Diabetius Mellitus Handout

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Diabetius Mellitus

Symptoms:- polydipsia, polyphagia, polyuria, dry skin, vaginal


Type 1 IDDM.
Type 2 NIDDM.
Gestational DM.
2nd diatetius
Diabetius insipidus " ADH"
Insulin secreted from B-cells of langehans in pancreas.

Insulin structure:-
Proinsulin -C chain insulin
86 amino acid 51 amino acid
proinsulinUsed to check purity of insulin products.

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Differentiate bet type 1,2
Type 1 Type 2
Insulin dependent D.M. Non-insulin dependent D.M

- Full destruction of B-cells - Partial destruction of B-cells or

insulin resistance.
- Juvenile onset occur in adult < - Occur in adults > 30 years.
30 years.
- Wt loss - Wt gain

- Auto – immune disease - Not auto – immune.

- Prone to ketoacidosis. - Not prone to ketaacidosis.

- TTT Insulin Except "surgery, trauma,

- Diabetic ketosis. "DK" - TTT oral tab.

- Hyperglauncmic, hyperosmolar
non-ketonic syndrome "HHNK"

Gestational diabetius:- occur in pregnancy.

And it is considered glaucose intolerance.
Mainly the BGL back to normal after labour.

. female < 25 year

. not obese no gestational D.M.
. no family history

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2nd D.M. :- due to disease or drug
- Niacin, loop, thiazide diurctic.
- Sympathiomimetic
- Cushing disease ( cortisone).
- Phenytoin

Diabetius insipidus . not related to BGL . ADH

TTT : vasssopressin, desmopressin (oral).
Lypressin (nasal).
20 Liter / day normal 1 – 2 l/day

Insulin effect:-
1- Increase Glaucose uptake by the cell
From blood vessel.
2- Glaucose Glycogen.
3- Amino Acid protein.
4- Fatly Acid Fats.
5- Glycogen glaucose.
6- Amino Acid & fatly acid glaucose.

:. Insulin is anabolic hormone.

Glauconeogensis: Formation of glaucose from non-carbohydrate

prescence even low amount of insulin, prevent formation of the

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Formation of ketone bodies:-
In absence of insulin:-
- Cell consume all glaucose content
To produce energy.
- Then cell break glycogen to glaucose
To consume it in producing energy.
- Then cell break its own protein into amino acid then to glaucose
to consume it in producing energy.
- Then cell consume its own Fats.

Fats fatty acid + glycerol

Ketone Glucose
bodies Consumed

Ketone bodies:-

Acetone Acetoacetic acid

Excreted W breathing excreted in urine

"Fruity odor" :. Ketonuria

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After time the urine is saturated with Ketone bodies so the Ketone
bodies appear in blood so ketonemia
So the bodies make rapid, deep respiration "kussmal respiration".
To excrete acetone.
After time kussmal respiration stopped then ketonemia increased
:. Ketoacidosis (PH )
:. Coma & death.
Note that the Ketone bodies formation occur when BGL is
more than 250 Mm/dl

Counter – regulatory hormone:

Insulin . EPI
. Cortisol
. GH "growth Hormone"
. glaucagon (from α- cell of pancreas)

TTT of hyperglaucemia TTT of hypoglaucemia

In Type 1 D.M
Anion gap .
Na [cl + Hco3].

Normal range 14 – 18

Urine sample + Na+ nitroprusside + ammonia purple So

Ketone bodies in urine

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Glucosuria:- apper of glaucose in urine occur BGL > 180 mg/dl
Called renal threshold

Lab test:- random BG test :- not used.

Normal impaired D.M.

Fasting BG 80-110 110-125 Above 125
Fasting 8 hr Mg/dl Mg/dl mg/dl
Oral glucose Up to 140 140-200 Above 200
tolerance mg/dl Mg/dl Mg/dl

OGTT:- 75 gram anhydrous glucose in water and then after 2 hr..

50gram .
1 hr.
75gram .
2 hr.
100gram .
3 hr.

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Normal = 7% 125 mg/dl %6

.This test is done by every 7-16 week "120 days"

.long term Monitorin

Glycosulated fractosamine test

Every 3 weeks .
short term monitoring.
Used in pregnancy.

Note:- BMI 27 :. Risk of D.M

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Mild Moderat Severe

Up to 250-500 > 500
250mg/dl mg/dl mg/dl

Somagyi effect "rebound hyperglaucemia-:

Hypoglaucemia at night due to insulin Release followed by
hyperglaucemia at morning due to glucagon

Drugs: BGL cortisone, EPI, NEPI, Thiazide, Loop, niacin, ,

Phenytoin, isoniazid, antiviral.
Drugs: BGL - MAO-I, fluxetine, salicylate ( dose), alcohol.
Masking of hypoglaucemi symptoms Propranolol, nadolol and

Mild Moderate Severe
Tachycardin CNS effect
Sweating Confusion BGL < 40 mg/dl
CNS No unconsciousness Coma
ا  ا‬ TTT give
Glaucagon 1 mg I.M / I.V / S.C
TTT by
Oral if unconsious
Glaucose I.V. glaucose

Pseudo – hypoglaucemic:- symptoms appear but BGL is normal.

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1-Non-pharmacological TTT:
• Fat, carbohydrate in diet, Fiber
• Aerobic:- swimming, walking BGL..
• Anaerobic:- wt-lifting has .
no effect on BGL.
-Ve affect heart

Diet Balance Exercise


Note -:
Starvation, vomiting, low CHO in diet ketone bodies formation.

Pharmacological TTT

• Used in type 1 and given SC
• Used in uncontrolled type 2..
Short Acting: - semilent, regular, (Mixed Freely Clear, soluble,
S.C. &
aspart, glulisine, lispro.
Intermediate Acting:- lente (70% ultra + 30% semi) , NPH
protamine hegadron (isophane) ).
Long Acting:- ultralente, protamine – zn insulin

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Duration of insulin depends on -:
• Zn content
• Protamin content
Semi lente < lente < ultra lente in zn content
Glargine:- contain No zn
No zn
Its long duration is due to PH = 4
Mixing in insulin product-:
1-Lente W other Lente semi ultra
2-Regular W other insulin product. .
S.E. of insulin:- hypokalemia. .
S.E. of insulin injection:- lipodystrophy
Lipohypertrophy lipohypotrophy
To avoid lipodystrophy .
rotate site of injection.
Note -:
Don't inject insulin near an excersicing muscle as it will cause
hypoglaucemia. .
.Least absorption site abdomen. .
Note -:
Insulin pump (S.C. PUMP ). .

Oral tablet
Oral hypoglaucemic antihyperglaucemic
S.E. - hypoglaucemia No hypoglaucemia but may
Hypoglaucemia of The oral

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Insulin sensitizer α – glaucosidose inhibitor DPP-4 Inhibitor

Thiazolidendione “glitazone"

Insulin secretagogues
Drugs (all acidic):
First gen: chlorpropamide, tolbutamide, acetohexamide,
,more potent.
tolazamide, more lipid-soluble,

. Also repaglinide.
Second gen: glyburide, glipizide, glimperide.

Mechanism:block ATP-sensitive potassium channels insulin

Pancreatic release (primary), and also as sensitizers with time

Use: Type 2 (useless in type 1, require functioning beta cells).

Chlorpropamide: longest duration of action.

CI : in liver and kidney disease.

↑ SE: severity and frequency, disulfiram-reaction (also with


Use: insulin instead during stressful conditions (↑ risk of

Hyperglycemia due to ↑ counter-regulatory hormones release).

SE: severe / prolonged hypoglycemia (esp. in the elderly, w/

glipizide /glyburide), GI upset, sulfa sensitivity, sun sensitivity,
headache, rash, Tachycardia, hematologic problems,
cholestatic jaundice.

CI: allergy to sulfa drugs, pregnancy, lactation.

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Altered protein binding of sulfonylureas: alcohol, salicylates,
NSAID’s, methyldopa, chloramphenicol, MAO-I, clofibrate,

Therapy failure: due to ↓number of funcLoning beta cells.

Primary: failure to control BG within 4 weeks.
Secondary: initial control of BG, but fails to maintain control,
due to progression of DM.
Repaglinide: less hypoglycemia. .

Insulin sensitizers
Drugs: biguanides (metformin, basic drug), thiazolidinediones
(rosiglitazone, pioglitazone).
Mechanism: anti-hyperglycermic not hypoglycemic.
↑ sensiLvity to insulin, (metformin work on liver, ↓ hepaLc
glucose production, gluconeogenesis), (glitazones ↑ sensiLvity
/ ↓ insulin resistance in muscle and adipose tissue).
Thiazolidinediones bind to PPARs.
Use: significant insulin resistance. Biguanides

SE: fatal lactic acidosis, metallic taste, GI upset, ↓ vitamin B12,

no hypoglycemia.
May be fatal if at ↑ risk of lacLc acidosis (liver / kidney disease,
hypoperfusion, hypoxia, radiography).
Phenformin was d/c.

SE: liver toxicity / failure (monitor), weight gain, edema, GI

upset, no hypoglycemia. Troglitazone was d/c due to liver
CI: liver disease. May resume ovulation in premenopausal
women. Highly protein bound (99%).

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Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors
Drugs: acarbose (polysaccharide), miglitol (basic
Mechanism: inhibit intestinal enzyme alpha-glucosidase ↓
absorption of complex carbohydrates (starch, dextrins,

Use only glucose or lactose for correcting hypoglycermia if it


Use: significant post-prandial hyperglycemia. Minimal effect on

preprandial or fasting BG. Good combination with insulin
secretagogues. Take with first bite of meal.

SE: GI (diarrhea, abdominal pain, flatulence) due to undigested

carbohydrates in the lower GI, no hypoglycemia.

CI: GI conditions (inflammatory bowel, colonic ulcer,

obstructive bowel, intestinal gas), liver cirrhosis (monitor liver
, pregnancy.
function), .

Complications of DM-:
• Nephropathy. .
• Neropathy. Microvascular. .
• Retinopathy..
Macrovascular system. (Supply Leg W blood)

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DPP-4 Inhibitor:
• Incretin is intestinal enzyme that stimulate insulin release.
• Amylin: neurohormone co-secreted w insulin by B-cells of
• Incretin mimetics: Exenatide which may be used w
Metformin or sulfonylurea only. Taken S.C
• Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitor (DPP-4 Inhibitor)
1- Used in type 2 “antihyperglaucemic “
2- Fasting & postprandial BGL
3- Hbn1c
Category B in Pregnancy
S.E: Angioedema and Anaphylaxis

Fats Fatty acid “absorbed”
Orlistat is lipase inhibitor which inhibit the fat absorption so
Fats excretion in stool “Steatorrhea”

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