Bag 2023-24

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Budget Revised Budget Budget Revised Budget
Particulars Estimates Estimates Estimates Particulars Estimates Estimates Estimates
2022-23 2022-23 2023-24 2022-23 2022-23 2023-24
A REVENUE RECEIPTS 503,769.490 480,464.004 645,191.385 D CURRENT REVENUE EXPENDITURE 342,966.354 351,359.890 400,047.951

RECEIPTS FROM FEDERAL GOVERNMENT 398,608.447 432,503.985 520,816.185 General Public Service 67,308.655 72,443.309 115,556.256

Divisible Pool 354,940.323 390,034.027 464,705.027 Public Order and Safety Affairs 56,021.828 59,739.403 61,823.244
Straight Transfers 15,293.555 24,464.461 20,063.549 Economic Affairs 56,376.192 58,829.735 53,656.575
Grants (GDS Arrears) 100.000 0.000 27.000 Environment Protection 490.420 373.656 492.840
Development Grants 28,274.569 18,005.497 36,020.609 Housing and Community Amenities 27,074.443 30,097.541 27,554.879
PROVINCIAL OWN RECEIPTS 103,397.003 44,938.776 111,940.700 Health 43,813.856 32,565.734 42,812.968
Provincial Tax Receipts 34,758.907 29,795.099 37,568.697 Recreational, Culture and Religion 3,660.217 4,531.460 3,632.570
Provincial Non Tax Receipts 13,638.096 15,143.677 19,372.003 Education Affairs and Services 83,211.476 78,826.594 88,495.038
Provincial Non Tax Receipts (Including Lease
55,000.000 0.000 55,000.000 Social Protection 5,009.267 13,952.457 6,023.581
Extension Bonus)
1,764.040 3,021.242 12,434.500
B CAPITAL RECEIPTS 15,253.115 8,966.898 34,733.570 E CAPITAL EXPENDITURE - NON FOOD 12,256.002 13,385.069 18,964.489
Loans and Advances: 5,256.002 7,885.069 7,964.489
Recoveries of Loans, Advances/Investments 2,652.455 1,243.895 9,609.470 Principal Repayment of Debt 5.256 7.885 7.964
Foreign Project Assistance - Loan 12,600.660 7,723.003 25,124.100
Investments 7.000 5.500 11.000
Pension & Others 7.000 5.500 11.000
C STATE TRADING - FOOD 9,556.000 11,416.632 11,040.000 F STATE TRADING - FOOD 10,495.250 13,826.675 18,130.226
State Trading (Revenue & Capital) 9,556.000 11,416.632 11,040.000 State Trading (Food) 10,495.250 13,826.675 18,130.226
TOTAL NON-DEVELOPMENT EXPENDITURE 365,717.606 378,571.634 437,142.666
G DEVELOPMENT EXPENDITURE 246,928.291 162,466.923 313,336.300
Public Sector Development Program 192,369.205 127,641.005 229,301.721
Foreign Project Assistance 14,918.621 14,437.103 39,343.600
Federal Funded Projects (outside PSDP) 39,640.465 20,388.815 44,690.979
TOTAL (A+B+C) 528,578.605 500,847.534 690,964.955 TOTAL (D + E + F + G) 612,645.897 541,038.557 750,478.966
Cash Carry Over (Projects under Federal Grants) 11,365.896 10,455.370
Total Receipts & Cash Carry Over 539,944.501 701,420.325 SURPLUS / (DEFICIT) -72,701.396 -49,058.641

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