Columbus United Methodist Church: in This Issue
Columbus United Methodist Church: in This Issue
Columbus United Methodist Church: in This Issue
December, 2010
In This Issue
A Global Church December Anniversaries December Usher Schedule Poinsettias December Birthdays Mission Offering for December Family-Friendly Friday Night Film December Fellowship Time Schedule Christmas Eve Service Wish List Upcoming Sermon Topics December Children and Youth Ministries News &Notes Minutes of the Church Conference CUMC Leadership 2011 A New Project Called GIVE LOVE United Methodist Women News Fellowship Events Cookie Walk Calendar
Our purpose is to: Follow Jesus Together We do this by: Opening our hearts to people and to Christ in worship and fellowship, so that we know God and each other more fully, Opening our minds to deepen our Christian faith, understand our heritage, and think together to solve common problems, and Opening our doors in welcome and hospitality, even as we go out of those doors to invite people into God's church and be in service to all of our neighbors everywhere.
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The Voice
A Global Church
We know that Christ came for the whole world, but sometimes we forget that the church is world-wide. Yes, there are Christians who speak Arabic, Tagalog, Malayalam, and many other languages. You may also not know that The Upper Room, the little devotional guide available in our churchs entryway, is published by our own United Methodist Publishing House, beginning in 1935. It is now distributed in over 100 countries, translated into more than 40 languages, and there are more than two million subscribers; thousands more hear it read over the radio in their native language; yet more have daily devotions emailed to them, or look it up on the Upper Rooms web site. All of the meditations are written by readers; you can write for The Upper Room. This is clear evidence that Christs church is a global church, and our brand of Methodism is global, too. Besides this, The Upper Room sponsors the Living Prayer Center: a 24-hour, 7-day-aweek intercessory prayer ministry staffed by Christian volunteers. When you call, a person will answer the phone, receive your prayer request, and pray with you. After your call, your prayer concern will be forwarded to one of 300 Upper Room Covenant Prayer Groups located all over the world. When you submit a prayer request using this web page, your request will be e-mailed to the Prayer Center within 24 hours and sent out to Upper Room Covenant Prayer Groups as well. More than 30,000 prayer requests are received each month. The phone number is 1-800-251-2468. The Upper Room also publishes books on the spiritual life, and sponsors several events like the Walk to Emmaus, which aim at renewal of faith. For more information, go to Jim
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December Anniversaries
12/7 12/17 12/20 12/24 12/28 Philip & Peggy Waterworth Joshua & Hannah Rennock Ron & Carol Balfanz Tim & Connie Hoffman Sam & Minerva Batt
Fellowship Events
If you ever have an idea of a way we can get together and be the church, dont hesitate to let Pastor Jim know, or talk to a Church Council member. Right now, there are several regulars at 10:30 worship who would like to meet together for lunch afterwards. Any ideas?
The Voice is the monthly newsletter of the Columbus United Methodist Church. Please send all correspondence to: PO Box 392, Columbus, WI 53925-0392. Pastor: Jim Cotter Secretary: Wanda Guenther Church Office......920-623-3625 (Office Hours: Monday thru Friday from 9-3) Pastors home phone......920-623-9641 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: ............................. Pastors E-Mail: [email protected]
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We invite you to purchase a poinsettia to decorate our Sanctuary during the Christmas season. These flowers can be donated in memory of or in honor of loved ones. The price is $14.25 each (please make checks payable to the Columbus United Methodist Church). You may sign up for a Poinsettia on the clipboards being passed around in church or call the church office at 623-3625. The last day for ordering a Poinsettia is Sunday morning, December 19th.
Congratulations to Sean Sinnett & Rachel Cabanilla-Sinnett on the birth of their son, Sean-Pierre Nicholas Sinnett, on November 1st. He weighed 8 lbs. 5 oz. Sean and Rachel are the son and daughter-in-law of Karen White and Dale Sinnett. Congratulations to the new parents and grandparents on Pierres birth!
Our Church has a long history of helping the Salvation Army, including bell ringing every year. Our mission offering in December would be another great way to help Wisconsin families in need. Your Missions Committee
The Voice
Family-Friendly Friday Night Film, December 10th at 7 p.m.
Columbus United Methodist Church invites you to attend the Family Friendly Friday Night Film on December 10, 2010-at 7 pm. This fun-filled evening will provide your family with some great entertainment. There is no cost to you for the event. Its A Meaningful Life (Veggie Tales) will be a special event night for the children. The film will be shown and then there will be a game and activity time with treats and prizes for all. This delightful film centers around Stewart who had a chance to win it all during the biggest football game of his life. Injured in one bad play, his hopes for playing in the Salad Bowl and living a life of fame and fortune are dashed forever. Years later, silly but-sweet Stewart loves his family, friends and job at the toy train factory but still wonders what if things had been different. When he meets a mysterious train conductor who can turn back time, Stewart gets a chance to have the life he always wanted. Will he finally find all hes been looking for? And what does this mean for those he loves most? Find out in this story of wonder and a lesson in being content. As always, volunteers for ushers, food servers, set up and clean up are always needed. Come and join this growing family ministry!
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Once again, we will have two services on Christmas Eveone at 4 p.m. and one at 7 p.m. The 4 p.m. service will be child-friendly, with a big sand table in front of the sanctuary that participants will fill with lit candles. Hear the message of Christmas in story and song! The Praise Team will play and there will be special music. The 7 p.m. service will be more traditional, with participants holding lit candles while singing "Silent Night." Four of our musical groups will participate. Please join us, and bring friends, family, and neighbors to the celebration!
This issue of the Voice is sponsored by Miles & Kerrie Shea in memory of Ida Marieup in heaven, happy with Jesus, rest at last.
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The Wills & Gifts Committee of our church is pleased to present you this Wish List. If there are any additional items you believe should be on this list, please contact the Chairperson, Lyle Elske, or call the church office at 623-3625. These are opportunities for special giving. Columbus United Methodist Church Wills & Gifts Wish List Bulletin Sponsor VOICE Sponsor Gift Bibles for 1st & 3rd Graders Child care for Praise Band Rehearsals 7 Confirmation Picture Frames & Matting (each frame holds six pictures) Seasonal silk flower arrangement for Sanctuary Easter/Wedding Altar Cloth and Pulpit & Lectern Paraments Wellness FundCounseling $15.00 per week $50.00 per month $13.00 each $15.00 per week $230.00 each frame (or sponsor one picture at $40.00) $35.00 to $40.00 each $2800.00 Various Amounts
The Voice
Children and Youth Ministries Coordinator News and Notes for December
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Sunday School ADVENT is here! Our students are going to be using some wonderful resources during this Rotation. Teachers look forward to helping them understand the true meaning of the Advent and Christmas season. Each student will have an Advent Calendar so that each day they can open a door and discover through the daily message as well as activities for the whole family to do together, how to focus on the true meaning of this wondrous time of year. We will visit the Tent of Tales where we will journey along with the Three Wise Men on their way to Bethlehem. We will work in the Creation Station to create decorations for our Sunday School rooms and our homes with attached stories of the meaning of each symbol we create. In Holywood we will view videos of the story of Christmas. Games, cooking experiences and Gathering Circle will all revolve around helping us understand the purpose behind Advent and help us prepare for this special time.
Our Childrens Christmas program will be held on Sunday December 19th at the 10:30 Service. Children and youth will be busy preparing and practicing for their annual special performance. There is a place for all children and youth to participate in this program. We need set builders, props, sound crew, assistants and helpers as well as performers. There will be music, readings, and a story told as only the children and youth can tell it!! Please join the celebration. There will be a Birthday Party for Jesus during coffee hour and a special Piata festivity following Sunday School for the children. December Family Friendly Film- Its A Meaningful Life (Veggie Tales) will be a special event night for the children. The film will be shown and then there will be a game and activity time with treats and prizes for all. This delightful film centers around Stewart who had a chance to win it all during the biggest football game of his life. Injured in one bad play, his hopes for playing in the Salad Bowl- and living a life of fame and fortune are dashed forever. Years later, silly butsweet Stewart loves his family, friends and job at the toy train factory but still wonders what if things had been different. When he meets a mysterious train conductor who can turn back time, Stewart gets a chance to have the life he always wanted. Will he finally find all hes been looking for? And what does this mean for those he loves most? Find out in this story of wonder and a lesson in being content.
In a reading called Gifts from God by Ann Weems book are these words: God loved the people, And out of ultimate merciful goodness God gave them the Gift of Gifts--A Christmas present never to be forgotten --God gave them love In the form of Gods son, Even Christ Jesus. Celebrate this wondrous gift!!! Have a blessed Advent and Christmas! Love to you all! Mary Baker
The Voice
Minutes of the Columbus United Methodist Church November 15, 2010 Church Conference
Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm The Rev. Jane Haas introduced herself to the group and conducted the 2010 Church Conference. Rev. Jane Haas lead us in devotions.
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Kara Rake was nominated by Dan Burnard as the recording secretary for the conference. Patsy Roe seconded the nomination. Motion carried. Pastor Jim discussed the current Mission Statement and the current Vision Statement that was implemented in 2006. It had been suggested by the Church Council that we keep the Mission Statement as is, but that the Vision Statement be changed because we have accomplished several of the statements listed from 2006. The new statements were read to the group. The four year plan was reviewed. Jeff Hurst made a motion to accept the Revised Ministry Plan. Dan Burnard seconded. Motion carried. The Revised Ministry plan is attached. The Lay Leader Annual Report was presented to the group by Patsy Roe. She wanted the group to know that the apportionments in 2009 were paid and that we are planning to pay the 2010 apportionments. The annual Lay Leader Report is attached. Pastor Jim took a moment to tell us that he is glad to be at the Columbus United Methodist Church and is very thankful for the support he has been given by the congregation. The Pastors Report is attached. The Report of the Trustees is available on request. The Report of the Membership Audit is attached. The Removal of Full Members. The next item on the agenda is a difficult task and the group was asked to keep praying that these people find a church. The members from the second list have been contacted several times and have been absent from the worship of our church and did not respond to attempts to contact them. Dan Burnard made a motion to remove the second time list of names from the membership of our church. George Jordan seconded. Motion carried. The group was asked if they felt that anyone from the first time list of inactive members should be removed from the full members list. Each of these members has one year to become active members of the church before their removal of membership. Please keep these people in our prayers. Report attached. The 2009 Fund Balance Report was presented to the group. Report attached. The Financial Update was presented to the group. Report attached. The Report of elected offices and Committees for 2010 was presented. We are in need of several positions, but also have many new members being added to the various committees. The new members were highlighted to the committees. It was added that Ben Perry is overseeing the webpage for the church and should be added to this list. Jeff Hurst made a motion that the nominees be elected to their positions. Mary Baker seconded. Motion carried. The elected offices and committees for 2010 document are attached.
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The Staff Parish Relations Committee report on Pastoral Compensation was discussed, noting that the Pastor will not be taking an increase of pay for the year. Two corrections were noted on the report and the first correction is the date that this was adopted, changing from the 7th day of December, 2009 to the 15th day of November, 2010. The second correction comes at the bottom of the document where the authorized signature should be Church Council Chairperson instead of Administrative Council Chairperson. Dan Burnard made a motion to accept the Pastoral Compensation with the corrections mentioned made. Jeff Hurst seconded. Motion carried. Jeff Hurst recommended that Patsy Roe continue as Certified Lay Speaker. Mary Baker seconded. Motion carried with great enthusiasm. Pastor Jim informed the group that the 2011 budget is not yet complete and will be presented to the congregation by the first Sunday in January. The Wisconsin Annual Conference United Methodist Church 2011 Apportionment information was presented to the group. Documents attached. Mary Baker, Children & Youth Ministry Coordinator, presented to the group the highlights of her year. Her biggest highlight for the year was Bible School. Forty plus students attended the Bible School and the church just felt really alive with all the activity and enthusiasm. The kids felt like they were apart of this church and felt like it was home. New children continue to join in class and with the children come their parents. Friday Film Night is not big in numbers, but provides another activity for children in our church and community. Mary has had people approach her and tell her that the Columbus United Methodist Church loves children! That is a special feeling and one that we should be proud of. Mary is very proud that the Safe Sanctuary Policy is written, edited and will be acted on very soon. And the latest blessing is that a former, but recent confirmation student has come forward to volunteer their time and service. A written report was received from Rev. Sam Batt, retired from the Northern Illinois Annual Conference, and worshiping with us. Rev. Jane Haass commended our church for the wonderful things happening within our church and the time that it takes to accomplish these reports. Rev. Jane Haass led the group in closing prayer. Meeting adjourned. Respectively Submitted, Kara Premo-Rake, Secretary
The Voice
Columbus United Methodist Church Leadership 2011
Church Council Chairperson: ___________ (2011-2013) Vice-Chairperson: Dan Burnard Recording Secretary: Kara Rake (2010-12) Substitute Secretary: _____________ Lay Leader: Patsy Roe (2007-2012) Treasurer: Heather Emerson 2010-2012) Financial Secretary: Shirley Felland (2009-11) Lay Member of Annual Conference: ______________ (2011-13) Alternate Lay Member: Mary Baker (2011-13) (Patsy Roe will attend Annual Conference because of her district lay leader duties.) Youth Representative: Clara Goetsch Children & Youth Ministry Coordinator: Mary Baker United Methodist Women President "Liturgy in Bloom" Coordinator: Dorothy Hake (2009-2011) Plus chairpersons or reps from the following committees: SPRC, Trustees, Christian Ed. Comm., Wills & Gifts Comm., & Finance/ Stewardship, Audit Commitee Members at Large: Gene Hake (2008-11), Lyle Elske (2009-11) Della Dartt (2011-2013) Winfred Mandody (2011-2013) Finance & Stewardship Committee Dave Stricker Chairperson (2010-12) Jeff Hurst, Vice Chairperson: (2004-2013) Plus Treasurer, Lay Leader, Trustees Chair, Financial Secy, Wills & Gifts rep., Audit Committee rep., and Church Council Chair. At Large: Dave Luepke (2009-2011), Jim Vale (2010-12) Charles Fuller (2011-2013) Matt Bodie (2011-2013) Trustees Gwenn Gmeinder, Chairperson (2010-2012) Gary Premo, Vice-Chairperson (2006-2011) _______________, Secretary (2011-2013) Mike Toth, Building Superintendent Orville Karow (2006-2011) George Jordan (2009-2011) Louise Elske (2010-2012) Jesse Felland (2011) ______________ (2011-2013) Audit Committee Becki Mielke (2011-2013) Franklin Williams (2009-2011) (representative to Finance Committee) Mark Stover (2011-2013) Wills & Gifts Committee ____________, Chair (2011-2013) Judy Vale, Secretary (2004-2011) Michelle Lange, Treasurer (2002-2011) Don Pritchard (2007-2011) Sue Gmeinder (2009-2011) David Groh (2011-2013) Karen Plantenberg (2011-2013) Orv Karow (Trustees Representative)
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Staff Parish Relations Committee Chairperson: Rhonda Miller (2008-2010) Tessie Sharrow (2009-2011) Kelly Green (2009-2011) Stuart Smith (2010-2012) Philip Waterworth (2010-2012) Katy Bodie (2011-2013) ______________ (2011-2013) Mitchell Feucht, Youth Rep. plus Lay Leader Lay Leadership Committee Jim Cotter, Co-Chair Patsy Roe, Co-Chair (2007-2012) Mary Theilen (2009-2011) Della Dartt (2010-2012) Christian Education Committee Mike Toth, Chairperson (2008-2010) Mary Baker (Children & Youth Min. Coord.) Eileen Bennett (2007-2012) Susan Williams (2009-2011) Melodie Perry (2009-2011) Anna Ehrke (2010-12) Brittany Salisbury (2010-12) ___________ (2011-2013) ___________ (2011-2013) United Methodist Women (elected by U.M.W.) Peggy Goetsch, President _________, Vice President Dorothy Harris, Secretary Louise Elske, Treasurer Outreach and Missions Eileen Bennett, Chair (2007-2012) Barb Green (2009-2011) Ann Ehlenfeldt (2009-2011) Tim Hoffman (2010-2012) Kerrie Shea (2010-2012) Miles Shea (2010-2012) Patsy Roe (2010-2012) Wanda Kilian (2011-2013) Judy Stricker (2011-2013) Continued on Page 10
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Audio/Video Team Larry Baker Ben Perry Winfred Mandody Tim Jensen Dave Stricker Jim Heathman Gwenn Gmeinder (videotaping) Counting Team Dan & Beth Burnard Don & Bernetta Pritchard Orv & Bev Karow Fred & Della Dartt ___________________ Other Positions Assistant Treasurer (payroll): Barb Green (20092011) Assistant Financial Secretary: Sue Gmeinder (2009-2011) Caring Coordinator: Dawn Balfanz (2011-2013) Ecumenical Association Rep.: Dan Burnard (2008-2013) Salvation Army Rep: Lorna Will Historian: Peggy Goetsch (2008-2010) Funeral Luncheon Coordinator: Peggy Waterworth (2008-2012) Rita Jordan (assistant) (2008-2011) Memorials Coordinator: Membership Secretary: Ann Ehlenfeldt (2006-2011) Head Usher (traditional worship): Lois Smith (2006-2011) Scripture Reader Coordinator: Ron Balfanz (2011-2013) Communion Stewards: Ruth Marks (2005-2011) ____________ (substitute)(2011-2013) Librarian: Kay Meyer (2002-2011) Prayer Chain Leaders: Dorothy Harris, Beverly Karow Pork Chop Dinner Co-chairs: _____________ (2011_____________ (2011Coffee Hour Coordinator: Gloria Karow (2009-2012) House Rental Contact Person: Phil Waterworth (2009-2011) Bulletin Board Steward: _____________
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United Methodist Women News
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November's meeting was our Installation of Officers for the coming year. I am blessed to be serving as President once again. I am even more blessed to have a very capable group that keeps me looking good. I look forward to a great year! There was a very moving presentation by Missions. Everyone participated and we were led in song by members of the Praise Team. The most inspirational part for me personally came during one of the songs where we paused after each verse to let those present say what they were thankful for. Sharing was from the heart and really strengthened our bond of sisters in Christ. Every year we save money from time-to-time throughout the weeks when we stop and give thanks. Usually we put this money (coins or small amounts) into a little box with the globe printed on it, because we save it for "World Thank Offering". I shared that I give when I do the laundry. I don't like doing laundry but I am thankful that I don't have to cart it to a river and bang it on rocks and I have water on tap and my washer and dryer are just off my kitchen, etc. It's my way of finding a silver lining. November's meeting was also a time to present our Thank Offerings. This is how our missions work. My coins together with everyone else's coins offered that night together with the UMW groups in our District with all the groups in the other Wisconsin districts with the groups in the other states and the other countries go on to do tremendous things around the world. And I am thankful that I can participate. December's meeting will be on the 9th and will be a Christmas Presentation. Everyone is invited and welcome and please do come. If you feel funny about coming alone...bring a friend. This is the time of year that we collect items for P.A.V.E. (People Against Violent Environment) in Beaver Dam. The people they serve often arrive with nothing more than the clothes on their backs so the unwrapped items (or money) donated are always welcomed. So bring a donation to P.A.V.E. and come for refreshments and stories. Peace and Joy, Peggy Goetsch
The Voice
Columbus United Methodist Church
PO Box 392 Columbus, WI 53925-0392
___________________________ RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED
December 5th: 9:00 a.m.Traditional Worship/Communion 10:00 a.m.Fellowship Time 10:30 a.m.Sunday School 10:30 a.m.Contemporary Worship/Communion Thursday, December 9th: 7:00 p.m.UMW Meeting Friday, December 10th: 7:00 p.m.Family-Friendly Friday Night Film Its A Meaningful Life (Veggie Tales) Friday, December 24thChristmas Eve 4:00 p.m.Child-Friendly Christmas Eve Service 7:00 p.m.Traditional Christmas Eve Service Sunday, December 26th: 9:00 a.m.Traditional Worship 10:00 a.m.Fellowship Time 10:30 a.m.Sunday School 10:30 a.m.Contemporary Worship