survey is to give voice to people who are renting long-term.
the experience of Threshold’s clients, “Generation
Rent,” their aspirations and frustrations. For most As part of this continued long-term experience,
people, the term “Generation Rent” describes “Generation Rent” are now in their 20s, 30s,
people in their 20s living in house shares, who may 40s and even at retirement age. They may have
not have the opportunity to gain greater security delayed starting a family, may have experienced
of tenure by purchasing their own home or moving homelessness, been unable to accumulate savings
into social housing in the future. for an unexpected yet necessary expense, had to
couch surf, or move house on a regular basis as the
The phrase is generally used when highlighting the security of a home becomes a distant dream.
potential negative impact that long-term renting
may have on their life choices and outcomes. The new worry for those who feel trapped in the
However, the concept of “Generation Rent” no private rental market is the uncertainty about their
longer applies to just those in their 20s as home future: will they still be renting when they retire?
ownership continues to drop. Preliminary data Will their children have to move schools? What will
from the 2022 Census indicates that the proportion happen if the rent increases to a level that means
of owner-occupied dwellings continued to fall; they cannot afford it or other bills? These are the
down from almost 70% to 66% in the 11 years types of worries experienced and expressed by
to 2022. In addition, the number of occupied Threshold’s clients.
dwellings rented from a private landlord increased
by 7% since 20161. Threshold is concerned for the well-being and
prospects of those renting long-term. The lack of
The transformation in housing tenure that has security and the ever-growing rent burden, both
occurred across traditional homeowner societies features of the Irish private rental sector, have
is not a new phenomenon. In many Anglo-sphere lifelong consequences. These consequences are
nations, homeownership levels have declined not just for the renter; they also apply to broader
markedly since the 2008 recession and have been society and Ireland’s asset-based welfare system,
matched by an increase in households renting which is reliant on home ownership. In its present
from private landlords2. This trend is reflected in state, the private rental sector is not a viable option
the existence of “Generation Rent,” a term used to for those seeking a long-term home.
capture a broad range of inequalities in access to
housing, secure employment, and welfare support We are also worried about the effect of the
among younger households3. aforementioned issues on those who have been
unable to access the private rental market. The
Keeping this in mind, the negative effects of renting term coined for these people is “Generation Stuck
beyond young adulthood are no longer theoretical. at Home.”
They are real and are being experienced by many
Central Statistics Office of Ireland (2023), “Census of Population 2022 - Summary Results”,
p-cpsr/censusofpopulation2022-summaryresults/dwellingcharacteristics/ (accessed on 06/06/23)
Waldron, R., (2023), Generation Rent and Housing Precarity in ‘Post Crisis’ Ireland”. Housing Studies, 38(2), pp. 181-205
Insley, J. “Housing Market Fears as ‘Generation Rent’ Keeps Away from Property Ladder,”
market-generation-rent.The Guardian, 31/05/2011 (accessed on 19/05/23)
The is followed by “Experiences of Renting,” which The report finishes with a summary of the findings
includes private renters’ feelings of security, why and a set of policy recommendations.
they left their last rental home, the difficulty in
finding a home to rent, their relationship with their
landlord, and how long they have been renting for.
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hreshold’s Annual Tenant Sentiment Survey 2023
Threshold’s Annual Tenant Sentiment Survey 2023 7
Potential respondents were identified among A small number of those ineligible to participate in
Threshold’s clients who had closed a case the survey got in touch to say they had emigrated
between July 2021 and June 2022 and had given but would have welcomed the opportunity to
their consent to be contacted for the purposes of speak about their experience of renting in Ireland.
research. A total of 1,200 clients were contacted Consideration will be given to expanding the 2024
by phone or email, of which 164 chose to proceed survey to include those who have emigrated, to
with the survey. gain an understanding of the push factors they
experienced whilst living at home.
In 2022, five staff members conducted over the
phone interviews. This year, however, only two As the survey was emailed to clients this year,
staff members were available to conduct the questions from 2022 were modified to remove
interviews.Both faced significant challenges in possible ambiguity and to make the survey more
reaching people; either calls went unanswered or user friendly. For example, calculator tools,
people were reluctant to do the survey over the information links and signposting to Threshold’s
phone. The increase in scam calls in Ireland in the services were included. Comment boxes were
last year may have been a contributing factor in added to various questions providing respondents
this. Most people who participated in the survey with the opportunity to share their views and
did so by email, in their own time. This trend will personal perspectives. This approach was adopted
inform the methodology for 2024. to facilitate hearing directly from renters speaking
in their own voices.
Respondents who were experiencing
homelessness, were couch surfing, had secured All respondents were given the opportunity
social housing, had bought their own home, to decline answering any question. Where the
or chose not to disclose the nature of their number who declined to answer was sizeable, it is
accommodation were not asked to complete the noted in the analysis and represented in the charts.
survey. In all, 45 were not eligible to participate, Where the number declining was negligible, this is
as the aims of this research were focused on the considered in calculating figures but not included
experience of those currently renting and those in the charts.
who had returned to the parental home. Those
who were in homeless or insecure accommodation Throughout the survey, respondents were
were offered the opportunity to speak to a prompted to contact Threshold if they were
Threshold advisor for support. experiencing issues in their tenancy. Several
respondents availed of this offer and an advisor
The final sample was 119 respondents. contacted them following the survey.
Respondents who reported living with their
parents, five in total, were asked a separate and Pseudonyms are used in the case studies,
shorter set of questions, which are analysed identifying details altered and all quotes are direct.
separately in this report.
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hreshold’s Annual Tenant Sentiment Survey 2023
Profile of Respondents
Age Profile
In Ireland, the private rental sector has long been viewed as a stepping-stone to buying your own home,
as an in between stage for people in their 20s before they ‘settle down’. This has now changed. Several
factors, including financial instability and the shortage of affordable and social homes, has contributed
to an increase in the age profile of renters over time. For the last number of years, the Threshold Tenant
Sentiment Survey has shown the typical age of a renter is getting older. In 2022, over half of respondents
were aged between 35 and 54. This year’s results show that 59% of respondents were aged between 35 and
54, and 12% were 55 or older.
18-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74
There were more female respondents than male:
Female: 60%
Male: 40%
Threshold and ALONE (2023), “Double Deficit: Older and Ageing Persons in the Irish Private Rental Sector,”
uploads/2023/05/Double-Deficit.pdf (accessed 07/06/2023)
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hreshold’s Annual Tenant Sentiment Survey 2023
Household Type
A significant proportion of respondents did not have children; 24% were couples without children and 37%
were single without children. One quarter of participants were in a two-parent family and 10% were one-
parent households. Most households with dependent children, 70%, were ages between 35-44.
One-parent family
Two-parent family
Couple, no children
Single, no children
County of Residence
Just under 79% of those who took the survey lived in Leinster, with 54% clients based in Dublin. Only 8% of
those who took the survey were based in Cork and 7% were based in Galway. Approximately 13% were in the
Greater Dublin Area (Kildare, Meath, and Wicklow).
According to the Central Statistics Office, the median disposable household income in Ireland was €46,999 in
20225. Almost 80% of those who participated in the survey earn less than this.
Graph 4: Income
< €15,000 €15,000 €20,001 €25,001 €30,001 €35,001 €40,001 €45,001 €55,001 €65,000 +
< €20,000 < €25,000 < €30,000 < €35,000 < €40,000 < €45,000 < €55,000 < €65,000
Given that over three-quarters of those surveyed were in employment, it is surprising to see the low level
of wages.
Full-Time Employment
2% 2%
Part-Time Employment
Social Welfare Payment
Disability Payment
59% Pension
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Threshold’s Annual Tenant Sentiment Survey 2023 13
Aspirations and Expectations of
Private Renters
Reasons for Renting
Each year, Threshold asks those who participate in the survey why they rent, where they would prefer to live
in five years’ time, and where they expect they will be living in five years’ time.
As in previous years, only a small proportion of respondents stated that they rent by choice.
80% 6: Reasons for Renting
By choice Cannot access social housing Unable to buy own home
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hreshold’s Annual Tenant Sentiment Survey 2023
As in 2022, less than 20% of renters interviewed wish to rent by choice, with most people stating they are
renting as they are unable to buy their own home. This may be related to the increase in house prices and
rents which limit renters’ ability to save the deposit required to access a mortgage.
The national Residential Property Price Index (RPPI)6 rose by 6.1% in the 12 months to January 2023,
with prices in Dublin rising by 4.3% and prices outside Dublin up by 7.4%. The median price of a dwelling
purchased in the 12 months to January 2023 was €305,000. This is eight times the median income of a renter.
Income level appears to be a decisive factor for people who are renting, as indicated in the chart below.
However, of the 11 respondents earning more than €65,000 a year, 45% stated that they rent because they are
unable to buy their own home.
< €15,000 €15,000 €20,001 €25,001 €30,001 €35,001 €40,001 €45,001 €55,001 €65,000+
< €20,000 < €25,000 < €30,000 < €35,000 < €40,000 < €45,000 < €55,000 < €65,000
Central Statistics Office, (2023), Residential Property Price Index (RPPI) March 2023,
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hreshold’s Annual Tenant Sentiment Survey 2023
Another key theme related to tenants living in The findings and commentary from the
properties that were beneath the minimum respondents reveal the lack of security felt by
standards. As the examples below indicate, the renters, the poor standards they are forced to put
matter of poor standards is felt deeply by renters: up with, and the high rents that we already know
are making the private rental sector an undesirable
■ All rentals are subject to local county
“ place to live in. Under these conditions, it can be
council regulations and so any faults suggested that the tenants are residing rather than
reported by tenant and deemed living in their homes, viewing these as places to
necessary is carried out by council and temporarily rest their head. This lack of security
cost associated is then deducted from and sense of home was explored by Dr. Byrne and
landlord.” Dr. McArdle in “Security and Agency in the Irish
(Male, €35-40k, Two-Parent Family, Private Rental Sector”7.
Beyond this, these comments illustrate the
■ the landlord looked after the property emotional toll of private renting. Some of the
better, we as tenants have spent money comments highlight a lack of control and a
doing it up. If he was better at getting back sense of feeling powerless in the tenant-landlord
about issues we have before they become relationship. This undermines tenants’ ability to
big problems, or the appliance completely create a home and to feel a positive connection
breaks. If they stuck to the rules.” to where they live. It further indicates the fact
(Female; 30-34; +€65k; Single; Dublin) that most renters view the private rental sector as
tenure of last resort, not where they want to live in
■ Tenure and minimum standards not to be
the long term.
a step above squalor- why are standards
for renters lower than normal health and
safety? This mould thing is dangerous for
many people especially post Covid.”
(Female; 55-59; Cork)
Byrne, M. (2020). “Security and Agency in the Irish Private Rental Sector,”
(accessed 08/06/2023)
Social housing
Expectation Aspiration
In comparison, very few of those surveyed expect to realise their aspiration of home ownership in that period.
Only 39% expect they will own their own home in five years’ time and 15% expect to have social housing.
Despite it not being the preferred tenure of most, 31% expect they will still be renting in five years’ time.
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One respondent stated that they expect to be living “in another country than Ireland”. In the CSO’s “Pulse
Survey: Our Lives, Our Money”8, which explores people’s opinions on the cost of living, 43% of those in rented
accommodation were considering emigration to lower their cost of living.
One of the clients who was contacted to partake in the survey had emigrated and emailed us to say:
“myself and lots of other fellow 22-year-olds I know have left Ireland since the pandemic”.
The client added: “I’ve gone to Australia since autumn 2022 and don’t plan on coming back to
Ireland for a few years or maybe indefinitely, unfortunately”.
Other comments from respondents, when asked about their housing expectations, illustrate how people feel
about their future opportunities and renting in the long-term.
“A hovel. Rent is a stupid percentage of income.” (Male; 50-54; €35-40k; Two-Parent Family; Longford)
“It is ‘inevitable’ to end up renting, seems like there is no escape.” (Female; 35-39; €30-35k; Couple; Dublin)
(accessed 03/05/23)
Feeling of Security
When asked: “How secure do you feel that you can stay renting your current home for as long as you want
or need?
■ 48% feel insecure
■ 24% feel neither secure nor insecure
■ 18% feel secure
■ 11% declined to answer
Insecure Neither secure or insecure Secure
In 2022, nearly half of those who responded (44%) felt insecure in their homes. The feeling of insecurity
has sustained in the 2023 data, with nearly one in two (48%) feeling insecure in their homes. It is also
worth highlighting that only 18% feel secure in their homes this year. This is a significant drop from last
year where 38% felt secure in their rented accommodation.
While new tenancies are now of indefinite duration, a landlord can still evict a tenant on several grounds.
These are known as no-fault-evictions where there has been no wrongdoing by the tenant.
These feelings of insecurity are likely being fueled by the increased practice of landlords choosing to
end tenancies to sell the home with vacant possession. In 2022, the RTB were notified of 11,868 tenancy
terminations and 4,753 in Q1 of 202310. In 2022, Threshold was contacted by 5,555 households who had
received a notice and worked with over 8,000 who were facing eviction.
18-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 All
Neither secure
Insecure Secure Rather not say
nor insecure
Byrne, M. (2020), “Security and Agency in the Irish Private Rental Sector”, (pp13),
Residential Tenancies Board, “Notices of Termination (NoTs) received by the RTB,”
(Accessed 08/06/2023)
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hreshold’s Annual Tenant Sentiment Survey 2023
When evaluating perceived security by the age of the respondents, it is worrying that nearly every age
cohort had more people feeling insecure than secure in their own home, with exceptions for the 45-49
(n=14) age cohort and the 60-64 (n=3) age cohort. It is worth noting that the youngest cohorts and the
oldest cohort are a small group of respondents.
In May 2023, ALONE and Threshold published a research report, “Double Deficit”, which found that the
private rental sector is not an appropriate tenure choice for many older and ageing people, particularly
those within the older and more infirm old age cohort. The report also discussed the absence of a data-
informed approach to planning for the accommodation of a rapidly growing ageing cohort11.
Single, Couple, Two-Parent One-Parent Other All
no children no children Family Family Respondents
Neither secure
Insecure Secure Rather not say
nor insecure
In the survey of 2022, one-parent families were more likely than other groups to report feeling insecure
in their tenancy. This year the story is different, with every family type expressing comparable feelings of
Following from this, those who stated they have a negative or somewhat negative relationship with their
landlord felt less secure in their home. All those who stated that they had a very negative relationship
with their landlord felt insecure in their home, while 70% of those who stated that they have a somewhat
negative relationship with their landlord felt insecure in their home.
A significant proportion of those reporting a very positive (30%), or somewhat positive relationship (41%)
with the landlord, also felt insecure. This may be linked to a fear that their landlord will sell the home.
A neither A somewhat A somewhat A very A very All
positive nor negative positive negative positive Respondents
negative relationship relationship relationship relationship
Neither secure
Insecure Secure Rather not say
nor insecure
Many of the comments left by respondents regarding their relationship with their landlord highlight that
there are some tenants who do not have a relationship with their landlord, have minimal contact with
them or are only in communication with the property management company. For some renters, their
landlord is a company, making it difficult to draw comparisons with those who have an individual as a
Examples include;
■ They are an investment fund so as long as I pay my rent, they don’t bother me.”
(Male; 35-39; €55-65k; Couple; Dublin)
■ contact - no complaints - goes through agency.”
(Female; 35-39; €15-20k; Two-Parent Family; Wexford)
■ never met him. A letting agency looks after us.”
(Female; 30-34; €30-35k; Single; Dublin)
“I am
■ dealing with a rental company and do not know if the landlord is a person.”
(Male; 35-39; +€65k; Single; Dublin)
■ with agency, not with landlord.”
(Female; 40-44; €25-30k; One-Parent Family; Dublin)
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hreshold’s Annual Tenant Sentiment Survey 2023
Length of Time Renting
As illustrated in the chart below, those who participated in the survey were seasoned renters with half of
them living in the rental sector for more than ten years. This increased to 63% when accounting for those who
have been renting in the private rental sector for six or more years.
However, only 11% have lived in their current home for 10 years or more, and one in five have lived in their
current home for two years or less. This shows that while most respondents have been renting in the private
rental sector for many years, only a minority have established a long-term home. To understand why this is,
respondents were asked why they left their last rental home.
6 months 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years+ Rather
< 1 year < 2 years < 3 years < 4 years < 5 years < 6 years < 7 years < 8 years < 9 years < 10 years not say
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hreshold’s Annual Tenant Sentiment Survey 2023
Finding a Home to Rent
In 2023, 72% said it was extremely difficult to find a home to rent, and 14% said it was difficult. Only 3%
found it easy to find accommodation and 4% found it neither easy nor difficult to find accommodation.
Extremely difficult
Many of the comments left by the respondents describe how challenging it is for people to access a
property in the private rental market.
■ There are no houses advertised to rent in this area. We have found that houses are found mainly
by word of mouth and off the books, so they are not secure and are typically in poor condition.
There are certainly no rentals being offered within the HAP levels, even with an uplift.”
(Female; 55-59; -€15k; Couple; Cork)
■ It was the most stressful time of my life and we had to move 15 miles from where we had lived
all our lives, huge change.”
(Female; 55-59; Under €15k; Social Welfare; Two-Parent Family; Wexford)
One comment emphasises of the challenges facing people when they have to look for a new home:
“there should be an “impossible” option there too”
(Female; 35-39; Under €15k; Social Welfare Payment; One-Parent Family; Kerry).
This difficulty in finding a home to rent was felt across all groups. Regardless of age, income, length of
time renting or family size.
One in five (19%) reported having a negative relationship with the landlord. This is not far off doubling the
figures from what was cited in last year’s survey.
A very A somewhat A neither positive nor A somewhat A very
negative relationship negative relationship negative relationship positive relationship positive relationship
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hreshold’s Annual Tenant Sentiment Survey 2023
Those who participated in the survey were asked what percentage of their income they pay on rent, to
assess its affordability.
Using a 30% income to rent affordability measure, just 27% of clients surveyed have affordable rent.
Of those who responded, just over half (50%) are paying more than 30% of their income on rent – the
typical measurement for housing affordability. Almost one fifth (n=21) are spending over half their income
on rent.
% of Respondents
10-20% 21-30% 31-40% 41-50% 51% + Rather not say
Percentage of Income
Unsurprisingly those on lower incomes are more likely to pay a higher percentage of their income on
rent. The chart below illustrates the heavier rent burden on those with lower incomes. This can result
in poverty, as set out in the 2022 Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC), which notes that an
estimated 3 in 10 (29.6%) of people live in rented or rent-free accommodation but make up 6 in 10 (59.4%)
of people living in enforced deprivation13.
In the Housing Agency’s Statement of Housing Supply and Demand (2017)14, the issue of affordability was
discussed and highlighted. It noted that renters tend to have less disposable income compared to owner
occupiers and are more likely to experience affordability problems. The income of most participants in
this survey falls short of the median and their housing cost burden is significantly pronounced.
Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) 2022,
surveyonincomeandlivingconditionssilc2022/poverty/ (Accessed 03/05/23)
National Statement of Housing Supply and Demand 2016 and Outlook for 2017-18
publications/25.%20Housing-Supply-Demand-Report-2017-WEB-(2).pdf (Accessed 08/06/2023)
< €15,000 €15,000 €20,001 €25,001 €30,001 €35,001 €40,001 €45,001 €55,001 €65,000+
< €20,000 < €25,000 < €30,000 < €35,000 < €40,000 < €45,000 < €55,000 < €65,000
Respondents were asked if they feel they can pay the bills, afford groceries, and afford other expenses
after paying rent. The majority of those earning less than €30,000 a year struggled to pay for additional
household expenses after rent.
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hreshold’s Annual Tenant Sentiment Survey 2023
Graph 18: Difficulty in Paying Bills etc by Income Range
< €15,000 €15,000 €20,001 €25,001 €30,001 €35,001 €40,001 €45,001 €55,001 €65,000+ All
< €20,000 < €25,000 < €30,000 < €35,000 < €40,000 < €45,000 < €55,000 < €65,000 Respondents
Many of the comments left by the respondents speak to this struggle to pay for the necessities.
■ The cost of living is gone through the roof. I am scared to have the radiator on for too
many hours.”
(Female, 45-49, €30-35k, Full-Time Employment, Single, Cork)
While all households experienced some difficulty in paying bills and other expenses, those reliant on a
social welfare payment, a pension or in part-time employment felt it more acutely.
Full-Time Part-Time Social Self-Employment Disability Pension Student Grant
Employment Employment Welfare Payment
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Threshold’s Annual Tenant Sentiment Survey 2023 33
Accessing the Rent Tax Credit
Announced as part of Budget 2023, a €500 tax credit was introduced to ease the cost of living. Applicant’s
eligibility is assessed on several grounds, such as type of tenancy (tenancy or licensee) and whether the
applicant is receiving housing support15.
Respondents were asked about their knowledge of the tax credit and whether they had applied for it.
Media reports at the time the survey was conducted indicated that there had been a low take-up of the
Aware of the credit Applying for the credit
No Yes
Revenue, “Rent Tax Credit”,
(accessed on 07/06/23)
Weston, C., “Rent tax credit not being claimed by most tenants, even though they are entitled to it”,, 28th April 2023,
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hreshold’s Annual Tenant Sentiment Survey 2023
While two-thirds of respondents were aware of the credit, only 44% had applied or were planning to
apply for it.
There were varying reasons clients had not applied for the tax credit. 23% said they were not eligible as
they were receiving HAP or RAS and 9% of clients did not know how to register for the tax credit. Only two
stated they did not apply because the tenancy is not registered with the RTB and two noted that their
landlord was not registered with the Revenue. A small number (n=9) stated they did not know how to
apply for it. The question about the tax credit included a prompt for people to get in touch with Threshold
for information on how to apply.
Strikingly, 86% of those respondents in receipt of HAP, and all the respondents receiving Rent
Supplement, pay a top-up to their landlord. These top-up payments ranged from €50-a-month to as
much as €1,210-a-month. In addition to this, those paying a top-up were more likely to struggle to pay the
bills, buy groceries and pay the rent, with over three quarters (77%) stating this to be the case.
HAP Rent Supplement No Housing Support
Only 13% (n=4) of those receiving HAP or Rent Supplement have approached the Local Authority or Rent
Unit to seek assistance to pay the top-up. In three cases, the client was provided with assistance to pay
some of the top-up and one was refused.
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hreshold’s Annual Tenant Sentiment Survey 2023
“I’m afraid this can affect me negatively and I can
no longer rent the apartment.”
(Female; 30-34; €45-55k; Full-Time Employment;
One fifth of those surveyed stated that their
Couple; Dublin)
home is overcrowded. While single people who
were sharing with others were more likely to
“The extent of the black mould behind the fitted
feel their home is overcrowded, many families
kitchen would require an entire kitchen re-fit,
experienced overcrowding due to particular family
damp-proofing, new ventilation, and insulation.
We fear asking the landlord because we don’t
think they can afford it and we are afraid that
“Six people living in the house at the moment, one
they will ask us to move if we are not happy. In
of them pregnant.”
the past, we have had to raise significant repair
(Female; 35-39; €25-30k; Full-time Employment;
and maintenance issues with a landlord, and this
Single; Dublin; House-Share)
resulted in the landlord refusing and ordering us
to move. In the end a prohibition order was served
on the property and the landlord decided to sell “Both adults working from home needing office
so we were forced to move. Given this experience, space, and two children. four years apart, one
we are scared to mention such costly repairs to girl one boy, so ideally, they would have their own
our current landlord in case they too decide to sell. bedrooms.”
There is nowhere to move to, so it feels safer for (Female; 40-44; €40-45k; Self-Employed; Two-
now to put up with the mould and damp rather Parent Family; Dublin)
than risk homelessness.”
(Female; 55-59; Under €15k; Disability Payment; “All living in a two-bedroom house, one child
Couple; Cork). sleeping on the pull-out couch”
(Male; 35-39; Full-time Employment; Two-Parent
“Afraid of rent increase or notice to move out.” Family; Dublin)
(Female; 40-44; €25-30k; Full-Time Employment;
One-Parent Family; Dublin) “I live with my family in a one-bed
apartment. Cannot afford to move into bigger
“Because he’s difficult to deal with.” accommodation”
(Female; 50-54; €30-35k; Full-Time Employment; (Female; 40-45; €35-40k; Full-time Employment;
Single; Meath; House Share) Two-Parent Family; Dublin)
Eurostat, “Estimated average age of young people leaving the parental household by sex”
Central statistics Office, (2022), “Pulse Survey: Life at Home 2021: Renters, Lone Parents and Adults Living Alone or with a Parent”, https://
respondentswholivewithaparent/ (accessed 07/06/23)
Experiences of Renting
■ his year, nearly half (48%) of respondents
feel insecure in their homes, while only 18%
■ early half (45%) of those surveyed stated
feel secure in their homes.
that their rent had increased in the previous
■ F eelings of insecurity were expressed across 12 months and 3% said their rent had
every age range and family type. decreased.
■ ll those who stated that they had a very
A ■ here the rent had been increased, it was
negative relationship with their landlord felt increased by less than 2% in just under half
insecure in their home, while 70% of those of cases (45%).
who stated that they have a somewhat
■ J ust over a third (37%) of rent increases for
negative relationship with their landlord
tenants in RPZs were over the permitted 2%
feel insecure in their home.
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Right to Housing move from a dualist housing system to a unitary
housing system.
A key step to ensure we all have access to a home
The unitary rental market is an integrated rental
is the introduction of a constitutional right to
market, with direct competition between the
housing in Ireland. At present, with no right to
profit, non-profit and limited profit sectors. The
housing in the Constitution, there is no duty on
overall purpose of the not-for-profit sector is to
any government to ensure all people have access
house broad layers of the population. This can put
to adequate housing. By holding a referendum to
downward pressure on rents in the private rental
insert a right to housing into the Constitution, the
people of Ireland would be given the opportunity
to send a message to government about its role in
ensuring access to housing. A move to a unitary housing system requires an
increased investment role for the State to play
in building housing. The means increasing the
If the people of Ireland vote to insert such a
stock of housing owned by Local Authorities and
right, the current Government, and all future
Approved Housing Bodies to equal 25% of total
governments, will be obliged to use this as the
housing stock, based on a comparative analysis of
basis for their decision-making when it comes to
other EU Member States.
housing policy and legislation. This would mean
housing could no longer be used as a ‘political
football’ or be subject to personal interests or Affordable Purchase
ideological concerns. The right to housing would
become a catalyst for change that can bring about Given the demonstrated strong desire for home
a consistent approach to housing policy and ownership, it is vital that Government policy
greater long-term planning, moving the system continues to support and facilitate people to
away from the boom-bust cycles of provision purchase their own home. One current example
which have become the norm. aimed at achieving this is the Affordable Purchase
Scheme, which is to deliver approximately 15,000
Access to adequate housing is the basis from properties between 2021 and 2025 under “Housing
which other rights can be realised. Home is a for All”.
fundamental element of human dignity and must
be protected. With over 300,000 households renting19, there
is a high demand for these homes. While there
is support for people to buy their home on the
market, affordability remains an issue for many,
as well as availability, particularly for those
Provision of Housing households with only one income. Single people
not only face the financial challenge of affording
In Threshold’s opinion, the most viable and long- a home but also the lack of one-bed and two-bed
lasting mechanism to improve affordability of units. Further options are therefore required.
private rental accommodation is for Ireland to
Central Statistics Office of Ireland (2023), “Census of Population 2022 - Summary Results”,
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Cost Rental Threshold recognises the time required to deliver
new housing and understands there are growing
Cost rental can bring about affordability by having numbers in the pipeline. It is no small task to
a moderating impact on market rents, and this achieve what we are proposing, however it is
impact will increase as more units are built. If done essential if Ireland’s housing system is to stabilise.
correctly, and on a large scale, it can remove the
need for controls such as RPZs and reduce rents in A significant commitment by the Government
the private rental sector. at the lifting of the ban on evictions was to
expand the existing Tenant-in-Situ Scheme and
It is vital, however, that the rents are delivered at develop the Cost Rental Tenant-in-Situ Scheme.
an affordable level across a range of incomes. This The Government has directed Local Authorities
requires those who can pay more to do so, while across the State to buy 1,500 homes this year from
those who are on lower incomes pay less. landlords who have given notice to tenants. This is
a welcome initiative that will add to the State and
The first cost rental homes were delivered in the not-for–profit sectors’ housing stock. Threshold
2022, with multiple cross rental schemes now recommends that these approaches become central
in operation and more in development. The aim features of housing delivery as part of a long-term
of cost rental is to deliver secure homes with shift away from a reliance on the private rental
rents at at least 25% below market rents. Despite sector towards a more sustainable housing model.
the challenges faced in construction some have
achieved rents up to 50% below market.20 Private Rental
Approximately 7,500 cost rental homes are to be Landlords are providers of much-needed housing
delivered in the first four years of the “Housing and action is needed to keep them in the market.
for All” plan. Given the level of demand for secure This can be achieved through changes to the tax
affordable homes, more will be required. system, for example by applying a sliding scale
tax system on rental income generated from
Social Housing properties subject to long-term lease agreements
for 10, 15 or 20+ years. The motivator being the
longer the lease and guarantee of tenure, the more
An increase in social housing provision is also
beneficial the tax treatment.
necessary to meet the demand for long-term
security, particularly by lower income households.
While the HAP is available, it does not provide the
security and safety that comes with a home from
a Local Authority or from an Approved Housing
Improve Security of Tenure
Lack of tenure security is one of the crucial
Threshold recommends that Local Authorities and
factors that shapes people’s preference for home
Approved Housing Bodies increase their housing
ownership and negatively impacts people’s ability
stock to 20-25% of total housing stock by 2040,
to establish a home. While legislative changes were
and that this be done via direct build as opposed
made to create tenancies of indefinite duration
to purchasing or turn-key developments. Doing
in 2021, a landlord still has five grounds on which
so will positively impact the private market by
they can evict a tenant where there has been no
slowing prices, improving availability and choice
wrongdoing by the tenant. Landlords primarily
and by creating increased competition.
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A key takeaway from this report is that most of those surveyed do not rent out of choice. Given their
experience of renting, set out in their own words throughout the report, it is easy to understand why this
Private renters face numerous struggles in today’s housing market. The rising cost of rent, limited security
of tenure and the ever-increasing challenge of finding suitable and affordable housing creates significant
Many of Threshold’s clients grapple with precarious living conditions, the constant fear of eviction, rent
increases and even difficulty in accessing assistance. These struggles can have a profound effect on
individuals and families, affecting their financial stability, mental wellbeing, and overall quality of life.
We all want a home that is secure, affordable and of a good standard. “Generation Rent,” those
experiencing homelessness, those at risk of losing their home and “Generation Stuck-At-Home” desire the
same thing. The recommendations set out in this report are designed to ensure that this is available to all
people seeking to make a home.
Addressing the challenges faced by private renters is crucial for creating a fair and equitable housing
system that ensures everyone has access to safe, affordable, and stable housing. A safe, secure, and
affordable home should not be out of reach; it is a right.
The definition of rented or rent-free accommodation includes the private rental market and the social rental sector.
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preventing homelessness