Task-Based Syllabus-Aisha Abduslam Basher

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Libyan Academy of post graduate

Languages school

English department

Linguistics brunch

Task-based syllabus


Aisha Abdusslam Basher

Effective teaching based on an Effective syllabus. Therefore, different
types of syllabuses are used to teach English such as grammatical
syllabus, content syllabus, analytical syllabus, and task based syllabus.
Although a considered number of people claim that a task based syllabus
is the most effective tool of teaching, there some who criticize it. Thus,
this essay talks about the reason behind using task based syllabus as an
effective tool of teaching based on it is advantages. It will be organizes as
follow: First paragraph defines task based syllabus, second paragraph lists
the advantages of task based syllabus, third paragraph shows some
criticisms of task based syllabus.

Definition of task-based syllabus:

A task based syllabus is a syllabus used to teach English based on tasks.

Clearly, It is based on task-based learning, an approach where learners
carry out tasks such as solving a problem or planning an activity. In other
words, task based syllabuses are constructed with using tasks as basic
block of teaching by focusing on using target language. For example,
students are asked to deliver a conversation ordering a taxi. To enhance, it
is a method of teaching that emphasizes the importance of learning
through doing activity . It is mainly focus in using language as a
communicative approach. That, it aims to "develop learners ability to use
language for communication purposes" (Nunan,2004). Task based
syllabus is chosen based on learners needs. So, it encourages learners to
use the language in meaningful context.

Advantages of task-based syllabus:

Task based syllabus is used because of it is advantages. First, it promotes

active learning. That, students are given tasks to practice their language in
real life situation. Therefore, it encourages students to use critical
thinking and motivate them to use target language. Because of that,
(Willis,2007) describes task based syllabus as a syllabus that is organized
around the tasks learners will perform in target language. Second, task
based syllabus is more related to students objectives. That it focuses more
on learners needs. In other words, it allows students to practice language
they need to use in their personal lives. For example, students learn how
to order food in a restaurant by real practicing of the language inside the
class. This what makes it favorable unlike other syllabus which focus
more in learning language structure. Third, task based syllabus is
collaborative. Simply put, it enhances collaboration among student to
perform a language. For example, students are asked to complete a task in
groups or pairs. Thus, they are encouraged to work in teams, exchange
ideas, learn from each other, and do peer assessment. Fourth, it provides
a feedback. if students make a mistake, they will get effective feedback
immediately. As a result, students correct their mistakes and develop their
skills. Fifth, task based syllabus enhances critical thinking. In other
words, it encourages students to be more creative. For example, students
are asked to solve some problems which may increase their critical
thinking. Thus, skills like making decision, analyzing information,
cognitive are developed. Skehn(1998,p.98)argues that "tasks require
learners to engage in problem –solves activities. so, task based syllabus
develop students skill by using critical thinking and creativity.
Consequently, task based syllabus is popular nowadays among EFL
Disadvantages of task-based syllabus:

However, task based syllabus has some disadvantages should be consider

it before using it in the class. First, it is difficult to assess. This means, it
can be challenging for teachers to determine whether students achieve the
objectives of learning or not. Thus, Nunan(2004,p.41)stated that "task
based syllabuses are notoriously difficult to assess because they are
designed to be open-ended and flexible. Furthermore, because it conducts
complex tasks based syllabus can challenging to identify which skills of
language are mastered by students. Second, this type of syllabus may not
suite all students. For example, some students find difficulty in
performing tasks while others find it simple. As Skehan notes in
(1998,p.142)"task based syllabuses may not suits all learners equally
well". Finally, It ignores some language skills like academic writing. As a
result students cannot be ready for standardized tests. This is because are
designed to practice real life conversations. These are the main negative
aspects of task based syllabus that should be taken in consideration.

However, as an EFL teacher, I assume that ,educators should use task

based syllabus as an effective approach of teaching. That, it raises
motivation of using target language, suits students need, and provide an
effective feedback.

All in all, while traditional syllabuses have their excellences, task based
syllabus is more effective as a tool of teaching. It is clearly defined as a
teaching approach enhances active learning, collaboration, relevance to
student's needs. It can be said that, it includes tasks related to real life
situation. Therefore, it has many advantages like, real life relevance,
active learning, flexibility, collaborative learning, Interactive learning,
controlled classes…etc. But it has some limitations such as time
consuming, lack of structure, and difficulty of assessmen.

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