Nelson's Work
Nelson's Work
Nelson's Work
Bibliography…………………………….… pg. 9
My topic will be based on The Human Body and its components namely
part of body and hand protection. In this awesome topic I will talk about
the features and functions of the human body.
Firstly I want to begin by looking at how the human works: The human
body is divided into 3 parts wich are: Head , limbs and trunks.
The human body is a complex highly organized structure made up of
unique cells that work together to accomplish the specific function
necessary for life sustainability.
On the one hand , we have seen that the body is approximately
comprised of just six elements: Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Carbon,
Calcium and Phosphorus
On the other hand , the human body is a single structure but it’s made
up of billions of smaller structure of 4 major kinds: Cells, Tissues, Organs
and Systems.
In addition, moving on the next component I’m going to explain deep
down things which are in connection with the adult human skeleton and
the 5 vital organs
Well, the adult human skeleton is made up of 206 bones.
Whereas, the five vital organs in the human body are the brain, the
heart, the lungs, the kidneys and the liver. Most importantly is the brain
because it controls and coordenates actions and reactions, allows us ti
think and feel,and enables us to have memories and feelings all the
things that make us human.
Secondly, I’d like to turn to the part of body which is composed of ten
major system: skeletal, muscular, nervous, cardiovascular, lymphatic,
respiratory, digestive, Endocrine, urinary and reproductive.
In other words, we can possibly say the part of body develop first
through the nervous system, this is one of the first things to develop
because it includes the formation of your baby’s brain spinal cord and
nerves. That is to say there are 6 basic pillars of human development:
Equity, sustainability, productivity, empowerment, cooperation and
security. That what makes the basic human development.
However, the major stages of the human life cycle include pregnancy,
infancy, the toddler year, childhood, puberty, older adolescence,
adulthood, middle age and the senior year. To make matters worse, we
must take care of our body by eating a healthy, balanced diet with lots of
vegetables and fruits.
And lastly, I’m going to outline and deal with the issue of the body and
hand protection.
Skin is the outter layer of our body, the main function of the skin is
protection. Our body must be protected not only the body but also our
hands. Generally, we need to use certain materials to guarantee a good
protection and prevention of our body that is why we are thoroughly
obliged to use gloves, helmets, protective clothing, goggles and other
garments or equipments designed to protect the wearer’s body from
injuries and infections.
Here are some tips for protecting your body and your hand at a work site
1. Select the perfect work gloves
2. Avoid the hazardous materials
3. Use the right tools
And I’d like to draw my conclusions by saying that: Body protection is
mainly designed to protect the torso that is to say the chest and
abdomen from physical hazard.
The limbs
What a number of things Fred and Jim do with their hands! With them,
they hold their pens and pencils at school, carry their satchels, and
catch the ball in the playground. When they have a cup of tea, they
hold it in their hands. A man works are very strong. Each hand has
four fingers and a thumb. A girl sews very well with her clever fingers.
Some boys learn to count on them. We use them too, when we play
the piano, and in many other ways.
Our legs and feet are also very useful to us. We use them when we
stand on them, and when we walk or run. Boys run races, jump and
climb trees with them. They also swim and do physical exercises by
using their legs and feet. Exercise makes these organs very strong.
The teacher had a statue of a young Greek to teach the boys the
names of the parts of the limbs and their uses. The Greeks liked
sports and games very much, and they were very strong. The parts of
the arm are the shoulder, the elbow and the wrist. The principal parts
of the leg are the thigh, the knee and the ankle. The foot has five toes,
just as the hand has five fingers.
Exercise not less than 18 can be questions and answers.
16. She has a curvy body
17. The human body is consisted of 3 major areas: The head, the
trunk and the extremities
I am very glad for this opportunity and I’d like to draw my conclusions by
saying that: Body protection is mainly designed to protect the torso that
is to say the chest and abdomen from physical hazard