A Harmony Search Algorithm For Nurse Rostering Pro
A Harmony Search Algorithm For Nurse Rostering Pro
A Harmony Search Algorithm For Nurse Rostering Pro
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Nurse rostering problems (NRPs) are highly constrained combinatorial problems which are
difficult to be solved to optimality [1]. Scheduling the nurses at healthcare organizations is a
challenging task. Extra care needs to be taken as personnel of healthcare organizations
consume about 40% of hospital budgets [2]. Bad or inflexible duty roster can affect the
personal life of staff nurses, increase job dissatisfaction, and thus result in high staff turnover.
These have a direct impact on the nursing services provided to patients [3, 2]. Based on the
literature in NRPs, a lot of big healthcare organizations around the world still construct
nurses’ duty roster manually [3-5]. This raises the challenge for researchers to propose and
investigate automated solution methodologies to solve this problem.
Various methods have been proposed to solve NRPs, including exact methods, meta-
heuristics and others [3]. Although exact methods (mathematical based models) can obtain
optimal solutions, they showed to be highly inflexible in solving large scale optimization
problems due to the computational time required. Meta-heuristic approaches which are able
to produce solutions of good quality for difficult combinatorial optimization problems within
a reasonable computational time are thus usually preferable as the solution methodology [3].
Meta-heuristics refer to the approaches that mimic some of the natural and artificial
phenomena that combine “rules of thumb” and randomness to solve difficult problems [6, 7].
Well-known examples of meta-heuristic algorithms include genetic algorithms (GAs),
simulated annealing (SA), tabu search (TS), to name a few [7] . During the last few decades,
meta-heuristic approaches and their hybrids have been successfully applied to solve NRPs
NRPs have gained the interest of many researchers for more than four decades [3]. Several
comprehensive surveys [3, 8, 9] have reviewed a large number of published papers on NRPs.
NRPs are well known over-constrained problems [9, 10]. They are very difficult to solve
manually due to their nature of large number of often conflicting objectives that must be
taken into consideration while constructing the duty roster, i.e. different types of nurses,
different shift types, different coverage demand of shifts each day, popular/unpopular shifts
and many more issues [3, 11]. Many optimization algorithms have been proposed to solve
NRPs with different constraints. Some showed to be superior in solving some of the instances
but not the others. Various population based and local search based meta-heuristic algorithms
developed to solve NRPs include GAs [12, 13], TS [14, 15], SA [16, 17] and many others. In
[18], the performance of scatter search algorithm and memetic algorithm (population-based)
were better compared to variable neighborhood search and tabu search algorithms (local
search-based) when tested against the presented benchmark datasets. This encouraged us to
investigate the use of other population-based methods for NRPs.
In this work, we adapt harmony search algorithm (HSA), which was developed by Geem et al
[19] to solve combinatorial optimization problems, to solve NRPs. It mimics the analogy of
the natural process of musical improvisation that searches for suitable musical notes. The idea
is adapted in the search process for solving optimization problems [19]. HSA can be
categorized as a recent evolutionary algorithm and showed to be efficient in solving difficult
optimization problems such as university course timetabling [20], vehicle routing [21],
Sudoku Puzzle [22], and many others [23-27].
Compared to the traditional optimization methods, HSA has some features that motivate our
investigation to solve NRPs. These include [28]: (i) HSA has few parameters that need to be
tuned and thus could be easily adapted to different NPRs or instances. These parameters do
not require too much tuning effort to obtain high quality solutions [29]. (ii) HSA is a
stochastic random search method. (iii) HSA overcomes the drawback of building block
theory of GAs by considering all existing solutions, whilst GAs consider only two solutions
(parents) in reproduction [29]. To our knowledge, there is only limited published work on
HSA to solve NRPs [30], where a basic HSA has been evaluated on only the small instances
established by the International Nurse Rostering Competition 2010 (INRC2010). How HSA
will perform on large or complex NPRs instances has not been investigated. In addition, the
parameter values of HSA in [30] were arbitrary chosen. It is well known that the performance
of many population based methods is highly dependent on its parameter values [31].
Therefore, the aim of this work is to address research issues in applying HSA to NRPs by
intensive investigations on suitable parameter values and performance evaluation on a large
number of instances of problems with different size and complexity.
In order to reduce the gap between practical problems and academic theories, a real world
dataset obtained from a large hospital in Malaysia (UKMMC) is used to assess the
performance of the proposed HSA. The performance of HSA is also evaluated on the nurse
rostering benchmark problems (www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~tec/NRP/) [32]. Computational results on
both problems demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed HSA in
producing high quality solutions in a shorter time compared to a basic genetic algorithm for
the UKMMC problem, and obtaining good results compared to some existing meta-heuristic
algorithms for the same benchmark NRPs. For more resources and application areas of HSA,
please refer to [33, 34].
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the problem description. The
proposed harmony search algorithm is presented in Section 3. Section 4 presents the
computational results and analysis. Finally, concluding remarks are presented in Section 5.
NRPs can be defined as allocating the workload to the available staff nurses at healthcare
organizations to meet the operational requirements [3]. More precisely, given a set of nurses
of specific categories, a set of pre-defined periods (shifts) on a working day, and a set of
working days; the aim is to assign each nurse to specific planning periods satisfying some
constrains (known as hard and soft constraints). Hard constraints are mandatory whereas soft
constraints can be violated if necessary [3, 9]. The quality of the generated roster can
therefore be assessed based on how many soft constraints have been satisfied. Due to the
variety in hard and soft constraints, which are different from one organization to another, the
modeling and implementation process present to be challenging tasks, as a unique general
mathematical model to accommodate all related constraints does not exist [35] [1,3,9]. As a
result, different instances require different implementations and configurations in designing
the algorithms. There are, however, a group of problems represented with a common XML
structure but associated with different constraints and objectives [26]. Some effort has also
been made in the literature to construct relatively general frameworks [31, 32]. Therefore, in
this work we have attempted to solve real world and benchmark NRPs because we believe
that HSA can be applied to solve a wide range of NRPs. The descriptions of the two problems
concerned are provided as follows.
(HC1) The coverage demand for each shift type must be fulfilled. Under staffing is not
(HC2) All nurses work at most one shift per day.
(HC3) One senior nurse must be allocated for every shift type.
(HC4) An isolated working day is prohibited. That is a working day with a day off before and
after the day is not allowed.
(HC5) Within each 14 days, the maximum working days are 12 days whilst the minimum are
10 days.
(HC6) Each nurse works no more than 4 consecutive working days.
(HC7) Night shift must be in the form of 4 consecutive night shifts followed by two days off.
For the UKMMC dataset we have four desirable patterns (DPs). These patterns are the
patterns that are not violating any of the hard constraints or soft constraints. The more the
DPs are given to the nurses the more the nurses’ preferences will be satisfied. These desirable
patterns are MMMMo, EEEEo, NNNNooo and NNNNooE.
difficulties of these benchmark datasets with different number of nurses, days and shift types,
etc., provide an excellent test bed for evaluating algorithm performance.
Each problem of the selected dataset can be seen as a new and different optimization problem
rather than different instances with different size, see Table 13 in Section 4.2. This is mainly
because each problem is derived from a different organization, with different constraints,
rules and requirements. The common feature between these problems is that some constraints
appear in most of the problems. Due to the variety of problem constraints, standard
mathematical model for all instances does not exist [3]. Therefore, the problem description,
mathematical formation and the objective function of the considered problems are taken from
[39] and the implementation was based on the framework introduced in [40]. Please note that
in the literature, no work has tested all problems at [32]. Most of the algorithms are evaluated
on a single or several problems at the web site.
1. Harmony memory size (HMS) is the number of solutions that are stored in the HM. HMS
is similar to the population size in genetic algorithms.
2. Harmony Memory Considering Rate (HMCR) is used during the improvisation process to
decide whether the variables of the solution should take the value of any one in HM.
HMCR takes a value in the range [0, 1]. It is similar to the crossover rate in genetic
algorithms. For example, if HMCR is 0.9 it means that the probability of choosing the
value of the variable from HM is 90%; whilst the probability of choosing a value
randomly from the domain of the variable is 10%, i.e. (1 – HMCR). In our case, the
domain of the variable refers to all the possible shift patterns that HSA can choose from.
Selecting a random value for the variable at probability of (1 – HMCR) is similar to the
mutation operator in genetic algorithms.
3. Pitch Adjusting Rate (PAR) is also used during the improvisation process to decide
whether the variable of the solution should be changed to a neighbor value. PAR takes a
value in the range [0, 1]. The amount of change is determined by the bandwidth to move
the solution from one neighbor to another. The value of the bandwidth is randomly
chosen from its domain, and used to change one shift pattern for a nurse. For example, if
PAR is 0.3 it means that the probability of changing the variable value is 30%; whilst
70%, i.e. (1 – PAR), is the probability of keeping the variable without any change. PAR is
similar to a local search algorithm which accepts only improving solutions.
4. The maximum number of improvisations (NI) in the search represents the number of
iterations in HSA.
In this work, we investigate the suitable values for HSA parameters including HMS, HMCR,
PAR and NI.
I. Generate all valid 2-day and 3-day shift patterns for all shift types (morning (M),
evening (E), night (N) and day off (o)). See Tables 2 and 3 for all valid 2-day and 3-day
shift patterns, respectively.
II. Combine the generated 2-day and 3-day shift patterns to form one-week valid patterns.
This combination is based on the restriction list of one-week time or fewer numbers of
days that affect one nurse only (see Figure 1).
NNN No oo
Table 4 shows some examples of one-week valid shift patterns after we combined two 2-day
and 3-day shift patterns. Table 5 shows the possible one-week patterns. In the literature, shift
patterns have been used to effectively construct rosters in highly constrained nurse scheduling
problems [32, 38, 43].
In this work, a list of valid shift patterns that satisfy the imposed hard constraints are created.
Each shift pattern represents a schedule of a working week. For the required two-week
working period in UKMMC, in a solution vector xi, two one-week valid shift patterns are
allocated for each nurse. Based on the objective function values the candidate solutions in the
HM are sorted in an ascending order. Figure 2 presents the pseudo code of building the HM.
Figures 3 and 4 present illustration examples of the construction of solution vectors and HM,
respectively. Assume that there are 503 shift patterns. M, E, N and O represent morning shift,
evening shift, night shift and day off, respectively. In Figure 3, two shift patterns 2 and 415
are randomly selected from the shift patterns pool and the schedule (2,415) is used for the
first and second week time slots, respectively, of Nurse 1 in the new solution. This process is
repeated for all nurses, as shown in Figure 4. HSA then calculates the penalty value for each
solution vector and add them to the HM.
Shift patterns
First 415 43 175
2 112 119
Harmony memory size x1 Nurse 1 Nurse 2 … Nurse n 359
x Nurse 1 Nurse 2 … Nurse n 517
x Nurse 1 Nurse 2 … Nurse n 520
… Nurse 1 Nurse 2 … Nurse n 901
… Nurse 1 Nurse 2 . Nurse n 1800
… Nurse 1 Nurse 2 … Nurse n 2213
x Nurse 1 Nurse 2 … Nurse n 3120
schedule xij of nurse j in solution vector xi function value
Figure 4 The HM representation
As for the benchmark instances, the set of initial solutions in HM is created by using a
neighborhood operator which incrementally adds new shifts to the roster until all nurses have
been scheduled [31] [32].
HMCR is the probability which decides whether to choose the shift pattern pi of the solution
vector xi randomly from the HM, or from the shift patterns pool. The search with higher
HMCR is guided more by HM, where the history and experience of the search process are
stored. It thus helps to speed up the convergence by reducing the level of diversification and
randomness in the search. Whereas, lower value of HMCR increases the diversification
which, in turn, may cause a slow convergence due to the search jumps around potential
candidate solutions.
If the new shift pattern of the solution xinew is selected from the HM, then the solution may be
adjusted based on the PAR. The diversification is mainly controlled by the two parameters
PAR and bandwidth. Higher values of these parameters lead the search to explore different
areas in the solution space. Therefore, this will slow down the convergence of the algorithm.
In contrast, lower values of the PAR and the bandwidth help in decreasing the degree of
diversification. However, this may limit the exploration and lead to premature convergence
where HSA is easily trapped into the local optima [23] [36].
The improvisation step in HSA is similar to reproduction in GAs that uses crossover and
mutation operators [46]. In HSA, however, the improvisation utilizes the full HM to construct
the solution, while in GA new chromosomes are generated by crossover of two parents or
update HM
Figure 5 The pseudo code of improvising new solutions
In the example in Figure 6, two shift patterns 2 and 415 are firstly allocated to Nurse 1 in xnew
from the HM based on HMCR (see Figure 4). The bandwidth {5,-5} is applied which
changes the index of the shift pattern in the first week from shift pattern 2 to 7. The resulting
shift pattern (7,415) means the first week is assigned shift pattern 7 and the second week
assigned shift pattern 415. For Nurse 2, two shift patterns (312,115) are selected from the HM
without adjusting. Next Nurse 3 is randomly assigned two shift patterns from the shift
patterns pool based on (1 – HMCR). This process is repeated until a complete solution is
In this work, we have tested HSA over a real world problem and a set of benchmark problems
in NRPs. The UKMMC dataset is collected from a large hospital in Malaysia. The benchmark
dataset [32] is widely used by the scientific literature [31][32]. Because there is no method
tested on the UKMMC dataset, we conducted an empirical study of the impact of HSA
parameters when solving the eight real world instances in UKMMC. We have also
implemented a standard genetic algorithm to compare it with the HSA on the UKMMC
dataset. The experiments were carried out on a Windows Vista 32-bit laptop with Intel 1.73
GHz and 2-GB RAM.
GICU 73 38 16 16 15 15 15 14
ICU 79 41 17 17 16 16 16 15
Based on the experimental results in Table 7 and Figure 7, HMS = 80 shows to be the most
suitable parameter value compared to other HMS values. Results also indicate that the bigger
the HMS, the better is the chance to start the improving process of the candidate solutions
with lower objective function values. This might be due to a larger number of solutions in
HM provide more good shift patterns, which are more likely to be combined into good new
solutions. However, larger values of HMS do not contribute to better results. This may be due
to that during the evolution, information of high quality shift patterns have been stored and
updated in HM. More patterns may contain redundant information, thus do not necessarily
contribute to a better performance. Therefore, HMS = 80 is chosen for all tested instances.
Note that when HMS = 1, HSA behaves as a local search based method, where HMCR does
not play a role and PAR assists a local search with the bandwidth.
HMS=1 HMS= 10 HMS= 20 HMS= 30 HMS= 40 HMS= 50 HMS= 60 HMS= 70 HMS= 80 HMS= 90 HMS= 100
Harmony memory size
Table 8 Results of using HSA with different parameter values of HMCR and PAR
Objective function values
PAR= 0.1 PAR= 0.2 PAR= 0.3 PAR= 0.1 PAR= 0.2 PAR= 0.3 PAR= 0.1 PAR= 0.2 PAR= 0.3 PAR= 0.1 PAR= 0.2 PAR= 0.3
HMCR= 0.79 HMCR= 0.89 HMCR= 0.95 HMCR= 0.99
Figure 8 Results of using HSA with different parameter values of HMCR and PAR on UKMMC dataset
From Table 8, we found that best results were obtained when HMCR = 0.95 and PAR = 0.2.
These are also the recommended parameter values in the literature [33][35][37]. For the
bandwidth, we set the range (5, -5) as it changes the indexes of the shift patterns only. Based
on the results, we set the HMCR as 0.95 and PAR as 0.2 for all tested instances (with regard
to this dataset).
It is noticed that a significant decrease takes place to the objective function values during the
first 25000 iterations. Within 25000 and 50000 iterations, the amount of change becomes
very small. After 45000 iterations there is no improvement at all in all instances. All that
leads us to choose the number of iterations to be NI = 50000.
Table 9 Objective function values of candidate solutions in HM using HSA during the run
No. of Iterations CICU MD1 NICU ICU
Initial values 36130.0 23710.1 53517.3 111620.4
After 1000 23419.5 16178 39841.2 81986.1
After 5000 16721.7 12734.1 28741.6 62167.9
After 10000 9819.1 6718.8 28741.6 47452.1
After 15000 5180.2 2180.1 19651.4 31954.6
After 20000 1211.0 1091.0 11894 23278.1
After 25000 617.1 1091.0 7861.1 11674.9
After 30000 411.3 719.6 4367.1 7681.5
After 35000 401.8 518.8 2311.0 3211.2
After 40000 397.0 410.0 1218.9 2017.0
After 45000 397.0 410.0 927.0 1711.0
After 50000 397.0 410.0 927.0 1711.0
After 55000 397.0 410.0 927.0 1711.0
After 60000 397.0 410.0 927.0 1711.0
Objective function values
0 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Number of iterations (103)
Figure 9 Status of candidate solutions in HM during the run using HSA
GA is a population based meta-heuristic algorithm [48] that mimics the process of natural
evolution. Due to its many similar characteristics to HSA, GAs quite often has been
compared with HSA [33]. It works by managing a population of individuals which evolves
by using three genetic operators: (i) selection, (ii) crossover, and (iii) mutation.
In this work, we have implemented the stochastic ranking based GA for NRPs proposed in
[49] using the same parameter settings as follows: the number of individuals = 1000,
crossover rate = 0.75 and mutation rate = 0.02. For the selection, we used tournament
selection with stochastic ranking (tournament size = 7) and elitism. For the crossover
operator, we used a single point crossover as in [49] and [50]. The mutation operator is
carried out by randomly changing one shift pattern for one nurse selected randomly. For each
instance, we ran the basic GA for 20 times. To assure a fair comparison between GA and
HSA, the stopping criteria for GA is similar to HSA as follows: 1) If the maximum number of
function evaluations reach 50000 (80 individual * 625 generations, which is equal to NI in
HSA, 2) If the value of objective function reaches 0, or 3) If no improvement occurs within
10000 generations (improvisations in HSA). Table 10 shows the best, the average, the worst,
the median, the standard deviation of the objective function values in addition to the number
of generated desirable patterns and the execution time.
Best Average Worst Median Stddv. DPs Time Best Average Worst Median Stddv. DPs Ti
CICU 310 341.05 481 316.5 47.865 5 185.1 2791 3786.6 5510 3589 904.7 2 81.2
SGY5 221 301.3 410 285 66.778 8 115.3 3680 5015.9 6930 4904.5 1053.4 3 96
MD1 339 406.4 534 385.5 66.239 9 127 4219 5661.9 7450 5803.5 1054.3 5 99.6
NICU 786 981.2 1255 955.5 151.897 18 168.8 786 981.2 1255 955.5 151.89 18 168.8
N50 821 1075.45 1398 1044.5 187.083 21 175 1021 1258.06 1345 1198.4 250.01 18 847
ED 998 1194.25 1517 1134 181.194 24 265.9 1430 1287.43 1670 1208.5 196.07 20 310.4
GICU 1481 1606.95 1812 1582.5 120.036 27 295.2 1850 1675.5 1983 1582.5 160.42 24 274
ICU 1518 1770.45 2097 1777 175.923 29 345.7 1621 1854.13 2186 1846 212.31 21 310.2
Stddv: standard deviation. DPs: desirable patterns. Time: time in seconds
The comparison between the HSA and the basic GA in Table 10 shows that HSA
outperformed GA on all tested instances of UKMMC. Due to the fact that NRPs are highly
constrained problems, basic GA might struggle in getting good quality solution without using
specialized operators (i.e. specialized repair mechanism and crossover operators). This is
noticed by many researchers [51, 52]. This fact is experimentally supported in Table 10
where the basic GA fails to obtain good quality results for most of the tested instances. This
is partially due to the drawbacks of the basic GA which relies on two parents only to produce
the new offspring [34].
To investigate the performance differences between HSA and GA, a Wilcoxon test is carried
out with 95% confidence level. A p-value less than 0.05 means there is a significant
difference between these methods. The p-value of HSA versus GA is reported in Table 11,
where HSA is statistically significant to GA on 6 out of 8 instances (i.e. p-value less than
0.05). The results also support the fact that the HSA outperformed GA on the majority of
problem instances.
ORTEC01 16 4 31 270
ORTEC02 16 4 31 270
BCV-1.8.1 8 4 28 252
BCV-2.46.1 46 4 28 1572
BCV-3.46.1 46 3 26 3280
BCV-3.46.2 46 3 26 894
BCV-4.13.1 13 4 29 10
BCV-5.4.1 4 4 28 48
BCV-6.13.1 13 4 30 768
BCV-7.10.1 10 6 28 381
BCV-8.13.1 13 4 28 148
BCV-A.12.1 12 4 31 1294
BCV-A.12.2 12 4 31 1953
CHILD-A2 41 5 42 1111
ERRVH-A 41 4 48 795
The HSA parameter values are also fixed the same as follows: HMCR = 0.95, PAR = 0.2,
bandwidth {-5, 5} and NI = 50,000. Table 13 shows the obtained results of the HSA.
Please note that we used the same parameter setting for both datasets. We believe that this is
an important element of this paper.
Table 13, on the other hand, shows a comparison between the HSA with other existing meta-
heuristic algorithms from the literature on these benchmark instances. In the literature, some
mathematical approaches and other exact methods have also been investigated for these
instances [53, 44]. We compare our proposed HSA with only meta-heuristics from the
HSA Our proposed Harmony Search Algorithm
M1 A Memetic Approach in [54].
M2 A Scatter Search Approach (SS1) in [18].
M3 A Scatter Search Approach (SS2) in [18].
M4 A Shift Sequence Based Approach in [37].
M5 A Hybrid Heuristic Ordering and Variable Neighbourhood Search in [38].
Results in Table 14 demonstrate that HSA is able to obtain competitive results for some
instances. For the ORTEC01 and BCV-A.12.2 instances, we have obtained new lower bound
results compared with other methods in the literature. For the BCV-5.4.1 instance, HSA also
obtains the same best known result by other approaches. In fact, the results of most instances
(except only two instances BCV-2.46.1 and BCV-A.12.1) are only slightly worse than the best
known results. For the five instances ORTEC02, BCV-3.46.2, BCV-A.12.2, CHILD-A2 and
ERRVH-A, we report the first results, i.e. no results have been reported in the literature.
Table 15 shows the average results of HSA compared to existing meta-heuristic algorithms.
As can be seen, HSA matched the best average results on one instance and achieved better
average results for one out of 10 instances.
BCV-A.12.2 2223.6 - - - -
CHILD-A2 1278 - - - -
ERRVH-A 3011.6 - - - -
To find out whether the performance of HSA is statistically different from existing meta-
heuristic algorithms (M1, M2, M3 and M4), we have performed a multiple comparison
statistical test as follows: the Friedman and Iman-Davemport tests with a critical level of 0.05
are conducted to detect whether there are statistical differences between the results of these
methods [55]. The p-value of Friedman (p-value =0.000) and Iman-Davemport (p-value
=0.000) are less than the critical level 0.05, indicating that a significant difference between
the compared methods. Therefore, a post-hoc statistical test is used to detect the correct
difference between the methods. Table 16 shows the average ranking (the smaller the better)
produced by the Friedman test for each method. As can be seen, M3 ranked the first,
followed by M2, HSA, M1 and M4. Table 17 summarizes the p-value of the Holm and
Hochberg statistical tests [55] where M3 is the controlling algorithm. As can be seen, M3 is
statistically better than M1, M4 and HSA (i.e., p-value less than 0.05) but does not
outperform M2. The results also demonstrate that HSA results are different from M1 and M4.
Table 17 The p-value of Holm and Hochberg tests for the compared methods
Algorithm unadjusted P PHolm PHochberg
M4 0.000011 0.000044 0.000044
M1 0.005819 0.017457 0.017457
HSA 0.017073 0.034145 0.034145
M2 0.205118 0.205118 0.205118
Overall, our results demonstrate that HSA produced good results compared to some existing
methods. This may be due to the characteristic of HSA in striking a well-balanced
diversification and intensification for highly complex problems.
This paper has investigated the harmony search algorithm for solving the nurse rostering
problem. The proposed harmony search algorithm evolves upon the harmony memory which
stores adaptively updated solutions during the evolution. The proposed algorithm has been
evaluated on eight instances collected form a real world hospital UKMMC and 15 problem
instances from a widely used nurse rostering problem benchmark in the literature. For the
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