Literature Review On Genetic Algorithm: International Journal of Research June 2018
Literature Review On Genetic Algorithm: International Journal of Research June 2018
Literature Review On Genetic Algorithm: International Journal of Research June 2018
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1 author:
Shabnam Sangwan
Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology, Murthal
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Department of Computer Science Sat Kabir Institute of Technology and Management (SKITM),
Maharishi Dayanand University (MDU), Rohtak
[email protected]
Abstract— Genetic algorithm is a technique used for means that the genes from the highly adapted
estimating computer models based on methods individuals will spread to a growing number of
adapted from the field of genetics in biology. To use individuals in each following generation.
this technique, one encodes possible model behaviors
into ''genes". After each generation, the current models The combination of good characteristics from
are rated and allowed to mate and breed based on their different ancestors can sometimes produce super fit
fitness. In the process of mating, the genes are offspring, whose fitness is greater than that of either
exchanged, crossovers and mutations can occur. The parent. In this way, species evolve to become more
current population is discarded and its offspring forms and better suited to their environment. Genetic
the next generation. In this paper we will provide algorithms use a direct analogy to natural behavior.
review of different problems that can be solved by They work with a population of individuals, each
Genetic Algorithm approach. representing a possible solution to a given problem
[SIV08]. Each individual is assigned a fitness score
Keywords— Genetic Algorithm, Crossover operators, according to how good a solution to the problem it is.
Mutation Operators The highly fit individuals are given opportunities to
reproduce, by cross breeding with other individuals in
the population. This produces new individuals as
offspring, which share some features taken from each
parent. The least fit members of the population are
Genetic Algorithms (GA’s) are adaptive methods less likely to get selected for reproduction, and so die
which may be used to solve search and optimization out.
problems. They are based on the genetic processes of
biological organisms. Over many generations, natural In this paper we will provide review of different
populations evolve according to the principles of problems that can be solved by Genetic Algorithm
natural selection and survival of the fittest, first clearly approach.
stated by Charles Darwin in The Origin of Species
[DAV91]. By mimicking this process, genetic II. LITERATURE REVIEW
algorithms are able to find solutions to real world
problems, if they have been suitably encoded. For The genetic algorithm belongs to the family of
example, GA’s can be used to design bridge structures, evolutionary algorithms, along with genetic
for maximum strength/weight ratio, or to determine programming, evolution strategies, and evolutionary
the least wasteful layout for cutting shapes from cloth. programming. Evolutionary algorithms can be
They can also be used for online process control, such considered as a broad class of stochastic optimization
as in a chemical plant, or load balancing on a multi- techniques. An evolutionary algorithm maintains a
processor computer system. population of candidate solutions for the problem at
hand. The population is then evolved by the iterative
The basic principles of GA’s were first laid down application of a set of stochastic operators. The set of
rigorously by Holland in 1975. [SIV08] GA’s simulate operators usually consists of mutation, recombination,
those processes in natural world which are essential to and selection or something very similar. Let’s discuss
evolution. Exactly which biological processes are some of the papers published that is related to the
essential for evolution, and which processes have little Genetic Algorithm in the past.
or no role to play is still a matter for research but the
basics are clear. In nature, individuals in a population Bryant [BRY00], here in this paper compared the
compete with each other for resources such as food, results, which come after applying many different
water and shelter. Also, members of the same group crossover and mutation operators devised for the
often compete to catch the attention of a mate. Those traveling salesman problem and it is concluded that
individuals which are most successful in surviving and operators that use heuristic information or a matrix
attracting mates will have relatively larger number of representation of the graph give the best results.
offspring’s. Poorly performing individuals will Genetic algorithms are an evolutionary technique that
produce few or even no offspring at all [MIT96]. This
uses crossover and mutation operators to solve assignment in a population. It’s been tested on many
optimization problems using a survival of the fittest test cases and showed good result.
idea. They have been used successfully in a variety of
different problems, including the traveling salesman Molga [MOL05] suggested in this paper on “Test
problem. In the traveling salesman problem the aim is functions for optimization needs” provides the review
to find a tour of all nodes in a weighted graph so that of literature benchmarks (test functions) commonly
the total weight is minimized. The traveling salesman used in order to test optimization procedures dedicated
problem is NP-hard but has many real world for multidimensional, continuous optimization task.
applications so a good solution would be useful. Special attention has been paid to multiple-extreme
functions, treated as the quality test for opposing
Enrietch [ERA00] in this paper “Evolutionary optimization methods (GA, SA, TS etc.). Quality of
algorithms” introduced that Evolutionary Algorithms optimization procedures (those already known and
are stochastic optimization techniques based on the those newly proposed) are frequently evaluated by
principles of natural evolution. An overview of these using common standard literature benchmarks. There
techniques is provided with the general functioning of are several classes of such test functions, all of them
EA’s, and gives an outline of the main families into are continuous, which are, first is unimodal, convex,
which they be divided. Subsequently, it analyzes the multidimensional, second is multimodal, two-
different components of an EA, and provides some dimensional with a small number of local extremes,
examples on how these can be instantiated. In the end third is multimodal, two-dimensional with huge
it finished with a glimpse of the numerous number of local extremes and the last is multimodal,
applications of these techniques. Various techniques multidimensional with huge number of local extremes.
are Evolutionary Programming, Evolutionary Where, class first contains nice functions as well as
strategies, Genetic programming and Genetic malicious cases, causing poor or slow convergence to
Algorithms. The basic differences between these single global extreme. Class second is intervening
paradigms lie in the nature of the representation between first and third and last is used to test quality
schemes, the reproduction operators and selection of standard optimization procedures in the unfriendly
methods. environment, namely that having few local extremes
with single global one. Classes third and fourth are
Madureira [MAD02], suggested GA for the resolution recommended to test quality of intelligent resistant
of real world scheduling problems, and proposed a optimization methods.
coordination mechanism. Because of frequently
changing dynamic environments, providing efficient Omar [OMA06], proposed a method of solving job-
production management and timely delivery are one of shop scheduling using GA. They generated an initial
the hard to solve problems. Scheduling is to allocate a population randomly including the result obtained by
set of machines to perform a set of jobs within a some well known priority rules such as shortest
certain time period, and the goal of scheduling is to processing time and longest processing time. From
find an appropriate allocation schedule which there the population will go through the process of
maximizes certain performance measure. For the reproduction, crossover and mutation to create a new
implementation issues, the solutions are encoded by population for the next generation until some stopping
natural representation, and the order crossover criteria defined were reached. In the paper, the
operator is used. They used the inversion mechanism numbers of generations are used as stopping criterion.
as mutation operator. Finally, Madureia et al. solved In crossover and mutation, the critical block
dynamic scheduling problem using a set of static neighborhood is used and the distance measured to
scheduling schemes by GA, and they showed the help evaluate the schedules. Result has shown that the
feasibility of GA in Job-Shop scheduling problem. implementation of critical block neighborhood and the
distance measured can lead to the same result obtain
Sandstrom [SAN02] suggested the GA which is by other methods.
applied for assigning task priorities and offset to
guarantees that real time timing constraints. Assigning Dr. Rakesh Kumar [RKU10] suggested in his paper on
timing constraint to task is not trivial problem in real- “Genetic Algorithm approach to Operating system
time system. They showed how timing constraints be process scheduling problem”. Scheduling in operating
mapped to attributes of periodic tasks running on systems has a significant role in overall system
standard preemptive RTOS (Real-Time Operating performance and throughput. An efficient scheduling
System). They used GA because of the GA’s ability to is vital for system performance. The scheduling is
generate a result that satisfies a subset of the timing considered as NP hard problem .The power of genetic
constraints in cases where it is impossible to fulfill all algorithm is used to provide the efficient process
constraints. GA, the mechanism of natural selection, scheduling. The aim is to obtain an efficient scheduler
gradually improves individuals timing constraints to allocate and schedule the process to CPU.
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5. Cannot use gradients.
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6. Cannot easily incorporate problem specific [4]. BRY00] Bryant, Kylie (2000).
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7. No effective termination point.
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11. Have trouble finding the exact global optimum. Statistics and Applications.
C. Applications of Genetic Algorithm [5]. [COE00] Coello, Carlos (2000).
An updated survey of GA-based
Genetic algorithms have been used for difficult multiobjective optimization techniques, ACM
problems (such as NP-hard problems), for machine Computing Surveys, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 109-
learning and also for evolving simple programs. They
have been also used for some art works, for evolving 143.
pictures and music. A few applications of GA are as [6]. [HAN00] Hanne, Thomas (2000).
Global multiobjective optimization using
Strategy planning.
Robot trajectory planning. evolutionary algorithms. Journal of
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Control–gas pipeline, missile evasion.
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The basic concept of GAs is designed to simulate
in Proceedings of 4th Conference on Genetic
processes in natural system necessary for evolution, Algorithms.
specifically those that follow the principles first laid
[9]. [OMA06] Omar, M., Baharum,
down by Charles Darwin of survival of the fittest. As
such they represent an intelligent exploitation of a A., & Hasan, Y. Abu (2006). A Job-Shop
random search within a defined search space to solve a Scheduling Problem (JSSP) Using Genetic
problem. Genetic Algorithms has been widely studied, Algorithm ,in Proceedings of 2nd IMT-GT
experimented and applied in many fields in Regional Conference on Mathematics,
engineering worlds. In this paper we have studied
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different problems that can be solved by Genetic
Algorithm approach. [10]. [INA06] Inazawa, H. &
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