New Doc 05-17-2024 12.37

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Divisional Headquaters Hospital mirpur Azad Jammu & Kashmir Post-Mortem Report nisin Adaan ‘Faroe FATIRSNAME 41 ayamadl Farooy °° HUSBAND'S NAME ‘On the body of - aSTE Qure gla peswence___Gandree Mirpur” sux__Abale Age_ 75 vert! District Mivpu pate // = oS 24 ay brought by | 1 Reagent yg eo Amin SL 2 ogo Hussain SAAN ASE Wenedrought its |p, dice sation Teaingarh . Mirper ATK. DATE AND HOURS OF Death Examination of body. ‘Despatch of matter | Aepesrance of symptoms of poison or disease ae declared brought dead at 5:159m é:oopr | to Chemical Examner ‘Symptomis observed ps ee : before death | Brought dlead- Declared at S:lipm "1-25 y Information furnished Dal ae ie by Police .— Assatult aad Friearm Lajueries [irciedica Officer will ebsere the state of al the Organs and when he finds disease o injury te should write in the appropriate place he would “Healthy” : TEXTERNAL APPEARANCE Mark of ligature on neck |+ A’ nedd(e aged aecoasd of average heyht Gad andaisection ste. | puiid rapped in white shroud ( kafan) pheed wie on autopsy josole. nee position. 1 Shroud” Soe wrth look STH. op Lett comtated devamposea A Prearm exctry wound °4 Lateral aspe" of, having etc, clothing. deltoid region rien SuvG about Rom a pee condition Health, | inverted mar inp Surrsundad. by @ rede sh O20 ‘loins Sotted wih bt apradec. stn ome’ Koval ambunt of bioed ‘Wounds, bruises, farough. ND backering, Ne nied 2 2k c. postin, sienature |, fy perp amund emecasring A207 See Entry and Exit words) sep second iateccostae 0 pest beter tonvespencling | aid etavioutar lite ex pruding disse, ever ed ee ee ? wath no brabion TIP: areas ‘on Clos. margins , freequlay Condition of subjectout DUPLICATE IV.- MUSCLES, BONES, JOINTS Distoction Injury Disease or | Fracture Deformity = i V. -REMARKS BY MEDICAL OFFICER : On the basis of oletnited expernal onc Internal = examination of the deceased my opinion vegardang eatite is Antemortem Fjrearm Dgury Hat eof dea fe atemorte ta ie ye eer? Vasculthes Yesulted jn olamage ond ne . Phat eventuaty lead to massive bleeding , hemodgnamic ins tabiltly Shock ond deat. Pas injury was Sufficient + Cause clea th under orolinary Lourse of nafure BP rk My opinion veg arding Range of Pie! wah ¢ cistent Range Shot: robable time tdat elapsed- : Bie § O (a) between injury and death, .LesS fhan “oF ig 03. heurs “(b) between death:- axed oSimoriem Less nen

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