Effective Communication

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Creating E-mails
1. Start the email with the right salutation.
Considering the position and age of the
receiver, refer to him or her as
Sir/Madam. Ensure that you are spelling
their name right.
Dear Sir Santos:
Dear Ma’am Edna Cortes:

2. Be clear, be precise and make a

thoughtful use of words.
Creating E-mails
3. If the email is long, give it a flow by
distributing different ideas across
paragraphs or in separate points.

4. Remember to run a spell-check and

proofread your writing. Do not make
grammatical mistakes. Errors in writing
can spoil your impression.
Creating E-mails
Dear Sir Jose Reyes:
day! a formal tone throughout the
I am Jane Santos, a student from ESSU Main. I am sending you this e-mail to
inquire regarding the upcoming seminar on “Effective Communication”. I would like to
6. Be
ask the following:
courteous in your writing.
7. still
1. Is there Thank
availablethe receiver
slots for the seminar?for reading it, and if
2. How much youwouldexpect
I pay for thehim tosince
seminar respond immediately
I would be registering late? or
before a certain date, mention that in a
3. Would I still be able to receive the seminar kit even if I registered late?
May I request for a prompt reply in order for me to prepare the needed
polite way.
papers for requesting funds from my university. Thank you for your time.

Jane Santos
Replying to E-mails
1. When replying to emails, the same rules
should be followed.
2. If the email needs you to respond within
a certain time period, you should
remember to reply in time.
3. The 'forward', 'cc', and 'bcc' options
should be used carefully. If you need to
keep someone in the loop about the
communication, it is recommended that
you send him/her a copy of your email.
Replying to E-mails
4. It is important that the email is sent to
the right people. The email address
should be checked twice before sending
the email.
Making phone calls
1. Start the conversation by introducing yourself.
Tell the receiver your name and the purpose
of your call.
Ex. Hello, good morning. I am Ms. Eva Adena from
Eastern Samar State University. I am calling
regarding the accreditation process for the
procurement of test materials from your
2. Be brief and precise.
3. Respect the age and position of the person you
are talking to by addressing them with
ma’am/sir, being courteous and using the
right tone of voice.
Making phone calls
4. Do not end a call abruptly. Make your point, give
Ex. the person on the other side a chance to
You: Hello, good day! I am and
Janeend thea student
Santos, conversation
from ESSUwith
Main a Campus.
I am looking farewell.
for Mr. Jose ReyesThank
regardinghim for givingtoyou
my attendance his
his seminar
“Effective Communication”.
Ma’am Edna: Good day Ms. Jane, this is Ms. Edna speaking, co-worker of Mr.
Ex. Thank you for entertaining my inquiry
Reyes. I am sorry but he is busy at this moment. Would you like
ma’am/sir. (wait for 10 seconds before ending
to leave a message?
You: Yes please. have questions regarding the slots availability for the event.
5. If
May youthetell person
me him ma’amyou to
want toback.
call me communicate with,isisn't
My contact number 776-
8960.reachable, leave him a message. Here again, be
Ma’am Edna: Okay andMs. crisp.
Jane. If the point to be conveyed is small,
You: Thankinclude
you ma’am. it in theformessage
(Wait 10 secondsitself. But itthe
before ending is always
better to request him to call you back. To make it
easy for him to reply, leave your contact number in
the message.
Answering phone calls

1. If you are on the receiver's side, be

prompt in replying to unattended calls. It
could be something important or urgent.
So ensure that all the unanswered calls
are responded to.
2. Answer the call by stating your name and
the company/organization you belong to.
• Have a full knowledge of the information you
are communicating.
• All the information shared should be based on
• Make sure you are ready to answer queries.
• The message you want to deliver should be
What should be specifically done
How much time is given for the task
Who are the persons involved
• Consider the feelings and point of view of the
person/s you are communicating with.
• Address someone in the right manner.
• Use the right volume and tone of voice.
• Be aware of your body language.
• Approach them in a friendly manner.
• Respect confidentiality.
• Discussions should be related to work not
• Don’t forget to use the words PLEASE, THANK
• Avoid grammatical error, misspelled words,
typographical errors
• A correct use of language increases
trustworthiness and the receiver will feel that
they are taken seriously
• Choose the right words to use
• Use simple words when communicating
• Avoid mumbling and speaking too fast
because it shows lack of confidence
• Taking in consideration who are you
communicating with
• Embrace different opinions/beliefs
• Share the floor with others
• Encourage feedback
• You have to be precise and get to the point
right away
• Avoid repeating things
Effective communication 
eliminates misunderstandings 
healthy peaceful environment 
gets work done quickly and professionally 
increase in productivity 
Increase PROFIT
Thank you!
-- End --
Belunwu, V. (2018, May 18). 20 Ways to Communicate Effectively
With Your Team. Retrieved from
Effective Office Communication (2018). Retrieved from
Useful Tips for More Effective Communcation ( 2018, Jul 18)
Retrieved from
Mulder, P. (2012). 7 C’s of Effective Communication. Retrieved
from ToolsHero: https://www.toolshero.com/communication-

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