I.What is Fashion?
To answer the question of “what is fashion” – it is how people present themselves. No longer do
humans wear clothes just to protect their bodies from the environment or with the sole purpose of
covering the body. Fashion in clothing is basically dressing in clothes that bring out the best of your
body, all the while impressing others as to the good taste of the wearer
Fashion is not clothing alone. Fashion encompasses many other things in your everyday life, other
than clothes and accessories – you can be fashionable in your choice of home, car, its decor, even the
places where you eat and relax.
One constant quality of fashion is that it is not at all constant. Fashion is ephemeral – it changes so
fast – in the blink of an eye that coat you bought could get old-fashioned. Discarding the old for
something new every single season is something most people take for granted in the ever-changing
world of fashion. In fact, it is said that the industry quite encourages this trend – how else would we
buy more and more of the clothes that they design
8 types of fashion
+ Classic fashion
+ Diffusion fashion
+Street fashion
-Street fashion is fashion that is considered to have emerged not from studios, but from the
grassroots streetwear.
It is a comprehensive approach to fashion and includes styles which intersect, differ from
mainstream fashion considerations and are based on individualism and not strictly focusing on
current fashion trends.
2. Development of fashion
-In the first half of the twentieth century
Street style has always existed. It is, however, only since the mid-1950s that its significance has
been recognized, valued, and emulated.
The 20th century is characterized by the interconnection between street style and fashion
industry. In attempt to cover the question : What were the original roots of the phenomenon
“street style”, it seems possible to point out authenticity and the desire to express some
meaningful intention through such a fashionable practice as major forces. In the post-war period,
when the problem of real meanings, social identity and lost ideologies arose, street style got
strong impetus to the development. Concerning more recent stages of street style development,
the way of purchasing and general perception of this fashion trend is rather different from the
middle of 20th century. Thus, street style has evolved from a common social practice, embodied
by particular sociocultural groups, to the important segment of mass fashion industry. This
process was very long and accompanied by extensive social, cultural and economical changes.